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Contents Electromagnetics ..............................................3 General ............................................................8 Optics & Photonics ..........................................9 Bioelectromagnetics........................................11 Page 3
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Antennae & Propagation ................................14 Circuits, Devices, & Systems ..........................16 Materials ........................................................20 RF & Microwave ............................................23 Remote Sensing ..............................................25 Page 9
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Coming Soon!
Electromagnetic Waves, Materials, and Computation with MATLAB® Dikshitulu K. Kalluri University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
This book is for senior undergraduate/first-year graduate students specializing in one or more of the technologies based on electromagnetics. Composed of three parts, it begins with the electromagnetics of bounded simple media, moves on to electromagnetic equations of complex media, and then covers electromagnetic computation. The author takes a modern approach by using commercial software such as MATLAB® and FDTD methods and provides a strong base of conceptual mathematical aspects. The material strikes a balance between theory, intuitive approximate solutions, and the use of commercial software and interpretation of solutions. Case studies and practical examples are presented throughout the text.
Features • Presents the electromagnetics of bounded simple media and electromagnetic equations of complex media • Covers two important aspects of electromagnetics: appropriate electromagnetic models and computation • Includes commercial software such as MATLAB® and FDTD methods • Contains case studies, homework problems, and more than 3000 equations
Contents PART I: Electromagnetics of Bounded Simple Media Electromagnetic Equations of Simple Media. One Dimensional Solutions and Applications. Two Dimensional Problems and Waveguides.Three Dimensional Solutions and Applications. Spherical Waves and Applications. Miscellaneous Topics on Waves. Laplace Equation: Static and Low Frequency Solutions. PART II: Electromagnetic Equations of Complex Media Electromagnetic Modeling of Complex Materials. Waves in Isotropic Cold Plasma: Dispersive Medium. Spatial Dispersion and Warm Plasma. Waves in Anisotropic Media and Magnetoplasma. Optical Waves in Anisotropic Crystals. PART III: Electromagnetic Computation Introduction and One Dimensional Problems. Two Dimensional Problems. Advanced Topics on Finite Element Method. Case Study for FEM: "Ridged Waveguide, Transmission Line, and Scattering Problem". Finite-Difference TimeDomain Method (FDTD). Case Study for FDTD. Approximate Analytical Methods based on Perturbation and Variational Techniques. PART IV: Appendices PART V: Chapter Problems
Catalog no. K11757, August 2011, c. 838 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3867-9, $129.95 / £82.00
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Second Edition of a Bestseller!
Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media Frequency and Polarization Transformer, Second Edition Dikshitulu K. Kalluri University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
Written by a leading researcher, this second edition of a bestseller remains the only electromagnetic book to cover time-varying anisotropic media, Frequency and Polarization Transformer based on a switched magnetoplasma medium in a cavity, and FDTD numerical simulation for time-varying complex medium. Providing a primer on the theory of using magnetoplasmas for the coherent generation of tunable radiation, early chapters use a mathematical model with one kind of complexity—eliminating the need for high-level mathematics. Using plasma as the basic medium to illustrate the transformation of an electromagnetic wave by a complex medium, the text highlights the effects of each kind of complexity in the medium properties.
Features • Covers frequency and polarization transformer based on a switched magnetoplasma medium in a cavity • Explores the effect of time-varying parameters in conjunction with other kinds of complexities in the properties of a particular medium using one-dimensional models • Examines FDTD numerical simulation for time-varying complex mediums • Discusses the transformation of the frequency of an elctromagentic wave by a general timevarying medium • Provides accessible treatment of the effect of time-varying parameters in conjunction with one or more additional kinds of complexities in the properties of the magnetoplasma medium
Catalog no. K10882, 2010, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1706-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Contents PART I: Theory: Electromagnetic Wave Transformation in a Time-Varying Magnetoplasma Medium Isotropic Plasma: Dispersive Medium Basic Field Equations for a Cold Isotropic Plasma One Dimensional Equations Space-Varying Time-Invariant Isotropic Medium Basic Equations Switched Plasma Half-Space: A and B Waves Steady-State Solution Transient Solution Switched Plasma Slab: B Wave Pulses Development of the Problem Transient Solution Magnetoplasma Medium: L, R, O, and X Waves Basic Field Equations for a Cold Anisotropic Plasma Medium Switched Magnetoplasma Medium One Dimensional Equations: Longitudinal Propagation Longitudinal Propagation in a Magnetized Time-Varying Plasma Perturbation from Step Profile Adiabatic Analysis of the MSW in a Transient Magnetoplasma Adiabatic Analysis for R Wave Miscellaneous Topics Proof of the Principle Experiments Moving Ionization Front PART II: Numerical Simulation: FDTD for Time-Varying Medium FDTD Method PART III: Application: Frequency and Polarization Transformer—Switched Medium in a Cavity Time-Varying Medium in a Cavity and the Effect of the Switching Angle EXPERIMENTS
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Monte Carlo Methods for Electromagnetics Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB® Third Edition Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA
Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA
Written by one of the foremost researchers in the field, this book provides a solid understanding of Monte Carlo methods and their applications in electromagnetic computation. Including much of his own work, the author brings together essential information from several different publications. He presents Monte Carlo methods in a systematic way, providing solutions to Maxwell’s, Laplace’s, and Poisson’s equations using the finite difference method, Exodus method, and more. Supplying MATLAB® code for many examples, the text includes endof-chapter problems and examples to highlight the application of Monte Carlo techniques in electromagnetics.
Continuing in the bestselling tradition of previous editions, Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB®, Third Edition demonstrates how to pose, numerically analyze, and solve electromagnetic problems (EM). Significant changes to this edition include the transition of all FORTRAN code into the more widely used MATLAB® format, as well as improvements made to the standard algorithm for the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Eminent expert Sadiku also enhances coverage of absorbing boundary conditions in FDTD, the finite element method, and the transmission linematrix method. Offering updated examples and homework problems (with solutions) throughout, the second edition adds a chapter on the method of lines, and an appendix covers use of MATLAB code.
Features • Explores the use of Monte Carlo methods for the solution of electromagnetic problems • Presents Monte Carlo methods in a systematic way • Provides solutions to Maxwell’s, Laplace’s, and Poisson’s equations using the finite difference method, Exodus method, and more • Supplies MATLAB® code for many examples • Collects information from several different publications • Includes examples and end-of-chapter problems to highlight the application of Monte Carlo techniques in electromagnetics
Contents Probability and Statistics. Finite Difference Method. Fixed Random Walk. Floating Random Walk. The Exodus Method. Neumann Problems. Whole Field Computation. TimeVarying Problems. Scattering from Random Rough Surfaces. Multidimensional Integration. Catalog no. K10058, 2009, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0071-3, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
Features • Familiarizes students with the common methods used in computational electromagnetics • Updates all computational code from FORTRAN into MATLAB • Includes an appendix on how to use MATLAB
Contents Fundamental Concepts Analytical Methods Finite Difference Methods Variational Methods Moment Methods Finite Element Method Transmission-line-matrix Method Monte Carlo Methods Method of Lines Appendices Solutions manual available with course adoption
Catalog no. 6309X, 2009, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6309-7, $124.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Electromagnetics Electromagnetics Second Edition Edward J. Rothwell Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Michael J. Cloud Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan, USA
2-D Electromagnetic Simulation of Passive Microstrip Circuits
Electrical Engineering Textbook Series
Alejandro Due˜ nas Jimenez
This second edition of a popular text continues to offer coverage that spans the entire field, from integral solutions to Maxwell’s equation. The book provides a firm grounding in the fundamental concepts of electromagnetics and bolsters understanding through the use of classic examples in a variety of areas. These include field theory, power and energy, potentials, field decompositions, dispersion, relativity, Green’s functions, constitutive relations, and the electromagnetic theorems. A mathematical appendix presents helpful background information in the areas of Fourier transforms, dyadics, and boundary value problems. The book includes a new chapter on integral equation methods and is available with a solutions manual for qualifying instructors.
A reference for circuit design engineers and microwave engineers, this book covers the subject in a style that is useful to both. It uses a simple 2-D electromagnetic simulation procedure to provide basic knowledge and practical insight into quotidian problems of microstrip passive circuits applied to microwave systems and digital technologies. The author’s approach follows a natural route starting with analysis of the test circuits and continuing with simulation and measurement. At the end of the book some typical problems of signal integrity, such as ringing and overshooting, are introduced and can be solved using the knowledge provided in the text.
Features • Covers all of the classic topics in advanced electromagnetics, from static fields to wave phenomena • Adds an extensive chapter on integral equations, which includes a discussion of basic theory and solution by the method of moments • Provides extensive coverage of electromagnetic materials, including dielectrics, ferrites, plasmas and conductors • Presents analytical tools, such as contour integration, dyadic analysis, and separation of variables, in self-contained mathematical appendices
Contents Introductory concepts. Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism. The static electromagnetic field. Temporal and spatial frequency domain representation. Field decompositions and the EM potentials. Integral solutions of Maxwell’s equations. Integral equations in electromagnetics. Mathematical appendix. Useful identities. Some Fourier transform pairs. Coordinate systems. Properties of special functions. Derivation of an integral identity. Catalog no. 64479, 2009, 704 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6447-6, $124.95 / £53.99 Also available as an eBook
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
Features • Starts with analysis of test circuits, then explains simulations, and concludes with subsequent measurements and analysis • Includes an elementary revision of the transmission line theory and in-depth description of the process of generating static and dynamic field maps • Addresses typical problems associated with signal integrity (i.e. ringing, overshooting) and offers solutions derived from the text • Presents codes that use MATLAB language and are easy to implement and modify • Uses a 2-D model based on telegrapher equations, so that circuit terminations are themselves boundary conditions • Provides introduction, references, and programs sections within chapters
Contents Methods of Electromagnetic Simulation, The Method of Moments, Analysis of Passive Microstrip Circuits, The Finite-Difference TimeDomain Method (FDTD), Simulation of Passive Microstrip Circuits, Measurement of Passive Microstrip Circuits, Field Map Applications, Signal Integrity Applications. Catalog no. 87053, 2009, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8705-5, $149.95 / £96.00 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Electromagnetic Waves Second Edition Carlo G. Someda University of Padova, Italy
Presenting a broad range of topics from a unified point of view, Electromagnetic Waves provides a strong, rigorous intellectual link between basic physics of electromagnetic phenomena and modern information and communication technology. This second edition features a variety of definitions, including beat length in a birefringent medium, correlation length of random birefringence in a fiber, and effective height of an antenna. It includes appendix and reference lists, as well as problems and examples in each chapter. This well-received text remains essential for those working with microwaves, electromagnetics, lasers and optics, photonics, and related areas. Catalog no. 9589, 2006, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9589-5, $88.95 / £56.99 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetic Shielding Kenneth L. Kaiser Kettering University, Flint, Michigan, USA
"If you do not already own the Electromagnetic Compatibility book, this is a must-have for those who design shielding. It provides the basic equations for a wide variety of shielding designs and field conditions." – John J. Shea, in IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
Also borrowing from the acclaimed Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook, this powerful reference explores topics incuding complex permittivity, RF and microwaves through human tissue, reflection, absorption, and multiple-reflection losses. It provides numerous examples, using Mathcad™ to generate figures and solutions to equations. It also covers electric and magnetic field shielding, delving into important additional shielding concepts such as laminated shields, laminates for magnetic fields, and surface impedance. Catalog no. 6372, 2006, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-6372-6, $113.95 / £72.99 Also available as an eBook
Electrostatic Discharge
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Rajeev Bansal
Kettering University, Flint, Michigan, USA
In chapters culled from the popular and critically acclaimed Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook, Electrostatic Discharge provides a tightly focused, convenient, and affordable reference for those interested primarily in this subset of topics. Author Kenneth L. Kaiser demystifies electrostatic discharge and explains the source and limitations of the approximations, guidelines, models, and rules-of-thumb used in this field. The material is presented in a unique question-and-answer format that gets straight to the heart of each topic. The book includes numerous examples and uses Mathcad™ to generate all of the figures and many solutions to equations. In many cases, the entire Mathcad program is provided. Catalog no. 7188, 2006, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7188-2, $113.95 / £72.99 Also available as an eBook
University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Practicing engineers in diverse fields need to understand how principles can be applied to the solution of real problems. Bridging the gap between standard textbooks and specialized references, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics builds a foundation in electromagnetics for engineers who need a thorough overview of the subject. Coverage includes applied electrostatics, electromagnetic induction, wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides and resonators, fundamentals and representative types of antennas, and electromagnetic compatibility. Appendices provide useful constants, units and conversions, and a review of vector analysis and coordinate systems. Catalog no. 7360, 2006, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7360-2, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics Walton C. Gibson Tripoint Industries, Inc., Harvest, Alabama, USA
Providing a clear introduction to the field, this book explores surface integral equations in electromagnetics and presents their numerical solution using the MOM technique. It covers a range of topics, from the initial underpinnings of the method to its applications. The book focuses on applications to radiation and scattering problems, including antenna design and analysis, as well as radar cross section prediction. It also highlights prominent techniques, such as the fast multi-pole method for electrodynamic problems. The text derives or summarizes the matrix elements used in every MOM problem and explains the approach used in and results of each example. Catalog no. C614X, 2008, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6145-1, $129.95 / £85.00 Also available as an eBook
Engineering Electromagnetics Applications Rajeev Bansal University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
" … fills a niche covering many industrial electromagnetic applications. …a very useful and well-written compendium."
General Technical Writing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A. Laplante The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA Series: What Every Engineer Should Know
Written by a renowned engineer who is also a widely published technical author, this guide shows how to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, reports, and content for electronic media. Complementing traditional reference manuals and other books on technical writing, it details the practical considerations involved in developing content. The author presents several firsthand examples of his own work to illustrate the process of originating published material, including potential challenges and their corresponding solutions.
Features • Includes personal anecdotes and historical stories that provide real-world examples of technical writing • Explores the various avenues for publishing your work • Explains how to write for blogs, social networks, and other e-media • Contains figures, tables, graphics, and bulleted lists to reinforce presented information
Selected Contents
—Alfy Riddle, IEEE Microwave Magazine
Bridging the gap between standard textbooks and specialized references, this book presents applications of electromagnetics for engineers who have established a fundamental knowledge of engineering electromagnetics. With appendices on constants, units and conversions, and vector analysis and coordinate systems, this volume covers radar, wireless communication systems, satellite communication systems, optical communications, and numerical techniques. It also addresses biological effects of electromagnetic fields, biomedical applications of electromagnetic engineering, and measurement techniques for electromagnetic characterization of biological materials.
The Nature of Technical Writing. Technical Writing Basics. The Writing Process. Scientific Writing. Business Communications. Technical Reporting. Using Graphical Elements. Publishing Your Work. Writing for E-Media. Writing with Collaborators. Glossary. Catalog no. K11106, July 2011, 250 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8 $39.95 / £25.99
Catalog no. 7363, 2006, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7363-3, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Optics & Photonics
Coming Soon!
Guided Wave Photonics Fundamentals and Applications with MATLAB® Le Nguyen Binh The European Research Center of Hua Wei Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany Series: Optics and Photonics
In the early part of this century, silicon photonics emerged as one of the most important developments for interconnecting ultra-high-speed electronic subsystems on very-large-scale integrated electronic circuits. Guided wave technology supplies the techniques for these interconnections. Along with covering fundamentals, this book provides an advanced understanding of guided optical wave devices. It focuses on the essentials of the technology and applies these aspects to modern optical fiber communications and signal processing. MATLAB® code is included throughout the text.
Features • Presents fundamentals of guided optical waves and simplified theoretical techniques • Discusses both linear and nonlinear aspects of optical wave guiding • Includes MATLAB code and problems in each chapter • Covers applications of guided wave devices in optical communications and signal processing Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors
Catalog no. K11400, August 2011, c. 897 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2855-7, $119.95 / £76.99
Contents Introduction Historical Overview of Integrated Optics and Photonics Single Mode Planar Optical Waveguides Formation of Planar Single Mode Waveguide Problems APPENDIX A: Maxwell Equations in Dielectric Media APPENDIX B: Exact Analysis of Clad-linear Optical Waveguides APPENDIX C: Wentzel–Kramers–Brilluoin Method, Turning Points and Connection Formulae APPENDIX D: Design and Simulation of Planar Optical Waveguides 3D Integrated Optical Waveguides Marcatili’s Method Single Mode Optical Fibers: Structures and Transmission Properties Optical Fibers APPENDIX: MATLAB Program for the Design of Optical Fibers Design of Single Mode Optical Fiber Waveguides Unified Formulation of Optical Fiber Waveguide Problems APPENDIX A: Derivatives of the RI with Respect to Wavelength APPENDIX B: Higher Order Derivatives of the Propagation Constant Scalar Coupled-mode Analysis Coupler Configurations Full Coupled-mode Theory Full Coupled-mode Analysis Nonlinear Optical Waveguides: Switching, Parametric Conversion and Systems Applications Integrated Guided-Wave Photonic Transmitters Nonlinearity in Guided Wave Devices Appendices
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Optics & Photonics Optoelectronics
Computational Methods for Electromagnetic and Optical Systems
Infrared-VisableUltraviolet Devices and Applications, Second Edition Dave Birtalan
Second Edition
OPTEK Technology, Carrollton, Texas, USA
John M. Jarem and Partha P. Banerjee
William Nunley
"...a small but formidable book which rigorously sets out the basic theory, provides useful illustrative problems, and directs the reader to relevant further reading from the excellent reference lists. … the type of wide-ranging reference book that will find its way onto many bookshelves and, over the years, will become wellworn from frequent use." —ProfBooks.com
This text examines a variety of spectral computational techniques—including k-space theory, Floquet theory and beam propagation—that are used to analyze electromagnetic and optical problems. The authors tie together different applications in EM and optics in which the state variable method is used. Emphasizing the analysis of planar diffraction gratings using rigorous coupled wave analysis, the book presents many cases that are analyzed using a full-field vector approach to solve Maxwell’s equations in anisotropic media where a standard wave equation approach is intractable.
Features • Provides a common reference for solving both optics and electromagnetic problems • Supplies a variety of tools for accurately solving electromagnetic and optical problems involving anisotropic materials in planar, cylindrical, and spherical systems • Includes a variety of illustrative examples of system theory as applied to anisotropic electromagnetic and optics problems • Presents an extensive literature base for current research and applications of state variable techniques to optics and electromagnetics • Covers the variety of EM and optical applications such as diffraction gratings, photorefractives, photonic band gap structures, metamaterials, chiral materials, and nanomaterials • Contains problems, case studies, and examples A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.
Catalog no. K10235, April 2011, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0422-3, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Technical Consultant, (Retired from TRW, Inc.) Richardson, Texas, USA Series: Optical Science and Engineering
This second edition discusses basic semiconductors’ characterization, packaging, and function. With the addition of contributor Dr. Birtalan, technical unit VP of OPTEK, the book serves as a mini-encyclopedia of infrared optoelectronic applications. It reviews semiconductor physics so that engineers can acquire necessary background for designing infrared optoelectronic devices. The applications section is now divided by industry: industrial, automotive, military, consumer, medical, telecommunications, and SSL. The section on silicon photo sensors is also largely updated to reflect the technological advancement in silicon electronics in the last 20 years.
Features • Provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of optoelectronic LED and silicon sensor technology—from theories, to fabrication, to packaging • Reviews the technological advancements in silicon electronics over the last two decades • Covers ultraviolet LED technology—and the market applications for this high growth area • Includes an applications section organized by industry: industrial, automotive, military, consumer, medical, telecommunications, and SSL • Investigates visible LED technology and the ways to produce white LED light for the conversion to solid state lighting (SSL) from conventional incandescent and mercury based lamps
Contents LED. The Receiver (Silicon Photo Sensor). The Coupled Emitter (IRLED) Photo Sensor. The Optical Isolator –or- Opto Coupler. Open Air and Fiber Optic Communications. Optoelectronics Applications. Catalog no. 6780X, 2009, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6780-4, $154.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems
The Physiology of Bioelectricity in Development, Tissue Regeneration and Cancer
Edited by
Edited by
James C. Lin
Christine E. Pullar
Coming Soon!
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Focusing on exposure, induced fields, and absorbed energy, this volume covers the interaction of electromagnetic fields and waves with biological systems, spanning static fields to terahertz waves. Presenting a broad range of topics, the book highlights relevant properties of biological materials and computational techniques and/or experimental methods. With contributions from world-class experts in their respective fields, topics discussed include medical devices and systems exposure and dosimetry and mobile communication fields in biological systems. Extensive references are included in each chapter to enhance additional study.
Features • Addresses interaction of electromagnetic fields and waves with biological systems • Explores relevant properties of biological properties of biological materials and computational techniques and/or experimental methods
Contents Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields into Biological Systems Pulsed Electric Fields in Biological Cells and Membranes Static, Low-Frequency, and Pulsed Magnetic Fields in Biological Systems Interaction of Extremely Low–Frequency Electromagnetic Fields with Biological Systems Electromagnetic Field Coupling into Biological Systems Medical Devices and Systems Exposure and Dosimetry Terahertz Radiation: Sources, Applications, and Biological Effects at a Tissue, Cellular, and Molecular Level Catalog no. K12740, September 2011, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5999-5, $149.95 / £95.00
University of Leicester, UK
Exploring their role in the physiology of development and wound repair and pathophysiologies, such as cancer, this book describes the importance of biological electric fields and their use as tools to influence tissue repair, regeneration, and cancer. The text considers the generation and measurement of these fields, intercellular communication regarding local electrical guidance cues, and the role of bioelectricity in tissue development, regeneration, wound repair, and cancer.
Features • Explores topics poised to drive the next generation of medical breakthroughs • Demonstrates the role of bioelectricity in the directionality and speed of cell migration, proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, and orientation • Discusses the role of bioelectricity in cancer progression and the potential for bioelectricitybased therapies to target both the tumor and metastatic cancer cells • Features contributions from world-class experts • Includes clinical applications and extensive references to enhance additional study
Contents Measuring Endogenous Electric Fields. Investigation Systems to Study the Biological Effects of Weak Physiological Electric Fields. Endogenous Bioelectric Signals as Morphogenetic Controls of Development, Regeneration, and Neoplasm. Stem Cell Physiological Responses to Noninvasive Electrical Stimulation. Electrical Signals Control Corneal Epithelial Cell Physiology and Wound Repair. Physiological Electric Fields Can Direct Keratinocyte Migration and Promote Healing in Chronic Wounds. Catalog no. K11686, March 2011, 342 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3723-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Bioelectromagnetics Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics Second Edition
Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine
Cynthia Furse, Douglas A. Christensen, and Carl H. Durney
Andrei G. Pakhomov, Damijan Miklavcic, and Marko S. Markov
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Williamsville, New York, USA
This revised and updated edition facilitates the process of interdisciplinary research by introducing life scientists to the basic concepts of electromagnetic fields. The book outlines elements of EM that are helpful to life scientists working with physicists and electrical engineers. Each concept is presented with an associated application and discussion. Example applications include MRI, NMR, ultrasound, hyperthermia, neural stimulation, and cardiac pacing/defibrillation. With the liberal use of diagrams and graphs, this text covers the entire frequency spectrum through optical frequencies from a qualitative perspective beneficial to life scientists.
Features • Presents key elements in a format that requires minimal mathematics • Emphasizes qualitative behaviors and graphical descriptions • Covers future directions of Bioelectromagnetics, including MEMS and nanotechnology applications • Discusses practical rules of thumb to understand real-world situations
Contents Electric and Magnetic Fields: Basic Concepts. EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Large Compared to the Object Size. EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is About the Same Size as the Object. EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Much Smaller Than the Object. Bioelectromagnetic Dosimetry. Electromagnetics in Medicine: Today and Tomorrow. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. 55429, 2009, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5542-9, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
During the last several decades, intense study has taken place on the effects of electromagnetic fields on living tissues. Reflecting this inquiry, this book discusses the theoretical and experimental evidence of these electromagnetic fields and electric pulses and examines their importance in medicine and biology. The authors present the basic techniques applied in electroporation and the advanced methods for creation of nanopores, highlighting their basic science and clinical applications. Topics include nano electroporation, classic electroporaiton, experimental evidence for electroporation of living cells, and electroporation for cancer and wound healing.
Features • Discusses the contemporary physical chemical theory of membrane electroporation • Reviews the application of dyes and fluorescent probes to test the efficiency and selectivity of the molecular transport through permeabilized membranes • Describes a recently proposed molecular dynamics method of membrane electroporation that better "mimics" the experimental conditions, therefore avoiding several shortcomings and supplementing the electric field method • Examines the impact of physical parameters of the applied electric field on the efficiency of electroporation and its applications • Covers the basic processes and biophysical mechanism of electrically mediated gene transfer • Reviews the results and experience with electrochemotherapy of cancer in animal models and in humans
Contents Basics of Electroporation. Mechanisms of Electroporation. Mechanisms of Electroporation of Cells. Mechanisms of Electroporations in Tissues. Technical Considerations. Applications of Electroporation. Catalog no. K11005, 2010, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1906-7, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Bioelectromagnetics Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Third Edition, Two-Volume Set Edited by
Frank S. Barnes University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Ben Greenebaum University of Wisconsin, Kenosha, USA Series: Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
This third edition of a bestseller remains the definitive reference for researching bio-effects of static, low-, and high-frequency fields. Incorporating extensive data and discussion about research results, this set is divided into two sections. The first focuses on physics, engineering, and chemical aspects of electromagnetic fields, including molecular-level mechanisms. The second concentrates on biological and medical concepts, including physiological effects, medical applications and diagnostics, and exposure standards.
THE SET COVERS: • Theoretical and computational models for EM field distributions and measurements at radio frequencies
• Research on cell-level, animal, and behavioral effects of EM fields, including electric shock and trauma
• Applications of EM fields and their effects on free radicals
• Medical applications of EM fields, particularly in bone and tissue engineering
• Endogenous fields and noise and their limiting effects on biological systems
• Applications of magnetic fields to muscle stimulation and detection of biologically generated currents
• Electromagnetic environments of both naturally occurring and manmade fields
Catalog no. 2952, 2007, 960 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-2952-4, $162.95 / £99.00 Set and individual volumes also available as eBooks
Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields
Biological and Medical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields
The first volume of the handbook delves into the physics, engineering, and chemical aspects of electromagnetic (EM) fields at the molecular level and larger scales. It investigates the interactions of both weak and strong static magnetic fields with biological systems and describes theoretical developments and data on the subject. Contributors also describe the external and internal electromagnetic environments of organisms and developments in the use of RF fields for imaging.
This second volume draws from studies on potential health effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields. It includes extensive reviews of the physiological effects and behavioral and cognitive responses to various levels of exposure. The book details several approaches to setting standards for exposure limits, and it explores the beneficial uses of EM fields in medical applications. Catalog no. 9538, 2007, 480 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9538-3, $124.95 / £79.99
Catalog no. 9539, 2007, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9539-0, $124.95 / £79.99
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Antennae & Propagation
Automotive Antenna Design and Applications Victor Rabinovich Nikolai Alexandrov Tenatronics, Canada
Basim Alkhateeb Illustrates GPS Antenna Design, Including Simulation, Design, Measurements, and Combined GPS/SDARS Topologies A complete examination of traditional and new advanced antennas used in the automotive industry, this book provides information taken from designs published in technical and academic papers, patents, and pending patents. Highlighting the practical aspects of antenna design, the authors describe the entire design process, starting with the antenna simulation, prototype sample fabrication, and laboratory test measurements, and finishing with test measurements in the real environment. The book includes simulation examples of antenna parameters that significantly speed up the design process using software packages such as FEKO, NEC, IE3D, and Genesys.
Features • Describes conventional basic antenna parameters and features of the antenna measurements required for car-mounted antennas • Discusses the main equations associated with passive, active, and diversity antenna systems parameters • Demonstrates antennas for automotive analog and digital audio broadcasting reception • Covers the use of antennas for terrestrial and satellite TV application, as well as short-range wireless communications • Addresses passive and active satellite radio and GPS antennas, covering requirements, simulations, measurements, and practical aspects of automotive use
Catalog no. K10225, 2010, 330 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0407-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Contents Automotive Antennas Overview: Patents, Papers, and Products AM/FM Antenna Systems Cellular Phone Antennas Car TV Antennas Satellite Radio Antennas Digital Audio Broadcasting Design Automotive Radar Antenna Systems Summary Basic Antenna Parameters and Definitions Far Zone and Radiation Pattern Polarization and Radiation Pattern Measurements Directivity, Gain, Average Gain, and Antenna Beamwidth Impedance, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, Bandwidth, and Quality Factor Impedance Matching Between Antenna and Car Receiver Audio Broadcasting Antennas AM/FM Whip Antenna Printed-on-Glass AM/FM Antennas Short Roof AM/FM Antenna Short Meander Antenna Antennas for Digital Audio Broadcasting Cellular Antennas Single Band Monopole on Roof Glass Mounted Monopole TV Antennas for Cars Satellite TV Antennas Antennas for Digital Terrestrial TV Printed-on-Glass Patent Examples Satellite Radio Antennas Basic Passive Antenna Requirements System with Two Antenna Elements GPS Antennas Typical GPS Antenna Parameters Patch Parameters and Ground Plane Size On-Vehicle GPS Antenna Measurements Circular Annular Ring Microstrip Antenna Antennas for Short Range Communication Compact Planar Passive Antenna
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Antennae & Propagation Adaptive Antennas and Receivers Antenna Theory and Microstrip Antennas D.G. Fang Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China
Antenna Theory and Microstrip Antennas offers a uniquely balanced analysis of antenna fundamentals and microstrip antennas. Concise and readable, it provides theoretical background, application materials, and details of recent progress. Exploring several effective design approaches, this book covers a wide scope, making it an ideal hands-on resource for professionals seeking a refresher in the fundamentals. It also provides the basic grounding in antenna essentials that is required for those new to the field. The book’s primary focus is on introducing practical techniques that will enable users to make optimal use of powerful commercial software packages and computational electromagnetics used in full wave analysis and antenna design.
Features • Provides a systematic and compact introduction to the spectral domain approach • Contains problems and answers that can be useful in helping readers gain insights and facilitate understanding of the principles • Includes an extensive engineering design section devoted to the effective use of currently available commercial software
Contents Basic Concepts of Antennas. Arrays and Array Synthesis. Microstrip Patch Antennas. Spectral Domain Approach and its Application to Microstrip Antennas. Effective Methods in Using Commercial Software for Antenna Design. Design of Conventional and DBF Microstrip Antenna Arrays. High Frequency Methods and Their Applications to Antennas. Planar Near-Field Measurement and Array Diagnostics. Catalog no. K10367, 2010, 311 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0727-9, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
Edited by
Melvin M. Weiner The MITRE Corporation (retired), Bedford, Massachusetts, USA Series: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Edited by Innovative Electromagnetic Wave Technology Pioneer Melvin Weiner This book is an authoritative introduction to research on the detection of target signals in a competitive environment that is much larger than just conventional signal processing and receiver filtering. This material provides a baseline for engineers and scientists, as well as practitioners and students working in surveillance, communication, and intelligence, tomography, and security intrusion industries. It is perhaps the first reference to integrate three advanced approaches to weak signal detection in a spatially correlated non-Gaussian environment: homogenous partitioning of the surveillance volume, adaptive antennas, and adaptive receivers.
Features • Presents research on the modeling, testing, and applications of adaptive antennas and receivers • Combines coverage of homogeneous partitioning, adaptive antennas, and adaptive receivers in a single source • Consists of self-contained chapters that contain the necessary background material and references • Groups individual chapters into three parts, each devoted to one of the three approaches outlined in the book
Contents Homogeneous Partitioning of the Surveillance Volume A New Approach to Radar Detection Based on the Partitioning and Statistical Characterization of the Surveillance Volume Adaptive Antennas Adaptive Implementation of Optimum Space -Time Processing Adaptive Receivers Spherically Invariant Random Processes for Catalog no. DK6045, 2006, 1240 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3764-2, $386.00 / £246.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Circuits, Devices, & Systems
Coming Soon!
EMI Filter Design Third Edition Richard Lee Ozenbaugh Ozenbaugh Engineering/Checotah, Oklahoma, USA
Timothy M. Pullen Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
The long-awaited third edition of this bestselling reference describes the selection of cores, capacitors, mechanical shapes, and styles required for the timeless design, construction, and testing of filters. It analyzes the matrices of various filter types based on close approximations, observation, and trial and error, offering simple methods for measuring AC and DC power lines.
Contains 160 New Pages, Largely Based on Formal Methods from Mathematical Sources Fully revised and updated, with a wealth of new material, this highly practical resource provides current insight into the cause and elimination of common mode noise in engines and equipment. It also covers resistive, transformer, switcher, and UPS loads and discusses the benefits and limitations of various commercial and conventional filters. The authors also include significant detail regarding all aspects and parts needed to master EMI filter design.
Features • Provides essential data and methods needed for the design of EMI filters • Includes a new introduction and new chapters on EMC standards, requirements, and specification, as well as filter design techniques • Presents preview questions to selected chapters • Offers advice to solve real EMI filter problems
Catalog no. K11985, September 2011, c. 274 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4475-5, $159.95 / £99.00
Contents EMI Filters Introduction Why Call EMI Filters Black Magic? What Is EMI? Common Mode and Differential Mode: Definition, Cause, and Elimination Definition of Common and Differential Modes EMI Filter Source Impedance of Various Power Lines Skin Effect The Various AC Load Impedances The Resistive Load DC Circuit—Load and Source Various Source Impedance Typical EMI Filters—Pros and Cons The π Filter Filter Components—the Capacitor Capacitor Specifications Filter Components—the Inductor Inductor Styles and Specifications Common-Mode Components The Capacitor to Ground The Transformer’s Addition to the EMI Filter Transformer Advantages Electromagnetic Pulse and Voltage Transients What Will Compromise the Filter? Waves as Noise Sources Initial Filter Design Requirements Matrices, Transfer Functions, and Insertion Loss Matrix Applications: A Continuation of Chapter The Impedance of the Source and Load Network Analysis of Passive LC Structures Filter Design Techniques and Design Examples Packaging Information APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Circuits, Devices, & Systems Electrical Solitons Theory, Design, and Applications David S. Ricketts Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Donhee Ham Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Series: Devices, Circuits, and Systems
Integrated Inductors and Transformers Characterization, Design and Modeling for RF and MM-Wave Applications Egidio Ragonese, Angelo Scuderi, Tonio Biondi, and Giuseppe Palmisano
This book details the physics, implementation, and dynamics of the electrical soliton, a unique nonlinear wave with a range of applications in high-speed electronics. Presenting fundamental physical concepts in a way that the average engineer will clearly understand, the authors explore the relationship between solitons and the nonlinear transmission line, the medium in which electrical solitons are formed. They explain the unique dynamics of electrical solitons, including the many practical realities of solitons in lossy, non-ideal media, and they provide an appendix containing the mathematical background used to describe these phenomena.
With balanced coverage of technology and applications, this book provides a complete overview of the design, fabrication, and modeling of monolithic inductors and transformers. It considers the underlying physics and theoretical background of inductive components fabricated on a semiconductor substrate. Highlighting the pressing requirements of the wireless market and evolving communications standards, the text provides a comprehensive review of recently developed modeling techniques and applications. It also includes helpful rule-of-thumb design guidelines and commonly employed optimization strategies to kickstart your design, fabrication, and modeling efforts.
• Covers edge-sharpening and harmonic generation • Describes the theory, practical implementation, and application of the electrical soliton • Introduces the concept of a soliton, how it is realized in electronics, and its application in nonlinear waves, oscillators and high-speed electronics • Contains mathematical background in the appendix
• Provides insight into circuit applications of monolithic inductors and transformers • Highlights the pressing requirements of the wireless market and recent communication standards • Discusses the underlying physics and theoretical background of inductors and transformers fabricated on a semiconductor substrate • Investigates commonly employed techniques for performance optimization • Contains a summary of practical and rule-ofthumb guidelines and optimization strategies for the design of inductors and transformers • Includes a comprehensive review of the modeling techniques for inductors and transformers developed recently
Contents I: Electrical Solitons—Theory Introduction The KdV Soliton The Heart of the Soliton: Inverse Scattering Conservative and Dissipative Soliton Systems II: Electrical Solitons—Design Electrical Nonlinear Transmission Line and Electrical Solitons The Electrical Soliton in the Lab III: Electrical Solitons—Application NLTL as a Two-Port System The Soliton Oscillator The Circular Soliton Oscillator Catalog no. K11460, January 2011, 264 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2980-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Contents Basic Concepts. Monolithic Inductors on Silicon. Analysis and Modeling of SiliconIntegrated Transformers. Design Guidelines and Circuit Design Examples for Inductors and Transformers. Inductive Components on Dieletric Substrates. Catalog no. AU8844, January 2011, 169 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8844-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Circuits, Devices, & Systems Power System Transients Parameter Determination Edited by
Juan A. Martinez-Velasco Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Despite the powerful numerical techniques and graphical user interfaces available in software tools for power system transients, a lack of reliable tests and conversion procedures generally makes determination of parameters the most challenging. This book summarizes procedures, guidelines, and methods for determining transient parameters for six basic power components: overhead line, insulated cable, transformer, synchronous machine, surge arrester, and circuit breaker.
Problem-Solving Tools Focused on Information Collection and Complete System Testing Expanding on papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, this text helps readers select the optimal determination method for their particular model. The text addresses commonly encountered problems, including:
RFID Design Fundamentals and Applications Albert Lozano-Nieto Penn State University, Lehman, USA
Exploring fundamental principles in the design and characterization of RFID technologies, this book provides a systematic approach to studying the different components that constitute the RFID system. It discusses types of antennas used in transponders, individual transponder parts, memory structure and logic circuits, antennas for RFID interrogators, types of modulation, and the organization and characteristics of commercially available transponders. The book also examines communication links, modes of operation for transponders operating at different frequencies, principles of arbitration and anti-collision, and various commands used by transponders. Catalog no. 91255, January 2011, 283 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9125-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
• Lack of information • Testing setups and measurements not recognized in international standards • Insufficient studies to validate models • Built-in models that do not cover all requirements
Active Filters
• Covers solution techniques and software capabilities for simulation of electromagnetic transients • Offers illustrative case studies to help users decide on optimal models, obtain parameters, and analyze results • Examines present standards involved in lab tests and parameter determination of main power components, analyzing their main limitations
Theory and Design
Contents Parameter Determination for Electromagnetic Transient Analysis in Power Systems. Overhead Lines. Insulated Cables. Transformers. Synchronous Machines. Surge Arresters. Circuit Breakers. Appendices. Catalog no. 65297, 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6529-9, $144.95 / £92.00 Also available as an eBook
S.A. Pactitis Athens, Greece
Accessible yet rigorous, this guide highlights the essential role of filters, especially analog active filters, in applications for seismology, brainwave research, speech and hearing studies, and other medical electronics. Recognizing that circuit simulation by computer has become an indispensable verification tool both in analysis and in design, this book emphasizes the use of MicroCap for rapid test of the filter. Numerous examples of low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch active filters are illustrated in complete detail, including normalizing and denormalizing techniques. Catalog no. 54767, 2008, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5476-7, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Circuits, Devices, & Systems Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves, Electromagnetics, and Radar Edited by
Richard C. Dorf
Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB® Second Edition Samuel D. Stearns Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Donald R. Hush
University of California, Davis, USA
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA
Series: The Electrical Engineering Handbook
Series: Electrical Engineering & Applied Signal Processing
Part of the bestselling Electrical Engineering Handbook, this book delves into various areas of electronics, including integrated circuits, power electronics, optoelectronics, electromagnetics, light waves, and radar, supplying all of the basic information required for a deep understanding of each area. Encompassing the work of foremost experts in the field, it also devotes a section to electrical effects and devices and explores the emerging fields of microlithography and power electronics. Articles include defining terms, references, and sources of further information.
Updated and expanded, the second edition of this bestselling text introduces the fundamentals of DSP and discusses current applications. It includes new chapters on analog systems models and pattern recognition using support vector machines, as well as new sections on the chirp ztransform, re-sampling, waveform reconstruction, discrete sine transform, and logarithmic and nonuniform sampling. It also contains a more comprehensive table of transforms, with numerous exercises and downloadable MATLAB® examples.
Catalog no. 7339, 2006, 888 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7339-8, $124.95 / £79.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11720, April 2011, 516 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3782-5, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Problems and Solutions
Sliding Mode Control in ElectroMechanical Systems
Vladimir Gurevich
Second Edition
Digital Protective Relays
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
Microprocessor-based digital protection relays seem to be dominating the market, and this book explains how to choose digital relays correctly, ensure their correct use, and avoid related problems. Focusing on solutions, the text describes specific technical problems associated with digital relays and suggests ways to solve them. It also covers the construction of functional assemblies of real relays existing in the market, drawbacks and problems of digital relays, and the danger of deliberate electromagnetic effect on digital relays. Alternative (nonmicroprocessor-based) protection relays and problems related to international standards are also addressed. Catalog no. K11721, January 2011, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3785-6, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Vadim Utkin, Juergen Guldner, and Jingxin Shi Series: Automation and Control Engineering
Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is gaining importance as a universal design tool for the robust control of linear and nonlinear systems. Noting recent developments, this second edition promotes a deeper understanding of the conventional SMC methodology while examining new design principles, including newly developed methods for suppression of the high frequency oscillations that were the main obstacle to SMC implementation. This edition includes chapters on automotive applications, chattering suppression, and control of power converters. Catalog no. 65602, 2009, 503 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6560-2, $154.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Materials Metamaterials Handbook Two-Volume Set Filippo Capolino University of California, Irvine Series: Metamaterials Handbook
Summarizing the state of the art in electromagnetic artificial materials (or metamaterials), from microwave to optical ranges, the Metamaterials Handbook covers all aspects of the field in two separate volumes. It organizes the results of years of research in this exciting area, providing a guide for both industry and academic researchers. It is also useful for designers using artificial materials for electronic devices across the entire frequency spectrum, from megahertz to optical frequencies. This set explores how the study of metamaterials breaks down traditional frontiers and involves a wide range of disciplines, including physics and microfabrication, electromagnetic theory, and computational methods.
Features • Offers a multifaceted discussion of scientific fundamentals • Explores the scientific and technological needs of potential applications • Presents subjects in a review format along with numerous references and end-of-chapter conclusions • Integrates work from leading expert academics and researchers
Contents Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials General Concepts. Modeling Principles of Metamaterials. Artificial Magnetics and Dielectrics, Negative Index Media. Part IV: Artificial Chiral, Bianisotropic Media, and Quasicrystals. Transmission-Line-Based Metamaterials. Artificial Surfaces. Tunable and Nonlinear Metamaterials Applications of Metamaterials Super-resolution. Cloaking. Circuit Applications in the Microwave, Millimeter Wave, and THz Frequency Ranges. Radiation Applications in the Microwave, Millimeter Wave, and THz Frequency Ranges. Applications in the Optical Frequency Range. Fabrication Techniques for THz and Optical Metamaterials. SAVE WHEN YOU BUY THE COMPLETE SET! Catalog no. 53620, 2010, 1736 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5362-3, $174.95 / £111.00
Set Includes:
Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials This volume offers an in-depth look at the theoretical background and basic properties of electromagnetic artificial materials, often called metamaterials. It provides a comprehensive guide to working with metamaterials using topics presented in a concise review format along with numerous references. With contributions from leading international researchers, this text covers all areas where artificial materials have been developed. Each chapter features a concluding summary, as well as various cross references to address a wide range of disciplines in a single volume. Catalog no. 54252, 2010, 974 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5425-5, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
Applications of Metamaterials This book uses the first volume’s exploration of theory, basic properties, and modeling topics to develop readers’ understanding of applications and devices that are based on artificial materials. It explores a wide range of applications in fields including electronics, telecommunications, sensing, medical instrumentation, and data storage. The text also includes a practical user’s guide and explores key areas in which artificial materials have developed. It includes experts’ perspectives on current and future applications of metamaterials, to present a well-rounded view on state-of-the- art technologies. Catalog no. 54236, 2010, 762 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5423-1, $102.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
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Materials An Introduction to Metamaterials and Waves in Composites Biswajit Banerjee Industrial Research Limited, Auckland, New Zealand
Requiring no advanced knowledge of wave propagation, this book focuses on theoretical aspects of metamaterials as well as periodic and layered composites, giving novices a platform from which they can start exploring the subject in more detail. After introducing concepts related to elasticity, acoustics, and electrodynamics in media, the text presents plane wave solutions to the equations that describe elastic, acoustic, and electromagnetic waves. It examines the plane wave expansion of sources as well as scattering from curved interfaces, specifically spheres and cylinders. The author then covers electrodynamic, acoustic, and elastodynamic metamaterials including negative permittivity materials, artificial magnetic metamaterials, Willis materials, and extremal materials. He also describes examples of transformations, aspects of acoustic cloaking, and applications of pentamode materials to acoustic cloaking.
Features • Covers elastodynamic, acoustic, and electrodynamic metamaterials, including negative permittivity materials, artificial magnetic metamaterials, Willis materials in elastodynamics, material based on a MiltonWillis model, and extremal materials • Places special emphasis on elastic media and acoustics • Explains the Willis equations and their consequences • Provides detailed derivations, making the text relatively self-contained • Requires no higher level knowledge of wave propagation Forthcoming solutions manual available for qualifying instructors
With a focus on periodic composites, the text uses the Bloch-Floquet theorem to find the effective behavior of composites in the quasistatic limit, presents the quasistatic equations of elastodynamic and electromagnetic waves, and investigates Brillouin zones and band gaps in periodic structures. The final chapter discusses wave propagation in smoothly varying layered media, anisotropic density of a periodic layered medium, and quasistatic homogenization of laminates.
Contents Elastodynamics, Acoustics, and Electrodynamics A note about notation Elastodynamics Acoustics Plane Waves and Interfaces Plane wave solutions Plane wave solutions in elastodynamics Sources and Scattering Plane wave expansion of sources Single scattering from spheres Multiple scattering Electrodynamic Metamaterials A model for the permittivity of a medium Negative permittivity materials Artificial magnetic metamaterials Acoustic and Elastodynamic Metamaterials Dynamic mass density Frequency-dependent moment of inertia Negative elastic moduli Band gaps, negative index and lenses Transformation-Based Methods and Cloaking Transformations Cloaking of electrical conductivity Cloaking for electromagnetism Waves in Periodic Media Periodic media and the Bloch condition Elastodynamics in the quasistatic limit Waves in Layered Media Wave equations in layered media Piecewise-constant multilayered media Smoothly varying layered media Epilogue References
Catalog no. K11934, June 2011, 375 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4157-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Materials Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLAB® Codes
Advanced Materials and Design for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
Carmine Vittoria
Xingcun Colin Tong
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Laird Technologies, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA
A comprehensive description of wave propagation in magneto-dielectric materials, this textbook presents qualitative and quantitative arguments to calculate magnetic parameters from first principles. The book’s theoretical approach combines macroscopic free magnetic energy with Maxwell's equations to yield wave propagation characteristics of magneto-dielectric materials. The author provides a clear understanding of the origin of magnetic parameters and how to calculate these parameters as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale.
Exploring the role of EMI shielding in EMC design, this book introduces the design guidelines, materials selection, characterization methodology, manufacturing technology, and future potential of EMI shielding. It reviews effective shielding measuring methods, surface finish, corrosion protection and galvanic compatibility, and environmental compliance. The author covers a wide array of issues in advanced shielding materials and design solutions, including enclosures, conductive elastomer and flexible graphite components, and composites. He also discusses future trends for the development of more efficient and more reliable materials and design solutions for EMI shielding and EMC.
Features • Provides MATLAB programs to get started • Introduces the fields of magnetism, magnetic, and wave propagation in very anisotropic media • Presents MKS and CGS systems of units to enable cross-fertilization of ideas between engineers and physicists • Supplies the background needed to apply fundamental ideas • Includes end-of-chapter problems, solutions, appendices, and references
Contents Review of Maxwell Equations and Units. Classical Principles of Magnetism. Introduction to Magnetism. Free Magnetic Energy. Phenomenological Theory. Electrical Properties of Magnetic Films. Kramers-Kronig Equations. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Magnetodielectric Media. Spin Surface Boundary Conditions. Matrix Representation of Wave Propagation. Catalog no. K11955, January 2011, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4199-0, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Features • Explains the theory and principles behind EMC requirements and EMI shielding design • Reviews effective shielding measuring methods, materials characteristics, surface finish, corrosion protection and galvanic compatibility, and environmental compliance • Covers a wide array of issues in advanced shielding materials and design solutions, including enclosures, conductive elastomer and flexible graphite components, and composites • Discusses future trends for the development of more efficient and more reliable materials and design solutions for EMI shielding and EMC
Abridged Contents Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Fundamentals and Design Guide. Characterization Methodology of EMI Shielding Materials. EMI Shielding Enclosure and Access. Metal-Formed EMI Gaskets and Connectors. Conductive Elastomer and Flexible Graphite Gaskets. Conductive Foam and Ventilation Structure. Board-Level Shielding Materials and Components. Composite Materials and Hybrid Structures for EMI Shielding. Absorber Materials... Catalog no. 73583, 2009, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7358-4, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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RF & Microwave A Revised Bestseller!
The RF and Microwave Handbook Second Edition, Three-Volume Set Edited by
Mike Golio HVVi Semiconductors, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Janet Golio IEEE, Phoenix, Arizona, USA Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook
Reflecting tremendous growth in the field, the second edition of this widely embraced, bestselling handbook expands its coverage conveniently into a user-friendly set of three books, each focused on a particular aspect of the technology. Coverage includes: WiMAX, broadband cable, bit error ratio (BER) testing, high-power PAs (power amplifiers), and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). An overview of microwave engineering is also provided.
Features • Discusses the fundamentals, technologies, and applications at the heart of modern wireless communications • Includes extensive revisions from the first edition • Provides contributions from leading experts from industry and academia • Discusses electromagnetic propagation at RF and microwave frequencies Catalog no. 7217, 2008, 2208 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7217-9, $195.95 / £125.00
Buy the Set and Save! RF and Microwave Circuits, Measurements, and Modeling This convenient guide focuses on RF and microwave circuits, measurements, CAD, simulation, and modeling. Chapters discuss high-power PAs (power amplifiers), bit error rate testing, and nonlinear modeling of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). It also presents material that reflects recent progress in areas such as high-volume testing, transmitters and receivers, and CAD tools.
Contents Microwave Measurements, Circuits, CAD, Simulation, and Modeling Catalog no. 7218, 2008, 776 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7218-6, $113.95 / £72.99
RF and Microwave Applications and Systems This convenient guide examines product applications and systems that rely on RF and microwave technology. In addition to chapters on WiMAX and broadband cable, this volume reflects the massive changes in areas such as radio navigation and electronic warfare.
Contents Microwave and RF Product Applications, Systems Considerations, Underlying Physics Catalog no. 7219, 2008, 696 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7219-3, $113.95 / £72.99
RF and Microwave Passive and Active Technologies This convenient guide examines passive and active RF and microwave technologies. It includes material on technologies such as MEMS, surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters, bipolar junction and heterojunction transistors, and high mobility electron transistors (HMETs). The book also features a completely rewritten section on wide bandgap transistors.
Contents Passive Technologies, Active Technologies Catalog no. 7220, 2008, 736 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7220-9, $113.95 / £72.99
Set and Individual Volumes Available as eBooks For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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RF & Microwave Microwave Photonics Chi H. Lee University of Maryland, College Park, USA Series: Optical Science and Engineering
This book reviews important achievements in microwave photonics throughout the past decade, as conveyed by experienced, respected researchers. The material focuses on various aspects of the generation, distribution, measurement, and control of microand millimeter-wave signals, as well as associated enabling devices and components. Ranging from optical-controlled microwave devices to optical transmitters, receivers, switching devices, detectors, and modulators, the discussion covers the theory, techniques, and technologies fueling novel and commercial applications, such as radio over fiber and terahertz photonics. The expert contributors share insights on overcoming limitations, as well as on future prospects. Catalog no. 3924, 2007, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3924-0, $157.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions A Comprehensive Approach Sergey V. Yuferev Nokia,Inc. Tampere, Finland
Nathan Ida The University of Akron, Ohio, USA
Taking the mystery out of the subject, this book provides an explanation of surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBCs) that helps practitioners to select, use, and develop impedance boundary conditions for their own applications. It presents theoretical arguments and mathematical relationships, but the focus of the text remains practical. The book includes well known numerical techniques and formulations of SIBCs and demonstrates implementation in new or existing code. The authors include simple decision tools— which enable readers to decide if and how an SIBC can be used—as well as theoretical and experimental validation of the proposed SIBCs. Catalog no. 44893, 2010, 410 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4489-8, $133.95 / £85.00 Also available as an eBook
High-Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design Second Edition
Magnetoelectricity in Composites Edited by
Mirza Bichurin
Charles Nelson
Novgorod State University, Russia
California State University, Sacramento, USA
Dwight Viehland
This edition explores developments in communication engineering, covering topics that include modulation and demodulation of circuits, CAD of microwave integrated circuits, frequency synthesis, switching converters, digital synthesizers, and laboratory test equipment. The author presents a unique introduction to scattering coefficients, addresses noise as the inevitable result of circuit temperature, and demystifies the useful characteristics of antennas. This edition includes more illustrations, exercises, worked examples, and a solutions manual, which make it an ideal university textbook or a practical reference guide for professionals. Catalog no. 7562, 2008, 176 pp ISBN: 978-0-8493-7562-0, $113.95 / £72.99 Also available as an eBook
Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, USA
This book assembles numerous contributions to the field of magnetoelectric (ME) composites that have been reported since the beginning of the new millennium. It assimilates new facts into the established knowledge, creating transparency to help new generations advance the subject matter. This book discusses these bulk and nanostructured magnetoelectric composites from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. From application viewpoint, microwave devices, sensors, transducers, and heterogeneous read/write devices are among the suggested technical implementations of magnetoelectric composites. Catalog no. N10438, July 2011, c. 350 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4267-79-3, $149.95 / £95.00
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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Remote Sensing Coming Soon!
Microwave Propagation and Remote Sensing Atmospheric Influences with Models and Applications Pranab Kumar Karmakar University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India
This book deals with both microwave propagation and remote sensing in various atmospheric and tropospheric conditions. After discussing the derived parameters of water, the text covers free space propagation as well as conditions and constituents such as water vapor and vapor pressure, density, and ray bending. It also explores Maxwell's equations and free space loss calculations, in addition to reflection, interference, polarization of electromagnetic waves, radio refraction, and atmospheric turbulence. The author addresses effects of snow, hail, and aerosols, and he presents radiometric models and methods of measurement of water vapor, as well as frequency/multi-frequency methodology.
Features • Covers propagation and remote sensing aspects together • Includes mathematical methods such as free space calculations and Maxwell's equations • Presents radiometric models using radiosonde data and various radiometric data analysis methods • Discusses the principles of radiometry and its instrumentation • Explains the physics behind atmospheric ducting
Catalog no. K12214, August 2011, c. 254 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4899-9, $129.95 / £82.00
Contents Outlines of Radio Waves and Troposphere General Perspective Troposphere Radio Link Propagation of Radio Waves: An Outline Introduction Power Gain of Directional Aerial Free Space Field Due to Directional Transmitting Aerial Power at the Receiving Directional Aerial Free Space Transmission Loss Radio Waves in Neutral Atmosphere When Is a Medium a Conductor or Dielectric? Reflection and Interference of Radio Waves Introduction Reflection of Radio Waves: An Outline Plane Wave at Dielectric Interface Reflection Coefficient for Flat Smooth Earth Radio Refraction and Path Delay Introduction Radius of Curvature of the Ray Path Refractivity Is Complex and Frequency Dependent Turbulence-Induced Scintillation Absorption of Microwaves Introduction Absorption Coefficient Microwave and Millimeter Wave Absorption in the Atmosphere Rain Attenuation and Its Application at Microwaves Introduction Radiometric Estimation of Rain Attenuation ITU-R Rain Attenuation Attenuation by Hydrometeors Other than Rain Snow Hail Appendix: Mean Atmospheric Temperature at Microwaves and Millimeter Waves in Clear Air Environment
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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Remote Sensing Polarimetric Radar Imaging From Basics to Applications Jong-Sen Lee Retired - Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA
Eric Pottier Universite de Rennes, France Series: Optical Science and Engineering
"… This very concise book covering basics to applications will serve as a fundamental hands-on book for years to come. … we congratulate the authors for their diligence, oversight, and sincere dedication …" —Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Written by two of the most recognized leaders in the field, this hands-on book presents polarimetric radar imaging and processing techniques and shows how to develop remote sensing applications using polarimetric imaging radar. It introduces polarimetric scattering mechanisms, speckle statistics and speckle filtering, polarimetric information analysis and extraction techniques, and applications typical to radar polarimetric remote sensing, such as terrain and forest classification. The authors focus on Cloude and Pottier target decomposition theory as well as the complex Wishart distribution. They also offer sample PolSAR data sets and software available for download.
Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility Second Edition Christos Christopoulos University of Nottingham, UK Series: Electronic Engineering Systems
Maintaining the practical and comprehensive approach of the first edition, this volume reflects the challenges and technologies introduced throughout the decade since the first edition appeared. These include clock frequencies up to and above 6 GHz, richer coverage of the printed circuit board environment, additional available numerical tools, and things such as nanomaterials and band gap materials. The book also examines signal integrity and new applications including wireless and broadband technologies. Nearly 20 additional pages of worked examples link these concepts to practical applications. Catalog no. 7035, 2007, 536 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7035-9, $113.95 / £72.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Iain H. Woodhouse
• Illustrates the target parameters, entropy, alpha angle, and anisotropy with PolSAR data
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
• Discusses speckle filtering as an essential part of polarimetric information processing
“… fills an important niche between classical electromagnetic textbooks and detailed application …”
• Shows that the complex Wishart distribution is the most appropriate for characterizing the statistical property of polarimetric imaging radar data • Examines the relationship between coherent and incoherent target decomposition theorems • Provides practical examples of remote sensing applications, such as terrain classification, using airborne and space-borne PolSAR data
Contents Overview of Imaging Radar Polarimetry. Electromagnetic Vector Wave and Polarization Descriptors. Catalog no. 5497X, 2009, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5497-2, $133.95 / £85.00 Also available as an eBook
Providing an extensive overview for technically oriented undergraduates and graduate students, this book briefly summarizes the field and history microwave use, including an exploration of the physical properties of microwaves and the polarimetric properties of electromagnetic waves. It examines the interaction between microwaves and matter. It also analyzes passive atmospheric and passive surface measurements and describes the operation of altimeters and scatterometers. The textbook concludes by explaining how highresolution images are created using radars and how interferometry techniques can be applied to both passive and active sensors. Catalog no. TF1338, 2006, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-27123-3, $94.95 / £36.99 Also available as an eBook
Electromagnetics, RF, & Microwave Technologies from CRC PRESS
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The Best of CRC Press Electromagnetics Handbooks! Bestseller! Catalog no. 2952, 2007 960 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-2952-4 $162.95 / £99.00 See pg. 13
Bestseller! Catalog no. 53620, 2010 1736 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5362-3 $174.95 / £111.00 See pg. 20
Bestselling Set! Catalog no. 7217, 2008 2208 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-7217-9 $195.95 / £125.00 See pg. 23
6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA
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