1 minute read
Ranked by 2022 revenue president, CEO, grandson; Ben Maibach III, vice chairman, chief community o cer, son president and CEO, Ilitch Holdings Inc., son100%Food,
Rakolta III, president, and member of the board of directors, grandson; Lauren Rakolta, president of DFM Solutions and member of the board of directors, granddaughter son; Matthew Serra, president,
Jay Kaufman, chairman, president and CEO, H.W. Kaufman Group, son; Danny Kaufman, president, Burns & Wilcox, executive VP, H.W. Kaufman Group, grandson; Jodie Kaufman Davis, executive VP, granddaughter
$872.9 e chairman and CEO, grandson
Soave, VP, daughter; Andrea Soave Provenzano, VP, daughter; Christopher Provenzano, project manager, son-in-law
Max Tushman Earl Tushman, president/CEO, grandson; Larry Tushman, VP/ secretary, grandson; Reed Tushman, VP/director of operations, great-grandson; Marc Tushman, VP/director of logistics, greatgrandson
100%Meat importing and trading
BARRICK ENTERPRISESINC. Royal Oak48073 248-549-3737;barrickent.com $677.1
$674.1 e
Robert Barrick none
100%Petroleum wholesaler and retailer 21 PVS CHEMICALSINC. Detroit48213 313-921-1200;pvschemicals.com
1945 Floyd Nicholson James B. Nicholson, chairman, son; James M. Nicholson, chairman, grandson; David Nicholson, president, grandson; Tim Nicholson, COO, grandson; John Nicholson, VP, grandson
100%Manufacturer, marketer and distributor of industrial chemicals
JIM RIEHL'S FRIENDLY AUTOMOTIVE GROUPINC. Warren48093 586-979-8700;jimriehl.com
$575.8 e $608.8 1987 Jim Riehl Jr. Jim Riehl III, son; Joe Riehl, son; Je rey Riehl, son
100%Automobile dealership 23 BELLE TIRE DISTRIBUTORSINC. Allen Park48101 313-271-9400;belletire.com
$557.0 $494.0 1922 Don Barnes Sr. Don Barnes Jr., chairman, son; Bob Barnes, owner, son; Don Barnes III, president, grandson; Mike Barnes, director retail operations, grandson; Maggie Ratli , Dir. communications, granddaughter; Kelly Wilson, HR manager, granddaughter
$270.7 1979 Frank Venegas Jr.
100%Retailer of tires and automotive services 24 THE IDEAL GROUP Detroit48209 313-849-0000;weareideal.com
Grand Rapids49546 616-949-6570;lacksenterprises.com
1961 John P. Lacks and Richard Lacks Sr. (son)
Loren Venegas,CEO, brother; Linzie Venegas, president and CMO, daughter; Jesse Venegas, president, son; Marty Venegas, West Coast sales manager, brother
Richard Lacks Jr., executive chairman of the board, grandson; Kurt Lacks, executive VP, grandson; Ryan Lacks, director of sales, greatgrandson; K.V. Lacks, business development director, greatgrandson
100%General contracting, specialized miscellaneous steel manufacturing and distribution of protective barrier products, global supply chain management, other
100%Injection molding, plating, painting and assembly
|Thislistoffamily-ownedbusinessesisanapproximatecompilationofthelargestsuchbusinessesinMichigan.Itisnotacompletelistingbutthemostcomprehensiveavailable.Crain'sestimates arebasedonindustryanalysesandbenchmarks,newsreportsandawiderangeofothersources.Unlessotherwisenoted,informationwasprovidedbythecompanies.Forsomecompanies,thefounderswerelaterboughtoutbyanotherfamily. NOTES: e. Crain'sestimate.
1. From Forbes.com
3. GeorgeB.WalbridgeandAlbertH.Aldingerfoundedthecompanyin1916.John RakoltaSr.boughtthecompanyin1963withbusinesspartnerRobertRobillard.
2. Foundedin1924asC.O.BartonCo.byCarlOsbornBarton.TheMaibachfamilyacquiredmajoritycontrolin1961.
4. SerraAutomotiveInc.purchasedBu WhelanChevroletinFebruary2021.
5. From Crain'sGrandRapidsBusiness.
6. Changeditsyear-endfromDecembertoJune.The company has restated its scal year performance for 2020 and 2021 due to this change in its scal year.
7. Sold Detroit scrap metal business to Cleveland-Cli s in 2022. Want the full Excel version of this list — and every list? Become a Data Member: CrainsDetroit.com/data