CR June 2007

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Cranford Community College, High Street, Cranford, Hounslow. TW5 9PD - Tel: 020 8897 2001 -

June 2007 THE CRANFORD REVIEW Cranford Community College celebrates spor ts achievements

Sports Presentation Evening

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The evening also provided an opportunity for the dance club to perform their dance which they had devised for the ‘Rock Challenge’ at Hackney Empire.

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The evening was attended by around 250 people. The guest list included students, parents, staff and Governors from Cranford Community College. The evening was hosted by the PE department with each member of the department announcing various awards throughout the evening. Musical entertainment was co-ordinated by Mr McKeever, Director of Performing Arts. A new PE video, created by Ms Lowden and Media studies students specially for this event, was presented for the first time in celebration of the varied and diverse sporting achievements of students at Cranford.

Congratulations go to all those students who received nominations and to those prize winners who were recognised for their outstanding achievements in their specific field of sports.




On Thursday 22nd March 2007, the PE department organised Cranford Community College’s first ever Sports Presentation evening. The presentation ceremony was a great success and was held at the BA club.

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March 2007

It Began as a Dream By Nida Bhatti Last night as I fell asleep I dreamed that I was a cloud Flying over the seven seas Just taking a look around Then sneaking a peep at the Hospitals, I uncovered Beds filled with children and mothers Restless hurting and hushed words I couldn’t carry on watching I began to move along But the streets weren’t any better All the poor wretched souls, it’s wrong I falter but pass over them Watching them sleeping on streets No food, no shelter over them Blood stained hands and dirty feet I thought that I could live life Pretending everything’s right And would get better in the future But most must suffer or fight Children only 5 were working I would rather be in school These people deserve some schooling I feel a lot like a fool Epidemics sweep Africa Known as HIV and Aids Innocence born forever to suffer Next generation slowly fades With shock and grief I wake up With overwhelming desires To help all those less fortunate To quench out all these fires

Cranfor d Community Colle ge celebrates charities challenge Cranford Community College spent the week of 12th–16th March 2007 engaged in fundraising activities for charity. Busking, cake sales, face-painting, sponsored silences, fashion shows and a Bushtukker trial were among the events organised to help raise funds for local and national charities. Students and staff worked tirelessly before, during and after school to raise a staggering sum of £5,668. 96 in support of their chosen Charities. They also bought 255 red noses leading up to Red Nose day to add to this amazing sum. Friday 16th March saw a selection of 6th form students, staff and guest artists put on a concert for the entire school. Staff and students paid £2 per head to attend the concert and to swap dress code for a day, with students wearing clothes of their choice whilst the staff dressed in school uniform. The school Samba band, a soul band, soloists and the 6th form rock band performed pieces from a selection of genres, before new band ‘SaveOurselves’ and then British beat-boxing champion Faith SFX took the stage. Staff and students were entertained by 3 original tracks from SaveOurselves, an up-and-coming band led by past-pupil Luke Joyce. Judging by the response of the audience, this band is

set to make it big, with their attractive blend of melodious clever rock music, sure to challenge some of the current chart-toppers in the near future. Faith SFX, provided the headlining performance, wowing the audience with his mind-blowing vocal talent, fusing beats with instrumental and lyrical riffs. Using a repertoire of everything from the Godfather soundtrack to the latest ‘grime’ beats, Faith left the majority of the audience open-mouthed in wonder. This is the fifth year that the school community has undertaken this huge challenge and to date the school has raised over £20,000 in support of charitable causes. The charities were nominated by students through the School Council and all monies raised will be shared between Comic Relief, British Heart Foundation and the British Red Cross Charities.

But I can’t do this all alone I need a few helping hands Why don’t you all help me too Improve life on other lands And it is not all hard work This year in charity’s week We have raised a lot of money By car-washes, sports and sweets A pound will buy a bag of seeds For a family in poverty With seeds they could begin farming Selling buying what they need One pound is not much for us But for a poor family it is The difference between life and death We can give up a few packets of crisps And now at night when I slumber I know that I have helped them Not only help themselves but also Helped generations to come

Total Sum Raised

£5,668 .96 £255 raised through the sale of Red Noses

Celebration Assembly

J a c k P e t c h e y Aw a r d s Jasmine Johal - 10V Key Stage 4 January Award Jasmine has had a great school career so far. She was a founding member of the Latin Club and won a best student award for science in year 7. In year 8 she was a librarian and won the girl’s shot putt in Sports day. In year 9 she achieved the highest levels in all three SATs and a grade B in citizenship GCSE. So far in year 10 she has won awards for both media and science. This builds on hard work in Key Stage 3 where she won a science award for progress over the whole Key Stage.

Our celebration assembly at the end of the spring term 2007 was a truly memorable event as we said goodbye to our year 11 and year 13 students. This assembly was an opportunity for us to wish them well with their forthcoming exams and good luck as they begin the next phase of their learning. As with previous assemblies we were delighted to welcome members of the Governing Body and Gill Whitney, its Clerk as guests to the celebrations. The assembly was packed with musical entertainment but was opened with a recitation of Nida Bhatti’s poem “It Began as a Dream”, which was especially written for Charities Week. This was particularly appropriate as the assembly concluded with the eagerly awaited reveal of the monies raised in support of the school’s chosen charities. The many awards received by students across the school were presented by the Chair of the Governing Body, Roger Owen who took the opportunity to congratulate students individually for their achievements.

Mr. Roger Owen Chair of Governors

Bijal Bhimjiyani Key Stage 5 February Award Bijal is a prefect and has excelled in arranging the Christmas and Valentine parties and hopefully she will be taking part in this year’s Fulcrum Challenge. She is very helpful, reliable, bright and hard working and she has an excellent attendance and punctuality record. Bijal is a popular student who gets on well with teachers and is very supportive to her friends. Recently, she organised a charity event and raised over £100. Bijal is an asset to the sixth form. Irfaan Saheb Key Stage 3 March Award Irfan takes his role as class representative for the school and year council very seriously. He is extremely efficient when remembering meetings and often has to remind his own tutor. He is a considerate class member who will help others when needed. He is a great student who can always be relied upon to run errands and do something to the best of his ability.

Mayor for Hounslow visits Cranford

He also closed the assembly by thanking staff and students for all their hard work and wished everyone a Happy Vaisakhi and Easter.

Mary Crawley Year 7 - Gold Prize Digital Camera

Ayaz Shokat Year 12 Sixth Form Award

Harjinder Brar Year 7 - Silver Prize Portable DVD

Ajeet Gill Year 9 - KS 3 100% attendance

Sikander Tajwar Year 7 - Bronze Prize Portable DVD

Punit Fatania Year 11 - KS 4 100% attendance

Nathan Chatterton Year 12 - KS 5 100% attendance

On Wednesday March 14th 2007, the Mayor for Hounslow took time out from her busy schedule to visit Cranford and meet the Headteacher, staff and students. The tour of the school was ably led by Nudrat Rana Deputy Head Girl and Sandeep Tamber year 7 who were able to answer lots of questions about their learning and what it is like to be part of such a busy school community. This was the first time the Mayor had visited Cranford and it gave her an opportunity to visit lessons and talk to students about their work. She also took time to talk about her role of Mayor and what it is like to be involved in local government.

Copyright Cranford Community College © 2007 | Editor Director: Jessica Joyce | Graphic Designer: Enzo Gianvittorio (

Celebration at its best Cranford Style

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