2 minute read
Faith On Every Corner - March 2022
A FRESH START By Dr. Irene Surya
I sat forlorn in a cage With a burden so heavy I wanted to fly far and wide But knew not the way out.
At the cross My Savior died, to save me, A wretched sinner from sin And has risen again to glory.
A fresh start to a life Brimming with peace The peace in God Through peace with God.
At the cross My burden rolled away I bid adieu to my past And turned a new leaf.
A fresh start to a life Overflowing with joy, The joy of being a sanctuary Of God, my refuge.
At the cross I was forgiven. I flew to everlasting freedom From the cage of bondage.
A fresh start to a life Encompassed in love. The love of the Almighty God Who bought me paying a ransom.
At the cross My pilgrimage began I run my race With the eternal home in sight.
Dr. Irene Surya has published a book of poems, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying the Lord through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.