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Faculty & Staff News
Dr. Dale Stairs ('94), Associate Vice President for Student Life and Transformation, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Discipleship Methods and Practices within the Youth Ministries of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches (1945-2010). This completes the requirements for his PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam.
Dr. Elissa Rodkey was invited to give the Mary Whiton Calkins lecture at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in August. She also did a presentation at Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral & Social Sciences titled "Psychology of the individual: P. G. Wodehouse and the literary dissemination of psychology."
Dr. Elden Wiebe presented a paper at the Academy of Management in Seattle, WA in August entitled "What Time is it? Climate Change and the Temporality of a Paradigm Shift." In the paper, he incorporated 'messianic time' to demonstrate how time is transformed in the process of a paradigm shift.
Dr. John Stackhouse, the Samuel J. Mikolaski Professor of Religious Studies, released a new book: Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford). Brian Stiller of the World Evangelical Alliance says, "John Stackhouse gives us the best summary of our history I've read: compelling and critically helpful." Professor Stackhouse also published an article on American evangelicalism: "Not Fundamentalist, not Conservative, and not Liberal: The Fundamentals and the Mainstream of American Evangelicalism," in the Christian Scholar's Review. Editor Margaret Diddams writes that this article makes "a significant contribution and corrective to the general understanding of early twentieth-century fundamentalism" and is "precisely the type of robust scholarly work that I want CSR to be known for."
Dr. Cathlene Hillier had two publications come out in the spring of 2022: "Digital technology and increasing engagement among students with disabilities: Interaction rituals and digital capital. Computers & Education Online" (with Dr. Jessica Rizk) and "Location matters: Education and employment inequalities in northern rural Canada." (with Drs. David Zarifa and Darcy Hango). Monica Hwang, Edward Grabb, and Jeffrey G. Reitz (Eds.), Social inequality in Canada, 7th edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Don Moore recently received a "Resilience Award" from the Moncton Rotary Club for demonstrating exceptional leadership and resilience in the Moncton region, for leadership success, service work, and generosity. Don serves as Chair of the Codiac Regional Policing Authority, as a Director for Service New Brunswick, as a member of the Advocacy Committee for the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Moncton, and as a member of the Enhancing Democracy Committee for the City of Moncton. This past summer, Don was given the "Award for Training Excellence" in delivering several Risk Management workshops as part of the Masters Certificate in Project Management for the Schulich School of Business. Don has been a part of this national program since 2018, delivering content across Canada.
Dr. Keith Grant ('96) attended the Atlantic Canada Studies Conference at UNB Fredericton in May 2022. He presented a research paper on "Pauper apprentices and poor relief in rural Nova Scotia, 1800-1840," and was invited to participate in a panel discussion among archivists and historians. Over the summer, he did archival research at the Nova Scotia Archives and the Esther Clark Wright Archives at Acadia University.
Dr. Greg Maillet published If is the Only Peacemaker, a study of Shakespeare’s As You Like It. It is Dr. Maillet’s fifth book, and third on Shakespeare.
Shelly Lyons ('07), Assistant Professor of Organizational Management, successfully completed her candidacy for the Doctor of Business Administration. She also received a Mitacs Accelerate grant, partnering with Outreach Canada to fund her research on Adult Third Culture Kids and Spiritual Leadership.
Dr. Nancy Matthews presented at an International Conference (BELMAS) in Liverpool, UK, on "The role of school leaders in educational decisionmaking: Understanding processes which influence the implementation of decisions." She also chaired presentations on "Servant leadership in schools: Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant" and "Successful school leadership from the perspective of Omani school principals."
President Bruce Fawcett's ('88) article (co-written with L.J. Francis and Ursula McKenna) "Psychological type and religious affect: A study among adolescent Baptists in Canada" was published in the Journal of Youth and Theology.