2 minute read

Questions! by Karen Ruhl

I know some of you are smiling or even laughing at the title on this article. Those of you who know me know that I ask questions. I am energized being around people and love to get to know about each person I meet. How do I do that if I don’t ask questions?

I wondered if there was anything in the Bible about asking questions. Jesus asked questions, here are a few:


1. Who do you say I am? 2. Do you want to get well? 3. Could you not keep watch for one hour? 4. Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 5. Do you love me?

It struck me that Jesus did not seem to ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no. He wanted people to talk to Him.

When I pray, I talk to God like I would talk to you. I ask Him questions too. They may sound like this:

Heavenly Father, would you guide my steps and show me the path you want me on?

Lord God, what can I offer for what you have done for me? How can I serve?

God, what should I be focusing on today?

God wants a relationship with us. He has questions for us; we need to be still and listen for His voice.

When our son was in school, he would bring his friends home. He did everything he could to get them to hurry toward his room. He would tell them, don’t stop, my mom will want to get to know you and will start asking questions. To his dismay, many of his friends loved to come to the house and talk with me.

I think we all like to feel that someone is listening to us and that we mean something to others.

Here is a fun thing to do. Find a quiet place where you are alone. Take out a piece of paper and write this question on the top of the page.

“Questions I would like to ask God.”

Write all questions that come to your mind. You might start out slow, but the questions will come to you.

Next, pray over your questions. Let God know what is on your heart. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions, God can handle your questions. Keep this paper and pray over it often. When you get an answer to one of the questions, write it by the question. Grow your faith through questions.

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

I pray He finds many of us with strong faith. Will you be one of the faithful He finds? I am praying for you.

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