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The Authority What’s on in October?

Monthly newsletter of the Cradle Coast Authority October 2010

Launch of 2010 Schools Coastcare Poster Competition

7 October Tourism industry networking event. Sheffield Town Hall 2pm. Contact Ian Waller

This year’s Schools Coastcare Poster Competition has been launched with the theme Native Trees Help Biodiversity. Now in its fifth year, the competition is open to all primary schools in the Cradle Coast region and encourages students to investigate coastal environmental topics and present their findings as educational posters.

9 October Resident Shorebird Identification workshop. Devonport Entertainment Centre. Contact Dionna Newton

This year’s theme examines the benefits of coastal bio‐ diversity; the importance of rehabilitating coastal re‐ serves; the relationships between coastal animals and plants; and encourages students to find ways that they can get involved in caring for their coast. Table Cape Primary School students (right) were on hand to help launch the 2010 competition with their entries from last year.

12 October Cradle Coast Authority Board meeting. Contact Karen Hampton

A teacher’s information kit supporting the school competition is being distributed by competition organisers, Cradle Coast NRM, and copies can be obtained by emailing Competition winners will be announced during Coastcare Week in early December. For more information on the poster competition contact NRM Facilitator Team Leader, Anna Wind, on 6431 6285.

21 October Cradle Coast NRM Committee meeting and Annual General Meeting. Contact Richard Ingram.

Vale Mayor Mike Downie

Call us on 6431 6285 to find out more

On 30 September, the Cradle Coast Authority family said farewell to one of its founding fathers – Mayor Mike Downie.

Mike was a vocal advocate for a united region before the Authority was born, and a leader in the process of its creation and establishment, ten years ago. And he never let us forget how important this was to him, how much he expected from it, and how much it was costing.

Cradle Coast Authority 30 Marine Terrace (PO Box 338) Burnie 7320 Phone: 03 6431 6285 Fax: 03 6431 7014 E-mail:

Standing at his funeral, ten years to the day since I came to Tasmania as the Authority’s first CEO, I hoped that at least some of the potential he had seen had been fulfilled.

Our thoughts and thanks go to Mike’s family, Jan Bonde, Sandra Ayton and all who cared for him. Roger Jaensch Executive Chairman

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The Authority

Three new Directors join the Cradle Coast Authority Board Representatives of the nine member councils of the Cradle Coast region recently completed a scheduled half‐replacement of the Cradle Coast Authority Board of Directors. The Cradle Coast Authority Board is responsible for the Authority’s strategic direction, financial management and other duties as specified in the Authority’s Rules (available from Membership of the Board is skills‐based arising from public and Local Government nominations. Incoming Board member, Maree Gleeson (left), has 25 years of health industry experience in the acute, primary care and university sectors. Ms Gleeson has developed course curriculum for nursing and medicine and has been with the University of Tasmania’s Rural Clinical School for the past seven years where she currently manages the Health Research Matters Program. Ms Gleeson lives in Ulverstone and runs a small cattle farm with her husband. John Perkins (left) is a self‐employed Management and Compliance Consultant with qualifications in business management, training delivery, engineering and occupational health and safety. A current Latrobe Councillor, Cr Perkins has extensive experience in government, not‐for‐profit and commercial sectors and is a Director of Health Care Insurance and Director/Secretary of the Australian Axeman’s Hall of Fame. Cr Perkins lives in Latrobe with his family. New Board member, Rod Stendrup (left), has spent 30 years in the tourism industry having held senior management roles in Air Queensland, P&O Resorts, Capricorn Tourist and Development Corporation and more recently with Cradle Mountain Lodge and Ayers Rock Resort. Mr Stendrup holds a Master of Business Administration and is now semi‐retired living and working a small farm with his wife in Boat Harbour. Confirmed Directors in the new‐composition Board are: − Local Government: John Packham and Cr John Perkins − General Manager’s nomination: Alf Mott − Education and Training: Maree Gleeson − Tourism: Rod Stendrup − Agriculture, Industry and/or Commerce: Bob Calvert, Royce Fairbrother and Glynn Williams. Roger Jaensch and the Cradle Coast Authority’s Chief Representative, Mayor Darryl Gerrity, have expressed their thanks to outgoing Board members Mr Sam Samec, Mr John Howard and Ms Lynne Ferencz for their service to the Authority and the region.

October 2010

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Cultural Tourism Plan for the Cradle Coast The Cradle Coast Authority’s tourism team has commenced work with Arts Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania and regional tourism bodies in Hobart and Launceston to create a Cultural Tourism Development Plan. The plan explores options for major arts/cultural events in the Cradle Coast and ways to improve regional linkages to the Tourism Tasmania Winter Events campaign. Work is also continuing on smART map tasmania, a website based on the five Tourism Tasmania Zones that enables searches by artform and/or region. Developed in conjunction with the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts, smART map tasmania will include high quality arts experiences in the visual arts, craft/design, performing arts, music, literature and Aboriginal arts and crafts sectors. The online map is expected to be accessible to tourists and residents in October. For more information on the Cultural Tourism Plan contact Regional Tourism Development Manager, Ian Waller, on To hear about Arts@work initiatives in the Cradle Coast contact North West Program Officer, Joanna Gair, on 6431 6285.

In the news Cradle Coast Authority staff have been actively promoting regional projects and successes over the last month. Here are some examples: “...The whole concept of this competition is to send messages to communities about the importance of protecting waterways ...” – Anna Wind, NRM Facilitator Team Leader, at the Coastcare poster competition launch. The Advocate, September 28 “...volunteers provide information for the state’s Natural Values Atlas..and generate information on more than 20,000 animal and plant species in Tasmania...” – Article promoting Cradle Coast NRM’s free Natural Values Atlas training . The Advocate, September 30 :“...head along to the free tourism industry networking event organised by the Kentish Council, Cradle Coast Authority and Tourism Tasmania...” – Article promoting Kentish tourism industry forum. The Advocate, September 29 And... there were ads promoting the Integrated Pest Management farming workshops and NRM Regional Strategy consultation period plus an interview on the North West Tasmanian feature on the Postcards TV show among others. For details, please contact Communications Manager, Amanda Wilson, on 6431 6285.

Visit the Cradle Coast Authority web site for copies of our media releases

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The Authority

Briefly... Resident shorebird count is on again Cradle Coast bird enthusiasts and beach lovers will be surveying the coastline between 9 October and 6 November for the second count of resident shorebirds between Narawntapu National Park and Stanley. The mass count by more than 70 volunteers is helping to compile baseline numbers of resident shorebirds. The results will enable monitoring of species trends, early identification of population problems and increased public awareness of resident shorebird’s nesting periods and habitats. The count was initiated in March by Cradle Coast NRM and leading local Ornithologist, Hazel Britton, and will continue twice a year to establish a reliable snapshot of the numbers of local species.

PICSE Science Investigation Awards Cradle Coast NRM were proud sponsors of two Environmental Science Awards at the Science Investigation Awards for upper primary and secondary school students run by the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education (PICSE) and UTAS. Around 350 students from the Cradle Coast region entered 180 science investigation projects to the Awards this year. The Best Environmental Science Awards were won by Year 6 student, Elizabeth Cotterell, from Table Cape Primary for her project ‘Growing Grey’ and Tasmanian Academy Don Campus student, Ryan Mather, for ‘An Assessment of Biodiversity in Different Forest Types’. Congratulations! (Above) Elizabeth Cotterell receives her Best Environmental Science Award from NRM Committee members Dr Shane Broad and Sue Jennings. Photo : Anna Paice.

Cradle Coast region doubles its entries in State Tourism Awards A total of 14 local operators have entered the State Tourism Awards, doubling the Cradle Coast entry numbers of 2009. One of the aims of the Cradle Coast Regional Tourism Awards held in July was to increase the region’s representation in state and national awards and while it’s still a way to go from entering to winning, it’s encouraging to see the increase in the inaugural year. The Cradle Coast Authority is helping to coordinate table bookings at the State Awards in case regional delegates would like to sit together. Anyone interested in joining the Cradle Coast tourism tables can contact Ian Waller on

Healthy Communities up and running Within 10 days of starting at the Cradle Coast Authority, Healthy Communities Coordinator Bev Hayhurst ran a workshop with member councils to share the healthy lifestyle activities underway in the region and to introduce new ideas from local, state and national service providers. Council representatives are now working with Bev to adapt activities to their local requirements and implement programs by December. To find out about the Australian Government’s Healthy Communities Initiative and what it means for the Cradle Coast region contact Bev on 6431 6285.

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