CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

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CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

Contents Biomedical Science Biomedical Engineering ........................................................................................3 Biotechnology ......................................................................................................................................4 Chemical Engineering ........................................................................................................................5 Clean Tech............................................................................................................................................7 Systems & Management Resources ....................................................................................................9 Environmental Science & Engineering ..............................................................................................11 Civil Engineering ................................................................................................................................15 Computer & Electrical Engineering....................................................................................................19 Mechanical Engineering ....................................................................................................................28 Ergonomics & Human Factors ..........................................................................................................36 Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing ..........................................................................................37 Materials Science ..............................................................................................................................39 Allied Health Medicine ......................................................................................................................41 Math for Engineers ............................................................................................................................41 Nanoscience & Technology ..............................................................................................................42 Occupational Health & Safety ..........................................................................................................43 Water Science & Engineering ............................................................................................................44

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Biomedical Science and Engineering Biomedical Sensors and Instruments Second Edition

Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics

Tatsuo Tagawa

Second Edition

Waseda University, Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan

Cynthia Furse, Douglas A. Christensen, and Carl H. Durney

Toshiyo Tamura Chiba University, Japan

P. Åke Öberg Linköping University, Sweden

The living body is a difficult object to measure: accurate measurements of physiological signals require sensors and instruments capable of high specificity and selectivity that do not interfere with the systems under study. As a result, detailed knowledge of sensor and instrument properties is required to be able to select the “best” sensor from one of the many designed to meet these challenges.

Features: • The organization of topics makes it easy to find the best possible choice of sensors for each measurement situation • More than 300 updated figures and tables facilitate an intuitive understanding • Numerous examples of sensor applications demonstrate practical methods of research • References at the end of each chapter provide convenient sources for further study

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

This revised and updated edition facilitates the process of interdisciplinary research by introducing life scientists to the basic concepts of electromagnetic fields. The book outlines elements of EM that are helpful to life scientists working with physicists and electrical engineers. Each concept is presented with an associated application and discussion. Example applications include MRI, NMR, ultrasound, hyperthermia, neural stimulation, and cardiac pacing/defibrillation. With the liberal use of diagrams and graphs, this text covers the entire frequency spectrum through optical frequencies from a qualitative perspective beneficial to life scientists.

Catalog no. 55429, March 2009, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5542-9, £69.99 Also available as an eBook

From the underlying principles to practical applications, this updated edition of Biomedical Sensors and Instruments provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the various kinds of biomedical sensors. The book presents state-of-the-art discussions of sensors for the measurements of pressure, flow, motion, temperature, heat flow, evaporation, biopotential, biomagnetism, and chemical quantities.

Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems

Selected Contents:

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Fundamental Concepts. Pressure Measurements. Flow Measurement. Motion and Force Measurement. Temperature, Heat Flow, and Evaporation Measurements. Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Measurements. Chemical Measurements.

Catalog no. 9078X, March 2011, 423 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9078-9, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Edited by

James C. Lin Spanning static fields to terahertz waves, this volume explores the range of consequences electromagnetic fields have on the human body. Topics discussed include essential interactions and field coupling phenomena; electric field interactions in cells, focusing on ultrashort, pulsed high-intensity fields; dosimetry or coupling of ELF fields into biological systems; and the historical developments and recent trends in numerical dosimetry. It also discusses mobile communication devices and the dosimetry of RF radiation into the human body, exposure and dosimetry associated with MRI and spectroscopy, and available data on the interaction of terahertz radiation with biological tissues, cells, organelles, and molecules.

Catalog no. K12740, October 2011, 458 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5999-5, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Biotechnology Biotechnology A Comprehensive Training Guide for the Biotechnology Industry

Orthopaedic Biomechanics Edited by

Beth A. Winkelstein

Syed Imtiaz Haider and Anika Ashtok

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Julphar Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, United Arab Emirates

This book presents state-of-the-art developments of orthopedic biomechanics across tissues in the musculoskeletal system at all size scales and with direct relevance to engineering and clinical applications. Discussing the relationship between mechanical loading, function, and biological performance, it first reviews basic structure-function relationships for most major orthopaedic tissue types followed by the mostrelevant structures of the body. It then addresses multiscale modeling and biologic considerations. It concludes with a look at applications of biomechanics, focusing on recent advances in theory, technology, and applied engineering approaches.

Empowered with expert advice, this guide provides concise information covering the concepts and techniques needed to ensure product consistency, potency, efficacy, and safety in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries. A valuable quality tool for both new and existing manufacturers, this text presents step-by-step guidance for optimizing research and maximizing expenditures so as to gain a competitive advantage. It discusses ways to avoid delays to market, reduce product and process failures, develop skilled employees, and maintain both local and international regulatory compliance. The book includes a companion CD that offers customizable training information.

Catalog no. K12804, December 2012, c. 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6093-9, £114.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 84488, April 2009, 868 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-8448-1, £69.99 Also available as an eBook

Biomechanics of Human Motion Applications in the Martial Arts

Bioseparation Technology

Emeric Arus International Sendo-Ryu Karatedo Federation, Astoria, New York, USA

Neeraj Mishra and Akhilesh Dubey

This book provides an overview of human motion studies (biomechanics) using martial arts as extensive examples and references to fundamental theory. It covers in depth the anatomical foundation of biomechanics, the biomechanical and physiological foundation of human motion, and fundamentals of biomechanics. The book begins with musculoskeletal anatomy of the most important muscles and their functions. The author describes the biomechanical and physiological foundations of human motion. He covers kinematics and kinetics—the core of biomechanics—and includes examples for martial arts and sports activities that emphasize the concepts described.

Designed for those with a background in engineering or biology, this text explores the fundamentals of the emerging field of bioseparation technology. It begins with an introduction to bioprocesses and provides focused chapters on cell disruption, filtration, centrifugation, adsorption, and extraction. The book also examines membrane separation processes, precipitation, chromatography, and methods of separation, as well as finishing operations and formulation.

Ane Books, India

Catalog no. N10039, December 2012, c. 300 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-0172-7, £31.99

Catalog no. K15991, December 2012, c. 520 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6323-0, £49.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Chemical Engineering Biofuels and Bioenergy

Chemicals from Biomass

Processes and Technologies

Integrating Bioprocesses into Chemical Production Complexes for Sustainable Development

Sunggyu Lee Ohio University, Athens, USA

Y.T. Shah Norfolk State University, Virginia, USA

Debalina Sengupta

Series: Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

The newest addition to the Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering series from CRC Press, Biofuels and Bioenergy: Processes and Technologies provides a succinct but in-depth introduction to methods of development and use of biofuels and bioenergy. The book illustrates their great appeal as tools for solving the economic and environmental challenges associated with achieving energy sustainability and independence through the use of clean, renewable alternative energy. Taking a process engineering approach rooted in the fuel and petrochemical fields, this book masterfully integrates coverage of current conventional processes and emerging techniques.

Ralph W. Pike

Topics covered include: • • • • • • • • • •

Characterization and analysis of biofuels Process economics Chemistry of process conversion Process engineering and design and associated environmental technologies Energy balances and efficiencies Reactor designs and process configurations Energy materials and process equipment Integration with other conventional fossil fuel processes Byproduct utilization Governmental regulations and policies and global trends

After an overview of the subject, the book discusses crop oils, biodiesel, and algae fuels. It examines ethanol from corn and from lignocelluloses and then explores fast pyrolysis and gasification of biomass. Discussing the future of biofuel production, it also describes the conversion of waste to biofuels, bioproducts, and bioenergy and concludes with a discussion of mixed feedstock. Written for readers with college-level backgrounds in chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering, this reference explores the science and technology involved in developing biofuels and bioenergy. It addresses the application of these and other disciplines, covering key issues of special interest to fuel process engineers, fuel scientists, and energy technologists, among others.

Catalog no. 89552, August 2012, 341 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8955-4, £95.00

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

This book develops a methodology for creating new plants based on renewable resources that supply the needed goods and services of existing plants. It includes converting existing plants to ones based on renewable resources that may require nonrenewable resource supplements. Based on extensive reviews of biomass as feedstock and the production of chemicals from biomass, the authors identify new bioprocesses that use renewable feedstock as raw materials. The text shows how new plants are integrated into existing plants in a chemical production complex. Simulation codes are available for download.

Catalog no. K13620, July 2012, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7814-9, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Hydrogen Safety Fotis Rigas National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Paul Amyotte Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Series: Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

This book highlights physiological, physical, and chemical hazards associated with hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and use systems. It also examines potential accidental scenarios that hydrogen may yield under certain conditions. The authors highlight hydrogen storage facilities because of the greater hazards encountered in them due to the increased quantities stored and handled, and on hazards resulting from the use of hydrogen as a fuel for transport. Computer simulations with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of both gaseous and liquefied hydrogen are verified by experiments.

Catalog no. K12888, July 2012, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6231-5, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Chemical Engineering Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers

William R. Parrish

Simant Ranjan Upreti

ConocoPhillips (Retired), Brigantine, New Jersey, USA

Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Daniel G. McCartney

In a self-contained presentation, this book builds upon the standard mathematical background imparted in an undergraduate engineering program. It develops the often-encountered abstruse concepts by proceeding from concrete examples to abstract results. Based on the author's classroom experience, the author feels this approach will make it easier for readers to understand the subject efficiently. Practice-based and application-oriented, the book includes a number of chemical engineering optimal control problems in the examples and chapter problems that help readers practice the learned concepts.

Second Edition Arthur J. Kidnay

Black & Veatch, Overland Park, Kansas, USA

Offering indispensable insight from experts in the field, the second edition of this bestselling text provides an introduction to the gas industry and the processes required to convert wellhead gas into valuable natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids products. This edition now presents background information in five new chapters that cover processing principles, pumps, heat transfer, separation processes, and phase separation equipment. It also includes more discussions of many gas processes as well as questions and exercises in most chapters to stress important concepts.

Catalog no. 85190, January 2011, 574 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8519-8, £82.00

Catalog no. K11771, November 2012, 308 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3894-5, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration

Unit Operations of Particulate Solids

Fundamentals & Applications Sirshendu De and Sourav Mondal

Theory and Practice Enrique Ortega-Rivas

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico

IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series

Suitable for practicing engineers and engineers in training, this book covers the most important operations involving particulate solids. Through clear explanations of theoretical principles and practical laboratory exercises, the text provides an understanding of the behavior of powders and pulverized systems. It also helps readers develop skills for operating, optimizing, and innovating particle processing technologies and machinery in order to carry out industrial operations. The author explores common bulk solids processing operations, including milling, agglomeration, fluidization, mixing, and solid–fluid separation.

Micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) employs surfactant micelles to solubilize inorganic and organic pollutants from the effluent stream with about 90 percent efficiency. Illustrating the theory of surfactants, this book presents state-of-the-art research with a detailed description of various aspects of this technology. It covers the fundamentals, selection of surfactants, capability of pollutant removal efficiency, recovery of surfactants, as well as various flux enhancement techniques and the problems associated with them.

Catalog no. K12218, August 2011, 492 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4907-1, £95.00

Catalog no. K14243, June 2012, 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9568-9, £95.00

Also available as an eBook


Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Clean Tech Solar Energy Renewable Energy and the Environment Robert Foster MSC WERC, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Wind Energy

Majid Ghassemi

Renewable Energy and the Environment

New Mexico Tech, Albuquerque, USA

Vaughn Nelson

Alma Cota Drawing on the authors’ extensive research and project implementation around the globe, Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers solar energy resources, thermal and photovoltaic systems, and the economics involved in using solar energy. It provides background theory on solar energy as well as useful technical information for implementing solar energy applications. The book details the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of solar power generation technologies. It discusses the design and implementation of oftenoverlooked solar technologies, such as solar water pumping, distillation, detoxification, refrigeration, and village power. The text also examines photovoltaic power and how it is best suited for remote-site applications with small to moderate power requirements. Examples, real-world case studies, and lessons learned from technical failures illustrate how to best implement solar energy projects. The time for clean energy solutions is here. Only through energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies can modern civilization extricate itself from the gathering "perfect energy storm." Focusing on one of the keys to lessen the potentially harmful impacts of the storm, this book discusses how to increase energy production from a clean energy source—the sun.

Selected Contents: Introduction to Solar Energy. Solar Resources. Fundamentals of Engineering: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Solar Thermal Systems and Applications. Photovoltaic Cells. Photovoltaic Conversion Systems. Photovoltaic System Sizing and Design. Photovoltaic Applications. Economics. Institutional Issues. Energy Storage. Glossary. Appendices. Index.

Catalog no. 75667, August 2009, 382 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7566-3, £82.99 Also available as an eBook

West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA

This book illustrates the need for a shift to renewable energy through discussions on energy use and the order of magnitude estimates for the lifetime of fossil fuels. After examining wind characteristics, it discusses the measurement and siting of individual wind turbines and wind farms. The author then presents the aerodynamics, operation, control, applications, and types of wind turbines. He describes design and system performance for single wind turbines, water pumping, and wind farms. He also explores the political and economic factors regarding the adoption of wind as an energy source.

Catalog no. 75683, March 2009, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7568-7, £82.99 Also available as an eBook

Geothermal Energy Renewable Energy and the Environment William E. Glassley The Energy Institute, University of California, Davis, USA and Geologisk Institut, Aarhus University, Denmark

Focusing on geothermal energy systems, this volume examines the background, theory, power generation, applications, strengths, weaknesses, and practical techniques for implementing geothermal energy projects. The book explains geosciences principles, drilling operations, techniques, types of well pumps, and other equipment. The authors stress the links between acquisition and consumption and the environment, provide numerous real-world case studies, and delineate a number of practical implementation steps. The text includes figures, graphs, and formulas with homework problems included in each chapter.

Catalog no. 75705, June 2010, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7570-0, £80.99 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Clean Tech The Science of Renewable Energy

Efficiency and Sustainability in the Energy and Chemical Industries

Frank Spellman Spellman Environmental Consultants, Norfolk, Virginia, USA and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Scientific Principles and Case Studies, Second Edition

Revonna Bieber Consultant, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

This work explores a multidisciplinary approach to renewable energy, covering physical and engineering approaches and addressing economic, social, environmental, and policy issues surrounding the implementation of large-scale renewable energy systems. The authors use straightforward language and emphasize the technical aspects and the practical applications of renewable energy, rather than math and theoretical science. The book contains case studies, illustrations, examples from real-world situations, to-the-point explanations, end-of-chapter questions, and quizzes to reinforce learning.

Catalog no. K11190, April 2011, 339 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2502-0, £63.99

Krishnan Sankaranarayanan, Hedzer van der Kooi and Jakob de Swaan Arons Series: Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Using classic thermodynamic principles, this new edition of a popular resource supplies the understanding and tools required to measure process efficiency and sustainability with much improved accuracy. Exploring the driving forces in the chemical and power industries, the book investigates why losses occur and explains how to reduce such losses. Numerous case studies, examples, and problems illustrate the thermodynamic analysis of process performance to explain how to effectively analyze and optimize work flows and environmental resources.

Catalog no. K10757, May 2010, 393 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1470-3, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Improvement for Existing Homes

Green Building with Concrete Sustainable Design and Construction Edited by

An Engineering Approach

Gajanan M. Sabnis Consultant, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

Moncef Krarti University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

This book presents general tools and procedures for performing home weatherization such as insulation improvements as well as methods to reduce air leakage. The author describes several techniques and technologies that can reduce energy use or operating costs, including methods to retrofit existing homes to be net-zero energy buildings. Each chapter contains simplified calculation methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of various efficiency measures. The final chapter offers a series of case studies including examples of weatherized homes.

Catalog no. K12345, April 2012, 434 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5128-9, £82.00

This book surveys the material’s history in the green building movement and presents state-of-the-art methodologies and best practices. Offering insight into both the technological and social developments guiding the introduction of green buildings, it explains how to make the most of concrete in sustainable design. International contributors cover a range of topics, including the benefits of concrete’s thermal mass, mitigation of urban heat island effects, reduction of construction waste, use of supplementary cementitious materials, life-cycle analysis, and leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) standards.

Catalog no. K10658, October 2011, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1296-9, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Systems & Management Resources

System Synthesis Product and Process Design Jeffrey O. Grady JOG System Engineering, Inc., San Diego, California, USA

This book examines the activities that must take place in the development of any system between the completion of the requirements work and the verification of work. It provides insight into complex problems, focusing on the boundary conditions that exist between the knowledge domains of the specialized engineers populating a program and the product domains related to the product being developed by different teams on a program.

Catalog no. K11032, May 2010, 574 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1961-6, £80.99 Also available as an eBook

Engineering Systems Integration Theory, Metrics, and Methods Gary O. Langford The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California USA and The University of South Australia, Defense and Systems Institute, Adelaide

The first book to address the underlying premises of systems integration and how to exposit them into a practical and productive manner, this book prepares systems managers and systems engineers to consider their decisions in light of systems integration metrics. The book addresses two questions: Is there a way to express the interplay of human actions and the result of system interactions of a product with its environment? Are there methods that combine to improve the integration of systems?

Catalog no. K12435, May 2012, 406 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5288-0, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

System Management Planning, Enterprise Identity, and Deployment, Second Edition Jeffrey O. Grady JOG System Engineering, Inc., San Diego, California, USA Series: Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering and Architecting Creating Formal Requirements Larry Bellagamba TASC, California, USA

The second edition of a bestseller, System Management: Planning, Enterprise Identity, and Deployment demonstrates how to make systems development work for any organization. Updated with new chapters, examples, and figures, it discusses the optimum marriage between specific program planning and a company’s generic identity. The author focuses on the management aspects of the functional departments and programs and highlights the areas that must be improved to implement outstanding systems capability.

This book presents a set of formal requirements— explicit, executable instructions—for systems engineering and architecting. Written in Mathematica , the requirements provide tools to help systems engineers and architects accomplish key tasks better, faster, and cheaper. Chapters open with real-world case studies and illustrate using formal requirements to accomplish four key activities: model system behavior, make decisions, establish natural language requirements, and improve processes. Each chapter ends with heuristics that serve as guiding principles for doing systems engineering and architecting.

Catalog no. K11061, May 2010, 628 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2013-1, £80.99

Catalog no. K13831, March 2012, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8140-8, £82.00

Also available as an eBook


Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Systems & Management Resources Technical Documentation and Process

Contracts for Engineers

Advanced Television Systems, Morgan Hill, California, USA

Intellectual Property, Standards, and Ethics

Robert K. Mancini

Robert D. Hunter

Mancini Enterprises, LLC, Morgan Hill, California, USA

Robert D. Hunter Associates, Austin, Texas, USA

Written for engineering professionals and students, this book discusses the importance of documentation and process development in large and small organizations. It offers practical guidelines and templates that can be adapted to a wide variety of organizations to assist the reader in adapting techniques that have worked successfully in other companies. It gives readers a starting point for moving forward on their own by using practical, proven templates and guides, allowing the reader to design a documentation process for their own organization.

Engineers encounter various forms of contracts at nearly every turn in their careers. This book enhances their ability to communicate contractual issues to lawyers and then better understand the consequent legal advice they receive. The text introduces the related subjects of intellectual property (including patents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets) and standards (including conformity assessment and accreditation) at both the micro and macro levels, as well as the role of ethics.

Jerry C. Whitaker

Catalog no. K12847, November 2012, 192 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-6159-2, £31.99

Catalog no. K12434, September 2011, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5286-6, £44.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Occupational Ergonomics

Knowledge Management Handbook

Theory and Applications, Second Edition Edited by

Collaboration and Social Networking, Second Edition

Amit Bhattacharya

Edited by

University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Jay Liebowitz University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, USA

James D. McGlothlin Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

This volume presents a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of ergonomics. It details the practical application of ergonomic principles in solving actual problems in the workplace, and reviews ergonomic case studies from various industries. It also contains helpful ergonomic tables; a work-saving list of vendors of ergonomic tools, software, and videotraining materials; and convenient ergonomic check lists.

Catalog no. K11020, March 2012, 1332 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1934-0, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Recent research shows that collaboration and social networking can foster knowledge sharing and innovation by sparking new connections, ideas, and practices. Yet these informal networks are often misunderstood and poorly managed. Building on the groundbreaking, bestselling first edition of the Knowledge Management Handbook, this new edition focuses on collaboration and social networking. Featuring contributions by leading researchers and practitioners in the field, it presents numerous case studies, applications, concepts, techniques, methodologies, issues, and trends.

Catalog no. K13618, June 2012, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7803-3, £63.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Environmental Science & Engineering

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals Investigation and Remediation Benjamin Alter

The Science of Environmental Pollution Second Edition Frank R. Spellman

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., Fairfield, New Jersey, USA

Spellman Environmental Consultants and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

"In one very readable volume, Ben Alter has managed to write both an excellent primer for students and aspiring environmental consultants as well as a handy reference guide for even the most experienced consultants and environmental managers. It is well written and supplemented by many helpful graphics and illustrations. Above all, it reflects the invaluable and extensive experience that the author has garnered over years of successful consulting."

Hailed on its first publication as a masterly addition to its companion volumes The Science of Water and The Science of Air, The Science of Environmental Pollution, Second Edition successfully completes the process of bringing this series into the twenty-first century. This new edition continues to ask the same questions about environmental pollution: What is it? What is its impact? What are the causes and how can we mitigate them? But more than this, the second edition stimulates new ways to think about the issues and their possible solutions.

—Howard N. Apsan, Ph.D., University Director of Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management, The City University of New York, USA

"The book is a solid overview of the type of work and projects that an environmental consultant should expect to engage in if they are employed by an environmental consulting office." —Carrie Anne Vinch, Ryder Truck Rental, Inc, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA

"It is straightforward and easy to follow. It touches on exactly what an environmental consultant would need to know when walking into a job. It is a great blend of theory and practical information—something hard to find in most texts.” —Monica Tischler, Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois, USA

Written by an environmental consultant with more than 20 years of experience, and based on a course he taught for ten years, this book outlines the basic building blocks of environmental consulting. It provides an overview of regulatory frameworks, the underlying science, and the methodologies used in site investigation and remediation. This accessible book fills the need for a primer for readers interested in a career in this dynamic, multidisciplinary field. Reviewing both business and technical aspects, it also serves as a useful reference for practicing environmental consultants and managers.

Catalog no. K13158, June 2012, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6890-4, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Simply put, studying pollution without science is analogous to attempting to cook without being able to read a recipe, measure ingredients correctly, or monitor the progress of that which is cooking. Conversely, studying pollution through science affords the opportunity to maintain a healthful, life-sustaining environment. This second edition of a bestseller presents common-sense approaches and practical examples based on scientific principles, models, and observations, but keeps the text lively and understandable to scientists and non-scientists alike.

Features: • Provides an introduction to air, soil, and water pollution sources and remediation Addresses pressing issues such as global warming, rising sea levels, polluted air, increased weather phenomena, and the state of potable water worldwide • Supplies a vital information source for policy-makers involved in decisions concerning environmental management Environmental issues continue to attract attention at all levels. Some sources say that pollution is the direct cause of climate change; others deny that the possibility even exists. This text sorts through the hyperbole, providing concepts and guidelines that not only aid in understanding the issues, but equip you with the scientific rationale required to make informed decisions.

Catalog no. K10661, December 2009, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1302-7, £82.99 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Environmental Science & Engineering Principles of Hazardous Materials Management

Quantitative Ecotoxicology

Second Edition

Second Edition

Roger D. Griffin

Michael C. Newman College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA

Griffin Environmental International, Irvine, California, USA

A quantitative treatment of the science of ecotoxicology, this expanded and fully updated second edition discusses fundamental concepts and definitions essential to understanding the fate and effects of toxicants at various levels of ecological organization. It includes definitions of scientific ecotoxicology and associated topics and outlines the historical perspective, rationale, and characteristics for the strong inferential and quantitative approach advocated in this book. It then outlines the quantitative methods, highlighting important design issues. Numerous figures and tables accompany the text, with many statistical tables included in the appendix for quick reference.

Since the publication of the first edition, great strides have been made in reducing the amount of toxic waste that threatens water, soil, and air. This longawaited second edition updates and expands upon the topics in the original bestseller. It begins with an introduction to hazardous materials, providing historical insight into toxins past and present. The book then explores the health effects of hazardous materials, risk assessment, the transportation and management of hazardous materials, waste characterization and analytical methods, and waste treatment and disposal. Appendices contain the latest governmental regulations and a useful glossary.

Catalog no. K11602, August 2012, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3564-7, £95.00

Catalog no. 89706, April 2009, 264 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8970-7, £76.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing

Climate Management Issues

Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications

Economics, Sociology, and Politics

Edited by

Julie Kerr Gines

Qihao Weng

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Utah, USA

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, USA

Proposing a truly comprehensive solution to deal with climate change in both the short and long term, this book addresses crucial issues related to climate change management. It closely analyzes the complex cause-and-effect relationships that impact the environment worldwide at the local, national, and international levels. The text focuses on the multifaceted aspects of climate change, including international cooperation, journalistic balance, psychology, national security, agriculture, healthcare, and climate modeling.

Catalog no. K12812, December 2011, 470 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6106-6, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Remote Sensing Applications Series

Featuring contributors from 17 countries, this book systematically presents recent advances in environmental remote sensing. First, the text provides the latest developments in remote sensing data and sensor systems, paying special attention to LIDAR, high spatial-resolution sensing, hyperspectral sensing, and data fusion of various sensors. Next, it examines cutting-edge algorithms and techniques for the detection, interpretation, characterization, and modeling of Earth surface features. The final section explores applications of current data, sensors, algorithms, and techniques to the remote sensing of land, vegetation, water, and air.

Catalog no. 91751, February 2011, 610 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9175-5, £95.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Environmental Science & Engineering Spatial Statistics GeoSpatial Information Modeling and Thematic Mapping

Basic GIS Coordinates

Mohammed A. Kalkhan

Jan Van Sickle

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Van Sickle LLC, Denver, Colorado, USA

Geospatial information modeling and mapping has become an important tool for the investigation and management of natural resources at the landscape scale. This book reviews the types and applications of geospatial information data, such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and GPS, as well as their integration into landscape-scale geospatial statistical models and maps. Readers will learn the requirements and limitations of each geospatial tool. With statistical data analysis methods, the text includes laboratory exercises using ArcInfo, ArcGIS, ArcView, ERDAS-IMAGINE, and other popular software for geospatial modeling. It also features case studies with examples.

This second edition of a bestseller covers ellipsoids, datums, and plane coordinates as they are used in GIS and GPS. It also covers the geoid and the concepts of elevation. The author explains complex topics in a logical progression and in a manner that is neither too complicated nor oversimplified. The new edition expands the material with updates that have occurred in the field during the past five years, especially in the World Geodetic System and International Terrestrial Reference Frame. It also includes the upcoming GNSS constellations and coordinate implications.

Second Edition

Catalog no. 92316, April 2010, 200 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9231-8, £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 69764, May 2011, 184 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6976-1, £33.99

GIS Cartography A Guide to Effective Map Design Gretchen N. Peterson

GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering Second Edition

PetersonGIS, Seattle, Washington, USA

Allan Brimicombe

Packed full of in-depth information and advice, this book includes all facets of map creation. It includes classic cartographic standards such as colors, fonts, and data-specific mapping techniques; discusses the cultivation of creative skills; and supplies recommendations for novel design approaches. The text provides a layout element checklist, font size charts, geologic color standards, file format pros and cons, and example layout design, presented in a down-toearth writing style. The author draws on classic map-design concepts, design theory, and many other disciplines, demonstrating how to create end results that are clear, informative, and uniquely suited to their purpose.

Promoting the critical thinking needed for the effective applications of these systems and their analytical outputs, this book explores how to use GIS and external models to solve real environmental problems. The text defines GIS, identifies how data is structured, and explains common functionality. The author discuss modeling from a neutral scientific perspective in its role of simulating phenomena, as well as from a more specific perspective in its role within environmental science and engineering. The book provides case studies and covers issues such as interoperability, data quality, model validity, space-time dynamics, and decision-support systems.

Catalog no. 82132, April 2009, 248 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8213-5, £61.99

University of East London, UK

Catalog no. K10429, December 2009, 378 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0870-2, £69.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Environmental Science & Engineering Resolving Environmental Conflicts

Local Models for Spatial Analysis

Second Edition Chris Maser

Second Edition

Consultant, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Christopher D. Lloyd

Carol A. Pollio

Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

American Public University, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

With new chapters addressing spatial patterning in single variables and spatial relations, this second edition provides guidance to a wide variety of real-world problems. Focusing on solutions, it presents a complete introduction to key concepts and a clear mapping of the methods discussed. The text explores connections between methods. In addition, every chapter now includes links to key related studies. The author clearly distinguishes between local and global methods and provides more detailed coverage of geographical weighting, image texture measures, local spatial autocorrelation, and multicollinearity and geographically weighted regression.

Catalog no. K11433, October 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2919-6, £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Series: Social Environmental Sustainability

The second edition of this popular reference covers the basic transformative concepts that are vital for resolving environmental conflicts. This updated edition includes discussions on the inviolate biophysical principles, how the English language is changing, as well as the critical principles of social behavior. It considers new dynamics in making decisions along with the effects of the younger generations shifting their interests from nature-oriented pursuits to technologically-oriented matters and their subsequent lack of understanding the importance of the natural environment to a sustainable society.

Catalog no. K12631, July 2011, 271 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5608-6, £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Environmental Health and Hazard Risk Assessment

India's Waters Environment, Economy, and Development

Principles and Calculations Louis Theodore

Mahesh Chandra Chaturvedi

Theodore Tutorial, East Williston, New York, USA

New Delhi, India

R. Ryan Dupont Utah State University, Logan, USA

With the growth of the chemical and petroleum industries, there has been an increase in related human health problems as well as human, material, and property losses due to fires, explosions, hazardous and toxic spills, equipment failures, and other accidents. This much-needed overview outlines the fundamentals of health, safety, and accident management. Taking a pragmatic approach, it explains how to evaluate and apply environmental health and hazard risk assessment calculations in a variety of realworld settings. The book offers in-depth guidance on human chemical exposure, emergency preparedness and response, regulations, and much more.

This book discusses the development of world's oldest and largest water systems in India, in context of civil and environmental engineering. The author illustrates the environmental characteristics of water systems in India in terms of physic all cultural parameters. He examines factors such as development of water for life and environment, economy including irrigation, hydroelectric development, interlinking of rivers, legal framework, and flood mitigation. He also covers issues regarding the development of water systems applicable to policy formulations for national water plans of countries like India, US, Spain, Israel, etc.

Catalog no. K13369, December 2011, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7283-3, £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K13156, June 2012, 636 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6887-4, £76.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Civil Engineering GangaBrahmaputraMeghna Waters Advances in Development and Management

Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design

Mahesh Chandra Chaturvedi

Pablo La Roche

New Delhi, India

Addressing one of the most serious problems for developing countries, namely lack of water, this book proposes the revolutionary development of the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin. These rivers are of great importance in various developmental aspects of China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. The book presents a novel piece of creative water engineering of the world’s largest river basin. It discusses water resource development and management issues related to the GBM river basin, including development, interactions, institutional setups, and future prospects.

Catalog no. K13416, August 2012, 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7376-2, £89.00

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA

Filling an urgent need for a design reference in this emerging field, this full-color book describes how to reduce building greenhouse gas emissions through appropriate architectural design. Outlining a carbonneutral architectural design process, the author emphasizes the control of energy flows through the building envelope and passive heating and cooling strategies. He also examines how to consider a building’s location through climate analysis and solar geometry and how to achieve thermal comfort with minimum emissions.

Catalog no. K12004, December 2011, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4512-7, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

India’s Waters Advances in Development and Management Mahesh Chandra Chaturvedi New Delhi, India

This book examines the critical planning for better development and management of water resources, illustrated with respect to the world’s largest water system. The text addresses important issues including availability and distribution of water, environmental factors, and water sharing. It also provides insights into the supply-demand context (hydrological, social, political, and engineering) related to water resources. In addition to describing current policies and technologies, the author proposes new concepts in the development and management of water as well as novel technologies.

Catalog no. K13462, December 2011, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7466-0, £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Mark Randolph and Susan Gourvenec University of Western Australia, Perth

Due to fundamental differences in construction and installation techniques, offshore geotechnical engineering has grown as a specialty. The early chapters of this critical volume provide a brief overview of the marine environment, offshore site investigation techniques, and interpretation of soil behavior. The book then examines the geotechnical design of piled foundations, shallow foundations, and anchoring systems. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the book also examines the design of mobile drilling rigs, pipelines, and geohazards. The final section explores general concepts surrounding design and reliability in the offshore environment.

Catalog no. RU55596, March 2011, 550 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-47744-4, £80.00

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Civil Engineering

Theory and Practice of Pile Foundations

Practical Engineering Geology

Wei Dong Guo University of Wollongong, Australia

Steve Hencher

Covering a range of design issues relating to pile design, this book presents economical and efficient design solutions and demonstrates them using realworld examples. Coverage includes nonlinear response of single piles to vertical or torsional loading and to cyclic lateral loading, as well as prediction of nonlinear response of lateral pile groups, vertically loaded pile groups and the design of slope stabilizing piles. Most solutions are provided as closed-form expressions. This is a valuable resource for students of geotechnical engineering taking courses in foundations and a vital tool for engineers designing pile foundations.

Covering a range of roles and challenges which face an engineering geologist, this book outlines the fundamental role of engineering geology in civil engineering projects and assesses the various tools which an engineering geologist brings to such a project. Illustrated with a number of case studies and providing reference tables of parameters and properties. This reference is ideal for practicing engineering geologists and advanced students of engineering geology.

University of Leeds, UK

Catalog no. RU54403, January 2012, 464 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-46908-1, £120.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. Y132940, November 2012, 582 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-80933-7, £80.00 Also available as an eBook

Environmental Soil Properties and Behaviour

In Situ Testing in Geomechanics

Raymond N. Yong North Saanich, Canada

The Main Tests

Masashi Nakano

Fernando Schnaid

University of Tokyo, Japan

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Roland Pusch

Demanding a thorough knowledge of material behaviour and numerical modelling, site characterisation and in situ test interpretation are no longer just basic empirical recommendations. Giving a critical appraisal of the understanding and assessment of the stress-strain-time and strength characteristics of geomaterials, this book explores new interpretation methods for measuring properties of a variety of soil formations.

Introducing new concepts of soil behavior, soil maturation, and soil functionality, this book integrates soil physics, soil chemistry, and soil mechanics as vital factors in soil engineering. The book focuses on two key areas in environmental soil behavior: the use of soil as an environmental tool for management and containment of toxic and hazardous waste materials, and the impact of ageing and weathering processes and soil contamination on the properties and behavior of soils.

Catalog no. RU43943, December 2008, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-43385-3, £95.00

Catalog no. K12014, March 2012, 455 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4529-5, £76.99

Sweco Infrastructure AB, Sweden

Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Civil Engineering

Open Channel Flow Numerical Methods and Computer Applications

Analytical Estimates of Structural Behavior

Roland Jeppson

Clive L. Dym and Harry E. Williams

Professor Emeritus, Utah State University, Logan, USA

Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA

Suitable for a graduate-level open channel flow or hydraulics course, this comprehensive book starts with basic principles and gradually advances to complete problems involving systems of channels that require the simultaneous solutions of systems of nonlinear equations. The text offers numerous practical examples and end-of-chapter homework problems that expand upon the methodologies presented and encourage readers to apply the related principles in practice. The accompanying CD-ROM provides solutions and programs with qualifying course adoption.

Explicitly reintroducing the idea of modeling to the analysis of structures, Analytical Estimates of Structural Behavior presents an integrated approach to modeling and estimating the behavior of structures. With the increasing reliance on computer-based approaches in structural analysis, it is becoming even more important for structural engineers to recognize that they are dealing with models of structures, not with the actual structures. As tempting as it is to run innumerable simulations, closed-form estimates can be effectively used to guide and check numerical results, and to confirm physical insights and intuitions.

Catalog no. K11831, November 2010, 1258 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3975-1, £120.00

Understanding Structural Engineering From Theory to Practice Wai-Fah Chen University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

Salah El-Din E. El-Metwally El-Mansoura University, Egypt

From science to engineering and from theory to practice, this volume illustrates different technological breakthroughs, traced back to their origin and placed into perspective. First, the text presents the fundamental laws of mechanics, the theory of elasticity, and the development of the generalized stress-generalized strain concept. Next, it details the era of plasticity. The finite element method comes as an offspring of the generalized stress-generalized strain concept. Finally, the authors explore the era of computer simulation to offer a glimpse into the future.

Catalog no. K11335, May 2011, 271 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2710-9, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

This book encourages readers to think about structures and their models in a way that is rooted in classic elementary elasticity—depending less on advanced mathematical techniques and more on the dimensions and magnitudes of the underlying physics. The authors stretch the mold, emphasizing and more explicitly describing the modeling process. The focus is on learning which calculations to perform and how to validate and interpret the results—skills that will be increasingly useful for professional engineers.

Chapters cover: • Key principles and techniques of mathematical modeling, including dimensional analysis, scaling, linearity, and balance and conservation laws • Basic structural models • How to develop and express physical intuition • How to track the behavior of arches under lateral load • Two methods of analyzing coupled discrete systems—Castigliano’s theorems and Rayleigh’s quotient—to lay a foundation for their application to continuous systems • How to derive simple, accurate estimates of the transverse displacements of structures modeled in terms of coupled Timoshenko beams Taking a unique approach, Analytical Estimates of Structural Behavior is suitable for advanced undergraduates, as well as graduate students and practitioners, who want to spend less time and effort generating numbers, and more time understanding what those numbers mean.

Catalog no. K13250, February 2012, 223 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7089-1, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Civil Engineering Structural Optimization Dynamic and Seismic Applications

Bridge Management

Franklin Y. Cheng Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Second Edition

Kevin Z. Truman

Michael J. Ryall

University of Missouri, USA

University of Surrey, UK

Series: Structural Engineering: Mechanics and Design

Today’s biggest structural engineering challenge is to design stronger structures, and a key issue is the need to take an integrated approach that balances control of costs with the requirement for withstanding earthquakes and other dynamic forces. Structural optimization is based on rigorous mathematical formulation and requires computation algorithms for sizing structural elements and synthesizing systems. Illustrated with sufficient examples of the design of elements and systems and presenting descriptions of the process and results, it places strong emphasis on dynamic loading, particularly with respect to seismic forces.

As the emphasis in construction moves from building new bridges to maintenance and rehabilitation of existing stock, bridge management is becoming an increasingly important subject. This is the definitive, single volume reference for professionals and postgraduates, covering the whole gamut of bridge management topics. This second edition includes new chapters on deterioration modelling, asset management, and the impact of heavy goods vehicles.

Catalog no. Y131930, November 2009, 576 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7506-8511-5, £100.00

Catalog no. RU43753, June 2010, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-42370-0, £99.99

Structural Engineer's Pocket Book

Room Acoustics Fifth Edition

Second Edition

Heinrich Kuttruff

Fiona Cobb Consulting Engineer, UK

Institute of Technical Acoustics, Aachen University, Germany

The Structural Engineer's Pocket Book is the only compilation of all tables, data, facts and formulae needed for scheme design by structural engineers in a handy-sized format. Bringing together data from many sources into a compact, affordable pocketbook, it saves valuable time spent tracking down information needed regularly. It contains the facts and figures needed for preliminary design whether in the office, on-site, or in the IStructE Part 3 Exam.

Since publication of the first edition in 1973, this professional and scientific reference has become the standard work in the field, providing detailed analysis of the state of the art in room acoustics. This edition includes a new list of symbols, and updated sections include the measurement of the impulse response including a discussion of distortions, sound propagation as a diffusive process, and scattering by wall irregularities.

Catalog no. Y131542, December 2008, 416 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-7506-8686-0, £21.99

Catalog no. RU55553, May 2009, 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-48021-5, £99.99


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Computer & Electrical Engineering Embedded Systems Circuits and Programming

Algebraic and Stochastic Coding Theory

Julio Sanchez

Dave K. Kythe

Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA

Ernst & Young LLP, Los Angeles, California, USA

Maria P. Canton

Prem K. Kythe

Skipanon Software Associates, LLP, Titusville, Florida, USA

University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

A practical tutorial on microcontroller programming and the basics of embedded design, this book presents development tools and resources for implementing general-purpose embedded systems. It covers standard and off-the-shelf components, the implementation of circuit prototypes via breadboards, the in-house fabrication of test-time PCBs, electronic design programs and software utilities for creating PCBs, sample circuits that can be used as part of the targeted embedded system, and the selection and programming of microcontrollers in the circuit. Software and other materials are available at

Written primarily for senior undergraduate and graduate students, this book makes the subject of coding theory easy to understand. With a simple yet rigorous analytic and computational approach, it explains each code, describing applications as well as advantages and disadvantages. More advanced readers will appreciate the discussion of modern developments in coding theory and the coverage of stochastic processes. Robust and self-contained, the book illustrates the codes with more than 200 examples. Topics covered include Hamming, Golay, BCH, Reed-Solomon, LDPC, Tornado, and the Fountain family of codes, as well as Galois fields, distributions, and belief propagation.

Catalog no. K13700, May 2012, 891 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7904-7, £108.00

Catalog no. K13864, March 2012, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8181-1, £57.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Multimedia Image and Video Processing

PSPICE and MATLAB for Electronics

Second Edition Edited by

Ling Guan and Yifeng He Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

An Integrated Approach, Second Edition John Okyere Attia Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA

Sun-Yuan Kung

Series: VLSI Circuits

Princeton University, New Jersey, USA

Exploring the strong features of PSPICE and the powerful functions of MATLAB for electronic circuit analysis, this second edition continues to provide an introduction to PSPICE and a simple, hands-on overview of MATLAB. It also demonstrates the combined power of PSPICE and MATLAB for solving electronics problems. This edition includes updated MATLAB topics, schematic capture and text-based PSPICE netlists in several chapters, and a new chapter on PSPICE simulation using the ORCAD schematic capture program. It also contains new examples and problems, along with a revised bibliography in each chapter. ®

Image Processing Series

As multimedia applications have become part of contemporary daily life, numerous paradigm-shifting technologies in multimedia processing have emerged over the last decade. Substantially updated with 21 new chapters, this second edition explores the most recent advances in multimedia research and applications. Written by some of the most prominent experts in the field, the book presents a comprehensive treatment of multimedia information mining, security, systems, coding, search, hardware, and communications as well as multimodal information fusion and interaction.

Catalog no. K11515, March 2012, 828 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3086-4, £95.00

Catalog no. 86588, June 2010, 382 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8658-4, £53.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Computer & Electrical Engineering Communication Systems Modeling and Simulation

Lightwave Engineering


Using MATLAB and Simulink

Yasuo Kokubun


Yokohama National University, Japan

K. C. Raveendranathan Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Thiruvanathapuram, India

Series: Optical Science and Engineering

This is probably the first book that employs the technique of simulation experiments as a means of reinforcing the basic concepts of communication theory. Suitable as a supplement to any standard undergraduate textbook, the book takes a practical approach employing modelling and simulation for a thorough assimilation of the subject. The introductory chapters provide an overview of computer simulation and MATLAB® programming concepts. The book then presents communications concepts in the traditional manner as well as with appropriate simulations in MATLAB/Simulink®.

Suitable as both a textbook and as a reference source, Lightwave Engineering is divided into two parts. The first part presents a comprehensive introduction to lightwave engineering using plane wave. The second section provides an in-depth analysis of lightwave propagation in terms of electromagnetic theory. This book features useful appendices that offer formulas for Fourier transform, derivation of Green's theorem, vector algebra, Gaussian function, cylindrical function, and more. Additional topics covered include fundamentals of interferometers and resonators, guided wave, optical fibers, and lightwave devices and circuits.

Catalog no. K13870, September 2011, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8190-3, £89.00

Catalog no. 46489, August 2012, 373 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4648-9, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Cloud Computing

Ultra-Fast Fiber Lasers

Methodology, Systems, and Applications

Principles and Applications with MATLAB Models

Edited by

Le Nguyen Binh


The European Research Center of Hua Wei Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany

Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, and Boualem Benatallah

Nam Quoc Ngo Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Designed for researchers, engineers, IT professionals, and graduate students in parallel and cloud computing, this volume covers the state of the art in cloud computing theory and practice. It spans the background, concepts, services, and middleware of cloud computing. A range of scientific researchers and professors in cloud computing, grid computing, high-performance computing, and Internet computing discuss enabling techniques, system implementation, service functionalities, and various applications. Numerous case studies are included throughout the text.

Catalog no. K12651, October 2011, 844 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5641-3, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Series: Optics and Photonics

Based on recent research and the latest developments, this book presents techniques and applications of ultrashort pulse lasers. It describes principal methods for mode-locking of lightwave and provides the operations of the laser source in both linear and nonlinear regimes. The book discusses the fundamental aspects for understanding the phenomena of lightwave pulse sequence whose width is extremely short. It also covers applications of such laser source in high-speed communication systems and networks are described so that readers can be familiar with technological development for next generations of the optical Internet.

Catalog no. K10564, July 2010, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1128-3, £87.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Computer & Electrical Engineering

Polarized Light Third Edition Dennis H. Goldstein Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc.

An in-depth exploration of polarized light, this book covers production and uses, facilitating self-study without prior knowledge of Maxwell's equations. This third edition includes more than 2,500 figures and equations along with chapters on polarization elements, anisotropic materials, Stokes polarimetry, Mueller matrix polarimetry, and the mathematics of the Mueller matrix. It features two new chapters, one on polarized light in nature and one on birefringence. It also presents a completely revised review of the history of polarized light and contains a new appendix on conventions used in polarized light.

Catalog no. K11493, December 2010, 808 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3040-6, £134.00

Principles of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Rajesh Kumar Jain West Central Railways, Jabalpur, India

The book presents the current standards of digital multiplexing, called synchronous digital hierarchy, including analog multiplexing technologies. It is aimed at telecommunication professionals who want to develop an understanding of digital multiplexing and synchronous digital hierarchy, in particular, and the functioning of practical telecommunication systems, in general. The text includes all relevant fundamentals and provides a handy reference for problem solving or defining operations and maintenance strategies.

Catalog no. K15097, August 2012, 555 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1726-4, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Optical Wireless Communications

Polarimetric Radar Imaging

System and Channel Modelling with MATLAB

From Basics to Applications

Z. Ghassemlooy and S. Rajbhandari

Retired - Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA


Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK

W. Popoola

Jong-Sen Lee

Eric Pottier Université de Rennes, France Series: Optical Science and Engineering

Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK

Incorporating MATLAB , this book provides a single resource for optical wireless communication systems based on the systems approach. It presents past and current research activities to illustrate optical sources, transmitters, detectors, and receivers used in optical wireless communications. The text covers both indoor and outdoor environments as well as how different factors, including various channel models, affect the system performance. The authors also discuss the emerging field of visible light communications and describe techniques for mitigating channel impact on the system performance using theoretical analysis and simulation.

Written by two of the most recognized leaders in the field, this hands-on book presents polarimetric radar imaging and processing techniques and shows how to develop remote sensing applications using polarimetric imaging radar. It introduces polarimetric scattering mechanisms, speckle statistics and speckle filtering, polarimetric information analysis and extraction techniques, and applications typical to radar polarimetric remote sensing, such as terrain and forest classification. The authors focus on Cloude and Pottier target decomposition theory as well as the complex Wishart distribution. They also offer sample PolSAR data sets and software available for download.

Catalog no. K12384, August 2012, 575 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5188-3, £82.00

Catalog no. 5497X, February 2009, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5497-2, £89.00


Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Computer & Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and Applications of Ultrasonic Waves

Dynamic RAM Technology Advancements

Second Edition J. David N. Cheeke

Muzaffer A. Siddiqi

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Aligarh Muslim University, India

Dynamic RAM (DRAM) has wide applications in the computer industry, telecommunications, the military, and the space industry. This book presents an up-todate account of the theory and design of DRAM, the workhorse of all semiconductor memories. It summarizes the development of and recent advances in manufacturing technology, generation by generation. The text also addresses DRAM cell development capacitor enhancement technologies, different types of leakages, and the circuit and technological aspects of the remedial measures taken.

Catalog no. K14189, November 2012, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9373-9, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Designed specifically for newcomers to the field, this fully updated second edition begins with fundamentals and quickly advances beyond general wave concepts into an in-depth treatment of ultrasonic waves in isotropic media. Focusing on the physics of acoustic waves, their propagation, technology, and applications, this accessible overview of ultrasonics includes accounts of viscoelasticity and multiple scattering. It examines new technologies, including atomic force acoustic microscopy, lasers, micro-acoustics, and nanotechnology. In addition, it highlights both direct and indirect applications in neighboring disciplines.

Catalog no. K12559, June 2012, 504 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5494-5, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

The Industrial Electronics Handbook

StrainEngineered MOSFETs

Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics, Second Edition

C. K. Maiti and T. K. Maiti

Edited by

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Bogdan M. Wilamowski

This book brings together new developments in the area of spin-engineered MOSFETs using high-mobility substrates such as SIGe, strained-Si, germanium-oninsulator, and III-V semiconductors. The authors cover the materials aspects, principles, design, fabrication, and applications of advanced devices. They present a full TCAD methodology for strain-engineering in Si CMOS technology involving data flow from process simulation to systematic process variability simulation and generation of SPICE process compact models for manufacturing for yield optimization.

J. David Irwin

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Catalog no. K14376, November 2012, 314 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0055-6, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

The Industrial Electronics Handbook, Second Edition combines traditional and newer, more specialized knowledge that will help industrial electronics engineers develop practical solutions for the design and implementation of high-power applications. This volume, Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics, addresses the essential areas that form the basis for the field. This volume presents the basic knowledge applicable to the other sections of the handbook. It covers topics including circuits and signals, devices, digital circuits, digital and analog signal processing, and electromagnetics.

Catalog no. K10147, March 2011, 737 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0279-3, £63.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Computer & Electrical Engineering Shipboard Propulsion, Power Electronics, and Ocean Energy Mukund R. Patel U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York, USA

Derived from the author's more than 45 years of experience in industry and teaching, this book covers modern shipboard propulsion and the power electronics and ocean energy technologies that drive it— all in one volume. Divided into four parts, the text first focuses on power electronics convertors and variablefrequency drives. It then addresses the electric propulsion of ships, discussing the recently developed permanent magnet and superconducting motors, as well as hybrid propulsion. The book also explores emerging ocean power technologies and examines two aspects—energy storage and system reliability— essential for integrating a large-scale system.

Catalog no. K14071, February 2012, 289 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8850-6, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Power Converters and AC Electrical Drives with Linear Neural Networks Maurizio Cirrincione Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, Belfort, France

Marcello Pucci and Gianpaolo Vitale Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l’Automazione (ISSIA) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Palermo, Italy

A well-rounded resource for professionals and students at all levels, this state-of-the-art book systematically explores the application of artificial neural networks in power electronics, with particular emphasis on the sensorless control of AC drives, including for active power filtering. The authors briefly review space-vector theory and then cover voltage source inverters and their control, as well as AC electrical drive control. The core of the book examines specific original applications of linear neural networks. Simulation and experimental results are provided to validate the theories.

Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, Second Edition Mehrdad Ehsani and Yimin Gao Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Ali Emadi McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Power Electronics and Applications Series

Air pollution, global warming, and the steady decrease in petroleum resources continue to stimulate interest in the development of safe, clean, and highly efficient transportation. Building on the foundation of the bestselling first edition, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, Second Edition updates and expands its detailed coverage of the vehicle technologies that offer the most promising solutions to these issues affecting the automotive industry. Proven as a useful in-depth resource and comprehensive reference for modern automotive systems engineers, students, and researchers, this book speaks from the perspective of the overall drive train system and not just its individual components.

New to the second edition: • A case study appendix that breaks down the Toyota Prius hybrid system • Corrections and updates of the material in the first edition • Three new chapters on drive train design methodology and control principles • A completely rewritten chapter on the fundamentals of regenerative braking The first edition of this book gave practicing engineers and students a systematic reference to fully understand the essentials of this new technology. This edition introduces newer topics and offers deeper treatments than those included in the first. Revised many times over many years, it will greatly aid engineers, students, researchers, and other professionals who are working in automotive-related industries, as well as those in government and academia.

Catalog no. 53981, September 2009, 557 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5398-2, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10947, May 2012, 661 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1814-5, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Computer & Electrical Engineering EMI Filter Design Ozenbaugh Engineering, Checotah, Oklahoma, USA

Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Accreditation for Engineers

Timothy M. Pullen

Robert D. Hunter

Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA

Robert D. Hunter Associates, Austin, Texas, USA

Using a mix of practical methods and theoretical analysis, this bestselling book presents both a handson and academic approach to the design of EMI filters and the selection of components values. Through its proven design methodology and practical application of formal techniques, readers learn how to develop simple filter solutions. This fully revised and updated edition includes analysis techniques necessary for passive filter realization, matrix method and transfer function analysis approaches for LC filter structure design, and a more hands-on look at EMI filters and the overall design process.

This accessible resource discusses conformity assessment and accreditation as defined in a new set of standards by the ISO/IEC. Written by a licensed professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience, the book brings together material specific to international, regional, national, state, and company levels. It covers important terminologies in standards, conformity assessment, and accreditation; covers economic, trade, legal, government, and management aspects; and includes some little-known historical background on several selected topics. The book also contains website and literature references on organizations and their methods of standards development.

Third Edition Richard Lee Ozenbaugh

Catalog no. K11985, September 2011, 272 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4475-5, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Mathematical Foundations for Signal Processing, Communications, and Networking

SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power Third Edition Muhammad H. Rashid University of West Florida, Pensacola, USA

Edited by

Erchin Serpedin

Series: Electrical and Computer Engineering

This third edition illustrates the integration of the industry standard software as a tool for design verification and as a theoretical laboratory bench. The book presents examples of all types of power converters as well as circuits with linear and nonlinear inductors. A new chapter covers multi-level converters. Assuming no prior knowledge of SPICE or PSPICE simulation, the text provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to draw a schematic of a circuit, execute simulations, and view or plot the output results. It also includes suggestions for laboratory experiments and design problems that can be used for student homework assignments.

Catalog no. K12773, May 2012, 559 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6046-5, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10074, February 2009, 232 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-0094-2, £45.99

Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Thomas Chen Swansea University, Wales, UK

Dinesh Rajan Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA

This text describes mathematical concepts and results important in the design, analysis, and optimization of signal processing algorithms, modern communication systems, and networks. It offers a comprehensive overview of methods and applications from linear algebra, numerical analysis, statistics, probability, stochastic processes, and optimization. The book presents the necessary prerequisites and includes examples, homework problems, and references in each chapter. Teaching materials are accessible on the book’s webpage and a solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.

Catalog no. K12570, December 2011, 857 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5513-3, £89.00


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Computer & Electrical Engineering Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation Analysis, Restoration, and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks Edited by

Filippo Stanco, Sebastiano Battiato, and Giovanni Gallo University of Catania, Italy

This edition presents the most prominent topics and applications of digital image processing, analysis, and computer graphics in the field of cultural heritage preservation. The text assumes prior knowledge of digital image processing and computer graphics fundamentals. Each chapter contains a table of contents, illustrations, and figures that elucidate the presented concepts in detail, as well as a chapter summary and a bibliography for further reading. Well-known experts cover a wide range of topics and related applications, including spectral imaging, automated restoration, computational reconstruction, digital reproduction, and 3D models.

Catalog no. K11154, July 2011, 523 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2173-2, £89.00

Measuring Shape F. Brent Neal Milliken Research Corporation, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA

John C. Russ North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

Clear, accessible, and well-organized, this book provides a one-stop resource on the various techniques of 2- and 3D shape description and measurement. It presents consistent and coherent summaries of the various methods so that engineers, researchers, and others can compare methods, select the one appropriate for their specific task, and gain enough detailed information about them to implement and test them. It includes practical application such as relating fractal dimension of nuclear membranes in cells to disease, or relating harmonic analysis to weathering of sediments, or classifying the genetics of squash seeds by dimensionless ratios.

Catalog no. K12626, June 2012, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5598-0, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing Stelvio Cimato

Shipboard Electrical Power Systems

Universita degli studi di Milano, Italy

Mukund R. Patel

Edited by

Ching-Nung Yang National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan Series: Digital Imaging and Computer Vision

This book covers an extensive range of topics related to visual cryptography techniques and secure image sharing solutions. It addresses sharing multiple secrets and visual cryptography schemes based on the probabilistic reconstruction of the secret image, including pictures in the distributed shares, contrast enhancement techniques, visual cryptography schemes based on different logical operations for combining shared images, cheating prevention, and the alignment problem for image shares. The book also describes practical applications, steganography, and authentication. Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the techniques.

Catalog no. K11685, August 2011, 545 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3721-4, £89.00

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York, USA

Unlike most existing books, which focus primarily on land-based power systems to discuss the transmission grid, this book centers on all topics relevant to the shipboard power system, making the subject understandable for marine engineers who are not electrical majors. Written by an expert with decades of both industrial and teaching experience, this resource provides extensive information for engineers working in ports or on ocean-based renewable power systems. The book covers topics including power system basics, electrical machines, power generation and distribution, system protection, batteries, and marine industry standards.

Catalog no. K11390, December 2011, 370 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2816-8, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Computer & Electrical Engineering ComputerAided Control Systems Design

Power System Transients Parameter Determination

Practical Applications Using MATLAB and Simulink

Edited by


Juan A. MartinezVelasco


Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Cheng Siong Chin

Despite the increasing capabilities and widening variety of software tools for power system transients, in many cases the primary problem is the lack of reliable tests and conversion procedures for determination of parameters. Illustrated with case studies, this book discusses how to collect the information needed to obtain model parameters for electromagnetic transient studies, and it reviews procedures for deriving those parameters. It also provides modeling guidelines for the selection of adequate representations for main components.

This book emphasizes applying control fundamentals to practical industry systems such as ALSTOM gasifier system in power station and underwater robotic vehicle (URV) in marine industry. The text begins with basic principles such as understanding the control engineering and recognizing that powerful software packages exist to aid the control systems design. For practicality, the choice and emphasis of material is guided by the basic objective of making an engineer or student capable of dealing with practical control problems in industry.

Catalog no. 65297, October 2009, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6529-9, £96.00

Catalog no. K16392, December 2012, c. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6851-8, £82.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems

Control System Problems

Newcastle University, Singapore

Formulas, Solutions, and Simulation Tools Anastasia Veloni

Edited by

Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, Athens, Greece

Jitendra R. Raol MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology and National Aerospace Lab, Bangalore, India

Alex Palamides

Ajith K. Gopal

Otesat-Maritel, Piraeus, Greece

BAE Systems (Land Systems South Africa), Benoni, South Africa

Using a practical approach that includes only necessary theoretical background, this book focuses on applied problems that motivate readers and help them understand the concepts of automatic control. The text covers servomechanisms, hydraulics, thermal control, mechanical systems, and electric circuits. It explains the modeling process, introduces the problem solution, and discusses derived results. Presented solutions are based directly on math formulas, which are provided in extensive tables throughout the text. This enables readers to develop the ability to quickly solve practical problems on control systems.

Going beyond the traditional field of robotics to include other mobile vehicles, this reference and "recipe book" describes important theoretical concepts, techniques, and applications that can be used to build truly mobile intelligent autonomous systems (MIAS). With the infusion of neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithm paradigms for MIAS, it blends modeling, sensors, control, estimation, optimization, signal processing, and heuristic methods in MIAS and robotics, and includes examples and applications throughout. Offering a comprehensive view of important topics, it helps readers understand the subject from a systemtheoretic and practical point of view.

Catalog no. K13119, December 2011, 532 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6850-8, £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K12925, August 2012, 832 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6300-8, £99.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Computer & Electrical Engineering Control System Fundamentals The Control Handbook, Second Edition Edited by

William S. Levine University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Covering mathematical fundamentals, defining principles, and basic system approaches, this volume details essential background, including transforms and complex variables. It also includes mathematical and graphical models used for dynamical systems, with coverage of analysis and design methods and stability testing for continuous-time systems.

Selected Contents: Mathematical Foundations. Models for Dynamical Systems. Analysis and Design Methods for Continuous-Time Systems. Digital Control. Analysis and Design Methods for Nonlinear Systems.

Catalog no. 73621, December 2010, 786 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7362-1, £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Control System Applications The Control Handbook, Second Edition Edited by

William S. Levine University of Maryland, College Park, USA

The second volume includes 35 entirely new applications organized by subject area. Covering the design and use of control systems, the book includes applications for automobiles, including PEM fuel cells; aerospace; industrial control of machines and processes; biomedical uses, including robotic surgery and drug discovery and development; and electronics and communication networks.

LyapunovBased Control of Robotic Systems Aman Behal, Warren Dixon, Darren M. Dawson, and Bin Xian Series: Automation and Control Engineering

This work describes nonlinear control design solutions for problems that arise from robots required to interact with and manipulate their environments. The authors use Lyapunov’s direct method as an effective tool to design and analyze controllers for robotic systems and include numerous examples that illustrate how this method addresses advanced robotics research problems. After providing a historical perspective of robotics and a review of standard robot control approaches, the book presents real-time computing and experimental test beds for implementing developed controllers. It also explores sensor-based feedback path planning, navigation, and control.

Catalog no. 7025, December 2009, 389 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7025-0, £96.00 Also available as an eBook

Continuous Time Dynamical Systems State Estimation and Optimal Control with Orthogonal Functions B.M. Mohan S.K. Kar

Automotive. Aerospace. Industrial. Biological and Medical. Networks. Miscellaneous.

This book presents the developments in problems of state estimation and optimal control of continuoustime dynamical systems using orthogonal functions since 1975. It deals with both full and reduced-order state estimation and problems of linear time-invariant systems. It also addresses optimal control problems of varieties of continuous-time systems such as linear and nonlinear systems, time-invariant and time-varying systems, as well as delay-free and time-delay systems. Content focuses on development of recursive algorithms for studying state estimation and optimal control problems.

Catalog no. 73605, December 2010, 942 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7360-7, £59.99

Catalog no. K15099, October 2012, 247 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1729-5, £95.00

Selected Contents:

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Mechanical Engineering

Fundamentals of Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Industrial Combustion Testing Edited by

Andrei Lipatnikov

Charles E. Baukal, Jr.

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

John Zink Co. LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Lean burning of premixed gases is considered to be a promising combustion technology for future clean and highly efficient gas turbine engines. This book highlights the phenomenology of premixed turbulent flames. The text provides experimental data on the general appearance of premixed turbulent flames, physical mechanisms that could affect flame behavior, and physical and numerical models aimed at predicting the key features of premixed turbulent combustion. The author aims to provide a simple introduction to the field for advanced graduate and postgraduate students. Topics covered include Laminar premixed flames, homogenous isotropic turbulence, and incompressible turbulent flow.

This work is a comprehensive resource for those conducting tests in the field of industrial combustion. It serves the needs of practicing engineers, technicians, and researchers conducting experiments with industrial scale combustion equipment, and it will save researchers endless hours searching the literature. It includes numerous pictures, figures, graphs, and tables, as well as examples on how to apply the information. It includes valuable information on advanced diagnostics, burner and flare testing, and testing in combustors, including a variety of kilns, furnaces, and boilers.


Also available as an eBook

• Reviews basic prerequisites for turbulent combustion analysis • Examines the use of experimental data for turbulent flames • Covers the physical mechanisms affecting flame behavior • Presents both physical and numerical models

Selected Contents:

Driveline Systems of Ground Vehicles Theory and Design

General Knowledge on Reacting Gas Mixtures. Unperturbed Laminar Premixed Flame. A Brief Introduction into Turbulence. Phenomenology of Premixed Turbulent Combustion. Physical Mechanisms and Regimes of Premixed Turbulent Combustion. Influence of Premixed Combustion on Turbulence. Modeling of Premixed Burning in Turbulent Flows. An Introduction into Non-Premixed Combustion. Partially Premixed Turbulent Flames.

Catalog no. K14768, October 2012, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1024-1, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 8528X, July 2010, 784 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8528-0, £146.00

Alexandr F. Andreev and Viachaslau I. Kabanau Belarus National Technical University, Minsk

Vladimir V. Vantsevich Lawrence Technical University, Southfield, Michigan, USA

This book presents analytical and experimental methods and achievements in the design of mechanical and mechatronic driveline systems. These include power dividing units, such as symmetric and nonsymmetric, open and lockable differentials, various limited slip differentials, and no-spins and viscous clutches. Addressing vehicle dynamics and performance issues, the authors propose an approach to designing vehicle driveline systems based on determining optimum power distributions to the drive wheels. The text also provides logic control algorithms to control vehicle power dividing units and designs of torque/power managing devices.

Catalog no. K10894, January 2010, 792 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1727-8, £120.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Mechanical Engineering Dynamics of Wheel–Soil Systems A Soil Stress and Deformation-Based Approach

Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and Heritage Edited by

Jaroslaw Pytka

Ann Garrison Darrin

Lublin University of Technology, Poland

John Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA

How do you measure soil stress and deformation under wheel loads? Answering this and other questions, this book describes methods and devices for soil stress and deformation measurements and presents numerical data from field experiments. It offers novel ideas and designs of soil and snow pressure sensors as well as an optoelectronic system for soil deformation determination and wheel force transducers. It also explains how to create dynamic models of wheel-soil systems based on experimental data.

Beth Laura O'Leary

Catalog no. K15037, August 2012, 331 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1527-7, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA Advances in Engineering Series

Expanding the discipline of archaeology into the cosmos, this unique volume offers a perspective rarely considered. It discusses the trail of debris that humankind has left behind during space exploration as artifacts worthy of investigation. Gathering together a number of leading thinkers, it discusses topics that are no longer merely science fiction. They discuss the landscape of space, spacecraft forensics and field techniques, our environmental footprints, and the establishment of an archaeological record in space.

Catalog no. 84313, June 2009, 1035 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8431-3, £112.00 Also available as an eBook

Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation Edited by

S.N. Balakrishnan Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA

A. Tsourdos and B.A. White Cranfield University, Swindon, UK

The modern tactical missile has become a highly integrated package made up of many electronic, mechanical, electromechanical, and pyrotechnic subsystems. This book brings together the latest developments in the three major missile-control components—guidance, control, and estimation—as well as advice on implementation. Topics covered include guidance algorithms, the workings of the missile autopilot, and nonlinear control techniques. An invaluable resource, it features contributions by internationally renowned experts from government, the defense industry, and academia.

Catalog no. 83139, September 2012, 720 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8313-2, £99.00

Gas Turbine Combustion Alternative Fuels and Emissions, Third Edition Arthur H. Lefebvre Dilip R. Ballal University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

Reflecting the developments in gas turbine combustion technology that have occurred in the last decade, this third edition of a bestseller is an up-to-date design manual and research reference on the design, manufacture, and operation of gas turbine combustors in applications ranging from aeronautical to power generation. Self-contained and only requiring a moderate amount of prior knowledge of physics and chemistry, the book covers aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines used in power generation. This edition discusses emissions regulations, explores how pollutants can be reduced, and includes a new chapter on alternative fuels and emissions.

Catalog no. 86049, April 2010, 557 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8604-1, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Mechanical Engineering

Multi-Sensor Data Fusion with MATLAB

Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems Edited by


MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology and National Aerospace Lab, Bangalore, India

Richard K. Barnhart, Stephen B. Hottman, Douglas M. Marshall, and Eric Shappee

Using MATLAB examples wherever possible, this detailed book explores the three levels of MSDF: kinematic-level fusion, including the theory of DF; fuzzy logic and decision fusion; and pixel- and feature-level image fusion. The authors elucidate DF strategies, algorithms, and performance evaluation mainly for aerospace applications, although the methods can also be applied to systems in other areas, such as biomedicine, military defense, and environmental engineering. The book uses the Kalman filter, fuzzy logic, Bayesian networks, clustering, and more to address tracking and other problems.

In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have become a prominent segment of the aviation industry. From its history to future applications, this book explores the landscape of UAS. It discusses commercial and military applications, integration into the national airspace system (NAS), system functions, operational procedures, and safety concerns. It also addresses sensors, controls, automation, and a host of other relevant topics, including current and proposed U.S. and international regulations regarding UAS. This dynamic text is well-illustrated and also offers webbased resources.

Catalog no. K10025, December 2009, 568 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0003-4, £96.00

Catalog no. K11588, October 2011, 233 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3520-3, £44.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Jitendra R. Raol


Wavelet Methods for Dynamical Problems

Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

With Application to Metallic, Composite, and Nano-Composite Structures

Rafael Yanushevsky Research & Technology Consulting, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

S. Gopalakrishnan Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Mira Mitra Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

This book discusses the numerical solution of structural dynamics and wave propagation problems using wavelet transform methods. After an introduction to signal processing aspects, the text examines the implementation of wavelet transform for simulating the response of a dynamical system and then discusses the development of a wavelet-based simulation scheme for wave propagation analysis. The chapters also address wave propagation analysis of carbon nanotubes and the application of wave propagation studies for structural health monitoring, force identification, and control of wave transmission.

Written by an expert with more than 30 years of experience, Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles contains new analytical results, taken from the author’s research that can be used for analysis and design of unmanned aerial vehicles guidance and control systems. This book progresses from a clear elucidation of guidance laws and unmanned aerial vehicle dynamics to the modeling of their guidance and control systems. The author provides an innovative presentation of the theoretical aspects of unmanned aerial vehicles’ guidance that cannot be found in any other book.

Catalog no. K12322, March 2011, 376 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5095-4, £114.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10253, March 2010, 298 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0461-2, £99.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Mechanical Engineering

Shock Wave Dynamics Derivatives and Related Topics George Emanuel University of Texas at Arlington, USA

An important reference for professionals and students in aerospace and aeronautical engineering as well as in mechanical engineering, this book covers general jump conditions, two-dimensional/axisymmetric formulation, derivatives for a two-dimensional/axisymmetric shock with a uniform freestream, derivative applications, vorticity and its substantial derivative, shock wave triple-point morphology, derivatives when the upstream flow is nonuniform, and general derivatives formulation. Aside from derivatives, the book extensively covers shock generated vorticity and it includes a novel analysis of triple points. Both analyses are accompanied with a wide-ranging parametric study.

Stirling Convertor Regenerators Mounir B. Ibrahim Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA

Roy C. Tew, Jr. Providing a concise overview of various applications, this book reflects the conclusions of more than 20 years of worldwide research and development of Stirling regenerators, sponsored by DOE, NASA, and other organizations. The text draws on the latest research in Stirling regenerator technology, covering topics including performance improvement of Stirling converters and coolers. It also discusses applications in power generation, including alternative energy systems, and presents information on associated thermal energy storage.

Catalog no. K11469, November 2011, 487 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3006-2, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K16027, December 2012, c. 160 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6420-6, £114.00 Also available as an eBook

Large Energy Storage Systems Handbook

Microfluidics and Microscale Transport Processes

Edited by

Edited by

Frank S. Barnes and Jonah G. Levine

Suman Chakraborty

University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Reviewing several ways in which large amounts of energy can be stored so that it may be deployable by utilities, this handbook covers major topics including pumped hydroelectric systems, compressed air, and batteries. By considering the perspective of developers, planners, and legislators as well as engineers tasked with assessing and developing real energy storage systems, readers will find the information they need to make economic and practical decisions concerning renewable energy. Chapters on modeling for integration of wind and solar energy into the grid, hydrogen generation and storage, and thermal energy storage are included.

Catalog no. 86006, March 2011, 260 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8600-3, £89.00

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series

With an intense focus on micro- and nanotechnology from a fluidic perspective, this book details the research activities in key directions on both the theoretical and experimental fronts. As part of the IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph series, the text discusses topics such as capillary transport in microchannels, fluid friction and heat transfer in microchannels, electrokinetics, and interfacial transport in nanochannels. It also covers nanoparticle transport in colloidal suspensions, bubble generation in microfluidic channels, micro-heat pipe, the lattice Boltzmann method for phase changing flow, and cellular microbiofluidics.

Catalog no. K14346, October 2012, 366 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9924-3, £108.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Mechanical Engineering Mathematical Techniques for Wave Interaction with Flexible Structures

Wicking in Porous Materials

Trilochan Sahoo

Edited by

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Reza Masoodi and Krishna M. Pillai

IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

This book presents a contemporary account of research on various mathematical/numerical techniques to deal with the interaction of surface gravity waves with flexible floating/submerged structures, which are available in the scientific literature in a scattered manner. It emphasizes unique determination of the solution for a class of physical problems associated with Laplace- or Helmholtz-type equations, applications of the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, and more. It provides a toolkit to a large section of the scientific community including mathematicians, physicists, and engineers working on fluid structure interactions.

This reference offers information on the current science and recent advances of wicking in porous materials. The book describes various modeling approaches, traditional and modern, but maintains an emphasis on the modern methodologies. Chapters cover measurement of wetting parameters such as surface tension and contact angle, the Washburn Equation, measurement of various quantities, wicking in rigid porous materials, wicking in swelling porous materials, and two-phase flow approaches to modeling wick flow.

Catalog no. K14604, October 2012, 243 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0604-6, £89.00

Also available as an eBook

Traditional and Modern Modeling Approaches

Catalog no. K13444, November 2012, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7432-5, £95.00

Also available as an eBook

Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles

Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques

Second Edition

Edited by

Clayton T. Crowe, John D. Schwarzkopf, Martin Sommerfeld, and Yutaka Tsuji

Helcio R.B. Orlande, Olivier Fudym, Denis Maillet, and Renato M. Cotta

Since the publication of the first edition of Multiphase Flow with Droplets and Particles, there have been significant advances in science and engineering applications of multiphase fluid flow. Maintaining the pedagogical approach that made the first edition so popular, this second edition provides a background in this important area of fluid mechanics to those new to the field and a resource to those actively involved in the design and development of multiphase systems.

Series: Heat Transfer

Catalog no. K11877, August 2011, 509 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4050-4, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

The use of inverse problems constitutes a new research paradigm in which groups of theoretical, computational, and experimental researchers synergistically interact to better understand the physical phenomena being studied. This book presents a comprehensive research-based survey of modern inverse techniques and their applications to engineering heat transfer. Written by top-notch contributors, the text provides a concise, single-source reference on the mathematical modeling, measurements, and solution of inverse problems in heat transfer. It covers topics such as multiscale modeling, thermophysical properties, heat flux, and temperature measurements.

Catalog no. K12031, May 2011, 770 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4555-4, £99.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Mechanical Engineering Nanoparticle Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Edited by

Gas Turbine Heat Transfer and Cooling Technology

W. J. Minkowycz

Second Edition

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Je-Chin Han

E. M. Sparrow University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

J. P. Abraham

Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Sandip Dutta GE Energy, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Srinath Ekkad

The newest addition to the Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer Series features contributed chapters on major topics in nanoscale heat transfer and fluid flow, an area of increasing importance for all engineering disciplines. Leading experts offer consistent coverage of topics ranging from concepts of particle-level physics to real engineering applications. The book also provides extensive references in each chapter, so that readers can continue their study of this vital area.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

Catalog no. K12867, November 2012, 345 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6192-9, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

A comprehensive reference for engineers and researchers, this second edition focuses on gas turbine heat transfer issues and their associated cooling technologies for aircraft and land-based gas turbines. It provides information on state-of-the-art cooling technologies such as advanced turbine blade film cooling and internal cooling schemes. The book also offers updated experimental methods for gas turbine heat transfer and cooling research, as well as advanced computational models for gas turbine heat transfer and cooling performance predictions.

Catalog no. K12598, December 2012, c. 886 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5568-3, £114.00

Advances in Industrial Heat Transfer Edited by

Alina Adriana Minea Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Iasi, Romania Series: Heat Transfer

Energy Audit of Building Systems An Engineering Approach, Second Edition Moncef Krarti University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Written by world-renowned experts in their fields, this book presents the basic principles of industrial heat transfer enhancement. It introduces enhancement techniques and how they work, especially in the industrial environment. The contributors present the information in an interesting manner, using illustrations and definitions to enhance the text. They also include their own theoretical and practical results. Serving as a reference and guide for future research, this book presents a complete approach, from redesigning equipment to the use of nanofluids in industry.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series

Catalog no. K14337, October 2012, 421 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9907-6, £95.00

Catalog no. K11410, November 2010, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2871-7, £87.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

The second edition of a bestseller, this book offers a systematic engineering approach to a wide range of measures and opportunities for saving energy and reducing operating costs in residential and commercial buildings. The author provides general tools and procedures for performing building energy audits, including economic analysis, building energy simulation, and field testing. His focus then turns to various subsystems, exploring the techniques and technologies that can reduce energy use or operating costs.

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Mechanical Engineering

DC Servos Application and Design with MATLAB

Design Engineer's Handbook


Stephen M. Tobin Optical Tools Corporation, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts, USA

Keith L. Richards Gillingham, UK

Providing a balanced treatment of the theoretical and practical sides of application and design, this book distills knowledge from various branches of applied science—electrical and mechanical engineering, analog electronics, mechanics, control theory, digital electronics, embedded computing, and firmware design—into a cohesive framework. It takes readers on a journey through servo school, enabling them to design real DC servos, using modern, readily accessible parts from two bench-tested reference designs. It provides a comprehensive toolset that designers can use to craft the more complex machines that society will demand in the twenty-first century.

This handbook covers basic subjects that mechanical engineers will meet in their careers as well as the analysis of important machine elements, including shafts, lugs, and shear pins together with mechanical fasteners such as bolts. Emphasizing the use of hand calculations rather than dedicated software enables engineers and engineering students to understand the reasoning behind a particular approach, so that a solution can be readily obtained in the absence of a computer.

Catalog no. K14163, October 2012, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9275-6, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 80032, October 2010, 219 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8003-2, £66.99 Also available as an eBook

Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture

Meshfree Methods Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method, Second Edition

Second Edition Stephen P. Radzevich Eaton Corporation, Southfield, Michigan, USA

G.R. Liu

For more than 30 years, the book Practical Gear Design, later re-titled the Handbook of Practical Gear Design, has been the leading engineering guide and reference on the subject. Now available again in this revised edition, the book is a detailed, practical guide and reference to gear technology. It covers the design of all types of gears, from those for small mechanisms to large industrial applications. The presentation is designed for easy reference for those involved in practical gear design, manufacture, applications, and problem solving.

With 70 percent new material, this second edition reflects significant advances made in the field since the publication of its predecessor. It continues to systematically cover the most widely used meshfree methods. This edition includes enhanced focus on fundamental concepts and theories, more detailed discussion on error estimation and adaptive analysis using meshfree methods, developments on combined meshfree/FEM models, and comparison studies using meshfree and FEM. It also contains a new discussion on special properties of meshfree methods, including stability, convergence, accurate, efficiency, and bound property.

National University of Singapore

Catalog no. K12940, April 2012, 878 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6601-6, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 82094, October 2009, 792 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8209-8, £99.00 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Mechanical Engineering Engineering Mechanics and Design Applications Transdisciplinary Engineering Fundamentals Atila Ertas Texas Tech University, Lubbuck, USA

During the last decade, there has been an explosion of complex problems facing engineers, and the technical knowledge required to address these problems continues to evolve rapidly. Ideal as a concise reference for anyone studying to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam or preparing to work in collaborative engineering projects, this book thoroughly covers the basic knowledge necessary for engineering design. It discusses Prevention through Design and offers a condensed introduction to the fundamentals of statics, dynamics, vibrations, and strength of materials. The book also includes examples of design applications that integrate the topics covered in the chapters.

Catalog no. K12231, August 2011, 343 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4930-9, £49.99

Rotating Machinery Vibration From Analysis to Troubleshooting, Second Edition Maurice L. Adams, Jr. Machinery Vibration Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Rotating Machinery Vibration provides engineering professions with a thorough grounding in relevant fundamentals. It describes sources and types of vibration and delves into computer modeling and machine vibration signal analysis. The book is accompanied by a disk filled with tools for analyzing general rotor vibration and rotor balancing. Providing detailed descriptions of vibration symptoms for rotor unbalance, dynamic instability, rotor-stator rubs, misalignment, loose parts, cracked shafts, and rub-induced thermal bows, this book is an essential reference for engineering professionals across design and manufacturing.

Catalog no. K10362, December 2009, 476 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0717-0, £112.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Introduction to Thermodynamics of Mechanical Fatigue Michael M. Khonsari and Mehdi Amiri Fatigue is probabilistic in nature and involves a complex spectrum of loading history with variable amplitudes and frequencies. Yet most available fatigue failure prediction methods are empirical and concentrate on very specific types of loading. Taking a different approach, this book provides a concise description of processes involving mechanical fatigue from the thermodynamics point of view. Drawing on recent cutting-edge research and development, the authors present an introduction to a unified entropic approach to fatigue. They introduce the fundamentals of fatigue processes and explore a wide range of practical engineering applications.

Structural Acoustics Deterministic and Random Phenomena Joshua E. Greenspon J G Engineering Research Associates, Baltimore, Maryland

Building on classic works in the field, this practical reference provides a solid understanding of sound radiation in air and water. It presents simplified solutions for calculating the response of structures and media to static, dynamic, and random loading. Beginning with the fundamental relations of beams, plates, and shells, the book then develops the analysis for random loading. It includes computer programs for acoustical analysis available at

Catalog no. K11519, June 2011, 297 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3093-2, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K14850, September 2012, 166 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1179-8, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Ergonomics & Human Factors Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety

Aviation Psychology and Human Factors Monica Martinussen

Second Edition

Tromso University, Norway

Edited by

David R. Hunter An exploration of the application of psychological principles and techniques to the specific situations and problems of aviation, this book provides an overview of the role of psychology in the field of aviation. The authors address the design of aviation systems, the selection and training of pilots, the psychological characteristics of pilots that may relate to aviation safety, and to the behavior of passengers. They cover key concepts of psychological research and data analysis at a depth that allows an understanding of how these tools are used.

Catalog no. K10417, September 2009, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0843-6, £61.99 Also available as an eBook

Pascale Carayon University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Series: Human Factors and Ergonomics

Written for students and professionals, this book is a complete reference on human factors and ergonomics research, concepts, theories, models, methods, and interventions that have been or can be applied in health care. Topics such as medical technology and telemedicine are covered, and special emphasis is put on the contributions of human factors and ergonomics to the improvement of patient safety and quality of care. Nine chapters from the original edition were deleted, and information from them was incorporated into other chapters. Furthermore, this second edition offers 17 new chapters.

Catalog no. K11489, November 2011, 876 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3033-8, £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Occupational Physiology

The Rules of Work

Edited by

A Practical Engineering Guide to Ergonomics, Second Edition

Allan Toomingas Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Svend Erik Mathiassen University of Gävle, Sweden

Dan MacLeod

Ewa Wigaeus Tornqvist

Dan MacLeod LLC, Milford, Pennsylvania, USA

School of Health Sciences, Jönköping, Sweden

A clear and accessible text on work physiology, this book focuses on important issues in the modern working life. Taking up some of today's major public health problems— musculoskeletal disorders and stress—this book explains connections between work, well-being, and health according to up-to-date research in the field. It gives an orientation of useful methods for risk assessments and provides guidelines on arranging a good working life from the perspective of the working individual, the company, and the society as a whole.

Catalog no. K13002, December 2011, 309 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6696-2, £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Revised and updated to reflect new insights from workplace developments, this new edition of a bestseller continues the tradition of providing essential tools for implementing good ergonomics in a way that simultaneously improves both productivity and safety. Based on 35 years of practical problem-solving in over 1,500 workplaces, the book provides a downto-earth and practical guide for solving ergonomics problems. It provides a framework for evaluating tasks using low-tech, non-quantitative methods, along with an overview of the standard measuring systems for those occasions when numbers are needed.

Catalog no. K14336, October 2012, 198 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-9906-9, £39.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Markov Chains and Decision Processes for Engineers and Managers Theodore J. Sheskin Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA

This book presents an introduction to finite Markov chains and Markov decision processes, with applications in engineering and management. It introduces discrete-time, finite-state Markov chains, and Markov decision processes. The text describes both algorithms and applications, enabling students to understand the logical basis for the algorithms and be able to apply them. The applications address problems in government, business, and nonprofit sectors. The author uses Markov models to approximate the random behavior of complex systems in diverse areas, such as management, production, science, health services, finance, and marketing.

Catalog no. 51113, November 2010, 492 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5111-7, £66.99

Modeling of Responsive Supply Chain M.K. Tiwari, B. Mahanty, S. P. Sarmah, and M. Jenamani IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series

Addressing various aspects of supply chain management, this book describes the coordination between various elements in supply chain and optimizes the problem using both conventional and evolutionary approaches. It considers different models in the supply chain such as the transportation model, facility location model, assignment model, and planning and scheduling models. The text presents diverse technologies like RFID tags for detection of flow of particular item in the supply chain network. It also addresses the use of artificial intelligent optimization techniques in different types of supply chain problems and the use of specific coordination mechanisms and different analytical models.

Catalog no. K14775, August 2012, 225 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1034-0, £89.00

Modern Construction Lean Project Delivery and Integrated Practices Lincoln H. Forbes and Syed M. Ahmed East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, USA Industrial Innovation Series

Written by experts highly regarded for leadership and innovation, this book offers Lean tools and other productive strategies for the management of people and processes in the construction industry. The authors focus mainly on Lean construction methodologies, such as The Last Planner System, The Lean Project Delivery System™, and Integrated Project Delivery™. They then present process improvement approaches such as TQM and Six Sigma, demonstrating how these methods can improve projects in a traditional environment. ®

Catalog no. 6312X, October 2010, 524 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6312-7, £87.00 Also available as an eBook

Lean Six Sigma in Service Applications and Case Studies Edited by

Sandra L. Furterer Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Bentonville, Arkansas and Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia, USA

Based on case studies, this book demonstrates realworld applications of Six Sigma, especially in service or non-traditional industries and processes. In a clean, clear style that is not overly technical, the author describes the Six Sigma DMAIC and Design for Six Sigma IDDOV problem-solving approach and how it can be applied to service and transaction-related processes. The case studies illustrate the application of Lean Six Sigma tools to a wide variety of processes and problems including, but not limited to financial process improvement, designing a recruiting process, managing a college’s assets, and improving educational processes.

Catalog no. 78887, May 2009, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7888-6, £55.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Global Engineering

Usability Testing of Medical Devices

Design, Decision Making, and Communication

Michael Wiklund, Jonathan Kendler, and Allison Yale Strochlic

Carlos Acosta Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico

Wiklund Research & Design, Inc., Concord, Massachusetts, USA

V. Jorge Leon, Charles Conrad, and Cesar O. Malave Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Industrial Innovation Series

This book provides a primer on how to better design, make decisions, and communicate in an international working environment. The contents of the book reflect the authors’ multidisciplinary perspective and their experience in working on projects around the world. The book presents globalization as a prevalent phenomenon affecting both the way companies operate and most engineering functions. It uses a case study format that is based on real industrial projects, ranging from design to supply chain and logistics problems, and system improvement projects.

The book begins with a review of human factors engineering and how usability testing fits in, and then discusses the government regulations and industry standards that have motivated many medical device manufacturers to conduct usability tests. It then covers the nitty-gritty of planning, conducting, and reporting the results of a usability test, making the process as smooth and painless as possible for the development team, and therefore making the medical devices they develop as safe, effective, and appealing as possible.

Catalog no. K10595, December 2010, 412 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1183-2, £45.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10580, September 2009, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1155-9, £61.99 Also available as an eBook

Process Modeling in Composites Manufacturing

Reliability Models for Engineers and Scientists

Second Edition Suresh G. Advani

Mark P. Kaminskiy

University of Delaware, Newark, USA

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

E. Murat Sozer

A discussion of the basic reliability concepts and models, this book is suitable for students of reliability engineering as well as for those who wish a supplement on applied survival data analysis. The models discussed in the book are used in reliability, risk analysis, physics of failure, fracture mechanics, biological, pharmaceutical, and medical studies. It is an up-todate, concise, and informative handbook on reliability models, which does not require any special mathematical background. In addition, it introduces a new concept of the Gini-type index.

Catalog no. K16124, December 2012, 144 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6592-0, £82.00 Also available as an eBook


Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey

An introduction to modeling of composite manufacturing processes, this book covers the basic principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The book includes example problems solved to facilitate the use of back-of-the-envelope calculations, introducing a scientific basis to manufacturing. The end of each chapter has questions and problems that reinforce the content and fill-in-the-blank sections that will develop the experience base of the manufacturing, materials, and design engineer or scientist. In this new edition, the computer-based solutions were obtained using MATLAB code and also flow simulation-based analysis. ®

Catalog no. 90828, July 2010, 630 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9082-6, £99.00

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Materials Science Fundamentals of Corrosion Mechanisms, Causes, and Preventative Methods Philip A. Schweitzer Consultant, York, Pennsylvania, USA Series: Corrosion Technology

Written by an authority in corrosion science, this reference offers a comprehensive description of the causes of corrosion as well as the means to limit or prevent it. It explains various forms of corrosion, including its methods of attack on plastic materials, and the causes of failure in protective coatings, linings, and paints. Emphasizing atmospheric exposure, the text presents vital information regarding the design of structures, automobiles, household plumbing, manufacturing equipment, and other entities, as well as the effects of de-icing chemicals on highways and bridges.

Catalog no. 67702, September 2009, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6770-5, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Piezoelectric Materials and Devices Applications in Engineering and Medical Sciences M. S. Vijaya M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India

Starting from the fundamentals, this book provides a concise yet complete treatment of piezoelectric materials, an important class of smart materials that are useful as both actuators and sensors. Including case studies, the text introduces different types of dielectric materials, describes the preparation and properties of various piezoelectric materials used in device applications, and presents various engineering and medical applications of piezoelectric materials. It also discusses in detail the design and virtual prototyping of piezoelectric devices using commercially available software tools like ANSYS and PAFEC.

Catalog no. K14058, August 2012, 186 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8786-8, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Corrosion of Ceramic Materials Third Edition Ronald A. McCauley

Grain Boundary Migration in Metals Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Applications, Second Edition

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway

Gunter Gottstein and Lasar S. Shvindlerman

Series: Corrosion Technology

Institut fur Metallkunde und Metallphysik, Aachen, Germany

Compiling key findings and literature highlights from nearly a decade of scientific advancement, this second edition covers emerging techniques in corrosion analysis, characterization, and prediction and provides at-aglance coverage of national and international testing procedures for the evaluation of materials stability. The book collects a generous number of models, figures, and studies illustrating techniques to minimize and reduce the effects of various mechanisms contributing to the corrosion of civil, aerospace, and military structures. Addressing the latest trends, this book is a prime source of guidance for the assessment, interpretation, and inhibition of corrosion phenomena.

Catalog no. K11066, December 2012, 462 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2022-3, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Series: Materials Science & Technology

Grain boundary migration is key to materials microstructural processes such as recrystallization and is essential to the creation of new materials. While this importance is reflected in the literature, this is the first book to focus on the thermodynamics, kinetics, and applications of individual grain boundary migration in metals. This authoritative work contains a wealth of data focused on the experimental techniques in the study of single grain boundary motion and grain boundary systems with junctions and is the only one to discuss grain boundary junction motion. Worked problems are included throughout to help readers master the material.

Catalog no. 5435X, December 2009, 711 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5435-4, £99.00 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Materials Science Resistance Welding

Introduction to Texture Analysis

Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition University of Toledo, Ohio, USA

Macrotexture, Microtexture, and Orientation Mapping, Second Edition

Jacek Senkara

Olaf Engler

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, Bonn, Germany

Drawing on state-of-the-art research results, this second edition presents fundamental aspects of important processes in resistance welding and discusses their implications on real-world welding applications. This updated edition incorporates many new features: more metallurgical aspects of materials, such as steels, aluminum and magnesium alloys, zinc, and copper; commonly used electric current waveforms; and magnesium welding in terms of cracking and expulsion. Along with new 2-D and 3-D lobe diagrams, it discusses the effect of individual welding parameters and new materials for the ultrasonic evaluation of welds.

Valerie Randle

Hongyan Zhang

Catalog no. K12480, December 2011, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5371-9, £99.00

University of Wales, Swansea, UK

Completely revised and updated, this second edition of a bestseller is that rare introductory-level guide to texture analysis. It is one of the only books that address traditional macrotexture methods and newer electron-microscopy-based microtexture analysis. Keeping mathematics to a minimum, the authors focus on clarifying the concepts, methods, and scientific principles of texture analysis. The book’s coverage reflects both the growing emphasis on the modern approach to texture determination and the subsequently increased need to explain the philosophy, practice, and analysis associated with it.

Catalog no. 63650, November 2009, 488 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-6365-3, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Properties, Manufacturing Methods, and Applications

Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Christopher C. Ibeh

Edited by

Pittsburgh State University, Kansas, USA

Sam-Shajing Sun and Larry R. Dalton

Thermoplastic Materials

This text offers a detailed presentation of thermoplastic materials that are commercially available for the plastics and polymer industries. It discusses chemical structure-property relationships and various categories of thermoplastic resins, including general purpose/commodity, quasicommodity, engineering, and specialty. Some of the thermoplastics covered include polycarbonate, nylon, ABS, and PMMA. Using a process-oriented format, the author explores application areas of thermoplastics to elucidate the interrelation and effect of processing on the properties and performance of these materials.

Catalog no. 93835, April 2011, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9383-4, £95.00

Reflecting the rapid growth in research and development on organic/polymeric electronic and photonic materials and devices over the last few decades, this volume provides comprehensive coverage. It examines organic semiconducting, conducting, and superconducting materials; Field Effect Transistors (FETs); nonvolatile organic thin-film memory devices; and organic, electro-optic or opto-electronic materials. It presents the most widely recognized fundamentals, principles, and mechanisms along with representative examples, key experimental data, and over 200 illustrative figures. The book includes exercise questions for each chapter and an accompanying CD-ROM with a self-study lecture in PowerPoint . ®

Catalog no. 9284, May 2008, 936 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9284-9, £82.99 Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Allied Health Medicine / Math for Engineers Quality of Life Technology Handbook Edited by

Complex Analysis with Applications to Flows and Fields

Richard Schulz

L. M. B. C. Campos

University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Lisbon Technical University, Portugal

Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series

Series: Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology

This book is a comprehensive resource describing quality of life technologies and their development, evaluation, adoption, and commercialization. It takes an interdisciplinary team approach to the process of technology development for disabled and older persons and discusses the state of the art and future directions of technologies. This work provides direction on how to identify user needs and preferences, engage end-users in the design and development process, and evaluate and commercialize the technologies.

This book presents the theory of functions of a complex variable, from the complex plane to the calculus of residues to power series to conformal mapping. It gives the necessary mathematical background and physical principles to build models for technological and scientific purposes, showing how to formulate problems, justify the solutions, and interpret the results. The book explores numerous physical and engineering applications concerning potential flows, the gravity field, electro- and magnetostatics, steady heat conduction, and other problems. It also provides the mathematical results to sufficiently justify the solution of these problems, eliminating the need to consult external references.

Catalog no. K14561, October 2012, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0534-6, £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 71181, September 2010, 1029 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7118-4, £87.00

Clinical Procedures for Medical Technology Specialists Laurence J. Street Chilliwack General Hospital, Rosedale, British Columbia, Canada

Divided into separate sections for diagnosis and treatment, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most common medical procedures performed in modern clinical settings. Each section presents common procedural names, a detailed description of the procedure itself, an outline of its application for a particular disease or injury, and a discussion of expected outcomes and potential complications as well as staffing, equipment, and pre-procedure requirements. Each chapter includes a summary and study questions and the appendices offer a glossary and a table of normal values.

Catalog no. 81993, October 2010, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8199-2, £45.99 Also available as an eBook

What Every Engineer Should Know about MATLAB and Simulink ®


Adrian B. Biran Technion — Israel Institute of Technology Series: What Every Engineer Should Know

Using examples from mathematics, mechanical and electrical engineering, and control and signal processing, this book provides an introduction to MATLAB and Simulink and examines the advantages and limitations of both. The author demonstrates how to visualize the results of calculations in various kinds of graphical representations, how to write useful script files and functions for solving specific problems, how to avoid disastrous computational errors, and how to insert calculations and graphs into technical reports produced by either MS Word or LaTeX. Companion software with functions and script files are available online. ®


Catalog no. K10511, July 2010, 451 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1020-0, £45.99

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Nanoscience & Technology Systems Engineering for Microscale and Nanoscale Technologies

Nanotechnology Intellectual Property Rights Research, Design, and Commercialization

Edited by

Prabuddha Ganguli

Ann Garrison Darrin

VISION-IPR, Mumbai, India

Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA

Siddharth Jabade Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India

Janet L. Barth NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

Systems Engineering for Microscale and Nanoscale Technologies is perhaps the first handbook to concentrate on the use of systems engineering at the micro and nano levels. One major roadblock to this process is a generally limited understanding of exactly how to apply systems engineering principles and management processes to the integration of newer, small-scale technologies. Focusing on this problem of consolidating disciplines, contributors illustrate the interdependence between nanotechnology and systems engineering, making it easier for experts from these two distinct fields to understand and optimize their application of the other. To help readers from these different domains successfully combine heterogeneous, mixed-scale elements, contributors assess the evolution of micro- and nanoscale technology development and its impact on everything from laboratory concepts to actualized products in health, automotive, aerospace, communication, and many other fields. The book outlines new approaches to developing smart systems. It also clarifies the capabilities of micro- and nanotechnologies, including how they interface with each other and with macro systems. Edited by highly regarded technologists, this introductory resource includes insightful contributions from leading minds in areas including nanotechnology, physics, systems engineering, materials science, chemistry, electrical engineering, and futurism, among others. The result is a masterfully designed, interrelated collection of multidisciplinary expertise to help readers optimize future technologies.

Catalog no. K11692, December 2011, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3732-0, ÂŁ82.00 Also available as an eBook

Demystifying the accelerating research and product development process involved in nanotechnology, this book employs illustrations and lucid explanations to examine the integration and exploitation of intellectual property rights (IPR) as a tool in research and development, technology transfer, and safe commercialization. Requiring no prior legal experience of readers, it illuminates the nuances and integral role of IPR in technology development, from product inception through commercialization. This indispensible book destroys illusions in the minds of stakeholders and builds confidence to establish a framework for an agile, working product development model.

Catalog no. K12576, June 2012, 290 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-5528-7, ÂŁ31.99 Also available as an eBook

Nanotechnology Health and Environmental Risks, Second Edition Edited by

Jo Anne Shatkin CLF Ventures, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Series: Perspectives in Nanotechnology

This book introduces the use of risk analysis as a tool for responsible environmental decision making in nanotechnology development, providing concise, yet informative, narratives on the topics of toxicology, occupational health and safety, and environmental implications of nanotechnology. This new edition presents new perspectives and provides updates on the technical, societal, and regulatory developments in the field. The text presents historical perspectives, provides an overview of current concerns, summarizes international efforts to address risk, describes methods for evaluating nanotechnology risks, and presents current and proposed approaches for managing those risks.

Catalog no. K13861, November 2012, 266 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-8175-0, ÂŁ38.99


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

Occupational Health & Safety Concise Guide to Workplace Safety and Health What You Need to Know, When You Need It

Safety, Health, and Environmental Auditing A Practical Guide

Gary Chambers

Simon W. Pain

Every organization must comply with occupational health and safety regulations. Yet it is frequently unclear which actually apply in a given real-life situation, plus the field is loaded with technical terminology and complicated regulations. Many managers, trainers, even safety and health professionals therefore find it hard to know how to comply, with exactly what.

A practical guide to environmental, safety, and occupational health audits, this book allows organizations and business to avoid expensive external auditors and retain the knowledge and learning in-house. In contrast to the overly academic and uninspiring tone of most auditing books, this text gives accessible userfriendly advice in a step-by-step manner. Building on novel auditing techniques designed to overcome common problems in the audit process, it emphasizes accurate auditing that is representative and repeatable. It allows managers or safety/environmental officers to undertake in-house audits in a competent and reproducible fashion.

Written to make this important discipline more understandable, Concise Guide to Workplace Safety and Health: What You Need to Know, When You Need It systematically addresses, for each of the 34 topics covered, core issues such as relevant regulations, required program elements, and definitions of key terms. Organized for quick access to information, this handy reference book demystifies required documentation, training elements, medical requirements, recordkeeping, and more. Conveniently, the author uses the same 20-part format for every topic. For example, if you want to know only about the documentation required, you can immediately turn to a topic’s Section 9 (Written Documentation Required). If training requirements are the issue, simply go to a chapter’s Section 12 (Training Requirements). Also provided for each topic are links to quality background and training information, with sample forms and programs where available. The Guide covers safety and health topics of interest to a wide cross section of industries and businesses. The author’s relaxed, yet focused approach and consistent format allow efficient access to a broad range of occupational health and safety information. The topics covered include not only those that are currently regulated, but also emerging issues such as injury and illness prevention programs, and the rapidly growing field of nanotechnology.

Catalog no. K10371, January 2011, 409 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-0732-3, £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K11449, April 2010, 230 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2947-9, £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Safety Professional's Reference and Study Guide W. David Yates Bodine Services of the Midwest, Decatur, Illinois, USA

Written as a reference and study guide for candidates preparing to take the Board of Certified Safety Professional's exam, this book provides technical information needed for the test. It covers topics such as math review, ventilation, noise, gases and particulates, radiation, toxicology, industrial hygiene, biological hazards, thermal stressors, statistics, fire protection and prevention, accident investigation, mechanics, hydrostatics and hydraulics, electrical safety, engineering economy, and workers compensation. The book provides step-by-step instructions on how to solve the equations and formulas on the exam and gives examples on how and when to use them.

Catalog no. K11570, December 2010, 580 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3485-5, £66.99 Also available as an eBook

CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog


Water Science & Engineering Drinking Water Disinfection Techniques Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

Urban Storm Water Management

K. J. Kishen

Hormoz Pazwash

New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

Boswell Engineering, South Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

This book effectively combines the chemical, physical, biological and engineering principles of water disinfection in one text. Discussing both conventional and novel techniques used for disinfection and the economics involved, the book gives a comprehensive review of various physical, chemical, and hybrid techniques used for disinfection to create potable water, including mode of action, scale of operation, efficacy, merits, and drawbacks. The authors highlight their novel work on cavitation for water disinfection: an economical, energy-efficient, and simple alternative to the conventional methods of disinfection.

Urbanization has increased both the peak and the volume of storm water runoff, reduced infiltration, and degraded water quality. As a result, storm water practices are constantly evolving. This book covers the management and design of drainage and storm water systems. Numerous examples provide every hydrologic and hydraulic calculation involved in storm water management. The text also contains case studies that illustrate the methods and procedures for designing extended detention basins, infiltration basins, and underground retention/infiltration basins.

P. A. Bhalchandra

Catalog no. K13584, December 2012, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7740-1, £82.00

Catalog no. K10518, April 2011, 550 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1035-4, £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Urban Watersheds

Biological Wastewater Treatment

Geology, Contamination, and Sustainable Development

Third Edition C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr., Glen T. Daigger, Nancy G. Love, and Carlos D. M. Filipe

Martin M. Kaufman University of Michigan, Flint, USA

Daniel T. Rogers Amsted Industries, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Kent S. Murray University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA

This book presents over 20 years of research and professional practice on urban watersheds from the fields of environmental geology, geochemistry, risk analysis, hydrology, and urban planning. The book integrates geological characteristics of urbanized watersheds along with the properties of their common contaminants to assess risk factors for soil, groundwater, and air. It also presents a new framework for attaining sustainable urban watersheds. The book includes case studies on successful and unsuccessful approaches to contaminant remediation as well as practical methods for environmental risk assessment.

Catalog no. K12428, April 2011, 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5274-3, £89.00

Written by experts in the field, this thoroughly updated third edition covers commonly used and emerging suspended and attached growth reactors. Drawing on their extensive academic and industrial experience, the authors discuss combined carbon and ammonia oxidation, activated sludge, biological nutrient removal, aerobic digestion, anaerobic processes, lagoons, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, fluidized beds, and biologically aerated filters. They integrate the principles of biochemical processes with applications in the real world, communicating approaches to the conception, design, operation, and optimization of biochemical unit operations in a comprehensive yet lucid manner.

Catalog no. 9679, May 2011, 1022 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9679-3, £95.00

Also available as an eBook


CRC Press Engineering Refresher Course Catalog

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