3 minute read
FIGURE 16: Regional Land Partnerships Program Logic and 5-year Outcomes
Outcome 6
5 Outcome
Regional Land Partnerships Program Logic
4 Outcome
3 Outcome
2 Outcome
have griculture systems A to significant ed adapt change s in climate and market demands.
, of soil s T he condition are and vegetation biodiversity improved.
Act EPBC condition of The Threatened Ecological listed is improved. C ommunities
natural heritage The Outstanding Universal Value World Heritage properties of
. improved is maintained or
species of T he trajectory targeted under the Threatened Species EPBC Act , and other Strategy
. is improved priority species ,
1 Outcome 1
of ecological character The sites is maintained Ramsar or improved.
term outcomes. to the achievement of the long year outcomes will contribute 5 achievement of the The
: Assumption
By 2023, there is an increase in the capacity of agriculture systems to adapt to limate significant changes in c and market demands for information on provenance
. and sustainable production
an increase in there is By 2023 , awareness and adoption of the management practices land the improve and protect that , biodiversity condition of soil and vegetation.
the By 2023,
priority implementation of an leading to is actions improvement in the listed Act EPBC condition of Threatened Ecological Communities .
By 2023, invasive species management has reduced threats to the natural Outstanding heritage
World Universal Value of through Heritage properties the implementation of priority actions.
of the trajectory By 2023 , species targeted under the Threatened Species EPBC , and other Strategy is priority species, Act
. stabilised or improved
there is By 2023 , restoration of, and reduction in threats to, the of ecological character Ramsar sites , through the implementation of priority actions.
year outcomes. contribute to the achievement of the 5 e implementation of the identified actions will Th
: Assumption
strategies Relevant industry and independent research and advice from experts, such as the National Landcare Advisory Committee on resilience in agriculture.
Industry sustainability plans and scientific reports that identify priorities and management solutions for improving soil, native vegetation and farm. biodiversity conditions on
Act EPBC Priority actions of Threatened Ecological listed conservation y Communit advices and recovery plans.
Priority actions in World Heritage management plans, management arrangements or other relevant plans and strategies.
Priority actions in the Threatened Species Strategy key action areas and EPBC species conservation Act advices and recovery plans.
in Ramsar Priority actions management plans, management arrangements or other relevant plans and strategies.
. strategies , reports and advices plans, to priority actions identified in appropriate relevant must be S ervices
: Requirement ASSUMPTIONS Regional Land Partnerships Program Logic and 5-year Outcomes
. only investments D elivery against outcomes is based on Regional Land Partnerships
, and EPBC listed priority species species targeting Ramsar sites, Threatened Species Strategy priority and strategies programs , of actions e will contribute to the broader suit outcomes Regional Land Partnerships and Threatened Ecological Communities. Properties World Heritage ies. and/or national priorit Regional Land Partnerships outcomes and projects will contribute to Australia meeting its relevant international obligations Outcomes. Regional Land Partnerships progress and achievement of the measurable will result in services of The cumulative impact (clearly demonstrate how public money has ransparent T ) ( guided by best available science Credible rogram ), P ational Landcare (tailored to the design, purpose and objectives of the N Fit for purpose will be rojects P programs). resource management us natural (provides value for money and where possible, builds on achievements of previo Cost effective been spent and the resulting outputs and outcomes) and term Outcomes. and Long Outcomes Year R egional Land Partnerships 5 contribute to delivering that will will deliver services rojects P planning and delivery of projects. The community, including Indigenous people and farmers, are able to participate in the participation commitment to Closing the Gap on Indigenous Disadvantage (Closing the Gap) by providing opportunities for stronger Indigenous s ’ er on the Australian Government deliv Regional Land Partnerships will