
Since September 2017, over 100 students have been part of something innovative, the Cranford Parliament: a new initiative to replace the previous school council system. Students were invited to stand for election and went through various election processes in line with government elections.

Cranford Parliament functions in a similar way to an actual parliament. There are two first ministers, two of both foreign and home secretaries and two chairs for each committee. There are committees to oversee various aspects of the school including home, foreign, culture media and health. With around 14 members in each committee, students have been coming up with various, creative ideas some of which have already started to take place or have happened. With weekly cabinet meetings consisting of the Members of the Cranford Parliament (MCPs) and the leadership team, ideas can be brought together and can be discussed on how to implement them and if needed voted for through our parliament.
Seema Malhotra, MP for Feltham and Heston came to our first Parliament sitting. Her inaugural speech outlined the importance of our role and the function of an elected parliament.
In the second parliament sitting, MCPs voted to have one overall theme for the Cranford Parliament – mental health. That would be the main focus of the parliament other than the already assigned committees for this academic year. Many visitors to the school including teachers from schools abroad have expressed positive views about the Parliament.

Over time, the system of the Cranford Parliament will embed itself into the school life of every student. It should improve our mental health, wellbeing and most importantly the education of the students.

As the current first minister, I believe that this is a great opportunity for students in the younger year groups. It allows students to express their ideas and make a difference and learn more about the democratic system of the United Kingdom. It is a stepping stone for any student who wants to pursue a career in politics but it will benefit individuals in many different ways. A big thank you to Mr. Fraser for getting this started I hope this new initiative will benefit the teachers, the school and the students for many years to come.
Aadil Awan (Head Boy and First Minister)Hounslow SACRE
Annual RE Lecture
On Thursday 9th November 2017 the Hounslow SACRE annual RE lecture was delivered by local MP Ruth Cadbury focussing on Community Cohesion in Hounslow. Being a member of SACRE, I thought it would be of interest and relevance to our youngsters and put out the word. Cranford’s 6th form students made a really impressive impact.

They listened to Ruth talk with pride about Hounslow’s achievements, that in terms of GCSE results Hounslow “punches well above its weight.” She said Hounslow can be described as “hyper-diverse” with different heritages linking together and there was no single majority community, not even white British. 140 different languages were spoken and 86% of children say they have a religious faith. These are perhaps some of the reasons, Ruth postulated why the London Riots of 2011 didn’t affect Hounslow. She did point out however, that a number of challenges still face members of ethnic minorities living in Hounslow, and in the UK more widely. Workplace discrimination still exists, as does disparity in the admissions of ethnic minority students to the top universities in the UK, something that wasn’t actually the case in top American Universities such as Harvard and Yale, who it seems do more to invest in ethnic minorities. The rise in more overt xenophobia following the Brexit vote was discussed and the negative consequences of it for all people.
When she opened up to the floor for a question and answer session it was our students who led the way. Al-Enzeli Ramji pointed out that having worked in Hammersmith for a few months, he felt a greater sense of belonging than 17 years growing up in Hounslow had given him. So how could Hounslow be more like Hammersmith? One possible explanation, which Ruth proposed, was that the transient population of Hounslow, with many people in rented accommodation didn’t allow for community cohesion. Zala Amiri asked Ruth what advice she would offer them, the young generation, on how to contribute to society and gain recognition. Hopefully a question posed by the RE teacher gave food for thought as it was asked if Labour had a policy on raising the status of RE in some schools, given it had been diminished somewhat by Conservative policies in some schools locally and nationally, though thankfully not at Cranford Community College. The students were there long after others had left, engaged in conversations about local politics with a local councillor.
Well done to the students for taking time in order to engage with local politics and consider their part in making society a better place for everyone.

The Battle of Ideas
During the October half term, I attended some lectures at the “The Battle of Ideas” weekend, organised by the Institute of Ideas. Two of the debates I attended were, “Banter and Besties: Is friendship in peril?” and “All by myself: Is loneliness a social problem?”

I was particularly interested in these as I feel that these are topics that really affect a lot of people my age. I found “Banter and Besties” really intriguing as I didn’t realise that some people actually want banter to be banned from the work place.
I also didn’t realise that a large number of men who work with women feel like they have to be careful with what they say.
It seems that the line between banter and offensiveness has become really slim. I was also really fascinated about the loneliness discussion because it not only affects everyone at some point in their life, but also people have different ideas of what loneliness is and handle it differently. There were some really insightful views exchanged and I would highly recommend others attending.
Kareena Suman (year 11)To inspire and cultivate global leaders
Cranford Community College hosted a conference for Cranford’s 6th form on 31st October 2017 with an organisation called Seeds of Peace. Seeds of Peace has been running for over 25 years and aims to inspire and cultivate new generations of global leaders in communities divided by conflict. Some of the leading figures of Seeds of Peace were attending a celebratory conference in London and offered to run a workshop with four of their ambassadors and some of our 6th form students.

The ambassadors were Ashraf Ghandour, GATHER Community Manager (Jerusalem), Maayan Poleg, Director, Middle East Programs (Jerusalem), Mirna Ansari, Program Coordinator, Middle East (Jerusalem) and Qasim Aslam, Co-Founder and Managing Director, The History Project (Lahore).
From the very start of the event I knew it was going to be successful. Cranford’s Student Leadership Team met the Seeds of Peace delegation for lunch and straight away the conversation turned to world affairs with both exchanging views and opinions.

After lunch the Seeds of Peace delegation talked about their work and their personal experiences with a group of 6th form students. Perhaps one of the most powerful accounts was Mirna’s of growing up as a child in Gaza and her experience of waking up to bullets coming through her bedroom window but all had experienced challenges. It was truly inspiring to see their commitment to peace given those challenges which was a very powerful message for all of us. Our students then had the opportunity to ask questions including whether they thought there would ever be peace between Israel and Palestine. This opened a debate as to what peace might look like. The conclusion was that an end to conflict with people living together was achievable in a generation but true peace would take several generations but should be a goal that all should work towards.
After the formal workshop the Seeds of Peace delegates stayed on for an hour talking informally with our students.

The following evening Cranford’s Seeds of Peace ambassadors shared a platform with the US Ambassador at the Berkeley Hotel in Central London delivering the same message to senior business leaders and politicians. Good to see Cranford was first.
Alan Fraser (Assistant Headteacher – Director of Community Development)

My ENO Summer experience
During the summer I joined the youth project with the English National Opera (ENO), which was a week-long programme where likeminded teenagers got together and helped to create a new piece of theatre based around a classic opera with the help of professionals in opera and the arts. This opportunity arose through the school’s on-going partnership with the ENO.
We based our piece on “Aida” by Verdi, the story of a young Ethiopian princess whose kingdom is at war with Egypt, who has infiltrated the Egyptians and disguised herself as a slave to gain information for her father. While she is there, she falls in love with the Egyptian Captain of the Guards, so when her people are taken over, she must decide between her love and her country.

During the week, we came up with song lyrics, choreography, and various ideas for the end performance, all with a director, composer, and choreographer to help lead us in the right direction. It was an amazing experience as I got to try out things I had never done before and learnt about opera. This was then followed up on where we were able to sharpen and perform what we had created again at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) for a special event along with other professional opera singers, and that was an incredible experience. The pieces we made had so much meaning
behind them as we collaborated with women who had to leave their homes in the Middle East. The lyrics they created for us were so heartfelt you could really feel their longing for what was back home, which I could completely relate too. After our performances, we heard that many members of our audience were heard crying, showing us just how powerful our piece had been.
After the week of the summer project, I was offered a position in their year-long Youth Company, and I have enjoyed every second of it. Every half term or break, we take two days at their ENO Baylis Building in West Hampstead to come up with various different pieces of our own with the help of professionals in the industry. The first week, we started figuring out ideas for what we wanted our piece to be about through mind maps and other processes, and we learned some songs related to our ideas. We also got to learn about character and how to create characters and stories with the director Lyndsay Turner (who directed Benedict Cumberbatch in Hamlet recently at the Barbican) which was amazing. Our second session was even better than the first. We got to meet new professionals who helped hone our ideas into a performance piece. We created two songs with the composer, and we made and choreographed each of

them with the director. While doing this I felt like I was in a rehearsal for something big like Oliver Twist, as I was surrounded by so many people who were enjoying it and yet being so mature about the way they were performing; it was inspiring.
Throughout this next year I will have more sessions with the Youth Company continuing to see where our piece goes and what messages we want to send to audiences. I will be able to see many operas at the London Coliseum for free as a plus of being a part of this company. I am so happy and privileged to be able to be a part of this, and I feel like it is teaching us and training us to be more than just actors and singers; it’s teaching us to be creators and how to have active minds and imaginations which I really love and appreciate. If you want to find out more you can go to their website: . If I’ve learned anything through this experience, it’s that opera is more than just fat ladies singing in Italian.
Aria Cundall (year 12)
A classic Victorian tale with a refreshing twist

The theatre production of Jekyll and Hyde at the Ambassadors Theatre in London provided a refreshing twist of a classic Victorian tale. With themes of feminism, sexuality and duality, it bestowed a modern outlook on the themes of the original novella. Furthermore, the very current themes make the plot much more appealing to a modern audience as it involved many types of people, for example, women and the LGBTQIA+ community. The almost complete juxtaposition of the two tales (the one told in the play and the original storyline of the novella) created a sense of shock for the audience as it was absolutely unexpected. As well as this, the use of current technological profiles such as fanfiction and blogs made it easier for the audience to comprehend the storyline of the play.

Personally, I liked the regular cross cutting between the Victorian era and the modern era. The main reason for this was how the protagonists of both mirrored each other’s decisions and actions significantly. The change in protagonist from male to female was particularly interesting. Especially, from the way the male Jekyll was treated in comparison to the way that the female Jekyll was treated, for example, the way the characters interacted with the royal society was extremely different. I enjoyed how detailed and precise the set and costumes were; they were relevant to both of the contexts.
A lot of what the characters said was extremely blunt and honest which definitely added to the shock value of the play.

Overall, I enjoyed the production as it was more contemporary, shocking and attention-grabbing compared to the traditional tale of the original story. The modern parts of the play added twists and elements that made the whole play enjoyable and if you are in the mood for a gender-bending, pro-feminist shocker of a play then Jekyll and Hyde is the one to watch.
Maisie Mullen (year 11)
Shakespeare Schools Festival

Twelfth Night
InNovember 2017, eighteen year 8 students from Cranford Community College took part in the international Shakespeare Schools Festival, run by the Shakespeare Schools Foundation. They performed a thirtyminute version of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night along with three other schools performing other plays by the world-famous bard.

These hardworking students brought Twelfth Night to life over a period of two months, culminating in a performance led by a professional director at the Wycombe Swan Theatre and Town Hall. Performing to over 200 guests, the students used skills they had gained throughout the rehearsal process to wow family, friends and the general public.
The rehearsal process took students on a journey of personal discovery as well as exploration of the play itself. Combining play with traditional dramatic techniques such as freeze frame, direct address and improvisation, the group were able to imbue their own personalities into both the characters they played and the performance as a whole. The start of one scene, for instance, came directly from games which had been played during the first weeks of the rehearsal process.
In addition, there were three students dedicated solely to production roles. These three girls worked tirelessly to design and assemble individual costume pieces for all characters whilst also painting set, creating a lighting design and doing hair and make-up.
In recent years, the Arts have had a shadow cast upon them; the Shakespeare Schools Foundation (SSF) and affiliated Festival strives to turn this view around; it represents an opportunity for young people to use the Arts to develop a plethora of related and transferable skills. SSF cite that 86% of teachers saw student behaviour improve as a result of participating in the Festival and 97% agreed their students’ confidence had increased.
The very talented cast and crew did an amazing job representing the school and were delighted to take part in the festival.
“Here’s to a new year filled with adventures and explorations in the Arts, creativity and continuing to broaden our students’ horizons”.
Katie Turner (Creative Arts Department – Director “Twelfth Night” )Twelfth Night by Cranford Community College at The Wycombe Swan, 11/20/2017 appraised by Kristoffer Huball

I would like to offer sincere thanks and congratulations to Cranford Community College for your wonderful production of Twelfth Night as part of the 2017 Shakespeare Schools Festival. Students and teachers alike have put hard work, imagination, determination and passion into this production, and were a credit to the school. I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight just a few fantastic moments that you should be especially proud of.
This production opened with a bang and grabbed the audience’s attention right from the beginning. I loved the way that this ensemble thought about the opening movement section, showing the party on the boat before it crashed on Illyria. It showed the levels of tension within the scene and was choreographed well. It also gave the audience a sense of where these characters had come from and what’s at stake for them
I was very impressed by the huge amount of character work that had been done with this piece. All of the young performers had clearly defined characters, with strong levels of motivation making them feel three dimensional and relatable. The relationships are what made this 400 year old story feel relevant to this modern audience.
The use of the company in this production must be commended and there were excellent ensemble reactions to the main plot points, showing a professionalism in support, and a deep understanding of the complex Elizabethan text. This was particularly evident during the boxtree scene in Olivia's garden, which was filled with engergy and focus.
Twelfth Night was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I will never forget it. Loads of people think that drama is a waste of time but it gave me all these advantages to life and it would probably help me in the future as well. I recommend other people to take up drama.
Twelfth Night was tremendous, thrilling and triumphant.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this superb production. I hope to see Cranford Community College in the Festival again next year.
Kristoffer Huball
The Shakespeare Schools Festival was an amazing experience, I learnt how to use light, sounds, cues and so much more. I made so many new friends and enjoyed working back stage. I would love to participate in the

part of Twelfth Night, I have learnt that drama is not about reading from a script, it has to come from within you and you really have to feel your character whilst performing. This also helped build up my confidence, helped me speak more loudly and not be afraid to show everybody my talent. I really enjoyed being part of the cast, it was really exciting. I am really going to miss rehearsals, I hope I do this again and have as much fun as I did during this period of time. I will miss being Sebastian. Thank you Twelfth Night and Miss Turner.
Anchal Chawla
I loved how to express my inner self through my character. I loved the costumes that the production team created. I loved how I made new friends and how I created a bond with them. “I am free to be what I want to be”
I am so glad that I took part in the festival. It was exhilarating and I felt so proud of myself. I have made so many friends during this process. We have had laughs and worked so hard to be able to light up that stage. I feel that I have grown in confidence and become more mature. I wished that it could never end. I hope I will be able to have an opportunity like this again and I will most certainly take part. My advice to everyone else is that when you see an opportunity grab it because you never know when you will see an opportunity like that again and you never know where it will take you.
Tyrone EmmanuelEU - RAN Educational Conference, Budapest

The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) is an umbrella network connecting people involved in preventing radicalisation and violent extremism throughout Europe. Within RAN, practitioners from different European countries can meet others in their area of expertise to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences on countering radicalisation and violent extremism.
As part of the school’s collaboration with RAN two members of Cranford’s staff attended a working group examining the issue of fake news, conspiracies and propaganda. Mr Alan Fraser, Director of Community Development, a core member of the education working group and Barbara Lodge, Cranford’s Head of ICT and Computing. I was invited to present my work on this topic to the group and take part in a panel discussion.
The purpose of the meeting was to examine the rapidly-evolving media and information landscape and share projects and ideas to help students develop their media literacy skills and ability to think critically about the information they consume.

The conference was attended by 40 delegates representing over 20 different countries and from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. On the first day of the conference the group shared their different approaches and projects on the topic of fake news, conspiracies and propaganda. This was an exciting opportunity to exchange ideas and resources. For the second day of the conference the delegates divided into smaller groups to work on specific projects, taking the best of all the approaches and collaborate to form ideas and lessons for primary, secondary and further education students.
One of the outcomes from the meeting was the identification of the gulf between teachers’ understanding of social media and that of their students. Inspired by the conference Cranford has submitted a bid to Google to develop an online platform to train primary teachers on the safe use of social media.
Barbara Lodge (Head of ICT and Computing)Student Voice through Generation Global

Generation Global has been developed by the Tony Blair Foundation to give students around the world the skills and opportunity to engage in dialogue on sometimes controversial topics. As part of Cranford’s programme, students follow a course on building dialogue skills including how to talk with people with differing views. Once students have completed the course, they are paired in the first instance with a school in the US to have a discussion. If all goes well they can sign up to a range of topics and discussions with schools around the world.
Our first dialogue was with a school in Virginia called West Potomac High School. Year 13 students from Cranford engaged with Seniors in the US on the topic of identity. Students from both schools shared what parts of their identity they were proud of and what were the challenges. They spoke about many different types of identity including gender, nationality, their leisure interests (anime) and their faith identities. Many students felt that identities could also bring challenges. Some were concerned about putting their nationalities down on their university applications, others felt that expressing their religious or national identities may mean they won’t fit into society or with their peers so well.
Students then went on to talk about issues of hate speech, with students in the UK explaining some of the hate crimes towards the Muslim community. One student in the USA said that her Mexican identity was often challenged by the political situation, with Trump saying he wanted to build a wall. Students asked each other about how they interacted with other communities and how diverse their local communities were. Students in the UK were surprised to hear how diverse their partner school was. A student in the USA explained that some areas in the USA were very open to diversity and others not so. A student in the UK replied, “It is the same here in the UK.”.
Students also responded to questions about whether they hide any parts of their identity. They discussed that sometimes they do depending on who they are talking to. Jessica in the UK however said “I’m Latino and I let people know that, it’s important and a part of me”.
Lucia added “being Latina or Hispanic you can’t change and I’m not willing to change and I’m open with it. But how open can you be when there is prejudice?”. Students also spoke about how their parents told them how to deal with prejudice. One student said her parents tell her not to trust some of the community, another that she shouldn’t shout about her heritage. Miriam in the USA said; “As a kid my parents said don’t wear a hijab, people aren’t open to it....” A student in the UK responded saying “Living in London it’s multicultural, it’s fine to speak Arabic. But when we go elsewhere mum tells us not to speak Arabic. You want to fit in”. Students then went on to discuss some of the ways you could try and prevent prejudice and help people to be more accepting of diversity. Students at both schools agreed that education was key.
This video conference opportunity is hoped to be the first of many where our Generation Global young people can engage in a meaningful dialogue with students of their own age around the world dealing with the same issues and challenges that they are.

“The conference taught me that I was right in the sense that although we may look different and our identities may be different we are all the same, because we are all human. There are many people (not just students) that would benefit from an experience like this, it really does open people’s eyes to another world out there”.
(Year 13 student)
“The video conference was an eye-opening educational event that allowed me to enhance my knowledge by evaluating the differing views of others around the world when discussing identity and how each individual differentiates when identifying themselves in society. I was able to empathise with the students at West Potomac and acknowledge the impact that living in different societies has on how we as young adults reflect on the world”.
(Year 13 student)
News from the PE Department
The start of this academic year has been a very busy one with lots of opportunities for students to engage in sports activities in addition to the taught curriculum; here are just a few articles reflecting the work of the department in the autumn term 2017.

Extra-curricular activities take place before school (period 0), at break times and also afterschool (period 6). On offer this term was a wide range of sports including dodgeball, basketball, netball, rugby, badminton, football, cricket and weight training. This is a good opportunity for students to refine skills, learn gameplay tactics and have fun.
Several fixtures were played this term and Cranford was well represented. Students had the opportunity to play netball and basketball fixtures across most year groups where they gained valuable playing experience.

Students have the opportunity to continue to participate in extra-curricular clubs but we expect to see many more involved. According to the Association for Young People’s Health (2016) it is suggested that there is “a positive relationship between sport or organised activity and positive mental health outcomes for young people. These include preventing problems arising, promoting positive youth development, and using activity to treat pre-existing mental health conditions”.

This spring term will see fixtures in netball, football and cricket so be sure to attend trainings and clubs if you wish to be included.
Rob Notley (Head of PE Department)Community Sports
This academic year has seen an increase in Cranford Community College students engaging in sport across the local area. This has been in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust and the Heston West Big Local. The college’s School Games Organiser, who is a part of the PE department represents Cranford in the local community and Hillingdon primary schools. His role is to increase sporting participation in younger children. He has led many events, including indoor athletics which involved 6 local primary schools all competing across a range of events, from standing long jump to speed bounce. In addition, Cranford supports year 9 students leading each team and stations as part of their Youth Sport Award.
The year 10 Sports Leaders, also on the Youth Sport Award programme, helped Sport Impact deliver a cross Hounslow Borough Sports day. Every primary school in Hounslow attended the event held in the Cranford SuperDome, with over 200 primary school pupils participating in physical activity led by Cranford Students. Many local teachers praised our year 10 Sports Leaders on their professionalism and maturity when leading the event. This is a true reflection of our Sports Leadership programme at Cranford.
This year Cranford has increased its engagement with the local area, in particular focusing on health and wellbeing. The school with the Big Local now offers free Boot Camp fitness sessions led by a trained personal trainer. These sessions are held every Monday at 5.30pm. All are welcome to join. There is also much more to come.
Rob Notley (Director of Community Sport)Athletics Success

This year was one of Cranford’s most successful sporting activities. Students aged 12-14 years took part in the Borough Athletics competitions at Osterley Park Athletics Centre. Students elected to participate in a track event and a field event or two field events. There were around 20 students involved per age group with our highest participants being the year 8 girls. The selected students had training twice a week in the lead up to the event with PE staff organising these sessions. Students who were awarded medals on this day included Szymon Gora who received gold in javelin and gold in shot put. Robert Keeley was awarded silver in long jump. Karolina Mucko made it to the 100m final for the 14-year-old girls. Anjal Dhakal also achieved silver in discus and javelin. Overall the full day competition was a very enjoyable day out for the Cranford students which put Cranford on the map for athletics for 2018.
Boys and girls from years 7-10 also competed in super 8 athletics twilight tournaments after school throughout the year. Both boys’ and girls’ tournaments were successful and all students learnt a great deal about competing individually in sport.
Girls’ cricket has continued to grow within Cranford Community College over the years with participation rising amongst junior girls. The girls have been training with a coach from Middlesex weekly. The girls who opted to compete in the one-day competition were:
Layba Nisar 8V
Sahiba Grewal 8V
Lernin Bejaj 8V
Tara Grewal 8X
Kirstie Poon 8X
Avneet Bagri 8T
Malikah Raja 8T
Ashaani Balendran 7W
Taniskha Bumrah 7X
Marrium Chughtai (year 8) was awarded best on ground on the day. These girls represented the school outstandingly and were placed 2nd overall in the county. These girls continue to train weekly and are striving to improve as a team for future success.
Diane Marston (PE Department)Factor Sports Science
This year the Physical Education Department offered ‘Sports Science’ as part of the W Factor extra-curricular activities on Wednesday afternoons. Led by Mr Rattu, this was a completely new and refreshing opportunity for students in year 9 to explore and understand more about studying sports at higher education, career aspects within the sports field, becoming a professional athlete and learn about professional athlete lifestyles. This later tied in with students starting the Young Sports Awards.
Students so far have taken part in various activities such as having a taste of a football academy training session led by QPR coaches, researching the human body, studying sports nutrition and then cooking healthy meals such as pizza and chicken fajitas, sports journalism alongside meeting Manisha Tailor MBE. Manisha was honoured with an MBE this year for her work in women’s football and travelling across the country and the globe to speak and to teach football. The department looks forward to expanding the Sport Science Programme in the future alongside increasing the impact of it within the wider community of Cranford.
Hamesh Rattu (PE Department)

Trip to China

An opportunity not to be missed
Going to China was not an opportunity to be missed under any circumstance - that was something that we all firmly believed in - so we jumped at the chance to go. It was a fantastic trip in which we were not only able to explore the country and its beautiful landscapes and architecture, but also immerse ourselves in an entirely new culture and way of life. Students and staff alike, we were all excited to be leaving London behind to be welcomed by the fantastically kind and hospitable Tianjin College of Commerce. Formal dinners, sports games, official tours of the sites, shopping at local markets, home visits, in-classroom experiences and of course, climbing The Great Wall of China were all a part of our jampacked itinerary for the week which had been organised by the Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC) officials. Whilst the daytime activities were organised for us, the evening activities were organised by us which involved an M & M chopsticks challenge and a phone amnesty. Needless to say, after just over a week there, everyone was joyfully exhausted and ready to come back home, but that came at the cost of leaving our newfound friends behind at TCC. It truly was a fantastic experience for us as staff members and was certainly a memorable experience for our year 12 students. Let’s go back again next year.
Matt Southern-Myers, Sahrish Sheikh and Milton Ferreira (Trip Leaders)

OnI made my way to Heathrow- this is where my journey began. The flight itself to China might have been long and tiring but it was all worth it in the end. After landing at Beijing International Airport, we were warmly welcomed by some students and teachers from Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC) who accompanied us to Tianjin.
Each day was different, as it was filled with new food, new
cultures, new people and new places to see. It was overwhelming trying all these new things during such a short period of time yet I enjoyed every moment of my stay. Unfortunately, our stay there was only for 9 days; to some this might sound long but to me it felt like a day. That’s when I understood what they really meant by: “time flies when you’re having fun”.
For me the best part of my stay was being able to spend time with students from (TCC) and eventually becoming good friends. I was not only able to make friends with the Chinese students but also with the people who went on this trip with me. Two months after the trip I’m still in contact with my new friends from China, even though we have the time difference as an obstacle but we are able to overcome that. This exchange programme has allowed me to create a new circle of friends that I hope to treasure for life alongside with all my memories of my stay in China. To me that’s what matters the most.

Sabrina Aktar (year 12)

From delicious culinary dishes, to ancient artefacts, amazing architecture and mesmerising views, China was honestly the experience of a lifetime. Upon our arrival at Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC), we were greeted with the warmest of welcomes and though completely jetlagged, everyone seemed to be in awe of both the hotel and the campus.
The next few days were filled with sights, various locations and different cultural findings where each new experience turned out to be better than the last. Everywhere you turned you would find Chinese culture had a lot to offer, especially at the Tianjin Market where everyone’s bargaining skills made that day a quest for who could get the best deal. I definitely didn’t win.
Amongst the few shopping sprees, filled with endless souvenirs, cheap Gucci belts and Burberry scarves which seemed to be the pick of the lot, there also came challenges of physical aptitude.

First it was badminton, next it was climbing the Great Wall. Quite a jump, I know.

The day we climbed the Great Wall was a day no one had prepared for, not even the most athletic amongst us. Yet after several flights of stairs, water breaks and false hopes given by our staff members like “Come on guys, you’re nearly there!”, we made it to the Great Wall of China. What a view.
Despite not being able to go Beijing, I am grateful for all my unique experiences as a tourist in Tianjin. Not many people receive the opportunity to become so fully immersed in a completely different culture. Having been able to meet students on campus and also visit one of the students’ home, we got to experience their way of living which was very fascinating as many students in Tianjin have a completely different way of life from those in the UK. What I also found astonishing was the hospitality and patience of our Chinese hosts; without them the language barrier would’ve become more prominent.
Sadly, it was over before we knew it and wishing our “thank you” and hardest part (harder than climbing the Great Wall). In the end, this trip was truly an authentic experience.

Visit to the University of Minnesota
embark on a similar trip to of Minneapolis and St. Paul, insights into how educators significant barriers to education. Minnesotan schools as well as

Global Academy An Inspiring School Visit
One of the schools we had the privilege of visiting during our stay was Global Academy, situated in Minneapolis. Global Academy is a free, chartered elementary to middle school that seeks to serve a diverse group of students. They cater for 432 students and display a commitment to serving the broader world based on the goals of the International Baccalaureate Organisation; this was plain to see in every classroom we visited.
Part of Global Academy’s vision for their students is that they will be active, compassionate and lifelong learners who have the human and technical skills to be productive and successful world citizens. In order to achieve this, they build much of their learning around these themes: enthusiasm, empathy, integrity, tolerance, commitment, independence, appreciation, confidence, cooperation, creativity, curiosity and respect. These values seemed to be embedded throughout the school, with questions posed on display boards in corridors which children are encouraged to respond to.
We gained a real and valuable insight into the way that Global Academy has created an open dialogue with parents to respond to the cultural needs of the communities they serve.
It was a true pleasure to visit this school and meet staff and students alike. The high expectations, value placed on cultural diversity and positive attitudes embedded throughout the school have cultivated an environment of curious, respectful and aspirational learning with pupils who are encouraged to see themselves as agents of change and active explorers.

on from research conducted by the University of Minnesota on the Somali population within the student body of Cranford and Berkeley, it was proposed that a group of colleagues from our schools learn from Minnesota University researchers and spend some time in schools within the twin cities Paul, with a focus on how educators there advocate for their own Somali learners. We were eager to gain educators work with community leaders and families to bring about positive results for children who face education. We completed an intensive and informative programme of study within the University and as other educational institutions; below is a brief description of some of the activities we undertook.

LEAP Academy St. Paul

Another school we were invited to was LEAP High School, which is situated in the “other” twin city, St. Paul.
Standing for Limited English Achievement programme, LEAP caters to young people from kindergarten all the way up to the age of 21, focusing on what are described as SLIFEs (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education). LEAP is forward-thinking in its ethos; it focuses on what students can achieve, rather than what stands in their way, despite the fact that the students of LEAP do face significant barriers to learning, not least (as the students we met discussed) homesickness and missing family in their countries of origin.
The student body is made up entirely of young people from an immigrant background, boasting 232 children from 20 different countries. Many young people relied on jobs after school to financially support their families back home.

We were lucky enough to hear from some of the young people who learn at LEAP, who had been asked to think about what qualities a teacher needs to have in order to support them effectively. They told us their teachers had the ability to make them feel loved and free from nervousness and that they felt safe, secure and happy within the school.
After our meeting with the students, the Berkeley and Cranford colleagues were allocated to different classrooms for a 30-minute observation to gain a real hands-on perspective of what the school was doing, and on the possible differences and similarities between US and UK education. The teachers from London were struck with the passion and dedication shown by the teachers they observed, and were unsurprised to learn that LEAP teachers are held to a very high professional standard, with frequent observations and a strong emphasis on professional development.

“I saw passion and dedication from an obviously intelligent and well-informed teacher who used his knowledge and experience to create a classroom environment based around curiosity and discovery. I saw great mutual respect between teacher and learners, and a real culture of learning and enquiry”.
Andy Watts
“What I liked about the teacher’s approach was that there was constant encouragement”.
Anna Perszewska“I saw the use of key vocabulary as a component in the children’s learning”.
“There was a sense that the teacher has worked hard to create a space where the students can express themselves and be who they really are. Her high expectations of the students and their capabilities were evident throughout”.
“The teacher hadn’t grouped the students by ability, rather by home language spoken-this automatically created mixed ability groups and allowed the young people to support each other in their learning”.
Seema Ghauri“What struck me most were the relationships in the classroom. One of the students asked me if I was coming back tomorrow-I said I couldn’t, but I really wanted to”.
Lisa Mercer
“Most of the students had been in Minnesota for less than a year. The classroom really represented the children and their home culture, as well as celebrating their learning”.
Fay Pollitt
“The teacher encouraged the children to support each other in their own language”.
Madhuri Tank
“It was a very positive atmosphere in the classroom. The children could have gone off task whilst the teacher and I talked but they remained focused”.
Gerry Lee
“I had a very interesting conversation with the students, which really shows how outward-looking they are, rather than letting language barriers make them more introverted”.
Aaron Singh
“There were very high expectations of the studentsthe teacher used positive reinforcement to support the students in using some high level vocabulary”.
Uxio Seijas
“The students were able to use their gym lesson to have fun whilst learning new skills”.
Basheak Busscue
“The most impressive thing I noticed was the high rate of staff retention - teachers don’t want to leave LEAP high school”.
Peter Stumpf Lydia Gamlen Jon RyanThe Journey: Refugee Resettlement in Minnesota

One morning we heard from Melody Ward, an Independent Refugee Advocate who works and lives in Minnesota. Melody has worked in refugee resettlement since 2001 and describes it as her passion, which grew from a chance meeting with four Sudanese “Lost Boys” in Chicago. She was struck by their joy, hope and drive for a good life. There are 22.5 million refugees worldwide, with 189,300 resettled in 2016. 85,000 were resettled in the USA.
Before exploring the successes and challenges of refugee resettlement, it is helpful to have a working definition of “refugee”. The legal definition of refugee is someone with a wellfounded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, sexual orientation or membership in a particular social group (UNCHR). Melody builds on this definition with her belief that refugees are resilient, in possession of incredible strength and great survival skills and above all, people with everything that you and I have, except the privilege of opportunity. When they leave their homes, they leave behind belongings, families, careers, communities and feelings of security.
Camp life can be bleak; there is competition for basic necessities such as food, housing and safety. Therefore, access to education and health care is limited. The camp services are contracted to respond to basic human needs like water, so the education a child or young adult receives in a refugee camp varies.
The largest ethnic groups for resettlement in Minnesota are Somali and Karen, with 1405 and 658 people respectively. Challenges for those resettled in Minnesota which affect education include but are not limited to: disparities between camp life and urban life, mental and physical health, isolation, the shock of bitterly cold winters, self-advocacy, language, racism

and discrimination and a change in family roles, triggered by a parents’ loss of job or profession since arriving in the States. That said, Minnesota is among the top states in America for refugee resettlement due to a strong partnership between faith communities and public entities, good public benefits, the presence of colleges and programmes which target refugee adult learners and the existence of a stable and welcoming job market. In addition to this, there is the phenomenon of “Minnesota nice” - it is a friendly state with a neighbourly feel. There are lots of clothing banks and organisations that run clothing or furniture “drives” to gather resources for those who need them.
There was an overwhelming sense that Minnesota sees positive texture in the way that immigrants can add to our society. They encourage new arrivals to reflect upon the assets they bring, and there is a sense that new cultures challenge existing ones to become even better. We all have a responsibility to show humanity and kindness to those who have suffered unimaginable things and have had to tell and relive their stories countless times in order to begin a new life, somewhere safe. By working with and supporting refugees, we can play a part in restoring dignity and humanity. Many of our group left this workshop feeling driven to seek out opportunities at home to support and gain an insight into refugee resettlement in the United Kingdom.
It was an enormously inspiring group which left teachers from Berkeley and Cranford with a keen desire to continue our learning once back in the U.K. Particular strands we felt eager to follow up upon were community engagement, inspiring displays, careers and aspirations and the celebration of ethnic culture, history and community.
Peter Stumpf (Associate Headteacher), Lydia Gamlen and Andy Watts (Berkeley Academy Delegates)Japan

The sun was shining as we set off from Cranford for our first joint activity week with students from the very prestigious Keio University Junior High School in Tokyo. As we drove further into the New Forest, there were concerns about how far we were from anywhere, especially as the mobile signal dropped. Avon Tyrell is a beautiful rambling house, built in 1891 in grounds covering 65 acres. Interestingly, the house has 365 windows, 52 rooms, 12 chimneys, 7 outer doors and 4 wings (does that remind you of anything?). The house was entrusted to the Youth of the Nation and opened as a centre in July 1949. 10 Cranford students from
Visit by our Korean partner school
years 9 and 10 led by 2 year 12 students were accommodated alongside their Japanese peers in large rooms with up to 10 beds. All meals were taken together in the self-service canteen downstairs and international interaction was the name of the game. Through games, activities and visit, the groups bonded and firm friendships were fostered.
Some of the activities were challenging – the high ropes were a major success as was the raft building, canoeing, archery, low ropes, trust walks (where the group is blindfolded except for the leader) and the visits to Stonehenge,

again the Ocheon Senior High School from Pohang in South Korea paid us a welcome visit but unusually they chose to come in December. The upside of this timing meant they saw London at its Christmas best. Every school day, the Korean students visited a wide range of year 12 lessons, where possible with their Cranford email pen pals. This proved very popular with both students and staff, with the Korean students involving themselves in the learning. A particular hit with our friends from Pohang was drama, where they were thrown into an improvisation on “fake news”. Alongside their Cranford experience, they were accompanied by our students to Central London and Oxford. The group enjoyed their evening of musicals – choosing either Phantom of the Opera or Aladdin and swept around the London Eye at dusk to see London, beautifully lit up. Plans are well ahead for a return visit by Cranford to Korea in October 2018.
“The Korean students were very enthusiastic and I enjoyed working with them”.
“They would bow and shake hands as a thank you to allow them to be a part in the school”.

Salisbury, Swanage and Corfe Castle, Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove.

This fantastic opportunity arose out of an introduction by the Japanese Foundation to Keio in February 2016 and proved to be the most wonderful time for Cranford students. We are all set to repeat the experience next year with more Japanese learning before we go ( がんば ってください pronounced “gambatte kudasai” it means “keep at what you’re doing, no matter what”).

Philip Dobison (Assistant Head of School - International Relations)
“The fact that there was hardly any internet and that there were only a few pupils who spoke English forced us all to interact with each other and through this we met new people, both English and Japanese students”.
Zahra Sadiq (year 11)
“My experience with the Keio University Junior High School, Tokyo, Japan was truly amazing and a fantastic opportunity to socialise and make friends with new people who had a completely different lifestyle to me… This was genuinely a memorable trip and I hope to keep in contact with them and see them again”.

Karamveer Tamna (year 11)
South Korean teachers working alongside Cranford staff
In conjunction with City Capital College Group and specifically with Westminster Kingsway College, Cranford hosted 11 South Korean teachers over two weeks in November 2017, so that they could see first-hand how lessons are taught here. The Korean teachers also turned their hand to a PSHCE lesson on Korean culture, which ranged from fan making leading to a Korean fan dance, to eating with chopsticks, from calligraphy to gonggi (jacks in the UK) and jegichagi (foot shuttlecock). The feedback was very positive from both Korean and Cranford staff.

One teacher said:“I found the whole process useful”.
“It was a great opportunity for me to discuss the ways that some mathematical concepts are taught at schools in Korea”.
“These visits have a huge impact on the children’s understanding of being global learners”.
Philip Dobison (Assistant Head of School - International Relations)
The K orean Government Invitation Programme for students studying Korean from partner countries was a ten day programme. Having learnt the language for a year at school and independently, I joined over 120 students from 50 countries. We stayed at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) and I knew was prepared to take full advantage of the opportunity and advance as a passionate learner.
Before the opening ceremony we spent the day in Seoul, visiting the Namsan Tower and Myeongdong, a major shopping street. Heading to Myeongdong, the shopping hub of Seoul, we shopped for the latest Korean fashion clothing, skincare and so on and I was treated to bingsu (Korean shaved ice). The opening ceremony was held by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) where we enjoyed various performances by a Korean pop group and a traditional band.
Then I was introduced to my roommate with whom I became close friends, indeed after one day, we had all become good friends. We started our stay in Jinju with a campus tour, lectures, visits to various industries such as Korea Aerospace Industry and Doosan Heavy Industries and other surrounding universities. During the week, we visited many historical sites: Songgwangsa temple, a filming site and Naganeupseong folk village where friends and I wore traditional Korean attire called hanbok.
My first week in Korea was coming to an end and homestay had begun. The Kang family was very welcoming and helped me experience the authentic
daily life of a Korean with an early morning visit to a traditional street market with fishmongers on every street corner and a variety of Korean street food stalls to choose from. The homestay was an amazing and valuable experience.
During the second week, we went to more ancient temples, were taught how to play the traditional Korean drums in a form called salmunori, explored Shilla Millennium Park which is used to preserve the Shilla period and is also used in many dramas, practised taekwondo, explored Jinju castle as well as a trip to Gyeonghae Girls High School. I learnt more about Korea’s education system with the visit to the high school and enjoyed the lessons I participated in where we listened to class presentations, played Korean games, enjoyed ice cream and experienced the difference in approaches to education.
The farewell ceremony marked the end of the programme and was an emotional celebration of how much we had achieved individually and as a team with a certificate of completion and achievement ceremony.

The KGIP was an amazing programme which I will never forget. It has inspired me to continue my Korean studies and I hope to return to Korea as an advanced learner. The Korean Government Invitation Programme for Students from Partner Countries 2017 was a fantastic opportunity, one I will cherish for many years to come.

Year 8 Giving to the Community
Inthe autumn term year 8 students were tasked to think about how they could do something for others and help the community. An opportunity arose when we were invited to visit a local Care Home to spend time with the elderly and give back something to the community. Students were selected to represent the year group on a Wednesday afternoon during W Factor. During their visits they played board games and quizzes with the residents and just spent time listening and talking with them.
In addition, the whole year group decided to do a collection of Christmas presents for those in the local hospital and 15 students were selected to represent the year group to visit and play Santa’s elves giving gifts to patients of all ages to spread a little Christmas cheer. We were overwhelmed with the number of gifts donated by the students.
All the students involved said they were delighted by the response they received both at the care home and at the hospital. I am extremely proud of my year group and the way they engaged with this initiative and showed how generous our students can be to those less fortunate than themselves.

Little Elves Trip to deliver Santa’s presents
We reached the ward, and some of us got to visit some children that were just born. Because I am an identical twin I got to visit some new born twins and saw their two small hands. I didn’t want to disturb them so I just left the present next to their cot as the mother said;” Thank you Santa”, I said; “No problem you guys are on the good list”. In the end I was happy because when everybody is happy there are always happy endings.
Hiba Raza (year 8)
Visit to Norwood Green Care Home
Last term for our W Factor, 14 selected students from year 8 made several visits to the Norwood Green Care Home. We were anxious to see how the residents would react to so many school children but when we had arrived we were greeted by lovely staff and the bright smiles given to us by the elderly warmed the room. At the care home we played a ‘get to know you game’ where we rolled a dice, looked at a question corresponding to the number rolled and then answered it (for example, what’s your favourite TV show?).
Over the weeks we made a few visits and this lightened the residents’ days as they rarely have visitors. We learnt that some of the residents living at the care home had dementia; this meant that when we went back to visit the following week, they had forgotten who some of us were or who our teachers were. This was something that some of us weren’t used to seeing, however, both students and the residents made an effort to get other again. It was an amazing experience visiting the care home, mixing with the older people which is something that doesn’t happen that often in today’s society.
Shamaila Baig (year 8)
Going to the Care Home was a great opportunity. I got to meet people a lot of new people and enjoyed being out of my comfort zone. At first we were a bit scared as we were not used to the environment but soon we were able to talk and interact with the elderly. I met a lady who spoke Swahili so I went home and learnt some words so I could talk to her and I loved the smile on her face when I could speak to her. I was able to interact with many people and was able to find out their story. I was overwhelmed by some stories but was happy to have the chance to find them out. Some were reluctant to speak but others were not. We played bowling with them and were able to have fun. I loved going there and would love to go again. I got much love from them. This opportunity made me want to give back to the community .
Huda Sharif (year 8)On
Thursday 17th December 2017, the new Creative Arts Department invited parents, staff and guests to join them in showcasing student work at their and Dark Festival . The event was organised as a celebration of the work produced in the new innovative creative arts curriculum at key stage 3 introduced in September 2017.

The combined arts curriculum, delivered by a

team of dynamic arts teachers and practitioners, offers students the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques through a variety arts experiences whilst nurturing their talents and enabling the joy of the arts to be at the centre of their learning. In addition, students have been offered a variety of enrichment opportunities to increase their arts experience and foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the arts industry.
The curriculum focus has been project based on a cross-arts theme of “My Place in the World”. Year 7 students looked at transition from primary to secondary school creating memory boxes and wish trees in art and using the memory boxes to stimulate drama pieces. Students in year 8 have focused on foods and cultural recipes and the stories associated with food, plus puppet and shadow theatre, whilst in drama they have

created animation stories alongside traditional storytelling. Year 9 students have focused on making and creating using different genres and materials in art and creating performance pieces and a festival event in drama.

The Music Department has been completely refurbished with the introduction of the live room for students to create their own bands, learn to play an instrument and to rehearse and perform. The second room has been transformed into a music technology centre for the creation of their own music using REASON 9 software. Students in all years have been working on original music under the arts theme and learning to become confident musicians and performers.
The Light and Dark experience enabled attendees to witness just some of the work produced during the term through a promenade theatre experience

with performances in dance, drama, music, animation, and visual art, whilst enjoying a variety of refreshments made by the students. They were also invited to add a wish to the wish tree.

A wonderful evening and a great way to end the term.

Presentation Evening 2017
An Uplifting and Inspiring Evening

Cranford Community College’s Annual Presentation Evening on Thursday 16th November 2017 was held at the Riverside, Bath Road. This was a new venue for our awards evening, but a fitting setting for such a prestigious event in our school calendar. The evening was a huge success with recipients of awards sitting down to celebrate with parents, staff and guests to a meal and entertainment.
The uplifting and inspiring awards evening was hosted by the 6th Form Leadership Team Jessica Atouguia (Head Girl), Aadil Awan (Head Boy), Ali Hussen (Deputy Head Boy), Zala Amiri (Deputy Head Girl), Malika Ali (Deputy Head Girl) and Mustafa Ahmed (Deputy Head Boy). There was a really positive buzz from the evening where all celebrated the success of current and past students. Awards were presented by our guest speaker Sharon Stockman who has worked in a variety of social worker settings and gave an inspirational speech about her life and dealing with the challenges of being blind, however, her guide dog Clover stole the lime light being a different type of guest to our awards. Awards were punctuated by performances by the school band and the Shakespeare in School group from year 8 performing an extract from “Twelfth Night”.

A special award, The Pride of Cranford Award, was presented to Tejinder Purewal, year 11 for his outstanding act of community service and the Rod Lewis Award went to Dinnie Heroe, for her work in the Three Bridges.

The new setting of the Riverside and the inspiring stories of those receiving awards brought a different and exciting dynamic to what is always a wonderful evening which everyone enjoys.
Kevin Biggs (Assistant Headteacher)

On Wednesday March 29th, 2017, Tejinder Purewal then in year 10, arrived late to school with a rather unusual excuse. He claimed to have been helping an elderly gentleman who had collapsed near the Munchies restaurant on the Bath Road. His punctuality is not exactly perfect so questions were asked and details confirming his story emerged later that day after contact from the local police and ambulance services and a few weeks afterwards from a local family.
Tejinder, supported by another Cranford student, administered CPR to a gentleman who had suffered a heart attack. Tejinder stayed with Mr Antonio

Fernandez for 30 minutes until the ambulance arrived and amazed witnesses (including the staff of a neighbouring pharmacy) with his determination and expertise.
Having practised his first aid skills at school, as well as with the local army cadets with whom he trains, Tejinder put his knowledge and training into powerful effect and there is no doubt he played a crucial role in saving the life of a member of our community.
Tejinder has already been recognised with a national paramedic award but today we honour him with a new award donated by Mr Fernandez and his family – ‘The Pride of Cranford’ Award.
Mr Fernandez recently turned 80 and I am absolutely delighted to welcome him and his family here tonight to celebrate Tejinder’s remarkable achievement with us. Mr Fernandez will present Tejinder with an individual medal and I would also like to invite up Ms Priscilla Ledlie, our own Pastoral Manager for year 13 and medical officer, who has personally been involved with Tejinder’s first aid training both in school and as part of the 192 Heston Detachment of the army cadet force, to present him with the inaugural ‘Pride of Cranford’ shield which will go on prominent display in the school and become, at the request of Mr Fernandez and his family, a new award.
The Rod Lewis Award has been generously donated by his wife and longstanding member of the Academy Trust, Jenny Lewis and their daughter Nicole, a former student at Cranford, in memory of Rod and his many years’ service as a Governor. Rod passed away after a long illness in February 2010.
This award has been created to recognise either a group or individual adult or student, who has made an exceptional contribution, or achieved something exceptional which has added to the success of the school, its pupils and/or the whole school community.

From talking to people about Rod, I think one of the things they always remember is how incredibly positive he was about students and their achievements, about staff and the school and in life in general. When perhaps other people would have given up and isolated themselves from
the world, Rod was still wanting to stay involved, coming into school and sharing his wisdom and wit with the school and the whole community.

So the winner of today’s award is entirely appropriate. She is also someone who is incredibly positive, who never gives up on young people and who, even in her busy day-to-day life always finds time for everyone.
Dinnie Heroe has now been working at Cranford for four years overseeing our Three Bridges Twilight School and has worked tirelessly to develop the Three Bridges and nurture the staff and students within it. She never gives up on the young people there and will fight for them to have equal opportunity and the chance to make a fresh start, often in challenging circumstances. She works hard to broker positive relationships with the families of children at Three Bridges to ensure they provide appropriate support at home.
Dinnie is also very caring and supportive towards the staff at Three Bridges and across the school, developing their confidence, abilities and spotting opportunities for growth. She is very diligent and dedicated and will always go the extra mile for anyone.

Recently Dinnie has ably taken on the role of Acting SENCo at Berkeley and much like with everything else she doesn’t blow her own trumpet but gets the job done providing truly outstanding support for staff and families and being a champion for children. She is a worthy recipient of the Rod Lewis Award and I would like to now invite Jenny Lewis onstage to present Dinnie with her award which comes along with £100 to support a project of her choice.
Citation for the award by Rob Ind (Head of School)
Citation for the award by Rob Ind (Head of School)Targeted Intervention Day 1

Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Day
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves; it is not my nature”.
Jane AustenThePersonal Development day, held on Friday 24th November 2017, was devised in light of previous learning; students worked with staff and external providers building on students’ understanding of how to be in the world.

Key stage 3 students worked on building self-esteem and celebrating success. They spent time exploring how to deal with feedback both positive and less so in a variety of forms and completed a project on how they celebrate each other’s achievements. Year 7 and 8 students completed the initial assessment of the Myriad Project a piece of research conducted by Oxford University on mindfulness and resilience. They also spent time looking at relationships and explored the different feelings at different stages of relationships from initial interest and friendship to life after a relationship.
Year 10 students explored the world of relationships, sex education and health. They spent time looking at relationships and consent in a variety of scenarios and then went on to find out about contraception and sexual health. During the day they also explored the impact of pregnancy and having children. Students also learnt about pornography and the internet and the misrepresentation it can create around sexual activity.

Year 11 students worked on resilience looking at the impact of dealing with pressure and exploring how to cope with challenging situations. They also worked with OB Education on revision techniques and educational stamina on the run up to their mock and real exams.

6th form students explored a variety of topics including looking at relationships and in particular how to deal with negative or risky relationships. They explored the impact of fertility issues around conceiving and researched adoption and fostering as alternatives ways to become parents. The students also considered the issues around pornography. Both year 12 and 13 students examined mental health issues and in particular looked at the impact of resilience and being proactive in looking after your mind. The day for year 13 students was designed around looking at what happens after school has finished and leaving home. They spent time working on finances and budgeting and cooking for themselves. Some students used the time to work with tutors to complete their UCAS application where others spent time exploring apprenticeships.
The day proved to be hugely valuable. It enabled students to engage in meaningful discussions on topics that affect them in their daily lives and to gain a greater understanding of how to adjust to this ever changing world.

“The idea of a lifelong commitment to somebody because of photographs taken and posting them was interesting and something I had not thought about”. (year 9 student)
“It was really interesting learning about pregnancy, I found it so stressful doing the shopping list whilst a baby was screaming”. (year 10 student)
End of Term Celebrations
Our end of term assembly on Friday 15th December 2018 adopted a concert format. There were two fantastic shows put on to celebrate the end of term with bands from years 7, 8 and 9 sharing their musical talents with some songs being written by students.

The 6th Form Leadership Team hosted the concert with great skill and humour. Mr O’Hare started the proceedings with a rap he had written about school which the students appreciated. The year 9 W Factor Street Dance group also moved the audience with their fast-paced and exciting routine. The two performances by staff at the end of the concert brought the house down with Mr Ferreira singing “Havana” by Camila Cabello followed by “I wish it could be Christmas” by Wizard: a very entertaining end to a fabulous concert.
Kevin Biggs (Assistant Headteacher)