CR March 2008

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Cranford Community College, High Street, Cranford, Hounslow. TW5 9PD - Tel: 020 8897 2001 -


March 2008

Cranford celebrates its Jo u r n e y t o E x c e l l e n c e Thursday 29th November 2007 saw the annual celebration of student achievement at Cranford Community College, with Lord William Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill as guest speaker to present the prizes. The theme for the evening was Journey to Excellence and this was certainly the case with so many students being applauded for their achievements at GCSE, A/S and A level, some returning from universities such as Warwick and Brunel to receive their awards. Chetan Shingadia, who is now studying Biochemistry at Oxford also managed to make it to the ceremony and took time to discuss with Lord Waldegrave the life changing experience of achieving a place at one of the best universities in the country. Kay Roberts, Education Programme Manager at GlaxoSmithKline who sponsor the science awards spoke of her delight in being associated with Cranford Community College and confirmed that the company will continue to provide a further three years of sponsorship. In addition GSK will fund two science teachers to attend the ASE conference in Liverpool in January 2008.

The evening was a celebration of Cranford’s talented dancers and performers too, who concluded the programme with the première of the new school song composed by Declan McKeever, Director of Performing Arts, which was performed by staff and students. This new composition entitled “Journey” will be used to create a DVD and CD in spring 2008. It was certainly an excellent evening.

M at h s i s a n I n s p i r at i o n Students from Cranford Community College have been taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The students received their certificates at the award ceremony and were privileged to meet Prince Edward. There were other celebrities at the event, including Andrew Billington, the Director of the Jack Petchey Foundation. He was really impressed to meet two of our students who have previously been winners of the Jack Petchey Award.

In November 2007 a group of year 13 students visited the Criterion Theatre in London for a mathematical experience run by a company called ‘Maths Inspiration’. The three lectures did just that and helped inspire the students to question the world of statistics, natural physical phenomena and the mathematics of games and decisions. Students were able to see the wider implications of studying maths at a higher level. The speakers were, Helen Joyce, ex-editor of Plus Magazine and current journalist on The Economist, Hugh Hunt, Professor of Engineering at Cambridge University and Rob Eastaway acclaimed mathematical author.




Par tnerships

Celebrating Internationalism and global partnerships continues to be a thriving theme at Cranford Community College and one which is developing at quite a pace. During the Autumn term 2007, students and staff enjoyed the rich diversity of experiences with back to back visitors from around the world and exciting opportunities to create relationships with new global partners.

2 5 ye a r s o f H o u n s l ow & Issy-les Moulineux Links On Friday 16th November 2007 Cranford Community College hosted a borough wide event to celebrate 25 years of town twinning between Hounslow and Issy-les Moulineux, a suburb just outside of Paris. The event included the Mayor’s Reception and a concert show-casing the diverse talent of pupils in Hounslow, from the Schools’ String Orchestra to a vocal ensemble, not forgetting our very own Bollywood Dancers. Rashmi Uppal, Pavneet Syan, Sundeep Jaura, Priya Parekh and Amandeep Dhanoa. Headboy Randeep Matharu and Deputy Headgirl Rubeena Hassan were comperes for the evening. Jay Bhadricha and Pavneet Syan interpreted between English and French. The Director of Children’s Services and Lifelong Learning Judith Pettersen was really impressed with the talent of all those involved in this special occasion.

Inter national School Award 2007/10

Community Languages Conference

Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e ( Ro u e n , Fr a n c e )

In October 2007, Cranford Community College successfully received the International School’s Award for the fourth time running; becoming one of 21 schools nationally to receive this award for a fourth time. The award is for schools who have demonstrated a thorough, whole school commitment to developing an international ethos which permeates a significant range of curriculum areas and age ranges. It recognises schools that have collaborative activities with overseas partner schools. The scheme is managed by the British Council on behalf of the DCSF and schools are

The Community Languages Conference hosted by Cranford Community College on Saturday 1st December 2007 provided excellent opportunities for all community language teachers (and potential teachers) from Hounslow and beyond. They took part in workshops and lectures including an informative keynote speech by Dr Jim Anderson (Lecturer in Modern Languages in Education at Goldsmiths University). In addition we were privileged to have a variety of very good speakers from Mr Naresh Chandla, the Chief Examiner of Panjabi and Head of Community Languages in Wolverhampton, Mr Qureshi, an Advanced Skills Teacher from Moseley School in Birmingham and Siva Pillai, Nazek AbdelHay and Doha Kudsi. Throughout the day our guests enjoyed cultural music and food whilst visiting numerous information stands provided by CiLT, the National Centre for Languages, “Asset” Languages and the NRC (National Resource Centre). This conference was a great success and has paved the way for an annual conference in order to continue to drive forward the value, parity and importance of community languages in school.

Studying A-Level French is an enjoyable challenge

highlighted for international excellence

Ger man Students visit Cranford

During the first week in November 2007 a group of thirty students visited Cranford from our German partner school, which is near Frankfurt and it is the second time they have visited us. Each German student was partnered with a Cranford pupil, who took them to some lessons and accompanied them on various trips to Oxford and London. At the end of the week the German students interviewed representatives from the year council and went on a tour of the Gurdwara in Southall.

Cranford Community College was privileged to host a visit by a Chinese delegation of teachers and students from our partnership school in Beijing. During the visit we were able to show them our school and make them familiar with the different styles of teaching in comparison to China. This was followed by Kevin Prunty, Headteacher, and Peter Stumpf, Deputy Head, visiting our partner school in Tianjin, China. The purpose of the visit was to sign a new “Friendship Agreement”, to enhance our links with Tifert Vocational

whereby you learn not only a new language, but about a whole new culture too. However, what you learn in a classroom and what you experience when in another country are worlds apart. This is what students discovered from just one week abroad in the beautiful town of Rouen on work experience. Before embarking on the journey, each student went through an interview process and a training session so that they would be prepared for their placements. As the week progressed, they all found themselves becoming more confident speaking French which enabled them to experience French culture first-hand and taught them the value of learning a language.

College in preparation for the forthcoming Olympics visit by Cranford students and staff, and to gain some first hand experience of schools in China. Included was a visit to a rural primary school, where students and staff worked incredibly hard with minimal resources. They visited two secondary schools where a striking feature was the large class sizes when compared with Cranford. They also met and worked with some Chinese school leaders and Government Ministers focusing on sharing good practice and learning from each other.

Cranford’s celebration assemblies took on a new format in December 2007 with each key stage enjoying increased prize winning opportunities. Gold, silver and bronze prizes were tripled as were the 100% attendance awards. The new style assemblies enabled a larger number of students from all key stages to perform and celebrate the huge talent in the school. A fitting conclusion to a successful autumn term.

L o c a l D e m o c r a cy We e k 2 0 0 7 Cranford took an active approach to Local Democracy Week in October 2007. As well as the visit to a year 9 assembly by Deputy Leader of the Council, Mark Bowen (picture), there was a trip by some of our sixth form students who are interested in studying Politics, Philosophy, Economics or International Studies at university. They also were given the opportunity to shadow the Leader of the Council, Peter Thompson, for a whole day. Throughout the day, students took part in various activities and debates regarding issues concerning Hounslow Civic Centre. In the morning they attended a meeting to come up with ways younger people can get involved in their communities and politics. They got some insight into how local government works via a tour of the centre and had lunch with the Mayor, Andy Morgan-Watts and the Deputy Leader where they discussed what attributes a successful leader should have. The experience certainly highlighted for the students how as young citizens they can make a difference for their future

J a c k P e t c h e y Aw a r d s Tranga Patel Year: 13 Key Stage: 5 September 2007 Award The sixth form team nominated Tranga Patel for this award for his outstanding contribution to the prefect committee. He has undertaken many organisational roles including; arranging football tournaments and duties for prefects at high profile school events. Tranga is reliable, helpful and an overall excellent prefect and asset to the sixth form . Jay Gohil Year: 8 Key Stage: 3 October 2007 Award Jay has been a real asset to his class. He is always on time with homework completed to the best of his ability. He is attentive and helpful in class, often helping out other students with the work. Harveen Lehal Year: 11 Key Stage: 4 November 2007 Harveen has been consistent in her effort and attitude throughout the two years in her work in GCSE Drama. Her written and practical work is of the highest quality. Harveen is always ready and available to help her fellow students, and she has to be credited with boosting other student’s grades with her patience and willingness to put herself out for other people. Gursharan Dosajh Year: 13 Key Stage: 5 December 2007 Gursharan has made considerable progress in Drama and Theatre Arts A Level exceeding expectations.

A D a y at K i n g s t o n U n i ve r s i t y On Monday 30th October 2007, seven year 10 students spent a day at Kingston university to find out about the United Nations. The day began with a lecture by Mike Robert who is in charge of International Studies at the University. Students learnt about the United Nations (UN) peace keeping role. Each student was given a topic to research including; Benin Bronzes, compensation for slave trade in West African countries and access to free water. Students learnt how difficult it is to keep good relations for trade whilst negotiating change. The debate concluded with a new proposal which helped them understand the importance of compromise. Finally, they presented their proposals and watched a news video of events. The day was an experience they will never forget and a great opportunity to show how they can influence change for their future and the future of the world.

Cranford’s new website went live on Monday 3rd September 2007. We are now looking at ways to enhance it. We welcome any content contribution, suggestions or ideas. |

Copyright Cranford Community College © 2008 | Editor Director: Jessica Joyce | Graphic Designer: Enzo Gianvittorio ( | Printed by:

Celebration Assemblies

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