1 minute read
By Karen Ruhl
Faith On Every Corner - September 2020 Issue
I have seen posts recently wanting to rush through 2020 and move forward. It reminded me of something my grandfather said to me when I was a young girl. We were talking and I said, “I wish it was Friday.” My grandfather, a man of few words, looked at me and said, “Karen, don’t ever wish your life away. It goes by too quickly.” I think that is a good lesson. We need to be grateful for every minute and priase God for the time He gives us. There is something good in every minute.
We would like to encourage you to take time in our magazine. The magazine is filled with writers/believers who took the time to tell us a story or relate and share experiences with us.
This month is packed full of stories, we our welcome new writers and share reviews of books that we have read.
Did you know that Craig and I are the only two members of our staff? We develop, produce, publish, distribute, and market our magazine and bring it to you free each month. An average staff for a magazine our size and with the reach we have is 18 people. It is a lot of work and we are so blessed and thankful God gave us this ministry.
If you would like to talk to a Team Member with Faith On Every Corner, please drop an email to team@faithoneverycorner.com. We are praying for you and love each of our readers.
Blessings. ~ Karen
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