2 minute read

Meeting Martha by Peter Caligiuri

“Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.” (John 11:5 KJV)

Once when we were vacationing in Amish country, we decided to take a detour through a rural area just for fun. Soon we came upon a farm stand being tended by a little red-haired girl. So, I parked the car, and we got out and began to browse through bins of fresh vegetables, homemade jams, pies, and cookies. “Good morning!” I said, smiling, while my wife was picking out a bag of cookies. As I went to pay for them, I asked, “And what’s your name?”


“Oh, my name is Martha.” The little girl answered quietly.

“Well, I’ve got good news for you, Martha.” I continued. The Bible says that Jesus loved Martha and her sister Mary and her brother, so you can know for sure that He loves you!”

In the children’s song, it says, “Jesus loves me this I know; for the Bible tells me so …” Have you ever wondered where the Bible says that? The answer is that His love is mentioned everywhere! It says He knit us together before we were born and He promises to carry us till old age. He is near us when we are brokenhearted and gives us strength when we are weak. He gives streams in the desert when we are thirsty and provides daily bread when we are hungry. On every Bible page, we can find His love. The song then goes on to say, “Little ones to Him belong.” So if today you feel as small as the little Martha we met at the farm stand, then you are exactly whom Jesus came to love and He is passing by you today!

Peter and Nancy Caligiuri

My wife Nancy and I have been married for 48 years and have two sons, six lively grandsons, and one wonderful granddaughter! I write poetry and devotionals and have appeared in The Secret Place, The Upper Room, Break Through Intercessor, and Purpose Magazine. We live near Tampa, Florida, where we are members of Generations Christian Church.

Peter’s blog is located at http://www. praise2worship.net/

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