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INDUSTRY UPDATE: Regional Tourism Transition

Background Following the completion of the 2010 regional tourism review conducted by KPMG for Tourism Tasmania, a new approach to regional tourism has been formed. The review found a need to coordinate the efforts and resources at all levels of industry. Tourism Tasmania is therefore working towards a structure of four strong Regional Tourism Organisations responsible for facilitating an industry‐led approach to regional strategies to identify agreed regional priorities and for delivering programs that attract industry participation.

In our North West and West Coast region, work on the transition has already begun to ensure minimal disruption to tourism marketing activities.

What transition activities are underway? To ensure a solid basis for future activities, a State of the Region Report has been commissioned by the Cradle Coast Authority to examine the status of tourism in the region including future opportunities and the challenges and issues we are confronting right now as an industry. A contract to produce the report has been assigned to tourism consultancy, Urban Enterprise, and data collection and industry consultation will be completed by end October 2011.

Based on the findings from the State of the Region Report, a Destination Development Plan will be created for the region. It’s expected that this plan will consolidate the strategies identified by the Zone Marketing Groups and be extended to include activities to attract investment, ensure workforce planning and a schedule for regional tourism research.

Industry participation will be a critical component of these two planning activities.

These plans will take time ‐ what happens in the interim? The Zone Marketing Groups will continue to be responsible for the region’s cooperative marketing plan and activities while the regional tourism organisation structure is established, after which, regional marketing will be included within the new structure and the Zones will no longer operate as a separate program.

In addition to the projects of the Zone Marketing Groups, the Cradle Coast Authority tourism team has identified, through ongoing discussion with industry and local government representatives, a series of priority projects for this financial year. These priority projects include: • Support for the Cradle Coast regional TVIN and Industry Professionals Group •

Manage the Regional Tourism Forum and Awards (already actioned)

Create a regional food produce trail (gourmet trail)

Explore options for a regional arts trail in partnership with arts@work

Investigate an environmental volunteer program for motorhome, caravan and other visitors

Reinstate the region’s occupancy research program, and

Develop the online Booking Button functionality for the region’s tourism websites.

If members of the local tourism industry are comfortable with these identified priorities and are willing to work together on implementation, the Cradle Coast Authority will enter into negotiations with Tourism Tasmania to finalise a service agreement and secure the required financial resources to address these options. Should you have any concerns with these priority projects, please contact Ian Waller on (03) 6431 6285.



INDUSTRY UPDATE: Regional Tourism Transition

What does this mean for tourism operators and industry stakeholders? Every effort is being made to make the transition as seamless as possible so as to ensure it’s ‘business as usual’ during the changeover. Advertising packages purchased through the 2011‐12 Zone Prospectuses will be delivered unchanged, as per the advertising contract. The official 2012 Holiday Guides will also continue as planned with distribution from December 2011.

You may be contacted to participate in focus groups and/or telephone interviews as part of the consultation and information collection phase of the State of the Region Report. As always, your participation in tourism industry programs is encouraged, and especially so during this important transition phase.

Feedback If you would like to respond to any of the information included in this Update, please forward your comments to Ian Waller at iwaller@cradlecoast.com

Who do we contact for more information? • Ian Waller, Regional Tourism Development Manager, Cradle Coast Authority Email iwaller@cradlecoast.com or call (03) 6431 6285 • Tanya Trost, Coordinator Industry Development—North West, Tourism Tasmania Email tanya.trost@tourism.tas.gov.au • •

Your Local Tourism Association Visit Tourism Tasmania’s Regional Tourism Initiative website: http://www.tourismtasmania.com.au/regional_initiative

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