2 minute read

Greatest Gift By Aradhana Thakor

As a kid living in India, my favorite festival was Christmas, even though it was not widely celebrated like Diwali. I loved it because my parents would always keep a gift for me right next to my pillow in the wee hours when I would be fast asleep. Oh! the joy to wake up to a beautifully wrapped gift was the most amazing feeling ever. The most beautiful part of this gesture was that though we were not quite financially well off, I always received a gift year after year without fail next to my pillow of something I had been longing for or in great need of. And the look in my parent’s eyes when I opened them was one of sheer love and compassion which I will always cherish. Well, so that is why I would love Christmas… just for my gifts!

Now, as I have a deeper relationship with Christ, I love Christmas for something that far surpasses my understanding. My heavenly Father’s love for me was so deep that He did not spare his own Son but gave him up for me, a sinner. This is the greatest gift I have ever received. In fact, the birth of Jesus is the greatest gift to humanity.

I cannot imagine my life without Christ in it. I cannot imagine waking up each day not having a Savior who will keep me safe under His features as I take refuge in Him for the day ahead. I cannot fathom even a day not knowing or being able to grasp tightly onto His comforting promises to me in times of trouble. There would not be any soothing balm of His promises to apply to my aching heart. I would miss out on those sweet whispers or nudge of the Holy Spirit. How would I ever experience His joy to the overflowing or His peace that passeth understanding when I cast all my burdens on Him? I would not be able to rest my weary self into His encircling arms. How can I possibly survive without His direction and guidance in my life? I would be constantly shrouded in guilt without His forgiving love. I would never be able to bask in the comforting hope of reuniting with my loved ones. Would my life even seem worth living if there was no eternal life to look forward to? I would just be a lost sheep without a shepherd for whom no one is searching.

Oh! How it breaks my heart to even think about these things. It would be just awful and disastrous if Christ were not born. But praise be to God our Father, who loved us so immensely that he sent us a Messiah to bring salvation and redemption to the world. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending Jesus into this world and my life. Behold! A King is born unto us today!

Aradhana Thakor is from India and lives with her husband in Calgary, Canada.

“Burning Passion for Lost Souls” is her debut non-fiction book. Below is the Amazon link.

She is writing her second book, which is a short read of beautiful devotional poems inspired by the Holy Spirit, which she hopes to publish soon.

You can connect with her on her Facebook author page @Aradhana2020 or email her at aradhanathakor@gmail.com

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