1 minute read

Poaching of the Giant Freshwater Crayfish

Poaching of crayfish, particularly larger breeding adults can lead to the loss of localised populations

Under Inland Fisheries legislation poaching of the Giant Freshwater Crayfish is illegal and can attract fines of up to $10,000 and up to $105,000 and/or a year in prison under Tasmanian Threatened Species legislation.

In addition, the taking of any crayfish (including the other two species of Astacopsis) is prohibited under Inland Fisheries legislation. It is also illegal to take yabbies (Cherax destructor, an introduced species in Tasmania).

Members of the public and landholders are encouraged to report evidence of poaching of Giant Freshwater Crayfish via email to the Inland Fisheries Service at infish@ifs.tas.gov.au or call 0438 338 530 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

When poaching sites are identified, Inland Fisheries can then monitor sites or install camera monitoring points.

Get in touch

For more infomation contact:

Fiona Marshall

Agriculture Project Coordinator

Phone: 03 6433 8433 Mobile: 0413 382 390

Email: fmarshall@cradlecoast.com

Website: www.cradlecoast.com

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