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Adult Professional Studies Division Successful Student Stories
Successful Student Stories
Meghan Hebert, B.A. Org.M. ’18 (ExxonMobil)

After graduating high school, I never gave a second thought to continuing my education. I come from a working class family who taught me the value of hard work. Although there was a little voice in my head that wanted a university degree, I pushed that voice down as I built my career.
After working for eight years for ExxonMobil I realized that my long term career path would be benefited from completing my degree. I chose Crandall because of its focus on adult learners and realized it would have a lot of tangible applicability to my career. I was excited for the opportunity; one night a week for two years is very doable, and I could accommodate that in my schedule.
I remember the first night walking into class, I was terrified – absolutely terrified. I had no idea if I would be capable of doing this. Fortunately, I found an amazingly supportive team at Crandall. Both with the professors and within my cohort, I realized that there were others who were invested in my success.
I have learned a lot of skills that make me a better employee. I have been able to apply a lot of techniques and skills that I have learned in the classes to my career. What surprised me the most is how much I feel that I have personally grown through this program. I feel that I have learned more about myself in this journey than I ever thought possible. I am grateful that I have had this opportunity and am excited about the next steps after graduation!
Michael French, M.Org.M. ’18 (Amec Foster Wheeler)

Having spent more years than intended in completing my engineering degree, I was not seeking to further my education. My wife, on the other hand, had spoken to several people about the M.Org.M. program, was resolved to enroll, and pleaded with me to do likewise so we could share the experience. Knowing there was only one opportunity to begin the program together, I relented, telling myself I could bow out at any time if the going got too tough or if it “wasn’t for me.”
Well, frankly, the going did get tough. However, quitting just never seemed to be the right choice. Having begun, I wanted to see it through to the end. Some part of me enjoyed the weekly gathering of weary comrades, each contributing to the learning process from personal experience. I can now honestly say that I would not change my decision.
The experience has re-introduced me to learning. I am finishing the program with a mind much more open to opportunity. I am particularly grateful for instructors who encouraged me and my classmates to think for ourselves and to try to see things from new perspectives. I do not know how, when, or where my learning will be incorporated into my life – whether in my engineering career or elsewhere, but I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
A final note of thanks to Dr. Roger Russell and Crandall for creating a safe, caring, and affirming atmosphere in which to learn – it was a blessing!