Engineering Classics

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Contents Biomedical Engineering ......................................................................................................3 Chemical Engineering ........................................................................................................4 Clean Tech ..........................................................................................................................5 Civil Engineering ................................................................................................................6 Electrical & Computer Engineering ..................................................................................13 Mechanical Engineering ..................................................................................................23 Ergonomics & Human Factors ........................................................................................30 Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing ........................................................................32 Materials Science ..............................................................................................................35 Nanoscience & Technology ............................................................................................39 Occupational Health & Safety ........................................................................................41 Environmental Science and Engineering ..........................................................................42


Biomedical Engineering Bestseller! Bestseller!

Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer Ashim K. Datta

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Providing a foundation in heat and mass transport, this book covers engineering principles of heat and mass transfer. The author discusses biological content, context, and parameter regimes and supplies practical applications for biological and biomedical engineering, industrial food processing, environmental control, and waste management. The book contains end-of-chapter problems and sections highlighting key concepts and important terminology. The book offers cross-references for easy access to related areas and relevant formulas, as well as detailed examples of transport phenomena, and descriptions of physical processes. It covers mechanisms of diffusion, capillarity, convection, and dispersion.

Catalog no. DK1966, March 2002, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-0775-0, £66.99

Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems Second Edition Paul H. King

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Richard C. Fries

ISORel, Inc., Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA

The second edition of a bestseller, this book provides a comprehensive overview of biomedical device and system design—including topics related to databases, process analysis, and device improvement—from a strong design perspective. It covers all aspects of design that must be considered for complex biomedical projects. This second edition features information on device definition and reliability, as well as testing and hardware verification, and each chapter has been updated to reflect advances in the field.

Catalog no. 61798, August 2008, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6179-6, £82.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


Biosignal and Medical Image Processing Second Edition John L. Semmlow

Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Robert B. Northrop

This second edition of a popular resource provides a complete set of signal processing tools, including diagnostic decision-making tools, and classification methods. Chapters cover adaptive neural nets, linear discriminators, and support vector machines. Examples and problems in MATLAB® encourage exploration of important properties of signal and image processing tools. An accompanying CD-ROM provides data, support subroutines, and source code from examples in the text. An educational support CD-ROM that contains a solutions manual, a suggested syllabus, and PowerPoint® presentations of all chapters is also available for instructors looking to adapt this professional reference for classroom use.

Written for students and professionals in the fields of biomedical engineering, systems biology, biophysics, and physiology, this unique reference covers complexity issues within living systems. Topics include human responses to coping with complex systems, the Law of Unintended Consequences, the relation of complexity to evolution, the complexity inherent in invertebrate immune systems, and the complexity inherent in economic systems. A comprehensive glossary provides acronyms and terms relating to complex, nonlinear biological systems. Dynamic models and homework questions are also included to further aid in understanding.

Catalog no. 62301, October 2008, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6230-4, £69.99 Also available as an eBook

University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

Catalog no. K11775, December 2010, 551 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3901-0, £53.99 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Biomedical Engineering / Chemical Engineering Bestseller!


The Biomedical Engineering Handbook

Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes

Third Edition, Three Volume Set

Nayef Ghasem

Edited by

United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain

Joseph D. Bronzino

Redhouane Henda

Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Written in a clear, concise style, this book provides an introduction to chemical process principles. It meets the needs of advanced undergraduates with detailed information on materials and energy balances that arise in connection to chemical reactions. With its wide coverage across the biomechanical and electromechanical fields, the book is also suitable as a reference for professional engineers. It introduces the numerical methods used to solve equations fundamental to more advanced topics. An accompanying CD includes software and additional exercises.

Broad in both scope and depth, this third edition of The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, the “bible” of biomedical engineering, has grown into a three volume set. Individually, each volume provides a convenient, sharply focused guide to specialized information. Together, they cover the breadth of the field, forming the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date interdisciplinary reference available. Conveniently organized for quick access, this edition includes sections on neuroengineering, infrared imaging, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and bionanotechnology.

Catalog no. 2124, April 2006, 4232 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2124-5, £178.00 Also available as an eBook

A solutions manual covering problems presented in the text and other pedagogical features are available upon qualified course adoption.

Catalog no. 8013X, September 2008, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8013-1, £69.99 Also available as an eBook


The Medical Device R&D Handbook

Industrial Gas Handbook Gas Separation and Purification

Edited by

Theodore R. Kucklick

Frank G. Kerry

TRKD Medical Devices, Los Gatos, California, USA

Scarsdale, New York, USA

This book is a practical, hands-on digest of medical device engineering that presents information that is often hard to find or gained by on-the-job experience. Highlights include using rapid-prototyping methods to develop medical devices and how to choose the best methods for certain applications, such as form, fit and function, and meeting device regulatory requirements. It offers special techniques for iterating devices with the best possible results at the lowest cost, and shortens the time it takes for engineers to become productive medical device designers.

Catalog no. 2717, November 2005, 376 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2717-9, £105.00 Also available as an eBook

Drawn from the author’s 60 years of field experience, this volume presents valuable information for practicing engineers in industrial gas separation and purification. The book uses SI units in accordance with the international industry and covers such topics as chronological development, industrial applications, air separation technologies, noble gases, front-end purification systems, insulation, non-cryogenic separation, safety, cleaning for oxygen systems, economics, and product liquefaction. It also addresses storage, transportation, machinery, equipment, instrumentation, and controls. The text is supplemented with numerous tables, figures, and pictures of equipment that add to the understanding of the process being discussed.

Catalog no. 9005, February 2007, 552 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9005-0, £127.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Clean Tech


Hydrogen Fuel


Production, Transport, and Storage

Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Sustainable Development

Edited by

Ram B. Gupta

David M. Mousdale

Beocarta Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland

Evaluating a wealth of quantitative data, Biofuels: Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Sustainable Development discusses different types of biofuels, the science behind their production, the economics of their introduction to the marketplace, their environmental impacts, and their implications for world agriculture. It broadens the discussion on biofuels beyond bioethanol and biodiesel, taking into account the data, ideas, and bioproducts that have appeared over the last 50 years.

An Insider’s Look at the Biotech Industry Written by a seasoned expert in the biotech industry, the book analyzes in detail the present status and future prospects of biofuels, from ethanol and biodiesel to biotechnological routes to biohydrogen. It emphasizes the ways biotechnology can improve process economics as well as facilitate sustainable agroindustries and crucial elements of a bio-based economy. The author also explores the additional innovations required in microbial and plant biotechnology, metabolic engineering, bioreactor design, and the genetic manipulation of novel biomass species of plants, such as softwoods and algae.

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

This volume describes various aspects of hydrogen fuel, including production from both renewable and nonrenewable sources, purification, storage, transport, safety, codes, and carbon dioxide sequestration. It illustrates how hydrogen can be generated from a variety of primary energies, including hydrocarbons, coal, nuclear, wind, biomass, and solar. The book explores the technical challenge of transporting and storing hydrogen fuel and addresses the proper codes, standards, monitoring techniques, and safety designs needed to effectively make this technology into the fuel of the future. It also discusses how to sequester carbon dioxide when producing hydrogen from fossil fuels..

Catalog no. 4575X, July 2008, 624 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4575-8, £93.00 Also available as an eBook


The Role of Biofuels in the Future

Wind and Solar Power Systems

With over 1,000 references and nearly 200 graphs and tables of data, this well-researched, comprehensive work examines the past and present of various biofuels while considering the future of a biocommodity economy.

Mukund R. Patel

Selected Contents: Preface. Historical Development of Bioethanol as a Fuel. Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Microbiology of Lignocellulosic Biomass. Biotechnology of Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks. Biochemical Engineering and Bioprocess Management for Fuel Ethanol. The Economics of Bioethanol. Diversifying the Biofuels Portfolio. Radical Options for the Development of Biofuels. Biofuels as Products of Integrated Bioprocesses. Index.

Catalog no. 51245, June 2008, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5124-7, £87.00 Also available as an eBook

Design, Analysis, and Operation, Second Edition U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York, USA

Focusing on the complete system rather than on a single component, this bestselling classic offers the most comprehensive reference to all aspects of modern renewable energy systems. The book begins with individual sections devoted to wind power and solar photovoltaic technologies, their engineering fundamentals, conversion characteristics, operational considerations to maximize output, and emerging trends. It includes two chapters devoted to specialized technologies, examines legal aspects and the effects of deregulation vs. regulation on renewable power systems, and contains quick-lookup charts for screening the economic profitability of potential energy farm sites.

Catalog no. 1570, July 2005, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1570-1, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Civil Engineering Construction Supply Chain Management Handbook


Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures

Edited by

William J. O'Brien, Carlos T. Formoso, Vrijhoef Ruben, and Kerry A. London

Third Edition Ben C. Gerwick, Jr

Ben C. Gerwick, Inc., San Francisco, California, USA

For two decades, Ben Gerwick's ability to capture the current state of practice and present it in a straightforward, easily digestible manner has made Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures the reference of choice for modern civil and maritime construction engineers. The third edition of this perennial bestseller continues to be the most modern and authoritative guide in the field. Based on the author's lifetime of experience, the book also incorporates relevant published information from many sources • Presents comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of all aspects of marine and offshore construction • Details the most commonly used construction methods as well as emerging and innovative methods • Offers state-of-the-art information on the newest construction materials and updated information on traditional materials • Covers floating structures such as bridges, tunnels, and airfields • Includes sections on offshore wind power foundations, wave- and tidal-power structures, and cryogenic pipelines • Expands the chapter on repair with an emphasis on controlling and repairing corrosion above and below water Reflecting current technologies, methods, and materials, the book includes relevant information on topics such as liquefaction of loose sediments, scour and erosion, archaeological concerns, high-performance steel, ultra-high-performance concrete, steel H piles, and damage from sabotage and terrorism. It features coverage of LNG terminals and offshore wind and wave energy structures. Clearly, concisely, and accessibly, this book steers you away from the pitfalls and toward the successful implementation of principles that can bring your marine and offshore projects to life.

Catalog no. 3052, March 2007, 840 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3052-0, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Increasing demands for quality and cost improvements as well as the revolution in global logistics has brought research on construction supply chain management to the forefront. With international contributors providing interdisciplinary perspectives, this volume provides a comprehensive review of CSCM methodologies and presents leading examples of best practices. Keeping pace with advances in the field, the book addresses major areas of concern, including management of production operations, organizational arrangements and contracts, and the use of information technology.

Catalog no. 47450, October 2008, 508 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4745-5, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

The Ocean Engineering Handbook Edited by

Ferial El-Hawary

B.H. Engineering Systems Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Compiled by an internationally acclaimed panel of experts, this is the most complete reference of its kind. It provides comprehensive coverage of important areas of the theory and practice of oceanic/coastal engineering and technology. The well-organized text includes five major sections: Marine Hydrodynamics and Vehicles Control, Modeling Considerations, Position Control Systems for Offshore Vessels, Applications of Computational Intelligence in the Ocean's Environment, and Fiber Optics in Oceanographic Applications. Designed as a traditional handbook, it offers a detailed look into ocean engineering, including thorough coverage of position control theory and implementation.

Catalog no. 8598, December 2000, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8598-8, £96.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Civil Engineering Bestseller!

Earthquake Engineering

Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook

From Engineering Seismology to Performance-Based Engineering

Edited by

Edward G. Nawy

Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA

The Concrete Construction Engineering Handbook provides in-depth coverage featuring state-of-the-art discussions on what design engineers, constructors, educators, and field personnel need to know about concrete. It focuses on advances in engineered concrete materials, reinforced concrete construction, specialized construction techniques, and design recommendations for high performance. Relying on this essential handbook, those in the industry will learn how to produce the best and most durably engineered constructed facilities.

Catalog no. 7492, June 2008, 1584 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7492-0, £127.00 Also available as an eBook

Edited by

Yousef Bozorgnia Vitelmo V. Bertero University of California, Berkeley, USA

This multi-contributor book provides comprehensive coverage of earthquake engineering problems, an overview of traditional methods, and the scientific background on recent developments. It discusses computer methods on structural analysis and provides access to the recent design methodologies and serves as a reference for both professionals and researchers involved in earthquake engineering. With an entire chapter dedicated to seismic-resistant design through supplemental damping and structural control, this volume includes important advances in the characteristics of earthquake ground motions, behavior, and design of structures, seismic design of non-structural systems, and more.

Catalog no. 1439, May 2004, 976 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1439-1, £152.00 Also available as an eBook


Fundamental Concepts of Earthquake Engineering

Tunnelling Management by Design Alan Muir Wood

Former President, Institution of Civil Engineers, UK

This book covers all the main aspects of tunnelling: planning, studies which contribute to the viability of a tunnel project, the technical aspects of design, the management of construction, overall project management, a review of recent tunnel failures, and issues regarding dispute resolution and prevention. The concept of design is defined in detail and related to systems and to risk; the final chapter discusses the failures in 1994 of railway tunnels at Heathrow Airport.

Catalog no. RU29105, March 2000, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0-419-23200-1, £90.00 Also available as an eBook

Roberto Villaverde

University of California, Irvine, USA

This comprehensive resource is a great aid to those professionals tasked with mitigating the effects of catastrophic earthquakes. It presents modern concepts and valuable procedures, code provisions, and seismic hazard assessment techniques used to make structures as earthquake-resistant as possible. The author details the main aspects and historical development of earthquake engineering with regard to various types and levels of damage. He also details earthquake generation and propagation mechanisms and scales used to quantify earthquake size and damage potential.

Catalog no. 64959, January 2009, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6495-7, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Civil Engineering Bestseller!


Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings

Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Structural Analysis and Design Bungale S. Taranath

V.N.S. Murthy

DeSimone Consulting Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Engineers must acquire an understanding of the behavior of structural systems before they can effectively design a complex building system. Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings describes the typical process of designing a building, from the determination of design loads to the evaluation of its behavior for unusual effects. Chapters cover a broad range of topics, including wind effects, seismic design, traditional and novel types of bracing systems, and the restoration of damaged or seismically vulnerable buildings. The information is presented in a user-friendly format that allows a fundamental understanding of the behavior of steel, concrete, and composite building structures.

Catalog no. DK2447, December 2004, 912 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-5934-6, £115.00

Consulting Geotechnical Engineer, Bangalore, India Series: Civil and Environmental Engineering

A must-have reference for any advanced student or engineer involved with foundations, piers, and retaining walls, this remarkably comprehensive resource illustrates soil characteristic concepts with examples that detail a wealth of practical considerations. It covers designs for drilled pier foundations and mechanically stabilized retaining walls and explores a pioneering approach for predicting the nonlinear behavior of laterally loaded long vertical and batter piles.

Catalog no. DK2050, October 2002, 1056 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-0873-3, £87.00

Also available as an eBook


The Civil Engineering Handbook


Edited by

The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations

W.F. Chen

Second Edition

Second Edition

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

John Atkinson

City University, London, UK

J.Y. Richard Liew

National University of Singapore

Providing extensive coverage of all major areas of civil engineering, this award-winning handbook features contributions from leading professionals and academicians and is packed with formulae, data tables, and definitions, vignettes on topics of recent interest, and additional sources of information. It includes a wealth of material in areas such as coastal engineering, polymeric materials, computer methods, shear stresses in beams, and pavement performance evaluation. Its wide range of information makes it an essential resource for anyone working in civil, structural, or environmental engineering.

This textbook sets out the basic theories of soil mechanics in a clear and straightforward way, combining both classical and critical state theories, and suited to students and practicing geotechnical engineers. Discrete topics are presented in short, focused chapters with clear and accessible text, with relatively simple equations and a number of worked examples and simple experimental demonstrations.

Catalog no. GS1067, May 2007, 480 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-36256-6, £29.99

Catalog no. 0958, August 2002, 2904 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-0958-8, £127.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Civil Engineering Bestseller!

Pile Design and Construction Practice

Geotechnical Modelling

Fifth Edition Michael Tomlinson John Woodward

David Muir Wood University of Bristol, UK

Consulting Engineer, UK

Modeling forms an implicit part of all engineering design but many engineers engage in modeling without consciously considering the nature, validity and consequences of the supporting assumptions. This book begins by presenting some of the models which form a part of the typical undergraduate geotechnical curriculum. There is then a description of some of the aspects of soil behavior which contribute to the challenge of geotechnical modeling. Separate chapters are devoted to constitutive modeling, numerical modeling, physical modeling, centrifuge modeling, and theoretical modeling, with a final chapter giving examples of modeling applied to problems of soilstructure interaction.

Catalog no. RU29142, July 2004, 504 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-419-23730-3, £39.99

This international handbook is essential for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists responsible for designing and constructing piled foundations. It explains general principles and practice and details current types of pile, piling equipment, and methods. It includes calculations of the resistance of piles to compressive loads, pile groups under compressive loading, piled foundations for resisting uplift and lateral loading, and the structural design of piles and pile groups. Marine structures, miscellaneous problems (including machinery foundations, underpinning, mining subsidence areas, contracts, and frozen ground), durability of piled foundations, ground investigations, and pile testing are also covered.

Catalog no. RU5822X, December 2007, 568 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-38582-4, £105.00

Hydraulic Modelling – An Introduction

Piling Engineering

Principles, Methods and Applications

Third Edition Ken Fleming, Austin Weltman, Mark Randolph, and Keith Elson

Pavel Novak

formerly at University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Vincent Guinot

University of Montpellier, France

This book provides an accessible and well-illustrated account of design techniques, methods of testing and analysis of piles, with a marked emphasis on practice but with design methods that incorporate the most recent advances in piling theory. Piling Engineering is written for geotechnical engineers, consultants, and foundation contractors. It is also a useful reference for academics and advanced students on courses in piling, practical site investigation, and foundation design and construction.

Alan Jeffrey

Catalog no. RU45479, September 2008, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-26646-8, £85.00

Catalog no. RU51414, January 2010, 616 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-419-25020-3, £35.00

University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Dominic E. Reeve

University of Swansea, UK

This book helps identify the most appropriate form of analysis for the hydraulic engineering application in question. The book provides guidance on the range of accuracy to be expected of the model simulations and how they should be related to the prototype.

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Civil Engineering


Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings

Environmental Modelling An Uncertain Future?

Bungale S. Taranath

Keith Beven

Lancaster University, UK

Uncertainty in the predictions of science when applied to the environment is an issue of great current relevance in relation to the impacts of climate change, protecting against natural and human-made disasters, and sustainable resource management. This book introduces scientists and decision makers to the concepts and techniques of uncertainty estimation in environmental prediction, the constraint of uncertainties by the collection of observations and data assimilation in real-time forecasting, and techniques for decision making under uncertainty.

Catalog no. RU53869, July 2008, 328 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-45759-0, £31.99

DeSimone Consulting Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Written by a premier designer of tall and ultra tall buildings, this work explains fundamental principles and state-of-the-art technologies for building vertical RC structures as sound as they are eloquent. It bridges the gap between intuition and experience and computer skills and analytical techniques, and is written to reflect U.S. building codes, including ASCE/SEI 7-05, IBC-06/09, ACI 318-05/08, and ASCE/SEI 41-06. The book covers lateral loading, seismic vulnerability and retrofit design, and performance-based design trends, and it’s illustrated by dozens of case studies throughout the world, many concerning buildings designed by the author.

Catalog no. K10266, December 2009, 989 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0480-3, £112.00 Also available as an eBook


Handbook of Structural Engineering Second Edition


Edited by

From Theory to Practice

W.F. Chen

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

Alan Jennings

(late of) Queen's University, Belfast, UK

E.M. Lui

Syracuse University, New York, USA

Continuing the best-selling tradition of the Handbook of Structural Engineering, this second edition is a comprehensive reference to the broad spectrum of structural engineering, encapsulating the theoretical, practical, and computational aspects of the field. The contributors cover traditional and innovative approaches to analysis, design, and rehabilitation. Topics in this edition include fundamental theories of structural dynamics; advanced analysis; wind- and earthquake-resistant design; design of pre-stressed structures; highperformance steel, concrete, and fiber-reinforced polymers; semirigid frame structures; structural bracing; and structural design for fire safety.

Structures: From Theory to Practice provides a comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of structures, rigorous but relying more on real-life examples and explanation and less on mathematics. With a broad range of worked examples, questions, and references to further reading, this book is the ideal course text for entry-level students on degree, HNC, and HND courses.

Catalog no. RU23650, July 2004, 640 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-26843-1, £31.99

Catalog no. 1569, February 2005, 1768 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1569-5, £127.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Civil Engineering Bestseller!

Fracture Mechanics Second Edition Michael Janssen and Jan Zuidema

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Russell Wanhill

National Aerospace Laboratory, Netherlands

Since the first edition published in 1991, this book has turned into a classic in the field. Providing a thorough coverage of a wide range of topics, this book covers both theoretical and practical aspects of fracture mechanics and integrates materials science with solid mechanics. This edition includes expanded coverage of weight functions and a new chapter on environmental cracking.

Catalog no. RU27976, July 2004, 384 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-34622-1, £31.99

Design of Structural Elements

Concrete, Steelwork, Masonry and Timber Designs to British Standards and Eurocodes, Third Edition Chanakya Arya

University College London, UK

This third edition of a popular textbook is a concise single-volume introduction to the design of structural elements in concrete, steel, timber, masonry, and composites. It provides design principles and guidance in line with both British Standards and Eurocodes, current as of late 2007. Topics discussed include the philosophy of design, basic structural concepts, and material properties. After an introduction and overview of structural design, the book is conveniently divided into sections based on British Standards and Eurocodes.

Catalog no. RU53909, April 2009, 528 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-46720-9, £29.99


Hydraulic Structures

Concrete Bridges

Fourth Edition

Paul Mondorf

University of Chile, Santiago

This highly illustrated handbook provides a comprehensive reference for students and practitioners involved in the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of concrete bridges, from an internationally experienced expert. Focusing mainly on the structural concept of bridges, the book covers the design criteria of an array of bridges, including slab-andgirder, frame, arch, suspension, single, and multi-span bridges, as well as the maintenance and aesthetics. For each type, the factors affecting structural design are highlighted and the design requirements are used to demonstrate how project requirements may guide the choice of a design solution.

Catalog no. RU3620X, September 2006, 1008 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-39362-1, £160.00

P. Novak, A.I.B. Moffat, C. Nalluri, and R. Narayanan This book presents design principles and practical guidance for key hydraulic structures in practice. The fourth edition is divided into two parts: Dam Engineering and Other Hydraulic Structures. The first section covers geotechnical, structural, and hydraulic aspects of dams, and is followed by chapters on coastal and offshore engineering. The second part explores diversion works, cross drainage and drop structures, inland waterways, and hydroelectric power development. Worked numerical examples supplement the main text and extensive lists of references conclude each chapter.

Catalog no. RU86268, December 2006, 736 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-38626-5, £36.99

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Civil Engineering

Sixth Edition

The Handbook of Highway Engineering

W. Schofield

Edited by

Engineering Surveying Formerly Kingston University, UK

T.F. Fwa

Mark Breach

National University of Singapore

Nottingham Trent University, UK

This sixth edition of Engineering Surveying covers all the basic principles and practice of the fundamentals such as vertical control, distance, angles, and position right through to the most modern technologies. It includes an introduction to geodesy, a fully updated chapter on GPS, GLONASS, and GALILEO for satellite positioning in surveying, a chapter on rigorous estimation of control coordinates, and material on mass data methods of photogrammetry and laser scanning and the role of inertial technology.

Catalog no. Y129643, February 2007, 640 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-7506-6949-8, £38.99

Beginning with financing, access management, environmental impacts, road safety, and noise, this book explores the expanded responsibilities of the modern highway engineer as well as the increasing trend toward privatization of project development and financing. The next section considers technical issues in highway and pavement engineering, including materials, mechanistic-empirical design approaches, closed-form solutions for backcalculation, and deflection and stress computation in multi-slab systems. Rounding out the discussion, the final section examines construction, management, performance evaluation including nondestructive testing, and a chapter devoted to highway asset management.

Catalog no. 1986, September 2005, 888 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1986-0, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Highways The Location, Design, Construction & Maintenance of Pavements, Fourth Edition

Bridge Management Second Edition

C.A. O'Flaherty

Michael J. Ryall

Formerly University of Tasmania, Australia

University of Surrey, UK

As the emphasis in construction moves from building new bridges to maintenance and rehabilitation of existing stock, bridge management is becoming an increasingly important subject. This is the definitive, single-volume reference for professionals and postgraduates, covering the whole gamut of bridge management topics. This second edition includes chapters on deterioration modeling, asset management, and the impact of heavy goods vehicles.

Catalog no. Y131930, November 2009, 1152 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7506-8511-5, £100.00

Highways is a comprehensive textbook on all aspects of road engineering. This fourth edition, written by a team of acknowledged experts in the field, teams up with Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering to become a worthy successor to Coleman O'Flaherty's classic Highway Engineering set. This fourth edition covers road location and plans, roadwork materials, surface and subsurface moisture control, pavement design and construction, thickness design of bituminous and concrete pavements, and road maintenance and rehabilitation. The content takes into account developments in the subject, making it essential reading for students of civil engineering.

Catalog no. Y131981, December 2001, 576 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-7506-5090-8, £36.99


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering The Computer Engineering Handbook Second Edition, Two-Volume Set


Fluid Power Circuits and Controls

Edited by

Fundamentals and Applications

Vojin G. Oklobdzija

John S. Cundiff

University of California, Davis, USA

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

This set of two carefully focused books encompass all aspects of computer engineering. In addition to complete updates throughout the book to reflect issues in low-power design, embedded processors, and standards, this edition includes a section on computer memory and storage, as well as several chapters on such topics as semiconductor memory circuits, stream and wireless processors, and nonvolatile memory technologies and applications.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Catalog no. 3860, January 2008, 1648 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8600-8, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Written specifically for engineers rather than technicians, Fluid Power Circuits and Controls: Fundamentals and Applications builds a foundation for modeling, analyzing, and designing fluid power systems. The author illustrates each concept with a circuit diagram, and as each component is discussed, immediately places it in a circuit and analyzes its performance. The text is richly illustrated, filled with fully worked example problems, and reinforced with exercises at the end of each chapter.

Catalog no. 0924, June 2001, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-0924-3, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Embedded Systems Handbook The Handbook of Data Mining Edited by

Nong Ye

Arizona State University, USA

Created with the input of a distinguished International board of the foremost authorities in data mining from academia and industry, The Handbook of Data Mining presents comprehensive coverage of data mining concepts and techniques. Algorithms, methodologies, management issues, and tools are all illustrated through engaging examples and real-world applications to ease understanding of the materials.

Catalog no. ER6670, April 2003, 720 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8058-4081-0, £115.00

Second Edition, Two-Volume Set Edited by

Richard Zurawski

ISA Corporation, San Francisco, California, USA Series: Industrial Information Technology

In the past few years, the diverse application areas of embedded systems have witnessed an upsurge in research and development, implementations of new technologies, and deployments of actual solutions and technologies. These areas include automotive electronics, industrial automated systems, and building automation and control. Now in two volumes, this second edition presents a comprehensive view of embedded systems: their design, verification, networking, and applications. The contributors, directly involved in the creation of the ideas and technologies presented, offer tutorials, research surveys, and technology overviews, exploring new developments, deployments, and trends.

Catalog no. 74105, July 2009, 1503 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7410-9, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Electrical & Computer Engineering The Circuits and Filters Handbook

Handbook of Optical Metrology

Third Edition, Five-Volume Slipcase Set

Principles and Applications Edited by

Edited by

Toru Yoshizawa

Wai-Kai Chen

NPO 3D Associates, Yokohama, Japan

Retired, Freemont, California, USA

This groundbreaking bestseller surveys accomplishments in the field while providing researchers and designers with the comprehensive detail they need for continued research and design. With contributions from more than 150 leading international experts, this reference includes the key mathematical formulas, concepts, definitions, and derivatives that those involved with cutting-edge research and design require. It eschews extensively detailed theory to concentrate on professional applications with numerous examples provided throughout. The set includes more than 2,500 illustrations and hundreds of references. Available as a comprehensive five-volume set, each of the subject-specific volumes can also be purchased separately.

Carefully designed to make information accessible without sacrificing coverage of advanced topics, this book discusses fundamental principles and techniques before exploring practical applications of optical methods. It includes contributions from veterans of the field and up-and-coming researchers. The handbook comprises 30 chapters divided into three sections: Fundamental of Optical Elements and Devices, Fundamentals of Principles and Techniques for Metrology, and Practical Applications. The editor draws on his experience in teaching and industry to provide a resource that is as authoritative as it is practical.

Catalog no. DK6042, February 2009, 744 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3760-4, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 55275, June 2009, 3364 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5527-6, £140.00 Also available as an eBook

The VLSI Handbook Edited by

Introduction to Nonimaging Optics

Wai-Kai Chen

Julio Chaves

Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

For the new millenium, Wai-Kai Chen introduced a monumental reference for the design, analysis, and prediction of VLSI circuits: The VLSI Handbook. Still a valuable tool for dealing with the most dynamic field in engineering, this second edition includes 13 sections comprising nearly 100 chapters focused on the key concepts, models, and equations. Written by a stellar international panel of expert contributors, this handbook is a reliable, comprehensive resource for real answers to practical problems. It emphasizes fundamental theory underlying professional applications and also reflects key areas of industrial and research focus.

Helping engineers find better solutions to many optical design problems, this volume is a unique introductory-level resource on this rapidly developing area. The text highlights applications, such as illumination and solar energy concentration. It explores the relatively new branch of optics through the introduction of basic concepts and methods. The second part builds in complexity as it discusses current principles from a nonimaging optics perspective. The author relates nonimaging optics to other popular fields in optics and provides useful examples. This resource invites newcomers to explore a growing field and delivers a comprehensive reference to current practitioners.

Second Edition

Light Prescriptions Innovators, Madrid, Spain

Retired, Freemont, California, USA

Catalog no. 4199, December 2006, 2320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-4199-1, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 54295, May 2008, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5429-3, £99.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering The Nature of Light


What is a Photon?

Principles and Practices

Edited by

Chandra Roychoudhuri

Abdul Al-Azzawi

Algonquin College, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Surveying the field from fundamental concepts to state-of-the-art developments, Photonics: Principles and Practices builds a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of photonics from the basics of light waves to fiber optics and lasers. Each skillfully crafted chapter first explores the theoretical concepts of each topic and then demonstrates how these principles apply to real-world applications by guiding readers through experimental cases illuminated with numerous illustrations. A complete glossary, useful appendices, and a thorough list of references round out the presentation. The text also includes a 16-page insert containing 28 full-color illustrations.

Catalog no. 8290, December 2006, 968 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8290-1, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

A.F. Kracklauer Katherine Creath Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Gathering contributions from globally recognized specialists in electrodynamics and quantum optics, this volume continues the debate on the definition of a photon and the concept of wave-particle duality. After covering the mainstream view of the nature of light and photons, it presents a new and challenging scientific epistemology that explains how to overcome the prevailing paradoxes and confusions arising from the accepted definition of a photon as a monochromatic Fourier mode of the vacuum. It concludes with an array of experiments that demonstrate the innovative thinking needed to examine the wave-particle duality of photons.

Catalog no. 44249, July 2008, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4424-9, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Polarized Light Third Edition

Handbook of Charged Particle Optics Second Edition Edited by

Dennis H. Goldstein

Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Jon Orloff

An in-depth exploration of polarized light, this book covers production and uses, facilitating self-study without prior knowledge of Maxwell's equations. This third edition includes more than 2,500 figures and equations along with chapters on polarization elements, anisotropic materials, Stokes polarimetry, Mueller matrix polarimetry, and the mathematics of the Mueller matrix. It features two new chapters, one on polarized light in nature and one on birefringence. It also presents a completely revised review of the history of polarized light and contains an appendix on conventions used in polarized light.

Balancing its coverage of theory with a wide range of application areas, Handbook of Charged Particle Optics provides a complete guide to understanding, designing, and using high-resolution instrumentation such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), and focused ion beam (FIB) systems. This second edition features chapters on aberration correction, the transmission electron microscope (TEM), and applications of gas phase field ionization sources. Including additional references to past and present work in the field, this comprehensive text also presents up-to-date information of Schottky electron as well as liquid metal ion sources.

Catalog no. K11493, December 2010, 808 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3040-6, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

Rockaway Beach, Oregon, USA

Catalog no. 45547, October 2008, 666 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4554-3, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Electrical & Computer Engineering Bestseller!

Handbook of Nonlinear Optics Second Edition

OptoMechanical Systems Design

Richard L. Sutherland

Third Edition

Science Applications International Corp., Beavercreek, Ohio, USA

Paul R. Yoder, Jr. Consultant in Optical Engineering, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Examining classic theories, experimental methods, and practical formulas for exploration of the core topics in nonlinear optics, the second edition of this acclaimed text was extensively revised to reflect recent advances in the analysis and modification of material properties for application in frequency conversion, optical switching and limiting, multiphoton absorption, and electro-optic effects. This book contains additional chapters on ultrafast characterization techniques, laser flash photolysis, and the electrooptic effect as well as expanded coverage of nonlinear optics in fibers and pulsed two-beam coupling.

Catalog no. DK2838, April 2003, 976 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-4243-0, £178.00

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

This book offers expanded coverage of the progress of the ISO and the OEOSC, catadioptric systems, semikinetic mountings for prisms, techniques for bonding prisms and small mirrors in their mounts, and mountings for variable orientation mirrors to include larger substrate diameters. The author includes discussions on laser damage to optics, special coatings for optomechanical materials, and mounting lenses on fixtures, and more.

Catalog no. DK4230, December 2005, 864 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-699-9, £89.00

Also available as an eBook

Physical Properties and Data of Optical Materials


Lens Design Fourth Edition

Edited by

Milton Laikin

Laikin Optical Corporation, Marina Del Rey, California, USA

Moriaki Wakaki and Takehisa Shibuya

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Keiei Kudo (deceased)

Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan

Lens Design, Fourth Edition is still the most complete and reliable guide for detailed design information and procedures for a wide range of optical systems. This edition was updated to replace obsolete glass types and now includes several new designs and sections on stabilized systems, the human eye, spectrographic systems, and diffractive systems. A companion CD-ROM offers extensive lens prescription data along with executable ZEMAX files corresponding to figures in the text.

Catalog no. 785X, December 2006, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8278-9, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan

This conveniently crafted guide presents the physical and optical properties of more than 100 of the most important and widely used optical materials. For each material, the editors examine the crystal system; natural and artificial growth and production methods along with corrosives and processing; thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties; optical properties, such as transmittance and reflectance spectra, ranging over the UV to IR spectrum; and, where applicable, applications for spectroscopy and miscellaneous remarks, such as handling concerns and chemical properties. Numerous tables illustrate important data such as numerical values of optical constants for important wavelength regions.

Catalog no. DK3204, April 2007, 576 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-2761-1, £105.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering RF and Microwave Handbook


Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook Kenneth L. Kaiser

Kettering University, Flint, Michigan, USA

Using an efficient question-and-answer format and incorporating an extremely comprehensive set of tables and figures, this book compiles the approximations, guidelines, models, and rules-of-thumb used in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis. It highlights their sources, appropriate applications, and individual and situational limitations. Ideal as a quick reference or an upper-level and graduate text for electrical and computer engineering courses, this volume also provides the Mathcad programs used to generate most of the plots and solve many of the equations in the book.

Catalog no. 2087, September 2004, 2568 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2087-3, £127.00

Second Edition, Three-Volume Set Edited by

Mike Golio and Janet Golio

HVVi Semiconductors, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

The second edition of this bestseller divides its coverage conveniently into a set of three books, each focused on a particular aspect of the technology. It covers WiMAX, broadband cable, bit error ratio (BER) testing, high-power PAs (power amplifiers), heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), as well as an overview of microwave engineering. It discusses the fundamentals, technologies, and applications at the heart of modern wireless communications.

Catalog no. 7217, February 2008, 2208 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7217-9, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields


Third Edition, Two-Volume Set

Jerry C. Whitaker

The Electronics Handbook Second Edition Edited by Technical Press, Morgan Hill, California, USA

Edited by

Frank S. Barnes

Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Ben Greenebaum

This bestselling handbook provides a comprehensive reference to the key concepts, models, and equations necessary to analyze, design, and predict the behavior of complex electrical devices, circuits, instruments, and systems. With 23 sections that encompass the entire electronics field, from classical devices and circuits to emerging technologies and applications, the book not only covers the engineering aspects, but also includes sections on reliability, safety, and engineering management and features an individual table of contents at the beginning of each chapter for easy navigation through the wealth of material.

University of Colorado, Boulder, USA University of Wisconsin, Kenosha, USA

This bestselling book is a definitive reference for researching bioeffects of static, low-, and high-frequency fields. It incorporates extensive new material and up-to-date data, results, and discussions into two cohesive volumes. The first installment focuses on physics, engineering, and chemical aspects of electromagnetic fields, including molecular-level mechanisms, while the second concentrates on biological and medical aspects, including physiological effects, medical applications, and exposure standards. The handbook examines the applications of EM fields, particularly for medical treatment and diagnostics.

Catalog no. 2952, November 2006, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2952-4, £127.00

Catalog no. 8890, April 2005, 2640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1889-4, £127.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Electrical & Computer Engineering Bestseller!


The Industrial Electronics Handbook

The Electric Power Engineering Handbook

Second Edition, Five-Volume Set Edited by

Third Edition, Five-Volume Set

Bogdan M. Wilamowski

Edited by

J. David Irwin

Professor Emeritus, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Leonard L. Grigsby

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Industrial electronics systems govern so many different functions that vary in complexity—from the operation of relatively simple applications, such as electric motors, to that of more complicated machines and systems, including robots and entire fabrication processes. The Industrial Electronics Handbook, Second Edition combines traditional and newer, more specialized knowledge that will help industrial electronics engineers develop practical solutions for the design and implementation of modern industrial systems. Embracing the broad technological scope of the field, this collection explores fundamental areas, including analog and digital circuits, electronics, electromagnetic machines, and signal processing. It also facilitates the use of intelligent systems—such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary methods—in terms of a hierarchical structure that makes factory control and supervision more efficient by addressing the needs of all production components. Assembling the world’s leading researchers to cover key aspects of this branch of science, the handbook includes the following volumes, which are available individually or as a complete set: • Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics • Power Electronics and Motor Drives • Control and Mechatronics • Industrial Communication Systems • Intelligent Systems To help readers deal with myriad physical phenomena—and the sensors used to measure them—the handbook reevaluates the importance of electronic circuits. It goes beyond their value as an end product and focuses on their importance as building blocks in larger systems. Taking into account the relative complexity of most fabrication processes, contributors simplify the development and application of communication systems that can be tailored for specific industrial environments to link the various elements of each.

Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

The Electric Power Engineering Handbook, Third Edition updates coverage of recent developments and rapid technological growth in crucial aspects of power systems, including protection, dynamics and stability, operation, and control. With contributions from worldwide field leaders—edited by L.L. Grigsby, one of the world’s most respected, accomplished authorities in power engineering—this reference includes chapters on: • Nonconventional Power Generation • Conventional Power Generation • Transmission Systems • Distribution Systems • Electric Power Utilization • Power Quality • Power System Analysis and Simulation • Power System Transients • Power System Planning (Reliability) • Power Electronics • Power System Protection • Power System Dynamics and Stability • Power System Operation and Control Content includes a simplified overview of advances in international standards, practices, and technologies, such as small-signal stability and power system oscillations, power system stability controls, and dynamic modeling of power systems. Each book in this popular series supplies a high level of detail and, more importantly, a tutorial style of writing and use of photographs and graphics to help the reader understand the material. This resource will help readers achieve safe, economical, high-quality power delivery in a dynamic and demanding environment.

Catalog no. K12649, May 2012, 3036 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5635-2, £191.00 Also available as an eBook

Enhancing its value, this fully updated collection presents research and global trends as published in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Journal, one of the largest and most respected publications in the field.

Catalog no. K10152, March 2011, 4052 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0289-2, £254.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering Bestseller!


Electric Power Distribution System Engineering Second Edition Turan Gönen

Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering Analysis and Design Second Edition

California State University, Sacramento, USA

Turan Gönen

A quick scan of any bookstore, library, or online bookseller will produce a multitude of books covering power systems. However, few, if any, are totally devoted to power distribution engineering, and none of them are true textbooks. Filling this vacuum in the power system engineering literature, the first edition of Electric Power Distribution System Engineering broke new ground. Written in the classic, self-learning style of the first edition, this second edition contains updated coverage, new examples, and numerous examples of MATLAB® applications. Designed specifically for junior- or senior-level electrical engineering courses, the author draws on his more than 31 years of experience to provide a text that is as attractive to students as it is useful to professors and practicing engineers. The book covers all aspects of distribution engineering from basic system planning and concepts through distribution system protection and reliability. The author brings to the table years of experience and, using this as a foundation, demonstrates how to design, analyze, and perform modern distribution system engineering. He takes special care to cover industry terms and symbols, providing a glossary and clearly defining each term when it is introduced. The discussion of distribution planning and design considerations goes beyond the usual analytical and qualitative analysis and emphasizes the economical explication and overall impact of the distribution design considerations discussed.

Catalog no. 6200X, December 2007, 856 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6200-7, £51.99

California State University, Sacramento, USA

Drawing from the author’s 31 years of teaching and power industry experience, in the U.S. and abroad, this self-contained text on modern power transmission engineering includes ample numerical examples and problems, and it makes a special effort to familiarize readers with vocabulary and symbols used in the industry. Divided into two sections—electrical and mechanical design and analysis—it serves as a selftutorial for practicing engineers or students, covering electrical and mechanical design with equal detail.

Catalog no. K10135, May 2009, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0254-0, £51.99 Also available as an eBook

The Electric Generators Handbook Two-Volume Set Ion Boldea

Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Series: Power Engineering

Surveying all of the technologies used to satisfy the world's demand for open, efficient, and clean electricity, The Electric Generators Handbook, TwoVolume Set provides unified, in-depth examination of both synchronous and variable-speed generators for stand-alone and grid-connected applications. Individually, each book offers authoritative, tightly focused treatment that is ideal for specialists. Together, they offer the most complete reference available on the topologies, steady state and transients modeling, performance, control, design, and testing of stand-alone and grid-connected generators, reflecting the technologies and deployments from around the world.

Catalog no. 1481, November 2005, 1000 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1481-0, £152.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Electrical & Computer Engineering Bestseller!

Image Processing with MATLAB®

Instrument Engineers' Handbook

Applications in Medicine and Biology

Fourth Edition, Volume One Process Measurement and Analysis

Omer Demirkaya

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Musa H. Asyali

Edited by

Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

Béla G. Lipták

Liptak Associates, Stamford, Connecticut, USA

Kriszta Venczel Volume One: Process Measurement and Analysis offers increased emphasis on installation and maintenance. Its coverage is now fully globalized with product descriptions from manufacturers around the world. It covers sensors, detectors, analyzers, and other measuring devices introduced since publication of the third edition.

Catalog no. 1083, June 2003, 1912 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1083-6, £165.00 Also available as an eBook

Prasanna K. Sahoo

University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

This text explains complex, theory-laden topics in image processing through real-world examples and MATLAB® algorithms. The authors emphasize threedimensional processing and analysis as well as statistical and stochastic modeling. They cover the new areas of nonlinear diffusion filtering and PDE-based image filtering, address relatively advanced topics, such as Markov random field-based image segmentation, and highlight applications with images from medicine and biology.

Catalog no. 9246, December 2008, 451 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9246-7, £69.99 Also available as an eBook


Instrument Engineers' Handbook

The Image Processing Handbook

Fourth Edition, Volume Two Process Control and Optimization

Sixth Edition John C. Russ

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

Edited by

Béla G. Lipták

Liptak Associates, Stamford, Connecticut, USA

Volume Two: Process Control and Optimization is expanded to include descriptions of overseas manufacturer’s products and concepts, model-based optimization in control theory, major inventions, and innovations in control valves. It also devotes a full chapter to safety and includes more than 2,000 graphs, figures, and tables.

Catalog no. 1081, September 2005, 2464 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1081-2, £165.00 Also available as an eBook

This sixth edition explores the tools used to acquire, process, and analyze data contained in images, for a wide variety of scientific fields. Using examples and diagrams, it presents sections on selecting a camera with resolution appropriate for use on light microscopes, the ability of current cameras to capture raw images with high dynamic range, and imaging in more than two dimensions. The book also discusses Dmax for x-ray images and combining images with different exposure settings to further extend the dynamic range. Coverage also includes shape measurements and developments in image file searching.

Catalog no. K11875, April 2011, 885 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4045-0, £108.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering Signals, Systems, Transforms, and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB® Michael Corinthios

Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Quebec, Canada

This text relies on graphics, the language of scientists and engineers, for the physical interpretation of subtle mathematical concepts. It establishes a solid background in Fourier, Laplace, and z transforms, before extending them in later chapters. The author presents a unique matrix-equation-matrix sequence of operations that dispels the mystique of the fast Fourier transform, explores the application of digital signal processing technology to real-time processing, and introduces his own generalization of the Dirac-delta impulse and distribution theory. He also offers extensive referencing to MATLAB® and Mathematica® for solving the examples.

Catalog no. 90488, June 2009, 1256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9048-2, £89.00

Transforms and Applications Handbook Third Edition Edited by

Alexander D. Poularikas The University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

This bestselling classic is a complete resource covering those mathematical transforms most frequently used by engineers and scientists. The text begins with a solid introduction to signals and systems, including properties of the delta function along with some classical orthogonal functions. It then goes on to detail each transform chapter by chapter. Written by top experts, each of the chapters provides numerous examples and applications that clearly demonstrate each transform’s unique purpose and properties. The edition covers fractional Fourier, multidimensional discrete unity, and Hilbert-Huang transforms.

Catalog no. 66528, January 2010, 911 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6652-4, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

The Digital Signal Processing Handbook

The Control Handbook

Second Edition, Three-Volume Set

Edited by

Second Edition, Three-Volume Set William S. Levine

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Edited by

Vijay K. Madisetti

Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA Series: Electrical Engineering Handbook

Now available in a three-volume set, bestselling classic provides authoritative coverage of the fundamental and specialized aspects of information-bearing signals in digital form. It encompasses essential background material and reflects cutting-edge information on signal processing algorithms and protocols related to speech, audio, multimedia, and video processing technology. Twenty-nine new chapters address multimedia and Internet technologies, tomography, radar systems, architecture, standards, and future applications.

Catalog no. 45636, December 2009, 2394 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4563-5, £191.00

This second edition of an award-winning, bestselling handbook reflects not only the field’s advances but also its expansion. With approximately 25 new chapters and 35 revised chapters, the book provides enhanced coverage of networked and embedded control systems and new topics such as hybrid controls, biological controls, and network controls. It contains enhanced coverage of Model Predictive Control, quantum control, control of and over networks, control of systems described by partial differential equation, and more

Catalog no. 73664, December 2010, 3526 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7366-9, £204.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Electrical & Computer Engineering Electronic Design Automation for Integrated Circuits Handbook


Mechatronics An Integrated Approach

Two-Volume Set

Clarence W. de Silva

Edited by

Luciano Lavagno and Louis Scheffer Cadence Berkeley Laboratories, California, USA

Grant Martin

Tensilica, Inc., Santa Clara, California, USA

Organized for convenient access, this handbook is available as a set of two carefully focused books dedicated to the front- and back-end aspects of EDA, respectively. The first installment examines logic design, focusing on system-level and micro-architectural design, verification, and testing. Devoted to physical design, the second book analyzes the classical RTL to GDS II design flow, analog and mixedsignal design, physical verification, analysis and extraction, and technology computer aided design (TCAD).

Catalog no. 3096, April 2006, 1152 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3096-4, £120.00

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Intended as an engineering textbook that is versatile enough to span several courses in mechatronics, this book offers a strong foundation in such core subjects as dynamic system modeling, electrical components and analysis, mechanical components and analysis, robotics, drives and actuators, control systems, digital processing and hardware, communication and interfacing, software tools, design, and prototyping. The appendices cover Laplace and Fourier transform techniques and software tools including MATLAB®, SIMULINK®, and LabVIEW®. It also emphasizes practical situations and applications with numerous worked examples, problems, and exercises and offers an entire chapter devoted to case studies.

Catalog no. 1274, November 2004, 1344 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1274-8, £93.00

Also available as an eBook

Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook

Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers

Edited by

Nicolas Navet

INRIA/RealTime-at-Work, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France

Robert D. Hunter

Françoise Simonot-Lion

Robert D. Hunter Associates, Austin, Texas, USA

This accessible resource discusses conformity assessment and accreditation as defined in a set of standards by the ISO/IEC. Written by a licensed professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience, the book brings together material specific to international, regional, national, state, and company levels. It covers important terminologies in standards, conformity assessment, and accreditation; covers economic, trade, legal, government, and management aspects; and includes some little-known historical background on several selected topics. The book also contains website and literature references on organizations and their methods of standards development.

Catalog no. K10074, February 2009, 232 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-0094-2, £45.99

Loria/Nancy-Universite INPL, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France

Highlighting requirements, technologies, and business models, this handbook provides a comprehensive overview of existing and future automotive electronic systems. It presents state-of-the-art methodological and technical solutions in the areas of invehicle architectures, multipartner development processes, software engineering methods, embedded communications, and safety and dependability assessment. Offering balanced viewpoints from industry and academic experts, car manufacturers, and suppliers, the book outlines the features and functioning schemes of CAN, LIN, FlexRay, and TTCAN protocols. It also addresses the main problems in the design of automotive embedded systems.

Catalog no. 8026, December 2008, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8026-6, £108.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Electrical & Computer Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Bestseller!



Gas Turbine Combustion

Advanced Programming Techniques, Second Edition

Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition

Rick Bitter and Matt Nawrocki

Motorola, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA

Taqi Mohiuddin

Mindspeed Technologies, Newport Beach, California, USA

Whether seeking deeper knowledge of LabVIEW®’s capabilities or striving to build enhanced VIs, professionals know they will find everything they need in LabVIEW: Advanced Programming Techniques. Now accompanied by LabVIEW 2011, this classic second edition, focusing on LabVIEW 8.0, delves deeply into the classic features that continue to make LabVIEW one of the most popular and widely used graphical programming environments across the engineering community.

Catalog no. 3325, September 2006, 520 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3325-5, £69.99 Also available as an eBook


The Mechatronics Handbook Second Edition, Two-Volume Set Edited by

Robert H. Bishop

The University of Texas at Austin, USA

A first comprehensive reference source on mechatronics, the first edition of this handbook was quickly embraced as the standard reference in the field. Now, the second edition of this bestseller is offered as two easily digestible books, each one focused on a particular area of mechatronics. This revision also includes chapters on such topics as engineering education, motion control, computer simulation of physical systems, field programmable gate arrays, simulation, and graphical programming in mechatronics.

Arthur H. Lefebvre Dilip R. Ballal

University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

Reflecting the developments in gas turbine combustion technology that have occurred in the last decade, Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition provides an up-to-date design manual and research reference on the design, manufacture, and operation of gas turbine combustors in applications ranging from aeronautical to power generation. Essentially self-contained, the book only requires a moderate amount of prior knowledge of physics and chemistry. In response to the fluctuating cost and environmental effects of petroleum fuel, this third edition includes a chapter on alternative fuels. This chapter presents the physical and chemical properties of conventional (petroleum-based) liquid and gaseous fuels for gas turbines; reviews the properties of alternative (synthetic) fuels and conventional-alternative fuel blends; and describes the influence of these different fuels and their blends on combustor performance, design, and emissions. It also discusses the special requirements of aircraft fuels and the problems encountered with fuels for industrial gas turbines. In the updated chapter on emissions, the authors highlight the quest for higher fuel efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions as well as the regulations involved. Continuing to offer detailed coverage of multifuel capabilities, flame flashback, high off-design combustion efficiency, and liner failure studies, this bestselling book is the premier guide to gas turbine combustion technology. This edition retains the style that made its predecessors so popular while updating the material to reflect the technology of the twentyfirst century.

Catalog no. 86049, April 2010, 557 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8604-1, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 9257, December 2007, 1416 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9257-3, £127.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Mechanical Engineering

Industrial Combustion Testing

Spacecraft Power Systems

Edited by

Charles E. Baukal, Jr.

Mukund R. Patel

John Zink Company, LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York, USA

The first resource of its kind, this work compiles current testing techniques to serve as a comprehensive resource for those conducting tests in the field of industrial combustion. It meets the needs of practicing engineers, technicians, and researchers conducting experiments with industrial scale combustion equipment, and it will save researchers endless hours searching the literature. It includes valuable information on advanced diagnostics, burner and flare testing, and testing in combustors, including a variety of kilns, furnaces, and boilers.

Catalog no. 8528X, July 2010, 784 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8528-0, £146.00 Also available as an eBook

Spacecraft Power Systems provides reliable, indepth information on all aspects of spacecraft power system design, analysis, and operation for all types of spacecraft: earth-orbiting, interplanetary, and deepspace. It presents data and procedures for designing electrical power systems that meet mission requirements at a minimum cost and weight. Broad coverage of the fundamentals of energy conversion, energy storage, power conditioning, energy management, and the operational aspects will help readers maintain a leading edge in designing a variety of systems. The book consists of 27 chapters and presents data in both International and British units.

Catalog no. 2786, November 2004, 736 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2786-5, £134.00 Also available as an eBook



Digital Avionics Handbook

Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering

Second Edition, Two-Volume Set Edited by

Travis S. Taylor

Cary R. Spitzer

U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Huntsville, Alabama, USA

AvioniCon, Inc., Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

Starting at basic levels, this hands-on text presents a unique perspective on the overall process of performing rocket science and becoming a rocket scientist. It discusses the history of rocket science; explains how to build, test, and fly a rocket; and elucidates the general rules and basic physics behind the design of a rocket engine. The author also covers aspects of orbital mechanics, rocket propulsion, rocket design, and rocket engineering. The text provides end-ofchapter problems as well as many real-world examples.

Catalog no. 75284, February 2009, 314 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7528-1, £61.99

Thomas Ferrell Uma Ferrell The Digital Avionics Handbook, Second Edition is available in two comprehensive volumes: one devoted to the essential elements, software, and functions of modern avionics, and the other focused on development and implementation. The book includes chapters on the time triggered protocol, communications, vehicle health management systems, development guidelines and certification considerations, and the Genesis platform. The handbook also discusses avionics building blocks and covers key development activities such as system engineering, flight deck automation and design, environmental testing, and certification.

Catalog no. 085X, December 2006, 680 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-5008-5, £120.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Mechanical Engineering Bestseller!


The CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering

Nuclear Engineering Handbook Edited by

Second Edition

Ken Kok


Edited by

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Frank Kreith D. Yogi Goswami

Offering a broad overview of the field, the Nuclear Engineering Handbook provides an introduction to basic nuclear power and nuclear engineering development. After a historical review of nuclear reactors, the book examines current changes in technology and explores future directions. It describes all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, from mining, milling, and enrichment of uranium and thorium fuel resources, to fuel fabrication, nuclear materials transportation, fuel reprocessing, and waste disposal. The text also presents analytical techniques related to nuclear engineering, addressing safety, heat transfer, shielding, thermohydraulics, health physics, and other issues.

Catalog no. 53906, June 2009, 786 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5390-6, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

University of South Florida, Tampa, USA

The second edition of this standard-setting handbook provides all-encompassing reference for the practicing engineer in industry, government, and academia, with relevant background and up-to-date information on the most important topics of modern mechanical engineering. These topics include modern manufacturing and design, robotics, computer engineering, environmental engineering, economics, patent law, and communication/information systems. The final chapter and appendix provide information regarding physical properties and mathematical and computational methods. Topics include nanotechnology, MEMS, electronic packaging, global climate change, electric and hybrid vehicles, and bioengineering.

Catalog no. 0866, September 2004, 2688 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-0866-6, £134.00 Also available as an eBook


Multiphase Flow Handbook Edited by

Vibration and Shock Handbook Edited by

Clarence W. de Silva

Clayton T. Crowe

Washington State University, Pullman, USA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Contributed by experts led by a specialist with more than 30 years of experience, this book covers all aspects of multiphase flows. It introduces the fundamentals of particle/fluid/bubble interactions followed by gas/liquid flows and methods for calculating system parameters. It explores industrial applications such as boiling and condensation, fluidized beds, aerosols, separation systems, pollution control, granular and porous media flow, pneumatic and slurry transport, and sprays. Coverage includes particle/droplet-fluid interactions, microgravity and microscale flows, and basic multiphase interactions. The book includes numerical methods, state-of-the art instrumentation, and advanced experimental techniques.

Catalog no. 1280, September 2005, 1156 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1280-9, £134.00

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Vibration and shock are ubiquitous phenomena, and a modern, practical reference for the field is overdue. A bestselling classic, Vibration and Shock Handbook provides a thoroughly up-to-date, convenient, and authoritative reference on the techniques, tools, and data relevant to the modeling, analysis, design, instrumentation, and control of vibration, shock, noise, and acoustics. In 45 chapters contributed by professionals in current practice, the book covers both the theoretical and the practical aspects. It provides a wealth of examples and case studies and presents all of the material in a format that is ideal for easy reference and recollection.

Catalog no. 1580, June 2005, 1872 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1580-0, £152.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Mechanical Engineering Introduction to Precision Machine Design and Error Assessment


Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials

Edited by

Fifth Edition

Samir Mekid

David R. Gaskell

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

This classic textbook is the definitive introduction to the thermodynamic behavior of materials systems. Written as a basic text for advanced undergraduates and first-year graduate students in metallurgy, metallurgical engineering, ceramics, or materials science, it presents the underlying thermodynamic principles of materials and their plethora of applications. Topics include solid-gas reactions, solution thermodynamics, and free energy formalism. The book presents thorough phase diagrams and an abundance of practical examples to supplement the text and enhance comprehension.

Catalog no. GS1076, March 2008, 618 pp. ISBN: 978-1-59169-043-6, £89.00

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

While ultra-precision machines are now achieving sub-nanometer accuracy, unique challenges continue to arise due to their tight specifications. Addressing the challenges involved in the design process, this text explains how to devise an overall design strategy for precision systems and how to identify errors affecting accuracy. It also defines a suitable metrology for inspection and performance evaluation. Suitable as a reference for professionals looking to stay abreast of this developing field as well as a textbook for engineering students, this work reviews design fundamentals, while offering ready access to essential information, including current international standards.

Catalog no. 7886, December 2008, 302 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7886-7, £93.00

Introduction to the Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints

Reverse Engineering

Fourth Edition, Non-Gasketed Joints

Technology of Reinvention

John H. Bickford

Wego Wang

Independent Consultant, Middletown, Connecticut, USA

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA

Written to advance the technology of reinvention and improve the competitiveness of commercial parts in the aftermarket, this volume discusses the proper measuring and analyses required to reproduce or repair an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part using modern reverse engineering technologies. Exploring regulations that govern the practice and offering numerous real-world examples, the book enables readers to determine if a duplicated or repaired part can meet the design functionality of the original.

Catalog no. K10314, September 2010, 357 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0630-2, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Series: Dekker Mechanical Engineering

The fourth edition of the bestselling Introduction to the Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints is divided into two separate but complementary volumes. Each volume contains the basic information useful to bolting experts in any industry, but because the two volumes are more clearly focused, they are easier and more efficient to use. It describes the design, behavior, misbehavior, failure modes, and analysis of the bolts and bolted joints that play a large, even ubiquitous, role in the myriad machines and structures that form our world.

Catalog no. 8176, August 2007, 568 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8176-8, £96.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Mechanical Engineering Bestseller!

Rolling Bearing Analysis Fifth Edition, Two-Volume Set

The Induction Machines Design Handbook Second Edition

Tedric A. Harris

Ion Boldea

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

Michael N. Kotzalas

Syed A. Nasar

The Timken Corporation, Canton, Ohio, USA

University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

The fifth edition of this industry “bible,” Rolling Bearing Analysis is split conveniently into two books: Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology introduces the fundamentals involved in the use, design, and performance of rolling bearings for more common applications; Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology delves into more advanced topics involving more dynamic loading, more extreme conditions, and higher-speed applications. Each book includes a CD-ROM that contains numerical examples as well as numerous tables of data.

Electric Power Engineering Series

Catalog no. 8167, November 2006, 760 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8167-6, £146.00

This comprehensive and self-contained reference on single- and three-phase induction machines in constant and variable speed applications picks up where the first edition left off. It acknowledges notable theoretical and practical developments of the last decade, correcting and/or improving text, formulae, and figures. Broad coverage of induction machines includes applications, principles and topologies, and materials, with numerical examples, analysis of transient behavior waveforms and digital simulations, and design sample cases.

Catalog no. 66684, December 2009, 845 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6668-5, £134.00 Also available as an eBook



Shaft Alignment Handbook

Fracture Mechanics

Third Edition John Piotrowski

Turvac Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition T. L. Anderson

Series: Dekker Mechanical Engineering

Structural Reliability Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Piotrowski’s bestselling Shaft Alignment Handbook is still the most trusted and widely embraced guide in the field. This edition was reorganized, updated, and expanded to be more convenient, intuitive, and to reflect developments in the area. Dedicated chapters now discuss the basics of modeling, each of the five basic alignment methods, and electrooptic methods. Material includes detecting misalignment, machinery movement from offline to running conditions, multiple element drive trains, and specific types of rotating machinery such as hydroelectric generators. Other chapters explore bore and parallel alignment.

This third edition encompasses theory and applications, linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics, solid mechanics, and materials science with a unified, balanced, and in-depth approach. This edition includes a chapter on environmental cracking, an exploration of weight functions, material on toughness test methods, problems at the end of the book to test assimilation, and coverage of fracture analysis procedures as well as information on fatigue crack closure. The book also contains detailed mathematical derivations in appendices at the end of applicable chapters and recent developments in laboratory testing, application to structures, and computational methods.

Catalog no. DK4322, November 2006, 832 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-721-7, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 1656, June 2005, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1656-2, £73.99

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Mechanical Engineering Bestseller! Bestseller!

The MEMS Handbook

Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics

Second Edition, Three-Volume Set

Edited by

Simon Iwnicki

Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Edited by

With authoritative coverage, the Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics provides a detailed overview of all the major issues influencing railway vehicle dynamics. Beginning with a chapter on the history of railway vehicles, the book explores the anatomy of rail vehicle suspension, railway tribology, derailment, dynamic behavior, noise, and vibration. It also covers practical, state-of-the-art issues in computer modeling, field-testing, instrumentation, and best practices. Discussions on modeling and testing complete the comprehensive coverage. The contributors, all leaders in their respective areas, supply references for more in-depth theoretical information.

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Catalog no. 3321, May 2006, 552 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3321-7, £105.00

Catalog no. 2106, December 2005, 1720 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2106-1, £165.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook



Practical Stress Analysis in Engineering Design

Lubrication Fundamentals

Third Edition

D.M. Pirro

Mohamed Gad-el-Hak

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

This bestselling handbook is available as a set of three books, supplying an introduction to MEMS, design and fabrication techniques and technologies, and current and future applications. In addition to seven new chapters, existing chapters were updated and expanded where necessary to reflect the current state of the field. In all, The MEMS Handbook, Second Edition comprises contributions from the foremost experts from around the world and remains the most authoritative reference in the field.

Second Edition Edited by ExxonMobil, Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Ronald Huston

University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

A.A. Wessol

Harold Josephs

Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan, USA

Lubrication Consultant, Manassas, Virginia, USA

This book presents the application of engineering design and analysis based on the approach of understanding the physical characteristics of a given problem and then modeling the important aspects of the physical system. This third edition provides coverage of topics including contact stress analysis, singularity functions, gear stresses, fasteners, shafts, and shaft stresses. It introduces finite element methods as well as boundary element methods and also features worked examples, problems, and a section on the finite difference method and applications.

Emphasizing the need for lubrication and careful lubricant selection, this second edition of Lubrication Fundamentals discusses product basics, machine elements that require lubrication, methods of application, and lubricant storage, handling, and conservation. This edition includes a chapter on the refining process, highlighting modern technologies and detailed descriptions of base stocks. It also covers hydraulic systems, environmental lubricants, and lubricant testing methods. The authors, both experienced industry professionals, examine lubrication requirements, petroleum crude selection, as well as product formulation and evaluation.

Catalog no. DK4291, December 2008, 664 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-713-2, £99.00

Catalog no. DK1815, August 2001, 540 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-0574-9, £118.00

Series: Dekker Mechanical Engineering

Also available as an eBook


Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Mechanical Engineering Bestseller!

Metalworking Fluids Second Edition

Room Acoustics

Edited by

Jerry P. Byers

Milacron Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Series: Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing

Revised and expanded, Metalworking Fluids summarizes various technologies related to metalworking fluid development, evaluation, and application. This second edition contains chapters on metal cutting, air quality, and fluid mist in the workplace, as well as costs and benefits of metalworking fluids. It contains updated and additional material on evaluating fluid performance, microbial control, innovative technology in waste treatment processes to eliminate certain organic contaminants, methods for recycling and extending fluid life, and health and safety issues.

Fifth Edition Heinrich Kuttruff

Institute of Technical Acoustics, Aachen University, Germany

Since publication of the first edition in 1973, this professional and scientific reference has become the standard work in the field, providing detailed analysis of the state of the art in room acoustics. This edition includes a list of symbols, and updated sections include the measurement of the impulse response including a discussion of distortions, sound propagation as a diffusive process, and scattering by wall irregularities.

Catalog no. RU55553, May 2009, 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-48021-5, £99.99

Catalog no. DK4179, March 2006, 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-689-0, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Rotating Machinery Vibration From Analysis to Troubleshooting, Second Edition


Maurice L. Adams, Jr.

Heinrich Kuttruff

An Introduction

Machinery Vibration Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Institute of Technical Acoustics, Aachen University, Germany

Providing comprehensive descriptions of vibration symptoms for rotor unbalance, dynamic instability, rotor-stator rubs, misalignment, loose parts, cracked shafts, and rub-induced thermal bows, this work provides a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the field. It describes computer model building, sources and types of vibration, and machine vibration signal analysis and comes with a software disk filled with tools for the analysis of general rotor vibration and rotor balancing.

Catalog no. K10362, December 2009, 476 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0717-0, £112.00 Also available as an eBook

This definitive textbook provides students with a comprehensive introduction to acoustics. Beginning with the basic physical ideas, Acoustics balances the fundamentals with engineering aspects, applications and electroacoustics, also covering music, speech, and the properties of human hearing. The concepts of acoustics are exposed and applied in room acoustics, sound insulation in buildings, noise control, and underwater sound and ultrasound.

Catalog no. RU6802X, November 2006, 480 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-38680-7, £36.99

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Ergonomics & Human Factors Bestseller!

Handbook of Aviation Human Factors

Handbook of Cognitive Task Design

Second Edition

Edited by

Edited by

Erik Hollnagel

John A. Wise

Linköping University, Sweden

The Wise Group, LLC Ormond Beach, Florida, USA

Series: Human Factors and Ergonomics

V. David Hopkin

Human Factors Consultant

Daniel J. Garland

The Art Institute of Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Completely revised and updated, this second edition includes additional information on important topics in aviation such as security and human error issues, FAA suggestions and new requirements, passenger satisfaction and risk analysis factors, and crew resource management issues and teamwork. It contains expanded information on standard subjects including human capabilities and performance, aircraft and flight simulation, air traffic control issues, operations and intelligent avionics, and forensic aviation and accident analysis.

Features: • Examines the organization factors in aviation safety and mission success • Explores the benefits of crew resource management and its value as a tool for increased safety • Discusses temporal factors affecting human performance and work efficiency • Provides a clear understanding of situation awareness requirements in the flight domain • Covers advances in crew station technology from the mechanical era through the electrooptical era • Includes a broad overview of flight simulation with an emphasis on emerging areas

Selected Contents:

"Everything you always wanted to know about cognitive task analysis or 'cognitive systems engineering' is collected and selected by Erik Hollnagel in Handbook of Cognitive Task Design. The 31 sections of this book are written by leading researchers from all over the world. As a comprehensive source of techniques, models, and methods for cognitive task design, it provides extensive reviews of theory, tools, techniques, and discussion that are indispensable to researcher practioners in this discipline." —HCI International NEWS

Catalog no. ER6759, June 2003, 840 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8058-4003-2, £159.00 Also available as an eBook

The Handbook of Task Analysis for HumanComputer Interaction Edited by

Dan Diaper

Bournemouth University, UK

Neville Stanton

Introduction: A Historical Overview of Human Factors in Aviation. Aviation Research and Development: A Framework for the Effective Practice of Human Factors, or “What Your Mentor Never Told You about a Career in Human Factors…” Measurement in Aviation Systems. Underpinnings of System Evaluation. Organizational Factors Associated with Safety and Mission Success in Aviation Environments. Human Capabilities and Performance: Engineering Safe Aviation Systems: Balancing Resilience and Stability. Processes Underlying Human Performance. Automation in Aviation Systems: Issues and Considerations. Team Process. Crew Resource Management. Fatigue and Biological Rhythms...

University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, UK

Catalog no. ER590X, December 2009, 704 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8058-5906-5, £99.00

Catalog no. ER6903, September 2003, 568 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8058-4433-7, £63.99

Also available as an eBook


"This volume clearly demonstrates that a huge amount of intriguing new findings exists, allowing deeper insight into the development of face processing. The book offers a broad overview of the process of development, from the nature of newborns' face processing to the modes of face processing in young children. The book encourages future lines of research on the multidimensional character of faces....For people working in this specific field the handbook undoubtedly will be valuable." —American Journal of Psychology

Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Ergonomics & Human Factors Handbook of Human Factors Testing and Evaluation

International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors

Second Edition Edited by

Second Edition, Three-Volume Set

Samuel G. Charlton

Edited by

University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Waldemar Karwowski University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

Thomas G. O'Brien O'Brien and Associates

"The handbook is not a quick or easy read, nor should it be. Its breadth of coverage justifies its hefty length, and I expect to continue to use it much as I might a thorough reference book: as a memory refresher in some of the methods and techniques, and to expand my ideas from another's perspective on applications." —Ergonomics in Design

Catalog no. ER6171, December 2011, 568 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8058-3291-4, £57.99

This three-volume set is a truly comprehensive reference guide to the professional world of ergonomics. Organized alphabetically by topic, this easy-to-use, simply formatted text provides a unified source of reliable, accessible information from the many realms of science and technology contributing to our knowledge of design for human use. It includes human characteristics, performance-related factors, display and control design, work design and organization, health and safety, social and economic issues, and a large collection of methods and techniques. It also reviews applications and tools as well as many innovative concepts related to ergonomic research.

Catalog no. TF1638, March 2006, 3728 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-30430-6, £636.00 Also available as an eBook

The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook

Handbook of Warnings Edited by

Michael S. Wogalter

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA Series: Human Factors and Ergonomics

A technical discussion that includes theory, research, and application, this book describes warning design standards and guidelines; aspects of law relevant to warnings such as government regulations, case/trial litigation, and the role of expert testimony in these cases; and international, health/medical, and marketing issues. Broken into 13 major sections, the chapters cover theory, research, applications, and law, and many different perspectives on topics associated with warnings. The Selected Applications and Case Studies section highlights topics of interest and gives realworld examples of problems and their solutions. No other book gives a more comprehensive treatment.

Catalog no. ER8464, January 2006, 864 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8058-4724-6, £115.00

Second Edition, Two-Volume Set William S. Marras

The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

Waldemar Karwowski

University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

This set features systematic applications of ergonomics theories and data in the design and management of many industries and businesses. It includes information on management, ergonomic design for facility planning, ergonomics for processing and distribution industries, and product design for occupational ergonomics. The books provide state-of-the-art theory and up-to-date practical knowledge required for effective management of ergonomics safety issues in the workplace. The books include discussions of cognitive factors, design of information devices and controls, multimodal information processing, and tolerances and variation in human performance.

Catalog no. 1939, February 2006, 1872 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8493-1939-6, £152.00

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Ergonomics & Human Factors / Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design

Handbook of Industrial Drying

Edited by

Third Edition

Matthew B. Weinger

Edited by

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Arun S. Mujumdar National University of Singapore

Michael E. Wiklund

Wiklund Research & Design, Inc., Concord, Massachusetts, USA

Daryle J. Gardner-Bonneau

Principal, Bonneau and Associates, Portage, Michigan, USA

Promoting the user-centric design of safe, effective, and usable medical devices, this book offers information on general and specific design guidelines. A comprehensive guide, it explores fundamental topics, general human factors principles, the design of specific interface elements, specific types of devices, and devices for particular use environments. It also includes expanded discussions of design issues, product design case studies, and supporting examples, tables, figures, and illustrations. The text contains cross references that make finding information quick and easy.

For two decades, Mujumdar’s industry-standard Handbook of Industrial Drying has been the quintessential source of state-of-the-art information in the field, and this third edition is no exception. In addition to several rewritten and many more revised chapters, chapters cover such topics as spreadsheet-aided dryer design, indirect and pneumatic drying, drying of nanosize products, enzymes, and textiles, and solid–liquid separation for pretreatment. The book also covers energy, safety, and control aspects in addition to technical topics.

Catalog no. DK4102, November 2006, 1312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-668-5, £191.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. ER562X, December 2010, 844 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8058-5627-9, £87.00 Also available as an eBook

Handbook of Control Room Design and Ergonomics


Roll Forming Handbook

A Perspective for the Future, Second Edition

Edited by

Edited by

Series: Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing

George T. Halmos

Delta Engineering Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toni Ivergard

Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand

Brian Hunt

Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Published two decades ago, the first edition of this bestselling handbook became the go-to reference for this field. With more than 20 new chapters and subchapters, this second edition delineates modern approaches that emphasize the role of people in learning for self-development and in shaping their work environments. Taking a holistic view, the authors make a strong argument for integrating the work of the new control centers in the context of society as a whole, including global concerns such as environmental protection, energy conservation, and sustainability.

This handbook is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the roll forming process, from conception to practical know-how. Detailed discussions reveal how material, equipment, tooling, and operator factors affect overall efficiency and product quality. Coverage spans from purchasing and specifying equipment to roll design, maintenance, safety, and operator training. Supplementing this information are discussions on troubleshooting, formed materials, and lubrication.

Catalog no. DK1201, November 2005, 584 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-9563-4, £140.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 64290, October 2008, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6429-2, £89.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Handbook of Machining with Grinding Wheels Ioan D. Marinescu, Mike Hitchiner, Eckart Uhlmann, W. Brian Rowe, and Ichiro Inasaki


Simulation Modeling Handbook A Practical Approach Edited by

Christopher A. Chung

Series: Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing

Presenting a comprehensive and detailed survey of conventional and cutting-edge grinding technologies, this book builds a strong understanding of the physical processes underlying various grinding operations. It combines the expertise and experience of renowned experts and supplies numerous diagrams and photographs to illustrate the concepts. After laying a foundation in the fundamentals of grinding processes, the authors address applications such as centerless and ultrasonic-assisted grinding.

Catalog no. DK4115, December 2006, 632 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-671-5, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Seabrook, Texas, USA

This book is a practical, easy-to-follow reference that offers up-to-date information and step-by-step procedures for conducting simulation studies. It provides sample simulation project support material, including checklists, data-collection forms, and sample simulation project reports and publications to facilitate practitioners' efforts in conducting simulation modeling and analysis projects.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Problem Definition. Project Planning. System Definition. Model Formulation. Input Data collection and Analysis. Model Transition. Verification and Validation. Experimentation and Analysis. Generating Conclusions and Recommendations. New Developments in Simulation Analysis.

Catalog no. 1241, July 2003, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1241-0, £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Operations Research and Management Science Handbook

Logistics Engineering Handbook

Edited by

Edited by

A. Ravi Ravindran

G. Don Taylor

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA Series: Operations Research

This comprehensive yet concise resource provides an overview of operations research methods and applications. Drawing on a mix of international authors, the handbook explores the latest topics in OR/MS and examines recent developments in the field. Anyone who uses analytical techniques in decision making will need this book.

Catalog no. 9721, December 2007, 904 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9721-9, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

Taking a unique engineering approach, the Logistics Engineering Handbook provides comprehensive coverage of traditional methods and contemporary topics. The book delineates basic concepts and practices, provides a tutorial for common problems and solution techniques, and discusses current topics that define the state of the logistics market. It covers background information that defines engineering logistics, activities and implementation, transportation management, enabling technologies, and emerging trends. Each chapter includes either a brief case study overview of an industrially motivated problem or a tutorial using fabricated data designed to highlight important issues.

Catalog no. 3053, December 2007, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3053-7, £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Engineering Design Reliability Handbook

Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations

Edited by

Efstratios Nikolaidis

University of Toledo, Ohio, USA

Adedeji B. Badiru

Dan M. Ghiocel

Air Force Institute of Technology, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Ghiocel Predictive Technologies, Pittsford, New York, USA

Olufemi A. Omitaomu

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA

Suren Singhal

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, USA

Industrial engineering practitioners don’t have to be computational experts. They just have to know where to get the computational resources that they need. This book provides access to computational resources needed by industrial engineers. It consists of several sections that each focus on a particular specialization area of industrial engineering. These include basic and engineering math, production engineering, engineering economics, ergonomics, systems and data engineering, project engineering, and simulation and statistical calculations. The book elucidates the underlying equations that facilitate the understanding required to improve design processes.

This book presents the perspectives of experts from the industry, national labs, and academia on nondeterministic approaches including probabilistic, interval and fuzzy sets-based methods, generalized information theory, Dempster-Shaffer evidence theory, and robust reliability. It includes coverage of advances in all important fields of reliability design including modeling of uncertainty, reliability assessment of both static and dynamic components and systems, design decision making in the face of uncertainty, and reliability validation. The book also discusses documented success stories and quantifies the benefits of these approaches.

Catalog no. 76272, September 2010, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7627-1, £87.00

Catalog no. 1180, December 2004, 1192 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1180-2, £115.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering

Quality Engineering Handbook

Second Edition, Four-Volume Set

Edited by

Thomas Pyzdek

Edited by

Pyzdek Consulting Inc., Tucson, Arizona, USA

Richard Crowson

Paul A. Keller

Clanton, Alabama, USA

Reflecting current trends and technologies, the Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering, Second Edition has expanded into four volumes. Each volume stands well on its own, and combined, they provide the most comprehensive and thorough coverage available. They may be purchased individually, for the specialist in need of a focused treatment, or as a set at a substantially reduced price and enclosed in an attractive slipcase. The volumes collectively cover product design and factory development, and factory operations, including planning, parts fabrication, and automated and manual assembly processes.

Catalog no. DK3135, January 2006, 2830 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-2341-5, £115.00

Quality America Inc. Series: Quality and Reliability

This handbook covers every essential topic required by the quality engineer for day-to-day practices in planning, testing, finance, and management and thoroughly examines and defines the principles and benefits of Six Sigma management and organization. The Quality Engineering Handbook provides expanded sections on management systems, leadership and facilitation principles and techniques, training, customer relations, documentation systems, and domestic and international standards.

Catalog no. DK2887, April 2003, 732 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-4614-8, £127.00

Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Materials Science Bestseller!

Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys Third Edition (Revised Reprint)


Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Yip-Wah Chung

David A. Porter

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

University of Oulu, Finland

Kenneth E. Easterling University of Exeter, UK

Mohamed Y. Sherif

SFK Research Center, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

Expanded and revised to cover developments in the field over the past 17 years, and now reprinted to correct errors in the prior printing, Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys, Third Edition provides information and examples that better illustrate the engineering relevance of this topic. It supplies a comprehensive overview of specific types of phase transformations, supplemented by practical case studies of engineering alloys.

This unique treatment of materials science builds the basis needed to select, modify, or create materials to meet specific criteria. From atomic bonding to biocompatibility, nanomaterials, and thin films, the author enhances each chapter with real-life examples, experiments, Chinese folk tales, or other interesting historical facts as well as exercises and discussion problems. The result is a complete and expertly-crafted work that entertains and inspires as much as it informs and educates.

Catalog no. 9263, December 2006, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9263-4, £73.99

Features: • Computer-aided calculation of phase diagrams • Recent developments in metallic glasses • The Scheil method of calculating a CCT diagram from a TTT diagram • Expanded treatment of the nucleation and growth of polygonal ferrite and bainite • New case studies covering copper precipitation hardening of very low carbon bainitic steel and very fine carbide-free bainite • Detailed treatment of strain-induced martensite provides a theoretical background to transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steels

Unique Presentation Links Theory to Application Adding new case studies, detailed examples, and exercises drawn from current applications, the third edition keeps the previous editions’, popular easy-tofollow style and excellent mix of basic and advanced information, making it ideal for those new to the field. The book’s unique presentation links basic understanding of theory with application in a gradually progressive yet exciting manner. Based on the author’s teaching notes, the book takes a pedagogical approach and provides examples for applications and problems that can be readily used for exercises. PowerPoint© illustrations available on an accompanying CD-ROM with qualifying course adoptions

Catalog no. 62107, February 2009, 520 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-6210-6, £47.99

Usability Testing of Medical Devices Michael E. Wiklund, Jonathan Kendler, and Allison Y. Strochlic

Wiklund Research & Design, Inc., Concord, Massachusetts, USA

Informative, practical, and engaging, this handbook covers how to conduct usability tests of medical devices. Recognizing that the intended readers are busy and disinclined to read lengthy textbooks, this book has been carefully designed to be concise and visual, allowing readers to jump from one section to another as needed. The book provides a general understanding of usability testing and reviews key concepts. It highlights the challenges of validating that protects against dangerous errors that could lead to patient injury and death.

Catalog no. K10595, December 2010, 412 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1183-2, £45.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Materials Science Bestseller!

Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings

Modern Ceramic Engineering

Three-Volume Set

Properties, Processing, and Use in Design, Third Edition

Edited by

Sam Zhang

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

David Richerson

Richerson and Associates, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Series: Materials Engineering

This third edition of Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, and Use in Design provides an introduction to the structure, properties, processing, design concepts, and applications of advanced ceramics. Updating the best-selling second edition with the advances in technology that have occurred since the previous edition, it emphasizes how and why ceramics differ from metals and organics and how to apply this knowledge to optimum materials selection.

Catalog no. DK4188, November 2005, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-693-7, £99.00


This timely three-volume set captures novel developments in the films and coatings area in relation to nanoscience and nanotechnology. For newcomers to the field, the books serve as introductions and stepping-stones to enter the field with little confusion. For experts, the books provide up-to-date information that can assist them in their research and help them contribute to the advancement of the technology. Figures, tables, and images are included in all three volumes.

Catalog no. 94351, June 2010, 1232 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9435-0, £191.00 Also available as an eBook


Coatings Technology Handbook Third Edition

Carbon Fibers and Their Composites

Edited by

Peter Morgan

Cambridgeshire, UK

Arthur A. Tracton

Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA

Series: Materials Engineering

The Coatings Technology Handbook supplies a broad cross-index of the different aspects involved in the discipline, giving general insight into the various topics. These include fundamentals as well as developments and standard coating methods and processing techniques, materials, and surface coatings. The authors help practicing chemists expand their awareness, problem-solving skills, and knowledge of coatings, inks, and adhesives. This edition covers material such as fluorocarbon resins, polyurethane thickeners, and high-temperature pigments. It also provides coverage of clays, surfactants, and metallic driers.

This unique guide to the fabrication of carbon fibers details the diverse manufacturing techniques for each type, correlating their advantages to applications. It examines precursor materials, relevant surface treatment, and sizing for each carbon fiber type available in the world market as well as types of matrices and fracture mechanics. It also presents practical guidelines on day-to-day operations of a carbon fiber plant, including essential analytical methods, testing, and solutions to possible problems during production.

Catalog no. DK4036, July 2005, 936 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-649-4, £165.00

Catalog no. DK2300, May 2005, 1200 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-0983-9, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Materials Science Bestseller!

Introduction to Composite Materials Design

Metamaterials Handbook

Second Edition

Edited by

Ever J. Barbero

Filippo Capolino

West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA

University of California, Irvine, USA

Series: Composite Materials: Design and Analysis

Series: Metamaterials Handbook

Completely revised and updated, this second edition of a bestseller contains new chapters on damage mechanics, fabric reinforced composites, and external strengthening for infrastructure. It covers design aspects such as fiber and matrix selection, fabrication processes, prediction of material properties, and structural analysis and design of beams, plates, and shells, including many fully developed examples. Instructional materials (including PowerPoint slides), special software coordinated with the book, and other pedagogical tools are available.

Catalog no. 79158, July 2010, 562 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7915-9, £66.99

Two-Volume Slipcase Set

Summarizing the state of the art in electromagnetic artificial materials (or metamaterials), from microwave to optical ranges, the Metamaterials Handbook covers all aspects of the field in two separate volumes. It organizes all conceivable aspects of the results of various years of research in this exciting area, serving as a guide for both industry and academic researchers, as well as for designers using artificial materials for electronic devices across the entire frequency spectrum, from megahertz to optical frequencies.

Catalog no. 53620, October 2009, 1736 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5362-3, £118.00

Also available as an eBook

Corrosion Resistance Tables


Metals, Nonmetals, Coatings, Mortars, Plastics, Elastomers, and Linings and Fabrics, Fifth Edition, Four-Volume Set Edited by

Philip A. Schweitzer, P.E.

Consultant, York, Pennsylvania, USA Series: Corrosion Technology

This single-source tabular guide to materials used in the construction of all system components reflects the latest technological developments and research on material usage to show each material’s suitability, performance, and ability to resist corrosive effects. The new edition includes tables for 83 additional corrodents covered for the first time.

Catalog no. DK1296, March 2004, 912 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-5672-7, £636.00

Industrial Fire Protection Handbook Second Edition R. Craig Schroll FIRECON, East Earl, Pennsylvania, USA

Uniquely focused, this handbook provides a practical guide for improving fire prevention and protection within a work environment. The book offers practical techniques and a performance-oriented approach to effective fire protection and safety and promotes understanding of the issues involved with fire loss prevention and control and the application of proven techniques to a work environment. It establishes best practices that often go beyond basic regulatory and code compliance.

Catalog no. TX587, March 2002, 252 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58716-058-5, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Materials Science Handbook of Conducting Polymers

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

Two-Volume Set

A Practical Introduction, Second Edition

Edited by

Terje A. Skotheim

Intex, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Kevin P. Menard

John R. Reynolds

Perkins-Elmer Corporation, Denton, Texas, USA

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Second Edition continues to give chemists, engineers, and materials scientists a starting point for applying DMA to their fields. It imparts a clear understanding of how DMA works, its advantages, and its possible limitations. Additional topics include stress/strain, data handling, experimental technology, test methods, and data analysis. This easy-to-read guide gathers the most pertinent information available on this important technique and remains one of the only references dedicated to DMA.

Catalog no. 53124, May 2008, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5312-8, £80.99 Also available as an eBook

University of Florida, Gainesville, USA Series: Handbook of Conducting Polymers, Third Edition

Now available in a two-volume set, the Handbook of Conducting Polymers, Third Edition incorporates the latest developments in both the fundamental science and applications of polymers. Conjugated Polymers: Theory, Synthesis, Properties, and Characterization, examines the theories, synthetic methods, and fundamental physical aspects needed to understand the behavior and performance of conjugated polymers. Conjugated Polymers: Processing and Applications, concentrates on the numerous processing methods for conducting polymers and their integration into various devices and applications.

Catalog no. DK4093, January 2007, 1680 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-665-4, £184.00 Also available as an eBook

Powder Technology Handbook


Third Edition

Physical Metallurgy

Edited by

Hiroaki Masuda Nishinomiya, Japan

Second Edition

Ko Higashitani

William F. Hosford

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Kyoto University, Japan

Hideto Yoshida

Hiroshima University, Japan

Continuing the tradition of the bestselling Powder Technology Handbook, this definitive source examines the fundamental engineering processes of particulate technology. Combining several sections for easier reference, the third edition has been updated and expanded by nearly 30 percent, including newly developed areas such as simulation, surface analysis, and nanoparticles.

Catalog no. DK4709, January 2006, 920 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-782-8, £118.00 Also available as an eBook

This book combines theoretical concepts, real alloy systems, processing procedures, and examples of realworld applications. It reviews properties common to all metals before discussing specific nonferrous alloy systems, iron-carbon alloys, special steels, low carbon sheet steel, and cast irons. The author examines powder metallurgy, corrosion, welding, and magnetic alloys. The book includes appendices on microstructural analysis, stereographic projection, and the Miller–Bravais system for hexagonal crystals. Engaging historical and contemporary examples relate to the applications of concepts in each chapter, and ample references and sample problems are provided throughout.

Catalog no. K10701, April 2010, 441 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1360-7, £66.99 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Materials Science / Nanoscience & Technology Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Second Edition, Two-Volume Set Edited by

George E. Totten

Edited by

Portland State University, Oregon, USA

Ketul Popat

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Series: Steel Heat Treatment Handbook, Second Edition

The second edition of this bestselling handbook now offers extended coverage in two self-contained volumes: Metallurgy and Technologies and Equipment and Process Design. Together, these volumes provide a classical foundation while integrating advances to impact this enduring technology. Topics include treatments for tool steels, stainless steels, powder metallurgy components and vacuum processes, steel transformation mechanisms, nomenclature/classifications, steel treatment in gaseous atmospheres, and distortion of heat-treated components. This work is a well-rounded resource for everyday use by advanced students and practitioners in metallurgy, process design, heat treatment, and mechanical and materials engineering.

Catalog no. DK3125, November 2006, 1576 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-2741-3, £165.00

Materials Characterization Techniques Sam Zhang and Lin Li Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Ashok Kumar

University of South Florida, Tampa, USA

Referred to as “nanomedicine” or “nanobiomedicine,” the application of nanotechnology to medicine can impact diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diseases, as well as the control and understanding of biological systems. Bringing together an unparalleled field of experts, this volume explores various aspects of nanotechnology and its applications in biomedical fields. The book uses an application-oriented approach to relate laboratory-based research to the development of technologies that are easily adaptable to an industry environment, focusing chiefly on drug delivery, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.

Catalog no. K10090, November 2010, 302 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0141-3, £80.99 Also available as an eBook

Nanoscale Physics for Materials Science Takaaki Tsurumi, Hiroyuki Hirayama, Martin Vacha, and Tomoyasu Taniyama

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

With an emphasis on practical applications and realworld case studies, this volume presents the principles of widely used advanced surface and structural characterization techniques for quality assurance, contamination control, and process improvement. The book reviews the most popular and powerful analysis and quality control tools, explaining the appropriate uses and related technical requirements. Topics include Auger electron and UV spectroscopy; atomic force, transmission electron, and laser confocal scanning florescent microscopy; and gel electrophoresis chromatography.

Exploring the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials at the nanoscale level, this text covers fundamental cross-disciplinary concepts in materials science and engineering. It presents a comprehensive description of the physical phenomena and changes that can be expected when macroscopically sized materials are reduced to the nanometer level. The authors link physical phenomena with recent scientific and technological developments and present an overview of quantum mechanics and the band structure of solids. Problem sets are included at the end of each chapter.

Catalog no. 42947, December 2008, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4294-8, £69.99

Catalog no. K10051, December 2009, 287 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0059-1, £61.99

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Nanoscience & Technology Bestseller!

Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Gabor L. Hornyak

NanoThread, Inc., Golden, Colorado, USA

Harry F. Tibbals

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

Joydeep Dutta


John J. Moore

Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology

Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

The maturation of nanotechnology has revealed it to be a unique and distinct discipline rather than a specialization within a larger field. Its textbook cannot afford to be a chemistry, physics, or engineering text focused on nano. It must be an integrated, multidisciplinary, and specifically nano textbook. The archetype of the modern nano textbook, Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology builds a solid background in characterization and fabrication methods while integrating the physics, chemistry, and biology facets. The remainder of this color text focuses on applications, examining engineering aspects as well as nanomaterials and industry-specific applications in such areas as energy, electronics, and biotechnology. Also available in two course-specific volumes: Introduction to Nanoscience elucidates the nanoscale along with the societal impacts of nanoscience, then presents an overview of characterization and fabrication methods. The authors systematically discuss the chemistry, physics, and biology aspects of nanoscience, providing a complete picture of the challenges, opportunities, and inspirations posed by each facet before giving a brief glimpse at nanoscience in action: nanotechnology. Fundamentals of Nanotechnology surveys the field’s broad landscape, exploring the physical basics such as nanorheology, nanofluidics, and nanomechanics as well as industrial concerns such as manufacturing, reliability, and safety. The authors then explore the vast range of nanomaterials and systematically outline devices and applications in various industrial sectors. Qualifying instructors who purchase either of these volumes (or the combined set) are given online access to a wealth of instructional materials. These include detailed lecture notes, review summaries, slides, exercises, and more. The authors provide enough material for both one- and two-semester courses.

Third Edition, Three-Volume Set Marc J. Madou

University of California, Irvine, USA

Now in its third edition, Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology continues to provide the most complete MEMS coverage available. Thoroughly revised and updated, the new edition of this perennial bestseller has been expanded to three volumes, reflecting the substantial growth of this field. It includes a wealth of theoretical and practical information on nanotechnology and NEMS and offers background and comprehensive information on materials, processes, and manufacturing options. The first volume offers a rigorous theoretical treatment of micro- and nanosciences, and includes sections on solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, crystallography, and fluidics. The second volume presents a very large set of manufacturing techniques for micro- and nanofabrication and covers different forms of lithography, material removal processes, and additive technologies. The third volume focuses on manufacturing techniques and applications of bio-MEMS and bio-NEMS. Illustrated in color throughout, this seminal work is a cogent instructional text, providing classroom and self-learners with worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems. The author characterizes and defines major research areas and illustrates them with examples pulled from the most recent literature and from his own work.

Catalog no. 3180, August 2011, 1992 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0, ÂŁ159.00

Catalog no. 47795, December 2008, 1640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4779-0, ÂŁ96.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Occupational Health & Safety Bestseller!

Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health


CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety Fifth Edition

Second Edition

A. Keith Furr

Charles D. Reese

University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

James Vernon Eidson Ashford, Connecticut, USA

A practical guide for eliminating safety and health hazards from construction worksites, the Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health addresses the occupational safety and health issues faced by those working in the construction industry. The book covers a vast range of issues including program development; safety and health program implementation; intervention and prevention of construction incidents, regulatory interpretations, understanding, and compliance; OSHA's expectation; health and safety hazards faced by those working in the construction industry; and sources of information. Highlighting contract liability and multi-employer sites, this second edition features updates for construction regulations, construction job audit, training requirements, and OSHA regulations. It includes new record-keeping guidelines and forms with additional material on focused inspections. Containing updated contact information for the newest agencies, the text also presents a model safety and health program, examples of accident analysis and prevention approaches, sample safety and health checklists, and more than 200 illustrations. Taking a comprehensive approach to construction safety and health, the authors address issues seldom discussed in the construction arena such as perceptions and motivation while also discussing issues gleaned from the safety and health disciplines such as the analyzing of incidents and accident prevention techniques. Including an in-depth discussion of regulations promulgated by the OSHA, the book lays the foundation upon which to build stronger safety and health initiatives, while intervening and preventing jobsite deaths, injuries, and illnesses.

Catalog no. 6546, March 2006, 984 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-6546-1, £76.99 Also available as an eBook

Consultant, Brooksville, Florida, USA

The CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition provides information on planning and building a facility, developing an organization infrastructure, planning for emergencies and contingencies, choosing the correct equipment, developing operational plans, and meeting regulatory requirements. It includes OSHA laboratory safety standards and NRC radiation safety standards, guidelines for x-ray use, enforcement of standards for dealing with bloodborne pathogens, OSHA actions covering hazardous waste operations, and emergency response and CDC guidelines.

Catalog no. 2523, April 2000, 808 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2523-6, £159.00 Also available as an eBook

Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Edited by

Danuta Koradecka

Central Institute for Labor Protection, National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland Series: Human Factors and Ergonomics

Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book examines how to best protect humans in working environments. The author presents a wide range of methods along with specific criteria for assessing hazard and exposure in the workplace environment; more importantly, she also offers ways to reduce these hazards. Examining the technical, medical, and organizational aspects of work processes, this comprehensive text provides coverage of basic risk factors, law-based protection of labor, shaping conditions of occupational safety and ergonomics, psychophysical capabilities of humans in the working environment, and much more.

Catalog no. K10349, May 2010, 662 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0684-5, £66.99 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Occupational Health & Safety / Environmental Science and Engineering Process Plants


A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design, Second Edition

Hydrology in Practice Fourth Edition

Trevor A. Kletz Paul Amyotte

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

This second edition of a bestseller provides a wellillustrated resource that comprehensively covers the design of inherently safer and user-friendly plants. The book demonstrates how chemical plants can withstand human error and equipment failures without serious effects on safety, output, or efficiency. This edition features chapters that outline the role of inherently safer design in explosion prevention and mitigation and the link between inherently safer design and process safety design. Sections address the hierarchy of controls and highlight human factors in determining risk. The text also includes case studies that review major process incidents.

Catalog no. K10249, May 2010, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0455-1, £66.99 Also available as an eBook


The Psychology of Safety Handbook E. Scott Geller

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

This psychology classic provides everything required to decrease the frequency and severity of accidental injuries in any organization. He covers all areas of psychology directly relevant to understanding and influencing safety-related behaviors. The cause of many injuries can be attributed to at-risk behavior or insufficient safe behavior. The Psychology of Safety Handbook not only teaches principles and practical procedures for improving safety-related behaviors, but also illustrates how to increase people's willingness to use these techniques to create a "Total Safety Culture."

Elizabeth M. Shaw, Keith J. Beven, Nick A. Chappell, and Rob Lamb Hydrology in Practice is an excellent and very successful introductory text for engineering hydrology students who go on to be practitioners in consultancies, the Environment Agency, and elsewhere. This fourth edition of Hydrology in Practice, while retaining all that is excellent about its predecessor, by Elizabeth M. Shaw, replaces the material on the Flood Studies Report with an equivalent section on the methods of the Flood Estimation Handbook and its revisions. Other completely revised sections on instrumentation and modelling reflect the many changes that have occurred over recent years. The updated text has taken advantage of the extensive practical experience of the staff of JBA Consulting who use the methods described on a day-to-day basis. Topical case studies further enhance the text and the way in which students at undergraduate and MSc level can relate to it. The fourth edition will also have a wider appeal outside the UK by including new material on hydrological processes, which also relate to courses in geography and environmental science departments. In this respect the book draws on the expertise of Keith J. Beven and Nick A. Chappell, who have extensive experience of field hydrological studies in a variety of different environments, and have taught undergraduate hydrology courses for many years. Second- and final-year undergraduate (and MSc) students of hydrology in engineering, environmental science, and geography departments across the globe, as well as professionals in environmental protection agencies and consultancies, will find this book invaluable. It is likely to be the course text for every undergraduate/MSc hydrology course in the UK and in many cases overseas too.

Catalog no. RU53848, July 2010, 560 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-37042-4, £35.00

Catalog no. L1540, December 2000, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-540-0, £96.00 Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Environmental Science and Engineering Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes Physical, Chemical, and Biological David Hendricks

The Water Encyclopedia Third Edition, Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources Edited by

Pedro Fierro, Jr. and Evan K. Nyer

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Carefully designed to balance coverage of theoretical and practical principles, this textbook delineates the principles that support practice, using the unit processes approach as the organizing concept. Since technologies change but principles remain constant, the author identifies strands of theory rather than discusses the latest technologies, giving students a clear understanding of basic principles. With chapter glossaries, sidebars, illustrative examples, spreadsheet tables, problems, and a solutions manual, this book offers a complete presentation of the full scope of biological treatment. Additional supporting material is available for download on the web.

Catalog no. 61917, November 2010, 927 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6191-8, £80.99

ARCADIS, Tampa, Florida, USA

A definitive compilation of hydrologic and geologic data, The Water Encyclopedia: Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources, Third Edition identifies the most current information on a wide range of waterrelated topics. The book addresses the accessibility, content, quality, and general characteristics of data sets on the Internet. It features hyperlinks throughout the text, an indexed summary of links, and a companion website with an updated collection of hyperlinks to data sets and software.

Catalog no. L1645, February 2007, 1880 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-645-2, £184.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Encyclopedia of Water Science

The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering Second Edition

Second Edition

Edited by

Stanley W. Trimble

Jacques W. Delleur

Filled with figures, images, and illustrations previously unavailable in print publications, the Encyclopedia of Water Science provides the most effective procedures in agricultural water engineering. It unveils a wide spectrum of design concepts, methods, and solutions for enhanced performance of water quality, treatment, conservation, and irrigation methods, as well as improved water efficiency in agricultural programs. A direct and reliable source for best practices in water handling, preservation, and recovery, the encyclopedia addresses the myriad challenges in the provision of safe water supplies.

A complete treatment of the theory and practice of groundwater engineering, this second edition includes chapters on such topics as historical developments, infiltration and run-on under spatially variable hydrologic properties, sea water intrusion into coastal aquifers, groundwater and heat flow, groundwater model validation, scale issues, groundwater sustainability, the impact of climate change, and ecohydrology. It also contains updated chapters on elementary groundwater flow, transport processes, two- and three-dimensional flow, modeling the movement of water and solute through preferential flow paths, geostatistics, and more.

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Catalog no. DK9627, December 2007, 1586 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9627-4, £700.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 4316, November 2006, 1320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-4316-2, £120.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Environmental Science and Engineering Bestseller!

Treatment Wetlands


Second Edition

Lake and Pond Management Guidebook

Robert H. Kadlec

Wetland Management Services, Chelsea, Michigan, USA

Scott Wallace

Steve McComas This classic guidebook is the "bible" for small-scale lake and pond improvements. It contains over 300 ideas and projects that provide step-by-step, practical, lowcost solutions to a wide range of problems that lake management professionals face on a regular basis. This updated and expanded second edition includes material on protecting and restoring the shoreland area, practical algae control techniques, enhancing native aquatic plants, historical lake management efforts, and pond management, including storm water pond improvements.

Catalog no. L1630, January 2003, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-630-8, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Santec, Minnesota, USA

Completely revised and updated, Treatment Wetlands, Second Edition is still the most comprehensive resource available for planning, designing, and operating wetland treatment systems. It provides engineers and scientists with a complete reference source that includes: detailed information on wetland ecology, design for consistent performance, sitespecific studies, estimated costs, construction guidance, and operational control through effective monitoring. Case histories of operational wetland treatment systems illustrate the variety of design approaches presented allowing readers to tailor them to the needs of their projects.

Catalog no. L1526, July 2008, 1016 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-526-4, £93.00


Also available as an eBook

Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems


Wetland Plants Biology and Ecology Julie K. Cronk

Biological Science Consultant, Wayland, Michigan, USA

M. Siobhan Fennessy

Third Edition David Jenkins, Michael G. Richard and Glen T. Daigger Using the science needed to understand and combat all types of activated sludge solids separation problems, this classic text provides a concise, comprehensive guide to all aspects of bulking and foaming control. Scientific theory is applied to real-world scenarios, greatly increasing the number of practical, demonstrable examples of successful control methods. It covers filamentous organism growth and its application in the control of sludge bulking and foaming. The book also includes lab techniques, theoretical considerations, design and control methods, and numerous case histories.

Catalog no. L1647, August 2003, 216 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-56670-647-6, £73.99

Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, USA

A detailed account of the biology and ecology of vascular wetland plants and their applications in wetland plant science, Wetland Plants: Biology and Ecology presents a synthesis of wetland plant studies and reviews plant biology, plant physiology, evolution, genetics, community and population ecology, environmental science, and engineering. It contains up-to-date information for anyone planning research, writing grant proposals, or designing research protocols. Over 140 figures allow readers to visualize the concepts, and 40 tables give easy access to definitions and data. International examples provide a broad base of information.

Catalog no. L1372, June 2001, 482 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-372-7, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Environmental Science and Engineering Bestseller!

Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook


Karl B. Schnelle, Jr.

Third Edition

Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Charles A. Brown

VECO Pacific, Inc., Bellingham, Washington, USA

Covering all alternative air pollution control processes, the Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook serves as a detailed reference for the practicing engineer who prepares the basic process engineering and cost estimation required for the design of an air pollution control system. It covers the topics in depth so that the reader can proceed with the basic equipment design and apply the methods and design equations presented. Using this book, the engineer will be able to select techniques for control, review alternative design methods, review equipment proposals from vendors, evaluate the costs of control equipment, and prepare a detailed equipment design.

Catalog no. 9588, October 2001, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9588-8, £140.00 Also available as an eBook

Michael C. Newman

College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA

Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology details key environmental contaminants, explores their fate and cycling in the biosphere, and discusses bioaccumulation and the effects of contaminants at increasing levels of ecological organization. It also covers regulatory aspects of the field and discusses key U.S., European, and Chinese legislation and policy. It provides study questions, a detailed glossary, and international case studies by leading world-known experts.

Catalog no. 67044, September 2009, 571 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6704-0, £61.99 Also available as an eBook


Handbook of Ecotoxicology


Second Edition

Basic Hazardous Waste Management

Edited by

Third Edition

G. Allen Burton, Jr.

William C. Blackman, Jr. Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

A bestselling classic, Basic Hazardous Waste Management provides a broad overview of hazardous waste management. It covers the roles of science and technology in the standards-setting processes. The author presents updated and expanded materials on environmental issues and impacts, hazardous waste treatment technologies, site assessment, waste minimization, emergency response, regulatory and policy statutes, medical/biomedical and infectious waste, underground storage tank, and radioactive waste management. In short, the book has been completely revised to present valuable, timely information for anyone interested in hazardous waste management.

Catalog no. L1533, June 2001, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-533-2, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

David J. Hoffman and Barnett A. Rattner

U.S. Geological Survey, Laurel, Maryland, USA Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

John Cairns, Jr.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

With contributions from more than 75 international experts, this second edition focuses on toxic substances and how they affect ecosystems worldwide. It presents methods for quantifying and measuring ecotoxicological effects in the field and in the lab, as well as methods for estimating, predicting, and modeling in ecotoxicology studies. Topics include exposure and sensitivity of amphibians to environmental contaminants, endocrine disrupters, the role of environmental contaminants in species endangerment, nutrient and contaminant interactions, QSARs, selenium, indirect effects of pesticides on wildlife, genetic effects of contaminant exposure, and ecological risk assessment examples.

Catalog no. L1546, November 2002, 1312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-546-2, £165.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Environmental Science and Engineering Bestseller!

Living with the Earth


Environmental Compliance Handbook

Third Edition, Concepts in Environmental Health Science

Second Edition Jacob I. Bregman and Robert D. Edell

Gary S. Moore Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Bregman & Company Inc.

This book incorporates traditional concepts of environmental health with controversies regarding environmental threats to human health, such as the link between air pollutants and asthma as well as the role of pollution in cancer risk. This edition also features chapters on emerging diseases and emergency preparedness, including the significant reasons for the emergence of these diseases and the main etiological agents related to them. The text balances its presentation by offering opposing views of major issues, ranging from the greenhouse effect to reproductive problems associated with endocrine disruptors.

If your organization was subject to the thousands of federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations in effect in the U.S. at the turn of the century, the Environmental Compliance Handbook, Second Edition should be within easy reach. Thousands of professionals have benefited from the bestselling classic. This practical, comprehensive book simplifies the complex world of environmental law and compliance and describes, in everyday language, the major federal laws and regulations at the turn of the century, as well as the critical state requirements appended to them.

Catalog no. 7998, April 2007, 632 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7998-7, £44.99

Catalog no. L1565, November 2001, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-565-3, £120.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Emergency Response Handbook for Chemical and Biological Agents and Weapons

Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security Second Edition Edited by

Prasad Thenkabail

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

Second Edition

John G. Lyon

John R. Cashman

Clifton, Virginia, USA

Consultant, Barre, Vermont, USA

Updated and revised to reflect numerous advances that have evolved since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, this second edition maintains its status as a thorough reference and training manual for emergency responders, government agencies, hospitals, and commercial sectors handling incidents involving nuclear, biological, and chemical materials. This edition includes coverage of field first aid, procedures for on-scene coordination, detectors, diagnostic methods, hazard analyses, vaccines, decontamination techniques, antidotes, and drug treatments. The book also reviews the relevant progress and future goals for military forces.

Catalog no. 52659, March 2008, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5265-7, £73.99 Also available as an eBook


Hugh Turral

On the Street Productions, Melbourne, Australia

Chandrashekhar Biradar

University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA

A complete review of practical mapping technologies based on advanced remote sensing data and methods, this book provides approaches for estimating irrigated and rainfed cropland areas and their water use on a national, continental, or global basis. It offers case studies from a variety of continents highlighting the subtle requirements of each. In a very practical way it demonstrates the experience, utility, and models for determining water resources used and resulting yields of irrigated and rainfed croplands.

Catalog no. 90097, June 2009, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9009-3, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press

Environmental Science and Engineering Bestseller!

Digital Terrain Modeling Principles and Methodology Zhilin Li

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon

GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering Second Edition Allan Brimicombe

Qing Zhu

Wuhan University, Hubei, China

Christopher Gold

University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales

Written by experts, Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology provides comprehensive coverage of the entire field. The topics include terrain analysis, sampling strategy, acquisition methodology, surface modeling principles, triangulation algorithms, interpolation techniques, online and offline quality control in data acquisition, DTM accuracy assessment and mathematical models for DTM accuracy prediction, multi-scale representation, data management, contouring, visual analysis (or visualization), the derivation of various types of terrain parameters, and future development and applications.

Catalog no. TF1732, November 2004, 323 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-32462-5, £82.99

University of East London, UK

Promoting the critical thinking needed for the effective applications of these systems and their analytical outputs, this book explores how to use GIS and external models to solve real environmental problems. The text defines GIS, identifies how data is structured, and explains common functionality. The author discuss modeling from a neutral scientific perspective in its role of simulating phenomena, as well as from a more specific perspective in its role within environmental science and engineering. The book provides case studies and covers issues such as interoperability, data quality, model validity, space-time dynamics, and decision-support systems.

Catalog no. K10429, December 2009, 378 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0870-2, £69.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources Engineering

Local Models for Spatial Analysis Second Edition

Lynn E. Johnson

Christopher D. Lloyd

GIS technology is increasingly used in water resources engineering in a variety of ways. This book provides a fundamental understanding of GIS, including how to develop and analyze geographic data, how to differentiate between the various types of geographic data, and how to assess the operational requirements needed to implement GIS. With an introduction to primary remote sensing as well as methods of interpretation and analysis, the text focuses on how GIS data can be applied to water resource analysis models. Such applications include water supply demand forecasting, hydrologic modeling watersheds, modeling erosion, and non-point sources of water pollution.

With chapters addressing spatial patterning in single variables and spatial relations, this second edition provides guidance to a wide variety of real-world problems. Focusing on solutions, it presents a complete introduction to key concepts and a clear mapping of the methods discussed. The text explores connections between methods. In addition, every chapter now includes links to key related studies. The author clearly distinguishes between local and global methods and provides more detailed coverage of geographical weighting, image texture measures, local spatial autocorrelation, and multicollinearity and geographically weighted regression.

Catalog no. 69136, December 2008, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6913-6, £87.00

Catalog no. K11433, October 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2919-6, £59.99

University of Colorado, Denver, USA

Also available as an eBook

Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press


Environmental Science and Engineering Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology


Ecological Risk Assessment

Second Edition Edited by

Second Edition

John D. Bossler

Glenn W. Suter II

The Ohio State University, Dublin, USA

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Robert B. McMaster

University of Minnesota, USA

Chris Rizos

University of New South Wales, Australia

James B. Campbell Virginia Tech, USA

Following in the tradition of its popular predecessor, the Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, Second Edition continues to be the authoritative guide for setting up and managing GIS projects. Significantly updated and expanded to reflect advances in the technology, applications, and usage of the geospatial sciences, the text introduces the fundamentals in mathematics and physics needed to perform area-wide mapping, inventory, data conversion, and analysis. An expanded index, revised figures, a color insert, and an easier-to-read format are among the many improvements to this edition.

Catalog no. 87339, March 2010, 854 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8733-8, £134.00 Also available as an eBook

The Global Positioning System and ArcGIS

The definitive reference in its field, Ecological Risk Assessment, Second Edition details advances in science and practice. Delineating the processes for performing an ERA, the book begins by defining the field, then goes on to describe its relationship to other environmental assessment practices and its organizational framework. The book includes a chapter on ecological epidemiology, which has previously been treated as a type of ERA, but is now recognized as a distinct practice in itself. It explores important concepts in the ERA process including probability, uncertainty, scale, mode of action and multiple causes.

Catalog no. L1634, December 2006, 680 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-634-6, £80.99 Also available as an eBook

Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health Second Edition Edited by

Sven E. Jørgensen Copenhagen University, Denmark

Fu-Liu Xu

Third Edition

Peking University, Beijing, China

Michael Kennedy

Robert Costanza

Retaining the in-depth description of GPS and its applications to GIS that made previous editions so popular, this third edition includes a discussion of general procedures that allows the text to be applicable to a variety of hardware/software products. It details how to use GPS as a source of input to GIS regardless of the data capture mechanism. Updates to this edition include ArcGis Desktop, ESRI software, and an accompanying CD with GPS data sets for exercises in Trimble SSF and ESRI shapefile formats.

This second edition of a bestseller provides a comprehensive account of ecological indicators for evaluating the health of a wide variety of ecosystems. It presents a proven framework for selecting, evaluating, and validating ecological indicators and applies this framework to major ecosystem types, including coastal areas, forests, wetlands, fisheries, and agricultural land. With numerous examples and case studies, it provides a complete overview of all relevant ecological indicators, including thermodynamics, resilience estimates, and exergy and energy indicators and applies them to a number of important ecosystems.

Gund Institute of Vermont, USA

University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

Catalog no. 87991, July 2009, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8799-4, £69.99


Catalog no. K10465, April 2010, 498 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0936-5, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Classics from CRC Press

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