3 minute read

Harvesting by Mike Buchanan

In both Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospels, Jesus tells us, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”. This is interesting because scholars believe Matthew was written for a Jewish audience, while Luke was more for a Gentile audience. In both instances, The Lord then tells His Disciples to pray the Lord of the harvest would then send out laborers into the field of the harvest.

This is where you and I come into the picture, or back into the field if you will. The Holy Spirit draws men to Christ. Yet, He chooses to use us as His Harvesters most of the time. Jesus called Peter and Andrew and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19 KJV)


A couple of months back, this magazine devoted its issue to the planting of seeds. What good does it do if the seeds are planted and grow, but they’re not reaped? I’m not a horticulturist, I don’t even play one on TV. However, I do know that sometimes in the spiritual sense like the natural sense, once a seed is planted, it takes time for the fruit to be ready to be plucked. It’s all in the timing.

I look around at the world today, and I see the return of the Lord must be so much closer than at any other point in history. Good is called evil, evil is called good. As Jesus said, it’s like the days of Noah. If the fields were ripe when He was here, how much more so today? May we be on the lookout for the opportunity to help reap the harvest!


He is returning like a thief in the night,

We must be ready for the unannounced flight.

And we must help bring in those who are lost

Being willing to gather them no matter the cost.

Reaping the harvest He said was ready

Our shoulder to the task must be steady.

Venturing into the fields to gather the fruit

Pulling them out from under the enemy’s boot.

Eternity is at stake for each and every soul

Here and now, Christ can make them whole.

Salvation is life everlasting and hope on earth,

To those who experience their spiritual rebirth.

Time is shorter with each and every passing day

Give us more souls for Your Kingdom we pray.

In every situation, may we show forth Your Grace

Representing Jesus in each and every place.

Now we must show the way to Christ for Salvation

Repentance from sin to escape coming damnation.

Gleaning the wheat from a harvest of tares

Leading souls out from the enemy’s snares.

Maybe you’re reading this, and you’ve had someone share the Gospel, the Good News, with you before. Maybe not. It comes down to this—we all die. After that, we must pay for our actions. The Bible says that all of us have fallen short of the Glory of God, and the wages of sin (anything we do that doesn’t line up with God’s law) is death. Here’s where the good news comes in: The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Simply believe He lived a perfect life, died for all our sins. He died and was resurrected to pay the price those sins demanded, and you will be saved. That’s all there is to it. If you decide to make that decision, let a local church know. They will be delighted to help you continue on your walk.

Mike Buchanan

Mike Buchanan is a Christian writer and the author of the book Mountains of Hope Surrounding the Valley of Cancer. He uses his writing talents to further Jesus’ Gospel.

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