6 minute read

What The Devil Knows About God—More Than Most Christians by Joseph Akinrinola

JOB 1:6-12

Sure, the devil is both God’s enemy and ours. And yet, he knows quite a lot about Him, more than most Christians know. Understanding one another is the backbone of a strong relationship. More often than not, believers lose a lot of benefits from God because we do not know Him intimately. Ironically, the longer some people claim to have known God, the less they know about His personality.


What you know about a person will determine how far you could trust him. It is also this understanding that will determine how far you can defend him before others.

In this message, I will share a few areas where the devil is more knowledgeable about God. That will achieve two purposes. One, it will be a measurement of your relationship with God. Two, it will challenge you to develop an intimacy with God so you may get His best for your life.

With little ado, let me run through a few things the devil knows about God but are hidden from most Christians.

First, he acknowledges who God is. The Scriptures say the demons believed in their one God, and they feared. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believed that and they shuddered. (James 2:19) A study of that passage reveals a type of fear. Demons feared God for His judgment on them on the last day. With the state of Christianity today, do you live with that consciousness as you go about your daily life?

While God wants his children to have referential fear for Him, they must have the seriousness of his judgment on His last day in view.

Though demons fear the day of God’s judgment, yet they do not repent. I liken this to Christians who claim to love and fear God, yet they live in contrast.

Second, the devil knew God to keep his word. (See Job 1:9-1, Luke 4:9-12, Psalm 9:12) Though the devil wanted Jesus to apply the word of God wrongly, Jesus knew God will keep his promises without the devil telling Hm.

While answering God, the devil acknowledged he was keeping his promises over Job. Many times, believers forget who they are in Christ. Such believers are losing their faith during the storms of life, though they have Jesus in the boat. At such a time, they forget what God did in the past and His promises to them.

God has not promised us a storm-free life, but securing us through all tides of life. This should be your assurance.

Third, God will accept a willing heart who returns to Him. One would ask why God would allow the devil to come into His presence. From our passage, it appears the devil has unhindered access to God’s presence. Regrettably, most Christians are ignorant. They can still approach God even when messed up in their walk with Him. As a loving father, God will rebuke, correct, and discipline children when and where necessary.

That you err, will not make God abandon you. All you need to do is acknowledge your sin and return to the waiting arm of your Father. This was what we saw in the relationship between the prodigal son and his father. (Luke 15:1-32) You should also apply this God’s principle of forgiveness and reconciliation in all our relations. Paul didn’t condone sin, but he assured us, like Jesus, that we are still hopeful even if we fall into error. This is because we have an advocate. (1 John 2:2) That includes forgiving your children, spouse, neighbors, and others who admit and ask for your forgiveness.

Forth, the devil owns nothing. The devil has no authority except that of God. There are two aspects to this. One, the devil can’t do anything to you except that which God permits. Second, he cannot gain access to your life except when you permit him.

Therefore, see God in the picture whenever you experience an unfriendly situation. That is, however, when you have confirmed you are not the architect of your misfortune. Some Christians erroneously believe that wealth belongs to the devil. (I Timothy 6:10) No! That is not correct. Read the Bible correctly. The devil owns nothing, as we can see from these scriptures: Psalm 24:1, 3 John 3, Matthew 28:18.

Most times, the devil leverages the ignorance of believers to unleash terror on them.

Let this be your takeaway from this message—a negative situation in the life of a child of God is not always a sign of sin. I want you to check your level of relationship with God in the context of the factors I mentioned above. May we all rediscover ourselves so we can recover all the devil has stolen from us?

Joseph Akinrinola

I am Joseph, an author, blogger, and content writer from Nigeria. In the field of writing, I deliver unique, grammatically correct, and plagiarism-free content. Currently, I work with three online firms specializing in motivation, human capacity development, lifestyle, relationship, and spiritual writings.

You can find Joseph on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2228667160717043

Joseph Akinrinola lives in Lagos, Nigeria, with his wife and four adorable children. He served with the Gospel Faith Mission International for over three decades. Besides, he is a Sunday school coach, an author, a blogger, and a freelance. He has served in Sunday school for over three decades. His friends and students call him “Mr. Sunday school”. Joseph has published five books with two classics titled “Effective Sunday School Management Made Simple” and “Effective Sunday School Teacher.”

While with the Gospel Faith Mission International, he was a regional coordinator. He oversees the activities of the Sunday school in over a hundred and twenty churches. Then, he sat on the extended board of his Sunday school writing the weekly and daily devotionals read by over 2 million readers globally. Currently, he is the pastor of a new church, the Levites Chapel International, Lagos, Nigeria.

His passion is to reach young people with the Bible truth about relationships, Christian lifestyle, and personal development. This informs the creation of his blog, www.thewisdombase.com. In addition, he writes for online and international magazines. He is a member of Amnesty International.

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