2 minute read
Golden Book
Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:
3RN Beatrice St G for her kindness and friendship to the girls in our class this week. She listens carefully during our PSHE lessons and made thoughtful contributions this week on the qualities of a good friend.
Sienna D N for her fantastic effort in Maths this week. Sienna tried very hard telling the time using analogue and digital clocks. Well done!
Sophia C for her excellent use of descriptive vocabulary in our work on the book Madam Pamplemousse. Sophia created an excellent character description using fantastic adjectives and adverbs.
Eloise B-S for her effort in Maths this week, using analogue clocks to solve time problems and converting between digital and analogue times. Well done.
3KC Thea S for amazing participation in Maths this week on the concept of time.
Victoria M for effort and perseverance with time in Maths.
Esme S for fabulous problem solving in time this week.
4BB Darcy R and Isabella M for their super representation of a Potion Bottle, carefully combining creative and controlled marks to make a wonderful 3D effect.
Amelie A for her brilliant effort and understanding in Maths this week learning about the different types of triangles.
4CR Isabella MS for her super representation of a Potion Bottle, carefully combining creative and controlled marks to make a wonderful 3D effect.
Eleanor B for her excellent effort to develop her use of language when writing speech.
Ruby S for her fabulous development of direct and indirect speech.
5HC Lottie C and Imogen W for their mature and thoughtful contributions to all discussions and question times during our PSHE work this week.
Coralie H for her insightful and excellent work researching William Wilberforce and how he showed love and compassion for others.
Isabella K for her conscientious attitude in class, listening carefully, joining in discussions and applying all she has learned to her work.
5MK Matilda R for her helpfulness around the classroom, putting to use her excellent skills of organisation.
Tara S for being active in her learning - always being happy to ask questions to clarify and further her understanding.
Rosie A for her incredibly mature attitude and engagement during our PSHE lessons this week.
Catrin V for her conscientious attitude towards her learning and for the super progress that she has made this year.
5KH Stef v E for improvising brilliantly in our class assembly.
Elsie W for her enthusiastic dance moves in our assembly song.
Amaya H for always being so humble despite her achievements and for keeping up with school commitments whilst being part of a production of Tosca.
6HI Ella J and Sofia O for their thoughtfulness, kindness, and being kind to others.
Maisy M for her beautiful still-life drawing of flowers, sensitively and carefully observed.
Amelia S for her outstanding postcard, written from a soldier's perspective in WW1.
6JG Isola R for her positive contributions to class discussions and for taking part in the Tosca performance.
Clara d A and Bella H for working positively on the ID project.