Contents Analytical Chemistry ....................................................3 Chemical Engineering..................................................4 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry ..................7 Environmental Chemistry ............................................8 Page 22
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General Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry....................11 Materials Chemistry ..................................................12 Natural Products Chemistry/Organic Chemistry........14 Organic Chemistry ....................................................15 Physical Chemistry ....................................................16 Polymer Chemistry ....................................................21 Surface & Colloid Chemistry ....................................22
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Analytical Chemistry
Fundamentals of Microfluidics and Lab on a Chip for Biological Analysis and Discovery Paul C.H. Li Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Lab-on-a-chip technology permits us to make many important discoveries that can only be observed at the microscale or the nanoscale. Using this technology, biological and biochemical analyses translate into greater sensitivity, more accurate results, and more valuable findings. Authored by one of the field’s pioneering researchers, Fundamentals of Microfluidics and Lab on a Chip for Biological Analysis and Discovery focuses on all key aspects of microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technologies to offer an exceptionally cohesive overview of the science, its limitations, breakthroughs made over the years, and currently emerging advances. The book emphasizes analytical applications of microfluidic technology and offers in-depth coverage of micromachining methods, microfluidic operations, chemical separations, sample preparation and injection methods, detection technology, and various chemical and biological analyses. Other topics of interest include the use of polymeric chips, fluid flow valve and control, single-cell analysis, DNA and RNA amplification techniques, DNA hybridization, immunoassays, and enzymatic assays. The book includes more than 300 figures that depict novel chip functions and breakthroughs and 16 tables that summarize materials and refer readers to additional resources. An appendix compiles extensive analytical applications from emerging and established research groups. Beginners in the field will find the book useful for navigating the vast literature related to the technology, while experienced researchers will rely on the compiled information for easy comparison and references for further study. Derived from the highly popular Microfluidic Labon-a-Chip for Chemical and Biological Analysis and Discovery (2006), this volume is also readily adaptable for classroom use. Problem sets in each chapter help students test their assimilation of the material and clarify challenging concepts.
The book contains a comprehensive glossary, a complete index, and extensive references. Features: • Reviews fundamentals of micromachining and fluid flow and control for lab-on-a-chip • Emphasizes analytical applications of microfluidic technology • Includes information that is key to cell, nucleic acid, protein, and genetic analyses, including DNA sequencing • Adapts traditional principles of operations for the size of a chip, optimizing the miniaturization advantage and favorable scaling down • Contains tables that summarize related materials and problem sets that test comprehension of the material • Includes a glossary and extensive references along with a four-page color insert Solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Micromachining Methods. Microfluidic Flow. Sample Introduction. Sample Preconcentration. Separation. Detection Methods. Applications to Cellular/Particle Analysis. Applications to Nucleic Acids Analysis. Applications to Protein Analysis. References. Glossary. Technology. Index. February 2010, 418 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1855-8, £38.99
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Chemical Engineering Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology
Fundamentals of Automatic Process Control Uttam Ray Chaudhuri
Tapio O. Salmi, Jyri-Pekka Mikkola, and Johan P. Warna
University of Calcutta, India
Utpal Ray Chaudhuri Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India
Series: Chemical Industries
Series: Chemical Industries
Modern plants require operators and engineers to have thorough knowledge of instrumentation hardware as well as good operating skills. Chemical engineers need to know about the appropriate use of both control hardware and software and must be able to select/write computer programs that interface the hardware and software to run a plant effectively. This book provides an integrated introduction to the hardware and software of automatic control systems. It solves problems from the GATE examination and provides explanations for each solution. It also includes various examples of control systems commonly used in plants, Laplacian mathematics with solutions, as well as virtual laboratory software. Features: • Solves problems from the GATE examination and provides explanations for each solution • Presents a large number of problems and examples with different applications and complexity • Provides many examples of control systems commonly found and used in plants • Includes Laplacian mathematics with brief mathematical solutions as well as computer solutions • Offers virtual laboratory software to familiarize students with various control systems Selected Contents: An Introduction to Automatic Process Control. Open-Loop Process Dynamics and Transfer Functions. Disturbances and Responses. Process Control Loop System and Analysis. Control Loop Analysis. Tuning of PID Controllers. Advanced Control Strategies. Virtual Laboratory. Computer Control. Selected Problems and Solutions of GATE Examinations from 2002 to 2012. October 2012, c. 306 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1420-1, £89.00
The role of the chemical reactor is crucial for the industrial conversion of raw materials into products and numerous factors must be considered when selecting an appropriate and efficient chemical reactor. Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology defines the qualitative aspects that affect the selection of an industrial chemical reactor and couples various reactor models to casespecific kinetic expressions for chemical processes. Offering a systematic development of the chemical reaction engineering concept, this volume explores: • Essential stoichiometric, kinetic, and thermodynamic terms needed in the analysis of chemical reactors • Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors • Residence time distributions and non-ideal flow conditions in industrial reactors • Solutions of algebraic and ordinary differential equation systems • Gas- and liquid-phase diffusion coefficients and gas-film coefficients • Correlations for gas-liquid systems • Solubilities of gases in liquids • Guidelines for laboratory reactors and the estimation of kinetic parameters The authors pay special attention to the exact formulations and derivations of mass energy balances and their numerical solutions. Richly illustrated and containing exercises and solutions covering a number of processes, from oil refining to the development of specialty and fine chemicals, the text provides a clear understanding of chemical reactor analysis and design. Selected Contents: Introduction. Stoichiometry and Kinetics. Homogeneous Reactors. Nonodeal Reactors: Residence Time Distributions. Catalytic TwoPhase Reactors. Catalytic Three-Phase Reactors. Gas-Liquid Reactors. ... August 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9268-4, £39.99
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Chemical Engineering
Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis Second Edition R.E. Hayes and J.P. Mmbaga Unoversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Written for students and professionals interested in chemical reactions engineering, this second edition of a successful premiere volume involves a considerable expansion to make it suitable for a two-semester undergraduate course in chemical reaction engineering. Additional material focuses on catalysis and catalytic reactors, only briefly covered in the previous edition. The authors expand upon adsorption and reaction in heterogeneous catalysis. A new chapter on transport process in catalysis is included also. A comprehensive appendix of numerical methods, with reference to the popular commercial software packages Polymath, COMSOL, Multiphysics, and Matlab are also included. Features: • Includes new material that focuses on catalysis and catalytic reactors • Offers a comprehensive appendix on numerical methods • Provides expanded coverage of adsorption • Holds a new chapter on transport processes in catalysis Selected Contents: Introduction: Process Development. Basic Building Blocks of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Outline of the Book. Introduction to Chemical Reactions. ... The Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions: Basic Definitions. Energy Changes in Systems. Chemical Reaction Equilibrium. Mole Balances in Ideal Reactors: General Mole Balance Equation. Perfectly Mixed Batch Reactor. Plug Flow Reactor. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. Reaction Rate in Terms of Catalyst Mass. Comparison of PFR and CSTR Performance. Multiple Reactions. MultipleReactor Systems. ...
Energy Balances in Ideal Reactors: Influence of Temperature on Reactor Operation. General Energy Balance. Batch Reactor. ... Chemical Kinetics for Homogeneous Reactions: General Nature of Rate Functions. Reaction Mechanism. Theoretical Analysis of Reaction Rate. Rate Equations for Nonelementary Reactions. ... Nonideal Reactor Analysis: Causes of Nonideal Reactor Behavior. Residence Time and Mixing. RTD Function. RTD in Ideal Reactors. ... Introduction to Catalysis: Origins of Catalysis: Historical Perspectives. Definitions and Fundamental Concepts. Thermodynamics. Catalyst Types and Basic Structure. ... Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions: Adsorption. Rate Expressions for Catalytic Reactions. ... Transport Processes in Catalysis: Diffusion in Bulk Phase. External Mass and Heat Transfer Effects. ... Analysis of Catalytic Reactors: The Packed-Bed Reactor: Introduction and Overview. The Conservation Equations for Packed Beds. OneDimensional Steady-State Plug Flow Models. One-Dimensional Steady-State Axial Dispersion Models. Two-Dimensional Steady-State Models. Transient Packed-Bed Models. ... Experimental Methods in Catalysis: Kinetic Investigations. Measuring Physical Properties. ... Appendix 1: Numerical Methods: Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. ... Appendix 2: Thermodynamic Data Appendix 3: Useful Integrals Appendix 4: Numerical Software: APOLYMATH. AMATLAB. AC.3 COMSOL Multiphysics. Index October 2012, c. 582 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-6700-6, £39.99
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Chemical Engineering Computational Transport Phenomena for Engineering Analyses
Transport Phenomena Fundamentals Second Edition Joel Plawsky Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Richard C. Farmer
Series: Chemical Industries
Ralph W. Pike
SECA, Inc., Carson City, Nevada, USA
Although the practice of chemical engineering has broadened to encompass problems in a range of disciplines, including biology, biochemistry, and nanotechnology, one of the curriculum’s foundations is built upon the subject of transport phenomena. Transport Phenomena Fundamentals, Second Edition provides a unified treatment of heat, mass, and momentum transport based on a balance equation approach. Used in a two-term transport phenomena sequence at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, this text streamlines the approach to how the subject is taught. The first part of the book takes students through the balance equation in the context of diffusive transport, be it momentum, energy, mass, or charge. Each chapter adds a term to the balance equation, highlighting the effects of that addition on the physical behavior of the system and the underlying mathematical description. The second half of the book builds upon the balance equation description of diffusive transport by introducing convective transport terms, focusing on partial rather than ordinary differential equations. The Navier–Stokes and convective transport equations are derived from balance equations in both macroscopic and microscopic forms. The second edition of this text is enhanced by the use of finite element methods in the form of examples and extended homework problems. A series of example modules are associated with each chapter of the text. Some of the modules are used to produce examples in the text, and some are discussed in the homework at the end of each chapter. All of the modules are located online at an accompanying website designed to be a living component of the course. September 2009, 857 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6233-5, £49.99
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
Gary C. Cheng University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
Yen-Sen Chen National Space Organization, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Connecting basic principles with numerical methodology for solving the conservations laws, Computational Transport Phenomena for Engineering Analyses presents the topic in terms of modern engineering analysis. The book includes a production quality computer source code for expediting and illustrating analyses of mass, momentum, and energy transport. The text covers transport phenomena with examples that extend from basic empirical analyses to complete numerical analyses. It includes a computational transport phenomena (CTP) code written in Fortran and developed and owned by the authors. The code does not require a lease and can run on a PC or a supercomputer. The authors also supply the source code, allowing users to modify the code to serve their particular needs, once they are familiar with the code. Using the CTP code, grid generation and solution procedures are described and visual solution presentations are illustrated thus offering extensive coverage of the methodology for a wide range of applications. The authors illustrate and emphasize that the very general solutions afforded by solving the unsteady, multidimensional transport equations for real multicomponent fluids describe an immense body of physical processes. Bringing together a wealth of professional and instructional experience, this book stresses a problem-solving approach that uses one set of computational and graphical tools to describe all aspects of the analysis. It provides understanding of the principles involved so that code improvements and/or use of commercial codes can be accomplished knowledgeably. June 2009, 530 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6756-9, £39.99
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Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Quantum Dynamics Applications in Biological and Materials Systems Eric R. Bittner University of Houston, Texas, USA
Even though time-dependent spectroscopic techniques continue to push the frontier of chemical physics, they receive scant mention in introductory courses and are poorly covered in standard texts. Quantum Dynamics: Applications in Biological and Materials Systems bridges the gap between what is traditionally taught in a onesemester quantum chemistry course and the modern field of chemical dynamics, presenting the quantum theory of charge and energy transport in biological systems and optical-electronic materials from a dynamic perspective. Reviews the basics: Taking a pedagogical approach, the book begins by reviewing the concepts of classical mechanics that are necessary for studying quantum mechanics. It discusses waves and wave functions and then moves on to an exploration of semiclassical quantum mechanics methods, an important part of the development and utilization of quantum theory. Time-independent and time-dependent perspectives: The main focus of the book is the chapter on quantum dynamics, which begins with a brief review of the bound states of a coupled two-level system. This is discussed with a time-independent as well as a time-dependent perspective. The book also explores what happens when the two-level system has an additional harmonic degree of freedom that couples the transitions between the two states. The book reviews different ways in which one can represent the evolution of a quantum state, explores the quantum density matrix, and examines the basis for excitation energy transfer between molecules. Later chapters describe the pi electronic structure of conjugated organic systems and discuss electron-phonon coupling in conjugated systems and transport and dynamics in extended systems.
Includes Mathematica® downloads: On an accompanying website, Mathematica® applications and codes can be downloaded to illustrate the theoretical methods presented, and the book offers ample references for further study. The book and website combine to provide students with a clear understanding of the theory and its applications. Features: • Covers cutting-edge material rarely found in textbooks • Provides required background and theoretical material to understand the concepts • Discusses applications of current interest, as well as many theoretical topics not presented well in other books • Offers Mathematica applications and codes on an accompanying website to illustrate the theoretical methods presented A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Survey of Classical Mechanics. Waves and Wave Functions. Semiclassical Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Dynamics (and Other Un-American Activities). Representations and Dynamics. Quantum Density Matrix. Excitation Energy Transfer. Electronic Structure of Conjugated Systems. Electron-Phonon Coupling in Conjugated Systems. Lattice Models for Transport and Structure. Appendix. References. Index. July 2009, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8053-7, £65.99
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Environmental Chemistry
Water Chemistry Green Science and Technology of Nature's Most Renewable Resource
Environmental Chemistry Ninth Edition Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Carefully crafted to provide a comprehensive overview of the chemistry of water in the environment, Water Chemistry: Green Science and Technology of Nature's Most Renewable Resource examines water issues within the broad framework of sustainability, an issue of increasing importance as the demands of Earth’s human population threaten to overwhelm the planet’s carrying capacity. Renowned environmental author Stanley Manahan provides more than just basic coverage of the chemistry of water. He relates the science and technology of this amazing substance to areas essential to sustainability science, including environmental and green chemistry, industrial ecology, and green (sustainable) science and technology. The inclusion of a separate chapter that comprehensively covers energy, including renewable and emerging sources, sets this book apart. Manahan explains how the hydrosphere relates to the geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and anthrosphere. His approach views Planet Earth as consisting of these five mutually interacting spheres. He covers biogeochemical cycles and the essential role of water in these basic cycles of materials. He also defines environmental chemistry and green chemistry, emphasizing water’s role in the practice of each. Manahan highlights the role of the anthrosphere, that part of the environment constructed and operated by humans. He underscores its overwhelming influence on the environment and its pervasive effects on the hydrosphere. He also covers the essential role that water plays in the sustainable operation of the anthrosphere and how it can be maintained in a manner that will enable it to operate in harmony with the environment for generations to come. August 2010, 416 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3068-0, £59.99
The field of environmental chemistry has evolved significantly since the publication of the first edition of Environmental Chemistry. Throughout the book’s long life, it has chronicled emerging issues such as organochloride pesticides, detergent phosphates, stratospheric ozone depletion, the banning of chlorofluorocarbons, and greenhouse warming. During this time, the first Nobel Prize for environmental chemistry was awarded. Written by environmental chemist Stanley Manahan, each edition has reflected the field’s shift of emphasis from pollution and its effects to its current emphasis on sustainability. Completely revised, this ninth edition retains the organizational structure that has made past editions so popular with students and professors while updating coverage of principles, tools, and techniques to provide fundamental understanding of environmental chemistry and its applications. It includes end-of-chapter questions and problems, and a solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoptions. Rather than immediately discussing specific environmental problems, Manahan systematically develops the concept of environmental chemistry, so that when he covers specific pollutions problems, the background necessary to understand the problem has already been developed. Selected Contents: The Environment and Sustainability Science. Chemistry and the Anthrosphere: Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry. Fundamentals of Aquatic Chemistry. Oxidation–Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry. Phase Interactions in Aquatic Chemistry. Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry. Water Pollution. Water Treatment. The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry. Particles in the Atmosphere. Gaseous Inorganic Air Pollutants. Organic Air Pollutants. The Endangered Global Atmosphere. The Geosphere and Geochemistry. Soil and Agricultural Environmental Chemistry. Green Chemistry and Industrial Ecology. Resources and Sustainable Materials. Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything. ... December 2009, 783 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5920-5, £69.99
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Environmental Chemistry
Fundamentals of Sustainable Chemical Science Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Written by Stanley Manahan, Fundamentals of Sustainable Chemical Science has been carefully designed to provide a basic introduction to chemistry, including organic chemistry and biochemistry, for readers with little or no prior background in the subject. Manahan, bestselling author of many environmental texts, presents the material in a practical format that ties together real-world examples from environmental chemistry, green chemistry, and related areas while maintaining brevity and simplicity. The book:
Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry Third Edition Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Written by an expert, using the same approach that made the previous two editions so successful, Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, Third Edition expands the scope of the book to include the strongly emerging areas broadly described as sustainability science and technology, including green chemistry and industrial ecology. The third edition includes: • Increased emphasis on the applied aspects of environmental chemistry
• Defines key chemistry terms required for understanding material
• Hot topics such as global warming and biomass energy
• Begins with atoms and elements and progresses through chemical compounds to chemical reactions
• Integration of green chemistry and sustainability concepts throughout the text
• Includes organic chemistry throughout the book • Provides references to renewable resources and green chemistry • Presents chapter summary quizzes, questions, and problems at the end of each chapter to test student’s comprehension The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts and terms needed to really understand chemistry. With these terms defined in very fundamental ways, it is then possible to cover chemical concepts in greater detail without having to guess what readers know and don’t know about chemistry. The book also includes basic coverage of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Although other books at the beginner level often omit these topics, those who deal with the real world of environmental pollution, hazardous wastes, agricultural science, and other applied areas quickly realize that a rudimentary understanding of them is essential. These two features make the book not only unique but also practical.
• More and updated questions and answers, including some that require Internet research Lecturers Pack on CD-ROM with solutions manual, PowerPoint presentations, and chapter figures are available upon qualifying course adoption
The book provides a basic course in chemical science, including the fundamentals of organic chemistry and biochemistry. The author uses real-life examples from environmental chemistry, green chemistry, and related areas while maintaining brevity and simplicity in his explanation of concepts. Building on this foundation, the book covers environmental chemistry, broadly defined to include sustainability aspects, green chemistry, industrial ecology, and related areas. These chapters are organized around the five environmental spheres, the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and the anthrosphere. The last two chapters discuss analytical chemistry and its relevance to environmental chemistry. December 2008, 1264 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5267-1, £63.99
March 2009, 392 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0239-7, £47.99
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Environmental Chemistry
Introduction to Green Chemistry Second Edition Albert Matlack University of Delaware, Newark, USA
In the nearly 10 years since the publication of the bestselling first edition of Introduction to Green Chemistry, interest in green chemistry and clean processes has grown so much that topics, such as fluorous biphasic catalysis, metal organic frameworks, and process intensification, barely mentioned in the first edition, have become major areas of research. In addition, government funding has ramped up the development of fuel cells and biofuels. It reflects the evolving focus from pollution remediation to pollution prevention. Copiously illustrated with over 800 figures, this second edition provides:
The book covers traditional green chemistry topics, including catalysis, benign solvents, and alternative feedstocks. It also discusses relevant but less frequently covered topics with chapters such as Chemistry of Longer Wear and Population and the Environment. This coverage highlights the importance of chemistry to everyday life and demonstrates the benefits the expanded exploitation of green chemistry can have for society.
Expanded research topics:
Selected Contents:
• Metal-organic frameworks
Introduction Doing without Phosgene, Hydrogen Cyanide, and Formaldehyde The Chlorine Controversy Toxic Heavy Metal Ions Solid Catalyst and Reagents for Ease of Workup Solid Acids and Bases Chemical Separations Working Without Organic Solvents Biocatalysis and Biodiversity Stereochemistry Agrochemicals Materials for a Sustainable Economy Chemistry of Longer Wear Chemistry of Recycling Energy and the Environment Population and the Environment Environmental Economics Greening
• Solid acids for alkylation of isobutene by butanes • Carbon molecular sieves • Mixed micro- and mesoporous solids • Organocatalysis • Process intensification and gas phase enzymatic reactions • Hydrogen storage for fuel cells • Reactive distillation • Catalysts in action on an atomic scale Expanded current events topics: • Industry resistance to inherently safer chemistry • Nuclear power • Removal of mercury from vaccines • Removal of mercury and lead from primary explosives • Biofuels
April 2010, 599 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7811-4, £66.99
• Uses for surplus glycerol • New hard materials to reduce wear • Electronic waste • Smart growth
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General Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry
Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry
John Kenkel
R. Gopalan
Southeast Community College, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Madras Christian College, Chennai, India
Chemistry can be a daunting subject for the uninitiated, and all too often, introductory textbooks do little to make students feel at ease with the complex subject matter. Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises brings the wisdom of John Kenkel’s more than 30 years of teaching experience to communicate the fundamentals of chemistry in a practical, down-to-earth manner.
The contents of this textbook have been carefully compiled taking into account changes in the inorganic chemistry. It has been written using simple language with a view to rendering learning easy. Tabulated data, figures, equations, and charts are provided throughout the book to help in easy assimilation of the various concepts. Solved problems and popular matter on the subject (in grey boxes) are two of the highlights of this book. An exhaustive question bank has been added to each chapter. This is intended not only for self-appraisal and preparation for examinations, but also to help the student in understanding concepts.
Using conversational language and logically assembled graphics, the book concisely introduces each topic without overwhelming students with unnecessary detail. Example problems and end-of-chapter questions emphasize repetition of concepts, preparing students to become adept at the basics before they progress to an advanced general chemistry course. Enhanced with visualization techniques such as the first chapter’s mythical microscope, the book clarifies challenging, abstract ideas and stimulates curiosity into what can otherwise be an overwhelming topic. Topics discussed in this reader-friendly text include: • • • • • • • •
Properties and structure of matter Atoms, molecules, and compounds The periodic table Atomic weight, formula weights, and moles Gases and solutions Chemical equilibrium Acids, bases, and pH Organic chemicals
Selected Contents: Properties and Structure of Matter. Significant Figures, the Metric System, and Dimensional Analysis. Names and Formulas of Compounds. Atomic Structure. The Periodic Table. Molecular Structure. Atomic Weight, Formula Weight, and Moles. Chemical Equations and Stoichiometry. Gases and the Gas Laws. Solutions. Chemical Equilibrium. Acids, Bases, and pH. Oxidation– Reduction Reactions. Organic Chemicals. Appendix: Answers to Homework Exercises. Index.
Features: • Contains an exhaustive question bank in each chapter • Provides worked examples • Includes text boxes on popular topics • Supplies tabulated data, figures, equations, and charts Selected Contents: Atomic Structure. Periodicity of Properties. Principles of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Principles of Volumetric Analysis. Solvents for Inorganic Reactions. Ionic Bond. Covalent Bond. Covalent Bond: Molecular Orbital Theory. Hydrogen. Alkali Metals. Alkaline Earth Metals. Boron Family. Carbon Family. Nitrogen Family. Oxygen Family. Halogens. Noble Gases. Principles of Metallurgy. Transition Elements: Introduction. Chemistry of Transition Elements. Inner Transition Elements. Coordination Compounds. Bioinorganic Chemistry. Nuclear Chemistry. Industrial Inorganic Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry. May 2012, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1814-8, £82.00
October 2010, 468 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1337-9, £38.99
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Material Chemistry Foundations of the Theory of Elasticity, Plasticity, and Viscoelasticity
Quantum Theory Density, Condensation, and Bonding
E.I. Starovoitov and F.B. Naghiyev
Mihai V. Putz
Byelorussian State University of Transport, Gomel, Belarus
West University of Timisoara, Romania
Foundations of the Theory of Elasticity, Plasticity, and Viscoelasticitbe details fundamental and practical skills and approaches for carrying out research in the field of modern problems in the mechanics of deformed solids, which involves the theories of elasticity, plasticity, and viscoelasticity. The book includes all modern methods of research as well as the results of the authors’ recent work and is presented with sufficient mathematical strictness and proof. The first six chapters are devoted to the foundations of the theory of elasticity. Theory of stress-strain state, physical relations and problem statements, variation principles, contact and 2D problems, and the theory of plates are presented. The theories are accompanied by examples of solving typical problems. The last six chapters will be useful to postgraduates and scientists engaged in nonlinear mechanics of deformed inhomogeneous bodies. The foundations of the modern theory of plasticity (general, small elastoplastic deformations, and the theory of flow), linear, and nonlinear viscoelasticity are set forth. Corresponding research of three-layered circular plates of various materials is included to illustrate methods of problem solving. Analytical solutions and numerical results for elastic, elastoplastic, linear viscoelastic, and viscoelastoplastic plates are also given. Thermoviscoelastoplastic characteristics of certain materials needed for numerical account are presented in the 11th chapter. The informative book is intended for scientists, postgraduates, and higher-level students of engineering spheres and will provide important practical skills and approaches. July 2012, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-926895-11-6, £82.00
Quantum Theory: Density, Condensation, and Bonding presents in a unitary manner the main actual theories of matter, mainly the density function theory (DFT) for fermions, the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) for bosons, and chemical bonding as a special realization of the first two socalled mixed fermionic-bosonic states. The book covers the modern and ultimately developed quantum theories involving the key concepts of density, condensation, and bonding. The book compiles, for the first time, the density functional theory with Bose-Einstein condensation and chemical bonding theories in a fresh and novel perspective. The book introduces modern theories of matter structure and explains the nature of chemical bonds under the consecrated and ultimate quantum paradigms of molecular structure. The book is divided into three parts, one for each level of studies: Part I: Primer Density Functional Theory is suitable for undergraduate introductory courses in physics, chemistry, and the natural sciences. Part II: Primer Density Functional Bose-Einstein Condensation Theory is suitable for graduate- or master-level courses in physics or natural sciences. Part III: Modern Quantum Theories of Chemical Bonding is written for the post-graduate, master or doctorate courses on quantum structure of molecules in chemistry or natural sciences. Thus, this book is organized as a succession of three linked courses, from undergraduate, to graduate, to postgraduate levels in modern quantum theories of many-body systems. It covers three main concepts: density, condensation, and bonding and contains the most celebrated and challenging theories of matter. The book provides a fresh perspective on the quantum theory of structure of physico-chemical systems and will show students at all levels and researchers the way for future elaboration and discoveries toward the unification of the physical and chemical concepts of matter. July 2012, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-926895-14-7, ÂŁ82.00
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Material Chemistry
Physical Properties of Materials Second Edition Mary Anne White Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
“This book stands out as a unique resource for students and established scientists working at the modern materials/chemistry/technology interface. It conveys a tremendous amount of information and distills the physics and chemistry down to an intuitive level that can be appreciated by both developing scientists as well as more established scientists looking for a teaching aid/text or a tune-up in their own knowledge. … This new edition includes many new state-of-theNew to the Second Edition: art topics that have emerged as major fields over the last decade including carbon nanotubes, quan• Coverage of materials sustainability, structure tum dots, and spintronics. … I defy the reader to of materials, nanomaterials, carbon nannot find many gems of insightful knowledge to otubes, graphene, quantum dots, spintronics, enhance their understanding of the physical matemagnetoresistance, and polymer classifications rials world.” • Tutorial on the materials science of cymbals —Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Mary Anne White wrote one of the most engaging introductory texts on materials science … Professor White has now prepared an updated version of her book adding several new sections that feature some of the seminal recent research advances and a number of the materials topics that nowadays pose important social concerns. … this is an excellent book to base an introductory materials course on, or to read for pleasure by scientists in other fields who wish to rifle through an excellent survey of what materials science has become today. —Martin Moskovits, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
... a concise but in-depth insight into the physical aspects of materials science ... White expertly deals with the theory of the physical properties of materials, and the book offers a succinct but comprehensive coverage of this area. —Times Higher Education
Designed for advanced undergraduate students, this bestselling text establishes the principles that control the optical, thermal, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of materials. This fully revised and updated second edition now covers materials sustainability, crystalline structures, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, quantum dots, magnetocaloric effect, spintronics, and polymer classifications. It also includes a new capstone tutorial on the materials science of cymbals, more than 60 new end-of-chapter problems, and updated references. A host of ancillaries are available on a companion website.
• More than 60 new problems, updated references at the end of each chapter, and revised diagrams Solutions manual and electronic figure files available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction: Introduction to Materials Science. Color and Other Optical Properties of Materials: Atomic and Molecular Origins of Color. Color in Metals and Semiconductors. Color from Interactions of Light Waves with Bulk Matter. Other Optical Effects. Thermal Properties of Materials: Heat Capacity, Heat Content, and Energy Storage. Thermal Expansion. Thermal Conductivity. Thermodynamic Aspects of Stability. Surface and Interfacial Phenomena. Other Phases of Matter. Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials: Electrical Properties. Magnetic Properties. Mechanical Properties of Materials: Mechanical Properties. Appendices. Index. June 2011, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, £49.99
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Natural Products Chemistry/Organic Chemistry Chemistry of Natural Products A Laboratory Handbook
Textbook of Organic Chemistry
N.R. Krishnaswamy Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
C. N. Pillai
This book is a companion to Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach, Second Edition. It contains a judicious mix of both spectroscopic and chemical methods of characterization of natural products. The main objective is to provide students with experimental details for the successful isolation of different types of natural products. All the experiments have been successfully class-tested. Selected Contents: Introduction. A Survey of the Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Fractionation of Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds. Isolation Procedures for Select Compounds. Chemical Transformation of some Natural Products. Synthesis of Select Compounds. Metabolism of Natural Products. Suggested Projects. Index. June 2012, 216 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0524-7, £49.99
Chemistry of Natural Products A Unified Approach, Second Edition N R Krishnaswamy Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
The second edition of a bestseller, this book discusses the common structural and stereochemical features of naturally occurring organic compounds. It includes a variety of examples to illustrate varied aspects so that the range of structure and behavior exhibited by these compounds is retained within the set framework. The author explores the increasing application of physical (spectroscopic) methods like IR, NMR, CD, ORD, MS, and High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy without undermining the importance of classical chemical methods. The section on problem solving helps to develop an analytical and critical evaluation of the data. September 2010, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4965-1, £59.99
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras
Textbook of Organic Chemistry employs a deductive approach and reduces the need to learn by rote. Each chapter has been developed in a logical and interesting manner that facilitates easy reading and understanding. This approach has been developed and perfected by the author over the course of his tenure as a teacher of organic chemistry. Each chapter provides exercises that test the understanding of the student while strengthening the concepts discussed in the text. 'Challenging Questions' are given for those students who want to delve deeper into the subject. Topics of current interest are suggested for preparing project reports. Features: • Lists objectives to give an overview of each the chapter • Involves a deductive approach • Develops chapters in a logical and interesting manner • Provides extensive exercises at the end of each chapter Selected Contents: Basic Concepts of Bonding In Organic Chemistry. Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. Alkanes. Alkenes. Alkynes. Dienes. Polymerisation. Cycloalkanes. Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aromaticity. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions. Elimination Reactions. Determination of Structure Using Spectroscopy. Alcohols. Phenols. Carbonyl Chemistry. Carboxylic Acids. Nitrogen Containing Compounds. Molecular Rearrangements. Heterocyclic Compounds. Stereochemistry – I. Stereochemistry – II. Bioorganic Chemistry – Carbohydrates and Vitamins (Natural ProductsI). Bioorganic Chemistry – Aminoacids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids (Natural Products-II). Terpenoids and Alkaloids (Natural Products-III). Dyes. Supplementary Reading. Index. May 2012, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5144-2, £63.99
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Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry An Acid-Base Approach Michael B. Smith University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
"After a brief historical overview and a chapter on the acid-base theme, the standard programme is rolled out, although with an almost unbroken emphasis on the acid-base approach… … the body of the text is easy to read, and the well chosen questions following almost every paragraph encourage the reader to start digesting the provided information immediately." —Martina Lahmann in
Education in Chemistry, May 2011
"This new book is designed to provide a new approach to teaching organic chemistry, to understand the relationships between functional group via an acid-base theme. In 28 chapters the author provides a mechanistic approach to teaching organic chemistry, focusing on fundamental principles rather than a comprehensive accumulation of factual knowledge." —Organic Process Research, 2011
Most reactions in organic chemistry can be explained by variations of fundamental acid–base concepts. This volume provides a framework for understanding the subject that goes beyond mere memorization. Using several techniques to develop a relational understanding, this text helps students fully grasp the concepts at the root of organic chemistry. Chapters contain checklists of what students need to know before they begin to study a topic and concepts to be fully understood before moving to the next subject area, homework problems directly tied to each concept at the end of each chapter, embedded problems with answers throughout the material, and experimental details and mechanisms for key reactions. Features: • Emphasizes concepts built around a central theme rather than memorization • Includes realistic biological applications • Contains pre-chapter and post-chapter checklists of important concepts • Presents problems directly tied to concepts taught in each chapter
Selected Contents: Introduction. Bonding. Alkanes, Isomers, and an Introduction to Nomenclature. Functional Groups. Acids, Bases, Nucleophiles, and Electrophiles. Chemical Reactions, Bond Energy, and Kinetics. Rotamers and Conformation. Stereoisomers: Chirality, Enantiomers, and Diastereomers. Acid–Base Reactions of π-Bonds. Nucleophiles: Lewis Base-Like Reactions at sp3 Carbon. Base-Induced Elimination Reactions. Substitution and Elimination Reactions Can Compete. Spectroscopic Methods of Identification. Organometallic Reagents. Carbonyl Compounds: Structure, Nomenclature, Reactivity. Oxidation. Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones. Reduction. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives and Acyl Substitution. Aromatic Compounds and Benzene Derivatives. Enolate Anions: Acyl Addition and Acyl Substitution. Difunctional Molecules: Dienes and Conjugated Carbonyl. Compounds. Difunctional Molecules: Pericyclic Reactions. Disconnections and Synthesis. Heteroaromatic Compounds. Multifunctional Compounds: Amino Acids and Peptides. Multifunctional Compounds: Carbohydrates. Index. October 2010, 1592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7920-3, £93.00
• Provides mechanistic walkthroughs based on structural analysis • Facilitates learning through color illustrations PowerPoint® slides and solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
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Physical Chemistry
Solid State Chemistry An Introduction, Fourth Edition Lesley E. Smart and Elaine A. Moore The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, Fourth Edition presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. Going beyond basic science, the book explains and analyzes modern techniques and areas of research. The book covers: • A range of synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids • Bonding, superconductivity, and electrochemical, magnetic, optical, and conductive properties • STEM, ionic conductivity, nanotubes and related structures such as graphene, metal organic frameworks, and FeAs superconductors • Biological systems in synthesis, solid state modeling, and metamaterials This largely nonmathematical introduction to solid state chemistry includes basic crystallography and structure determination, as well as practical examples of applications and modern developments to offer students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life situations and serve them well throughout their degree course. New in the Fourth Edition: • Coverage of multiferroics, graphene, and ironbased high temperature superconductors, the techniques available with synchrotron radiation, and metal organic frameworks (MOFs) • More space devoted to electron microscopy and preparative methods • New discussion of conducting polymers in the expanded section on carbon nanoscience Selected Contents: An introduction to crystal structures: Introduction. Close-packing. Body-centered and primitive structures. Symmetry. ... Physical methods for characterizing solids: Introduction. X-ray Diffraction. Powder Diffraction. ... Scanning Probe Microscopy, SPM. Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, XAS. ...
Synthesis of solids: Introduction. High temperature ceramic methods. Microwave synthesis. Combustion synthesis. High pressure methods. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Preparing single crystals. Intercalation. ... Bonding in solids and their electronic properties: Bonding in solids - free electron theory. Bonding in solids - molecular orbital theory. Semiconductors - Si and Ge. B... Defects and non-stoichiometry: Point Defects an introduction. Defects and their concentration. Ionic conductivity in solids. Solid Electrolytes. Applications of solid electrolytes. Colour Centres. ... Microporous and Mesoporous solids: Zeolites. Other microporous framework structures. Mesoporous structures. ... Optical properties of solids: Introduction. The interaction of light with atoms. Absorption and emission of radiation in continuous solids. Refraction. ... Magnetic and Electrical Properties: Introduction. Magnetic susceptibility. Paramagnetism in metal complexes. Ferromagnetic metals. Ferromagnetic compounds - chromium dioxide. Antiferromagnetism - transition metal monoxides. Ferrimagnetism - ferrites. Spiral Magnetism. ... Superconductivity: Introduction. Conventional superconductors. High temperature superconductors. ... Nanostructures and solids with low-dimensional properties: Nanoscience. Consequences of the nanoscale. Low-dimensional and nanostructural carbon. ... May 2012, 494 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4790-9, £29.99
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Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences Frank R. Foulkes Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences is the product of over 30 years of teaching first-year Physical Chemistry in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto. The text, designed to be as rigorous and compatible with a first-year student’s ability to understand, presents detailed step-by-step derivations of the equations that permit the student to follow the underlying logic and, of equal importance, to appreciate any simplifying assumptions made or mathematical tricks employed. In addition to the 600 exercises and end-of-chapter problems, the text is rich in worked non-trivial examples designed to be inspiring and thoughtprovoking. Step-by-step derivation of all equations enables the student to smoothly follow the derivation by sight, and can be understood relatively easily by students with moderate skills and backgrounds in math. Clear and accessible, Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences includes: • The answers to all of the 112 worked examples, 99 exercises following many of the worked examples, and 496 end-of-chapter problems • Topics not normally seen in introductory physical chemistry textbooks (ionic reaction rates, activities, and activity coefficients) or not regularly explained in much detail (electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and more), with an eye on industry applications • Special appendices that provide detailed explanations of basic integration and natural logarithms for students lacking a background in integral calculus • An in-depth chapter on electrochemistry, complete with student activities requiring extensive, accurate calculations Features: • Shows students how to use the theoretical principles and equations developed in the text via a large number of completely worked example problems
• Provides 500 end-of-chapter problems chosen to be sufficiently interesting so the students will actually want to know the answers. • Facilitates self-instruction by providing the answers––but not the solutions––of all exercises and problems • Includes a very detailed summary at the end of each chapter, and a cross-referenced index that includes examples and problems • Describes ionic equilibria with equations derived rigorously using mass balances, charge balances, and equilibrium constant relationships • Shows how simplifying assumptions leads to the more familiar simpler forms applicable in most (but not all!) cases • Discusses ionic reaction rates, the basis for many industrial and biological processes • Reviews basic integrals and logarithms for readers who need a calculus refresher in detailed and easy-to-understand appendices Selected Contents: Things You Should Know But Probably Forgot. States of Matter and the Properties of Gases. The Ideal Gas. The Kinetic Theory of Gases. Real Gases. Thermodynamics. Chemical Equilibrium. Phase Equilibrium. Mixtures. Colligative Properties. Ionic Equilibrium. Acid and Base Dissociation. Bases and Their Salts. Buffer Solutions. Solubility Equilibria. Oxidation–Reduction Reactions. Electrochemistry. Chemical Reaction Kinetics. Appendices. August 2012, 675 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1846-9, £57.99
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Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry A Modern Introduction, Second Edition William M. Davis Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, USA
Designed for a two-semester introductory course sequence in physical chemistry, Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition offers a streamlined introduction to the subject. Focusing on core concepts, the text stresses fundamental issues and includes basic examples rather than the myriad of applications often presented in other, more encyclopedic books. Physical chemistry need not appear as a large assortment of different, disconnected, and sometimes intimidating topics. Instead, students should see that physical chemistry provides a coherent framework for chemical knowledge, from the molecular to the macroscopic level. The book offers:
Selected Contents: World of Atoms and Molecules. Ideal and Real Gases. Changes of State. Phases and Multicomponent Systems. Activity and Equilibrium of Gases and Solutions. Chemical Reactions: Kinetics, Dynamics, and Equilibrium. Vibrational Mechanics of Particle Systems.
• Novel organization to foster student understanding, giving students the strongest sophistication in the least amount of time and preparing them to tackle more challenging topics • Strong problem-solving emphasis, with numerous end-of-chapter practice exercises, over two dozen in-text worked examples, and a number of clearly identified spreadsheet exercises • A quick review of calculus, via an appendix providing the necessary mathematical background for the study of physical chemistry • Powerful streamlined development of group theory and advanced topics in quantum mechanics, via appendices covering molecular symmetry and special quantum mechanical approaches
Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Electronic Structure. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Introduction to Surface Chemistry. Appendices: Mathematical Background. Molecular Symmetry. Special Quantum Mechanical Approaches. Table of Integrals. Table of Atomic Masses and Nuclear Spins. Fundamental Constants and Conversion of Units. Tables.
Points of Interest.
• Uses a streamlined approach for quick comprehension • Contains new chapters on nanotechnology and surface chemistry • Provides computational applications • Includes approximately 40 tables, 100 figures, and 40 graphs
Atomic Masses and Percent Natural Abundance of Light Elements. Values of Constants. The Greek Alphabet. December 2011, 519 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1077-4, £27.99
A solutions manual is available upon qualified course adoption
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Physical Chemistry Essentials of Physical Chemistry Don Shillady Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Particularly well-suited for students not pursuing a traditional chemistry curriculum, such as premedical and forensic science students, this book presents a standalone approach to teaching physical chemistry in a one-semester course, a current trend in undergraduate education. This new undergraduate textbook succeeds in inspiring a thorough understanding rather than merely exposing students to what they all too often perceive as a painful and confusing experience. The author includes real-world applications, worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, key solutions, thermodynamic data, and much more to assist in the teaching and learning of physical chemistry. Features:
Experiments in Nuclear Science Sidney A. Katz Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey, USA
Jeff C. Bryan University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, USA
Based on experiments performed by hundreds of students, this introductory-level laboratory manual provides hands-on opportunities for developing insights into the origins and properties of nuclear radiations, their interactions with matter, their detection and measurement, and their applications in the physical and life sciences. Appropriate as a stand-alone volume or alongside a textbook such as Introduction to Nuclear Science, each of the 32 exercises includes an overview of the scientific phenomenon, instructions for conducting the experiments, recording and analyzing the data and reporting the results; specific questions relating to the experiments; and several problems relating to the scientific phenomena being investigated.
• Begins with a mathematics and physics review to ensure all students start on the same level, and teaches calculus throughout the text • Sample examinations with answers are integrated into each topic • Selection of key examples which can be solved cleanly rather than encyclopedic treatment of many topics • A dual text designed to satisfy the basic requirements in a one-semester presentation with more advanced material in the later chapters for a second semester
Selected Contents:
Characteristics of Geiger-Muller Counters. Resolving Time. Background Corrections. Inverse Square Law. Corrections for Geometry Factors. Back Scatter of Radiation. Corrections for Selfabsorption. Range of Beta Radiations. Absorption of Beta Radiation. Absorption of Gamma Radiation. Radioactive Decay and Instrument Efficiency. Half-life Determination. Investigation of Two Independently Decaying Radionuclides. Halflife of a Long-lived Radionuclide. Autoradiography. Calibration and Operation of the Electroscope. Properties of Proportional Counters. Integral Spectra. Gamma Spectrometry Liquid Scintillation Counting. Separation by Precipitation. Chromatographic Separation. Random Errors. Duplicate Samples. ...
Ideal and Real Gas Behavior. Viscosity of Laminar Flow. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. The First Law of Thermodynamics. The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. Gibbs’ Free Energy and Equilibria. Basic Chemical Kinetics. Basic Spectroscopy. Early Experiments in Quantum Physics. The Schrödinger Wave Equation. The Quantized Harmonic Oscillator, Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Quantized Rigid Rotor and the Vib-Rotor. The Schrödinger Hydrogen Atom. Quantum Thermodynamics. Approximate Methods and Linear Algebra. Electronic Structure of Molecules. Point Group Theory and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. Essentials of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Appendix A: Relation between Legendre and Associated Legendre Polynomials. ... July 2011, 510 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4097-9, £27.99
• Presents 32 hands-on experiments validated for safety and pedagogy in the undergraduate instructional laboratory • Reinforces fundamental principles and assists in the development of lab skills • Makes use of off-the-shelf instrumentation • Employs Excel for data handling • Demonstrates concepts relevant to a number of career opportunities Selected Contents:
August 2010, 198 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3481-7, £31.99
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Physical Chemistry
Concise Chemical Thermodynamics
Physical Chemistry M. V. Sangaranarayanan
Third Edition
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
A.P.H. Peters
V. Mahadevan
Hogeschool Zuyd, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (retired)
This text presents a unified treatment of all the classical topics spanning physical chemistry in a lucid manner to aid easy comprehension. It uses simple language, develops the subject matter in a logical manner, and aims at getting the students to learn and apply the concepts rather than learn the subject by rote. Some topics such as quantum mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and group theory have, on purpose, been simplified. Textbook of Physical Chemistry, together with companion books on organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, meets the complete requirements of undergraduate students of chemistry. In a book comprising all the classical topics which span physical chemistry including chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics among others, uniformity in the depth of coverage of each topic is not easy to attain in view of the disjointed pace of growth of each discipline. Nevertheless, care has been taken to ensure that the material in this book will sustain the interest of students and motivate them to learn physical chemistry. In order to aid students, every chapter contains the Objectives at the beginning and Key Points at the end. Various aspects of physical chemistry are dealt with in a lucid manner and interesting related matter is highlighted in boxes. The derivations are given in a comprehensible manner. Since physical chemistry involves numericals, several worked examples complement the text. The exercises at the end of each chapter, in particular, have been designed to sharpen the problem-solving skills and direct the student towards appreciating the nuances of physical chemistry. April 2012, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1183-5, £49.99
The first two editions of Concise Chemical Thermodynamics proved to be a very popular introduction to a subject many undergraduate students perceive to be difficult due to the underlying mathematics. With its concise explanations and clear examples, for the past 40 years this text has clarified for countless students one of the most complicated branches of science. Following in the tradition of its predecessors, this Third Edition continues to offer a practical, example-based exploration of a critical topic, maintaining academic rigor but eschewing complicated calculations. Updated to reflect new concerns in the twenty-first century, this edition now includes: • An extensive outlook on the world’s current energy consumption and the role of renewable energy in the future • An example of an exothermic reaction through a discussion of the Mond process for extracting and purifying nickel • The use of Mathcad® to calculate a plot of Gibbs energy for a reaction mixture versus the extent of reaction • An explanation of the Lambda sensor, which reduces vehicle emissions • The use of FactSage software to calculate and describe the production of silicon in an arc (oven) furnace This latest edition re-works problems that have proven to be the most difficult for students and adds several new ones to further amplify complex areas. The book also provides an updated list of suggested readings. Keeping pace with new technology and the shift in emphasis to green chemistry, this volume provides an up-to-date treatment of a foundational topic. Selected Contents: Energy. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Spontaneous Changes. Entropy. Free Energy: The Arbiter. Chemical Equilibrium. Equilibrium Experiments and Their Interpretation. Electrochemical Cells. ... July 2010, 234 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1332-4, £32.99
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Polymer Chemistry
Introduction to Polymers Third Edition Robert J. Young and Peter A. Lovell University of Manchester, UK
Carraher's Polymer Chemistry Eighth Edition Charles E. Carraher Jr. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA
Thoroughly updated, this long-awaited new edition of a bestselling text provides extensive, detailed, and balanced coverage of polymer chemistry and polymer physics, spanning synthesis, characterization, bulk properties and morphology, and mechanical and electrical properties of polymers. The material has been completely reorganized and expanded to offer a coherent format for teaching and learning the fundamental aspects of contemporary polymer science. This edition incorporates the most important developments that have occurred in the past two decades, including "living" radical polymerization, supramolecular polymerization, and block and graft copolymer synthesis methods.
Updated to reflect a growing focus on green chemistry and in compliance with the ACSCPT guidelines, this volume integrates the core areas that contribute to the growth of polymer science. Changes to this edition include updating of analytical, physical, and special characterization techniques; increased emphasis on carbon nanotubes, tapes and glues, butyl rubber, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, poly(ethylene glycols), shear-thickening fluids, photo-chemistry and photophysics, dental materials, and aramids; new sections on copolymers; new units on spliceosomes, asphalt, and fly ash and aluminosilicates; and a larger focus on the molecular behavior of materials, nanotechnology, and nanomaterials.
• Provides extensive, detailed, and balanced coverage of important aspects of polymer chemistry and polymer physics up to the final year at undergraduate level and beyond
• Complies with the ACS Professional Training guidelines • Integrates and builds on concepts learned in undergraduate training • Places topics into a larger perspective involving industrial and commercial aspects of the science • Provides extensive applications to illustrate concepts • Emphasizes green science and technology • Includes new sections on photochemistry and green materials • Updates every chapter from the previous edition
• Reorganizes the content to make the text easier for teaching and learning • Illustrates all topics with extensive reaction schemes and/or diagrams • Derives equations from first principles, highlighting the inherent assumptions, limitations, and strengths in the use of each equation • Includes suggestions for further reading as well as end-of-chapter problems Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Concepts, Nomenclature and Synthesis of Polymers. Characterization of Polymers. Phase Structure and Morphology of Bulk Polymers. Properties of Bulk Polymers. Answers to Problems. Index. June 2011, 688 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8493-3929-5, £37.99
Selected Contents: Introduction to Polymers. Polymer Structure (Morphology). Molecular Weight of Polymers. Polycondensation Polymers (Step-Reaction Polymerization). Ionic Chain-Reaction and Complex Coordination Polymerization. Free Radical Chain Polymerization (Addition Polymerization). Copolymerization. Composites and Fillers. Naturally Occurring Polymers—Plants. Naturally Occurring Polymers—Animals. Organometallic and Inorganic–Organic Polymers. Inorganic Polymers. Testing and Spectrometric Characterization of Polymers. Rheology and Physical Tests. Additives. Reactions on Polymers. ... October 2010, 824 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0955-6, £39.99
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Surface & Colloid Chemistry
Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology Second Edition Willem Norde Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Colloidal systems occur everywhere—in soils, seawater, foodstuff, pharmaceuticals, paints, blood, biological cells, and microorganisms. Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology, Second Edition, gives a concise treatment of physicochemical principles determining interrelated colloidal and interfacial phenomena.
Selected Contents: Introduction Colloidal Particles: Shapes and Size Distributions Some Thermodynamic Principles and Relations, with Special Attention to Interfaces Water
New in the Second Edition:
Interfacial Tension
• New topics, including phase separations in polymer systems, electrokinetics of charged permeable surface coatings, and polymer brush coatings to control adsorption and adhesion of particles
Curvature and Capillarity
• Emphasis on inter-particle interactions and surface phenomena in (bio)nanotechnology
Electrokinetic Phenomena
• Full solutions to over 100 updated and additional exercises are presented in the Appendix
Focusing on physicochemical concepts that form the basis of understanding colloidal and interfacial phenomena—rather than on experimental methods and techniques—this book is an excellent primer for students and scientists interested in colloidal and interfacial phenomena, their mutual relations and connections, and the fascinating role they play in natural and man-made systems. • Introductory, yet supposes a basic knowledge of physical chemistry and mathematical calculus • Many illustrations supplement the text, and numerous examples that stress the relevance for practical applications are given
Monolayers at Fluid Interfaces Wetting of Solid Surfaces Electrochemistry of Interfaces Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Molecules Proteins Adsorption Adsorption of (Bio)Polymers, with Special Emphasis on Globular Proteins Stability of Lyophobic Colloids against Aggregation Emulsions and Foams Physicochemical Properties of Biological Membranes Bioadhesion June 2011, 495 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1718-6, £39.99
• Focuses on physiochemical concepts of colloidal systems in the life sciences
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