4 minute read
Courage and Poems by John Alexander
Courage By John Alexander
The word courage conjures up concepts of bravery, strength, and doing what’s right, yet we also know that the circumstances that bring out the courage inside us are not the pleasant times, but the tough times. None of us enjoy going through those tough times in our lives, but they do come. I’ve heard it said that we’re either going through a tough time, coming out of a tough time, or have a tough time just ahead. I pray whatever circumstance you’re facing today; you have peace, knowing the Lord is beside you every step of the way. I’ve selected a few poems to share that I pray you find meaningful.
Blessings, John Alexander
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Poems by John Alexander
One Day At A Time
I seldom see clearly God’s purpose for me.
The pathway behind me is marred with debris.
The road up ahead is so hard to discern.
One day at a time is not easy to learn.
The Lord doesn’t give me a roadmap for life,
Or allow me to choose, or to filter the strife.
I’ve learned I can trust Him to show me the way.
He gives me the courage, enough for today.
I pray that today I can rest and let go,
Just live in the present, there’s no more to know. I can rest in the knowledge that God’s in control,
I can trust Him with everything, even my soul.
One day I’ll see clearly when this journey’s done,
The struggles are over, the battle’s been won.
Off Track
Sometimes life derails, seems to run off the track.
The train is too heavy to ever put back.
The world looks so peaceful from inside the train,
Just speeding through life without worry or pain.
Why do life’s changes oft seem so abrupt,
Like a sleeping volcano decides to erupt?
The loss of a loved one, a home, or a job,
Hits as a thief comes to steal and to rob.
It’s hard to recover from life’s heavy blow,
The wound is so deep, the recovery slow.
Once you’ve been through it, life’s never the same.
Some people inside become crippled or lame.
I pray any bitterness soon will depart.
I pray you have the courage to make a new start.
I pray that in spite of the trouble life brings,
Your faith can grow stronger, your spirit still sings.
Blessings For Today
I pray your foundation is firmly in place,
Your pillars touch bedrock, your walls are well braced.
I pray you have shelter, a shield from the storm,
Offering safety, and protection from harm.
I pray you find peace in the depths of your soul,
Whatever you face as each new day unfolds.
I pray you’re set free from the worries of life,
I pray you find harmony, and freedom from strife.
Regardless of choices life offers today,
I pray you find the wisdom to choose the right way.
I pray you stay grounded, empowered, and strong,
Ready, willing, and able to know right from wrong.
I pray you have confidence, speak what is true,
May wisdom and courage take root inside you.
I pray you are blessed as you walk in God’s will.
I pray you’re a blessing, a light on a hill.
John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles