New Engineering eBooks catalog July, August, September 2015
Civil & Mechanical Engineering Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Handbook, Second Edition Edited by D. Yogi Goswami, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA and Frank Kreith, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA (retired) EBook ISBN: 9781466585096 PRINT ISBN: 9781466585089 August 2015 | 254 x 178 | 1784pp | Hb | $375.00 | illus: 690 b/w, 283 tables NetBASE: ENGnetBASE, MechanicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Mechanical Engineering Click image for more information
This book has been a bestselling reference in its first edition; the new second edition represents a thorough updating of the contents to reflect the major trends and technologies in energy engineering. There is added coverage of nuclear energy and its place in energy systems, a chapter on natural gas, and extensive coverage of energy storage for various types of energy generation. Existing chapters have been updated, and the newest data is supplied for reference. Key Features:
Provides a comprehensive look at renewable energy technologies and systems Projects energy supply, demand, and pricing factors for the coming decades Contains new coverage of nuclear energy and natural gas Expands coverage of energy storage technologies and strategies Examines wind, solar-thermal, photovoltaic solar, ocean, geothermal, and biomass energy Evaluates energy policy and development in each region of the world, in specific chapters
Related titles: Nuclear Engineering Handbook -- 978-1-4200-5390-6 Principles of Sustainable Energy -- 978-1-4398-1407-9 Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems, Second Edition -- 978-1-4665-5696-6 Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes -- 978-1-4200-9517-3 Audience: Researchers, engineers, consultants, managers and policy makers dealing with energy systems and renewable energy; appropriate for all regions of the world.
Civil & Mechanical Engineering Combine Harvesters Theory, Modeling, and Design Petre Miu, Projenics, Richmond HIll, Canada, EBook ISBN: 9781482282375 PRINT ISBN: 9781466505124 August 2015 | 254 x 178 | 486pp | Hb | $240.00 | illus: 339 b/w, 32 colours, 34 tables NetBASE: ENGnetBASE, AGRICULTUREnetBASE, MechanicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Mechanical Engineering Click image for more information
The design, development, and optimization of modern combine harvesters require a thorough understanding and a suitable representation (model) of each machine system as well as of the whole machine. Based on the author’s 20 years of teaching, research, and engineering design, this book provides a unique and unitary approach of the engineering concepts, construction, calculations, simulation, and design of these complex and expensive machines. It presents systematic, unified, and in-depth engineering/scientific knowledge integration from fundamentals, through new mathematical models, to process optimization and design applications. Key Features:
Takes an integrated approach of modeling, simulation, optimization, and control, applicable to all combine systems Details a top-down mechatronic design approach integrating kinematics and dynamics of processed materials with machine system mechanics, control and design techniques Uses MATLAB and Simulink (registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.) for computer design methods Provides examples of current combine systems/elements design throughout the book Contains applications/exercises, many of them inspired from the author’s engineering and research experience Appropriate for all regions where agricultural machinery is designed and manufactured The only book available with a comprehensive and modern overview of harvester combines
Related titles: Fluid Power Circuits and Controls -- 978-0-8493-0924-3 Basics of Hydraulic Systems -- 978-1-4200-7098-9 Fluid Machinery -- 978-1-4200-8294-4 Audience: Engineers and managers working in the field of agricultural machinery; professors and students in Biological & Agricultural Engineering. The US, Canada, China, Japan, Korea and Brazil are among the top nations in this area.
Civil & Mechanical Engineering Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Advances, Challenges, and Modeling Edited by Sarhan M. Musa, Prairie View A&M University, Houston, Texas, USA and Zhijun Wu, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China EBook ISBN: 9781498705059 PRINT ISBN: 9781498705042 July 2015 | 254 x 178 | 310pp | Hb | $240.00 | illus: 128 b/w, 38 colours, 35 tables NetBASES: ENGnetBASE, ElectricalENGINEERINGnetBASE, MechanicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Aviation Click image for more information
This book explores how to improve capacity and relieve congestion of modern-day air traffic and to increase the ability for mobile aircraft to communicate efficiently with ground networks. It emphasizes the advances, challenges, and modeling of ATN. The book covers MIPv6 as a core of mobility management mechanism for the aeronautical environment. It examines the simulated performance of VDL Mode 2, investigates the ATN system cyber-attacks since 9/11, and examines the current security situation of ATN information systems related to safety in air transportation. Key Features:
Explores the security evaluation of ATN information systems, with chapters written by leading researchers Provides future technologies and applications of ATN information systems Presents new developments and research for the maximum probability principle-based ATN routing algorithms Includes up-to-date coverage of ATN information cooperative transmission performance Explains MIPv6-based seamless handover mechanisms, including request queue model for aeronautical high-speed node handover Appropriate for aviation information systems designers and managers in all regions
Related titles: Digital Avionics Handbook, Third Edition -- 978-1-4398-6861-4 Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Second Edition -- 978-1-4822-6393-0 Small and Short-Range Radar Systems -- 978-1-4398-6599-6 Audience: Electrical, Computer, and Aeronautical engineers working in aeronautical information systems design, technology, and implementation; managers and policy makers in aviation and airport operations; and security experts dealing with secure aviation systems design and monitoring.
Electrical Engineering Multisensor Data Fusion From Algorithms and Architectural Design to Applications Edited by Hassen Fourati, University Grenoble Alpes, France EBook ISBN: 9781482263756 PRINT ISBN: 9781482263749 August 2015 | 254 x 178 | 659pp | Hb | $195.00 | illus: 181 b/w, 53 tables, NetBASES: ENGnetBASE, ElectricalENGINEERINGnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Electrical Engineering Click image for more information
This book covers the theory and practice of multisensor data fusion, from fundamental concepts to cutting-edge techniques drawn from a broad array of disciplines. Featuring contributions from data fusion researchers and academicians, the text discusses the advantages and challenges associated with multisensor data fusion, from extended spatial and temporal coverage to imperfection and diversity in sensor technologies. It presents state-of-the-art advances in the design of data fusion algorithms and architectures, as well as showcases applications in fields such as medicine, transportation's traffic, defense, and navigation. Key Features:
Covers the contemporary theory and practice of multisensor data fusion, from fundamental concepts to cutting-edge techniques drawn from a broad array of disciplines Instills a deeper understanding of the basics of multisensor data fusion as well as a practical knowledge of the problems that can be faced during its execution Contains a robust collection of modern multisensor data fusion methodologies contributed by the world’s leading data fusion researchers and academicians
Audience: Engineers working on navigation systems for aircraft systems, underwater systems, and a wide range of potential applications in areas such as defense, robotics, automation and intelligent system design sensor networks and pattern recognition. Related titles: Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion -- 978-1-4200-5308-1 Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition -- 978-1-4398-4883-8 Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations -- 978-1-4398-5830-1
Ergonomics & Industrial Engineering Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Second Edition Edited by Woodrow Barfield, UNC School of Law, USA EBook ISBN: 9781482243512 PRINT ISBN: 9781482243505 July 2015 | 235 x 156 | 723pp | Hb | $225.00 | illus: 289 b/w, 34 tables, NetBASE: ERGONOMICSnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, COMPUTERSCIENCEnetBASE, InformationSCIENCEnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Ergonomics and Human Factors Click image for more information
Upon publication almost 15 years ago, the first edition almost instantly became a trusted reference, setting the stage for the coming decade, in which the explosion in research and applications of wearable computers and augmented reality occurred. Written by outstanding researchers and teachers, all chapters in the second edition are new and reflect advances in the field and provide fundamental knowledge on each topic, solidifying the book’s reputation as a valuable technical resource. Key Features:
Includes material on the technology/design and use of wearable computers Provides a new chapter on software applications for augmented reality Covers hand-held and portable wearable computer devices Discusses ubiquitous/mobile computing Revises the chapter on electronic/digital/wearable computer clothing
Related titles: Handbook of Virtual Environments, 2/E -- 978-1-4665-1184-2 Smart Clothing – 978-1-4200-8852-6 Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, 3/E – 978-1-4398-2943-1 Audience: Human Factors Engineers, Cognitive Psychologists, Cognitive Engineers, Computer Scientists, Computer Engineers, Software Engineers, Human Performance Modeling, Human Computer Interaction, Ergonomics, Engineering Psychologists, Interface Designers Quotes: “…provides a comprehensive overview of wearable computing with a focus on its application in augmented reality. In its second edition the book adds more examples on the use of augmented reality, which changed dramatically since the first edition…. Given the fast-paced development in the field, the book presents a timely contribution to the current discussion”—Jan Brejch, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
GIS & Environmental Engineering Membrane Bioreactor Processes Principles and Applications Seong-Hoon Yoon, Ecolab, Naperville, Illinois, USA EBook ISBN: 9781482255843 PRINT ISBN: 9781482255836 July 2015 | 254 x 178 | 452pp | Hb | $270.00 | illus: 254 b/w, 68 tables NetBASE: ENVIROnetBASE, CHEMLIBnetBASE, WATERnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, CHEMISTRYnetBASE, EnvironmentalSCIENCEnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Water Science & Engineering
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A good fundamental understanding of membranes and membrane systems and of biological systems is crucial in properly addressing the evaluation, selection, design, and operation of membrane bioreactors. This book covers nearly all the theoretical and practical aspects of membrane bioreactor technology with up-to-date information. By understanding the ties between theories and practices, readers will not only understand what can be accomplished with current technology, but why this occurs, and how theoretical and practical limits may be overcome in the future. Key Features:
Covers the principles and practices relevant to membrane bioreactor technology Includes state-of-the-art understandings on submerged membrane module design and process optimization, which have never been dealt in existing books in the market Provides comprehensive knowledge on how biological and membrane systems influence each other Offers practical information on MBR design, operation, and maintenance Presents membrane-based water reclamation/recycle processes Useful globally with Japan and Germany as important markets for MBR.
Audience: Graduate students and academics in civil, environmental engineering and chemical engineering, Design and operating engineers of wastewater treatment systems Related titles: Water and Wastewater Treatment -- 978-1-4398-5400-6 Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes -- 978-1-4200-6191-8 Spellman's Standard Handbook for Wastewater Operators, Second Edition (3 Volume Set) -- 978-1-4398-1890-9 Quotes: "This book provides by far the most comprehensive information to academic researchers and industry practitioners who wish to study and practice membrane bioreactor technology. —Jaehong Kim, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Yale University “Seong-Hoon Yoon’s strong academic background, coupled with his many years of practical experience in industry, are evident in this very informative book. I think that this will become essential reading for anyone involved in MBR applications and Search.” —Professor A.G. (Tony) Fane, Singapore Membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
GIS & Environmental Engineering Reverse Osmosis A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional Frank R. Spellman, Spellman Environmental Consultants, Norfolk, Virginia, and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA EBook ISBN: 9781498727532 PRINT ISBN: 9781498727501 August 2015 | 235 x 156 | 320pp | Hb | £195.00 | illus: 50 b/w, 32 tables NetBASE: WATERnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Water Science & Engineering Click image for more information
Written in Frank Spellman’s trademark, engaging, and highly readable style, this book discusses issues facing the water/wastewater and desalination industries. It covers how reverse osmosis is used in drinking water purification from seawater as well as other industrial applications. By design, this text does not include an in-depth discussion of mathematics, engineering, chemistry, or biology. However, it does include numerous illustrations as well as an extensive glossary of terms and abbreviations for easy comprehension of concepts and processes, and for quick reference. Key Features:
Addresses reverse osmosis use in desalination Presents the latest information regarding reverse osmosis in wastewater treatment Explains how reverse osmosis can be used in various industries, including the food industry, hydrogen production, and more Describes the challenges of reverse osmosis and contaminants such as endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (PPCPs)
Audience: Professionals working in water treatment Related titles: Water and Wastewater Treatment -- 978-1-4398-5400-6 The Drinking Water Handbook, Second Edition -- 978-1-4398-6690-0 Desalination Technology -- 978-1-4398-2890-8 Quotes: "… a very interesting book that talks about the RO technology and its application in water treatment… brilliant… highly readable…" —Xue Jin, University Of Glasgow, Scotland
GIS & Environmental Engineering Handbook of Environmental Engineering Frank R. Spellman, Spellman Environmental Consultants, Norfolk, Virginia, and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA EBook ISBN: 9781498708623 PRINT ISBN: 9781498708616 September 2015 | 254 x 178 | 752pp | Hb | $330.00 | illus: 71 b/w, 95 tables, NetBASE: ENVIROnetBASE, ENERGYandCLEANTECHnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, EnvironmentalENGINEERINGnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Engineering - Environmental Click image for more information
Environmental engineers must be well-equipped to deal with a broad array of issues, and this Handbook discusses the concepts and skills they'll need to master, including ecology, ecotoxicology, risk and impact assessments, hydrology, hydrogeology, modeling contaminants, aquatic chemistry, environmental microbiology, statistical analyses, habitat analysis and wetland delineation, resource modeling, sampling, sediment transport and river mechanics, streams restoration, atmospheric chemistry, economics, business law for engineers, geographic information systems (GIS), sustainability, water resources management, green engineering, energy planning, renewable energy, and many other areas. Key Features:
Examines the physical, chemical, and biological processes fundamental to understanding the environment fate and engineered treatment of environmental contaminants Presents technologies to prevent pollution at the source, as well as treatment and disposal methods for remediation Identifies multiple environmental pollutants and explains the effects of each Includes the latest environmental regulatory requirements
Audience: Practicing environmental engineers and Students studying Environmental Engineering Related titles: Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sixth Edition (Print Version) -- 978-1-4398-0442-1 Handbook of Engineering Hydrology -- 978-1-4665-5241-8 Ecological Sustainability -- 978-1-4665-6512-8
Materials & Chemical Engineering Energy and Fuel Systems Integration Yatish T. Shah, Norfolk State University, Virginia, USA EBook ISBN: 9781482253122 PRINT ISBN: 9781482253061 August 2015 | 235 x 156 | 496pp | Hb | $240.00 | illus: 8 b/w, 14 colours, 29 tables NetBASE: ENGnetBASE, MechanicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, CHEMLIBnetBASE, ENERGYandCLEANTECHnetBASE, SCI-TECHnetBASE, ChemicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Energy Engineering Click image for more information
This book explains how growing energy and fuel demands, paired with the need for environmental preservation, require different sources of energy and fuel to integrate with each other. Providing numerous success stories, the text discusses the use of fuel mixtures for combustion, gasification, liquefaction, pyrolysis, and anaerobic digestion processes. It describes the use of hybrid nuclear and renewable energy systems for power and heat cogenerations. It also details the holistic integration of renewable, nuclear, and fossil energy systems by gas, heat, and smart electrical grids. Key Features:
Explains how growing energy and fuel demands, paired with the need for environmental preservation, require different sources of energy and fuel to cooperate and integrate with each other rather than simply compete Emphasizes the many advantages of these integrated systems, including sustainability, flexibility for optimization and scale-up, and more efficient use of storage, transportation, and delivery infrastructures Provides numerous examples of energy and fuel systems integration success stories
Audience: Chemical Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering Related titles: Biofuels and Bioenergy -- 978-1-4200-8955-4 Carbon-Neutral Fuels and Energy Carriers -- 978-1-4398-1857-2 Fuels, Energy, and the Environment -- 978-1-4665-1017-3 Quotes: “…a totally different kind of energy technology book, which not only presents comprehensive and accurate overview of science and technology of the “ten” sources of energy and fuel, but also clearly outlines the energy roadmap for the future technological society where different sources of energy and fuel cooperate and integrate with each other rather than simply compete…. eloquently explains the technologically inter-connecting nature of energy, water and carbon emission, while emphasizing the importance of the synthetic fuel conversion and added flexibility, utilization of hybrid systems, and holistic energy integration strategy. …most definitely belongs to the category of “must have” and “must read.” -Sunggyu Lee, Ohio University, Athens, USA “…gives comprehensive coverage of the strategies that can be used for the integration of fossil, renewable and nuclear energy sources and the challenges involved…. a timely addition to the books on energy and fuels.” -- Professor Deepak Kunzru, IIT Kanpur, India
Materials & Chemical Engineering Handbook of Porous Media, Third Edition Edited by Kambiz Vafai, University of California, Riverside, USA EBook ISBN: 9781439885574 PRINT ISBN: 9781439885543 July 2015 | 254 x 178 | 959pp | Hb | $345.00 | illus: 443 b/w, 59 colours, 39 tables, NetBASE: MATERIALSnetBASE, CHEMLIBnetBASE SCI-TECHnetBASE, ChemicalENGINEERINGnetBASE, STMnetBASE Market: Materials Science Click image for more information
This third edition offers a comprehensive overview of the latest theories on flow, transport, and heat-exchange processes in porous media. It also details sophisticated porous media models which can be used to improve the accuracy of modeling in a variety of practical applications. Featuring contributions from leading experts in their respective fields, the book provides a valuable reference for addressing some of the most challenging issues in engineering and the hydrogeological, biological, and biomedical sciences, further enhancing cross-disciplinary research and cooperation between engineers and scientists. Key Features:
Offers a comprehensive overview of the latest theories on flow, transport, and heat-exchange processes in porous media Details sophisticated porous media models which can be used to improve the accuracy of modeling in a variety of practical applications Provides a valuable reference for addressing some of the most challenging issues in engineering and the hydrogeological, biological, and biomedical sciences New edition contains many new chapters that focus on applications in biological science and engineering.
Audience: Chemical engineers, biomedical engineers, mechanical engineers, materials science/engineers, physicists, chemists, medicine, and pharmacology, hydrogeology and related earth and environmental sciences, petroleum engineers Related titles: Porous Media -- 978-1-4200-6541-1 Nanoporous Materials -- 978-1-4398-1104-7 Wax Deposition -- 978-1-4665-6766-5 Quotes: “Those who liked the second edition of this handbook…will surely be impressed with this new edition….certainly not a simple rewrite or superficial update of previous chapters and topics. Many of the authors are different and various topics have been added, with most or all contributions very much geared towards the current state of the art and its applications across disciplinary boundaries, including for industry.” -- Martinus Th. van Genuchten, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Utrecht University, Netherlands “…a valuable addition to most researchers bookshelves and will most likely stimulate further research efforts in porous media theory.” -- J H Cushman, President, International Society for Porous Media and University Distinguished Professor, Purdue University “…an excellent overview of the latest theories on flow, transport and heat-exchange processes in porous media.” -- Rainer Helmig, University of Stuttgart, Germany
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