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What’s My Mission And Poems ... by John Alexander

What Is My Mission?

With the focus on mission trips this month, I asked myself the question, “what’s my mission?” Perhaps I’m too old to be traveling the globe or taking long trips to be spreading God’s Word. With the technology we have today, we’re able to share ourselves and God’s Word with others anywhere in the world in other ways. I discovered my love of writing in rhyme the year I turned seventy. I began writing poems as part of my morning quiet time in February 2020. A few months later, I began sharing them on a website (QuietTime- Rhymes.com). What began as my form of a journal has become a mission of love, sharing my heart in the form of lyrical verse. I don’t have an exact count, but there are now well over 500 poems that share my journey and I pray minister to others and their walk with the Lord. It’s not a mission trip for me in person, but I pray my poems make the journey to reach others and help them find the Lord.


I’ve picked a few poems to share that I pray minister to others reading this month’s issue.

Words Of Hope

May words that I write offer courage and hope, Help others seek wisdom, the patience to cope. May the words that I share convey truth that is real From deep in my soul, what I know, what I feel. May my words speak of treasure beyond earthly realms With words spoken gently that don’t overwhelm, Provide words of comfort to those in distress, Show others the pathway to healing and rest. I pray that my words help show others the way, So many competing to lead them astray. It’s really quite simple, I don’t understand, Why we resist what God’s already planned. His Son gave His life so that others may live. There’s nothing more precious that He had to give.

God’s Gifts

Endowed with gifts bestowed at birth,

It’s up to us to find their worth.

Some talents dormant through the years

Await the time when they appear.

We did not choose the time or place,

But gifts emerged, we got a taste.

We found it sweet when first we tried.

It touched our soul, it satisfied.

We each bring gifts before the Lord,

Not gifts we buy or can afford,

But rather gifts shared from our heart,

God given gifts that won’t depart.

I pray God’s gifts, at least a few,

Have blessed your life and others too.

Walking by Faith

God placed eternity deep in our souls.

We’re all seeking something to fill a vast void.

It’s only through Jesus that we are made whole.

Our souls will persist, something we’ll not avoid.

If we walk with Lord and in Him place our trust,

His Spirit will lead us and guide us in truth.

We seek after treasure that never will rust

By walking in faith, not insisting on proof.

Satan’s a counterfeit, tries to persuade,

By twisting and spinning what man can conceive.

He’s not a creator, there’s nothing he’s made.

He recycles man’s lies and he tries to deceive.

God gives us the answers, we learn from His word,

Discerning the truth to expose the absurd.

John Alexander

John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

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