Amazing Facts About Green Tea - Craig Hochstadt
What is Green Tea? • Green tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone a process of steaming (heat treatment, multiple rolling and drying. The step of fermentation (oxidation) is skipped after rolling, as the enzymes are inactivated through steaming • Green tea brew has a delicate taste and is light green or golden in color • The demand of green tea has increased considerably in the last decade • The main reason being increase in the awareness of its health benefits
What are the different types/flavours? Green tea is blended with natural herbal or fruit flavours to create a wide variety of flavored tea variants like – • Honey • Lemon • Ginger • Aloe Vera • Citrus & Spice
Manufacturing Process
How is it manufactured? •
Freshly plucked leaves are processed
The leaves are heated (through steaming or pan firing) almost immediately to inactivate the enzymes, to prevent oxidation
The tea is then rolled partially and dried partially to bring down the moisture to enable a second rolling.
The partially dried leaves are rolled again to give it shape
The rolled leaves are fully dried and graded
What is the demand globally? • The global market share of green tea has risen from 17% to 31% over the past decade • The Indian Green Tea market is growing by over 50% Y-O-Y
How much is produced? • India is one of the largest producers of tea in the world • Of the 11m Kg green tea produced, 8m Kg is exported and around 3m Kg is available for domestic market
• It’s share is estimated to touch 160 million kg, or about 20 % of the market, in the coming few years
Market Share of Green Tea 5% 95%
Other Teas Green tea
How nutritious is Green Tea? • Green tea is a hydrating calorie-free beverage whose consumption is recommended upto 3 - 4 cups per day • With 99.5% water per cup, it is an ideal beverage for body hydration • It is a good source of polyphenols which are antioxidants
• It is a rich source of Manganese and many other beneficial minerals as Zinc, Chromium and Selenium • It’s most important active component is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) • Also contains L- theanine a type of Amino acid • Tea is not a good source of nutrition
What are the Benefits?* Helps to protect the cells from various types of Cancers like Bladder, Breast, Ovarian, Pancreatic, Prostate etc.
Helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body and preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
Burns fat and boosts metabolism rate naturally thus helping in Weight Loss and prevents Obesity
What are the Benefits? * Has Anti-aging properties and also helps in keeping the skin healthy and fighting Skin Cancer
Improves lipid and glucose Metabolism, lowers your Blood Sugar Level and hence, prevents Diabetes
Helps cure Liver Diseases
What are the Benefits? * Destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many Dental Diseases and reduces bad breath
Prevents Hair Loss
Polyphenols and Flavonoids help in boosting Immunity
What are the Benefits? * Helps in fighting Cold and Flu and reduces the severity of Asthma
Kills bacteria which cause Food Poisoning, relieves Allergies and also helps with Ear Infection problems
Scientists have found that EGCG stops the HIV Virus from spreading
What are the Benefits? * Helps in boosting your memory, reducing the effect of Alzheimer's and preventing cell damage in the brain which could cause Parkinson's
It has High Fluoride content that keeps bones strong and preserves Bone Density
Helps relieve Stress and Anxiety