Spitfire Enterprise Manual

Page 1


Pages Creating a New Campaign Open an Existing Campaign Campaign Statistics Window Callback Manager Recording Monitor and Whisper Coaching

Importing a list Opening a list

3-35 36-37 38-56 57-72 73-81 82-83

Pages 84-94 95-100

Importing a new DNC list Opening a DNC list

Pages 100-110 111-114

Creating a new Agent Edit existing Agents View the Agent Statistics

Pages 115-122 123-126 127-129

Running the Reports


Click on the “New” box as shown above, this will open the utility to build a new Campaign.

This will open the “Create New Campaign” window.

This is where you will type in the name of the Campaign

The next window will be the “Campaign Type”

This is currently set for “Predictive” , as we roll out additional features these will be where the different Campaign Types will be selected IE: Preview and Autodialing modes.

The next window will be the “Campaign Algorithm”

This is where the “Campaign Algorithm” is selected. The “Predicitve1DialAlgorithm” is the type that uses the Drop rate and dial ratio to increase or decrease the amount of lines that are dialing. Dependant on if there are Agents waiting it will increase the amount of lines, but if all Agents are talking it will stop. The “FixedRateDialAlgorithm” is using a fixed number of lines per Agent to dial, the system will not dial if all Agents are talking. The “Is Live” function is used if the Campaign needs to run even without leads loaded in. This would be used for Manual dial Campaigns, Inbound Campaigns or when liveleads are loaded into the API’s ** **API’s to be released in future releases.

When the first screen is completed, please click on the “Next” tab as shown above to move to the next configuration screen.

This is the screen that you can add custom fields that will be displayed on the “Other Information” tab on the Agent Screen.

Type in the “Field Name:” that you want to display on the Agent “Other Information” Field.

To add the new Field Name to the Campaign, click on the green plus circle as shown below.

This will add the field to the “Assigned Fields� selected box as shown below.

These Custom fields can be unique to this Campaign, or can be selected when creating a different Campaign.

At each window whenever you add or change an option in the Campaign it is important that you save the changes before moving on to the next window.

Click on the “Next” tab to move to the next option in the Campaign creation.

The “Dispositions” screen is where you can create custom result fields for the Agent.

These are the “Dispositions” that are available for the Agent to select for the result of the call.

Create a new disposition by typing in the description that you want to show up in the “New Disposition” box.

Click on the green plus circle to add the disposition to the assigned disposition fields.

The new disposition will be displayed on the Assigned Disposition field.

At each window whenever you add or change an option in the Campaign it is important that you save the changes before moving on to the next window.

To set disposition redial, select the disposition that you want and double click on the field.


This will open up a box to configure the redial feature. The “Is Redial” needs to be checked

The “Redial time (Mins)” is the time in minutes that the system will recall this disposition.

The “Redial Attempts” is the total amount of attempts at reaching this record after the allocated redial time has been dialed.

The “Message before Hang-up” is where a wave file can be selected to leave a message depending on the disposition that is selected. This would be used on the Answering Machine disposition if a custom message needs to be left for an existing Customer.

The dispositions are categorized into “Default” dispositions, which are system results. These are results that are encountered by the system and filtered from the Agents. These results will have a check box selected. The dispositions that do not have a check box are the ones that the Agent would have on their screen to result the record.

The “Hit” box is an option that can be checked by specific disposition. This will show up on the manager screen when the disposition is selected.

When the dispositions are completed, click on the “next� tab to continue.

The next option is for assigning a group for this Campaign. An existing group can be selected or a new group can be created. In the example we will create a new group.

Type in the name of the group that you want to have this campaign assigned to.

To add this to the campaign click on the green plus circle as shown above.

This will insert the new group into the “Assigned groups” field.

It is very important to save all changes, by clicking on the “Save” disk as shown above.

When the new groups are saved, click on the “next” tab to continue. THIS STEP CAN BE SKIPPED IF YOU ARE NOT TAKING INBOUND CALLS

The next option in creating a campaign is the “Caller ID- DNIS” tab. This is for the blended capability of the software. The campaigns can be set to allow inbound as well as outbound calls routed to the campaign. If the carrier or PBX can provide us the DNIS associated with the number, than calls can be routed inbound thru the software to a specific campaign.

To assign a DNIS to a campaign, type in the specific DNIS number into the “CallerId:” box as shown above.

Click on the plus arrow to add the phone number to the “Assigned Caller ID” box.

This will insert the DNIS number into the assigned field for the campaign.

It is very important to save all changes, by clicking on the “Save” disk as shown above.

The message will display on the bottom left of the screen to display the status.

When the DNIS is assigned, click on the “next” tab to continue to the list assignment tab.

The left side of the screen will display the “Available Lists” that can be selected for the Campaign.

Select the list that you want to run on this campaign by clicking on the name on the “Available Lists” side.

To move the list to the “Assigned Lists” side, click on the arrow as shown above.

This will move the list into the “Assigned Lists” box of the Campaign. The software will pull 100 records at a time in the buffer for each list that is selected.

To change the records being pulled from each list, double click on the list name and it will open up the buffer selection of the list.

This is where the amount of records pulled in to the buffer is set. Each list that is selected for the Campaign has a default pull of 100 records per list. This is where you can specify the amount of records pulled in the buffer per list. This allows a good mixing of data for the agents logged into the Campaign.

It is very important to save all changes, by clicking on the “Save� disk as shown above.

Once this section has been saved, click on the next tab to continue.

This is where you can select a DNC file that you want to have this campaign scrub against

Select the DNC List from the “Available DNC Lists” on the left side of the window.

Click on the highlighted blue arrow.

This will move the selected DNC list to the “Assigned DNC lists” box.

It is very important to save all changes, by clicking on the “Save” disk as shown above.

Once this section has been saved, click on the next tab to continue.

The next tab is the settings tab for the campaign. This is where the entire configuration for the settings of the individual campaign is configured.

The “General” tab is the first section to configure.

This option is selected if you have more than one phone number per clients and you want to have the dialer utilize the alternate dialing function.

This option is selected when using predictive dialing mode and this utilizes the Throttle Manager function. This makes sure that the dialer watches the drop rate and it increases or decreases the amount of available lines dialing depending on the amount of agents that are waiting for calls. As long as there are agents waiting for calls and the drop calls are in line with the drop rate specified the system will automatically increase the lines, but if all the agents are talking the system will stop dialing, and wait for an available agent before it continues to dial. This option is used for the “Time Zone Check” The Time Zone Manager allows the campaign to have different call times depending on the time zone. The Time Zone Manager looks at the area code to determine what Time Zone the phone number is assigned to.

This is the tab where the Time Zones are selected. To add additional area codes to the Time Zone Manager please see the “Setting on the Manager Screen”

The option is used to set certain times that you want to make sure that the agents can not login before or after a certain time.

This is the tab where the Failsafe times are selected . The “Private to Public Callback” option allows the manager to override the private callback. This will send the private callback to an available agent if the agent that set the callback is not available.

The “Drop” % is the box where you set the drop rate. ** Please review the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) requirements for this setting.

The dial ratio is the amount of lines that will be dialing per agent depending on the drop rate and the availability of the agents. This number will change during the campaign.

The “local Nocall List” is the DNC list that is selected in the campaign that adds the No calls that are added by the agent from the agent screen. This can be campaign specific.

The “Outbound callerid” is phone number that will be displayed on the outbound call. Please note that the carrier needs to allow the number to be displayed. This is generally configurable on a PRI or SIP circuit. Analog or flat T1’s are not configurable and the called id is set on the carrier side.

The “Override Callback Disposition” option allows for selecting a secondary disposition for the callback option. This means that after the agent has clicked on the “Call Back” disposition on the agent screen they will be able to select a secondary disposition from the drop down arrow for the “Dispostion” that will be assigned to the same record.

The “Override NoCall Disposition” option allows for selecting a secondary disposition for the “NoCall” option on the agent screen. This means that after the agent has clicked on the “No Call” disposition on the agent screen they will be able to select a secondary disposition from the drop down arrow for the “Dispostion” that will be assigned to the same record.

The “Allow VoicePhone editing” option allows the agent the ability to change the voice number on the agent screen, If this option is not selected, they will not be able to edit this field.

This option allows for the campaign to have preset transfer numbers for this campaign. One number or multiple numbers can be inserted, each number needs to be separated by a comma, If you have one number than when the agent selects the transfer option from the agent screen that number will be automatically dialed. If there are multiple transfer numbers inserted, the agent will be able to select which on they want to dial.

This option is where the “IVR Script” is selected for the campaign. The default is going to be Predictive. There will be an option to select a script that filters Answering machines, and for business to business campaigns there will be an IVR to allow AM to pass thru. There will also be an Inbound IVR script for inbound routing.

The “IVR Script” is created in XML. This will provide a lot of flexibility in routing and customizing the call flow. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF THESE SETTINGS. THIS WILL AFFECT THE CAMPAIGN. PLEASE CONTACT A SPITFIRE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN FOR ANY CHANGES.

This is where a script can be typed in for this campaign.

To create a new script, simply click on the plus icon.

In the “Script Data� box is where you can type information that you would like to display when the agent has the live call transferred. Each campaign can have its own script. Please note that this is a flat file and if you want to use hyperlinks for rebuttals than you need to create the script in word and load it in IIS as a web page. Please ask your tech support personal for assistance in setting this up.

After you have created the script, it is important to name the script as shown above.

It is important to save the script on the “Save” tab as shown.

When the script is saved a “Successfully updated HTML Script” message will be displayed.

The pencil is to open up and review an existing script.

To delete a script that is already created click on the red “X” . This will permanently delete the script.

The “SQL Statement” is where you can type a “SQL Statement” that will override the standard pull of the list that is running. This can be done while the campaign is running.

The “Channels” tab is where you select how many of the available channels on the system need to be assigned to this campaign.

This is where you select the Outbound, Manual, Transfer and Conference Resources of the Campaign. The amount shown after the slash is the total available to use for this campaign. The number in the box is the amount that is being selected for this campaign. This will reflect the licensing of the system, PLEASE NOTE THIS DOES NOT SHOW THE PORTS USED FOR THE REMOTE AGENTS.

The “Assigned Outbound Channels” are the outbound dialing lines set for this campaign. The amount of 2 shows the total lines that I can use in this campaign.

The “Manual Channels” are dedicated for manual dialing by the authorized agents. It is important to have the system configured with how many manual dialing lines you need per campaign. You can not change an outbound line to a manual line in these settings.

The “Transfer Channels” are those that are dedicated for transferring of calls from the agent application to a DID or an extension (PBX Integration). It is important to have the system configured with how many transfer lines you need per campaign. You can not change an outbound line to a transfer line in these settings

The “Conference Resources” are required in order to do a 3-way call (not a blind transfer). If you are using SIP the requirement is 3 resources per conference. This is additional licensing that is required to purchase on the SIP ports. If you are using an MSI card the 3 resource per conference would still be required, and you would need to make sure that you have sufficient resources for the amount of simultaneous conferences that you are doing.

The next setting is the “Dial Settings” this is where the dial plan of the lines is configured.

. The “Areacode Setting” is where the local 7 and 10 digit dialing is set.

The “Valid voicephone length” is the amount of digits required to be a valid phone number to dial.

The “Metro exchanges” are any exchanges in the same area code that do not need to be dialed as a long distance number.

The “Dial Suffix:” is used when the number needs a suffix added to the number.

The “Local prefix” is used if you need the dialer to dial a certain digit prior to the phone number to get an outside line. This is typically used in a tie in to a PBX.

For “Long distance dialing” the box needs to be checked and the long distance prefix 1 needs to be added.

The “International dialing” setting is used if you are making international calls. This will not limit the amount of numbers in a phone number that the system is dialing. The “International prefix” is the prefix required for international dialing for the Country.

The “Nodial areacodes:” are the area codes that are in the list that you want to skip.

The “Nodial exchanges:” are the exchanges that are in the list that you want to skip

The “Target areacodes:” are the only area codes that you want to dial in the selected lists.

The next option in the settings is the “Telephony Settings” tab.

The “Recordings path:” is the path that the recordings are mapped to. This is if the recording option is purchased.

The “Prompts path:” is the path that the wave files are stored in.

The “Hold Message:” this is where you can select from a list of wave files that you can record for when the client is put on hold by the agent.

To select the wave file to be used for the “Hold” message click on the arrow as shown above, and this will drop down the available wave files.

The “Message before Transfer:” this option is used to play a message prior to sending the call to the agent. This is typically used in the routing of inbound calls.

To select the wave file to be used for the “Message before Transfer” click on the arrow as shown above, and this will drop down the available wave files.

The “AM Threshold (sec):” this option is used for the AM sensitivity threshold. To increase the AM sensitivity the number should be between 1 and 2 (2) default, to lessen the sensitivity the number would be between 3 and 4 (4) default.

The “Play Ziptone:” this needs to be checked if you want the agent to hear a zip tone when the call is transferred.

The “Record all calls:” this option needs to be selected if all the calls for this campaign are to be recorded. This option will not be available if you have not purchased this option.

These setting are default and do not need to be adjusted. Please do not change them.

The “Free Channels on Campaign stop:” is used if when the campaign stops you want these lines to be removed and made available for other campaigns. A word of caution if this option is selected if you try to run this campaign it will not have available lines.

The next option in the settings is the “Timezone” tab.

To select a Time Zone setting to add to the campaign, click on the arrow on the “Available Timezones:� window.

This will provide all the different Time Zones throughout the world. Select from this list which Time zones you want to use. Please note that only the area codes for the USA are in the settings of the software. If you select Time Zones from any other country you need to add the area codes for that region in the settings tab.

To add the selection to the campaign, click on the green plus arrow as shown above.

It is now important to select the time that you want to make sure that no calls are made before a certain time and after a certain time. It is important to understand that the system is looking at the time of the computer. Make sure that for whatever time zone you are in, that you want this campaign to call at that time,

To change the Start Time, double click on the hour in the start time box. This will allow you to change the time. When you have set the time the time will display in military time so don’t be alarmed.

To change the Stop Time, double click on the hour in the start time box. This will allow you to change the time. When you have set the time the time will display in military time so don’t be alarmed.

The last option in the settings is the “Failsafe” tab.

This “Failsafe” setting is used to make sure that a campaign does not run before of after the settings set in the Failsafe option, Double click on the Start and End time to change the time. Do not be alarmed that after you change it, the time will be in military time.

It is critical that you click on the “Save” disk any time you add or change an option in the campaign settings.

The final step is to click on the “Finish” tab to complete the campaign setup.

The new campaign will now be able to be viewed on the Manager screen. Click on the “Campaigns” box as shown above.

The new campaign that has been created will now be displayed in the “All Campaigns” window. The circle next to the campaign will be grey when it is in the stopped mode.

To Campaign can be “Started”, “Paused” and “Stopped” from the “All Campaigns” screen.

When the campaign is running the status will change from “Stopped” to “Executing” and the grey circle has changed from grey to Geen.

When the Campaign is “Paused” the Green circle will change to Orange.

When the Campaign is “Stopped” the circle will display Grey.

The Green, Orange and Grey circles provide the Manager the ability to view or hide Campaigns depending on their status.

To view the campaign statistics, double click on the campaign in the “All Campaigns” window.

Campaign Statistics Screen

The Campaign screen provides access to Statistics, Lists, Callbacks, History, Editing and Reworking the Campaign.

The “Statistic� option provides live information as the Campaign is running.

To view the campaign statistics, double click on the campaign in the “All Campaigns” window.

The “Lists” tab gives in depth information of the lists that are in the Campaign.

The “Lists” that have been selected for this Campaign will be displayed.

In the “Lists” section, all the lists that have been assigned to the Campaign will display.

Selecting the individual list in the “Lists� section will display the statistics.

The viewing of the Callbacks can be accessed directly from the Campaign window.

The default Campaign History will appear on the screen.

Click on the “Search� icon as shown above to launch the filter option.

The “Campaign� option is where you can select a specific Campaign for the filter.

The “Start Date� would be the beginning date for the filter.

The “End Date� is the last date to pull the requested information.

The next option is the “Lists� tab. All lists or a specific list can be selected.

Select a single list or click on multiple lists for the filter.

The “Dispositions� tab allows the selection of an individual or multiple results.

The “Users� tab allows the selection of an individual agent or multiple agents for the filter.

When all the criteria are set, click on the “Submit� button to retrieve the filter.

The filtered data will than be presented on the Campaign History screen.

This data can than be exported out by clicking on “Export� icon.

The name of the “Export” file can be typed in and than saved as a “CSV” file.

Click on the “X” to exit out of the History screen and return to the Campaign window.

The “Edit� option will open up the configuration screen of the Campaign.

The configuration settings of the Campaign will display.

The “Rework” option can be accessed directly from the Campaign screen. Click on the “Rework” icon to select the items to be reworked.

The “List Reworking” screen will appear. This is where the manager can select an individual or multiple lists to rework.

Click on the “Next” icon to move to the selection of the results to rework.

This is where the Manager can select “Check all dispositions” or selected dispositions to rework.

Click on the “Rework” icon to begin.

The results will be displayed on the screen.

When the “Rework” is completed click on the “Done” icon as displayed.

The Campaign screen will than be displayed.

The Callbacks can be accessed directly on the Manager screen or on the Campaign screen itself.

When the callback manager icon is selected the Callback Manager screen will be opened. This is where the managing of the Callbacks is done.

This “Red X” icon allows the manager to delete the callback.

The “Reassign” icon allows the manager to reassign a callback to a specific agent or first available.

The “Reschedule” icon allows the manager to reschedule a broken or existing callback.

The “Search” icon allows the manager to search an existing callback.

In order to” Reschedule” individual or multiple records the “Search” option needs to be selected as shown above.

The “Callback Filter Screen” will be displayed.

Select the “Callback Since (Days)� for the start date of the search.

The next criteria to filter, is a specific campaign or all campaigns.

The “List Name” field allows the manager to search by specific client name.

The “Client Name” field allows the manager to search by specific client name.

The “Voicephone” field allows the manager to search by specific phone number.

The “Agent Name” field allows the manager to search by specific phone number.

The “Callbacks Status” is where the manager can chose “All” callbacks that pertain to the selected search.

The “Fresh” option is where the manager can chose Callbacks that have not yet Dialed.

The “Dialed” option is where the manager can chose Callbacks that have been called.

The “Broken” option is where the manager can chose Callbacks that have been Broken.

The “All” option is where the manager can chose both Private and Public Callbacks

The “Private” option is where the manager can chose Private Callbacks only.

The “Public” option is where the manager can chose Public Callbacks only.

To retrieve the “Callback Filters” that have just been set, click on the “OK” tab as shown.

The Filtered results will than be available to be viewed by the Manager.

The manager can reassign the Callback to a different Agent by clicking on the “Reassign” icon.

This is where the manager can select which Agent they want to reassign the Callback to.

The Manager can reassign a Callback “Public� this would go to any available Agent logged into the Campaign.

The Manager can reassign a Callback to a specific Agent.

The Manager will get a “Warning� message to make sure that this is correct.

The Callback Manager will now show the Agent that has been reassigned for these callbacks.

To delete an existing Callback, the Manager needs to select the Callback to be deleted.

When the Callbacks have been selected the next step is to click on the Delete icon.

A message will display for the Manager to make sure that this Callback is to be deleted.

The Callback will no longer show in the Callback Manager.

If a scheduled callback needs to be “Rescheduled” for a different data or time, click on the “Reschedule” icon as shown above.

The “Reschedule All Callbacks” screen will appear.

The First step is to select the Reschedule Date.

The original time can be left or a new time can be scheduled

The Callback can be kept for the same Agent that set the Callback or Reassigned to Public.

If no change in time is required the “Keep Callback Time” can be checked.

The “OK” needs to be selected to “Reschedule” the Callbacks.

The “Warning Message” will appear at any time that changes to the Callbacks are requested.

The main” Callback Manager Screen” will display reflecting the changes.

The “Search All” option will bring all the Callbacks to the screen.

The “Callback Manager” will be displayed.


To retrieve the recordings click on the “History” icon.

The “Customer Info” tab needs to be selected for the recording search.

The “Campaign� is where the specific campaign for the search is selected.

The “Start Date� for the beginning of the search needs to be selected.

The “End Date” for the end of the search needs to be selected.

Recordings can be retrieved by either the “Primary or Alternate� number.

The recordings can be searched by “First and Last Name”.

The “Has Recordings” box is the check box for pulling the recordings.

The “Has Recordings� with a dash will retrieve both records with or without recordings.

When the box is checked the filter will only pull the records with recordings.

The next step is to select the record from the filter that needs to be listened to.

Click on the “Play� button to start the recording.

This will play on the local soundcard of the system.

Click on the “Pause” button to pause the recording or click on the “Stop” icon to stop the playing of the recording.

Steps for monitoring and coaching an agent: 1. Select the agent to monitor or coach 2. To monitor, click on the headset icon on the bottom right corner of the all users screen

3. You would be asked to dial a phone number on which supervisor can monitor the call, enter the number and click on dial. Note: You would have to also type the prefix if your phone lines are behind a PBX, optionally you can also dial your extension if you want to monitor on your PBX


4. The system would dial the number specified in step 3 above and supervisor can now listen to the agent and customer talking 5. Once the agent is done talking, although the supervisor phone would still be connected supervisor would automatically be removed from monitoring that agent 6. To start monitoring the same or another agent click on the head set icon again and supervisor would now be monitoring that new agent

For coaching the agent, click on the red and blue user icon on the bottom right corner of the screen, rest of the process is same as monitoring. During coaching phase only the agent is able to hear the supervisor speaking and the customer is unaware of this. Supervisor can also transition from monitoring an agent to coaching that agent and vice versa. Finally to stop monitoring/ coaching function click on the respective button again and disconnect the supervisor phone separately.


Click on the “import” box as shown above, this will open the utility to build a new List.

The List Import wizard will appear.

Click on the “Browse” box to select the data file to import.

If the data files are in a shared folder, simply click on the “Choose an existing File� that will show all the available files in the shared folder.

Select the file that you want to import.

The Data files can be in a .txt (ASCII Comma or Tab delimited) or CSV file.

Depending on the file that you are importing, click on the drop down arrow and select the “Files of type” from the window. The default is always a “txt” extension.

The next step is to click on the “Open” tab to select the data file to import.

Click on the “Start Upload” to begin the file upload.

When the file is uploaded the “File is Uploaded” description will be displayed.

The next step is to click on the “Next� tab to continue to the next step.

This is where you select the mapping of the fields that you want to import and display on the Agent screen.

The next step is to map which fields that you want to display on the agent application when the call is transferred.

Simply select the field that you want to map by clicking on it. This will highlight the field on the left side.

When the corresponding fields are selected the inserted fields will be displayed above.

If you incorrectly assign a wrong field, click on the red delete circle and it will be removed

To create and or select Custom fields to be imported, click on the “Custom Fields” tab as shown above.

The “Custom Field” box will allow the selection of an existing custom field or creating a new custom field.

Click on the box to the left of the field to select the custom field.

When the selection is completed click on the “Done� tab to revert to the previous screen.

A custom template can be created. This will allow the mapping to be preconfigured for different lists that are to be imported.

When the mapping of the fields is complete the “Next” arrow needs to be selected.

The next section of the import wizard will appear.

The “Eliminate Bad Numbers” will check the valid length of the phone number.

The next selection is the “Eliminate Duplicate Numbers” which checks for duplicate numbers in the current list.

Concatenate is for joining the first and last Name in the list. This only applies if the first name and last name are separate in the data file that is being imported. This will allow the Agent to see the clients first and last name together.

The next step is to select a DNC list that you want this new list to be scrubbed against.

All the DNC lists that are available in the system will be displayed in this section. Click on the “DNC” file that you want the list to be scrubbed against.

The next option is the “List Scrub” tab.

This section allows you to scrub duplicates from selected lists that are in the system. This allows the manager to select certain files that duplicates need to be checked against not only the existing list that is being imported.

When the scrubbing selection has been completed click the “Next” arrow as shown.

The next step is to name the list of the file before the importing begins.

Type the name description in the “New List” box. Please make sure that you do not use erroneous characters when naming your files.

To begin the import, click on the “Import” arrow as shown above.

The “Import Status” screen will display with a summary of the total import. This summary will breakdown, duplicates, DNC and List scrubbing.

The last step in the import process is to click on the “Done” flag as shown in the bottom right side of the screen.


To open and or view list information click on the “Open� window as shown above.

This will display all the lists that are imported into the system. There is a scroll bar on the left side of the screen to browse to additional files.

To open a file select the file name, this will highlight the file in blue.

Click on the “Ok” button to open the file.

This will open up the” List Management” screen.

These are the icons that are available on the List Management screen.

Open a new list.

Delete a current record.

Select previous record.

Export to a “CSV� file.

Add a new contact

Save the list.

Show all the records,

The body of the List Management will contain the detailed information of the data that is available. There is a scroll bar to view the additional fields.

The second half of the page is divided into four options. The first option is “System Fields” these are the standard fields that have been imported into the list.

The “Custom Fields” option will display all the custom fields that have been created and imported with the list.

If data has been imported into the fields and or the agent has added information this will be displayed.

The “History” field will display all the history of a particular record.

The “Notes” field will display all notes that have been typed in by the agent on the call.

To exit from the “List Management” application click on the “X” on the top right hand corner of the “List Management” screen.

To view the available records and see how many campaigns a specific list is assigned to Double click on the “List� name to open the view.


Click on the “import” box as shown above, this will open the utility to import a List.

The “NoCall” Import wizard will appear.

Click on the “Browse” box to select the data file to import.

Select the file that you want to import. Depending on the file that you are importing, click on the drop down arrow and select the “Files of type” from the window. The default is always a “txt” extension


If the data files are in a shared folder, simply click on the “Choose an existing File” that will show all the available files in the shared folder.

The “Field Delimiter” needs to be selected as a Comma or Tab delimited.

Click on the “Start Upload” to begin the file upload. If the file is located in the shared folder the “Start Upload” is not required.

When the file is uploaded the “File is Uploaded” description will be displayed.

The next step is to click on the “Next” tab to continue to the next step.

This is where you select the mapping of the fields that you want to import from the data file to the list.

The next step is to map the phone fields for the “NoCall� import. Simply select the voice number field that you want to map by clicking on it. This will highlight the field on the left side.

When the corresponding fields are selected the inserted fields will be displayed above.

The “Area Code” field is used if the area code is separate from the rest of the phone number.

Click on the “Next Record” tab to view the next phone number.

The “Next” tab will continue the import process.

This is where the file that is being imported is a brand new DNC list or it is being appended to an existing DNC list.

The “New List” is where the name of the new list is typed.

If Appending to an existing list, select from the drop down arrow which file to append.

Clicking on the “Import” icon will start the process of importing.

The “Import Status” screen will display the results.

When completed click on the “Done” flag as shown above.

Concatenate is for joining the first and last Name in the list. This only applies if the first name and last name are separate in the data file that is being imported. This will allow the Agent to see the clients first and last name together.

The next step is to select a DNC list that you want this new list to be scrubbed against.

All the DNC lists that are available in the system will be displayed in this section. Click on the “DNC” file that you want the list to be scrubbed against.

The next option is the “List Scrub” tab.

This section allows you to scrub duplicates from selected lists that are in the system. This allows the manager to select certain files that duplicates need to be checked against not only the existing list that is being imported.

When the scrubbing selection has been completed click the “Next” arrow as shown.

The next step is to name the list of the file before the importing begins.

Type the name description in the “New List” box. Please make sure that you do not use erroneous characters when naming your files.

To begin the import, click on the “Import” arrow as shown above.

The “Import Status” screen will display with a summary of the total import. This summary will breakdown, duplicates, DNC and List scrubbing.

The last step in the import process is to click on the “Done” flag as shown in the bottom right side of the screen.


All the lists that are available will be displayed on the screen.

Select the list that needs to be opened.

The list can be opened by clicking on the “OK” tab at the bottom or simply left double click on the list name.

The “DNC Management” screen will appear.

The “Phone Number” that needs to be added, deleted or searched for needs to be entered into the field

The record that has been entered into the box can be added to the list, by clicking on the “+” arrow. The record can be deleted by clicking on the “x”. The record can be searched for by clicking on the “Magnifying glass”.

The “+” will add the record to the list and display when completed.

Clicking on the “X” will delete the record from the list and show when completed.

The “Magnifying glass” will retrieve the record if it is in the list.

To Exit from the DNC Management screen click on the “X” on the right hand side of the window.


To create a new Agent, click on the “New” option on the Users section.

The “Create New User” will display on the screen.

The “User Roles” will be selected as Agent by default.

The “First Name” is entered in this field.

The “Last Name” is entered in this field.

The “User Name” and “Password” are the fields that are entered by the Agent when the log in on the Agent Application.

To continue to the next section of the Agent settings click on the “Next” tab.

The “Settings” is the configuration and options that need to be set for the Agent.

The “Agent Type” will depend on how the Agents are configured on the system. For a PBX tie in the setting will be remote. The “Phone Number” field will be the extension of the Agent.

The “MSI” setting is for standalone configurations, where the Agents are directly connected to the server. This is an analog configuration.

The “IP” setting is for Agents that are on Soft phones with a SIP platform.

The “Enable Transfer” box gives the Agent the ability to transfer calls to either an extension (If behind a PBX) or a DID (10 digit phone number).

The “Enable Edit” box allows the Agent the ability to edit any information on their Agent screen. (The phone number field can still be blocked for editing by not checking the “Allow the voice editing” setting in the Campaign).

The “Enable Campaign Choice” allows the Agent to select from any of the Campaigns that they are authorized for.

The “Enable Manual Dial” allows the Agent to make manual dialed calls from the Agent application, as long as there are dedicated manual dial lines available.

The “Enable Recording” allows the Agent to start and stop recording from the Agent application. Please note: Recording is an optional feature.

The “Auto Script popup” allows the automatic screen pop of a script when the Agent gets a call.

The “Sales Force settings” is specific to “Sales Force” CRM.

Click on the “Next” icon to continue the Agent setup.

The next setting is the “Groups”. This is where the Agent is assigned to a particular or multiple Groups.

The Group that needs to be assigned is selected on the left side under “Available Groups”.

The blue arrow that is highlighted in the center of the screen needs to be selected to add the group.

The “Assigned Groups” will display the group that has been assigned.

To create a new “Group Name”, enter the name in the box as shown above.

The “+” needs to be selected to have the new Group added.

The last step in creating the Agent is to click on the “Finish� icon as shown above.


To open existing Agents to view and or change their settings, select the “Open” from the icon above.

This will open the “Open User” box on the screen.

The Agent can be selected either by double clicking on the Agent name, or the “OK� tab to bring the Agent configuration to the screen.

To “Delete” an Agent highlight the Agent and than click on the “Delete”. Please note: that if you delete an agent you can not use the exact same name to create a new Agent.

A warning will be displayed to make sure that the Manager wants to delete this Agent.

To exit out of the window, click on the “Cancel” tab as shown.


To view the live Agent statistics on the Manager screen, left double click on the “Users”.

The Agents will be displayed on the screen showing their current status.

The “Green” circle indicates that the Agent is active and logged in to the Campaign.

The “Grey” circle indicates that the Agent is offline or not logged in.

The status on the bottom left of the “All Users” screen will provide a Green and Grey status light. Clicking on the “Grey” circle will provide “View/Hide offline Agents. Clicking on the “Green” circle will provide “View/Hide” online Agents.

. To view an individual Agent statistics, left double click on the Agent.

The individual Agents information will display on the screen.

There are two options on the bottom right of the individual Agent statistics. The first is the “Edit User” this will open up the Agent settings. The Agent can be removed from the Campaign by clicking on the “Green” icon as shown above.


To view the Reports click on the “OPEN” on the Reports icon. The recommended resolution for viewing the Reports on the Manager is 1280 X 1024.

To view the “Campaign Statistics” Report highlight the name and than click on the “OK” to open.

The page settings are displayed above.

The “Green Arrow” facing the left side will return to the previous page.

The “Green Arrow” facing the Right side will move to the next page.

This allows the Manger to move between the different pages in the Report.

The “Select Start Date� needs to be set first.

The “Select End Date” needs to be set next.

The “Submit” button needs to be selected to run the Report.

The “Campaign Statistics” will provide information of all the Campaigns that are in the system. Select the individual Campaign to look at the specific information.

To get detail Campaign Statistics click on the Campaign name.

The “Campaign Statistics Group by Session� will display the running of the Campaign within the specified lookup.

Returning to the main Campaign Statistics screen the Manager can select detail information of the Lists that were run in the specified Campaign.

The “Campaign Statistics Grouped by List” will show all the lists that were run in the Campaign.

All the lists that were run in the session will be displayed in this Report.

Returning to the main Campaign Statistics screen the Manager can select detail information of the “Disposition Stats” in the specified Campaign.

The complete list of all the dispositions in the Campaign and results will display.

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