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hocus pocus roulette strategy A cursory glance at the average search engine results page of most engines out there reveals that, in the casino industry in particular, there's a lot of nonsense out there. It makes it something of a tricky industry to find reliable results, convincing strategic approaches, and real evidence-based advice based on statistical probability and mathematics.

hocus pocus roulette strategy There are simply tens of thousands of pages out there selling hocus-pocus roulette strategies based on very dubious science and all with the same goal: to get money out of you as quickly and as frequently as possible… I mean…come on…that's what the casinos are meant to do!

hocus pocus roulette strategy At least with casinos you actually have a chance of winning a hefty lump of cash. The odds may be pitted against you to varying degrees, but at the very least there is the crucial element of choice, when to walk away and when to stay. Not so with guides so badly written that you may as well throw all your money away and join the poverty line.

hocus pocus roulette strategy The fact is, when you hold a lot of these guides up to scrutiny they come up seriously wanting. Many experts, using computer simulations, have showed time and time again that these snake oil strategies have no more advantage to them then flat betting. This means that you're essentially paying someone for a system that neither improves nor diminishes your (dis) advantage.

hocus pocus roulette strategy Since the very invention of roulette, no reliable and failsafe method has existed for trumping the otherwise insuperable house edge. This should come as no grand revelation, for how else would casinos cover operating costs and all those complimentary whiskeys were they not making it back with interest somewhere else?

hocus pocus roulette strategy Even a cursory look at the operation of statistics would mean that even where these guides promise, for example, a 1% edge for the player, that in practice this would accumulate over time from hundreds into tens of thousands of dollars, and we’re quite certain that the house’s accountants are just far too creative” to ever let that slide.

hocus pocus roulette strategy Additionally, consider that if all those gurus promising wealth beyond the dreams could substantiate their claims, would they even have need to desperately market them to an unsuspecting public in the first place? You will almost always see the house trying to keep the biggest gamblers at the table for as long as possible – especially following a big win.

hocus pocus roulette strategy That's because over time, it is an inescapable reality that you will lose money. It is as rational and as expected as the law of gravity. It’s beyond doubt. And while anomalies throw some confusion into the system (though even lucky winning sprees eventually peak and begin their decline), the science of the game allows enough profit for the result to be predictable.

hocus pocus roulette strategy Our take-home message? Play roulette for what it is, not what you hope it might be.

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