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Something Old, Something New ... by Andrea Marino
Awakened in the middle of the night, lyrics from an old song came to mind and played in my head over many days. I love music, especially its ability to transport me back to earlier places and times. The experience is sweet; but if I’m not careful, the nostalgia will bring on the waterworks. How much I miss in days long gone. How much I missed in understanding life in my younger years.
The chorus, from Joni Mitchell’s song, The Circle Game, rings true in my ears now more than before. The thought of being captive to a revolving apparatus (or system) is deeply disturbing. Truth is, we are born; we grow; and we pass away, unable to control life. While there is absolutely much to look forward to and enjoy in living, we can find ourselves in a rut over our limitations, in turn, becoming less and less eager to ride the carousel of time as we once may have been. Weariness in the day-by-day struggle atop years of the same old takes a toll on us, eventually. Such a state of being is not confined to any one age.
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:2b NKJV)
After indulging in every pleasure his eyes could see, King Solomon hated life. He came to understand the pursuit of work and the acquiring of things was a ‘burdensome task’, a mere ‘chasing after wind’. (Ecclesiastes 2:17,1:13,14) Besides, who can deny regrets and losses of this world to reckon with? Living surely has moments of wishing to break free of the carousel existence. You have to want to be set free from this, lest you go around and around for all eternity.
A beautiful lily sits outside the window of my writing room. It warmed my heart to notice it. I meant to snap a picture of the tall stalk full of pink blooms, to send to one of my daughters, who loves plant life; but by the time I got around to doing it, the flowers were gone. Jesus tells us grass withers and flowers fade. We are like grass that grows in the morning, and by evening, withers and dries up. (Psalm 90:5,6) A bleak thought, it is on par with Joni Mitchell’s lyrics in The Circle Game. Perhaps her motive was for listeners to ponder life differently, and value it more, as a precious possession to treasure each day. Looking back from where we have been has merit, as well as being able to stir up a yearning for something more, for something far better. All of it making clearer the wisdom of Solomon.
Jesus said we would have trials and tribulations. Still, He came to give us life, and life more abundantly. (John 10:10) If not for the Gospel, grief and despair would eventually overtake us. All people must know God’s truth about life. There is no other way to be at peace in all that has passed away and with all that is taking place. A wonderful future is ahead for those who choose to follow the Lord. He is the One and the only dwelling place of safety and protection. Hence, King Solomon’s wise conclusion for life: “Fear God and keep His commandments. For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 NKJV)
Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord.
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