1 minute read
Reducingplasticwasteisahottopic,particularlyoverthenextcoupleofmonths–andhere’swhy! ResearchshowsthatTasmaniansgenerate900,000tonnesofwasteeachyear.That’smore than1.5tonnesperperson!Mostofthiswasteendsupinlandfill,whichistheleastfavourable outcome.
Sometimes Tasmania is dubbed as lagging behind in waste reduction, but did you know that Cole’s Bay was one of the first towns in the world to ban single use plastic bags back in 2003-so,let’snotdropthebaton!
Later this year, NRET will introduce Recycle Rewards - a Container Refund Scheme (CRS) which incentivises people to return eligible used beverage containers to a Refund Point inreturnfora10crefund.
In 2021, the City of Hobart enacted a law to ban single use plastic takeaway food packaging and related items. The rest of the state has committed to phase-out problematic singleuse plastics (PSUPs) such as plastic straws, bowls, plates, utensilsandexpandedpolystyreneconsumerfoodcontainers by2025.

But is it really enough? - Now is the time to make changes andact.
A Global Effort
Monday 5 June was World Environment Day, hosted from Cote d’Ivoire; the theme – Beat Plastic Pollution

This year marks the 50th anniversary of this environmental outreach platform
Wondering what difference can you make? Use the Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide that gives actions we can all take to halt and reverse the damage being caused by plastic pollution