Craft Warehouse Yarn Look Book

Page 1

Cr af tWar ehous ei saf ami l yownedandoper at edar t sand cr af t ss uppl ys t or ewi t hei ghtl ocat i onsi nt henor t hwes t s t at esofOr egon,Was hi ngt on,andI daho. Ouryar ns hop r ef l ect st he r i chand compl exPaci f i c Nor t hwes tt hatwecal lhome.T hemat er i al sand col or s webuyemphas i z eourr egi onalper s pect i vebypr ovi di ng f i ber st hatmat chourof t enchangi ngcl i mat e.Atours hop you’ l lf i ndyar nst hatar eeas yandcomf or t abl e,wi t hout s acr i f i ci ngs t yl eandqual i t y.

Wef o c u so n : •mo r ec o l o r s •l a t e s tt r e n d s •ma i n t a i n i n gs t o c k

Wechal l engeourbuyi ngt eam t os t ockt hef i ber s ,t ext ur es , andcol or syouwantandt oof f ert hem atanaf f or dabl epr i ce. Ouruni ques i z easar et ai l ermeanswecancar r ywel lknown l i nesf r om yar nmaker sl i keL i onBr and,Cas cadeYar ns ,Pr emi er , andSugarnCr eam,whi l eal s ocar r yi ngexci t i ngi ndi eyar n l i nesl i keBer r oco,J amesBr et tandmor e. Ourgoal i sf oryout ohavemor ecol or st ochoos ef r om i nyour f avor i t eyar ns ,t or es pondt ot hel at es tt r ends ,andcommi tt o bei ngi ns t ock. Wewantyout ovi s i tuswhet heryou’ r ej us ts t ar t i ngoutorar ea s eas onedex per t .

F or mer l ycal l edS hawl i naBal l

Sh a wli naCa k ema k e s

SunSal ut at i ons


k e sSt unni ngSh a wl ss oEa s y

oons t one

Acr yl i c/ Cot t on

Cr ownJewel s

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