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Amazing Colors by Karen Ruhl
Amazing Colors By Karen Ruhl
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. -Psalms 1:3
The other day, I had an early morning doctors appointment and Craig had an eye doctors appointment across town just after lunch. We decided to take a lunch break together while we were out and then to take the long way back home ... ok, we took a drive through South Mountain State Park - but we were heading home.
I was walking the path by myself - mask on - and was telling God how much I loved the colors of Fall. It won’t surprise many of you that I talk to God whenever I have quiet time with Him. The leaves were bright red, yellow, orange, some still green, many drying from falling from the trees and others in the water and floating like small little vessels. The path I was on was along the river and I also got to see many small waterfalls. The way the trees thrive next to the water reminded me of Psalms 1:3 (above).
When I got back to the car and was showing Craig my photos, I said, “Isn’t it amazing that the vivid colors we see today will not even compare to those we see when we get to Heaven!”
If you are reading this and you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, please email us at Team@faithoneverycorner.com. We would love to send you a track that will help you learn more and will have you looking forward being part of God’s family. Blessings, Karen
Photo by Karen Ruhl