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Clean Up Australia Day
Clean Up Australia Day 2021Sunday, 7 March
Clean-up Australia Day is not what is used to be. Yes, it’s a chance to rally together on 7 March and head out to clean-up your local area (register or join a local event- check out all the resources here: www.cleanup.org.au/community).
But it is also much more than that… it is an annual reminder for us to “step up” and support solutions to the huge problem of waste generation and management.
Clean-Up Australia Day have produced some great resources on the many waste challenges we face and ways that you can take small steps to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill and in our environment each year. Learn more about fast fashion, food waste, packaging, e-waste, container deposit schemes, soft plastics, batteries, and about how you can be part of the solution: www.cleanup.org.au/the-issues