The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies.
The Master (title The Master, project Hitchock Film, class Intergrated Communications, instructor Marc English, typeface Futura, Adobe Garamond Pro) [1] 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alfred Hitchcock, Danny Gallagher
The Master
Great concepts and solutions come from little-known facts. My process involves exploring and researching all the details to find facts, turning obscure information into unexpected design solutions.
Table of Contents
Quintus Soranus (82 B.C.) is the first author to provide a table of contents to help readers navigate. [10]
[10] Things You Didn’t Know About the Table of Contents, Derrick Lee
Project 1 pg4
Project 2 pg18
Project 3 pg28
The Master
Studio 54
Project 4 pg38
Project 5 pg48
Project 6 pg54
Top Inventions
Book Series
Ansel Adams
Project 4 pg68
Project 5 pg78
Project 6 pg86
Stream of Stars
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
Hitchcock, Alfred: The Master [hich-kok]
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. [1]
The Master (title The Master, project Hitchcock Film, class Integrated Communications, instructor Marc English, typeface Futura, Adobe Garamond Pro) [1] 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alfred Hitchcock, Danny Gallagher
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to develop a fully integrated message for a famous director and extend it across multiple media. I had to research, design and deliver design briefs, identity system, poster, catalog, and packaging. I had to develop a personal production schedule and establish individual milestones over the span of a complex project. This project pushed me as a designer to complete several projects in a short amount of time proving I can complete a huge project in the time that I was given. For this project I used Alfred Hitchcock and created a whole system for a film festival.
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The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
Rocky Horror Picture Show [rok-ee hawr-er pik-cher shoh]
Mick Jagger wanted to play Dr. Frank N. Furter in the film. [2]
Rocky Horror (title Rocky Horror, project Rocky Horror Picture Show Festival, class Integrating Principles, instructor William Culpepper, typeface Helvetica) [2] 21 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About, Candice Winters
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to conduct appropriate research that identifies specific opportunities that can be used in multiple design platforms. Use a design process that can address complex design problems and solve problems in context with appropriate content. This project forced me to show strong sensitivity to typography, demonstrated knowledge of visual language, and solid craftsmanship skills that made me produce a well-crafted and professional body of work. I had to create a short film festival identity for the Rocky Horror Picture Show that could relate to today’s world.
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The Master Rocky Horror
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Rocky Horror
24 Craig Ferguson project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rocky Horror
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Rocky Horror
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Studio 54 Rebrand [stoo-dee-oh fif-tee fawr]
Michael Jackson used the DJ booth to dance away from the crowd. [3]
Studio 54 (title Studio 54, project Studio 54 Rebrand, class The Nature of Identity, instructor Gordon Mortensen, typeface Futura) [3] Studio 54 founders pens, Ian Mohr
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had conduct research to chart the history and mission of the dead brand — and discover a new way to brand it. Along with this I had to Demonstrate a design process capable of developing brand guidelines, appropriate visual solutions and new branding opportunities. I had to learn to visually and verbally understand identity and branding as it relates to a variety of businesses and their organizational structures. I took a brand that died a long time ago which was Studio 54 and gave it a modern look that could relaunch the brand today.
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The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Studio 54
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Studio 54
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Top Thirty Inventions [top thur-tee in-ven-shuhs]
Edison electrocuted an elephant in 1903. [4]
Top Thirty (title Top Thirty, project Top Thirty Inventions, class Complex Hierarchy, instructor Anne Cobbenhagen, typefaces ITC Avant Garde, Bookman Old Style) [4] Inventors Fact, Tony Long
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to utilize and evaluate normative and expressive typographic principles in designing for static and dynamic media. Analyze the role of typography in communication, including the interrelationship of its past, present and future. I had to use cutting-edge typographic communications to develop and refine a variety of challenging projects for both screen and print. I decided for my top to use the top thirty inventions of all time according to my research and present in one engaging book.
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The Master
CraigFerguson Ferguson The Portfolio of Craig
Project 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
The Inventions Top Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Top Inventions
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Top Inventions
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Book Cover Series [book kuhv-er seer-eez]
Alfred Hitchcock tried to buy every copy of the book Psycho. [5]
Book Covers (title Book Covers, project Book Cover Series, class Type Composition, instructor Lian Ng, typefaces Myriad, Colonna) [5] 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alfred Hitchcock, Danny Gallagher
CRAIG FERGUSON 2 3 4 51 62 73 84 95 6 7 8 9 The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson PROJECT 1 Project
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to successfully combine typefaces to create a series of books from already known books. I had to use proper typographic solutions and apply critical skills to this project. I had to create on cohesive system across three book covers that properly showed the used of my design skills. For this project I used 300 by Fran Miller, Misery by Stephen King, and Psycho by Robert Block. The books had to look as if hey were meant to be in a series created by one designer.
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Book Series
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Book Series
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Ansel Adams Book [an-sel ad-uhmz boo k]
Ansel Adams was slated to be a pianist. [6]
Ansel Adams (title The Camera And The Man, project Book, class Type Systems, instructor Lian Ng, typefaces Helvetica, Adobe Garamond Pro) [6] 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Ansel Adams, Ethan Trex
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to successfully incorporates more advanced issues such as organization, hierarchy, layout and grid systems. I had to investigate ways to communicate content and meaning of text. I had to create typographic distinctions and hierarchy (such as headlines, subheads, text, captions) based on a book created from Ansel Adams. This book show my ability to create a large format book using a common grid along with successfully combining typefaces.
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Ansel Adams
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Ansel Adams
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Ansel Adams
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Ansel Adams
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Experimental Anxiety Book [ik-sper-uh-men-tl ang-zahy-i-tee boo k]
Anxiety is thought to be an infectious disease. [7]
Anxiety (title Anxiety Book, project Experimental Book, class Type Experiments, instructor Lian Ng, typefaces Helvetica, Bebas Neue) [7] Why This Psychologist Thinks Depression Is An Infectious Disease, Carolyn Gregoire
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I used an understanding of how typography is derived from written language and Explore the intent and alternative applications of typography by gaining an inherent understanding of classical and theoretical discussions of written language. This book hit home to me as I do myself suffer from severe anxiety and went a ten year period of never leaving the house. The whole book was designed with pictures I took from only inside my room. Most of the type used in the book was my hand writing.
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Anxiety Book
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master Anxiety Book
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Anxiety Book
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
In the Stream of Stars [in th ee streem stahrs]
The Universe spans a diameter of over 150 billion light years. [8]
Stream of Stars (title In the Stream of Stars, project Book, class Type Composition, instructor Lian Ng, typefaces Adobe Garamond Pro, Chaparral Pro) [8] Interesting Things About the Universe, John Carl Villanueva
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters For this project I had to apply typesetting skills to practical applications in a book along with researching and obtaining the best practice typographic solutions for the project. This project required me to incorporates more advanced issues such as organization, hierarchy, layout and grid systems. This book was honestly the first book I ever designed not only in my degree but ever. I had to use what was learned in my typography classes to apply to this book along with an understanding of grids and text placement. I was also able to display my skills to properly use hierarchy in a big project.
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Stream of Stars
CraigFerguson Ferguson The Portfolio of Craig
Project 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
The Master Stream of Stars
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stream of Stars
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Even Hitchcock couldn’t bring himself to watch his own movies. —Danny Gallagher
The Master TITLE The Master PROJECT Hitchcock Film Festival CLASS Integrated Communications INSTRUCTOR Marc English TYPEFACES Futura, Adobe Gararmond Pro
The Master
Thesis: Singularity [thee-sis sing-gyuh-lar-i-tee ]
Singularity is a 30 year old thesis popularized by Ray Kurzweil. [9]
Singularity Thesis (title Singularity Company 2045, project MFA Final Thesis, classes Thesis 1, instructor Anitra Nottingham, Thesis 2, instructor Anne Cobbenhagen, Thesis 3, instructor William Culpepper) [9] Immortality: Coming to You in 2045, Marty Biancuzzo
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Why the @#%$ it Matters This project was a three class project to create my MFA final thesis. The first class required me to build the framework for the thesis project, working on a proposal that had to be approved by the board to continue the project. The second class had me focusing on my final visual system along with creating prototypes of my deliverables following a very detailed time line. The last class had me finishing up deliverables along with any touch up that was needed to previous designs, also a thesis process book and movie to present to the board. In the year 2045 scientist succeed in making humans immortal by developing autonomous life-support systems, which can upload the human brain to a robot, “avatar body”. As the price of this technology is estimated to be the same as a nice sports car, the audience is broad. Potential customers are affluent, early adopters of technology, 30-70, who are interested in living forever. Many of these people live in Asia and South America. In the San Francisco Bay Area a new tech company called Singularity is formed. Singularity sells the technology to save the minds of people whose bodies are worn out. Now it just needs a campaign to get the message out to the world. “Singularity” is a thesis project demonstrating how design can shape and sell society- transforming technologies, like those already in development, which may one day be able to extend the human lifespan indefinitely.
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Research Slides
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Logo Sketches
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Icon Sketches
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Brochure The brochure for my thesis went through many phases with the end results being a design based on a future look. This brochure is fully animated with each icon being pressed moving to the next screen as you would see on a lot of today’s standard apps. As you can see the brochure is set on LCD paper that can be used over and over with updates going straight to the paper.
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The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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Business Card/Stationery The letterhead went through some dramatic changes over the course of my project. When I first started out I was not thinking like a futurist and was stuck thinking as a modern designer. I had to change my way of thinking and think more towards what the future would hold for us as the human race. Overall normal stationary wouldn’t work, by the year 2045 we should be saving the planet and normal paper should never be used. After researching cutting edge technology, I went with a clear paper, that in theory can be used over and over and never thrown away, think of it as a mini computer screen that folds up and you can put in your pocket. The business card is printed on the same futuristic paper as the letter. Keep in mind this paper is like a LCD screen that can be changed and be used over and over which takes out the need for using standard paper we see today. You can also push an icon and have the card talk to you.
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Webpage My webpage for my thesis ended up not being they typical website you would see in today’s world. It’s built around the idea that it can used anywhere at anytime also being done on LCD. The website talks to you if you ask it questions and is also fully animated.
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The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Store The Singularity store ended up being the biggest project from my thesis. The whole store was designed in 3d with a full walk around video as the final result. The store has a clean future feel to it along with fully interactive posters on both the front and inside of the store. All aspects of the store had to be designed to fit the system along with keeping the system flowing.
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The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
Pop Displays This project was a three class project to create my MFA final thesis. The first class required me to build the framework for the thesis project, working on a proposal that had to be approved by the board to continue the project. The second class had me focusing on my final visual system along with creating prototypes of my deliverables following a very detailed time line. The last class had me finishing up deliverables along with any touch up that was needed to previous designs, also a thesis process book and movie to present to the board.
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The Master
Colophon Academy of Art University Š 2016 Design Professor Jeremy Stout Name Craig Ferguson Phone 859-626-2664 Email Book Title Why the **** Does it Matter Text Stock Standard Paper 80# (135 gsm.) smooth, semi-matte Font Janson Bindery Blurb Software InDesign CC 2015, Illustrator CC 2015
The Master
The Portfolio of Craig Ferguson
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