Computer & Electrical Engineering

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Contents Signal & Image Processing................................3 Electromagnetics & Electronic Materials..........10 Circuits & Devices ..........................................13 Electronics Engineering ..................................15 Optical Engineering ........................................17 Page 5

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Power Engineering..........................................22 Sensors, Instrumentation & Measurement ......30 Systems Control & Engineering ......................33 Computer Engineering....................................36 Math & Stats for Engineers ............................38

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eBooks Available Autumn 2012 Page 22

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Signal & Image Processing

Coming Soon!

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Second Edition Kayvan Najarian Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Written for senior-level and first-year graduate students in biomedical signal and image processing, this book describes fundamental signal and image processing techniques that are used to process biomedical information. The book also discusses the application of these techniques in the processing of some of the main biomedical signals and images, such as EEG, ECG, MRI, and CT. New features of this edition include the technical updating of each chapter along with the addition of many more examples, the majority of which are MATLAB®-based.

Contents (abridged) PART I: Introduction to Digital Signal and Image Processing Signals and Biomedical Signal Processing Fourier Transform Image Filtering, Enhancement, and Restoration Edge Detection and Segmentation of Images Wavelet Transform Other Signal and Image Processing Methods


Clustering and Classification

• Includes updated chapters and all-new examples

PART II: Processing of Biomedical Signals

• Presents expanded end-of-chapter questions • Offers enhanced illustration of concepts presented in the first edition Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Electrical Activities of Cell Electrocardiogram Electroencephalogram Electromyogram Other Biomedical Signals PART III: Processing of Biomedical Images Principles of Computed Tomography X-Ray Imaging and Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ultrasound Imaging Positron Emission Tomography Other Biomedical Imaging Techniques Index

May 2012, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7033-4, £63.99

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Signal & Image Processing Real-Time Digital Signal Processing from MATLAB® to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs Second Edition Thad B. Welch, Cameron H.G. Wright, and Michael G. Morrow "…There are many good textbooks today to teach digital signal processing, but most of them are content to teach the theory, and perhaps some MATLAB® simulations. This book has taken a bold step forward. It not only presents the theory, it reinforces it with simulations, and then it shows us how to actually use the results in real-time applications. …This last step is not a trivial step, and that is why so many books, and courses, present only theory and simulations. With the combined expertise of the three authors of this text…the reader can step into the real-time world of applications with a text that presents an accessible path…" — Delores M. Etter, Texas Instruments Distinguished Chair in Electrical Engineering and Executive Director, Caruth Institute for Engineering Education, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA

Mastering practical application of real-time digital signal processing (DSP) remains one of the most challenging and time-consuming pursuits in the field. It is even more difficult without a resource to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Filling that void, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing from MATLAB® to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs, Second Edition is organized into three sections that cover enduring fundamentals, practical projects, and invaluable appendices. This updated edition gives readers hands-on experience in real-time DSP using a step-by-step framework that also incorporates demonstrations, exercises, and problems, coupled with brief overviews of applicable theory and MATLAB application. Engineers, educators, and students rely on this book for precise, simplified instruction on the use of real-time DSP applications. The book’s software supports the latest high-performance hardware, including the powerful, inexpensive, and versatile OMAP-L138 Experimenter Kit and other development boards. Incorporating readers’ valuable feedback and suggestions, this installment covers additional topics (such as PN sequences) and more advanced realtime DSP projects (including higher-order digital communications projects), making it even more valuable as a learning tool.

December 2011, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8303-7, £57.99


Features • Fills the gap between theory and practice using real-time hardware and a hands-on approach • Features a step-by-step framework that demonstrates the transition from theory to MATLAB to real-time DSP hardware • Includes a download path to all source code, example files, test signals, and executable programs needed • Integrates solutions into the text with follow-up challenges at the end of each chapter, ideal for classroom use or self-learning • Contains seven outstanding appendices that help build fluency in the relevant software and hardware

Contents (abridged) Section I: Enduring Fundamentals Introduction and Organization. Sampling and Reconstruction. FIR Digital Filters. IIR Digital Filters. Periodic Signal Generation. Frame-Based DSP. Digital Filters Using Frames. The Fast Fourier Transform. Spectral Analysis and Windowing. Section II: Projects Project 1: Guitar Special Effects. Project 2: Graphic Equalizer. Project 3: Peak Program Meter. Project 4: AM Transmitters. Project 5: AM Receivers. Project 6: Phase-Locked Loop. Project 7: BPSK Digital Transmitters. Project 8: BPSK Digital Receivers. Project 9: MPSK and QAM Digital Transmitters. Project 10: QPSK Digital Receivers. Section III: Appendices Code Composer Studio: An Overview. DSP/BIOS. Numeric Representations. TMS320C6x Architecture. Related Tools for DSKs. Programming Perils and Pitfalls. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols. References. Index.

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Signal & Image Processing New Edition of a Bestseller!

Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB Second Edition Samuel D. Stearns Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Don R. Hush Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA

Praise for the Bestselling First Edition: “In a field as rapidly expanding as digital signal processing (DSP), even the basic topics change over time, both in nature and relative importance. It is important, therefore, to have an up-to-date text that not only covers the fundamentals but also follows a logical development that leaves no gaps … Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB® is such a text.” —IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 4

Clearly explaining the fundamentals of digital signal processing, this updated edition of a bestselling text teaches students how to apply DSP to the design of real-world signal processing systems. Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB®, Second Edition provides students with online access to more than 100 MATLAB m-files so they can practice implementing basic signal processing operations, including spectral analysis and modeling. This edition features new sections on simulation of continuous systems, the Chirp-z transform, the discrete sine transform, spread-spectrum techniques, digital differentiation, integration, and linear and logarithmic sampling and re-sampling. It also includes additional information on the power density spectrum, implementation of the FFT, and the equation error method in adaptive signal processing.

Features • Includes projects involving the processing of downloaded signals and listening to and plotting results • Contains 350 homework problems and includes examples in each chapter • Provides online access to more than 100 MATLAB m-files Solutions manual and electronic figures available with qualifying course adoption

April 2011, 516 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3782-5, £63.99

Contents (abridged) Introduction. Digital Signal Processing. How to Read This Text. Introduction to MATLAB®. Signals, Vectors, and Arrays. Review of Vector and Matrix Algebra Using MATLAB® Notation. Geometric Series and Other Formulas. MATLAB® Functions in Digital Signal Processing. Least Squares, Orthogonality, and the Fourier Series. Least Squares. Orthogonality. Discrete Fourier Series. Correlation, Fourier Spectra, and Sampling Theorem. Correlation. Discrete Fourier Transform. Redundancy in the Discrete Fourier Transform. Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. Amplitude and Phase Spectra. Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform. Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform. Continuous Transforms, Linear Systems, and Convolution. Sampling Theorem. Waveform Reconstruction and Aliasing. Resampling. Nonuniform and Log-spaced Sampling. Linear Systems and Transfer Functions. Continuous and Discrete Linear Systems. Properties of Discrete Linear Systems. Discrete Convolution. z-Transform and Linear Transfer Functions. Complex z-Plane and Chirp z-Transform. Poles and Zeros. Transient Response and Stability. System Response via the Inverse z-Transform. Cascade, Parallel, and Feedback Structures... Finite Impulse Response Filter Design Infinite Impulse Response Digital Filters Random Signals and Spectral Estimation Least-Squares System Design Adaptive Signal Processing Signal Information, Coding, and Compression Models of Analog Systems Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines Appendix: Table of Laplace and z-Transforms Each chapter includes an Introduction, Exercises, & References.

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Signal & Image Processing

Use these books together! New!

Signals, Systems, Transforms, and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB®

Signals and Systems Laboratory with MATLAB®

Michael Corinthios

Alex Palamides and Anastasia Veloni

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada

Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, Athens, Greece

Signals, Systems, Transforms, and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB® has as its principal objective simplification without compromise of rigor. Graphics, physical interpretation of subtle mathematical concepts, and a gradual transition from basic to more advanced topics are among its important contributions.

Written for laboratory work in a course on signals and systems, this book presents a corresponding MATLAB® implementation for each theoretical concept introduced. Due to the extensive integration of MATLAB throughout this book, the authors provide a complete tutorial on use of the language for signals and systems analysis. With more than 5000 lines of MATLAB code and more than 700 figures embedded in the text, the material teaches students how to program in MATLAB and study signals and systems concepts at the same time, giving them the tools to harness the power of computers to quickly assess problems and visualize solutions.

It establishes a background in Fourier, Laplace, and z transforms, before extending them in later chapters. The author presents a unique matrixequation-matrix sequence of operations that dispels the mystique of the fast Fourier transform, explores the application of digital signal processing technology to real-time processing, and introduces his own generalization of the Dirac-delta impulse and distribution theory.

Features • Provides complete coverage of signals and systems theory

Features • Incorporates a wealth of examples and problems • Offers extensive referencing to MATLAB and Mathematica® for solving the examples • Provides extended tables of Fourier-, Laplace-, and z-related transforms • Contains answers to selected problems at the end of most chapters Solutions manual and lecture slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. Fourier Series Expansion. Laplace Transform. Fourier Transform. System Modeling, Time and Frequency Response. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. DiscreteTime Fourier Transform. State Space Modeling. Filters of Continuous-Time Domain. Passive and Active Filters. Digital Filters. Energy and Power Spectral Densities. Introduction to Communication Systems. Fourier-, Laplaceand z-Related Transforms.

• Includes a tutorial to introduce students to the MATLAB language • Supplies detailed examples that present data in tabular format and offer different solutions to each problem • Walks students through MATLAB commands, presenting results and comments side by side in two- or three-column tables • Contains more than 400 examples and solved problems

Contents (abridged) Introduction to MATLAB®. Signals. Systems. Time Domain System Analysis. Fourier Series. Fourier Transform. Fourier Analysis of DiscreteTime Signals. Frequency Response. The Laplace Transform. z-Transform. Transfer Function. Suggested Laboratory Exercises. August 2010, 567 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3055-0, £53.99

June 2009, 1256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9048-2, £89.00


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Signal & Image Processing Second Edition of a Bestseller!

Signal Processing for Intelligent Sensor Systems with MATLAB® Second Edition David C. Swanson Penn State University, State College, USA

Building on the unique features that made the first edition a bestseller, this second edition includes additional solved problems and web access to the large collection of MATLAB® scripts that are highlighted throughout the text. The book offers expanded coverage of audio engineering, transducers, and sensor networking technology. It also includes new chapters on digital audio processing, as well as acoustics and vibrations transducers. Addressing the application of metadata architectures using XML and agent-based automated data mining and control, the author presents numerous algorithms that can be applied locally or network-based to solve complex detection problems.

Features • Serves as both a learning resource and a field reference • Adds new material on digital audio processing, as well as sensor networking and metadata architectures using XML • Includes numerous MATLAB scripts, as well as chapter summaries and references • Presents many algorithms that can be applied locally or network-based to realize elegant solutions to complex detection problems

Contents (abridged) Part I: Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Sampled Data Systems. z-Transform. Digital Filtering. Digital Audio Processing. Part II: Frequency Domain Processing Fourier Transform. Spectral Density. Part III: Adaptive System Identification and Filtering Linear Least-Squared Error Modeling. Recursive Least-Squares Techniques. Part IV: Wavenumber Sensor Systems Signal Detection Techniques. Wavenumber and Bearing Estimation. Part V: Signal Processing Applications Noise Reduction Techniques. July 2011, 683 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4304-4, £82.00


Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB® Second Edition Taan S. ElAli King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

Suitable for teaching a one-semester course, this textbook covers traditional topics and includes standalone chapters on sampling and transformations. It explains the subject matter with an easyto-follow mathematical development and many solved examples. It also contains comprehensive chapters on IIR and FIR digital filter design, statespace, DFT and FFT, and block diagrams. The author presents examples solved with MATLAB®, but readers will not need to be fluent in this powerful programming language, because they are presented in a self-explanatory way.

Features • Includes additional stand-alone chapters on IIR and FIR filter design, block diagrams, state-space, sampling and transformations, and a unique chapter on applications of FFT • Introduces many examples that employ the MATLAB data acquisition toolbox • Presents tools to design, test, and implement linear digital filters and processors • Provides end-of-chapter examples and problems, as well as concluding "insights" for almost all chapters • Shows readers how to solve problems and examples analytically and, when applicable, numerically, using the latest version of MATLAB

Contents (abridged) Signal Representation. Discrete System. Fourier Series and the Fourier Transform of Discrete Signals. z-Transform and Discrete Systems. State-Space and Discrete Systems. Block Diagrams and Review of Discrete System Representations. Discrete Fourier Transform and Discrete Systems. Sampling and Transformations. Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design. Finite Impulse Response Digital Filters. December 2011, 619 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2818-2, £63.99

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Signal & Image Processing Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers Second Edition Charles W. Therrien and Murali Tummala Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA

Updated and written in a clear, concise style, the second edition of this popular textbook offers an accessible introduction to probability and random variables, making the subject relevant and interesting for students in electrical and computer engineering. It features applications and examples useful to those involved in other branches of engineering or physical sciences. Chapters focus on the probability model, random variables and transformations, inequalities and limit theorems, random processes, and basic combinatorics. The author reinforces key topics with MATLAB® computer projects that are available online.

Features • Supplies examples from different fields— illustrating how each new concept is tied to engineering applications • Contains numerous examples, as well as more than 200 homework problems and 15 computer programs • Includes more than 100 pages of new material Lecture slides and solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

The Science of Imaging Second Edition Graham Saxby (retired) University of Wolverhampton, England, UK

Praise for the First Edition: “... every student should read it, every photographer should own it, and every lecturer and journalist should know its contents inside out.” —Jon Tarrant, British Journal of Photography

“... the best book I have read on the subject at this level.” —Ron Graham, RPS Journal “... an invaluable practical guide and reference source.” —Matin Durrani, Physics World Edited and expanded to keep pace with the digital revolution, the second edition of this highly popular and critically acclaimed work offers special insights into imaging science, covering everything from television and holography to advanced scientific and medical imaging. Taking students on a grand tour of imaging, this book starts with the fundamentals of light and basic cameras. Also useful as a professional reference, content highlights essential formulae and covers the fundamental laws of physics, as well as the cutting-edge techniques defining the field.

Improvements to this Edition Include: • A chapter on astronomical imaging

Contents (abridged)

• A larger format with a wealth of illustrations

Part I: Probability and Random Variables Introduction The Probability Model Random Variables and Transformations Expectation, Moments, and Generating Functions Two and More Random Variables Inequalities, Limit Theorems, and Parameter Estimation Random Vectors Part II: Introduction to Random Processes Random Processes Random Signals in the Time Domain Random Signals in the Frequency Domain Markov, Poisson, and Queueing Processes Appendices

• Major revisions in the areas of digital imaging and modern technology • Updated references that include links to a wealth of online teaching material

Contents (abridged) The Nature of Light. Photometry, Lighting, and Light Filters. Visual Perception. Lens Principles. Types of Lenses. Resolution in Optical Systems. Images in Color. Still Cameras. Motion and HighSpeed Photography. The Silver Halide Process. Digital Recording of Images. Halftone, Electrostatic, and Digital Printing. November 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1286-0, £36.99

September 2011, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2698-0, £49.99


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Signal & Image Processing Coming Soon!

Physical Principles of Wireless Communications Second Edition Victor L. Granatstein University of Maryland, College Park, USA

The second edition of this popular text describes the salient features of modern wireless communication systems integrated with rigorous analyses of the devices and physical mechanisms that constitute the physical layers of these systems. After a review of Maxwell's equations, it explains the operation of antennas and antenna arrays in sufficient detail to allow for design calculations. The text also explores the propagation of electromagnetic waves leading to useful descriptions of mean path loss through city streets or inside an office building. Coverage includes the principles of both probability theory and the physics of Geostationary Earth Orbiting satellites and Low Earth Orbiting satellites. March 2012, c. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7897-2, £57.99

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Second Edition B. Preetham Kumar California State University, Sacramento, USA

Designed to keep pace with advancements in the field, the second edition of this popular text was developed using material and student input from courses taught by the author. Content integrates DSP theory with practical hardware/software applications. It covers the progression of the Discrete and Fast Fourier transforms and addresses Linear TimeInvariant discrete-time signals and systems, as well as the mathematical tools used to describe them. The book describes hardware and offers user instructions for primary and alternate equipment. It also contains problems, exercises, case studies, examples, and tutorials on designing software models and using hardware. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

May 2010, 298 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1737-7, £59.99

Second Edition of a Bestseller!

Principles of Speech Coding Tokunbo Ogunfunmi Santa Clara University, California, USA

Madihally Narasimha Qualcomm, Inc., Santa Clara, and Stanford University, California, USA

Easing readers into the field, this book provides an in-depth examination of the underlying signal processing techniques used in speech coding, presenting standards from various organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Developed from the authors’ combined teachings, this book illustrates key concepts with a realtime implementation of a speech coder on a digital signal processing chip. Focused on applications such as Voice-over-IP telephony, this text covers valuable research findings and carefully balances theoretical and practical coverage, making it ideal for senior-level undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical and computer engineering. April 2010, 381 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7428-9, £66.99

Signals and Systems Analysis in Biomedical Engineering Second Edition Robert B. Northrop University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

Enriched with many examples promoting sound practical analysis, this second edition of a bestselling text covers classical linear systems theory and its applications to biomedicine. It examines the important use of joint time-frequency analysis to characterize non-stationary physiological signals, and explores the mathematics of tomographic imaging (the Radon transform, the Fourier slice theorem, and the filtered back-projection algorithm). It also describes the analytical signal, the Hilbert transform, and some of its biomedical applications. A chapter covers the analysis of nonlinear biochemical systems and biochemical oscillators, and another introduces complex systems, illustrating the best ways to model them. March 2010, 654 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1251-8, £66.99

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Electronics & Electronic Materials

Electromagnetic Waves, Materials, and Computation with MATLAB® Dikshitulu K. Kalluri University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA

"… a required reference in the library of anyone doing research or development in plasma physics or engineering." —Igor Alexeff, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Tennessee

"Most appropriate for advanced engineering students. Comprehensive, yet ‘eases’ into difficult matters." —Andrew M. Sessler, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

"... a meticulously written and extremely useful book for both students and professionals...The approach is especially directed toward electrical engineers whose deeper appreciation of circuits is exploited to help their concept building, [as applied in] transmission line analogies…brings together many increasingly important concepts from previously somewhat separate areas of electromagnetics into one clear and coherent tome." —Michael A. Fiddy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

This book is for senior undergraduate/first-year graduate students specializing in one or more of the technologies based on electromagnetics. Composed of three parts, it begins with the electromagnetics of bounded simple media, moves on to electromagnetic equations of complex media, and then covers electromagnetic computation. The author takes a modern approach by using commercial software such as MATLAB® and FDTD methods and provides a strong base of conceptual mathematical aspects. The material strikes a balance between theory, intuitive approximate solutions, and the use of commercial software and interpretation of solutions. Case studies and practical examples are presented throughout the text.

Features • Presents the electromagnetics of bounded simple media and electromagnetic equations of complex media • Covers two important aspects of electromagnetics: appropriate electromagnetic models and computation • Includes commercial software such as MATLAB and FDTD methods • Contains case studies, homework problems, and more than 3000 equations

Contents (abridged) Part I: Electromagnetics of Bounded Simple Media Electromagnetics of Simple Media Electromagnetics of Simple Media: OneDimensional Solution Two-Dimensional Problems and Waveguides Three-Dimensional Solutions Spherical Waves and Applications Laplace Equation: Static and Low-Frequency Approximations Miscellaneous Topics on Waves Part II: Electromagnetic Equations of Complex Media Electromagnetic Modeling of Complex Materials Artificial Electromagnetic Materials Waves in Isotropic Cold Plasma: Dispersive Medium Spatial Dispersion and Warm Plasma Wave in Anisotropic Media and Magnetoplasma Optical Waves in Anisotropic Crystals Electromagnetics of Moving Media Part III: Electromagnetic Computation Introduction and One-Dimensional Problems Two-Dimensional Problem Advanced Topics on Finite-Element Method Case Study Ridged Waveguide with Many Elements Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method Simulation of Electromagnetic Pulse Interaction with a Switched Plasma Slab Approximate Analytical Methods Based on Perturbation and Variational Techniques Part IV: Appendices Part V: Problems

August 2011, 886 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3867-9, £82.00


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Electronics & Electronic Materials Accompanying CD-ROM Available

Computational Methods for Electromagnetic and Optical Systems Second Edition

Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials

John M. Jarem

Pradeep Fulay

University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA

University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Partha P. Banerjee

“Technological aspects of ferroelectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials are discussed in detail, in a way that should allow the reader to select an optimal material for a particular application. The basics of magnetostatics are described clearly, as are a wide range of magnetic properties of materials … .”

University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

Praise for the First Edition “...a small but formidable book which rigorously sets out the basic theory, provides useful illustrative problems and directs the reader to relevant further reading from the excellent reference lists. ... It is the type of wide-ranging reference book that will find its way onto many bookshelves and, over the years, will become well-worn from frequent use.” —

This text examines a variety of spectral computational techniques—including k-space theory, Floquet theory, and beam propagation—that are used to analyze electromagnetic and optical problems. The authors tie together different applications in EM and optics in which the state variable method is used. Emphasizing the analysis of planar diffraction gratings using rigorous coupled wave analysis, the book presents many cases that are analyzed using a full-field vector approach to solve Maxwell’s equations in anisotropic media, in which a standard wave equation approach doesn’t necessarily work.

Features • Includes a variety of illustrative examples of system theory as applied to anisotropic electromagnetic and optics problems • Presents an extensive literature base for current research and applications of state variable techniques to optics and electromagnetics • Covers the variety of EM and optical applications such as diffraction gratings, photorefractives, photonic band gap structures, metamaterials, chiral materials, and nanomaterials • Contains homework problems, case studies, and examples

—Tony Harker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London

This book takes a materials science and engineering approach to teaching the fundamentals of electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of materials. It integrates coverage of physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering concepts with the technological aspects of materials used in the electronics, magnetics, and photonics industries. Written clearly and concisely, this book discusses applications in nanoscience and technology, including numerous real-world technology examples, from computers to credit cards to optic fibers. The text also provides downloadable electronic teaching aids to illustrate concepts.

Features • Supplies a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of materials • Includes numerous real-world technology examples • Contains references to electronic teaching aids available online • Provides end-of-chapter problems, glossaries, and references A solutions manual and a CD-ROM with PowerPoint lecture slides and an instructor’s manual are available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged)

Mathematical Preliminaries. Scalar EM Beam Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media. EM Wave Propagation in Linear Media. ...

Introduction. Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Materials. Fermi Energy Levels in Semiconductors. Semiconductor p-n Junctions. Semiconductor Devices. Linear Dielectric Materials. Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics, and Pyroelectrics. Magnetic Materials.

April 2011, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0422-3, £76.99

May 2010, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9564-2, £66.99

Contents (abridged)

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Electronics & Electronic Materials Third Edition of a Bestseller!

Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB®

Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLAB® Codes

Third Edition

Carmine Vittoria

Matthew N.O. Sadiku

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA

The third edition of this bestselling text reflects the increasing awareness and use of numerical techniques. It incorporates recent advances and refinements, including improvements made to the standard algorithm for the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and treatment of absorbing boundary conditions in FDTD, finite element, and transmission-line-matrix methods. Featuring a new chapter on the method of lines, Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB®, Third Edition explains how to pose, numerically analyze, and solve EM problems. This edition goes even further toward providing a comprehensive resource that addresses all of the most useful computation methods for EM problems and incorporates MATLAB code.

Features • Adds new homework problems with solutions • Familiarizes students with common methods used in computational electromagnetics • Updates all computational code to MATLAB instead of FORTRAN • Includes an appendix that explains how to use MATLAB

Contents (abridged) Fundamental Concepts. Analytical Methods. Finite Difference Methods. Variational Methods. Moment Methods. Finite Element Method. Transmission-line-matrix Method. Monte Carlo Methods. Method of Lines. Appendices: Vector Relations. Programming in MATLAB. Solution of Simultaneous Equations. Answers to OddNumbered Problems. Each chapter includes an Introduction and Concluding Remarks

April 2009, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6309-7, £82.99

“… Many books on magnetism end where Vittoria’s is just beginning. ... An unusual feature of Vittoria’s book are the solutions that are included to the problems at the end of each chapter. These solutions form a lengthy set of examples for sorting out the many theories and models now used in trying to understand magnetism. ... If you make magnetism your profession, or are just casually involved with magnetic materials, it is worth reading a book such as Vittoria’s. ... about as approachable as this subject can get. — Alfy Riddle, IEEE Microwave Magazine

This book describes wave propagation in magneto-dielectric materials. The text considers the magnetic state of a magnetic ion, for example, at the atomic scale, and provides a mathematical link to wave propagation at the macroscopic scale. The author provides a clear understanding of the origin of magnetic parameters and how to calculate these parameters as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale.

Features • Supplies the background needed to apply fundamental ideas • Provides MATLAB® programs to get started • Introduces the fields of magnetism, magnetic, and wave propagation in very anisotropic media • Presents MKS and CGS systems of units to enable cross-fertilization of ideas between engineers and physicists • Includes end-of-chapter problems, solutions, and references

Contents (abridged) Review of Maxwell Equations and Units. Classical Principles of Magnetism. Introduction to Magnetism. Free Magnetic Energy. Phenomenological Theory. Electrical Properties of Magnetic Films. Kramers-Kronig Equations. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Magnetodielectric Media. Spin Surface Boundary Conditions. Matrix Representation of Wave Propagation. September 2010, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4199-0, £87.00


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Circuits & Devices Coming Soon!

Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation Second Edition Robert B. Northrop University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA Series: Biomedical Engineering

Covering technologies such as ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, along with heart and breath sounds, blood pressure, and tomographic images, this book provides a ready source of information on how to understand and design signal conditioning systems using analog integrated circuits. In this second edition, the author has updated and revised the text substantially. It now features three new chapters that address power amplifiers and their applications to biomedical instruments, wireless patient monitoring, and RFID, GPS, and ultrasonTypes of Analog Active Filters ic tags used in ecological research. Instrumentation and Medical Isolation Amplifiers Features Instrumentation Amps Medical Isolation Amps • Updates and revises all material in the text Noise and the Design of Low-Noise Signal • Features three new chapters addressing power Conditioning Systems for Biomedical amplifiers, wireless patient monitoring, and Applications RFID, GPS, and ultrasonic tags Descriptors of Random Noise in Biomedical • Includes an extensive glossary Measurement Systems • Provides new end-of-chapter problems and Digital Interfaces examples Aliasing and the Sampling Theorem Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption Digital-to-Analog Converters Modulation and Demodulation of Biomedical Contents (abridged) Signals Sources and Properties of Biomedical Signals Modulation of a Sinusoidal Carrier Viewed in the Sources of Endogenous Bioelectric Signals Frequency Domain Nerve Action Potentials Power Amplifiers and Their Applications in Properties and Models of Semiconductor Biomedicine Devices Used in Analog Electronic Systems Power Output Devices pn Junction Diodes Classes of Power Amplifiers: PA Efficiency Midfrequency Models for BJT Behavior Wireless Patient Monitoring The Differential Amplifier Sensors and Sensor Signals Communicated in DA Circuit Architecture WPM Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Modulation in WPM General Properties of Electronic, Single-Loop RFID Tags, GPS Tags, and Ultrasonic Tags Feedback Systems Used in Ecological Research Classification of Electronic Feedback Systems Applications of RFID Tags Some Effects of Negative Voltage Feedback Design of RFID Tags Feedback, Frequency Response, and Examples of Special Analog Circuits and Amplifier Stability Systems Used in Biomedical Review of Amplifier Frequency Response Instrumentation What Is Meant by Feedback System Stability The Phase-Sensitive Rectifier Operational Amplifiers and Comparators Phase Detectors The Ideal Op Amp Appendix Practical Op Amps Glossary Gain-Bandwidth Relations for Voltage-Feedback Bibliography and Recommended Reading OAs Gain-Bandwidth Relations in Current Feedback March 2012, 588 pp. Amplifiers ISBN: 978-1-4398-6669-6, £76.99 Introduction to Analog Active Filters Active Filter Applications

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Circuits & Devices Computational Electronics


Introduction to VLSI Systems A Logic, Circuit, and System Perspective Ming-Bo Lin National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei

With the advance of semiconductors and ubiquitous computing, continually reduced feature sizes, and the development of very large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits, a fundamental understanding of circuit and layout design issues is required to address the more difficult problems involved. This book addresses the need to teach such a topic from the perspective of logic, circuits, and systems design. The content is designed to enhance engineers’ physical intuition to quickly estimate circuit behavior without relying predominantly on computer-aided design (CAD) tools. To achieve this and other goals, this classroomtested book focuses on: • Implementing a digital system as a full-custom integrated circuit • Switch logic design and useful paradigms that may apply to various static and dynamic logic families • The fabrication and layout designs of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) VLSI • Important issues of modern CMOS processes, including deep submicron devices, circuit optimization, interconnect modeling and optimization, signal integrity, power integrity, clocking and timing, power dissipation, and electrostatic discharge (ESD) PowerPoint slides and an instructor’s manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Introduction. Fundamentals of MOS Transistors. Fabrication of CMOS ICs. Layout Designs. Delay Models and Path-Delay Optimization. Power Dissipation and Low-Power Designs. Static Logic Circuits. Dynamic Logic Circuits. Sequential Logic Designs. Datapath Subsystem Designs. Memory Subsystems. Design Methodologies and Implementation Options. ... November 2011, 915 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6859-1, £76.99


Semi-Classical and Quantum Device Modeling and Simulation D. Vasileska and S.M. Goodnick Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

G. Klimeck Birck Nanotechnology Center, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Starting with simple semiclassical approaches and ending with the description of complex fully quantum-mechanical methods, this book provides a complete overview of essential techniques and methods for analyzing transport in semiconductor devices. The first part examines semiclassical transport methods and provides details regarding numerical implementation and sample code as templates for sophisticated simulation software. The second part introduces the density gradient method, quantum hydrodynamics, and the concept of effective potentials used to account for quantum-mechanical space quantization effects in particle-based simulators. Numerous problems and examples supply students with the understanding required to create their own simulators.

Features • Introduces advanced simulation methods for proper modeling of nanoscale devices • Explores semi-classical transport modeling and quantum transport modeling • Includes numerous problems and examples throughout the text Solutions manual and supplemental teaching resources available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Introduction to Computational Electronics. Semiclassical Transport Theory. The DriftDiffusion Equations and Their Numerical Solution. Hydrodynamic Modeling. ParticleBased Device Simulation Methods. Modeling Thermal Effects in Nano-Devices. Quantum Corrections to Semiclassical Approaches. Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Systems. Each chapter includes Problems and References.

June 2010, 782 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6483-4, £80.99

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Electronics Engineering New!

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering


Charles A. Gross and Thaddeus Roppel

Basic, Analog, and Digital with PSpice®

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Written to provide an overview of the electrical engineering profession for college students and professionals outside of the field, this textbook covers the necessary technical competencies required within the discipline. Simple and easy to use, yet complete in rigor and coverage of fundamental concepts, this book teaches the fundamentals of electrical engineering without including the typical analytical methods, which are hardly relevant for anyone working outside of EE. Content includes many examples explaining concepts and homework problems, to aid student comprehension and application.

Features • Offers a concise explanation of the fundamentals of electrical engineering • Integrates coverage of practical applications and theoretical fundamentals • Maintains mathematical and scientific rigor to the point that it remains useful in realworld applications Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) What Is Engineering? A Brief History of Engineering Electrical Circuit Concepts Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, and Energy Electrical Energy Natural Sources of Electricity Electrical Generation and Transmission Polyphase ac Circuits Electrical Loads Modeling Loads Semiconductor Devices Semiconductor Fundamentals Sensors and Instrumentation Digital Logic Robots Appendix A: Units and Conversion Factors Appendix B: Data Sheet for SN7400 Series TTL NAND Gate Most chapters include a summary, references, and problems.

Nassir H. Sabah American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Electronics: Basic, Analog, and Digital with PSpice® does more than just make assertions about electronics without adequately justifying them. It provides a unique focus on fundamental physical concepts, including electrochemical potential and the underlying theory of semiconductors, to reinforce understanding and help readers develop a superior command of how electronic devices function and how they are used. It presents the background and tools necessary to develop at least a qualitative understanding of new and projected advances in microelectronics. It integrates PSpice simulations into the discussion, explaining them in considerable detail. It also includes practical, real-world examples, problems, and other supplementary material.

Features • Integrates discussion of BJT and MOSFET circuits as much as possible to highlight the common underlying principles, particularly in regard to negative feedback • Covers technologies such as silicon-on-insulator and SiGe • Considers the basics of power electronics, including power switching and npnp devices • Includes an overview, learning objectives, and outcomes in each chapter • Presents information in a way that is comprehensive, concise, and logically organized Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Basic Diode Circuits. Basic Principles of Semiconductors. pn Junction and Semiconductor Diodes. Semiconductor Fabrication. ... December 2009, 766 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8707-9, £82.99

February 2012, c. 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3714-6, £57.99

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Electronics Engineering Thermal Computations for Electronics


Conductive, Radiative, and Convective Air Cooling

Byung-Gook Park and Young June Park

Gordon N. Ellison

Nanoelectronic Devices Seoul National University, South Korea

Sung Woo Hwang

Portland State University, Oregon, USA

This book covers mathematical calculation, prediction, and application methods for conductive, radiative, and convective heat transfer in electronic equipment. It provides complete mathematical derivations, supplements formulae with design plots, and offers exercise solutions and lecture aids including PDFs and downloadable Mathcad™ worksheets. The author covers topics such as methods for multi-surface radiation exchange, conductive heat transfer in electronics, and finite element theory with a variational calculus method explained for heat conduction. Offering mathematical descriptions of large thermal network problem formulation, he discusses the theory of comprehensive thermal spreading resistance and includes steady-state and time-dependent problems.

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

This book gradually introduces and explores the fundamental principles of nanoelectronic devices, building on those of microelectronic devices wherever possible. The authors start by providing a brief overview of quantum mechanics and solidstate physics, from which readers can derive the basis for semiconductor device physics. The book also covers the basics of electron transport and p–n junctions, develops the operations of MOS capacitors and MOSFETs, and introduces some rudimentary CMOS circuits. The last chapter focuses on the nano-biotechnology application of field-effect transistors. February 2012, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4364-00-3, £63.99

November 2010, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5017-6, £80.99

Ferroelectric Devices Second Edition Kenji Uchino The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

Electronics Engineering

This book assesses the last decade of advances—and setbacks—in the commercialization of ferroelectricity. It addresses developmental trends in nano and optical technologies, environmental regulation, and alternative energy sources. Esteemed expert Uchino presents a general introduction to ferroelectrics, including theoretical background, and addresses processes and applications involved in practical design and device manufacturing. Forecasting future developments, he analyzes improvements to original ferroelectric devices to aid the design of new ones. He also presents his strategy for developing potentially bestselling devices.

Edited by

November 2009, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0375-2, £76.99

August 2010, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1441-3, £66.99


O. N. Pandey Written in easy-to-understand language with illustrative designs and examples, this book covers all aspects of electronics fundamentals. It begins with semiconductors and diodes, the simplest form of semiconductor device. It goes on to examine the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), field effect transistor (FET), operational amplifier (Op-Amp), switching theory and logic design (STLD), and electronics instruments. Each chapter provides a summary and a series of questions for exercise purposes, helping readers to test their assimilation of the presented material.

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Optical Engineering Optics for Engineers Charles A. DiMarzio Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“This book is an excellent resource for teaching any student or scientist who needs to use optical systems. I particularly like the addition of MATLAB® scripts and functions. Highly recommended.” —Professor James C. Wyant, Dean of College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

“His book is clear, concise and highly readable. This is an excellent text.” —Professor Changhuei Yang, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA

“At last, a book on optics that is written with the practising engineer in mind. I have been teaching optics to engineers for many years and have often longed for a text aimed at my students … covers all the important issues from basic theory through lasers and photodetectors to the vital topic of radiometry and measurement.” —Professor John Watson, Chair of Electrical Engineering and Optical Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

The increased importance of the field of optics has also increased the need for engineers to understand its fundamental principles. Designed specifically for this purpose, this book presents the underlying concepts and their applications for engineers who need a practical understanding of how the basic principles of optics affect design decisions. Guiding readers through geometric optics and physical optics, the author includes numerous examples drawn from his experience in the design of laser radars and biomedical optics. These practical examples and end-of-chapter problems help readers connect the fundamentals with real-world applications. MATLAB® code is also available from

Features • Provides a rigorous but practical treatment that facilitates critical understanding of how the basic principles of optics affect design decisions • Covers radiometry and photometry, which are essential to determine the feasibility of a particular optical system • Contains a chapter on nonlinear optics, with emphasis on new application areas in microscopy, including second-harmonic and multiphoton fluorescence microscopy • Incorporates extensive end-of-chapter problems, examples, and appendices to help readers solve real-world problems • Offers downloadable MATLAB code for solving typical optics problems, available from • Highlights the most important and frequently used equations • Includes color figures and more than 500 illustrations

Contents (abridged) Introduction Why Optics? History Basic Geometric Optics Snell’s Law Imaging with a Single Interface Matrix Optics Matrix Optics Concepts Interpreting the Results Stops, Pupils, and Windows Aperture Stop Field Stop Aberrations Exact Ray Tracing Ellipsoidal Mirror Polarized Light Fundamentals of Polarized Light Interference Mach–Zehnder Interferometer Diffraction Physics of Diffraction Gaussian Beams Equations for Gaussian Beams Coherence Definitions Fourier Optics Coherent Imaging Radiometry and Photometry Basic Radiometry Optical Detection Photons Nonlinear Optics Wave Equations References Index August 2011, 558 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0725-5, £57.99

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Optical Engineering Guided Wave Photonics Fundamentals and Applications with MATLAB® Le Nguyen Binh The European Research Center of Hua Wei Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany Series: Optics and Photonics

In the early part of this century, silicon photonics emerged as one of the most important developments for interconnecting ultra high speed electronic subsystems on an ultra large scale of integrated electronic circuits. Guided wave technology supplies the techniques for these interconnections. Along with covering fundamentals, this book provides an advanced understanding of guided optical wave devices. It focuses on the essentials of the technology and applies these aspects to modern optical fiber communications and signal processing. MATLAB® code is included throughout the text.

Features • Presents fundamentals of guided optical waves and simplified theoretical techniques • Discusses both linear and nonlinear aspects of optical wave guiding • Includes MATLAB code and problems in each chapter • Covers applications of guided wave devices in optical communications and signal processing Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption.

Contents (abridged)

Introduction to Holography Vincent Toal Dublin Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland

“The breadth of coverage of this book is remarkable, ranging from the underlying physics, to mathematical descriptions and derivations, to the experimental aspects of the art of holography.” —Joseph W. Goodman, Stanford University, California, USA

“The structure and approach of the book are excellent. It goes from basic and general concepts in optics to specific devices, systems and examples. The presentation is very clear and easy to understand. Each topic is accompanied with proper figures and is explained very well. The mathematics is at a level appropriate for students in physics or engineering. … a great inspiration for any researcher in the area of signal processing.” —Joseph Rosen, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

“… the perfect textbook for a course on holography. I thoroughly recommend it to both students and experienced practitioners of the subject.” —Chris Dainty, National University of Ireland, Galway

With more than 300 illustrations, this practical guide explains how to use holographic techniques to solve specific problems in a variety of fields. It covers numerous existing and emerging holographic applications in advertising, data storage, life sciences, and nanoengineering. The text chronicles the historical development of holography, reviews essential optics, and presents basic holographic principles. It also describes the conditions for successful holography in the laboratory.

Introduction. Single Mode Planar Optical Waveguides. 3D Integrated Optical Waveguides. Single Mode Optical Fibers: Structures and Transmission Properties. Design of Single Mode Optical Fiber Waveguides. Scalar Coupled-Mode Analysis. Full Coupled Mode Theory. Nonlinear Optical Waveguides: Switching, Parametric Conversion and Systems Applications. Integrated Guided-Wave Photonic Transmitters. Nonlinearity in Guided Wave Devices. Appendices.

Optics: Light, Waves, and Rays. Physical Optics. Principles of Holography: Introducing Holography. Volume Holography. Holography in Practice: Requirements for Holography. Recording Materials. Recording Materials in Practice. Applications: Holographic Displays. Other Imaging Applications. Holographic Interferometry. Holographic Optical Elements.

August 2011, 804 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2855-7, £76.99

September 2011, 502 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1868-8, £63.99


Contents (abridged)

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Optical Engineering Second Edition of a Bestseller!

Plasma Physics and Engineering Second Edition Alexander Fridman Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Lawrence A. Kennedy "Excellent for students. New addition of liquid plasma discharge is very good. ... Top rate ... opens the eyes of students who are learning this subject for the first time ... has the best chemistry of various plasma discharges and covers a wide range of industrial applications of cold plasma discharges." -- Young I. Cho, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Reflecting recent developments in plasma science and technology, this second edition continues to be one of the best textbooks in the field. It covers plasma chemistry and engineering, combustion, chemical physics, lasers, electronics, methods of material treatment, fuel conversion, and environmental control.

Features • Provides a lucid introduction to virtually all aspects of modern plasma science and technology • Contains an extensive database on plasma kinetics and thermodynamics • Includes many helpful numerical formulas for practical calculations, as well as numerous problems and concept questions • Offers new chapters on microdischarges and discharges in liquids Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Part I: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics and Plasma Chemistry Plasma in Nature, in the Laboratory, and in Industry Part II: Physics and Engineering of Electric Discharges Glow Discharge Arc Discharges Nonequilibrium Cold Atmospheric Pressure February 2011, 941 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1228-0, £82.00

Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics Peter E. Powers University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

“… very well written. I like very much his writing style. His choice of topics is excellent and the book is well organized. The problem sets are also well formulated to give the students confidence in handling real-world problems … . Professor Powers has mastered the subject matter. —C.L. Tang, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

“… fills a longstanding need for a nonlinear optics textbook at an advanced college/introductory graduate level…”. —Mark Cronin-Golomb, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

Consistently connecting theory, process, effects, and applications, this introductory text addresses a broad spectrum of nonlinear phenomena, from second-harmonic generation to soliton formation. It analyzes the complementary aspects of nonlinear optics to enable a fundamental understanding of a given effect and subsequent practical device applications. Along with extensive problems at the end of each chapter, the book presents general algorithms accessible for any scientific graphical and programming package.

Features • Illustrates how the theory and concepts of nonlinear optics are used in the laboratory • Explores important technological phenomena encountered in laboratories and commercial systems, including second harmonic generation, difference frequency generation, sumfrequency generation, and optical parametric oscillation • Offers in-depth coverage of phase matching and corresponding tolerances • Makes material accessible to readers without a background in quantum mechanics • Includes extensive end-of-chapter exercises Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Linear Optics. Introduction to the Nonlinear Susceptibility. Three-Wave Processes in the Small-Signal Regime. Quasi-Phase Matching. Three-Wave Mixing Beyond the Small-Signal Limit. X(2) Devices. X(3) Processes. ... May 2011, 329 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9351-3, £49.99

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Optical Engineering An Introduction to Quantum Optics

Coming Soon!

Lightwave Engineering Yasuo Kokubun Yokohama National University, Japan

Photon and Biphoton Physics Yanhua Shih University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Series in Optics and Optoelectronics

Suitable as both a textbook and as a reference source, this book is divided into two parts. The first section presents a comprehensive introduction to lightwave engineering using plane wave, and the second provides an in-depth analysis of lightwave propagation in terms of electromagnetic theory. This book features useful appendices that offer formulae for Fourier transform, derivation of Green's theorem, vector algebra, Gaussian and cylindrical functions, and more. Additional topics covered include fundamentals of interferometers and resonators, guided wave, optical fibers, and lightwave devices and circuits.

This text presents the theoretical concepts and experimental techniques involved in modern quantum optics. It reviews basic theory and experimental evidence for the quantization of light, addressing such advanced concepts as entanglement and two-photon phenomena. The book examines the devices and experimental procedures used to test theories as well as higher-level concepts, including coherent and squeezed states, atom-field interaction, electromagnetically induced transparency, and lasing without inversion.


• Provides essential information written in an accessible format

• Introduces the theory, ideas, and experimental techniques of quantum optics • Emphasizes applications in quantum information and quantum computing • Covers the quantum theory of light, basic theory of modern quantum optics, and measurement techniques • Develops the quantum theory of photons, biphotons, quantum coherence, and nonlocality • Includes sample problems and exercises

Contents (abridged)

Contents (abridged)

Introduction to Lightwave Engineering Using Plane Wave. Analysis of Light Wave Propagation in Terms of Electromagnetic Theory.

Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Measurement of Light. Coherence Property of Light—The State of the Radiation. Diffractionand Propagation. Optical Imaging. First-Order Coherence of Light. Second-Order Coherence of Light. Homodyne Detection and Heterodyne Detection of Light. Quantum Theory of Light: Field Quantization and Measurement. Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence. Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Imaging. Two-Photon Interferometry I: Biphoton Interference. Two-Photon Interferometry II: Quantum Interference of Chaotic Light. Bell’s Theorem and Bell’s Inequality Measurement.

• Presents an introduction to lightwave propagation theory • Covers advanced lightwave engineering • Includes appendices on Fourier Transform formulas, derivation of Green's theorem, and vector algebra formulae

July 2012, c. 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4648-9, £63.99


January 2011, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0887-8, £38.99


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Optical Engineering Optical Fiber Communications Systems

Optical Electronics

Theory and Practice with MATLAB® and Simulink® Models

Self-Organized Integration and Applications

Le Nguyen Binh

Tetsuzo Yoshimura

The European Research Center of Hua Wei Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany

Tokyo University of Technology, Japan

Series: Optics and Photonics

Recent progress in optical communications has focused on the next generation of the Internet— the Optical Internet. From fundamental to modern aspects, this book provides an understanding of lightwave communication systems in which the lightwave is used as the carrier to transport information over the optical guided media. The text presents optical communication techniques and applications, employing single mode optical fibers as the transmission medium. Additional topics include optical transmitters, optical receivers, optical fiber amplifiers, and optical fiber communication systems. Offering MATLAB® and Simulink® models to illustrate methods, the text:

Features • Reviews fundamental and modern lightwave technology • Presents advanced technology, including digital modulation techniques, as they apply to transmission systems • Details techniques and applications of optical communications employing single mode optical fibers as the transmission medium • Includes case studies, examples, and end-of-chapter problems Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

This book proposes and reviews comprehensive strategies based on optical electronics for constructing optoelectronic systems with minimized optics excess. It describes the core technologies such as self-organized optical waveguides based on self-organized lightwave network (SOLNET), three-dimensional optical circuits, material-saving heterogeneous thin-film device integration process (PL-Pack with SORT), and highspeed/small-size light modulators and optical switches. The book also presents applications of optical electronics, including integrated optical interconnects within computers and massive optical switching systems utilizing three-dimensional self-organized optical circuits, solar energy conversion systems, and bio/medical photonics such as cancer therapy.

Features • Shows "self-organized integration" beyond the conventional flip-chip-bonding-based packaging — the way to implement optics into electronic systems such as computers with minimized optics excess • Explains the core technologies to achieve "simply-optics-implemented electronics: optical electronics" • Presents the fundamentals of self-organized optical waveguides and find their various applications

Contents (abridged)

Contents (abridged)

Introduction. Optical Waveguides: Geometrical and Lightwaves Guiding Properties. Optical Fibers: Signal Attenuation and Dispersion. Optical Transmitters. Optical Receivers. Optical Fiber Amplifiers. Design of Optical Fiber Communication Systems. Digital Optical Modulation for Advanced Transmission Systems. Multi-Wavelength and Packet Switching Optical Networks. Modeling of Digital Photonic Transmission Systems. Next Generation Optical Internet. Appendix: Revision Problems on Optical Communications.

Introduction. From Electronics to Optical Electronics. Analysis Tools for Optical Circuits. Self-Organized Optical Waveguides: Theoretical Analysis Self-Organized Optical. Waveguides: Experimental Demonstrations. Optical Waveguide Films with Vertical Mirrors. 3-D Optical Circuits with Stacked Waveguide Films. Heterogeneous Thin-Film Device Integration. Optical Switches. OE Hardware Built by Optical Electronics. Integrated Solar Energy Conversion Systems. Future Challenges.

April 2010, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0620-3, £80.99

December 2011, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4310-90-1, £95.00

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Power Engineering Electrical Machines with MATLAB® Second Edition Turan Gönen California State University, Sacramento, USA

This book encapsulates the invaluable insight and experience that eminent instructor Turan Gönen has acquired in almost 40 years of teaching. With simple, versatile content that separates it from other texts on electrical machines, this book is an ideal self-study tool for advanced students in electrical and other areas of engineering. In response to the often inadequate, rushed coverage of fundamentals in most basic circuit analysis books and courses, this resource is intelligently designed, easy to read, and packed with in-depth information on crucial concepts.

Features • Provides introductions, as well as problems at the end of each chapter • Offers answers to selected problems • Contains MATLAB® calculations and other numerical examples throughout • Includes a color insert with tables, equations, photos, and more Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Basic Concepts Distribution System Impact of Dispersed Storage and Generation Three-Phase Circuits Three-Phase Systems Unbalanced Three-Phase Loads Magnetic Circuits Magnetic Field of Current-Carrying Conductors Ampère’s Magnetic Circuital Law Transformers Transformer Construction Brief Review of Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws of Induction Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles Fundamental Concepts Electromechanical Energy Conversion Induction Machines Construction of Induction Motors Rotating Magnetic Field Concept Synchronous Machines Construction of Synchronous Machines Field Excitation of Synchronous Machines Direct-Current Machines Constructional Features Brief Review of Armature Windings Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors Single-Phase Induction Motors


Starting of Single-Phase Induction Motors Transients and Dynamics of Electric Machines DC Machines Separately Excited DC Generator Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Impact of Dispersed Storage and Generation Integrating Renewables into Power Systems Wind Energy and Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Solar Energy Systems Crystalline Silicon Effect of Sunlight on Solar Cell’s Performance Effects of Changing Strength of the Sun on a Solar Cell Energy Storage Systems Storage Systems Storage Devices Battery Types The Smart Grid Need for Establishment of Smart Grid Roots of the Motivation for the Smart Grid Distribution Automation Appendix A: Brief Review of Phasors Appendix B: Per-Unit System Appendix C: Salient-Pole Synchronous Machines Appendix D: Unit Conversions from the English System to SI System Appendix E: Unit Conversions from the SI System to English System Appendix F: Stator Windings Appendix G: Glossary for Electrical Machines Terminology Answers to Selected Problems Bibliography November 2011, 653 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7799-9, £82.00

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Power Engineering Principles of Power Engineering Analysis Robert C. Degeneff Utility Systems Technologies, Inc., Niskayuna, New York, USA

M. Harry Hesse Southbury, Connecticut, USA

This classroom-tested, graduate-level text presents the basic tools required to understand the components in an electric power transmission system. It explains from first principles the expressions that predict the performance of transmission systems and transformers. The authors then extend these concepts to balanced three-phase systems and unbalanced systems. They introduce symmetrical component analysis of transmission systems, three-phase transformers, and faulted systems. They also describe the design of untransposed transmission lines and discuss other analysis component systems.

Features • Fills the need for a graduate-level text that addresses three-phase power system analysis • Describes transmission line and transformer characteristics • Presents a detailed treatment of symmetrical component analysis • Includes examples and homework problems in each chapter • Offers PowerPoint slides of lectures Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Transmission Line Characteristics The Magnetic Field The Electric Field Induced Voltages Single-Phase Transformers Ideal Single-Phase Two-Winding Transformer Practical Two-Winding Transformer Per Unit Quantities Balanced Three-Phase Systems Wye-Connected Loads Delta-Connected Loads Three-Phase Per Unit System Transmission Lines Unbalanced Three-Phase Systems Open Delta Connections Single-Phase Load Carrying Capability Symmetrical Components Symmetrical Component Representation of Transmission Lines Series Impedance Numerical Example Single-Circuit Untransposed Line — Electromagnetic Unbalance Symmetrical Component Representation of Transformers Phase Shift through Y-△Transformers Zero Sequence Impedance of Y-Y Transformers

Zero Sequence Impedance of △-△ Transformer Zero Sequence Impedance of Y-GND-△ Symmetrical Component Fault Analysis Symmetrical Three-Phase System Generator Representation Single-Line-to-Ground Fault (SLGF) Single-Line-to-Neutral Fault (SLNF) Line-to-Line Fault (LLF) Line-to-Line-to-Ground Fault (LLGF) Design of Untransposed Transmission Lines Symmetrical Phase Impedance Matrix Unsymmetrical Symmetrical Component Impedance Matrix Other Component Systems Clarke Components Clarke Component Impedance in Terms of Symmetrical Component Impedances Clarke Component Networks Appendix A: Principles of Electricity and Magnetism Appendix B: Concept of Flux-Linkage and Inductance Appendix C: Electromagnetic Field above a Perfectly Conducting Plane Appendix D: Carson’s Earth-Return Correction Factors Appendix E: Matrix Algebra Appendix F: Magnetic Energy in Transformers Appendix G: Exciting Current in Three-Legged Core-Type Transformer Appendix H: Hyperbolic Functions Appendix I: Equivalent Networks Appendix J: Y-△ Relationships Appendix K: Analysis of Electromagnetic Circuits Appendix L: List of Symbols and Contexts Index Exercises are included at the end of each chapter.

December 2011, 452 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9231-2, £82.00

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Power Engineering New!

Wind Energy Systems Control Engineering Design Mario Garcia-Sanz Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Constantine H. Houpis Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, USA

Presenting the latest developments in the field, Wind Energy Systems: Control Engineering Design offers a novel take on advanced control engineering design techniques for wind turbine applications. The book introduces concurrent quantitative engineering techniques for the design of highly efficient and reliable controllers, which can be used to solve the most critical problems of multi-megawatt wind energy systems. This book is based on the authors’ experience during the last two decades designing commercial multi-megawatt wind turbines and control systems for industry leaders, including NASA and the European Space Agency. This work is their response to the urgent need for a truly reliable concurrent engineering methodology for the design of advanced control systems.

Includes links to a free download of QFTCT—a new interactive CAD tool for QFT controller design with MATLAB® that the authors developed with the European Space Agency. Outlining a roadmap for such a coordinated architecture, the authors consider the links between all aspects of a multi-megawatt wind energy project, in which the wind turbine and the control system must be cooperatively designed to achieve an optimized, reliable, and successful system. This textbook’s big-picture insights can help students and practicing engineers control and optimize a wind energy system, in which large, flexible, aerodynamic structures are connected to a demanding variable electrical grid and work automatically under very turbulent and unpredictable environmental conditions. The book covers topics including robust QFT control, aerodynamics, mechanical and electrical dynamic modeling, economics, reliability, and efficiency. It also addresses standards, certification, implementation, grid integration, and power quality, as well as environmental and maintenance issues.

Features • Describes the design and field experimentation of real-world multi-megawatt wind turbines and their control systems • Includes real-world industrial wind energy projects and field tests in which the authors have played a central role


• Present the main concepts of the QFT robust control engineering technique in such a manner that students and practicing engineers can readily grasp the fundamentals and appreciate its transparency in bridging the gap between theory and the real world • Offers the most advanced interactive objectoriented CAD tool for QFT controller design with MATLAB • Includes a very complete reference section arranged by subject, which allows the student a quick start in each area of interest • Addresses state-of-the-art of QFT methods to design control systems for multi-input multi-output applications • Introduces new and easy-to-use techniques to design controllers for distributed parameter systems • Presents a hybrid methodology to design non-linear robust control systems able to go beyond the classical linear limitations

Contents (abridged) Part I: Advanced Robust Control Techniques: QFT and Nonlinear Switching Introduction to QFT. MISO Analog QFT Control System. Discrete Quantitative Feedback Technique. Diagonal MIMO QFT. Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT. QFT for Distributed Parameter Systems. Nonlinear Switching Control Techniques. Part II: Wind Turbine Control Introduction to Wind Energy Systems. Standards and Certification for Wind Turbines. Wind Turbine Control Objectives and Strategies. Aerodynamics and Mechanical Modeling of Wind Turbines. February 2012, c. 625 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2179-4, £63.99

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Power Engineering New!

Distribution System Modeling and Analysis Third Edition William H. Kersting New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA Thought to be the only dedicated textbook focused on computational modeling for electric power distribution systems, this third edition clearly explains the principles and mathematics behind these models and provides approximation methods that help students recognize when a result is not what it should be. Using the same authoritative yet accessible approach found in the first two editions, this edition is updated to reflect the latest changes and advances in the field. Finding strength in detail, this text brings engineers worldwide up-to-speed on the modeling and analysis of a distribution system.

Features • Revises coverage of transformer models for new and existing common connections • Shows how to compute the power losses on the phase, neutral, and ground conductors • Explores updated applications of the forward/backward sweep iterative method • Supplements analysis of a distribution feeder with a look at dispersed generation • Applies a commercial analysis program to the study of IEEE test feeders • Includes chapter-end summaries, problems, and references

Contents (abridged) Introduction to Distribution Systems Distribution System Distribution Substations Radial Feeders Distribution Feeder Map Nature of Loads Definitions Individual Customer Load Distribution Transformer Loading Feeder Load Approximate Method of Analysis Voltage Drop Line Impedance “K” Factors Uniformly Distributed Loads Lumping Loads in Geometric Configurations Series Impedance of Overhead and Underground Lines Series Impedance of Overhead Lines Series Impedance of Underground Lines Windmil Assignment Shunt Admittance of Overhead and Underground Lines General Voltage Drop Equation Overhead Lines Concentric Neutral Cable Underground Lines

Tape-Shielded Cable Underground Lines Sequence Admittance Distribution System Line Models Exact Line Segment Model Modified Line Model Approximate Line Segment Model Modified “Ladder” Iterative Technique General Matrices for Parallel Lines Windmil Assignment Voltage Regulation Standard Voltage Ratings Two-Winding Transformer Theory Two-Winding Autotransformer Step-Voltage Regulators Windmil Assignment Three-Phase Transformer Models Introduction Generalized Matrices Delta–Grounded Wye Step-Down Connection Delta–Grounded Wye Step-Up Connection Ungrounded Wye–Delta Step-Down Connection Ungrounded Wye–Delta Step-Up Connection Windmil Assignment Load Models Wye-Connected Loads Delta-Connected Loads Two-Phase and Single-Phase Loads Shunt Capacitors Three-Phase Induction Machine Distribution Feeder Analysis Power-Flow Analysis Short-Circuit Studies Windmil Assignment Center-Tapped Transformers and Secondaries Center-Tapped Single-Phase Transformer Model Ungrounded Wye–Delta Transformer Bank with a Center-Tapped Transformer Appendix A: Conductor Data Appendix B: Underground Cable Data January 2012, 455 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5622-2, £68.99

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Power Engineering

Operation and Control in Power Systems

Third Edition Simon Ang University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA

Second Edition P.S.R. Murty Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India

Operation and Control in Power Systems is an introductory course text for undergraduate students in electrical and mechanical engineering. In fifteen chapters, it deals with the operation and control of power systems, ranging from load flow analysis to economic operation, optimal load flow, unit commitment, load frequency, interconnected systems, voltage and reactive power control and advanced topics. Various models that are needed in analysis and control are discussed and presented throughout the book.

Features • Discusses models and mathematical explanations needed in analysis and control • Contains illustrations that make the material accessible to students • Includes mathematical support material and methods to prevent voltage collapse • Proivdes exercises and solutions at the end of the volume • Covers advanced topics in power system control, such as the effect of shunt compensators, controllable VAR generation, and switching converter type VAR generators

Alejandro Oliva Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Many advances have emerged in power-switching converters since the second edition. This third installment includes a brand-new chapter and addresses new subjects, including LED drivers, and DC-DC converters both for solar panels and for fuel cells. This book covers converter power management, phase-shift PWM, and low-noise and bidirectional DC-DC converters, featuring a nonlinear discrete model of the DC-DC converter itself. The text discusses new simulation tools such as PSIM, LTSPICE, and POWERESIM, and provides additional and updated information on digital control of DCDC converters, switched capacitor converters, and power factor controllers.

Features • Presents advances in power switching converter technology with design-related case studies and applications • Includes a new chapter on applications of switching converters • Addresses new topics, including LED drivers, DC-DC converters for solar panels and fuel cells, and new simulation tools • Expands coverage of digital control of DC-DC converters and power factor controllers • Updates information on switched capacitor converters

Contents (abridged)

Contents (abridged) Introduction Load Flow Analysis Economic Operation of Power Systems Optimal Load Flow, Unit Commitment, Load Frequency Control Control of Interconnected Systems Voltage and Reactive Power Control Introduction to Advanced Topics June 2011, 428 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-66565-0, £76.99


PowerSwitching Converters

Introduction to Switching Converters. Basic Switching Converter Topologies. Resonant Converters. Isolated Switching Converters. Control Schemes of Switching Converters. Continuous-Time Modeling of Switching Converters. Analog Control of Switching Converters. Discrete-Time Modeling of Switching Converters. Digital Control of Switching Converters. Interleaved Converters. Switched Capacitor Converters. Simulation of Switching Converters. Applications of Switching Converters. Switching Converter Design Case Studies. Bibliography. Index. December 2010, 653 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1533-5, £80.99

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Power Engineering Second Edition of a Bestseller!

Third Edition of a Bestseller!

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Photovoltaic Systems Engineering

Design Fundamentals, Second Edition Iqbal Husain North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

Thoroughly updated, this second edition of a widely praised bestseller presents the design fundamentals, component sizing, and systems interactions of alternative vehicles. It maintains a systems-level perspective of electric and hybrid vehicles while covering the hybrid architectures and components of the vehicle in much greater detail. It includes new chapters on hybrid vehicle architectures and their control strategies, enhanced sections on mechanical components, and new sections on energy storage components, emission control systems, and much more. The author emphasizes technical details, mathematical relationships, and design guidelines throughout the text.

Features • Presents the fundamental design guidelines of electric and hybrid vehicles • Describes alternative vehicle architectures • Explores the choices of powertrain components and accessories • Discusses alternative vehicle control strategies and communications • Includes many design examples, worked out problems, and exercises • Offers the option of using MATLAB® to develop models and solve problems • Provides downloadable PowerPoint slides for classroom presentations

Third Edition Roger A. Messenger VB Engineering, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Jerry Ventre Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida, USA

This third edition of a bestseller presents a detailed engineering basis for photovoltaic (PV) system design and presents the what, why, and how associated with electrical, mechanical, economic, and aesthetic aspects of PV system design. Nearly all examples have been revised and are significantly more detailed than those in prior editions. The chapters have been rearranged to place an earlier focus on design, and design examples and homework problems reflect more recent technology. This book includes additional material on incentives, structural design, and the use of ASCE 7, as well as added emphasis on array layout, wind loading, and shade analysis.

Features • Uses a modified top-down approach with a heavy design orientation • Reflects developments in the field, both in technology and in industry standards • Includes discussions on economic and environmental issues in PV design criteria • Contains a wealth of illustrations, examples, and exercises that facilitate and solidify understanding of presented material Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Introduction to Alternative Vehicles. Vehicle Mechanics. Alternative Vehicle Architectures. Battery Energy Storage. Alternative Energy Storage. Electric Machines. Power Electronic Converters. Electric Motor Drives. Control of AC Machines. Internal Combustion Engines. Powertrain Components and Brakes. Cooling Systems. Hybrid Vehicle Control Strategy. Vehicle Communications. Index.

Contents (abridged) Background. The Sun. Introduction to PV Systems. PV System Examples. Cost Considerations. Mechanical Considerations. Stand-alone PV Systems. Utility Interactive PV Systems. Externalities and Photovoltaics. The Physics of Photovoltaic Cells. Present and Proposed PV Cells. February 2010, 527 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0292-2, £66.99

August 2010, 523 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1175-7, £66.99

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Power Engineering

Power Electronics Advanced Conversion Technologies Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering Analysis and Design, Second Edition Turan Gönen

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

California State University, Sacramento, USA

Offering methods for determining accurate solutions in the design of converters for industrial applications, this book details more than 200 topologies concerning advanced converters that the authors themselves have developed. It analyzes converter circuits that have not been widely examined, and it covers the rapid advances in the field, presenting ways to figure out and fix the issues historically associated with them. With many examples and homework problems to help students understand the design and application of power electronics, this is an appropriate textbook for undergraduate courses in this field.

Drawing from the author’s three decades of teaching and power industry experience, in the U.S. and abroad, this self-contained text on modern power transmission engineering includes ample numerical examples and problems. Making a special effort to familiarize students with the vocabulary and symbols used in the industry, the book is divided into two sections—electrical and mechanical design and analysis. It covers topics ranging from transmission system planning and analysis of balanced and unbalanced faults, to construction of overhead lines and factors affecting transmission line route selection. The text covers electrical and mechanical design with equal detail.

Features • Presents theoretical analysis and accurate solutions for research and teaching • Provides useful calculation formulae for engineering design • Examines powerful and effective circuits for various industrial applications • Includes case studies, homework problems, and examples for typical demonstrations Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Features • Discusses limiting factors for extra-high and ultrahigh-voltage transmission in terms of corona, radio noise, and audible noise • Provides balanced coverage of construction of overhead lines, route selection, insulator types, conductor vibration, sag and tension analysis • Presents templates for placement determinations • Includes examples and problems in every chapter Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged)

Contents (abridged)

Introduction. Uncontrolled AC/DC Converters. Controlled AC/DC Converters. Power Factor Correction Implementing in AC/DC Converters. Ordinary DC/DC Converters. Voltage-Lift Converters. Super-Lift Converters and Ultra-Lift Converters. Pulse-Width Modulated DC/AC Converters. Impedance Source Inverters. Traditional AC/DC Converters. DC-Modulated AC/AC Converters. AC/DC/AC Converters.

Transmission System Planning. Transmission Line Structures and Equipment. Fundamental Concepts. Overhead Power Transmission. Underground Power Transmission and GasInsulated Transmission Lines. Direct-Current Power Transmission. Transient Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination. Limiting Factors for ExtraHigh and Ultrahigh Voltage Transmission: Corona, Radio Noise, and Audible Noise. Symmetrical Components and Fault Analysis. Protective Equipment and Transmission System Protection. Transmission System Reliability. Construction of Overhead Lines. Sag and Tension Analysis.

January 2010, 744 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9429-9, £87.00

May 2009, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0254-0, £51.99


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Power Engineering Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems

Includes CD-ROM

Electric Machines

Mariesa L. Crow

Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB®

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA

Ion Boldea and Lucian Tutelea

Series: Electric Power Engineering Series

Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

"This is good resource material for a graduate student preparing for a qualifying exam"

With its comprehensive coverage of the state of the art, Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® addresses the modeling, design, testing, and manufacture of electric machines to generate electricity, or in constant or variable-speed motors for motion control. Organized into three standalone sections—Steady State, Transients, and FEM Analysis and Optimal Design—the text provides complete treatment of electric machines.

Second Edition

— IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

In the modern deregulated environment, the nation's electric power network is forced to operate in a manner for which it was not designed. As a result, system analysis is essential to estimate current power flows, determine stability limits, and minimize costs. This book explores computational methods that form the basis of analytical studies of power systems. It covers recent developments, such as the interior point method, generalized minimal residual methods, the secant method, homotopy and continuation methods, and the matrix pencil method.

Features • Presents chapters on function approximation and interpolation, as well as finite element analysis • Covers GMRES methods, the interior point method, linear programming, and more • Provides additional examples and problems

Contents (abridged) The Solution of Linear Systems Gaussian Elimination. LU Factorization. Condition Numbers and Error Propagation. Relaxation Methods. Conjugate Gradient Methods. Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm (GMRES). Systems of Nonlinear Equations Fixed Point Iteration. Newton-Raphson Iteration. Continuation Methods. Secant Method. Numerical Differentiation. Power System Applications. Sparse Matrix Solution Techniques Numerical Integration Optimization Eigenvalue Problems Solutions manual available upon qualified course adoption

August 2009, 305 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8660-7, £69.99

Features • Covers testing and control principles, finite element analysis, and preliminary and optimal design (true dimensioning) of linear and rotary machines (standard & new) for constant- and variable-speed applications • Contains solved numerical examples throughout to clarify principles and magnitudes • Details new electric machine configurations (with PMs, variable reluctance machines, and rotary machines) • Covers transients to address electric drives and dynamics and digital control of distributed (and renewable energy) power system • Focuses on optimal design methods for electric machinery, including treatment of IM and PMSM optimal design with Hooke-Jeeves and Genetic algorithms • Uses international units throughout

Contents (abridged) Steady State Introduction. Electric Transformers. Energy Conversion and Types of Electric Machines. Transients Advanced Models for Electric Machines. Transients of Brush-Commutator DC Machines. FEM Analysis and Optimal Design Essentials of Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics. FEM in Electric Machines: Electromagnetic Analysis. November 2009, 797 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5572-6, £89.00

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Sensors, Instrumentation & Measurement Books by Patrick F. Dunn Author Patrick F. Dunn, Ph.D., P.E., is a professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at the University of Notre Dame, where he has been a faculty member since 1985. A licensed professional engineer, Dunn is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is an experimentalist with more than 40 years of experience involving measurement uncertainty.

Includes CD-ROM

Measurement, Data Analysis, and Sensor Fundamentals for Engineering and Science Two-Volume Set Patrick F. Dunn University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

Combining two textbooks from esteemed author Patrick Dunn, this set integrates the successful instructional attributes of Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science, Second Edition with the essential coverage of sensor technology and basic measurement and data analysis found in Fundamentals of Sensors for Engineering and Science. These books evaluate various sensor applications to illustrate their wide range of uses, as well as the many ways they can be classified. Such a combination of information has not been covered together in other references. Written for junior-level mechanical and aerospace engineering students, this book makes difficult material much easier to understand. With coverage and content that allows for flexible academic use, this book provides: • MATLAB® applications in every section throughout both books • Concise, practically useful coverage of sensor technology applications • Numerous chapter examples and problems, with complete solutions available • Links to online resources, including lab experiments and lecture notes, as well as a CD-ROM (with PowerPoint slides) for instructors—all with qualifying course adoption

BUY THE SET AND SAVE! April 2011, 614 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-7529-2, £76.99


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Sensors, Instrumentation & Measurement Also Available in Two Course-Specific Volumes: Fundamentals of Sensors for Engineering and Science This volume offers a practical analysis of sensors and measurement. Taking an uncommon practical approach to the basics of sensors and measurement, it is designed to help readers make informed decisions when selecting an appropriate sensor for a given application. Spurred by a growing demand for information on the evolution of modern sensors, this book evaluates current applications to illustrate their wide range of uses, as well as the many ways they can be classified. The author emphasizes the underlying physics of each type of sensor and its basic characteristics and illustrates the various uses of sensors in current engineering and science applications. Human and biomimetic sensors are also reviewed.

Features • Serves as a stand-alone text on sensor fundamentals and their applications • Discusses the basic types of sensors, so that students can identify the appropriate types of sensors for particular engineering designs

Pedagogical Features • Includes examples and chapter problems • Provides online links to helpful ancillary materials

Contents (abridged) Sensor Fundamentals Chapter Overview Role in a Measurement System Domains Sensors in Engineering and Science Chapter Overview Physical Principles of Sensors Electric Human and Biomimetic Sensors Chapter Overview Human Sensors Vision Taste and Smell Solutions manual and website with extensive instructor resources available with qualifying course adoption

April 2011, 110 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6103-5, £31.99

Includes CD-ROM

Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science Presenting the fundamental tools of experimentation that are currently used by engineers and scientists, this popular text covers basic concepts related to experiments, measurement system components and responses, methods of data analysis, and effective communication of experimental findings. It also offers historical perspectives throughout.

Features • Covers the basics of experimentation, including types of experiments, units, and technical reporting • Describes the hardware involved in experiments, such as electronics, measurement system components, system calibration, and system response • Presents methods of data analysis that include probability, statistics, uncertainty analysis, regression and correlation, signal characterization, and signal analysis • Incorporates historical perspectives on nstruments and the people behind experimental methods

Pedagogical Features • Contains a summary of problem topics in each chapter along with many homework problems • Includes slides and other ancillary material for instructors on a CD-ROM • Offers a web link to appendices, errata, MATLAB® and data files, and more

Contents (abridged) Experiments. Electronics. Measurement Systems. Calibration and Response. Probability. Statistics. Uncertainty Analysis. Regression Parameters. Signal Characteristics. Signal Analysis. Units and Significant Figures. Technical Communication Appendix A: Glossary. Appendix B: Symbols. Appendix C: Review Problem Answers. Index A problem topic summary, review and homework problems, and a bibliography appear at the end of each chapter. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

2010, 504 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2568-6, £59.99

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Sensors, Instrumentation & Measurement Intelligent Instrumentation Principles and Applications

John Vetelino and Aravind Reghu University of Maine, Orono, USA

Manabendra Bhuyan Tezpur Central University, Assam, India

Explaining the underlying design methodologies of intelligent instrumentation, this text provides an authoritative resource about the scientific foundations on which readers can coordinate and advance the field. It translates and simplifies methodologies for more than 80 numerical examples, presenting numerous case studies that provide a practical understanding of the applications. Introducing the basic concepts of process, process parameters, sensors and transducers, and classification of transducers, the book describes the performance characteristics of instrumentation and measurement systems. It discusses static and dynamic characteristics, various types of sensor signals, and the concepts of signal representations, as well as different transforms and their operations in both static and dynamic conditions. It discusses sensor varieties including smart, cogent, soft, self-validating, VLSI, temperaturecompensating, microcontrollers and ANN-based, and indirect measurement.

Features • Uses case studies and numerical examples to explore basic design principles and applications of intelligent sensors • Discusses signal processing operations— such as linearization, calibration, and compensation—that are essential to intelligent sensor operation • Investigates artificial intelligence as a critical component of intelligent sensors in real-world applications • Applies MATLAB® programs to validate design approaches

Contents (abridged) Background of Instrumentation. Sensor Performance Characteristics. Signals and System Dynamics. Intelligent Sensors. Linearization, Calibration, and Compensation. Sensors with Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent Sensor Standards and Protocols. Questions. Index. November 2010, 547 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8953-0, £66.99


Introduction to Sensors

The complexity of advancing technology and the emergence of terrorist activities have heightened the need for new types of sensors. Depending on their application, the design, fabrication, testing, and use of sensors require expertise in a variety of technical and non-technical areas. This book examines the theoretical foundations and practical applications of sensors in the modern era. It explores many different sensors, providing background on the development of each type to reveal the underlying rationale for its use. The author incorporates information from sensor-based industries to review developments in the field.

Features • Gives insight into different types of sensors • Examines recent developments in the field • Includes homework problems and a solutions manual • Presents photographs, pictures, and examples

Contents (abridged) Introduction The Human Body as a Sensor System Sensors in an Automobile Classification of Sensors Example of a Gas Sensor: The Taguchi Sensor The Sensor as a Passive or Active Element Sensor System Electrochemical Sensors Conductimetric Sensors Semiconducting Metal Oxide Sensors Chemiresistors Piezoelectric Sensors Classification of Piezoelectric Sensors Piezoelectric Materials as Intelligent or Smart Materials Fiber Optic Sensors Theory Light Leaking and Absorption in the Fiber Optic Link Thermal Sensors Resistance Thermometers Theory of Metal-Based Thermometers Magnetic Sensors Natural and Man-Made Magnetic Fields Materials Used in Magnetic Sensors August 2010, 208 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0852-8, £66.99

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Systems Control & Engineering


Optimal and Robust Control Advanced Topics with MATLAB® Luigi Fortuna and Mattia Frasca University of Catania, Italy

While there are many books on advanced control for specialists, there are few that present these topics for nonspecialists. Assuming only a basic knowledge of automatic control and signals and systems, this book offers a straightforward, self-contained handbook of advanced topics and tools in automatic control.

Techniques for Controlling System Performance in the Presence of Uncertainty The book deals with advanced automatic control techniques, paying particular attention to robustness—the ability to guarantee stability in the presence of uncertainty. It explains advanced techniques for handling uncertainty and optimizing the control loop. It also details analytical strategies for obtaining reduced order models. The authors then propose using the Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) technique as a unifying tool to solve many types of advanced control problems. Topics covered include:

Features • Offers an easy way to understand advanced topics and tools in automation control • Provides numerous examples and MATLAB®based solutions to aid in reader comprehension • Includes homework problems and solutions in each chapter • Covers advanced topics on LQR and the H∞ approach • Proposes using the LMI technique as a unifying tool to solve many types of advanced control problems • Concentrates on linear systems and control design • Contains more than 60 illustrations • Compiles main norms and algebraic Riccati equations in appendices and lists essential references for further reading

• LQR and H∞ approaches

Contents (abridged)

• Kalman and singular value decomposition

Modelling of uncertain systems and the robust control problem. Fundamentals of stability. Kalman canonical decomposition. Singular value decomposition. Open-loop balanced realization. Reduced order models. Symmetrical systems. Linear quadratic optimal control. Closed-loop balanced realization. Passive and bounded-real systems. H∞ linear control. Linear Matrix Inequalities for optimal and robust control. The class of stabilizing controllers. Recommended essential references. Appendix A: Norms. Appendix B: Algebraic Riccati Equations. Index.

• Open-loop balancing and reduced order models • Closed-loop balancing • Passive systems and bounded-real systems • Criteria for stability control This easy-to-read text presents the essential theoretical background and provides numerous examples and MATLAB® exercises to help the reader efficiently acquire new skills. Written for electrical, electronic, computer science, space, and automation engineers interested in automatic control, this book can also be used for selfstudy or for a one-semester course in robust control.

February 2012, 251 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0191-1, £63.99

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Systems Control & Engineering Simulation of Dynamic Systems with MATLAB® and Simulink®

Classical Feedback Control With MATLAB® and Simulink®, Second Edition

Second Edition

Boris J. Lurie and Paul J. Enright

Harold Klee and Randal Allen

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA Series: Automation and Control Engineering

University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

This second edition textbook describes the design and implementation of high-performance feedback controllers for engineering systems. It emphasizes the frequency-domain design and methods based on Bode integrals, loop shaping, and nonlinear dynamic compensation. The authors include many problems and offer practical applications, illustrations, and plots with MATLAB® simulation and design examples. This text contains homework problems accompanied by actual solutions. Examples include case studies and realworld situations.

Employing the widely adopted MATLAB® and Simulink® software packages, this book offers the scientific and engineering communities integrated coverage of continuous simulation and the essential prerequisites in one resource. It takes the reader through the process of converting a mathematical model of a continuous or discrete system into a simulation model, exploring source code implementation to convey the dynamic behavior of systems. A textbook that is useful as a professional reference, the second edition expands coverage of common nonlinearities and introduces the Kalman filter.

New in the Second Edition


• Integrates MATLAB throughout the text • Analyzes frequency response methods, including multi-loop extension of the Nyquist stability criteria • Covers the Bode integral relations and their use in performance/stability trade-offs • Describes effective methods for dealing with plant-flexible modes

Features • Includes problems with selected answers • Serves as a tutorial on frequency response methods • Uses optical responses (best performance) in the Bode Methods • Shows how Bode methods are used to elicit optimal responses in multivariable systems and pre-filters (loop and input responses) • Offers real examples that demonstrate how to use specific methods to prove optimal performances

Contents (abridged) Feedback and Sensitivity. Feedforward, Multiloop and MIMO Systems. Frequency Response Methods. Shaping the Loop Frequency Response. Compensator Design. October 2011, 564 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6017-5, £76.99


• Works systematically through linear, continuous-time, and discrete-time dynamic systems, as well as basic, intermediate, and advanced topics in numerical integration • Presents a new chapter on Real-Time Workshop Review of Linear Systems, with additional material on Simulink and the popular Kalman filter • Includes exercises throughout every chapter • Explores examples of real-world systems and models from diverse fields • Provides more than 350 MATLAB m-files, Simulink mdl-files, and associated Real-Time workshop files for download Solutions manual and PowerPoint slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Mathematical Modeling. Continuous-time Systems. Elementary Numerical Integration. Linear Systems Analysis. Simulink. Intermediate Numerical Integration. Simulation Tools. Advanced Numerical Integration. Real-Time Workshop. February 2011, 815 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3673-6, £89.00

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Systems Control & Engineering Includes CD-ROM

Modeling and Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink® Devendra K. Chaturvedi Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India

This text provides comprehensive coverage of all the important aspects of modeling and simulating both physical and conceptual systems. Various real-life examples show how simulation plays a key role in understanding real-world systems. The author presents a step-by-step procedure for modeling using top-down, bottom-up, and middleout approaches. He develops models for complex systems and reduces their order so they can be applied effectively in online applications. He also uses soft computing techniques for modeling nonlinear, ill-defined, and complex systems.

Features • Provides a basic understanding of systems and their modeling and simulation • Presents a step-by-step procedure for modeling using top-down, bottom-up, and middleout approaches • Develops models for complex systems and reduces their order so they can be applied effectively in online applications • Uses soft computing techniques for modeling nonlinear, ill-defined, and complex systems • Contains extensive references and related literature for further study • Includes a CD-ROM with simulation code in MATLAB® and Simulink®, enabling quick and useful insight into real-world systems

Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems Ramin S. Esfandiari and Bei Lu California State University, Long Beach, USA

Using MATLAB® and Simulink® to perform symbolic, graphical, numerical, and simulation tasks, this text provides a thorough understanding of the mathematical modeling and analysis of dynamic systems. With a focus on mechanical, electrical, electronic, electromechanical, fluid, thermal, and control systems, it meticulously covers techniques for modeling dynamic systems and methods of response analysis. The book presents the necessary mathematical background, incorporates several applications of vibrations, includes many examples and exercises, and offers useful formulae and other material in the appendices.

Features • Uses MATLAB and Simulink to determine and simulate system response as well as implement analytical techniques • Covers the necessary mathematical background, including complex analysis, differential equations, Laplace transformation, and matrix analysis • Incorporates several applications of vibrations, such as the logarithmic decrement for experimental determination of the damping ratio • Presents systems of units, conversion tables, and useful formulas, such as trigonometric identities and integrals, in the appendices • Includes examples and review exercises Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

PowerPoint slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents (abridged) Contents (abridged) Introduction to Systems. Systems Modeling. Formulation of State Space Model of Systems. Model Order Reduction. Analogous of Linear Systems. Interpretive Structural Modeling. System Dynamics Techniques. Simulation. Nonlinear and Chaotic Systems. Modeling with Artificial Neural Network. Modeling Using Fuzzy Systems. Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation. Appendices. Index. December 2009, 733 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0672-2, £89.00

Introduction to MATLAB® and Simulink®. Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, and Laplace Transformation. Matrix Analysis. System Model Representation. Mechanical Systems. Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Systems. Fluid and Thermal Systems. System Response. Introduction to Vibrations. Introduction to Feedback Control Systems. Appendices. Index. March 2010, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0845-0, £87.00

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Computer Engineering

Coming Soon!

Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science Larry Nyhoff

A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Information Security Edited by

Stig F. Mjolsnes

Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim

This concise C++ programming book emphasizes C++ features, examples, and applications that are most relevant to the engineering and computer science fields. The author uses a problem-solving approach to show how to use C++. He focuses on the features of C++ that are most important in engineering and science applications, with other uses described in optional sections, appendices, or on the book’s website. Each chapter contains a carefully selected set of programming projects of varying degrees of difficulty, along with chapter summaries that highlight key terms, important points, design and style suggestions, and common programming pitfalls.

Series: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Features • Emphasizes the key features of C++ needed to solve engineering and science problems • Uses a practical, problem-solving approach to show students how to use C++ • Includes a wide range of engineering and computer science examples and applications • Provides a set of programming projects in each chapter

Contents (abridged) Introduction to Computing. Programming and Problem Solving: Software Engineering. Simple Objects in C++. Basic Operations and Expressions. Programmer-Defined Functions Using Classes: An Introduction to ObjectOriented Programming (OOP). More about Functions. More about Input/Output and File Processing. One-Dimensional Arrays and the Vector Class Template. Multidimensional Arrays and Vectors. Building Classes. Pointers and Linked Structures. April 2012, c. 728 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2534-1, £57.99

The rapid shift in business and government communications from mail and telephone to computer services, email, web transactions, and mobile devices has created a demand for a variety of new specialists and expertise. This multidisciplinary book focuses on information and communication technology, security, and safety. It presents material on governmental regulations in cryptology and telecommunications as well as on privacy and biometrics. The book also includes thorough introductory coverage of software security and control, cryptography, secure protocols, network security, and digital forensics. Each chapter contains an introduction, main coverage of the topic, a summary of key terms and content, review problems, and suggested readings and websites.

Features • Presents a multidisciplinary approach to information systems topics, including risk analysis, cryptography, policy and access control, network security, and more • Covers governmental regulations on cryptology, different applications, and privacy information from North America and Asia • Provides coverage on digital forensics, such as the methodology of investigations, regulations, and best practice examples • Contains an introduction, a summary of key terms, review questions and problems, and suggested readings and websites in each chapter • Includes contributions from European, North American, and Asian experts

Contents (abridged) Introduction. Trust and Management. Risk Analysis and Vulnerability. Evaluation Criteria. Policy and Access Control. Cryptography. Quantum Cryptography. Secure Protocols. Network Security Authentication. November 2011, 348 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8590-7, £57.99


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Computer Engineering Includes CD-ROM

Coming Soon!

Microcontroller Programming An Introduction

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Syed R. Rizvi

Richard E. Neapolitan

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, USA

"... a good framework to the tools and techniques through the assembly and C languages for building embedded applications. … The approach in the book is a simplified one which is targeted to beginning undergraduate students in computer science/electrical engineering with little programming and hardware experience. ... covers all the essential topics …"

A thorough introduction to artificial intelligence (AI), this text provides an in-depth overview of the key concepts and techniques involved in the field. It also discusses the various areas and successes of the rational and emergent software approaches to AI. Throughout the text, theory is introduced via examples, giving readers the foundation to solve problems with logic that they can use later in AI-related research and other domains. The author also covers algorithms in sufficient detail, enabling users to easily understand and implement them.

—Shaharuddin Salleh, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Written to help readers better understand the essentials of microcontroller programming, this textbook combines theory and practical examples to present concepts in a way that both students and professionals will find useful. It begins with the introduction of basic electronics, followed with coverage of microcontroller hardware and interfacing devices. It then addresses fundamental microcontroller programming techniques and advanced topics such as interfacing and programmable timer operations. Photographs illustrate step-by-step procedures, and case studies and examples portray real-life scenarios. An accompanying website provides short videos and additional information.

Features • Presents end-of-chapter questions with solutions • Offers real-world examples to illustrate application of concepts • Includes a glossary of terms • Contains case studies for every chapter • Provides short videos, presentation slides, and laboratory exercises on an accompanying website

July 2012, c. 500 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4469-4, £49.99

Some Assembly Required Assembly Language Programming with the AVR Microcontroller Timothy S. Margush The University of Akron, Ohio, USA

Number Systems, Operations, and Codes. Semiconductors and Digital Logic. Microcontroller Hardware. Microcontroller Software. Instructions. Control Structures and Subroutines. Hello, World! Input/Output (I/O) Ports. Interrupts. Analog Capture. Input Capture. Higher-Level Programming. Appendices.

Offering an overview of assembly language programming and computer organization, this text teaches the basic system capabilities of 8-bit AVR microcontrollers. It provides a foundation for understanding compilers, linkers, loaders, and operating systems in addition to the processors themselves. The book covers function call mechanisms and parameter passing techniques, explains how to use the XPLAIN Evaluation Kit, and describes data representation for integers, floating point, and character data. Along with many examples to illustrate the assembly language concepts, each chapter includes standard questions and programming exercises.

November 2011, 546 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5077-0, £70.99

August 2011, 643 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2064-3, £57.99

Contents (abridged)

For more information and complete contents, visit


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Math & Stats for Engineers Technical Writing

A First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation

A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A. Laplante

Carlos A. Smith and Scott W. Campbell

The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA

University of South Florida, Tampa, USA

Series: What Every Engineer Should Know

Written by a renowned engineer and widely published technical author, this guide enables readers to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, reports, and electronic media. Complementing the traditional writer’s reference manuals and other books on technical writing, it helps readers understand the practical considerations in writing technical content. Drawing on his own work, the author presents many first-hand examples of writing, editing, and publishing technical materials. These examples illustrate how a publication originated as well as various challenges and solutions. July 2011, 250 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8, £25.99

Includes CD-ROM

Random Phenomena Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers Babatunde A. Ogunnaike

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB®

University of Delaware, Newark, USA

“…an excellent choice for anyone, educator or practitioner, wishing to impart or gain a fundamental understanding of probability and statistics from an engineering perspective.

Third Edition

—Dennis C. Williams, LyondellBasell Industries

Dean G. Duffy

September 2009, 1056 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4497-3, £89.00

Former Instructor, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland

Download MATLAB® Scripts at “This third edition includes new examples, problems, projects, and, more significantly, new and improved coverage of Green’s functions and matrix exponential, numerical methods for solving differential equations, and probability and random processes. … The text accommodates two general tracks: the differential equations course, and the engineering mathematics course. Duffy’s career included 25 years with NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center (until 2005), and he taught for many years at the US Naval Academy and the US Military Academy.” —SciTech Book News

October 2010, 1105 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1624-0, £73.99


Emphasizing a practical approach for engineers and scientists, this text avoids overly theoretical explanations and shows readers how differential equations arise from applying basic physical principles and experimental observations to engineering systems. May 2011, 345 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5087-9, £57.99

MATLAB® with Applications to Engineering, Physics and Finance David Baez-Lopez Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico

The text explores the use of MATLAB® in digital signal processing, chemical and food engineering, astronomy, optics, and financial derivatives. MATLAB examples and programs can be downloaded from the book’s website. October 2009, 426 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0697-5, £55.99

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