DCCI Annual Report 2022

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Design & Crafts Council Ireland Annual Report and Financial Statements

Design & Crafts Council Ireland Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022


Design & Crafts Council Ireland Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022

Image: ‘Summer Bindu’ by Grainne Watts, Conjuring Form Exhibition 2022 at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery

Image: ‘Tidepool 2’ by Scott Benefield, at Collect 2022

Contents 1 About Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Our Team


Introduction by the Chair


Introduction by the Chief Executive Officer


Our Vision


Our Mission


Our Strategy


2 Our Activities


Highlights: Key Moments in 2022 23 Pillar 1: Deliver Resilient Growth 29 Pillar 2 Champion Design 35 Pillar 3: Lead on Sustainability 41 Pillar 4: Enabling a Future-proof Council 47

3 Our Business 3.1 3.2 3.3

Our Clients 51 Our History 1970 – 2022 55 Key Programme Statistics 2022 63

4 Our Governance 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5


Corporate Governance Update 67 Our Board Members 71 Our Team 79 Our Member Organisations 82 Our Committees 84

5 Financial Statements 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9



Company Information 91 Directors’ Report 93 Independent Auditors’ Report 97 Income and Expenditure Statement 100 Statement of Comprehensive Income 101 Balance Sheet 102 Statement of Changes in Equity 103 Statement of Cash Flows 104 Notes to the Financial Statements 105

6 Acknowledgements


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Image: Irish Design Week 2022 launch in National Gallery of Ireland

About Design & Crafts Council Ireland Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) is the national agency for design and craft in Ireland. We support designers and makers in developing their businesses in a sustainable way, and advocate for the societal benefits of design and craft. DCCI’s activities are funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment via Enterprise Ireland.

The Economic Impact Assessment of the Design and Crafts Sector of Ireland report, authored by Grant Thornton, stated that in 2019 the design and craft sector generated €2.9 billion in gross value added.1 It also showed that the sector is the tenth largest employment sector on the island of Ireland, with 19,000 operational enterprises supporting 59,000 employees. As of 31 December 2022, DCCI has sixty-four member organisations and 4,841 registered client enterprises. This represents a 12 per cent increase in registered clients since 2021.

Our Team DCCI’s Executive Team is responsible and accountable for the leadership and day-to-day management and operation of the organisation. The team acts within the approved policies of the DCCI Board of Directors (the Board) and is consistent with the priorities of its clients. The Executive Team comprises the CEO and heads of department. The heads of department report directly to the CEO and provide regular updates to the DCCI Board on the work of the organisation. The CEO reports to the DCCI Chair and Board. DCCI’s office and the DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery are located in Castle Yard, Kilkenny, with seventeen full-time employees. DCCI Academy buildings are located in Thomastown, County Kilkenny.

1. Grant Thornton, Economic Impact Assessment of the Design and Crafts Sector of Ireland, DCCI, 2022.

About DCCI

DCCI provides practical supports to emerging and established designers and craftspeople through a range of programmes and services.


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Image: Joe Hogan with Rosemary Steen, CEO DCCI, at the 2022 AGM at The Glucksman, University College, Cork

Introduction by the Chair First year — new beginnings

This past year saw Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) complete year one of the current five-year strategy that is relevant in new ways to our expanding client base. As part of the new strategy, our vision is to see the design and craft sector increase its contribution to Ireland economically, socially and culturally by 2030. In 2022, DCCI grew its client base by 12 per cent from the previous year. This number continues to grow each year as the design and crafts sector is viewed as a strong contributor to the Irish economy. During the year, the Board was pleased to welcome Head of Design Tom Watts and Head of Craft & Education Mary Jo Hoyne to the DCCI executive team. They have very quickly settled into DCCI and made the roles their own. The advancement of the executive team has been led by our dedicated CEO, Rosemary Steen.


Significant progress was made as we continued to emerge from a unique historical period. DCCI made substantial strides in various areas, including design, sustainability and member and client outreach, all of which align strongly with the new strategic pillars. DCCI’s team generated great engagement through the programmes it delivered and participated in that supported the design and crafts sector throughout 2022. These included, but were not limited to, the physical return of Showcase 2022, the highly successful international trade show, the Irish Business Design Challenge and the development of the Design & Crafts Council Ireland Academy for Jewellery & Goldsmithing building. A number of firsts took place during 2022. The inaugural Irish Design Week took place from 14 – 18 November. The Council also led the first all-island August Craft Month in collaboration with Craft NI and Cork Craft & Design.

DCCI plays a vital role in leading these programmes. As well as supporting the industry and its clients, the programmes reflect two things: the opportunities that exist within the sector to collaborate with organisations and individuals within the community, and the government’s ambition for our sector. Thank you

As I conclude my six years as a director, with the last three years as the Chair of Design & Crafts Council Ireland, I am pleased to see under its new strategy that DCCI has refocused its efforts to embrace the challenges and opportunities facing those who choose a career in the design and crafts sector. On behalf of the DCCI Board, I would like to express my gratitude to Rosemary and her team for their hard work as the Council pivoted to insert the new strategy. I am delighted to report that DCCI is in a much stronger position to focus on member needs and sector opportunities. The Board is excited for the years ahead.


Chair’s Introduction

Andrew Bradley Chair, DCCI

I am so excited for the potential of our sector to continue to contribute to the economic development and the social well-being of the nation. 10

I would also like to express a heartfelt thanks to the Board members for their dedication and commitment during 2022. In addition, I would like to offer my thanks to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment for its support. I would like to thank our current Taoiseach (former Tánaiste) Leo Varadkar TD; Simon Coveney TD, minister for enterprise trade and employment, and ministers of state Neale Richmond TD and Dara Calleary TD for their support for and participation in Showcase, Future Makers and the Made Local campaigns during 2022. I would like to thank Minister Heather Humphreys TD for her role in the development of the DCCI Academy Jewellery & Goldsmithing school in Thomastown, County Kilkenny. Like all state agencies, DCCI must collaborate with other agencies to realise its objectives. I would like to acknowledge and thank Leo Clancy, CEO, of Enterprise Ireland, Terence O’Rourke, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Ireland and their team for their support throughout the year. Thank you to the Local Enterprise Offices for their support in coordinating our efforts in the advancement of our members’ micro businesses.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

I am so excited for the potential of our sector to continue to contribute to the economic development and social well-being of the nation. Design & Crafts Council Ireland will bring new opportunities to designers and makers so the entire sector can realise its full potential.

Andrew Bradley Chair, DCCI

Introduction from the Chief Executive Officer 2022 — An exciting first year of Design & Crafts Council Ireland’s new five-year strategy, 2022 – 2026


Rosemary Steen

Chief Executive Officer, DCCI

The result was a clear strategy for the next five years. Designed to shape the course of DCCI, this plan intends to lead the growth of the design and crafts sector in Ireland. What was delivered by the team in 2022 demonstrated the value of the structured and well-planned approach. New beginnings for future generations

DCCI has developed a strategy that draws from the achievements of the Council over the past fifty years. It also looks to influence public support for the sector and the Council, as well as future opportunities. Upon reflection over the past year, there is a great sense of achievement. Having addressed various challenges, as our

team changed and grew, many positive changes took place as a result. I hope it is clearer now as to why these changes were so important, and the many benefits they have produced are evident. Creating capability and capacity for all

Recognising our role as the national agency to advocate for and to develop the design and crafts sector in Ireland, our aim is to prioritise and grow the skills and resources available to all our members. Our role is to assist all types of design and crafts businesses, or individuals, at various stages of their journey. This contributes to the growth of the sector and benefits the economy, society and the country as a whole. Throughout 2022, DCCI has witnessed exceptional achievements among our community of craftspeople and designers. Starting the year on a high, DCCI launched the successful physical return of Showcase, the highly anticipated international trade show. Showcase provides manufacturers, designers and craft makers with the opportunity to display new collections. The three-day show resulted in over €20 million in generated sales.

Chief Executive Officer’s Introduction

2022 was a time of particular significance for Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). It marked the beginning of an ambitious new five-year strategic plan. This plan was built on inputs from many key stakeholders and was developed to serve a purpose for the Council from 2022–2026. Great courage was shown by the DCCI board in combining my vision for the organisation with their understanding of the design and crafts sector.

DCCI was present at Collect in London, the international fair for contemporary design and crafts. Twelve DCCI makers exhibited at Collect, all selected from PORTFOLIO Critical Selection. This exhibition serves as a gateway to global opportunities for our members. As well as Collect, eighteen Irish ceramicists were honoured for their work at Argillá Italia. DCCI was also present to represent members at this international ceramics festival held in Faenza, Italy. DCCI will continue to nurture its members’ presence on such stages. These opportunities remind us of the importance of offering international platforms to our master craftspeople.


This year the DCCI team led August Craft Month (ACM), a joint effort with Craft NI (Northern Ireland) and Cork Craft & Design. Representing all thirty-two counties, ACM marked a significant all-island initiative. Widespread engagement through fairs, workshops, demonstrations and festivals celebrating craft were held all over the country. A truly remarkable month of craft.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Towards the end of 2022, DCCI welcomed Mary Jo Hoyne as the new Head of Craft & Education. Mary Jo began by working with her team on planning the launch of DCCI Academy — a hugely significant resource for the advancement of the sector. This included the refurbishment of the purpose-built DCCI Academy of Jewellery and Goldsmithing building in Thomastown, County Kilkenny. This facility will be used as an educational hub for years to come. DCCI’s focus on strengthening the skills and resources available to the sector, in tandem with generating demand opportunities, is so important. This will increase the viability of careers in the sector, and is central in driving sector growth. Designing a sustainable future

2022 marked the inaugural year with a dedicated design department in the Council. This alignment with the new strategy has enabled DCCI to achieve significant success. The role of design in Ireland’s journey towards a more sustainable economy cannot be overstated. The help DCCI has received from the government in such a critical area has been vital to the growth. DCCI welcomed the new Head of Design, Tom Watts, who led a highly successful Design

Week — a first by DCCI. Internationally renowned designer Bruce Mau opened proceedings, and Design Week concluded with seventy-two events and attracted over 2,000 attendees. Additionally, the Irish Business Design Challenge (IBDC) Awards, established in 2020, continued to gain remarkable momentum. With a total prize fund of €50,000, these awards speak to the importance of contributing to sustainable businesses within the Irish design landscape. As the national agency for design and crafts, DCCI’s role in leading and demonstrating sustainability within the sector is fundamental. The Made Local campaign, in which we champion sustainability and the longevity of local design and crafts, has gone from strength to strength. In 2022, over 1,500 individual makers and retailers signed up to participate in Made Local. Throughout 2022, DCCI demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by delivering twenty-two impactful programmes. The team will continue working towards further initiatives, particularly on improving circularity and reducing our impact on the planet as we move into the future. Working on a future-proof Council

Future-proofing is paramount for the Council as we set our sights on the next fifty years. The commitment to assisting craftspeople and designers in all stages of their careers is central to the Council’s mission. Future Makers, one of the largest prize-funded awards programmes in Europe, returned. These awards provide a platform for students and emerging makers to showcase their talent at such a crucial stage of their journey. Future Makers is important for the sector’s sustainability. Supporting future makers means contributing to the future talent in our community. DCCI worked hard to embrace digital transformation as technology continues to reshape our sector. Throughout 2022, DCCI worked on the development of a new Customer Relationship Management system, ensuring the team can better serve our community. Undoubtedly, these changes present fresh challenges. However, as DCCI embarks on this journey, it will enhance operational efficiency.

It will also provide more personalised experiences to DCCI’s designers and makers to secure a resilient future for the sector. Thank you for a wonderful year.

Building upon partnerships with educational institutions Trinity College Dublin and Atlantic Technological University is so important. I wish to thank both institutions for their wonderful partnerships over the year.


I would also like to extend thanks to our esteemed DCCI Board members, and our Chair Andrew Bradley for his dedication over the last six years. I also wish to thank the team at the Council for its contribution and hard work during what was a very exciting first year of our new strategy. And last but by no means least, to our admirable makers and dedicated Guilds, Associations, Networks and Societies (GANS). There would be no sector without you and we will continue to provide a platform for you and collaborate with you for many years to come. I look forward to furthering our commitment to the promotion of Irish design and crafts both nationally and internationally. Ní neart go cur le chéile. Rosemary Steen Chief Executive Officer, DCCI

Chief Executive Officer’s Introduction

As the national agency for design and crafts, our role in leading and demonstrating sustainability within the sector is fundamental.

Finally, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who have helped us throughout the year. To the government, Taoiseach (former Tánaiste) Leo Varadkar TD, Minister Simon Coveney TD, and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Minister Dara Calleary TD, and Minister Neale Richmond TD. To Leo Clancy, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, and his team, as well as all our colleagues across the Local Enterprise Offices. Also, sincere thanks for the help we have received from Kilkenny County Council, the RDS, the OPW, the team at The Glucksman UCC, and the National Museum of Ireland.

Image: Ciaran Hogan basket maker located in the Spiddal Craft Village in Connemara

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Chief Executive Officer’s Introduction


Our Vision By 2030, the design and craft sector in Ireland will have increased its contribution to Ireland economically, socially and culturally. Our Mission

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


As the national agency for design and crafts in Ireland, our mission is to support designers and makers to develop their businesses in a sustainable way, and to advocate for the societal benefits of design and crafts.

Our Strategy 2022 marked the first year of the new strategic plan developed with KPMG and implemented under CEO Rosemary Steen. The Council’s vision, mission and values feed into the objectives that are assigned across strategic pillars — the main areas of focus for the Design & Crafts Council Ireland in the coming years. The strategic plan includes four key pillars:

Objectives: — Raise the design and craft sector’s capability and capacity — Preserve heritage and share best practices through collaboration across the sectors — Build resilient growth with active and relevant mentoring for clients — Clearly define partnerships with Enterprise Ireland and Local Enterprise Offices 2. Championing design across Ireland Driving better outcomes for Ireland and growing economic output by championing design thinking in the wider enterprise base as well as public-programme design. Objectives: — Increase awareness of the benefits of problem solving through design thinking in the public and private sectors — Grow participation of the design sector with the Council — Display ownership for the design agenda in Ireland with an emphasis on delivering and communicating economic returns, and shaping future policy through the application of broad design innovation — Target meaningful impact, putting the designer’s success at the core of decision-making under this pillar 3. Leading and demonstrating sustainability Articulating design and crafts as solutions through clear examples. Craft embodies sustainability, and design thinking is part of the solution.

Objectives: — Advocate for design thinking as a key element for solving sustainability issues in the public and private sectors — Market craft skills to consumers as sustainable practices, and craft output as an example of the circular economy, quality and buying local – to boost commercial demand — Help members and clients adopt innovative sustainable practices, such as carbon footprinting and origin assurance, as well as zero-waste policies and best practice in green marketing


4. Common Enabler: Delivering a future-proof Council The Common Enabler focuses on meeting the required elements of the Council’s infrastructure, resourcing and governance to deliver the full potential across the main pillars. Objectives: — Develop staff through training and capabilities enhancement, as well as completing appropriate recruitment oriented towards successful strategy delivery and building momentum across design and craft sector activities — Update IT infrastructure to serve members and clients more efficiently, including new CRM system and development of e-commerce platforms — Engage ongoing advisory services to embed change and deliver on the full potential of the strategy

Our Vision / Our Mission / Our Strategy

1. Building capability and capacity to deliver resilient growth Targeting capacity growth in design and crafts to drive commercial success across Ireland. Building capability across our client base, who are at different points of scale and ambition.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


In year one of DCCI’s strategic plan 2022 – 2026, there has been a clear commitment to executing activities aligned with our overarching mission, vision and values across the organisation. Each department prioritised strategic programmes that led directly to supporting opportunities for the design and craft sector, as well as strengthening the Council into the future to ensure it continues to deliver.


Our Activities


Our Activities

In this transformative year, we have witnessed a remarkable evolution within our sector, with 59,0001 people now employed across the Irish design and craft sector and a notable 12 per cent total increase in design enterprises from 2009 to 2020. DCCI’s impact is evident through our support to over 4,8002 clients, an increase of 5313 on 2021. Our support to clients has significantly contributed to the sector’s overall impressive €10.3 billion turnover (a 51 per cent increase since 2017) and €2.9 billion in gross value added (GVA) to the Irish economy in 2020.4

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


The last twelve months have been more than just an additional step; it has been a leap forward. Delivering on year one of our strategic plan has set the stage for our clients and members to achieve even greater success as we move forward into year two. As we look back on this exceptional year, we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, and DCCI remains committed to driving growth, innovation and success across the design and craft sector. Together, we are shaping a brighter and more creative future for all. Pillar One: Building capability and capacity to deliver resilient growth DCCI supported design and crafts enterprises to drive growth through education and practical training. This was delivered through collaboration with key partners, such as Craft NI and Cork Craft and Design. Most notably, Showcase and August Craft Month were two successful programmes that championed this strategic pillar. DCCI began the year hosting Showcase in the RDS — a significant commercial opportunity for participants to work with national and international buyers. Over 380 Irish designers, manufacturers and craftspeople participated, with 3,000 people attending,5 driving a 23 per cent uplift in sales, orders and enquiries for DCCI members and clients.6 This event alone contributed €20 million in sales for participants. In addition, August Craft Month 2022 was a

commercial success for participants and the Council, with over 250 events7 providing opportunities for all to learn about, make, see and buy crafts. Pillar Two: Championing design across Ireland One of our key strategic priorities is to embed design deeper within society and the economy. A prime example of our commitment to this mission is Design Week, a programme that fosters better opportunities for the design sector and magnifies its impact. Design Week serves as a beacon for design, uniting the brightest minds, creators and designers to celebrate Irish design’s creativity and innovation. In its inaugural year, Design Week convened in November and attracted 235 participants and hosted seventy-two events across fifteen venues,8 making it one of the most impactful events in terms of championing the Irish design sector. Pillar Three: Leading and demonstrating sustainability We are committed to demonstrating the role of design and crafts in advancing the sustainability agenda across Ireland. In 2022, we continued the campaign Made Local, Made to Last, which aims to highlight the originality, quality and enduring value of Irish-designed and craft-made products. This initiative serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting locally produced, wellcrafted goods in line with our strategic plan’s sustainability goals. With participation from 1,328 makers and 350 retail outlets for Irish design and crafts,9 the impact was substantial. An overwhelming 96 per cent of the makers involved in the 2022 Made Local campaign reported positive effects on their businesses, while 87 per cent of retailers noted a significant boost in their sales as a result.10 This campaign exemplifies our commitment to leading and demonstrating the role of sustainability in the design and craft sector.

Notes 1. Grant Thornton, Economic Impact Assessment of the Design and Crafts Sector of Ireland, DCCI, 2021. 2. DCCI internal KPIs. 3. Ibid. 4. DCCI Quarterly Sentiment Tracker, 2023, Market Dynamics. 5. DCCI internal KPIs. 6. Ibid. 7. ‘Showcase pitches Irish craft and design to international buyers’, The Irish Times, 22 January 2023. 8. DCCI internal KPIs. 9. Ibid. 10. Ibid. 11. DCCI Annual Economic Client Survey, 2023, Market Dynamics.


Our Activities

Pillar Four: Future-proofing the Council DCCI has also made significant progress in ensuring the robustness of our infrastructure, resourcing and governance to fully realise the potential of our strategic plan. Our commitment to future-proofing the Council was evident throughout 2022 as our team worked to implement a new CRM system. This system will assist our clients in creating new and enhanced revenue streams, adding to the €68 million already generated. We have commenced the design and development of a new, purpose-built website destined to serve as the central hub for the design and craft sector. It reflects the progress made by our community — 30 per cent of our clients11 now have an online presence, a testament to our progress in supporting the future-proofing of DCCI and helping to position our clients for sustained success. In addition, the material recommendations from the Board review on corporate governance carried out by the Institute of Public Administration in 2022 will be put in place in 2023.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


‘Silver Spoon’ by Annmarie Reinhold. PAGE 24 Design Ireland store opening at Dublin Airport. Woodturners at August Craft Month 2022. PAGE 25 Tom Bromell of Homeland Candles at Made Local 2022 regional launch. Bisi Williams with Shelley McNamara and Yvonne Farrell of Graton Architects, and Cllr Deirdre Donnelly at 2022 Irish Design Week launch. ‘Irish Craft Heroes’ book launch at Conjuring Form, DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 26 Fashion event at August Craft Month 2022. What Colour is Metal? exhibition in DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 27 Irish Woodturners’ Guild demonstrations at Bloom 2022. Model Elisa wearing face jewellery by Emer Roberts, (Emerging Makers Studio Support Award 2022). Dress by Michael Stewart (Overall Future Makers Awards winner 2022) at Future Makers 2022. Melissa Curry (Designer) and Suzy O’Keefe (Head of Digital Communications, DCCI) at Design Ireland Store Launch at Terminal 1 in Dublin Airport

Highlights Key moments for 2022


59,000 employed in the design & craft sector

€10.3bn total turnover for design & craft sector

Design & Crafts Council Ireland



335,721 organic engagement with DCCI social, web and exhibitions

30% 4,841 DCCI clients (12% increase on 2021)

22 DCCI programmes delivered

Our Activities

of DCCI clients have an online presence

€216K invested in DCCI member supports

15 strategic partners

116 in media reach


€25.8m PR value

10 Design & Crafts Council Ireland

ministerial engagements with DCCI

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


‘Balance in Blue’ by Cecilia Moore, Conjuring Form exhibition 2022 at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 30 Rosemary Steen, CEO, at Irish Woodturners’ Guild makers studio at Bloom 2022. Room at Argillá Italia 2022. ‘Atlantic Sunburst Bowl’ by Trish Goodbody. Natasha Rollinson, Atomic Aurum Collection, Equilibrium Pendants & Studs. Event at August Craft Month 2022 PAGE 31 Showcase 2022 at the RDS. Tolu McKay, Brand Ambassador, at Made Local 2022 launch. PAGE 32 Artwork by Koji Hatakeyama at What Colour is Metal? exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. GANS at Showcase 2022. Alison Kay at Collect 2022. PAGE 33 Argillá Italia 2022. ‘Beach Bowls’ by Cara Murphy.

Pillar 1 Deliver Resilient Growth


+11.1% employment in design & craft sector

€76.13m total domestic sales for top 150 DCCI clients


40% of design & craft products exported

19,000 Design & Crafts Council Ireland

operational design & craft enterprises

83% of businesses have 1+ full-time staff

30% international sales achieved

€76K average revenue per full-time employee

€20m+ value of sales generated at Showcase 2022

8,711 Design Ireland social network referrals


€68m combined revenue of DCCI clients

Collect Design & Crafts Council Ireland

International fair in London

265 August Craft Month events across thirty-two counties

Argillá Italia Ireland invited to Italy as honorary country

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


‘Lecanora Form I’ by Cathy Burke at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 36 DCCI jewellery student. Emma Bourke, glass artist, at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 37 DCCI Gem course, November 2022. Bisi Williams and Bruce Mau at Irish Design Week 2022. Launch of Irish Design Week 2022. Malcom Noonan TD, Rosemary Steen, CEO DCCI, Mary Palmer and Andrew Bradley at ‘Irish Craft Heroes’ book launch at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 38 Rebecca de Quin at What Colour is Metal? exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. Penguins made by DCCI jewellery school students for Culture Night 2022. Kathleen Walsh ‘Blue Venus #7 & #8’ at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 39 Irish Design Week launch 2022.

Pillar 2 Champion Design


€2.9bn Gross Value Added (GVA) generated

72 events during Design Week


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Design Week footfall

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


25,760 visits to DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery

What Colour is Metal? 39

Hidden Treasures

Chief Executive’s Report

Conjuring Form

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


What Colour is Metal? exhibition at Dublin Castle. PAGE 42 Tom Watts at the Irish Business Design Challenge Launch during Irish Design Week 2022. Jane Adam at What Colour is Metal? exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. ‘Florentine Bowls’ by De Gordun at Showcase 2022. Patrick Strahan at Made Local regional launch 2022. Maciej from Kaïkø Studios at Gifted. PAGE 43 Felt basket from August Craft Month 2022. Clay/Works exhibition at Dublin Castle. Made in Ireland exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery. PAGE 44 Jim Turner, ceramics artist. Irish Business Design Challenge launch at Irish Design Week at NCAD. PAGE 45 Made in Ireland exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery.

Pillar 3 Lead on Sustainability


Irish Business Design Challenge

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


1,589 participants in DCCI Made Local campaign

62% implemented sustainability measures

47% part-time craft & design businesses

46% growth in applications for Future Makers from 2021

71% primary income sourced from full-time design & craft businesses


Circular by Design

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Innovation Festival

Design & Crafts Council Ireland



DCCI Craft Village at Bloom. PAGE 48 (top image) Mary Jo Hoyne, Head of Craft & Education, DCCI with John McKeon, founder of Kyrie Farm at the Irish Design Week launch 2022. (bottom image) Industrial Designer Peter Sheehan with Andrew Bradley, DCCI Chair, at Conjuring Form Exhibition 2022. PAGE 49 Suzy O’Keefe, Head of Digital & Communications; Rosemary Steen, CEO, DCCI; Tom Watts, Head of Design, DCCI and Mary Blanchfield, Head of Operations, DCCI at the Made Local national launch in Hen’s Teeth Dublin. Diamond grading & identification courses.

Pillar 4 Enabling a FutureProof Council


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Current Vacancies Head of Design Head of Craft & Education Head of Commercial

Hybrid available.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


DCCI’s client base is made up of a large variety of design and craft enterprises from a wide-ranging geographical base across the island of Ireland. These design and craft enterprises, and their practitioners, provide a valuable contribution to the culture and heritage of Ireland. In addition, they provide a significant contribution to economic development, job creation and skills preservation. All this is achieved while unique crafts of exceptional quality are designed and created in the most exceptional places across the island, which also provides an exclusive tourism experience for visitors.


Design & Crafts Council Ireland is delighted to work with our clients and design and craft enthusiasts to support the development of skills and to provide a platform for the promotion of enterprise that will deliver continuous growth for Ireland’s design and craft culture for future generations.

Our Business


Our Clients

Breakdown of Register of Client Enterprises by county as at 31 December 2022

Derry 20

Donegal 108

Antrim 84

Tyrone 26

Armagh 11

Fermanagh 16


Monaghan 40

Sligo 67

Mayo 112

Leitrim 51

Roscommon 33

Cavan 27

Longford 19

Louth 78 Meath 87

Westmeath 58 Galway 194

Dublin 760 Offaly 42

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Wicklow 181

Laois 50

Clare 96

Limerick 71

Kerry 130

Kildare 128

Tipperary 92

Carlow 52 Kilkenny 137

Waterford 99 Cork 363

Wexford 134

Down 109

Breakdown of Register of Client Enterprises by County as at 31 December 2022

Rep. of Ireland clients Northern Ireland International clients

Client Enterprise Register by County

Client Enterprise Register by Discipline


Disciplines Basketry




Book making




Candle making








Furniture making




Glass making
















Metalworking + blacksmith




Mixed media construction




Musical instrument making
















Soap making












Textile making + fashion design




Toy making










Other (Slateworking / mosaics / thatching / fresco-painting /horology / flytying)








Northern Ireland Antrim












Client Enterprise Register by discipline


Associate Register



Craft enthusiasts


Total Associate Register



Our Business

Republic of Ireland Carlow

3,209 266 88

Image: Kaïkø Studiosat Bord Bia Bloom.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Key dates in the history of the Crafts Council of Ireland Limited, now trading as Design & Crafts Council Ireland.


Our Business


Our History 1970 – 2022


World Crafts Council hosts its general assembly in Ireland 1971

Crafts Council of Ireland (CCoI) set up in Dublin as a voluntary body under the auspices of the RDS 1976

CCoI becomes a limited company, receiving funding from the minister for industry and commerce and from the Industrial Development Authority 1977

Showcase begins as the National Crafts Trade Fair 1980

CCoI business and skills training opens in Kilworth, County Cork



CCoI administration moves to Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, Dublin ↑ Laura Quinn (Emerging Makers Exhibition Support Award 2022) holding her vase ‘Tacit Sway’ at Future Makers Awards 2022


CCoI business and skills training moves to the former Kilkenny Design Workshops in Kilkenny city 1990

CCoI opens the ceramics skills & design course in Thomastown, County Kilkenny 1993

CCoI opens the jewellery and goldsmithing skills & design course in Kilkenny 1997

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

CCoI administration moves from Dublin to Castle Yard, Kilkenny 2000

CCoI opens the National Craft Gallery in Castle Yard, Kilkenny 2011

CCoI designates 2011 as Year of Craft and celebrates the sector in partnership with Craft NI and a network of strategic partners throughout Ireland and internationally 2013

↑ At Made Local regional launch 2022

CCoI marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Kilkenny Design Workshops, and a proposal is made at the Global Irish Economic Forum to designate a year to celebrating and promoting Irish design


CCoI changes its trading name to the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCoI) following the signing of a service-level agreement with Enterprise Ireland, and launches Irish Design 2015 (ID2015) 2015

DCCoI convenes the year-long governmentbacked ID2015 initiative, exploring, promoting and celebrating Irish design throughout Ireland and internationally to drive job creation, grow exports and increase competitiveness ↑ ‘Sisphus Neck Piece Blue Ombre’ by Laura Quinn at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery


A study on the design sector commissioned as part of ID2015 results in the government publication Policy Framework for Design in Enterprise in Ireland, and DCCoI is mandated by government to work with partner organisations in leading the development of a design strategy for Ireland



DCCoI publishes Ireland – the Design Island: A Consultation Paper Towards a National Design Strategy, leading to the establishment of the country’s first ministerial-led National Design Forum DCCoI collaborates with partners in advocating for the development of design infrastructure, leading to the provision of a National Design Centre as part of the National Development Plan 2018–27 and funding of a National Design Innovation Hub for the south-east under the Regional Enterprise Development Fund 2019

DCCoI updates its trading name to Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). ↑ Bruce Mau screening at Irish Design Week in Stellar Cinemas

The Design Ireland shop is officially opened at Terminal 2, Dublin Airport. It is operated by The Loop, with the store-name brand under licence by DCCI. 2020

Andrew Bradley appointed chair of Design & Crafts Council Ireland. DCCI acquires the Sessions House building in Thomastown, County Kilkenny and initiates a plan to develop it into the first dedicated jewellery and goldsmithing school.

Our Business


Image: Models Lucy and Elisa wearing dresses by Michael Stewart, Overall Future Makers Awards winner 2022

Design & Crafts Council Ireland



Design & Crafts Council Ireland marks its fiftieth anniversary through a series of events held in Dublin Castle in October, celebrating the many makers, partners and supporters who have contributed to the rich tapestry of crafts and design practice in Ireland. President Michael D. Higgins and Sabina Higgins attended a reception to present the Lifetime Achievement Award to Joe Hogan. Several exhibitions were opened, including Irish Craft Heroes; What Colour is Metal?; Collars, Ruffs and Cuffs; and a host of GANS members’ work in the Keep Well exhibition. 2022

↑ What Colour is Metal? exhibition at Dublin Castle

2022 marked the first year of the new five-year strategy outlined by Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). Two new staff members joined the Executive team at the Council. Tom Watts, joined as Head of Design in September 2022 and Mary Jo Hoyne joined in November 2022 as the Head of Craft & Education.


DCCI held its inaugural Design Week, led by Tom Watts, in November 2022, with 72 events hosted across the country and a footfall of 2,350 attendees. Launching on 14 November 2022 with a keynote presentation by internationally renowned designer Bruce Mau, Irish Design Week explored how design can address some of the critical issues facing our society, from future opportunities, equality and connectivity to climate change. Exhibitions in DCCI’s National Design & Craft Gallery included the continuation of the What Colour is Metal? exhibition from the previous year, as well as the successful launch of two new exhibitions in the gallery: Conjuring Form, which ran from 5 August 2022 until 29 October 2022, and Hidden Treasures, which launched on 17 November and concluded in January 2023. All activities that took place in 2022 supported the new five-year strategy 2022 – 2026. ↑ Clay/Works Exhibition at Dublin Castle.

Our Business

The very first all-island August Craft Month in collaboration with Craft NI and Cork Craft & Design took place throughout the month of August. 265 events took place across all 32 counties in Ireland.

Image: ‘Florentine Bowl’ by De Gordun, Showcase 2022.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Our Business


Image: ‘Teasel Closed Form 22’ — unglazed porcelain sculpture by Nuala O’Donovan.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


In this section we present a summary of the involvement of member organisations, clients, partners and others in DCCI programmes and events during 2022. 63

Our Business


Key Programme Statistics 2022

Craft & Education


Total number of craft clients


New craft clients in 2022


Businesses exhibiting at Showcase


Total prize fund for Future Makers awards and supports 2022


Member organisations


Registered associates


Information days and online meetings for GANS hosted by DCCI


Clients availing of Network Support Scheme funding


Funding awarded in Network Support Scheme


Craft and design residency bursaries awarded


Clients availing of Direct Fair Fund


GANS availing of August Craft Month funding


EU funded programmes


CRM, Digital and Communications


Clients opting in to the Made Local campaign


Retailers taking part in Made Local campaign


Media reach for the Showcase 2022 campaign

62.3 million

PR value per year (including Showcase 2022)


Followers on DCCI’s Facebook

19,709 (+37% compared to 2021)

Followers on DCCI’s Instagram

17,327 (+14% compared to 2021)

Followers on DCCI’s LinkedIn

5,841 (+34% compared to 2021)

Followers on DCCI’s Twitter

10,587 (+2.2% compared to 2021)

Impressions for DCCI tweets 2022

Design & Crafts Council Ireland



Followers on Design Ireland’s Facebook

10,016 (+24% compared to 2021)

Followers on DCCI’s Instagram

17,929 (+2% compared to 2021)

Visitors to National Design & Craft Gallery (NDCG) exhibitions in 2022



Exhibitions included in the 2022 programme (Kilkenny and touring)


Exhibitions toured to other galleries


Designers and makers involved in the exhibitions programme


Irish designers and makers involved in the exhibitions programme


External exhibitions-fund recipients


Sales from exhibitions in 2022


Makers featured in PORTFOLIO: Critical Selection, 2021 – 22


Makers featured in PORTFOLIO overall programme


Footfall for Design Week 2022


Number of Design Week events


Number of partnerships with third level institutions



Our Business


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


DCCI is a company limited by guarantee without share capital. It is governed by its memorandum and articles of association and operates under the aegis of the minister for enterprise, trade and employment. 67

Our Governance


Corporate Governance Update

Image: ‘Deárcan Triptych’ by Alan Meredith at Conjuring Form exhibition at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Our Board

The DCCI Board is responsible for the governance of the company in line with best practice and by adhering to the obligations of the company as set out in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies. DCCI is required to comply with the provisions of the code insofar as it is applicable to the structure and nature of the company. Four of the twelve Board members are appointed by the minister for enterprise, trade and employment. The Board maintained a strong focus on corporate governance during 2022 to ensure its corporate governance operated to the highest standards. Training for Board members took place with the Institute of Public Administration during the year, updating all members on their responsibilities and other relevant matters. In early 2022 the Board undertook a two-day governance workshop on board behaviours & monitoring. Our Compliance

DCCI is committed to complying with its responsibilities as a government-funded body. Our expenditure complies with the Public Spending Code, which sets out the obligations of public bodies to treat public funds with care and to ensure that the best possible value is obtained whenever public money is being spent or invested.

DCCI is also committed to improving energy efficiency in line with our obligations under: National Energy Efficiency Action Plan European Communities (Energy Enduse Efficiency and Energy Services) Regulations, 2009 and SI 426, 2014 DCCI Promotes and Values Diversity Across All Our Sectors

The Board is responsible for overseeing the broad strategy and policies of the organisation. It is responsible for the systems of internal financial control in the company and for ensuring that the company has processes and procedures in place to ensure the systems are effective. It performs these functions directly and through the operation of specific Board committees in accordance with approved terms of reference.


There is a formal schedule of matters reserved for the decision of the Board in accordance with best practice. Responsibility for implementing policy rests with the Executive Management Team of DCCI. The Board provides the appropriate level of skill and experience to support the strategy of DCCI.

Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies, 2016 Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995 and 2001 Freedom of Information Act, 2014 Official Languages Act, 2003 Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997 General Data Protection Regulation, 2018

Our Governance

We are also committed to meeting our current obligations under:

Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Ministerial Appointees

Andrew Bradley (Chair) Toby Scott Thomas Murray

Elected Representatives

Trish Brennan

Board Attendance

The table below summarises the attendance of directors at Board meetings they were eligible to attend during the year ended 31 December 2022. Seven Board meetings were held in 2022: Director

Board meetings attended/eligibility

Niki Collier

Andrew Bradley


Breda Fox

Trish Brennan


Berina Kelly

Breda Fox


Edel MacBride

Maeve Murphy


Kim-Ling Morris

Neil Read


Maeve Murphy

Toby Scott


Neil Read

Niki Collier


Berina Kelly


Edel MacBride


Thomas Murray


Kim-Ling Morris



Board members also participated in a number of committees and sub-committees. For details, see section 4.5 Our Committees, page 84.

Our Governance


Our Board Members

Ministerial Appointees Andrew Bradley, Chair

In 2017 Andrew was a ministerial appointment to the Board of DCCI and became chair in 2020. Throughout his career he has been an active member of the Institute of Designers in Ireland and was president from 2013–15. In 2016 he led the establishment of Design Skillnet and chaired this enterprise-led training initiative for three years. Soon after qualifying as an industrial designer in 1984 from the National College of Art and Design, Andrew realised that his career interests lay in mentoring companies to promote the potential of design. As he set out on a career in design management, he secured a scholarship for an MA in environment design at the University of Calgary, Canada, graduating in 1989.


An entrepreneur in the Irish design sector, Andrew has been creating, developing and communicating brands for the past twenty-five years. Today, his company Bradley: The Brand Agency specialises in working with SMEs using creative-thinking processes to create brands that drive businesses forward.

Toby Scott

Toby Scott is currently innovator in residence at the United Nations Population Fund, where he applies design thinking to some of the most challenging problems relating to gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and infant mortality. Previously, Toby was a director of the UK Design Council, a director of Arts Council England, and head of Creative Industries for the UK government. He established the Irish Centre for Design Innovation and led the Design4Growth pilot programme.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

As an entrepreneur, he is co-founder and learning director of FRAMLABS, which uses design thinking to create future value for progressive companies. Toby is also a team member of Knowinnovation, a creative company that works with academics, NGOs and businesses to solve ‘wicked problems’ (difficult social or cultural problems) through collaborative problem-solving. He led Knowinnovation’s first virtual Ideas Lab, with 100 people, and is passionate about the power of creativity and technology, with a desire to share this widely.

Thomas Murray

Thomas Murray currently has responsibility at principal-officer level at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment for a number of policies and programmes related to the development of indigenous industry in Ireland, including oversight of Enterprise Ireland and LEOs.

Elected Representatives Trish Brennan

Trish Brennan was elected to the DCCI Board in September 2020. She is currently head of fine art and applied art at CIT Crawford College, where she has developed and supported several new programmes, including a BA in contemporary applied art (ceramics, textiles and glass), an MA in art and process, and a certificate in art textiles. She is also involved in hosting the annual symposium MAKE, which celebrates making, craft and materiality. Trish has strong experience of serving on committees and boards, having served on the National Sculpture Factory Board of Directors for over ten years. She has also represented CIT Crawford College at DCCI’s GANS in recent years. Trish studied photography at Westminster University (1991), and graduated with an MA in art in the digital world from NCAD (2002). Alongside working in education and photography, she has broad experience of community arts, acting as programme manager and producer for several projects and events.


Trish has also worked with large institutions, including CIT, Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council’s Arts Office (Festival of World Cultures, Poetry Festival) and the Irish Museum of Modern Art (Education & Community). Trish believes that creative practice, engagement and heritage links strongly to our quality of life, and aims to support GANS to further a culture of excellence in design and craft.

Prior to joining the Enterprise Board, Breda was finance director at The Point (now the 3 Arena) in Dublin throughout the 1990s. During this time she was also one of the youngest people ever to be appointed to a state board, serving as a non-executive director at An Post for five years. In 1999 she took on the role of finance director at Transitions Optical, and two years later became supply chain and customer service director for Europe. In 2006 she started her own business advising start-up and established businesses in the west, including input on projects for locally based multinationals and helping clients with funding, efficiencies, cost-cutting and positioning for growth / recovery. Breda is particularly passionate about the crafts and design sector and works tirelessly to support the sector in her day-to-day work.

Our Governance

Breda Fox

Breda Fox was elected to the DCCI Board in September 2020. She joined the Galway County and City Enterprise Board (now the Local Enterprise Office, Galway) in 2010 and, since then, has led the agency’s service delivery. During her time in this role, training and advisory supports have increased threefold, and thirty-seven clients’ businesses have transitioned to Enterprise Ireland to continue to develop and grow.

Maeve Murphy

Maeve Murphy was elected to the DCCI Board in September 2020 and brings a wealth of experience to the role, including managerial experience, having had involvement with local-authority arts offices, national resource organisations and national festivals of international repute. Through establishing an SME, Forest & Flock, and successfully managing it from a vision to a thriving Irish design and craft enterprise, Maeve gained a comprehensive understanding of management, finance, planning and development in business. While working with Cork Craft & Design as the operations manager and programme coordinator of Cork Craft Month, she gained first-hand insight into the experience of the many challenges facing small creative industries and start-ups in Ireland today from a maker’s perspective.


Over the course of her career Maeve has fostered relationships with a broad range of individuals, organisations and community groups. She is a dedicated supporter of craft makers and businesses, and believes that networking and sharing ideas helps makers and businesses to develop and compete in the global market. Maeve aims to represent small creative industries working in today’s challenging marketplace to continue delivering excellence in Irish craft to customers and admirers nationally and globally.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Niki Collier

Niki Collier is a Dublin-based award-winning visual artist and designer working in fibre art and wearable technology. Niki’s work uses scale to spark empathy and empowerment. Niki disrupts science and art to elevate the viewer to a protagonist. Niki’s practice blends many sources. She says: ‘Forged as an academic makes me relentlessly curious. Grown as disabled woman I look for resilience with die-hard attitude.’ Niki’s practice is nurtured by the meaningful connections with folk with various ability and diverse backgrounds. All is done with wool. Niki’s work has been curated in national and international shows — most recently at the World Crafts Council exhibition — and Niki had a very successful solo show at University of Atypical, UK. Niki has developed products and experiences in the last ten years with various collaborators. She exports her products to the US and Europe, including the British Museum shop. The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic provided her with an opportunity to combine her PhD in computer science with her understanding of craft. Niki had the opportunity to create online educational engagements commissioned by CI, DCCI and RTÉ. Niki is passionate about diversity and inclusion, and her aim is to diversify funding to cater for all needs so as to lift the Irish creative community through digital experiences globally.

Berina Kelly

Berina Kelly has exhibited nationally and internationally. Born into an entrepreneurial family, she has over twenty years’ experience in retail. She has also staffed the jewellery departments of high-end retailers. As a retail manager, she has gained invaluable experience as a buyer and working with colleagues to provide the best possible experience for customers. As a maker, Berina understands a client’s needs, from aspects of design and fabrication to customer satisfaction. As a mentor, she brings experience to makers, from setting up a studio, creating collections of a high standard for competitive target markets, to packaging, marketing and all that is involved with running a business. With its roots firmly set in the west of Ireland, Making.ie has played a role in highlighting the challenges, successes and stories of makers across Ireland. Berina is drawn to the network’s desire to celebrate all aspects of the community and, as a member, she is cognisant of issues that are important to makers.


Berina desires that small studios feel heard and supported and can engage with all that DCCI has to offer, as they are the highly skilled design leaders of tomorrow.

Edel MacBride

Edel’s main skills are textiles, knitwear, e-commerce, small-business management, social media and community building, craft retail and cultural tourism. She graduated from Limerick School of Art and Letterkenny Institute. She has entrepreneurship and business training from Ulster University and Boston College. She has exhibited frequently at home and internationally, from 1991–2019. Edel has an award-winning craft brand in handmade luxury knitwear, and works with many knitters, crocheters and textile artists countrywide to create authentic Made in Ireland clothing with a clear ethical and eco footprint. Edel founded Knitfield in 2012 to inspire new or aspiring textile makers. She is a founding member of Number 19 Craft and Design retail outlet at the Derry Craft Village. Edel is directed by the history and value of traditional skills and is passionate about developing opportunities for makers and GANS. Edel has mentored many craft makers and worked collaboratively with craft businesses, and is familiar with the many challenges facing them. Edel aims to advocate for others, helping them advance their skills and ambitions.

Our Governance

Edel MacBride is an experienced creative with a demonstrated history of working in the world of crafts and design for many decades as a maker, business owner, educator and volunteer.

Kim-Ling Morris

Kim-Ling Morris has a strong appreciation of elegant design and well-crafted work. Prior to moving to Cork, Kim-Ling had worked in ceramics in Paris and Lyon. After taking the textiles night class in the Crawford College of Art and Design, Kim-Ling joined the Cork Textiles Network, where she is currently the treasurer. Kim-Ling was one of three founding directors of Sample Studio, which is among the largest artist-led studio groups in the country. Starting off as treasurer from its inception in 2011, with her experience in engineering project management Kim-Ling has continued to guide its finances through its various challenges, such as the loss of premises and COVID-19. While not from an accounting background, Kim-Ling believes she has the budgeting experience to positively contribute to the financial governance of DCCI.


The sharing of passion and skills is what Kim-Ling believes makes work stronger, and she will advocate for cross-group technical and peer support of all makers, particularly those emerging. Kim-Ling does not believe there is a line between art and craft, but a gradation. She feels that Irish craft is currently undervalued and is looking for ways for the component groups of DCCI to be brought to the fore.

Neil Read

Neil Read was elected to the DCCI Board in September 2020. A practising maker with a studio in Dublin, his work is showcased in the National Museum of Ireland, the Office of Publics Works, the Royal Museum of Scotland and the Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute and FuLe International Ceramics Museum, China.

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Neil studied ceramics and stained glass at Edinburgh College of Art and, after gaining a postgraduate qualification, established a studio in Edinburgh. From 1978–1980, he was photographer and supervisor of cataloguing at Edinburgh City Museums. In 1980, Neil exhibited at the Trinity Arts Workshop. In 1982, he moved to Dublin to take up a position as ceramics lecturer at the National College of Art and Design, becoming head of the Department of Ceramics, Glass and Metals (1987–2010). Over the course of his career, Neil has been chair of the Royal Dublin Society’s craft competition, Irish Contemporary Ceramics and the Golden Fleece Awards. He was also a member of the committee of the Glass Society of Ireland (GSoI) (1993–1998) and the Crafts Council of Ireland (1994–1996). He currently serves on the board of the GSoI. With substantial experience in the sector, Neil also served as an external examiner at the Glasgow and Crawford Schools of Art, and DCCI’s pottery-skills course. He sees his DCCI role as an opportunity to support individual makers and help raise the profile of small businesses of quality and excellence at home and internationally.

Our Governance


Design & Crafts Council Ireland


4.3 Our Team Rosemary Steen, Chief Executive


Tom Watts, Head of Design13

Jennifer Walsh, Executive Assistant to CEO and Data Protection Officer


Craft & Education

Mary Jo Hoyne, Head of Craft & Education


Mary Blanchfield, Head of Operations & Company Secretary

Maria Couchman, Senior Craft & Education Advisor

Seamus Murtagh, Finance Manager

Eimear Conyard, Jewellery Skills & Design Manager

Nuala McGrath, HR & Corporate Services Manager

Caroline Loughman, Education & Outreach Co-ordinator2 Amanda Walsh, Education, Training & Development Administrator Mary Whelan, Client Liaison Officer Ellie Cullen, European Projects Administrator (maternity cover)3

Market Development

Brian McGee, Market Development Director4 Nicola Doran, Retail Programme Manager5 Mary Dunne, Market Development Officer6

Julie Jackman, Finance Assistant

We also recognise the contributions of interns and short-term contractors who assisted the organisation during the year.


Notes 1. From 7 November. 2. Up to 17 June. 3. Up to 29 April. 4. Up to 29 July. 5. Up to 13 September. 6. Up to 30 September. 7. Up to 5 July. 8. Up to 6 August. 9. Up to 2 January. 10. From 4 January–30 November. 11. Up to 14 October. 12. Up to 6 July. 13. From 26 September.

Emer Ferran, Business Development Programme Manager7

National Design & Craft Gallery

Susan Holland, Exhibition & Programme Curator9 Brian Byrne, Gallery Co-ordinator

Digital & Communications

Suzy O’Keefe, Head of Digital & Communications Yvonne Murphy, Senior Digital Marketing Manager10 Emma O’Brien, Communications Manager11 Ciara Gannon, Communications Officer12 James Walsh, Digital Assistant Tan Christhoper Cristian Susanto, Salesforce/ CRM Administrator

Our Governance

Ciara Garvey, Development Manager, Collector & Tourism Programmes8

Executive Team Rosemary Steen, CEO

Rosemary Steen was appointed CEO of DCCI in January 2020. She came to DCCI after successful team leadership roles with EirGrid and Vodafone Ireland. Earlier in her career she worked with IBEC, where she served as director of the Irish Textiles Federation, and was also a member of the National Economic and Social Council. Rosemary has an MA in business studies from UCD, a BA (moderatorship) in economics and philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin and a diploma in legal studies from DIT. Outside of her work with DCCI, Rosemary also works in roles to support inclusion and diversity in the voluntary and education sectors.


Brian McGee, Market and Enterprise Development Director

Brian is an honours graduate in industrial design from the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, and holds an MBA (Hons) from the University of Limerick, along with a diploma in digital marketing from the Marketing Institute of Ireland. In his career Brian has worked in design and marketing roles with leading consumergoods companies, including Newell Brands, Krups and Waterford Crystal. As market and enterprise development director at DCCI, he is responsible for the commercial development of Ireland’s design and craft sector, with a particular focus on e-commerce and exports growth.

Mary Blanchfield, Head of Operations

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Mary Blanchfield joined DCCI in 1998 as finance manager and has led the Operations Team as head of operations since 2014. She is a senior executive tasked with overseeing the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of the organisation. Mary works closely with the DCCI Board as company secretary, and is responsible for overseeing the company and its directors in line with relevant legislation. She is also company secretary of Showcase Ireland Events Ltd (a DCCI joint-venture company) and Showcase Ireland (a wholly owned DCCI subsidiary company). In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working practices were developed and implemented in order to ensure all DCCI employees were operating in a safe manner and in line with government guidelines. Mary was responsible for overseeing the introduction of a range of health-and-safety measures and processes to minimise the risk of contracting or spreading the virus while continuing to deliver the day-to-day business of the organisation.

Suzy O’Keefe

Suzy joined DCCI in February 2021 as head of digital and communications. A graduate with degrees from NCAD, TU Dublin and CCT, and professional experience in creative, commercial, teaching and data-analytics disciplines, Suzy has had senior strategic and management roles in a variety of industrial sectors. She has led marketing and communications departments and organisational change through digital transformation. Shortly before joining DCCI, Suzy consulted to Design Skillnet, an organisation co-funded by the government, which fuelled her interest in contributing to sector development. As a ceramist herself, Suzy has a deep affinity with the members and clients of DCCI, which adds value to her role in supporting DCCI’s growth of the Irish design and craft sector.

81 Tom Watts, Head of Design

Tom Watts joined Design & Crafts Council Ireland from his previous role as head of design at CluneTech, where he was for eleven years. He joined what was then Taxback Group in 2011 as the first employee at ConnectIreland, initially driving the successful tender process with the IDA before moving into design and video production for the wider group. Previous roles included Citi, Davy and State Street, and so he is well versed in financial services, while also having entrepreneurial and design experience from two successful ventures in the interiors and FMCG sectors. Tom has appeared on Dragons’ Den and his most recent collaboration on a surround-sound project (with Red Bull) featured at Electric Picnic.

Mary Jo Hoyne

Mary Jo Hoyne has twenty-three years’ further and higher education and skills training experience as a successful senior leader delivering transformational-change strategies through educational and business project-management roles, often working in newbuild environments as part of place-making community regeneration projects. Prior to this, she worked in the hotel, hospitality and food tourism industries. Mary Jo’s areas of expertise include learning and development together with transformational-change management projects that often require the building of highperformance teams. Key to achieving these is the alignment of an ‘industry-styled’ curriculum to meet market demand while adding value to and enhancing the learner/ employee experience. These innovative entrepreneurial training projects were designed to maximise commercial income generation. An excellent communicator and networking professional, with a track record of maintaining positive working relationships, Mary Jo has the ability to scan and translate business opportunities that are learner-centric when applied to curriculum design, and is passionate about enhancing lives through skills training and high-level employability opportunities.

Our Governance

Tom has also been involved with Startup Ireland, helping to ideate and deliver many projects, including the highly successful Startup Bootcamp on Spike Island, and he successfully hosted the CluneTech TY programme for three years.

4.4 Our Member Organisations


The Crafts Council of Ireland is a company limited by guarantee trading as Design & Crafts Council Ireland. It comprises member organisations and institutions that share DCCI’s aims and objectives and are involved in the promotion of contemporary and traditional crafts and design.

Members of the company include: Subscribers to the memorandum of association (also known as founder members) Unincorporated GANS that the Board admits to membership

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Bodies corporate that the Board admits to membership

Founding Members

DCCI had four founding members: Patsy Duignan (RIP) Mary V. Mullin Blanaid Reddin (RIP) Betty Searson (RIP) In addition to the four founding members, as at 31 December 2022, DCCI had sixty-four member organisations, thirteen corporate members, twenty-four member organisations by discipline and twenty-seven member organisations by region.

Corporate Members

Business to Arts

The Leitrim Design House

Crawford College of Art and Design

The Makers House

Creative Spark CLG

West Cork Arts Centre

Guaranteed Irish

West Cork Craft & Design Guild

Irish Countrywomen’s Association Na Píobairí Uilleann National College of Art and Design New Ross Needlecraft Limited (The Ros Tapestry)

Member Organisations – by Discipline

Blackstack Studios Ceramics Ireland Contemporary Tapestry Artists Council of Irish Fashion Designers

Royal Dublin Society

Feltmakers Ireland

School of Art, Design and Printing at Dublin Institute of Technology

Filament Fibre Artists Glass Society of Ireland

St Angela’s College

Guild of Irish Lacemakers

University of Ulster

Handweavers Guild of Cork Institute of Designers in Ireland

Member Organisations – by Region/Other

Irish Artist Blacksmiths’ Association

10 Hands Craft

Irish Basketmakers’ Association

Network of Local Enterprise Offices

Irish Ceramics

Benchspace Cork

Irish Guild of Embroiderers

Bridge Street Studios

Irish Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers

Ceardlann, Spiddal Craft and Design Studios

Irish Patchwork Society

Clare Crafts

Irish Society of Stage and Screen Designers

Cork Craft & Design

Irish Woodturners’ Guild

Cork Textile Network Group

Mountmellick Development Association Ltd

Donegal Designer Makers


FORM Designmade in Carlow

Society of Cork Potters

Headford Lace Project

The Big Idea House

Inside Craft

The Quilters Guild of Ireland

Institute of Designers

Traditional Lace Makers of Ireland

Louth Craftmark Designers Network Made in Kilkenny Made in Sligo Made in Westmeath Making (Irish Craft Discussion Forum) Offaly Crafty Original Kerry Original Kildare South Wexford Craft Network The Design Tower


Our Governance

Limerick School of Art and Design

4.5 Our Committees Note: figures in brackets below indicate the attendance of directors at committee and sub-committee meetings for which they were eligible to attend during the year ended 31 December 2022. Each committee and sub-committee reports to the Board after each meeting. Audit, Risk & Remuneration Committee


The role of the Audit, Risk & Remuneration Committee is to support the Board in relation to its responsibilities, including audit, financial planning, remuneration, Board evaluations, governance codes of conduct and risk appraisal. It ensures internal control systems are monitored actively and independently. Toby Scott, Committee Chair


Kim-Ling Morris


Thomas Murray


Nominations Committee

Design & Crafts Council Ireland

The role of the Nominations Committee is to regularly review the structure, size and composition (including the balance of skills, experience, independence, knowledge and diversity, including gender) of the Board and make recommendations to the Board with regard to any changes. Breda Fox, Committee Chair


Trish Brennan


Maeve Murphy


Berina Kelly


Community, Education & Heritage Sub-committee

This sub-committee works with the DCCI team to assist and review the activities and programmes, where relevant, that support the cultural and social value of craft. The focus of the sub-committee is to represent DCCI members and recognition of the wider impacts and values of the craft sector. Edel MacBride, Sub-Committee Chair (3/3) Dr Niki Collier


Neil Read


Joint Venture Company Showcase Ireland Events Ltd Board

Edmund Shanahan, Chair Mary Blanchfield, Company Secretary Tony Donegan Gerry Murphy Brian McGee Subsidiary Company Showcase Design & Crafts Fair CLG

Mary Palmer, Chair Mary Blanchfield, Company Secretary Andrew Bradley Rosemary Steen

Our Governance


Image: Simone ten Hompel’s work at What Colour is Metal? at DCCI National Design & Craft Gallery

Design & Crafts Council Ireland



Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Directors’ Report and Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2022 Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee T/A Design & Crafts Council Ireland


Directors’ Report


Independent Auditors’ Report


Income Statement


Statement of Comprehensive Income


Balance Sheet


Statement of Changes in Equity


Statement of Cash Flows


Notes to the Financial Statements



Financial Statements

Company Information

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Company Information


Andrew Bradley (Chair) Niki Collier Edel MacBride Kim-Ling Morris Berina Kelly Thomas Murray

Neil C Read Breda Fox Patricia Brennan Maeve Murphy Toby Scott

Company Secretary

Registered Office

Mary Blanchfield

Castle Yard, Kilkenny


Registered number 56542

Independent Auditors

Crowe Ireland Chartered Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm 40 Mespil Road Dublin 4 D04 C2N4


Allied Irish Banks plc 52 Baggot Street Dublin 4


Beauchamps Riverside Two Sir John Rogerson’s Quay Dublin 2

Financial Statements


Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Directors’ Report For the year ended 31 December 2022

The Directors present their annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022. Directors’ Responsibilities Statement The Directors are responsible for preparing the Directors’ Report and the financial statements in accordance with Irish law and regulations. Irish company law requires the Directors to prepare the financial statements for each financial year. Under the law, the Directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland’. Under company law, the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied they give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company as at the financial year end date, of the surplus or deficit for that financial year and otherwise comply with the Companies Act 2014.


In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; state whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, identify those standards, and note the effect and the reasons for any material departure from those standards; and prepare the financial statements on the going-concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Company keeps or causes to be kept adequate accounting records which correctly explain and record the transactions of the Company, enable at any time the assets, liabilities, financial position and surplus or deficit of the Company to be determined with reasonable accuracy, enable them to ensure that the financial statements and Directors’ Report comply with the Companies Act 2014 and enable the financial statements to be audited. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company’s website. Legislation in Republic of Ireland governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Principal Activities The Crafts Council of Ireland Limited by Guarantee, which is headquartered in Kilkenny, is the national agency for the commercial development of Irish designers and makers, stimulating innovation, championing design thinking and informing Government policy. The Crafts Council of Ireland Limited by Guarantee activities are funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment via Enterprise Ireland.

Financial Statements


5.2 cont.

Directors’ Report (Continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Business Review

The Directors are satisfied with the Company’s performance during the year. At the end of the year the Company has assets of €1,635,619 (2021: €1,461,313) and liabilities of €1,349,018 (2021: €1,185,272). The net assets of the company have increased by €10,560 (2021: increased by €105,538) and the Directors are satisfied with the level of retained reserves at the year end. Results and Dividends

The surplus for the year, after taxation, amounted to €14,029 (2021 €124,669). The Directors do not recommend the declaration of a dividend. Directors

The Directors who served during the year were:


Andrew Bradley (Chair) Niki Collier Edel MacBride Kim-Ling Morris Berina Kelly Thomas Murray Neil C Read Breda Fox Patricia Brennan Maeve Murphy Toby Scott

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

Accounting Records

The measures taken by the Directors to ensure compliance with the requirements of Sections 281 to 285 of the Companies Act 2014 with regard to the keeping of accounting records, are the employment of appropriately qualified accounting personnel and the maintenance of computerised accounting systems. The Company’s accounting records are maintained at the Company’s registered office at Castle Yard, Kilkenny.

Directors’ Report (Continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Future Developments

The main activities of the Company remain unchanged with additional funding received in 2022 for design lead programmes such as Design Week 2022. The Directors anticipate that any future developments would relate to these activities. Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies

The Company has budgetary and financial reporting procedures, supported by appropriate key performance indicators, to manage credit, liquidity and other financial risk. All key financial figures are monitored on an ongoing basis. Statement on Relevant Audit Information

Each of the persons who are Directors at the time when this Directors’ Report is approved has confirmed that: so far as the Director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company’s auditors are unaware, and


the Director has taken all the steps that ought to have been taken as a Director in order to be aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s auditors are aware of that information.


The auditors, Crowe Ireland, are eligible and have expressed a willingness to continue in office in accordance with section 383(2) of the Companies Act 2014.

Andrew Bradley (Chair)

Toby Scott



Date: 1 June 2023

Date: 1 June 2023

Financial Statements

This report was approved by the Board and signed on its behalf.

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Independent Auditors’ Report to the Members of the Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee t/a Design & Crafts Council Ireland

Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee t/a Design & Crafts Council Ireland (the ‘Company’) for the year ended 31 December 2022, which comprise the Income Statement, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Balance Sheet, the Statement of Cash Flows, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies set out in note 2. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is Irish law and Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland’ issued in the United Kingdom by the Financial Reporting Council. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements: give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2022 and of its surplus for the year then ended;


have been properly prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland’; and have been properly prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2014. Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (Ireland) (ISAs (Ireland)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of financial statements in Ireland, including the Ethical Standard for Auditors (Ireland) issued by the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Conclusions Relating to Going Concern

In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the Directors’ use of the going-concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate. Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue. Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the Directors with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.

Financial Statements


5.3 cont.

Independent Auditors’ Report to the Members of the Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee t/a Design & Crafts Council Ireland (continued)

Other Information

The Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Annual Report, other than the financial statements and our Auditors’ Report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.


Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are required to determine whether there is a material misstatement in the financial statements or a material misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. Opinion on the Other Matters Prescribed by the Companies Act 2014

Based solely on the work undertaken in the course of the audit, we report that: in our opinion, the information given in the Directors’ Report is consistent with the financial statements; and the Directors’ Report has been prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, are necessary for the purposes of our audit. In our opinion the accounting records of the Company were sufficient to permit the financial statements to be readily and properly audited, and the financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records. Matters on Which We Are Required to Report by Exception

Based on the knowledge and understanding of the Company and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have not identified any material misstatements in the Directors’ Report. The Companies Act 2014 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion, the requirements of any of sections 305 to 312 of the Act, which relate to disclosures of directors’ remuneration and transactions, are not complied with by the Company. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Independent Auditors’ Report to the Members of the Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee t/a Design & Crafts Council Ireland (continued)

Respective Responsibilities and Restrictions on Use Responsibilities of Directors

As explained more fully in the Directors’ Responsibilities Statement on page 2, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework that give a true and fair view, and for such internal control as the Directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the Directors are responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going-concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements


Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an Auditors’ Report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (Ireland) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on the IAASA’s website at: https://www.iaasa.ie/Publications/Auditingstandards. This description forms part of our Auditors’ Report. This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Section 391 of the Companies Act 2014. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an Auditors’ Report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company’s members, as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Signed by: George Kennington

for and on behalf of: Crowe Ireland

Chartered Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm 40 Mespil Road, Dublin 4, D04 C2N4 Date: 21 June 2023

Financial Statements

The Purpose of Our Audit Work and to Whom We Owe Our Responsibilities


Income and Expenditure Statement For the year ended 31 December 2022



2022 €

2021 €






Expenditure Operating surplus




Tax on surplus




Surplus for the financial year

There are no items of other comprehensive income for 2022 or 2021 other than the surplus for the year.

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 31 December 2022

2022 €

2021 €

Surplus for the financial year



Total comprehensive income for the financial year




The notes on pages 105 – 115 form part of these financial statements.


Financial Statements



Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2022


2022 €

2021 €

Tangible assets




Financial assets





Fixed Assets

Current Assets


Debtors: amounts falling due within one year




Cash at bank and in hand








Net Current Assets



Net Assets



Capital account



Income and expenditure account



Shareholders’ Funds



Creditors: amounts falling due within one year


Capital and Reserves

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board:

Andrew Bradley (Chair)

Director Date: 1 June 2023

Toby Scott

Director Date: 1 June 2023

The notes on pages 105 – 115 form part of these financial statements.

Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 31 December 2022

Capital Account

Income and Expenditure Account

Total Equity






Funds allocated to acquire fixed assets



Amortised in line with depreciation



Gain on disposal of fixed assets



Funds released from proceeds of disposal of fixed assets






Capital Account

Income and Expenditure Account

Total Equity






Funds allocated to acquire fixed assets



Amortised in line with depreciation



Profit/ (loss) on disposal of fixed assets






At 1 January 2022

Comprehensive income for the year

Surplus for the year

At 31 December 2022

Statement of changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2021

At 1 January 2021 Comprehensive income for the year

Surplus for the year

At 31 December 2021

The notes on pages 105 – 115 form part of these financial statements.


Financial Statements



Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 31 December 2022

2022 €

2021 €









(Increase) in debtors



Increase in creditors



Net cash generated from operating activities






Net cash from investing activities



Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year



Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year







Cash flows from operating activities

Surplus for the financial year Adjustments for:

Depreciation of tangible assets (Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible assets Transfer to/from capital account


Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of tangible fixed assets

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

Sale of tangible investments

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year comprise:

Cash at bank and in hand

The notes on pages 105 – 115 form part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements


For the year ended 31 December 2022


General Information

The Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee (‘CLG’), which is headquartered in Kilkenny, is the national agency for the commercial development of Irish designers and makers, stimulating innovation, championing design thinking and informing government policy. The Crafts Council of Ireland CLG activities are predominantly funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment via Enterprise Ireland. The company registration number is 56542 and its registered office is Castle Yard, Kilkenny. The Company is a company limited by guarantee incorporated and domiciled in Ireland. The Company is tax resident in Ireland. 2. 2.1

Accounting Policies Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and Irish statute comprising of the Companies Act 2014.


The preparation of financial statements in compliance with FRS 102 requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise judgement in applying the Company’s accounting policies (see note 3). 2.2

Foreign Currency Translation

Functional and presentation currency The Company’s functional and presentational currency is euros. euros

At each period end, foreign-currency monetary items are translated using the closing rate. Nonmonetary items measured at historical cost are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction, and non-monetary items measured at fair value are measured using the exchange rate when fair value was determined. Foreign-exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of transactions and from the translation at period-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the Income Statement except when deferred in other comprehensive income as qualifying cash-flow hedges. 2.3


The income shown in the income and expenditure account represents amounts invoiced during the period and grants received during the year. 2.4

Operating Leases: The Company as Lessee

Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to the Income Statement on a straightline basis over the lease term. Benefits received and receivable as an incentive to sign an operating lease are recognised on a straightline basis over the lease term unless another systematic basis is representative of the time pattern of the lessee’s benefit from the use of the leased asset.

Financial Statements

Transactions and balances Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the spot-exchange rates at the dates of the transactions.

5.9 cont.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Accounting Policies (continued) 2.5

Government Grants

Grants are accounted under the accruals model as permitted by FRS 102. Grants relating to expenditure on tangible fixed assets are credited to the Income Statement at the same rate as the depreciation on the assets to which the grant relates. The deferred element of grants is included in creditors as deferred income. Grants of a revenue nature are recognised in the Income Statement in the same period as the related expenditure. 2.6

Interest Income

Interest income is recognised in the Income Statement using the effective interest method. 2.7



Defined contribution pension plan The Company operates a defined contribution plan for its employees. A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the Company pays fixed contributions into a separate entity. Once the contributions have been paid, the Company has no further payment obligations. The contributions are recognised as an expense in the Income Statement when they fall due. Amounts not paid are shown in accruals as a liability in the Balance Sheet. The assets of the plan are held separately from the Company in independently administered funds. The Company operates a defined contribution PRSA scheme for certain employees. The Company operates two contributory, unfunded defined benefit schemes which are now closed to new members. Details are set out in note 15 of the financial statements. 2.8


Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

Tax is recognised in the Income Statement except that a charge attributable to an item of income and expense recognised as other comprehensive income or to an item recognised directly in equity is also recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity respectively. The current income-tax charge is calculated on the basis of tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date in the countries where the Company operates and generates income. 2.9

Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets under the cost model are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. The Company adds to the carrying amount of an item of fixed assets the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred, if the replacement part is expected to provide incremental future benefits to the Company. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. Repairs and maintenance are charged to the Income Statement during the period in which they are incurred. Depreciation is charged so as to allocate the cost of assets less their residual value over their estimated useful lives, using the straightline method.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Depreciation is provided on the following basis: Long-term Leasehold Property — 15 years Workshop Equipment — 20 years Office Equipment — 3 years Computer Equipment — 5 years Other Fixed Assets — 5 years The assets’ residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed, and adjusted prospectively if appropriate, or if there is an indication of a significant change since the last reporting date. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount and are recognised in the Income Statement. 2.10

Valuation of Investments

Investments in subsidiaries are measured at cost less accumulated impairment. Where merger relief is applicable, the cost of the investment in a subsidiary undertaking is measured at the nominal value of the shares issued together with the fair value of any additional consideration paid.


Investments in unlisted company shares, whose market value can be reliably determined, are remeasured to market value at each Balance Sheet date. Gains and losses on remeasurement are recognised in the Income Statement for the period. Where market value cannot be reliably determined, such investments are stated at historic cost less impairment. Investments in listed company shares are remeasured to market value at each Balance Sheet date. Gains and losses on remeasurement are recognised in the Income Statement for the period. 2.11



Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash is represented by cash in hand and deposits with financial institutions repayable without penalty on notice of not more than 24 hours. Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments that mature in no more than three months from the date of acquisition and that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash with insignificant risk of change in value. In the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents are shown net of bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Company’s cash management. 2.13


Short-term creditors are measured at the transaction price. Other financial liabilities, including bank loans, are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method. 2.14

Financial Instruments

The Company only enters into basic financial instrument transactions that result in the recognition of financial assets and liabilities like trade and other debtors and creditors, loans from banks and other third parties, loans to related parties and investments in ordinary shares. Debt instruments (other than those wholly repayable or receivable within one year), including loans and other accounts receivable and payable, are initially measured at present value of the future cash

Financial Statements

Short-term debtors are measured at transaction price, less any impairment. Loans receivable are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment.

5.9 cont.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Accounting Policies (continued) flows and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Debt instruments that are payable or receivable within one year, typically trade debtors and creditors, are measured, initially and subsequently, at the undiscounted amount of the cash or other consideration expected to be paid or received. However, if the arrangements of a short-term instrument constitute a financing transaction, like the payment of a trade debt deferred beyond normal business terms or in case of an outright short-term loan that is not at market rate, the financial asset or liability is measured, initially at the present value of future cash flows discounted at a market rate of interest for a similar debt instrument and subsequently at amortised cost, unless it qualifies as a loan from a director in the case of a small company, or a public benefit entity concessionary loan. Financial assets that are measured at cost and amortised cost are assessed at the end of each reporting period for objective evidence of impairment. If objective evidence of impairment is found, an impairment loss is recognised in the Income Statement.


For financial assets measured at amortised cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between an asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated cash flows discounted at the asset’s original effective interest rate. If a financial asset has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate determined under the contract. For financial assets measured at cost less impairment, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between an asset’s carrying amount and best estimate of the recoverable amount, which is an approximation of the amount that the Company would receive for the asset if it were to be sold at the Balance Sheet date. Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Balance Sheet when there is an enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Judgements in Applying Accounting Policies and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty

The preparation of these financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. Judgements and estimates are continually evaluated and are based on historical experiences and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The Company makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. (a) Establishing lives for depreciation purposes of property, plant and equipment

Long-lived assets, consisting primarily of property, plant and equipment, comprise a significant portion of the total assets. The annual depreciation charge depends primarily on the estimated lives of each type of assets and estimates of residual values. The Directors regularly review these asset lives and change them as necessary to reflect current thinking on remaining lives in light of prospective economic utilisation and physical condition of the assets concerned. Changes in asset lives can have a significant impact on depreciation and amortisation charges for the period. Detail of the useful lives is included in the accounting policies.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022


2022 €

2021 €

– Core grant



– Other grants



– Pension contribution



Kilkenny County Council




Department of Foreign Affairs



Other income



Movement in deferred income

425, 734






National travel and subsistence



Depreciation of tangible fixed assets



(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets



Wages and salaries



Social insurance costs



Redundancy costs



Pension contributions





2022 No.

2021 No.




An analysis of income by class of business is as follows: Enterprise Ireland

Crafting Europe

Transfer (from)/to Capital Account


All income arose in Ireland.


Surplus on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation

The operating surplus is stated after charging: charging


Staff costs, including Directors’ remuneration, were as follows:

Capitalised employee costs during the year amounted to €NIL (2020 – €NIL).

The average monthly number of employees, including the Directors, during the year was as follows:

Staff There were 11 Directors in 2022 (2021: 11).

Financial Statements


5.9 cont.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022


2022 €

2021 €





2022 €

2021 €

– –

– –







Directors’ Remuneration

Directors’ emoluments

Key Management Remuneration

Key management personnel include the directors and the senior management team for whom the total remuneration cost was €491,350 (2021: €389,056).




Current tax on surplus for the year Taxation on surplus on ordinary activities

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

Factors Affecting Tax Charge for the Year

The tax assessed for the year is lower than (2021 – lower than) the standard rate of corporation tax in Ireland of 12.5% ((2021 – 12.5%). The differences are explained below: Surplus on ordinary activities before tax Surplus on ordinary activities multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax in Ireland of 12.5% ((2021 – 12.5%))

Effects of:

Utilisation of tax losses Total Tax Charge for the Year

Factors that may affect future tax charges

There were no factors that may affect future tax charges.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022


Long-Term Leasehold Property

Fixtures Fittings

Computer Equipment

Other Fixed Assets





















Tangible Fixed Assets Cost or Valuation

At 1 January 2022

At 31 December 2022

111 Depreciation

At 1 January 2022





Charge for the year on owned assets Disposals

7,484 –

12,482 (280)

16,907 (10,281)

– –

36,873 (10,561)

At 31 December 2022





At 31 December 2022






At 31 December 2021






Investments In Joint Ventures €


Financial Assets Cost or Valuation

At 1 January 2022




At 31 December 2022

Financial Statements

Net Book Value

5.9 cont.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

Registered Office

Class of Shares


Financial Assets (Continued) Showcase Ireland Events Limited was dissolved on 16 November 2022 2 on completion of the liquidation process. Subsidiary Undertakings

The following were subsidiary undertakings of the Company:

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Subsidiary undertaking: Showcase Design and Crafts Fair Company Limited by Guarantee

Castle Yard Kilkenny Co. Kilkenny


Aggregate of share capital and reserves €

Surplus / (defecit) €



The aggregate of the share capital and reserves as at 30 April 2022 and the profit or loss for the year ended on that date for the subsidiary undertakings were as follows: Subsidiary undertaking: Showcase Design & Crafts Fair Company Limited By Guarantee

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022

2022 €

2021 €





Other debtors






Accrued income












Other creditors






Deferred income












Trade debtors Amounts owed by joint ventures and associated undertakings



Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash at bank and in hand



Creditors: Amounts Falling Due Within One Year

Trade creditors Taxation and social insurance

PAYE/PRSI control 14.

Financial Instruments Financial Assets

Financial assets measured at fair value through income or expenditure Financial assets that are debt instruments measured at amortised cost







Financial Liabilities

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Financial assets measured at fair value through income and expenditure account comprise cash at bank and in hand. Financial assets measured at amortised cost comprise trade debtors, amounts owed by joint ventures and other debtors. Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost comprise trade creditors.

Financial Statements

Other Taxation and Social Insurance

5.9 cont.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022


Company Status

The company is limited by guarantee and consequently does not have share capital.. 16.

Pension Commitments

On 15 December 1986 the then Minister for Industry and Commerce established the Crafts Council of Ireland Staff Superannuation Scheme 1986 and on 11 April 1990 the then Minister for Industry and Commerce established the Crafts Council of Ireland Limited Spouses and Children’s Contributory Pension Scheme 1990. These schemes are administered by the Crafts Council of Ireland Company Limited by Guarantee on behalf of the Minister. These two pension schemes are now closed to new members. These two schemes are contributory unfunded defined benefit schemes. Contributions deducted from staff over the years are used to fund ongoing pension liabilities. The Directors believe that the State has a responsibility to the Company and the members of the scheme to meet the obligations of the Scheme as they arise.


The directors believe that the company has an asset of an equal amount to any unfunded deferred liability for pensions on the basis of the assumptions detailed below and a number of past events. These events include the statutory basis for the establishment of the superannuation schemes and the policy and practice currently in place in relation to funding public service pensions including contributions by employees to the annual estimates process. The company has no evidence that this funding policy will not continue to meet such sums in accordance with current practice. Based on the above the company has accounted for the contributions as if it were a defined contribution scheme.

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland

Details of the pensions deducted from employees, employer contributions and the benefits paid to former employees during the year are as follows: 2022 €

2021 €

Pension contributions deducted from employees during the year



Benefits paid to members of the schemes during the year



Costs of pension contributions recoverable from the state at year end total €86,016 (2021: €Nil). In addition to the above the Company operates defined contribution pension schemes (PRSA) in respect of employees not eligible to enter the above scheme. The assets of the PRSA schemes are held separately from those of the company in independently administered funds. The pension costs represent contributions payable by the company to the fund and amounted to €16,037 (2021: €24,216). 17.

Deferred Tax Asset

There is a potential tax asset of €28,766 (2021: €30,520) arising from trading losses. These losses are offsetable against potential future taxable trading surpluses.

Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2022


2022 €

2021 €

Not later than 1 year



Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years



Later than 5 years




Commitments Under Operating Leases

At 31 December 2022 the Company had future minimum lease payments due under non-cancellable operating leases for each of the following periods:

115 19.

Related Party Transactions

At the beginning of the year Showcase Design and Crafts Fair Company Limited by Guarantee owed €211,130 to Crafts Council of Ireland DCCI also purchased services from Showcase for €49,349 and received receipts of €63,630. A balance of €150,651 was owed to the Company at the Balance Sheet date. The liquidation of Showcase Ireland Events Limited was completed during the year. The Company received €5,398 from the liquidation. From time to time, Directors of Crafts Council of Ireland Limited may be involved in other membership organisations that may have transactions with Crafts Council of Ireland Limited with no benefit accruing to the Directors. Post Balance Sheet Events

There have been no significant events affecting the Company since the year end. 21.

Approval of Financial Statements

The Board of Directors approved these financial statements for issue on 1 June 2023

Financial Statements



Design Atelier TypoGraphic Design (atelier.ie) Cover Image Tolü Makay at the Made Local 2022 launch in Hen’s Teeth Dublin. Photographer: Leon Farrell, Photocall Ireland. Image Credits Leon Farrell, Photocall Ireland Sasko Lazarov, Photocall Ireland Finbarr O’Rourke Dylan Vaughan Peter Varga Harry Reid Colin Bell Sylvain DeLeu Harry Photography Provision Photography Ltd Dan Dunne, Videographer


Design & Crafts Council Ireland Castle Yard, Kilkenny, R95 CAA6, Ireland T. +353 ( 0 ) 56 776 1804

Design & Crafts Council of Ireland


Design & Crafts Council Ireland Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022

Design & Crafts Council Ireland Castle Yard Kilkenny, R95 CAA6 Ireland T. +353 (0) 56 776 1804


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