1 minute read

Faith On Every Corner - October 2020

Photo by Karen Ruhl

Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. - Luke 10:2 NKJV




Going on a mission to find a cover photo!!

Karen has been a photographer since she was very young, often taking photos of the family. She got her first SLR in December 1974 and has never looked back.

Photo by Karen Ruhl

Karen has had many mentors in her lifetime and has been a mentor to many.

For this issue, many drives were taken from North Carolina into Virginia in search of the perfect cover. On a drive through the country, a stop at a small farmers stand proved to be very successful. Not only did we take home some of the bounty of their harvest with apples and tomatoes, but the perfect cover photo for this month was on display in the window of their produce stand. Enjoy!

Photo by Karen Ruhl

Photo by Karen Ruhl

Craig & Karen Ruhl

Photo by Karen Ruhl

Photo by Karen Ruhl

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