rs W ffe N O a il o c o m UP E em ess. G N IV p r S I C L U S .c rc X ww rE w fo a t
Contents Analystical Chemistry ..................................................3 Biochemistry ................................................................6 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry ................10 Electrochemistry ........................................................11 Environmental Chemistry ..........................................11 Page 14
Page 6
Fuels and Petrochemicals ..........................................13 General Chemistry ....................................................13 Industrial and Applied Chemistry ..............................15 Inorganic Chemistry ..................................................16 Materials Chemistry ..................................................18 Natural Product Chemistry ........................................20 Organic Chemistry ....................................................23 Physical Chemistry ....................................................26
Page 28
Page 23
Separation Science ....................................................28 Chromatography ......................................................28 Spectroscopy ............................................................29
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Page 18
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ACS Spring 2012 National Meeting & Expo BOOTH #702 March 25-27, 2012
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Analytical Chemistry Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Handbook of Analytical Validation
Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals
Michael E. Swartz Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Third Edition
Ira S. Krull
Edited by
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Anurag Rathore
Written for researchers in the drug and biotechnology industries, this handbook carefully compiles the current regulatory requirements to correctly and properly validate a new or modified analytical method. This authoritative text enables readers to fully and correctly adapt new or modified analytical methods in order to meet regulatory requirements. The book contains the latest regulatory requirements for submitting applications for new drugs or other applications regarding analytical method validation. The chapters apply to both small molecules in the conventional pharmaceutical industry, as well to biopolymers derived from the biopharmaceutical industry. • Contains practical, up-to-date guidelines for analytical method validation • Includes a summary of the latest regulatory requirements for all aspects of method validation • Includes coverage of areas such as quality control, cleaning validation, and R&D validation • Leads the reader through the steps required by all major regulatory agencies when validating any analytical method, even those coming from the USP, but undergoing modifications
Gail Sofer
Selected Contents: Introduction to Analytical Method Validation. Analytical Instrument Qualification. HPLC Method Development and Optimization with Validation in Mind. Method Validation Basics. Robustness and System Suitability. Setting Specifications and Investigating Out-of-Specification Results. Validation by Type of Method. Analytical Method Transfer. Implementing New Technology in a Regulated Environment. Glossary of Terms Related to Chromatographic Method.
A much-needed resource, this book presents process characterization techniques for scaling down unit operations in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, including chromatography, chemical modification reactions, ultrafiltration, and microfiltration. It also provides practical methods to test raw materials and in-process samples. Stressing the importance of taking a risk-based approach towards computerized system compliance, this book will help you and your team ascertain process validation is carried out and exceeds expectations.
Catalog no. DK2235, April 2012, c. 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-0689-0, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi Bioreliance, Inc., Warren, New Jersey, USA
Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals, Third Edition delves into the key aspects and current practices of process validation. It includes discussion on the final version of the FDA 2011 Guidance for Industry on Process Validation Principles and Practices, commonly referred to as the Process Validation Guidance or PVG, issued in final form on January 24, 2011. The book also provides guidelines and current practices, as well as industrial case studies illustrating the different approaches that can be taken for successful validation of biopharmaceutical processes. Case studies include • Process validation for membrane chromatography • Leveraging multivariate analysis tools to qualify scale-down models • A matrix approach for process validation of a multivalent bacterial vaccine • Purification validation for a therapeutic monoclonal antibody expressed and secreted by Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells • Viral clearance validation studies for a product produced in a human cell line
Catalog no. K12321, April 2012, c. 540 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5093-0, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Analytical Chemistry PAT Applied in Biopharmaceutical Process Development and Manufacturing An Enabling Tool for Quality-by-Design
Coming Soon!
Characterization of Nanostructures Sverre Myhra and John C. Riviere
Edited by
Oxford University, Yarnton, UK
Cenk Undey, Duncan Low, Jose C. Menezes, and Mel Koch
The techniques and methods that can be applied to materials characterization on the micro-scale are ubiquitous and well-established. Reviewing the physical principles of various methods, this book explores new and old nanotechnology techniques of great current interest. The authors focus on the needs in the research laboratory, and address the needs of quality control, industrial troubleshooting, and online analysis. • Presents methods and techniques that apply specifically to nanostructure discovery • Offers a holistic description of how new and old techniques and methods can be used together for best results • Overviews the physical principles of techniques and describes the operational modes most relevant to nanoscale characterization • Documents the myriad of synthesis routes for carbon nanostructures that have been developed in recent years
Series: Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
As with all of pharmaceutical production, the regulatory environment for the production of therapeutics has been changing as a direct result of the US FDA-initiated Quality by Design (QbD) guidelines and corresponding activities of the International Committee for Harmonization (ICH). Given the rapid growth in the biopharmaceutical area and the complexity of the molecules, the optimum uses of which are still being developed, there is a great need for flexible and proactive teams in order to satisfy the regulatory requirements during process development. Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) applied in biopharmaceutical process development and manufacturing have received significant attention in recent years as an enabler to the QbD paradigm. PAT Applied in Biopharmaceutical Process Development and Manufacturing covers technological advances in measurement sciences, data acquisition, monitoring, and control. Technical leaders present real-life case studies in areas including measuring and monitoring raw materials, cell culture, purification, and cleaning and lyophilization processes via advanced PAT. They also explore how data are collected and analyzed using advanced analytical techniques such as multivariate data analysis, monitoring, and control in real-time. Invaluable for experienced practitioners in PAT in biopharmaceuticals, this book is an excellent reference guide for regulatory officials and a vital training aid for students who need to learn the state-of-the-art in this interdisciplinary and exciting area. Catalog no. K11448, December 2011, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2945-5, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Selected Contents: Techniques: Diffraction Analysis by XRD and TEM. Surface Structural Analysis by STM. Morphological and Topographical Analysis by High Resolution SEM and AFM. Compositional analysis by STEM/EDS. Electronic Structure Analysis by TEM/EELS, STM/STS and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Vibrational Optical Analysis by Raman Probe, FTIR and SNOM. Particle Size and Size Distribution Analysis by DLS and DCS. Surface Area Determination by BET. Different Dimensionalities and Functionalities: General Observations on Carbon-Based Nano-Structures. Graphene and Other 'Free' Mono Layers. Isolated C60, Related Molecules, and Their Functions as Separated and Embedded Species. Quantum Dots as Separated Entities and Ordered Arrays. CNT and Other Tube Structures. Nanowires. Nanostructured materials, Nanocomposites, Nanolaminates. Nano-biomaterials. Nano-tribology and Nano-Wear. Ensemble Averages for NanoStructures, With and Without Long-Range Order. Catalog no. K12508, June 2012, c. 536 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5415-0, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Analytical Chemistry Coming Soon!
Practical Guide and Spectral Atlas for Interpretive Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Second Edition Jerry Workman, Jr. Unity Scientific LLC, Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Lois Weyer Landenberg, Pennsylvania, USA
Interpretive spectroscopy provides a basis for the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between spectrometer response and the chemical properties of the samples. Without established cause-effect relationships, the measured data will have no true predictive significance. This interpretive process is key for achieving an analytical understanding of the measurement. The popular first edition of this text delivered a unique focus on structure correlation and interpretation of spectra for the practitioner. The thoroughly-updated and revised second edition continues the tradition and includes a full library of four-color spectra in a larger format to ensure clarity and reader comprehension. • Offers more than 300 figures representing all the major functional groups and their NIR frequency ranges • Contains over 120 pages of tables and charts illustrating overlapping spectra • Covers NIR spectra for organic compounds including alkanes, carboxylic acids, amines, dienes, alkynes, heterocyclic compounds, amino acids, and aldehydes • Provides comprehensive appendices with spectra-structure correlations, example spectra, and other useful data for interpreting NIR spectra
Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods Edited by
Leo M.L. Nollet University College Ghent, Applied Engineering Sciences, Belgium
Fidel Toldrá Instituto de Agroquímica y Technología de Alimentos (CSIC), Valencia, Spain
Functional foods offer specific benefits that enhance life and promote longevity, and the active compounds responsible for these favorable effects can be analyzed through a range of techniques. This volume presents reviews the analytical tools available for the analysis of active ingredients in these products. Each chapter describes the specific compound and its benefits, surveys the range of analytic techniques available, and provides ample references to facilitate further study. Catalog no. K10815, January 2012, 956 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1588-5, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Electrokinetic Particle Transport in Micro/Nanofluidics Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis Shizhi Qian and Ye Ai Series: Surfactant Science
Selected Contents: Introduction to NearInfrared Spectra. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes. Alkenes and Alkynes. Aromatic Compounds. Hydroxyl-Containing Compounds. Water. Carbonyls. Amines and Amides. P-H and SoH. Carbohydrates. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Synthetic Polymers and Rubbers. History of Near-Infrared (NIR) Applications.
This book covers electrokinetic particle transport in micro/nano-fluidics, involving electrophoresis, dielectrophoresis, electroosmosis, and inducedcharge electroosmosis and electrophoresis. It emphasizes the direct numerical simulation of electrokinetic particle transport phenomena, plus several supportive experimental studies. The authors use COMSOL Multiphysics to conduct all the numerical simulations presented and include the corresponding script files in the appendix. The book is suitable as a resource for researchers in mirco/nanofluidics and as a supplementary textbook for courses in electrokinetic transport phenomena in micro/nanofluidics.
Catalog no. K13491, March 2012, c. 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7525-4, $199.95 / £127.00
Catalog no. K12520, May 2012, c. 360 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5438-9, $129.95 / £82.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Biochemistry CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology
The Structure of Biological Membranes
Third Edition, Two-Volume Set
Edited by
Axel Griesbeck University of Cologne, Germany
Francesco Ghetti CNR Istituto Biofisica, Pisa, Italy
As spectroscopic, synthetic and biological tools become more and more sophisticated, photochemistry and photobiology are merging—making interdisciplinary research essential. Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessors, the Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, Third Edition has evolved into a state-of-the-art collection on modern aspects of photochemistry and photobiology. A compilation 67 of topical reviews by leading experts, this compilation provides cutting-edge information on the applications of photochemical and photobiological principles, techniques, and methodologies. • Provides the most authoritative and complete resource on organic photochemistry and photobiology • Uses the IUPAC glossary of terms for photochemistry as a guide • Presents a user-friendly treatment of recent developments, new applications, and emerging areas of interest • Offers new and updated topics, including industrial and OLED photochemistry, photocatalysis, photosensoring, photodynamic water sterilization, photoimmunology, artificial photosynthetic systems, drug delivery, photodermatology, and phototoxicity of drugs This high-quality and concise collection bridges traditional topics, current trends, and future directions to provide you with the most authoritative and complete resource available on the subject. The IUPAC glossary of photochemistry is included as a CD-ROM. Catalog no. K14351, March 2012, 1712 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9933-5, $399.00 / £254.00 Also available as an eBook
Third Edition Philip L. Yeagle Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, USA
Praise for previous editions: "Among the seemingly limitless universe of specialist/specialized monographs in biochemistry this one clearly stands out. The overall verdict must be: very recommendable to anyone wishing to go beyond the biochemistry/ cell biology textbook. A good, practical purchase for every laboratory library." —Cell Biochemistry and Function, Vol. 23, No. 4
This book focuses on the fundamentals of lipid bilayers and membrane proteins. Three introductory chapters supply those new to the field with the tools and conceptual framework with which to approach the state-of-the-art chapters that follow. The second part of the book presents indepth analyses of focused subjects within the study of membranes, covering topics including: • Phase behavior of lipid bilayers • Lipid bilayers as an isolated structure • Cholesterol’s role in cell biology • Lateral organization of membranes • The role of membrane lipids in initial membrane protein folding • Membrane protein synthesis and assembly of oligomeric membrane proteins • Membrane protein stability with relationships to function and protein turnover • Membrane protein function using a transport protein • Interactions between membrane proteins and membrane lipids A final chapter pulls together many of the topics, examining in detail the complexity inherent in the synthesis and assembly of lipids and proteins in mitochondrial membranes. With contributions from leading researchers, this completely revised and updated third edition reflects recent advances in the field of biological membranes. It offers a valuable resource for students, as well as structural biologists, biophysicists, cell biologists, biochemists, and researchers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Catalog no. K10479, July 2011, 398 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0957-0, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Biochemistry Stem Cells and Revascularization Therapies Edited by
Hyunjoon Kong and Lawrence B. Schook University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign, USA
Andrew J. Putnam University of California - Irvine, USA
In the last few decades, significant advancements in the biology and engineering of stem cells have enabled progress in their clinical application to revascularization therapies. Some strategies involve the mobilization of endogenous stem cell populations, and others employ cell transplantation. However, both techniques have benefited from multidisciplinary efforts to create biomaterials and other biomedical tools that can improve and control the fate of stem cells, and advance our understanding of them. Focusing on the fundamentals and applied studies in stem cell biology, this book provides perspectives associated with the development of revascularization strategies. To help readers understand the multidisciplinary issues associated with this topic, this book has been divided into four sections: • Section 1: Explores how to define, isolate, and characterize various stem and progenitor cell populations for neovascularization • Section 2: Summarizes some especially useful model systems and approaches used to regulate angiogenesis, vasculogenesis, and arteriogenesis, and explores their impact on formation of functional vessels in vivo • Section 3: Focuses on stem cell homing to sites of injury and inflammation, as well as strategies to exploit this mobilization phenomenon • Section 4: Covers stem cell transplantation topics, including recreating features of endogenous stem cell niches to maintain the multipotency of transplanted cells and combinatorial delivery of cells and molecular factors
Chemistry of Protein and Nucleic Acid Cross-Linking and Conjugation Second Edition Shan S. Wong National Institutes of Health (Retired), USA
David M. Jameson University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA
Since the publication of the first edition of Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Cross-Linking in 1991, new cross-linking reagents, notably multifunctional cross-linkers, have been developed and synthesized. The completion of the human genome project has opened a new area for studying nucleic acid and protein interactions using nucleic acid cross-linking reagents, and advances have also been made in the area of biosensors and microarray biochips for the detection and analysis of genes, proteins, and carbohydrates. In addition, developments in physical techniques with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution have facilitated the analysis of cross-linked products.
Intended to inspire new contributions to improve the therapeutic efficacy, Stem Cells and Revascularization Therapies outlines emergent findings and challenges regarding the use of stem cells in revascularization therapies.
Updated to reflect the advances of the 21st century, this book offers: • An overview of the chemical principles underlying the processes of cross-linking and conjugation • A thorough list of cross-linking reagents published in the literature since the first edition, covering monofunctional, homobifunctional, heterobifunctional, multifunctional, and zero-length cross-linkers • Reviews of the use of these reagents in studying protein tertiary structures, geometric arrangements of subunits within complex proteins and nucleic acids, nearneighbor analysis, protein-to-protein or ligand–receptor interactions, and conformational changes of biomolecules • Discusses the application of immunoconjugation for immunoassays, immunotoxins for targeted therapy, microarray technology for analysis of various biomolecules, and solid state chemistry for immobilizations
Catalog no. K10180, December 2011, 342 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0323-3, $149.95 / £95.00
Catalog no. 7491, October 2011, 622 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7491-3, $199.95 / £127.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Biochemistry Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
PCR Technology Current Innovations, Third Edition Edited by
Tania Nolan and Stephen A. Bustin PCR Technology: Current Innovations, Third Edition provides the tools for developing innovative approaches to PCR. It includes theoretical considerations, discussions, and a selection of state-of-the-art techniques for mutation studies, clinical diagnosis, and the detection of foodborne pathogens. This edition also discusses the preparation of PCR experiments, includes examples of analytical PCR divided into qualitative and quantitative applications, and explores preparative methods that address DNA generation for further analysis and in vitro evolution. Catalog no. K12140, July 2012, c. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4805-0, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Mitochondrial Signaling in Health and Disease Edited by
Sten Orrenius, Lester Packer, and Enrique Cadenas Series: Oxidative Stress and Disease
This book examines a unique assembly of coordinated mitochondrial functions that are important in regulating cell function and are of relevance in a myriad of pathophysiological situations, such as age-related neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. The text covers themes essential for the maintenance of mitochondrial activity, including electron transport and energy production, mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, mitochondrial signaling, and apoptosis and autophagy. Catalog no. K13756, June 2012, c. 552 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8002-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Emergent Patterns and the Brain Michael Thompson University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Saman Sadeghi UCLA Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging, Los Angeles, California, USA
Coming Soon!
Handbook of Lipid Bilayers Second Edition Derek Marsh K.F. Bonhoeffer Institut, Gottingen, Germany
Written by well-respected researchers, this book describes how the human brain can process sensory information through the generation of emergent patterns, exploring the processes that enable thoughts to arise. The text addresses such concepts as consciousness, the role of complexity in emergence, the intelligence of complex systems, the human brain as a system, spatio-temporal patterns in the brain, self-organization, and synthetic cognitive system design. The contributors also discuss what lies ahead for the future of designed complex systems.
Written by a world-renowned expert in the field, this handbook provides the only one-stop resource for primary physicochemical data relating to phospholipid bilayers. Coverage includes both dynamic and structural properties of phospholipid bilayers, along with basic thermodynamic data. With 50 percent more data, this second edition contains three new chapters on dilatometric data, elastic constants, and inverted hexagonal phases. It also presents expanded information on glycolipids and includes more detailed introductory sections that explain important concepts and provide a broader framework for understanding the data.
Catalog no. K11956, July 2012, c. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4201-0, $139.95 / £89.00
Catalog no. 88327, March 2012, c. 1103 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8832-8, $249.95 / £159.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Amino Acid Chelation in Human and Animal Nutrition
Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers
H. DeWayne Ashmead
Roger L. Lundblad
Albion Laboratories, Clearfield, Utah, USA
Lundblad Biotechnology, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
An examination of the increased bioavailability of amino acid chelates, this book assembles chemical, clinical, and nutritional studies explaining how the body responds to amino acid chelates. It presents analytical procedures for producing amino acid chelates that are used in research relating to mineral bioavailability. The chapters cover fundamentals of mineral nutrition; chemistry of chelation; history of nutritional chelates; absorption pathways; tissue metabolism and metabolic responses; nutrient uptake; and toxicity of amino acid chelates.
Examining the chemical modification of biological polymers and the emerging applications of this technology in the field of biotechnology, this book reflects the change in emphasis from the study of protein structure/function toward applications in therapeutics and diagnostics. It begins with a review of the basic science involved, including the underlying organic chemistry, the use of various chemical reagents, and the chemical modification of nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and proteins. It then discusses the characterization of non-enzymatic chemical modification of biopolymers and the use of chemical modification to produce biotechnology products.
Catalog no. K14289, February 2012, 269 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9767-6, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K12213, September 2011, 426 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4898-2, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Materials Science of DNA Edited by
Jung-II Jin Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Chirality in Biological Nanospaces
James Grote
Reactions in Active Sites
AFRL/RXPS, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA
Nilashis Nandi University of Kalyani, India
As interest continues to grow, DNA is expected to become focal to nanobiotechnology because of its structural and chemical characteristics. With chapters written by experts in their respective fields, this text chiefly focuses on the rapidly growing fields of nanoscience, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. It is the first to address the materials science facet of DNA, rather than its chemical, biochemical, or biological aspects. It includes tables, graphs, equations, and an ancillary CD-ROM to provide understanding of DNA and the great potential of this biopolymer as advanced material.
Activity in the nanodimensional active sites of large biological macromolecules greatly accelerates biological reactions. The chirality of the reactants also has a strong influence on the process, but its importance in such biological reactions has only recently begun to be understood. This book explores the influence of chirality on reaction mechanisms in such biological nanospaces. The text addresses ribosomal architecture and the influence of the chirality of amino acid and sugar in the active sites of transferase, oxidoreductases, hydrolases, lysases, isomerase, ligases, and other systems.
Catalog no. K11352, December 2011, 338 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2741-3, $119.95 / £76.99
Catalog no. K11852, July 2011, 209 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4002-3, $119.95 / £76.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Coming Soon!
Discrete Mathematics Applied to QSAR and Beyond
Simulations in Nanobiotechnology
Milan Randic
Kilho Eom
Drake University, Des Moines, Indiana, USA
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Catalog no. K10330, June 2012, c. 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0662-3, $139.95 / £89.00
Catalog no. K11581, October 2011, 562 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3504-3, $139.95 / £89.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Understanding Physics and Physical Chemistry Using Formal Graphs
Edited by
Thermostable Proteins Structural Stability and Design Edited by
Eric Vieil
Srikanta Sen
LEPMI, St. Martin d'Heres, France
TCG Life Sciences, Chembiotek, Kolkata, India
Catalog no. 8612X, February 2012, 817 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8612-6, $159.95 / £99.00
Lennart Nilsson Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, Sweden
Catalog no. K11781, October 2011, 187 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3913-3, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Molecular Modeling for the Design of Novel Performance Chemicals and Materials
Theory and Experiment Edited by
Srihari Keshavamurthy Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Peter Schlagheck
Edited by
Universite de Liege, Belgium
Beena Rai Catalog no. K11890, March 2012, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4078-8, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Dynamical Tunneling
Catalog no. K10855, March 2011, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1665-3, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Electrochemistry/Environmental Chemistry Coming Soon!
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Second Edition Edited by
Allen J. Bard University of Texas, Austin, USA
Michael V. Mirkin Queens College, New York, USA
Catalog no. K11523, May 2012, c. 670 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3112-0, $179.95 / £114.00
Electrochemical DNA Biosensors Edited by
Mehmet Ozsoz Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Catalog no. N10455, January 2012, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-77-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Electroanalysis with Carbon Paste Electrodes Ivan Svancara, Kurt Kalcher, Alain Walcarius, and Karel Vytras Catalog no. K11477, February 2012, 666 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3019-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Electroanalytical Chemistry A Series of Advances: Volume 24 Edited by
Allen J. Bard University of Texas, Austin, USA
Cynthia G. Zoski New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA
Catalog no. K11704, November 2011, 377 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3750-4, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
Biomedical Nanosensors Edited by
Joseph Irudayaraj Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Catalog no. N10468, January 2012, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4303-03-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Handbook of Metal Biotechnology Applications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Edited by
Michihiko Ike and Satoshi Soda Osaka University, Japan
Mitsuo Yamashita Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Catalog no. N10466, December 2011, 264 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4267-98-4, $249.95 / £159.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Environmental Chemistry Coming Soon!
Environmental Degradation and Transformation of Organic Chemicals Second Edition Alasdair H. Neilson and Ann-Sofie Allard This fully updated second edition addresses the persistent environmental threat of organic chemicals with a fresh approach to evaluating degradation and transformation processes. It examines a wide range of chemical as well as abiotic and microbiological reactions mediated by microorganisms. Emphasizing the pathways used and the broad classes of enzyme involved, it provides an overview of experimental procedures with detailed coverage of xenobiotic organic compounds. Updated topics include enantiomers and racemization, dehalorespiration, caffeate as electron acceptor, reduction of carbocyclic rings, steroid degradation, corrins, glutathione, and pyridoxal-P. Catalog no. K11270, July 2012, c. 766 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2637-9, $169.95 / £108.00
Chemicals, Environment, Health A Global Management Perspective Edited by
Philip Wexler, Jan van der Kolk, Asish Mohapatra, and Ravi Agarwal "It is a book to read straight through or savor a section at a time, and belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in making a difference in the way we and future generations will live our lives in a world in which our health, and the environments, will no longer be endangered by potentially hazardous chemicals at any stage of their life cycle." —Maurice Strong, from the foreword
Catalog no. 84690, August 2011, 845 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8469-6, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Environment, Energy and Water Resources
Global Contamination Trends of Persistent Organic Chemicals
M.K. Ghosh Roy
Edited by
NGO Millennium Institute of Energy and Environment, Kolkata, India
Bommanna G. Loganathan and Paul K.S. Lam
Sustainable Development
The over-exploitation of the Earth’s resources has brought about an unsustainable situation where biodiversity and ecological balance are under threat. But the most immediate concern is global warming, caused by high anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Climate change is threatening the Earth with severe drought and floods, storms, and cyclones; rising sea levels and inundation of low coastal areas; disruption in the agricultural crop pattern; and serious problems with availability of fresh water. This book engages researchers, graduate students, and social activists to work for the mitigation of, and adaptation to, global warming and climate change. Catalog no. K14066, October 2011, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8825-4, $99.95 / £44.99
This volume covers the history, present status, and projected future trends of environmental contamination by highly toxic organic chemicals. The text informs readers on widespread distribution and effects of man-made chemical pollutants in a comprehensive manner not seen in existing textbooks and references. The book is relevant to professionals and students alike, providing timely coverage on the environmental issues due to classical as well as emerging chemical pollutants. Supplementary figures and equations are included for enhanced comprehension of the subject. Catalog no. K11737, August 2011, 656 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3830-3, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Fuels and Petrochemicals/General Chemistry Coming Soon!
Practical Handbook on Biodiesel Production and Properties Mushtaq Ahmad, Mir Ajab Khan, Muhammad Zafar, and Shazia Sultana
Scientific Research as a Career Finlay MacRitchie Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA
Practical and accessible, this book identifies biological resources that can be used as biodiesel and explores their viability from a technical, commercial, and economic point of view. It provides comprehensive and precise data of biodiesel yielding plants, detailed description of plant species, and their biodiesel potential and implementation, morphology, germplasm, distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, biotic factors, energy and other uses. The book concludes with a glossary and list of references that will make it an indispensable primer for researchers in the field.
Designed to promote dialogue between scientific researchers and those in training, this book describes the philosophy of the scientific method and the knowledge and attributes needed for a successful career in research. The text discusses the influence that managerialism has had on scientific organizations, and it proposes ways in which these influences can be replaced by leadership, which is more appropriate for nurturing scientists’ creativity. The book also profiles the careers of individual scientific researchers to give readers insight into their success.
Catalog no. K14670, June 2012, c. 176 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-0743-2, $89.95 / £57.99
Catalog no. K13197, June 2011, 131 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-6965-9, $29.95 / £19.99
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Dictionary of Oil & Gas Production Clifford Jones
Also available as an eBook
Clear and Concise Communications for Scientists and Engineers James G. Speight
University of Aberdeen, UK
CD & W Inc., Laramie, Wyoming, USA
This dictionary provides a valuable synthesis of information currently only available in a diverse array of sources. Through judicious choice and careful scrutiny, the author has gathered together a very handy reference. Although the material covered is diverse, particular entries are focused and linked with each other so as to provide a good degree of comprehensiveness. Commercial products, including those for oil well maintenance, are featured and information on the web from suppliers is expanded by drawing on the physics and chemistry of how such products work.
Scientists and engineers are often criticized for their inability to write clear, grammatically correct English as well as for their poor presentation of data. The advancement of their careers depends on their ability to successfully communicate ideas and findings to colleagues, management, and the public. Aimed at scientists and engineers who wish to improve the way in which they present their findings, the text guides readers through the steps involved in producing a concise and understandable document in various formats.
Catalog no. N10544, March 2012, c. 320 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-1226-9, $29.95
Catalog no. K12550, February 2012, 214 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-5479-2, $59.95 / £38.99
Available only in North America
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
General Chemistry CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Coming Soon!
92nd Edition
Ethics in Science
Edited by
Cases of Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research
William M. Haynes National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA
John D'Angelo
"The Handbook has always provided a thorough range of critically evaluated data in a convenient, one-volume format. Over the period of last almost two decades it has addressed environmental concerns by providing data on pollutants, contaminants, global warming, and ground water contamination. It also has supported the advances in semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors, and amended pertinent data to stay current with IUPAC standards." —Gupta Verlag
Mirroring the growth and direction of science for a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 92nd edition, continues to be the most accessed and respected scientific reference in the world. In addition to its traditional print format, the Handbook is also available online, as a DVD, and as a stand-alone eBook. Among a wealth of enhancements, this edition analyzes, updates, and validates molecular formulas and weights, boiling and melting points, densities, and refractive indexes in the Physical Constants of Organic Compounds Table through comparisons with critically evaluated data from the NIST Thermodynamics Research Center. • Foreword by Sir William A. Wakeham KB FREng, Imperial College London, UK • A major analysis, update, and validation of molecular formulas, normal boiling points, and melting points in the Physical Constants of Organic Compounds Table • Reorganization of tables in the Analytical Chemistry Section • New critically evaluated normal boiling points (with uncertainties) added to the Critical Constants of Organic Compounds Table Catalog no. K12569, June 2011, 2656 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5511-9, $149.95 / £95.00
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics on DVD Version 2012 Catalog no. K13559, September 2011, DVD, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7661-9, $169.95 / £108.00
This book explains various forms of scientific misconduct and describes real ethical controversies that have occurred in science. The first part of the book includes a description of a variety of ethical violations, why they occur, how they are handled, and what can be done to prevent them along with a discussion of the peer-review process. The second part of the book presents real-life case studies that review the known facts and allows readers to decide for themselves whether an ethical violation has occurred and what should be done. Catalog no. K11895, April 2012, c. 120 pp. |Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4086-3, $29.95 / £19.99 Also available as an eBook
The Chemistry Companion A.C. Fischer-Cripps Fischer-Cripps Laboratories Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
Like the author’s other companion books, The Chemistry Companion provides high-quality information in unique one-page-per-topic presentations that do not overburden and distract readers with excessive details. Suitable as an introduction or study guide, the book offers concise summaries of general chemistry concepts, easily accessible in a convenient, reader-friendly format. It presents the minimum of what readers need to know to understand the subject. Catalog no. K11517, August 2011, 195 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3088-8, $29.95 / £18.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Industrial and Applied Chemistry
Industrial Applications of Molecular Simulations Edited by
Marc Meunier Accelrys, Cambridge, UK
The field of quantum and molecular simulations has experienced strong growth since the time of the early software packages. A recent study showed a large increase in the number of people publishing papers based on ab initio methods from about 3,000 in 1991 to roughly 20,000 in 2009, with particularly strong growth in East Asia. Looking to the future, the question remains as to how these methods can be further integrated into the R&D value chain, bridging the gap from engineering to manufacturing. Using successful case studies as a framework, Industrial Applications of Molecular Simulations demonstrates the capability of molecular modeling to tackle problems of industrial relevance. This book presents a wide range of various modeling techniques, including methods based on quantum or classical mechanics, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulations, etc. It also explores a wide range of materials, from soft materials such as polymeric blends widely used in the chemical industry to hard or inorganic materials such as glasses and alumina. Features • Demonstrates how modeling can solve everyday problems for scientists in industry • Provides a broad overview of theoretical approaches • Presents a wide range of applications in areas such as materials research, catalysis, pharmaceutical development and electronics • Emphasizes the relationship between theory and experiments Catalog no. K12809, November 2011, 421 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6101-1, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Handbook on Applications of Ultrasound Sonochemistry for Sustainability Edited by
Dong Chen, Sanjay K. Sharma and Ackmez Mudhoo Ultrasonic irradiation and the associated sonochemical and sonophysical effects are complementary techniques for driving more efficient chemical reactions and yields. Sonochemistry—the chemical effects and applications of ultrasonic waves—and sustainable (green) chemistry both aim to use less hazardous chemicals and solvents, reduce energy consumption, and increase product selectivity. A comprehensive collection of knowledge, Handbook on Applications of Ultrasound covers the most relevant aspects linked to and linking green chemistry practices to environmental sustainability through the uses and applications of ultrasound-mediated and ultrasound-assisted biological, biochemical, chemical, and physical processes. Chapters are presented in the areas of: • Medical applications • Drug and gene delivery • Nanotechnology • Food technology • Synthetic applications and organic chemistry • Anaerobic digestion • Environmental contaminants degradation • Polymer chemistry • Industrial syntheses and processes • Reactor design • Electrochemical systems • Combined ultrasound-microwave technologies While the concepts of sonochemistry have been known for more than 80 years, in-depth understanding of this phenomenon continues to evolve. Through a review of the current status of chemical and physical science and engineering in developing more environmentally-friendly and less toxic synthetic processes, this book highlights many existing applications and enormous potential of ultrasound technology to upgrade present industrial, agricultural, and environmental processes. Catalog no. K11960, July 2011, 739 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4206-5, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Inorganic Chemistry Coming Soon!
Chemistry and Physics of Carbon Volume 31 Edited by
Ljubisa R. Radovic Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Coming Soon!
Phosphorus Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology, Sixth Edition D.E.C. Corbridge
Maintaining the high level established by its predecessors, this book is the 31st volume in the prestigious and authoritative series of review chapters covering the chemistry and physics of carbon materials. The text examines coal, graphite, activated carbons, chars, cokes, carbon fibers, carbon blacks, diamonds, fullerenes, and nanotubes. It complements previous volumes in the series by presenting updated information on carbon surface chemistry, a complex and fast-moving field that impacts nearly all aspects of carbon material research. The book also includes chapters on disordered carbons, carbons in photocatalysis, computational chemistry, and carbon materials in catalysis.
Phosphorous compounds play a leading role in several major industries and provide an auxiliary function in many others. They are components of adhesives, cosmetics, detergents, foods, fertilizers, plastics, flame retardants, and many other industrial materials.
Catalog no. K11110, July 2012, c. 244 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2094-0, $199.95 / £121.00
• Covers historical, academic, industrial, biological, and medical aspects of phosphorous • Discusses topics such as oxyphosphorus, carbophosphorus, azaphosphorus, and metallophosphorus compounds • Designed particularly for scientists who work in related fields and seek a rapid introduction to phosphorus chemistry
Also available as an eBook
Boron Science New Technologies and Applications Edited by
Narayan S. Hosmane Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, USA
The sixth edition of Phosphorus: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology bridges the gap between graduate-level knowledge of the subject and relevant information available in highly specialised reviews and references on select related topics. Features
Although this book deals with a small fraction of the 106 known phosporous compounds, it thoroughly covers the simpler derivatives and most key compounds of economic, sociological, and biological importance.
As boron compounds find their way into an increasing number of applications and technologies, the field of boron chemistry research has grown substantially in recent years. However, finding reliable information on these advances has required searching across a vast amount of research literature. This book is the first of its kind to comprehensively cover the latest in boron science in a single source. The text addresses the application of boron in chemistry, industry, medicine, and pharmacology and explains its role in such problems as catalysis, hydroboration, superconductors, materials, and more.
Selected Contents: Introduction & Historical Background. Distribution & Environment. Atomic & Molecular Properties. Phosphides of Non-Metals. Oxyphosphorus Compounds. Carbophosphorus Compounds. Azaphosphorus Compounds. Metallophosphorus Compounds. Compounds with p-Block Elements. Biopolymers. Biophosphorus Chemistry. Applications of Phosphorus Compounds. Special Topics. Analysis & Characterisation. Appendices. Index.
Catalog no. K11300, October 2011, 878 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2662-1, $299.95 / £191.00
Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11896, May 2012, c. 1467 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4088-7, $560.00 / £295.00
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Inorganic Chemistry Coming Soon!
Nanostructures and Nanoconstructions based on DNA Yuri M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, and S.G. Skuridin Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russian Federation
Catalog no. K14579, June 2012, c. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0569-8, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Thermo-HydroMechanical Processing of Wood Parvis Navi Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Dick Sandberg Vaxjo University, Sweden
Catalog no. N10338, January 2012, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6042-7, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
DNA LiquidCrystalline Dispersions and Nanoconstructions Yuri M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, S.V. Semenov, and S.G. Skuridin Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russian Federation
Catalog no. K13273, September 2011, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7146-1, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials Two-Volume Set Edited by
Zhe Chuan Feng Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, Taipei, Taiwan
Catalog no. K12605, June 2012, c. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5580-5, $199.95 / £127.00
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Self-Organizing Liquid Crystal Materials
A Novel Green Treatment for Textiles
Synthesis, Tactics and Mechanisms Alexander J. Seed
Plasma Treatment as a Sustainable Technology
Kent State University, Ohio, USA
C. W. Kan
Catalog no. 7609, June 2012, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7609-2, $159.95 / £99.00
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11802, June 2012, c. 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3944-7, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Materials Chemistry Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures
Graphene Synthesis and Applications Edited by
Boris I. Kharisov, Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova, and Ubaldo Ortiz-Mendez
Wonbong Choi
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
The National Program of Tera-level Nano Devices, Seoul, South Korea
When the area of nanotechnology developed as an independent field in the frontiers of physics, chemistry, materials chemistry and physics, medicine, biology, and other disciplines decades ago, terms such as “nanoparticle,” “nanopowder,” “nanotube,” and “nanoplate,” and other terms related to shape (“nanoflowers,” “nanorices,” “nanolines,” “nanotowers,” and more) rapidly became very common. Since any novel nanostructure could, theoretically, have useful applications, each new achievement is welcome.
Series: Nanomaterials and their Applications
In an effort to organize the field, the Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures presents a non-formal classification based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. A small nanotechnological encyclopedia, this book: • Describes a range of little-known nanostructures • Offers a unifying vision of the synthesis of nanostructures and the generalization of rare nanoforms • Includes a CD-ROM with color versions of more than 100 nanostructures • Explores the fabrication of rare nanostructures, including modern physical, chemical, and biological synthesis techniques The Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures discusses a non-formal classification not directly related with dimensionality and chemical composition of nanostructure-forming compound or composite and is based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. Possessing unusual shapes and high surface area, these structures are potentially very useful for catalytic, medical, electronic, and many other applications. Catalog no. K12467, March 2012, c. 884 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5343-6, $199.95 / £127.00 Also available as an eBook
Florida International University, Miami, USA
Jo-won Lee
Because of its exceptional electronic and optoelectronic properties, graphene has the potential to become an important material in next-generation electronic and energy applications. This authoritative volume discusses the synthesis, properties, and potential applications of graphene, including in electronic, sensor, energy, and display technologies. Suitable for researchers and graduate students, it provides a cohesive, critical review of graphene nanoscience and technology, offering valuable insight into how this material is made and used. Catalog no. K12864, October 2011, 394 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6187-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Magnetic Nanoparticles From Fabrication to Clinical Applications Edited by
Nguyen T.K. Thanh University College London, UK
Offering the latest information in magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) research, this volume reveals the in-depth knowledge behind this highly important and emerging area of nanotechnology. It covers synthesis, characterization, and biofunctionalization to clinical applications of MNPs including diagnosis and treatment of cancers. Balancing clinical applications with the underlying theory and foundational science behind these new discoveries, this book will benefit those entering the field as well as practicing engineers working on new research and further groundbreaking developments. Catalog no. K13178, January 2012, 616 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6932-1, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Materials Chemistry Self-Healing at the Nanoscale Mechanisms and Key Concepts of Natural and Artificial Systems Edited by
Vincenzo Amendola and Moreno Meneghetti Università di Padova, Italy
Self-healing materials can repair damage caused by their activity, similar to how biological systems heal themselves after being wounded. This book presents a general strategy and key concepts of self-healing systems, repairing mechanisms at the nanoscale, and the role of nanostructures in these systems. The text covers natural and artificial systems, including nanostructured and macroscopic systems. It also reviews a series of systems that show potential for building self-healing devices. Catalog no. K12542, January 2012, 463 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5473-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Polymer Thermodynamics Blends, Copolymers and Reversible Polymerization Kal Renganathan Sharma Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA
This book presents methods to design polymer blends and predict the phase behavior of binary polymer blends using desktop computers. It describes the thermodynamic basis for miscibility as well as the mathematical models used to predict the compositional window of miscibility and construct temperature versus volume-fraction phase diagrams. The book covers the binary interaction model, the solubility parameter approach, and the entropic difference model. Using equation of state theories, thermodynamic models, and information from physical properties, it illustrates the construction of phase envelopes. Catalog no. K11271, October 2011, 371 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2639-3, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
New Edition of a Bestseller!
Chemistry of Modern Papermaking
Physical Properties of Materials
Cornel Hagiopol and James W. Johnston
Second Edition
Georgia-Pacific Chemicals, LLC, Decatur, Georgia, USA
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Presenting a chemist’s perspective on the papermaking process, this volume is an extensive collection of data that combines the organic chemistry of paper with its potential applications. Within each chapter, paper chemicals are organized based on their chemical structure. After an introduction and brief history, the book explores the papermaking process, retention aids, temporary wet strength resins, wet strength resins, dry strength resins, internal sizing agents, creping adhesives and softeners, and chemicals for paper surface treatment. The book includes over 3000 references to facilitate further study.
Designed for advanced undergraduate students, this bestselling text establishes the principles that control the optical, thermal, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of materials. This fully revised and updated second edition now covers materials sustainability, crystalline structures, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, quantum dots, magnetocaloric effect, spintronics, and polymer classifications. It also includes a new capstone tutorial on the materials science of cymbals, more than 60 new end-of-chapter problems, and updated references. A host of ancillaries are available on a companion website.
Catalog no. K12653, September 2011, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5644-4, $179.95 / £114.00
Catalog no. K12969, June 2011, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, $79.95 / £49.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Mary Anne White
For more information and complete contents, visit
Medicinal Chemistry/Natural Product Chemistry
Brain Diseases and Metalloproteins
Chemistry of Natural Products
Edited by
N.R. Krishnaswamy
David Brown and Paul Davies University of Bath, UK
This book describes the latest research on neurodegenerative disease and metal-binding proteins. It lays strong emphasis on biochemistry and cell biology. The diseases covered in the book include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, prion disease, and ALS. The chapters separately examine such issues as mechanisms of metal binding, metal-induced structural changes in proteins, alterations in cellular metal metabolism in disease, and attempts at a therapeutic approach based on protein metal binding. Catalog no. N10490, February 2012, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-01-9, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
A Laboratory Handbook Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
This book is a companion to Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach, Second Edition. Its main objective is to provide students with experimental details for the successful isolation of different types of natural products. All the experiments have been successfully class-tested. Selected Contents: Introduction. A Survey of the Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Fractionation of Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds. Isolation Procedures for Select Compounds. Chemical Transformation of some Natural Products. Synthesis of Select Compounds. Metabolism of Natural Products. Suggested Projects. Index. Catalog no. K14555, February 2012, 216 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0524-7, $79.95 / £49.99
Methods for Studying Nucleic Acid/Drug Interactions
Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry Edited by
Edited by
Meni Wanunu Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Yitzhak Tor
Rensheng Xu, Yang Ye, and Weimin Zhao Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Pudong, China
This book describes emerging, non-conventional methods for probing the interactions of small molecules with nucleic acids as well as modern computational methods for assessment. By highlighting novel methods for nucleic acid/ligand interactions, the text presents drug developing companies with a survey of possible future techniques as well as their drawbacks and advantages with respect to common techniques. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, this book is designed to inspire young scientists to continue and advance these methods into fruition.
A collection of the most important research results of natural product chemistry in China, this reference covers basic principles of isolation, structure, characteristics, and the current research techniques of structure elucidation with wet chemistry and spectroscopic analysis. The book includes information on UV, IR, MS and NMR, especially 2d-NMR, HMBC and HMQC, bioactivity, biosynthesis, and chemical synthesis. Written by experts in the field, topics are illustrated with examples from scientific experiments, making the book attractive to a broad audience, including graduate students and researchers.
Catalog no. K11829, December 2011, 392 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3973-7, $119.95 / £76.99
Catalog no. K12793, July 2011, 381 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6076-2, $89.95 / £57.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, USA
For more information and complete contents, visit
Natural Product Chemistry Anticancer Agents from Natural Products Second Edition Edited by
Gordon M. Cragg and David J. Newman National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, USA
David G.I. Kingston Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, USA
The approach to drug discovery from natural sources has yielded many important new pharmaceuticals inaccessible by other routes. In many cases the isolated natural product may not be an effective drug for any of several reasons, but it nevertheless may become a drug through chemical modification or have a novel pharmacophore for future drug design. In summarizing the status of natural products as cancer chemotherapeutics, Anticancer Agents from Natural Products, Second Edition covers the: • History of each covered drug—a discussion of its mechanism on action, medicinal chemistry, synthesis, and clinical applications • Potential for novel drug discovery through the use of genome mining as well as future developments in anticancer drug discovery • Important biosynthetic approaches to "unnatural" natural products This book discusses how complex target-oriented synthesis—enabled by historic advances in methodology—has enormously expanded the scope of the possible. It covers the current clinically used anticancer agents that are either natural products or are clearly derived from natural product leads. It also reviews drug candidates currently in clinical development since many of these will be clinically used drugs in the future. Examples include the drugs etoposide and teniposide derived from the lead compound podophyllotoxin; numerous analogs derived from taxol; topotecan, derived from camptothecin; and the synthetic clinical candidates, E7389 and HTI-286, developed from the marine leads, halichondrin B and hemiasterlin. Catalog no. K10713, October 2011, 767 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1382-9, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Herbal Medicines Development and Validation of Plantderived Medicines for Human Health Edited by
Giacinto Bagetta, Marco Cosentino, Marie Tiziana Corasaniti, and Shinobu Sakurada Series: Clinical Pharmacognosy
While discussion concerning the validity of the plant approach to nutrition and disease treatment continues, the explosion of natural product use has generated concern regarding their effectiveness and possible danger. Using a rational, sequential approach, this book explores the development of efficacious medicinal herbal products. Expert contributors from the fields of natural products research and drug discovery bring awareness to the many problems facing the development of such products, such as quality control, and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic issues. Catalog no. K11713, September 2011, 519 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3768-9, $139.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources Second Edition Natural Products as Lead Compounds in Drug Discovery Edited by
Corrado Tringali University of Catania, Italy
Praise for the previous edition: "…The title of the book gives a good description of the chapters, which are very detailed and interesting in their multi-disciplinary content of biology, biochemistry and chemistry. Since Professor Tringali is the editor, it is not surprising that the chapters tend to include useful details of NMR data. All of the chapters have a good literature reference list. This book is recommended to all natural products researchers." —Robert J. Nash, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, in Phytochemistry
Catalog no. K11166, September 2011, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2229-6, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Natural Product Chemistry Coming Soon!
Flavonoids and Related Compounds Bioavailability and Function
Coming Soon!
The Modern Ayurveda Milestones Beyond the Classical Age Edited by
Edited by
Jeremy P.E. Spencer University of Reading, UK
Alan Crozier University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Written as an overview of the bioavailability and biological function of a range of flavonoids, this book examines current knowledge regarding the absorption, metabolism, and bioavailability of flavonoids, phenolics, and flavonoid sub-groups. Chapters examine the latest evidence for the beneficial actions of flavonoids against human pathological conditions and provide logical and valid arguments for how protective effects are mediated. It also examines the latest evidence for the beneficial actions of flavonoids against various human pathological conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and brain function. Catalog no. K12151, April 2012, c. 478 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4826-5, $149.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Date: the genus Phoenix Production, Processing, Food, and Medicinal Values Edited by
A. Manickavasagan, M. Mohamed Essa, and Ethirajan Sukumar Series: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles
This is the first detailed book on dates to be published in more than four decades. It addresses all aspects of cultural practices and their implications on date quality. Among other topics, the text covers the post-harvest operations and processing of dates, physical, chemical, structural, and sensory properties of dates as human food. The authors also discuss the value of low-quality dates and byproducts as cattle feed. Catalog no. K12239, April 2012, c. 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4945-3, $149.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
C.P. Khare and Chandra Kant Katiyar The concept of this book took shape after the editors had a number of meetings over an extended period of time with scientists and researchers of various herbal institutes and pharmaceutical companies. They felt that between the classical period and modern period there should be a demarcation line. This book will present the post classical period including the application of modem scientific analytical tools for standardization, modern pharmacological tools for safety and efficacy evaluation, and the application of biotechnology to elicit the mechanism of drug actions. Catalog no. K14266, March 2012, c. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9632-7, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Phyllanthus Species Scientific Evaluation and Medicinal Applications Edited by
Ramadasan Kuttan Amala Cancer Research Center, Thissur Kerala, India
K.B. Harikumar Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
This book begins with a systematic classification and identification manual for various plants in the genus Phyllanthus, followed by all aspects on the scientific evaluation of the species for modern medicinal use. This reference compiles cuttingedge research from countries around the world, including the UK, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Spain, Cuba, and China. Topics covered include phylogenetic analysis of Phyllanthus, chemistry of the genus, anti-cancer effects of Phyllanthus, genotoxicity, chemoprotective effect of phyllanthus, anti-diabetic effects of Phyllanthus, clinical trials involving Phyllanthus, and various formulations containing different plants from this genus. Catalog no. K11136, August 2011, 393 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2144-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Organic Chemistry Coming Soon!
Laboratory Experiments Using Microwave Heating Nicholas E. Leadbeater University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Cynthia B. McGowan Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA
This book presents a series of procedures for organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry experiments. Each experimental protocol comprises a chapter in the text that is available for purchase individually. Each protocol contains a brief introduction to the concepts behind the chemistry covered, followed by detailed procedures for performing the reaction using a small and a larger microwave unit. The book covers all commonly available scientific microwave apparatus currently used in teaching laboratories. Each chapter concludes with questions for students to answer as part of their laboratory write-up. • Incorporates microwave techniques in teaching labs at the undergraduate level across all areas of chemistry • Includes background information as well as related laboratory experiments • Features experiments available online and on CD-ROM Selected Contents: Introduction to Microwave Heating. Introduction to Microwave Heating as a Tool for Preparative Chemistry. Introduction to Microwave Heating as a Tool for Analytical Chemistry. Introduction to Microwave Heating as a Tool for Polymer Chemistry. Introduction to Microwave Heating as a Tool for the Biosciences. Organic Chemistry Experiments. Biological Chemistry Experiments. Analytical/Environmental Chemistry Experiments. Polymer Chemistry Experiments. Polymer Chemistry Experiments. Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiments. Catalog no. K12632, June 2012, c. 200 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-5609-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Every Molecule Tells a Story Simon Cotton Uppingham School, Rutland, UK University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK
"…in the science section of bookstores (those that have one) the shelves are stacked with books on origins of the universe and on dinosaurs (and biological evolution) physics, biology and geology, and never a chemistryrelated book in sight. The bizarre aspect of this bias is that we can go about our daily lives without the need to contemplate the Big Bang hypothesis or the complexities of Darwinian evolution, but we do have to think about choices involving food & vitamins, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, together with news reports of atmospheric change, clean water, toxic chemicals, and so on." —Geoff Rayner-Canham, Memorial University of Newfoundland
"Simon is eminently qualified to write this book. He knows exactly how to reach the target audience and I have been reading, and collecting, his articles for many years. He writes in a highly readable style with a lightness of touch which the subject demands if it is to attract and hold a wider audience. He writes successfully both as a qualified chemist and as a populariser." —John Emsley, University of Cambridge
"The rampant and pervasive irrational fear of chemicals – 'Chemophobia' in our society needs to cured, impossible as it may be, and Cotton's book will go a long way to eradicate this disease." —Gordon W. Gribble, Dartmouth College
"Simon Cotton has that rare ability of making chemistry understandable and fascinating by combining intriguing scientific information and relevant human interest." —John Emsley, University of Cambridge
Catalog no. K10398, November 2011, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0773-6, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Organic Chemistry Carbohydrate Chemistry Proven Synthetic Methods, Volume One Pavol Kováč
Industrial Galactomannan Polysaccharides
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Rajasthan, India
Edited by
Useful in the glycosciences, this book presents reliable protocols for the preparation of synthetic carbohydrates. Featuring worldwide contributors and a well-known series editor, the text presents new or older, not easy to find protocols generally useful to those interested in synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. Having an independent checker verify the experimental portion of the text to ensure reproducibility, the Proven Synthetic Method Series brings state-of-the-art of synthetic carbohydrate chemistry on par with general organic synthesis. Methods presented include more detailed versions of protocols that have been previously published and some new methods for the synthesis of a variety of carbohydrate derivatives. Catalog no. K12999, September 2011, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6689-4, $149.95 / £95.00
N. K. Mathur Quite possibly the first comprehensive text on Galactomannans, this book compiles information on industrial galactomannans such as locust bean gum, guar gum, tara gum, fenugreek gum, Cassia tora gum, and Sesbania bisipinasa gum. Until now, the topic has been only generally covered within chapters in books on carbohydrates, particularly the polysaccharides. The book describes how they are currently produced commercially and how they have become industrial commodities. It compares details on the various galactomannan sources and provides a simple and clear introduction to the subject. Catalog no. K12072, August 2011, 187 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4628-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
New Edition of a Bestseller!
Proven Synthetic Methods
Volume Two
Chemistry and Applications
Edited by
Zory Vlad Todres
Gijsbert van der Marel and Jeroen Codee
American Chemical Society, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Leiden University, The Netherlands
A timely and authoritative treatise, this book covers the chemistry and diverse applications of chalcogenadiazoles and chalcogenadiazole oxides and species fused with other cyclic fragments. The book compares effects of the chalcogen nature and the alteration manner of all atomic constituents on properties of these heterocyclic compounds. Chemical, physicochemical, and physical aspects as well as biomedical and technical applications are also considered. The text covers an important and rapidly developing branch of heterocyclic chemistry and can serve as an essential supplement to the corresponding textbooks for students and young professionals.
This second edition of a bestseller is a compilation of reliable protocols for the preparation of intermediates for carbohydrate synthesis or other substances and methods performed at the bench, which can be expected to be useful in the glycosciences. Written for graduate students and researchers in carbohydrate chemistry, biochemistry, medical chemistry, and glycobiology, this book explores carbohydrate chemistry from both academic and industrial points of views, offering contributions from world-renowned experts. Catalog no. K13528, July 2012, c. 500 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7594-0, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. 66072, August 2011, 310 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6607-4, $199.95 / £127.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Organic Chemistry The Algebra of Organic Synthesis Green Metrics, Design Strategy, Route Selection, and Optimization John Andraos CareerChem, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Algebra of Organic Synthesis combines the aims, philosophies, and efforts involved in organic synthesis, reaction optimization, and green chemistry with techniques for determining quantitatively just how "green" synthesis plans are. It provides the first complete quantitative description of synthesis strategy analysis in the context of green chemistry and reaction optimization. Providing what is perhaps the first complete description of synthesis strategy analysis, this book: • Explores quantitative material efficiency for synthesizing molecules, including 1,000+ worked out synthesis plans to important target molecules • Explains, in simple language, the most useful ideas in graph theory that have direct application in organic synthesis • Reinforces the value of simple mathematical analysis in organic synthesis to help any synthetics or process chemist understand presented ideas and apply them to their own work • Illustrates concepts with example target plans to classical targets that are considered milestones in synthetic chemistry, from pharmaceuticals, industrial commodity chemicals, dyestuffs, agrichemicals, flavorings, natural products, and molecules of theoretical interest The accompanying CD-ROM includes a reproduction of the tables in the book, with direct electronic links to files for all plans. Files contain a list of references for each plan, including secondary references for the synthesis of starting materials if applicable. Ancillary materials also include a complete synthesis scheme with fully balanced chemical equations, a synthesis tree, a summary of green metrics parameters, a target bond map and list of reagents that end up in the target molecule, and a series of graphs that offer a visual depiction of the plan performance. Catalog no. 93282, November 2011, 1221 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9328-5, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Coming Soon!
Strategies for Green Organic Synthesis V.K. Ahluwalia University of Delhi, India
This book focuses on green conditions, such as reactions under microwave irradiation, sonication, and the use of different green solvents and green catalysts including PTC and crown ethers. It covers two of the most important carbon-carbon bond forming reactions: the Baylis-Hillman reaction and the Friedal-Crafts reaction. In addition to discussing normal conditions, the author also details the use of microwaves in water, ionic liquids, and PEG. It also details the aqueous phase, super critical CO2, other green solvents, and microwave irradiation for the Friedal-Crafts reaction. Catalog no. K13244, March 2012, c. 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7050-1, $119.95 / £76.99
Green Organic Chemistry in Lecture and Laboratory Edited by
Andrew P. Dicks University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"This book helps to bring the world of green chemistry to not only the scientists and engineers of the future, but also to our prospective political leaders, economists, business leaders, teachers and world citizens". — Michael Cann, University of Scranton
This book discusses concrete examples of green organic chemistry teaching approaches from both lecture/seminar and practical perspectives. Leading contributors address such topics as the elimination of solvents in the organic laboratory. This reference allows instructors to directly incorporate the material presented in the text into their courses. Catalog no. K11889, August 2011, 299 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-4076-4, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Physical Chemistry Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Applications of Supramolecular Chemistry
Nonthermal Plasma Chemistry and Physics
Edited by
Hans-Jörg Schneider Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, Germany
Covering the most important supramolecular technologies within a single volume, this book provides a comprehensive introduction for both newcomers to the field and for specialists who are looking for new applications. Internationally recognized specialists in the different fields describe in detail the most promising but already established techniques, including biotechnology, decontamination, environmental control, biomedical analyses/monitoring, supramolecular electronics, and intelligent materials. The text offers a complete overview of important applications in supramolecular chemistry, which hold particular promise for future developments. Catalog no. K11858, April 2012, c. 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4014-6, $139.95 / £89.00
Jurgen Meichsner, Martin Schmidt, Ralf Schneider, and HansErich Wagner Nonthermal plasma science and technology are rapidly developing, but information on both subjects has been scattered until now. Nonthermal Plasma Chemistry and Physics provides a comprehensive presentation of the basics of plasma physics as well as new developments in the rapidly growing field of nonthermal plasma chemistry. The book offers a detailed discussion of the fundamental elementary processes in plasma chemistry. Expert contributors address environmental aspects of plasma chemistry and how plasma chemistry can comply with the Kyoto protocol. Catalog no. 59165, June 2012, c. 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5916-8, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Electrons and Excitations
Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Molecules, Biomolecules and Surfaces
Sven Larsson
Edited by
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
ˇ Petr Cársky and ˇ Roman Curík
Addressing students of theoretical and quantum chemistry and their counterparts in physics, this book introduces chemical physics as a gateway to fields such as photo physics, solid-state physics, and electrochemistry. Offering relevant background in theory and applications, it covers the foundations of quantum mechanics and molecular structure, as well as more specialized topics such as transfer reactions and photochemistry. It employs numerous case studies and applications to quantum chemical problems in real, modern research including excited electronic states, biological metal centers, and condensed phase experiments.
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic
Catalog no. K11167, February 2012, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2251-7, $119.95 / £76.99
Catalog no. K11780, December 2011, 296 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3910-2, $119.95 / £76.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Chemical Physics
Written for students and researchers in chemistry and physics, this reference reports on recent theoretical and experimental developments in electronmolecules collisions. It presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the practical aspects of electron scattering, which until now could only be found in diverse special topics reviews. This book is written in a manner that allows the non-expert understand the importance of recent developments in solving practical problems in electron scattering in fields such as plasma physics, microelectronics, DNA research, and astrochemistry.
For more information and complete contents, visit
Physical Chemistry Coming Soon!
Solid State Chemistry An Introduction, Fourth Edition Lesley E. Smart and Elaine A. Moore
Essentials of Physical Chemistry Don Shillady
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
The fourth edition of this volume has been comprehensively revised and updated. Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, the book presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. The text discusses bonding, superconductivity, and electrochemical, magnetic, optical, and conductive properties. The authors have updated sections to cover STEM, ionic conductivity, nanotubes and related structures such as graphene, metal-organic frameworks, and FeAs superconductors.
Particularly well-suited for students not pursuing a traditional chemistry curriculum, this book presents a stand-alone approach to teaching physical chemistry in a one-semester course, a current trend in undergraduate education. This new undergraduate textbook succeeds in inspiring a thorough understanding rather than merely exposing students to what they all too often perceive as a painful and confusing experience. The author includes real-world applications, worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, key solutions, thermodynamic data, and much more to assist in the teaching and learning of physical chemistry.
Catalog no. K12133, May 2012, c. 520 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4790-9, $69.95 / £29.99 Also available as an eBook
Physical Chemistry A Modern Introduction, Second Edition
Catalog no. K11901, July 2011, 510 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4097-9, $79.95 / £27.99 Also available as an eBook
Physical Chemistry
William M. Davis
M.V. Sangaranarayanan and V. Mahadevan
Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, USA
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Designed specifically for a two-semester introductory course sequence in physical chemistry, this text presents core principles and topics. Straightforward and streamlined, it presents the necessary amount of detail for comprehension. Organized in such a way that the various topics covered are connected to each other, it allows students to see physical chemistry as an interconnected discipline and not a series of unrelated concepts. Each chapter in this new edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new information on computational applications, more end-of-chapter problems, and new chapters on nanotechnology and surface chemistry
This text presents a unified treatment of all the classical topics spanning physical chemistry in a lucid manner to aid easy comprehension. It uses simple language, develops the subject matter in a logical manner, and aims at getting the students to learn and apply the concepts rather than learn the subject by rote. Extensive exercises are provided at the end of each chapter for the student to test his/her understanding of the concepts. Catalog no. K14852, January 2012, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1183-5, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K10537, December 2011, 519 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1077-4, $99.95 / £27.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Separation Science/Chromatography Coming Soon!
Membrane Modification Technology and Applications Edited by
Nidal Hilal, Mohammed Khayet, and Chris J. Wright
Membrane Technologies and Applications Edited by
Kaustubha Mohanty and Mihir K. Purkait Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam
Written for analytical, materials, and environmental chemists, as well as chemical and environmental engineers, this reference presents the complete range of membrane modification techniques used to increase efficiency of membrane processes. Modification of different materials and geometrics include flat-sheet, hollow-fiber and nano-fiber membranes, reverse osmosis (RO), membrane distillation (MD), gas separation (GS), pervaporation (PV), and membrane fuel cells (MFC). Contributors, who are professors, engineers, and researchers in the field, also cover recent advances and comprehensively describe novel and most-used membrane characterization techniques.
Compiling recent advances in membrane separations technology, this highly relevant book introduces cost-effective solutions for separation problems in a wide range of industries. It discusses membrane use in water and wastewater treatment, the food and dairy industry, and fuel cell applications. It describes the role of membrane technologies in resource recovery, pollution prevention, and energy production as well as environmental monitoring and quality control. A concise resource for emerging technologies, this book provides the tools to implement effective production processes and improve environmental protection and public health.
Catalog no. K12964, June 2012, c. 568 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6635-1, $169.95 / £108.00
Catalog no. K10293, December 2011, 522 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0526-8, $169.95 / £108.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Advances in Chromatography Volume 50 Edited by
Eli Grushka and Nelu Grinberg
Edited by
R. Andrew Shalliker
Series: Advances in Chromatography
For more than four decades, scientists and researchers have relied on the Advances in Chromatography series for the most up-to-date information on a wide range of developments in chromatographic methods and applications. For Volume 50, the series editors have invited established, well-known chemists from across the globe to offer cutting-edge reviews on their areas of expertise. The clear presentation of topics and vivid illustrations for which this series has become known make the material accessible and engaging to analytical, biochemical, organic, polymer, and pharmaceutical chemists at all levels of technical skill. Catalog no. K12720, January 2012, 465 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5844-8, $229.95 / £146.00 Also available as an eBook
Hyphenated and Alternative Methods of Detection in Chromatography University of Western Sydney, Australia Chromatographic Science Series
This book details the development and application of mass spectral detection techniques coupled with gas phase and liquid phase chromatographies. The book details the advantages and disadvantages of various separation techniques and addresses methods for cutting-edge applications such as proteomics research. This book provides a detailed reference for experienced readers as well as for those who are new to the field of separation and analysis. Catalog no. 9077, December 2011, 308 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9077-7, $169.95 / £103.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Spectroscopy Coming Soon!
Solid-State NMR in Materials Science Principles and Applications
Vibrational Spectroscopy for Tissue Analysis
Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Ihtesham ur Rehman, Zanyar Movasaghi, and Shazza Rehman
Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust, West Yorkshire, UK
Solid-state NMR is a powerful physical method widely applied in modern fundamental and applied science, medicine, and industry. Its role is particularly valuable in materials chemistry due to the capability of solid-state NMR to rapidly solve tasks connected with structural descriptions of complex systems on macro and/or molecular levels, and the identification of the dynamics often responsible for complex systems mechanical properties.
Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Written for non-specialists, Solid-State NMR in Materials Science: Principles and Applications introduces the general physical principles of pulsed NMR by including elements of the theory and practice in the registration of NMR signals, and by explaining different NMR equipment.
This book presents a variety of vibrational spectroscopic techniques, focusing on Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and their use in noninvasive optical tissue diagnosis. It covers the most recent research in this area to create a unique database of different chemical bands and their assignments of spectral bands. The text explores the spectroscopic investigation of different tissues and samples, including breast tissue, lung tissue, and brain tissue. Catalog no. K11629, July 2012, c. 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3608-8, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
After the preliminaries, the book covers: • The theory and features of solid-state NMR and nuclear relaxation in solids, including dynamics of materials • Different materials, diamagnetic and paramagnetic, from metals and metal clusters to amorphous composites • The methodology of collection and interpretations of solid-state NMR data, including strategies and criteria for structural characterizations of different materials • Practical examples of multinuclear NMR and relaxation experiments as well as interpretations of data obtained • Numerous solid-state NMR experiments performed for various materials to evaluate their structure and dynamics
Coming Soon!
VCD Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists Philip John Stephens, Frank J. Devlin and James R. Cheeseman
Written in clear and simple language, this book includes clear illustrations, numerous examples, and detailed bibliographies. It an excellent reference not only for young and experienced researchers, but also for students interested in a future in materials science.
Currently, chiral drugs are a major focus of pharmaceutical companies. This book presents the technique of Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy and discusses its applications to the structural characterization of chiral organic molecules. The text provides all of the information about VCD spectroscopy that an organic chemist needs in order to make use of the technique. The authors, experts responsible for much of the existing literature in this field, discuss the experimental measurement of VCD and the theoretical prediction of VCD. They also evaluate the advantages and limitations of the technique in determining molecular structure.
Catalog no. K13196, December 2011, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6963-5, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. K11153, April 2012, c. 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2171-8, $149.95 / £95.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Spectroscopy Dynamic Force Spectroscopy and Biomolecular Recognition
Linearly Polarized IR Spectroscopy
Edited by
Bojidarka Ivanova
Anna Rita Bizzarri and Salvatore Cannistraro Originating from protein stretching experiments, dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS) allows for the extraction of detailed information on the unbinding process of biomolecular complexes. It is becoming progressively more important in biochemical studies and is finding wider applications in areas such as biophysics and polymer science. This book covers the most recent ideas and advances in the field of DFS applied to biorecognition. Leading experts in the field offer their perspectives on such important topics as atomic force microscopy, force spectroscopy, interaction geometries, and immobilization strategies. Catalog no. K12890, January 2012, 270 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6237-7, $129.95 / £82.00
Theory and Applications for Structural Analysis Sofia University, Bulgaria
Tsonko Kolev Plovdiv University, Bulgaria
This book introduces linearly-polarized IR spectroscopy as a method of molecular structural analysis. Examples demonstrate both the advantages and limitations of this technique. The text explains the possible applications of this new orientation technique for the structural characterization of various chemicals. More specifically, it demonstrates how to obtain important information about the structure and spectral properties of oriented compounds. Catalog no. K11223, October 2011, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2559-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Molecular Manipulation with Atomic Force Microscopy Edited by
Anne-Sophie Duwez and Nicolas Willet
Spectroscopic Techniques and Hindered Molecular Motion Ferid Bashirov
University of Liege, Belgium
Kazan Federal University, Russia
The manipulation of single molecules is still in its infancy but significant breakthroughs have been made in chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and polymer science. This book presents a series of topics that discuss concepts and methodologies used to manipulate and study single (bio)molecules with atomic force microscopy (AFM). The first part is dedicated to the pulling of single molecules with force spectroscopy to investigate molecular interactions, mechanics, and mechanochemical processes. The second addresses the manipulation, repositioning, and targeted delivery of single molecules on substrates.
The theory of hindered motions of small molecules and molecular fragments in crystals and liquids allows one to obtain detailed knowledge of both the crystal structure and the dynamical behavior of molecules. Application of the theory to describe such phenomena as NMR relaxation rates and spectral line broadening expands the power of many spectroscopy techniques. The author compares this theoretical approach with recent experimental results. Specific topics covered include the extended angular jump model, angular autocorrelation functions, dielectric, optical and neutron scattering spectroscopy applications, and nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice relaxation applications.
Catalog no. K10483, December 2011, 287 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0966-2, $149.95 / £95.00
Catalog no. K13247, October 2011, 161 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7083-9, $99.95 / £63.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
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