7 minute read

Morning Coffee With Michael E. Wells


Some would say this world is a lonely place, especially when friends and loved ones have passed on. But others would say that they are lonely in the midst of the people they enjoy. Sometimes when we are by ourselves, our minds ask this question, “Is that all there is to life?” The world has seduced us into the notion that to be happy we must do something, go somewhere, buy something, or be entertained. For many of us, our lives are fulfilled by what we do and not by who we are.


We don’t want to be alone for too long because we sense an emptiness and lack of satisfaction in our life in general. Oh, we may be okay in a crowd, but in the silence, we are taunted with the words, “I am alone.” But for many of us, we know this not to be true. We have come to know the Truth of the Ages—that we are not alone. Whether or not we acknowledge the Presence, it is a reality. But we determine if it only affects us in observation or in intervention. It is a choice we must make for ourselves. For if we do not choose to receive Him, then we are truly on our own, without God and without hope in this world.

But if we choose wisely, then He says, “I will dwell in you and walk with you.” In the quiet times, we will hear the Voice of His Presence and feel the Comfort of His Touch. We will have a purpose for today and hope for tomorrow. It will be the knowledge of closeness when no one is there and a feeling of belonging to something greater than can be seen. And as I grow older and see fewer loved ones by my side, I know that even if I outlive them all, I will be comforted with this truth that though they may not be here, “I do not walk alone.”


It is an endless barrage of information, slices of events, and fragmented voices from the past that fill our minds as we begin our daily routines. Even in our dreams, many times we feel overwhelmed with images and conversations that are not real but still are there, causing us to pause and contemplate. Many are just shadowy, distorted reflections of people and places in our recent past but yet they occupy time and space in our lives. Oftentimes it feels as though someone else has their finger on the controls and is constantly flipping the stations in our mind. Like the search button on the radio, some days we feel as though ours has been pushed and every 5 seconds the station changes, constantly searching for a signal. Jumbled voices and images cause doubt and discontent.

This is not unique to you or something of great concern. It is experienced by all who have ever lived. We all hear things, and we all have conversations in our minds. It’s how we process life. Some we initiate in order to resolve issues, others are simply thrust upon us without warning. It is at times like these we need to dial in for clarity. It is the process in which we put to rest the debate going on in our minds. With a careful turn of the knob or a gentle push of the finger, we can engage in the conversation that will bring answers to our questions and discernment to the events in our lives. Jesus said those who would believe in Him would hear His voice and another’s they would not follow. You cannot accurately discern the voice of God without intimately knowing the Word of God. This is what separates Christians from all other religious followers seeking to know God— His voice.

It is that certain sound heard above the roaring chaos, a clear voice of direction when the way is uncharted, a gentle nudge when given choices. It is the confident assurance of hope and help, of love and forgiveness, of strength and the ability to go on when others have left, to continue when some are no longer there. It is to know the truth of eternity from the lies of this world. It is to hear and know the voice of God. Impossible you may say. The apostle Paul writes, who can know the things of God but by the Spirit of God, therefore we have been given His Spirit so that we might know those things that have been freely given to us by God. In this world of endless transmissions of information, it is only through our minds being in a fixed position and our hearts receptive to the Holy Spirit that our quest will end in... searching for a signal.


It is a flash of blinding light with a crack of deafening thunder and then silence. A small light appears in the void of darkness. I am all by myself and yet not alone. I find peace overcomes me when fear should grip me. Whispers can be heard faintly as the darkness retreats. It is a warmth of presence I feel as I’m lifted beyond this realm. Night has turned to day as I am surrounded by those who know me and somehow I know of them. As I look through the crowd I’m amazed to see the faces of people I knew from my youth, teachers, and relatives.

I even see a few friends I lost to an untimely passing. It feels like a homecoming, like I’m finally where I’m supposed to be. All the years of wondering have now been realized, all the questions that were asked have now been answered and all the sacrifices that were made are now shown to have been well worth it. It is heaven! No longer words on a page, but vivid before my eyes. Words could not express nor emotions convey, the awe and majesty of the experience and now one that will last days without end. I’m reminded of the voices of doubt I would hear on my journey, how I would briefly entertain them until I heard that familiar voice say, “Have faith, my child.”

My thoughts are suddenly turned to my new reality as a sound is heard and the crowd begins to move forward. I see in the distance a shimmering structure, massive in appearance, with a sound unlike any other. Somehow I know where I’m going and it is good. So with joy and anticipation, I mount the steps and enter through the arch. I hear angels cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy” as the sound echoes in the air while countless thousands kneel before a throne. Then One arrayed in priestly robes stands to His feet and stretches forth a scarred hand while saying, “Welcome Home My Beloved!”

Michael E. Wells

Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired, and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, he leads an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at Amazon.com.

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