1 minute read

Remain Rooted In Him by Tynea Lewis

The scorching heat and lack of rain have caused the plants in my garden to begin wilting. It has been many days since we’ve had a good soaking rain, and they need it.

After my early morning walk, I watered the plants, but by the afternoon, they were wilting. They needed the refreshment of water, so tonight I’ll go out and water them again after the sweltering sun has set.


I keep my eye on the weather forecast to see when we are expected to get rain. When rain is expected, I keep my hose turned off, but there have been a handful of days the forecasted evening rain never came. The plants go longer and longer without the water they need.

When they aren’t refreshed, it’s so easy for them to wilt when the blazing sun shines down on them. Yes, they need sun, but the summer heat can quickly become oppressive.

Isn’t it so easy for us to end up in situations like those plants? We put off spending time with God in prayer or reading our Bibles, but when the heat comes, we don’t have what we need to remain spiritually healthy.

If we simply wait around to get our fill on Sunday mornings, we will be left wilting. We’re going to be left collapsing when the pressures of this life come. We must be intentional about pouring into the Word every day. We must go to God in prayer daily. We must remain plugged into Him. When we are rooted in Him, we will always be given the spiritual nourishment we need.

When we are connected to Him, we will be able to bear fruit.

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5 NIV)

He is our source of hope. He is our source of nourishment. He is everything we need.

Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

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