Environmental Science

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Contents Environmental Toxicology ....................................3 Environmental Modeling & Systems Analysis ........9 Environmental & Ecological Risk Assessment ......11 Remediation ........................................................14 Resource Management & Sustainability ..............19 Air Pollution..........................................................27 Page 41

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Hazardous Waste..................................................31 Solid Waste/Recycling ..........................................33 Environmental Law, Management, and Compliance ..................................................35 Environmental Health ..........................................38 General ................................................................40

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Environmental Toxicology New Edition of a Bestseller!

Environmental Toxicology

Fourth Edition

Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants, Third Edition

C.H. Walker, R.M. Sibly, S.P. Hopkin, and D.B. Peakall

Ming-Ho Yu, Humio Tsunoda, and Masashi Tsunoda

“An excellent fresh edition to one of the best ecotoxicology textbooks. Authored by some of the best scientists in the field, it deserves a place on the bookshelf of any serious environmental scientist.”

Praise for the Second Edition

Principles of Ecotoxicology

—Michael C. Newman, College of William & Mary – Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA

Emphasizing principles rather than practice, this new edition of a bestseller continues to give readers an integrated view of ecotoxicology, from molecules to ecosystems. It describes the major classes of pollutants and discusses their effects on living organisms. It also addresses the question, "what effects do pollutants have on populations, communities, and the whole ecosystem?" In addition to updating the text throughout, this edition includes information on nanoparticle pollution, offers new case studies, and expands coverage of bioaccumulation, biomarkers, and risk assessment. A new chapter explores future prospects for ecotoxicology. • Relates mechanisms of toxicity to ecological effects at the level of populations, communities, and ecosystems • Considers how concepts of ecotoxicology may contribute to improved methods of environmental risk assessment • Addresses the problem of progressing from measuring concentrations of environmental chemicals to establishing their effects upon individuals, populations, and communities • Includes numerous examples, case studies, and more than 150 illustrations Selected Contents Pollutants and Their Fate in Ecosystems. Effects of Pollutants on Individual Organisms. Effects of Pollutants on Populations and Communities. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K12907, March 2012, 386 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6266-7 $89.95 / £36.99 Also available as eBook

“This book is very well presented. A particular strength is the use of many examples of major pollution events and case studies, as well as an actual ecological impact assessment study in the appendix. Another strength is that review questions are given at the end of each chapter. ... Overall, this is an excellent text on the subject, particularly for teachers and students of the basics of environmental studies.” —Marinus L. Otte, University College Dublin, in The Geographical Journal

Looking at the effects of environmental toxicants on living systems, this book discusses the sources, metabolism, and damage process of toxicants; factors that may influence toxicity; and natural defense systems. It focuses on the chemical and biological characteristics of major pollutants and addresses their relationship with endocrine disruption and environmental cancer. Fully revised and expanded, the third edition of this popular book includes new and updated material as well as a new chapter on occupational toxicology. • Examines known environmental causes of cancer, the classification of carcinogens, metabolism of chemical carcinogens, and DNA repair • Discusses environmental fluoride—its occurrences and forms, sources, problems in developing economies, and biochemical effects • Reviews endocrine disruption and mutagenic pollutants • Includes a new chapter on occupational toxicology written by Dr. Humio Tsunoda and Dr. Masashi Tsunoda • Supplies references for further reading and end-of-chapter review questions to test readers’ understanding • Includes more than 100 illustrations Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K11871, November 2011, 397 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4038-2, $109.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Toxicology New! Coming Soon!

Quantitative Ecotoxicology Second Edition Michael C. Newman College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA

“... a refreshing and highly readable treatment of the quantitative aspects of ecotoxicology that can be appreciated by readers with varying degrees of mathematical expertise.” —William H. Clements, Colorado State University

A quantitative treatment of the science of ecotoxicology, this book discusses fundamental concepts and definitions essential to understanding the fate and effects of toxicants at various levels of ecological organization. It includes definitions of scientific ecotoxicology and associated topics and outlines the historical perspective, rationale, and characteristics for the strong inferential and quantitative approach advocated in this book. Although the book primarily focuses on aquatic systems, with appropriate modification the concepts and methods can be applied to terrestrial systems. • Provides quantitative and statistical treatment of applied/pollution biology • Reviews the basic literature in statistics and in each subject area • Outlines quantitative methods to measure toxicant effects • Illustrates methods using more than 70 worked problems • Contains numerous figures and tables, with many statistical tables located in the appendix for quick reference Selected Contents Introduction The Measurement Process Bioaccumulation Lethal and Other Quantal Responses to Stress Hypothesis Tests for Detection of Chronic Lethal and Sublethal Stress Effects at the Population Level Effects at the Community Level Summary Appendix Catalog no. K11602, August 2012, c. 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3564-7, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as eBook


Environmental Fate and Transport Analysis with Compartment Modeling Keith W. Little Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

“... provides an excellent introduction to compartmental modeling that is well-written and accessible to a wide range of environmental professionals. The text includes sufficient rigor to ensure effective and accurate model application, while keeping the material focused on real-world, practical applications.” —Michael Lowry, RTI International, North Carolina, USA

“This is an excellent integration of numerical methods with environmental modeling. The compartment technique discussed is broadly applicable to a wide range of environmental problems and media. ... The mathematics and derivations are nicely detailed and straightforward to follow. Clearly the best discussion of stability and numerical dispersion available for environmental modelers. Dr. Little’s book covers critical topics that too often receive only a passing mention in more traditional environmental modeling texts.” —Daniel Gallagher, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA

This book examines mathematical modeling and computer simulations that estimate the distribution of chemical contaminants in environmental media in time and space. Discussing various modeling issues in a single volume, this text provides an introduction to a specific numerical modeling technique called the compartment approach and offers a practical user's guide to the Generic Environmental Model (GEM). • Allows complex numerical modeling to be accessible to the prospective environmental modeler • Includes environmental compartment modeling software that is fully functional and can be used to build sophisticated numerical models • Presents algorithms for solving linear and nonlinear systems of algebraic equations and systems of linear or nonlinear partial differential equations Catalog no. K14060, June 2012, c. 248 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8796-7, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Toxicology Introduction to Environmental Toxicology Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition Wayne G. Landis, Ruth M. Sofield, and Ming-Ho Yu Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA

After fifteen years and three editions, this bestselling textbook has become the standard that defines the field of environmental toxicology. It provides an integrated approach to understanding environmental toxicology that emphasizes scale and context as important factors in understanding effects and management options. This edition includes a new chapter on fate and transport and revised sections on synergism, atrazine toxicity, the analysis of impacts to ecological systems. The risk assessment chapter has been enlarged with an in depth description of a regional scale risk assessment and, for the first time, the book includes a color insert. • Incorporates hierarchical patch dynamics paradigm as a basic structure for understanding toxicity from a molecular scale to that of landscapes • Places diverse aspects of environmental toxicology into a unified context • Emphasizes quantitative approaches to understanding environmental toxicology • Discusses the important role of risk assessment • Includes coverage of fate and transport of organics and inorganics • Highlights structure-activity relationships including endocrine disruption Selected Contents

Mercury Pollution A Transdisciplinary Treatment Edited by

Sharon L. Zuber College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

Michael C. Newman College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA

Using mercury pollution as an example, this book illustrates the interdisciplinary approach required for solving environmental problems. It explains the details of the natural cycling of mercury in and on the earth and discusses how humans have dramatically disrupted its exchange among the earth’s soil, air, and water. The chapters discuss history, media, and politics in relation to mercury and contain links to established websites with specific resources for readers. Also included are smaller case studies, such as the Minamata tragedy, fish consumption, and international treaties. • Contains photographs of the Minamata tragedy by W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M. Smith and a Foreword by Aileen M. Smith • Details how humans have dangerously disrupted natural cycling of mercury within the earth’s soil, air, and water • Explores the statistics of mercury risk, including how and where these data can be found, interpreted, and used • Supplies a model for studying environmental problems using mercury as a case study • Discusses environmental regulations and international treaties relating to mercury • Traces mercury's usefulness and dangers from a historical perspective • Includes case studies and provides links to websites with specific resources

Introduction to Environmental Toxicology. Frameworks and Paradigms for Environmental Toxicology. An Introduction to Toxicity Testing. Survey and Review of Typical Toxicity Test Methods. Fate and Transport of Contaminants. Uptake and Modes of Action. Factors Modifying the Activity of Toxicants. Inorganic Gaseous Pollutants. Fluoride as a Contaminant of Developing Economies. Heavy Metals. Biotransformation, Detoxification and Biodegradation. ...

Selected Contents

Catalog no. K10226, December 2010, 542 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0410-0, $115.95 / £73.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K11540, August 2011, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3384-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

Introduction: Crossing Boundaries. Natural History of a Contaminant. Dangerous Attractions: Mercury in Human History. Mercury in the Environment through Sculpture, Film, and Theatre. Writing as Environmental Stewardship. A Sociological perspective: Is Tuna Safe? Mercury by the Numbers. Mercury in the Media. Fact or Fiction? Engaged Scholarship: Environmental Service. ...

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Environmental Toxicology


The Metabolism of Arsenite Edited by

Joanne M. Santini and Seamus A. Ward

Modeling and Simulation in Ecotoxicology with Applications in MATLAB® and Simulink®

University College London, UK

Kenneth R. Dixon

Arsenite contamination of drinking water is a major cause of chronic illness and mortality in many countries, but until recently little was known of the processes determining its movement and concentration. A wide range of such bacteria has been isolated and the literature on the topic has grown rapidly. This book reviews the new understanding of the diversity and abundance of such organisms, their role in arsenic cycling in the environment, and their possible relations with arsenic-dependent diseases in humans.

Exploring roles critical to environmental toxicology, this volume covers the steps in modeling and simulation from problem conception to validation and simulation analysis. Using the MATLAB® and Simulink® programming languages, the book presents examples of mathematical functions and simulations, with special emphasis on how to develop mathematical models and run computer simulations of ecotoxicological processes. It also provides three case studies. Presented in a rigorous yet accessible style, the methodology is versatile enough to be readily applicable not only to environmental toxicology but a range of other biological fields.

Catalog no. K14148, April 2012, 200 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-69719-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K12573, August 2011, 270 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5517-1, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Global Contamination Trends of Persistent Organic Chemicals

Oceanic Acidification A Comprehensive Overview

Edited by

Ronald Eisler Scientist (retired), U.S. Geological Survey

Bommanna G. Loganathan Paul K.S. Lam

This book critically examines the available literature on oceanic acidification, including a historical review of pH and atmospheric CO2 levels over the millennia; natural and anthropogenic sources of CO2 to the atmosphere and sea surface; chemical, physical, and biological mode of action; biological effects of acidification to marine plants and animals under laboratory conditions; field observations on seawater chemistry and effects of declining pH; and various technical and political mitigation strategies. Written by Dr. Ronald Eisler, a noted authority on chemical risk assessment, the book summarizes real and projected effects of oceanic acidification.

Compiled by an international group of experts, this volume covers the history, present status, and projected future trends of environmental contamination by highly toxic organic chemicals. The text informs readers on widespread distribution and effects of man-made chemical pollutants in a comprehensive manner not seen in existing textbooks and references. The book is relevant to professionals and students alike, providing timely coverage on the environmental issues due to classical as well as emerging chemical pollutants. Supplementary figures and equations are included for enhanced comprehension of the subject.

Catalog no. N10520, October 2011, 260 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57808-770-9, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K11737, August 2011, 656 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3830-3, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook


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Environmental Toxicology

Essentials of Toxic Chemical Risk Science and Society Stephen Penningroth Community Science Institute, Inc. Trumansburg, New York, USA

This volume provides a basic introduction to toxicology within a framework of chemical risk to ecosystems and to human health and forms the basis of a new approach to teaching toxicology from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective. It presents concepts from chemistry, ecology, physiology, and other disciplines as needed within the context of toxicology. These include chemical equilibrium, energy, and nutrient flows through ecosystems. It also introduces concepts specific to toxicology, such as risk as a composite of toxicity and exposure, and provides case studies of risk management. Catalog no. TF1243, April 2010, 212 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-24851-8, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

Arsenic: Natural and Anthropogenic Edited by

E. Deschamps Fundacao Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM), Minas Gerais, Brazil

J. Matschullat Technical University, Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany

“Without a doubt, this book is a prime example for environmental assessment of Arsenic contamination where natural processes and anthropogenic activities interfere with each other. The concepts and methods presented here ... can be transferred also to other regions of the globe as well as to other pollutants. The book provides environmental scientists, technicians and planners with an excellent example on how to design and conduct interdisciplinary studies on environmental pollution and how to draw sensible conclusions from their findings.” —S. Norra, Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, in Environmental Earth Sciences

Catalog no. K10581, February 2011, 238 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-54928-8, $129.95 / £78.99 Also available as eBook

Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology Third Edition Michael C. Newman College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA

Fully revised, the new edition of this renowned text details key environmental contaminants, explores their fate and cycling in the biosphere, and discusses bioaccumulation and the effects of contaminants at increasing levels of ecological organization. It also covers regulatory aspects of the field and discusses key U.S., European, and Chinese legislation and policy. This third edition provides new study questions, a detailed glossary, and new international case studies by leading experts. Catalog no. 67044, September 2009, 571 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6704-0, $96.95 / £61.99 Also available as eBook

The Global Arsenic Problem Challenges for Safe Water Production Edited by

N. Kabay, J. Bundschuh, B. Hendry, M. Bryjak, K. Yoshizuka, P. Bhattacharya, and S. Anaç A prevalent and increasingly important issue, arsenic removal continues to be one of the most important areas of water treatment. However, in the most affected regions, large conventional treatment plants may not be appropriate, and factors such as cost and acceptability as well as performance must be considered. The Global Arsenic Problem: Challenges for Safe Water Production, published in cooperation with leading experts in this field, provides a thorough analysis of the problems, solutions, and possible alternatives to achieve safe water production on a global scale. Catalog no. K11503, April 2010, 270 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-57521-8, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Toxicology Handbook of Pesticides Methods of Pesticide Residues Analysis

Organic Pollutants

Edited by University College Ghent, Belgium

An Ecotoxicological Perspective, Second Edition

Hamir S. Rathore

C.H. Walker

Leo M.L. Nollet

Aligarh Muslim University, India

This handbook provides a systematic description of the principles, procedures, and technology of the modern analytical techniques used in the detection, extraction, clean up, and determination of pesticide residues in the environment. Analyzing the historical background of pesticides and emerging trends in pesticide regulation, it discusses various techniques for analysis, including supercritical fluid extraction, disposable electrochemical biosensors, matrix solidphase dispersion, voltametric methods, and liquid chromatography. It addresses the scope and limitation of NEEM products in plant protection as well as the analysis of medicinal plants. Catalog no. 82450, September 2009, 628 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8245-6, $184.95 / £118.00 Also available as eBook

Ecotoxicology of Explosives Edited by

Geoffrey I. Sunahara, Guilherme Lotufo, Roman G. Kuperman, and Jalal Hawari Written by leading experts in the field, this book details the ecotoxicology of explosives and unexploded ordinance, and its future research. The text provides a detailed discussion of safety concerns and environmental impacts, including coverage of ecotoxicological effects measurement in different species, environmental risk assessment procedures for sites contaminated with explosives, modeling, and case studies. It also covers how ecotoxicological data can be used towards the development of recommendations for sustaining range activities while ensuring environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance. Catalog no. 2839, June 2009, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2839-8, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook


Devon, UK

Significantly updated, revised, and expanded, this second edition presents the basic principles of ecotoxicology along with the major organic pollutants. Two new chapters cover endocrine disruptors and neurotoxicity and its behavioral effects. The text also provides additional information on biomarker approaches and offers an overview of technologies, such as microarray assays, developed to address complex pollution problems. Through a mechanistic approach, this book continues to provide essential knowledge of toxic mechanisms that produce adverse ecological effects, serving as valuable guidance for carrying out the risk assessment of environmental chemicals. Catalog no. 62581, November 2008, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6258-8, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

Ecotoxicology A Comprehensive Treatment Michael C. Newman Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, USA

William H. Clements Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

“The book is simply the best that I have encountered in providing an integrative presentation of the vast amount of knowledge required to practice ecotoxicology.” —A. Russell Flegal, Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, The Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin

“This is the most conceptual and philosophical text available for ecotoxicology ... it encourages the reader to think about fundamental issues and assumptions in the science of ecotoxicology.” —Glenn Suter, SETAC Reviews Editor, in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

Catalog no. 3357, December 2007, 880 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3357-6, $165.95 / £105.00 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Modeling & Systems Analysis Coming Soon!

Handbook of Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Management

Coming Soon!

Edited by

Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models

Sven Erik Jørgensen

Miguel F. Acevedo

Copenhagen University, Denmark

University of North Texas, Denton, USA

Jose Galizia Tundisi and Takako Matsumura Tundisi

This practical guide to modeling methodology explains how to implement simulations and analyze simulation results using an open-source software platform. The book brings together principles of modeling methods with theoretical foundations of a variety of ecological and environmental models. Theory is accompanied by practical hands-on computer exercises, in a sequence from easy to difficult. The text also presents a full review of mathematical methods, which makes the book self-contained, and includes practical exercises using free software in a tutorial style. • Provides an integrated practical guide to models and simulation using open-source software • Presents a broad focus geared towards sustainability science and engineering • Reviews the necessary mathematics and theoretical fundamentals • Helps readers acquire skills to implement and conduct simulations as well as to analyze results

International Institute of Ecology, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Combining biology, ecology, and limnology with environmental management, this handbook provides a profound understanding of the best environmental strategy for resolving environmental problems in freshwater ecosystems. The text includes both basic theories and comprehensive practices on environmental issues and ecosystems ecology. It presents all available tools in environmental and ecological management and illustrates their practical use in solving environmental problems that threaten freshwater ecosystems. The book offers a framework for identifying ecological mechanisms that interact with global environmental problems, especially global warming and degradation of surface water. Selected Contents An Overview of Inland Aquatic Ecosystems and Their General Characteristics. Lakes and Reservoirs as Ecosystems. Physical Processes and Circulation in Lakes and Reservoirs. Rivers as Ecosystems. Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons as Ecosystems. Wetlands. Tropical Freshwater Ecosystems. Freshwater Temperate Lakes and Reservoirs. Application of the Conservation Principles. Application of Aquatic Chemistry in Environmental Management I: Calculations of Equilibria. Application of Aquatic Chemistry in Environmental Management II: Equilibrium Calculations of the Four Types of Reactions. The Future of Limnology and Aquatic Ecology as a Tool for Management of Inland Waters. Impacts on Watersheds and Inland Aquatic Ecosystems. Integrated Ecological and Environmental Management. The Application of Environmental Technology in the Environmental and Ecological Management. The Application of Cleaner Technology in Environmental and Ecological Management. ... Catalog no. K12013, September 2012, c. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4525-7, $129.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Selected Contents Introduction. Review of Basic Mathematical Concepts. Computer Session 1: Introduction to R. The Exponential Model. Model Simulation and Parameter Estimation. Computer Session 2: Simulation and Estimation. Model Evaluation. Computer Session 3: Model Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis. Nonlinear Models. Computer Session 4a: Winseem. Computer Session 4b: Non-Linear Models. Stability and Disturbances. More Sensitivity Analysis. Computer Session 5: Disturbances and More Sensitivity Analysis. A Review of Linear Algebra. Computer Session 6a: Matrix Algebra. Structured Population Models. Computer Session 6b: Structured Population Models in Discrete Time. Computer Session 7: Structured Population Models in Continuous Time. Community Dynamics. Ecosystems: Biogeochemical Cycling. ... Catalog no. K13987, August 2012, c. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8506-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Modeling & Systems Analysis Coming Soon!


Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models

Groundwater Optimization Handbook

Data Analysis and Visualization

Flow, Contaminant Transport, and Conjunctive Management

Neven Kresic AMEC, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

Richard C. Peralta

Alex Mikszewski Woodard & Curran, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA

A reference for students, researchers, and practicing environmental scientists and engineers, this book covers conceptual site model development and visual data presentation. It provides numerous examples of charts, graphs, cross-sections, maps, and 3D graphics used for the presentation of hydrological, geological, hydrogeological, and chemical data for water resources and hazardous waste site applications. It clearly outlines the required elements of a CSM, offering proven tips and techniques from the authors’ experience. • Explains how to expertly prepare accurate, comprehensive conceptual site models and how to convey the associated physical, chemical, and biological data • Illustrates data analysis and presentation methods for water resources and hazardous waste site investigation and remediation, emphasizing the use of GIS technology and modeling • Demonstrates the appropriate use of 3D graphics and animations for environmental applications • Provides color models that illustrate key concepts, programs, and techniques • Includes companion DVD with 3D animations, extensive reference materials, example problems, and data analysis, and modeling software, ready for installation Selected Contents Introduction. Conceptual Site Models. Data Management, GIS, and GIS Modules. Contouring. Groundwater Modeling. ThreeDimensional Visualizations. Site Investigation. Groundwater Remediation. Groundwater Supply. Catalog no. K12398, July 2012, c. 584 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5222-4, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as eBook


This how-to handbook thoroughly introduces you to groundwater systems analysis and simulationoptimization (S-O) approaches appropriate for most groundwater problems. It covers optimization terminology, principles, and techniques (deterministic, stochastic, multiobjective), and S-O algorithms used to successfully resolve real-world groundwater quantity and quality management problems, often at significantly reduced expense. Using numerous flowcharts and examples, the book offers guidance for formulating and solving optimization problems, creating or selecting appropriate S-O models, and adapting and implementing optimal strategies for managing flow, contamination, and conjunctive use. Such strategies (up to 57% better than strategies developed without S-O modeling) are implementable or provide comparative performance metrics. • Identifies which S-O approaches are appropriate for different types of groundwater quantity (hydraulic optimization) and quality (contaminant transport optimization) problems • Teaches you how to build your own S-O model or how to choose from available transferrable S-O models • Uses a systems analysis approach to emphasize clear goals, inputs, stimuli, processes, responses, and outputs • Teaches you how to develop and adapt optimal management strategies, for implementation or use as metrics • Reinforces learning with numerous flowcharts, examples, illustrations, case studies, and a glossary • Supplies ancillary material online, including spreadsheets performing as S-O models, PowerPoint slides, reference materials, numerical simulation programming instructions, and a simulator Selected Contents Introduction to S-O Concepts. Optimization Theory. Exact and Approximation Simulator Theory. S-O Processes and Guidance. Applications. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. K11724, May 2012, 532 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3806-8, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

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Environmental & Ecological Risk Assessment


Arsenic in Groundwater Poisoning and Risk Assessment

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Environmental Applications and Case Studies Igor Linkov

M. Manzurul Hassan and Peter J. Atkins

US Army Engineer Research and Development, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

Arsenic-contaminated groundwater has created one of the world's largest environmental health crises. This book addresses the arsenic issue within a scientific and social science framework, with the context set by environmental and legal considerations. The text explores the methodological issues of spatial, quantitative, and qualitative enquiries on arsenic poisoning, for instance, using GIS to investigate the distribution of arsenic-laced water in space-time to uncover the pattern of variations over scales from meters to kilometers. The authors also include spatial risk maps that indicate the possible long-term strategies of mitigation.

Emily Moberg

Catalog no. K11790, March 2013, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3927-0, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook


Environmental Health and Hazard Risk Assessment Calculations Louis Theodore and R. Ryan Dupont "This reader friendly text is excellently written and unique in the breath, depth, and application of the subject. It is brought to life and made very understandable via the illustrative examples. This would be my first choice when recommending a text to someone interested in discovering what environmental risk is all about." —John D. McKenna Ph.D., Principal, ETS, INC, Roanoke, Virginina, USA

This much-needed overview examines the fundamentals of health, safety, and accident management. It offers in-depth guidance on human chemical exposure, emergency preparedness and response, environmental regulations, and much more. Catalog no. K13156, June 2012, c. 632 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6887-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

“... a useful introduction to the most versatile tool for linking estimates of risks or impacts with the many other considerations that inform environmental management decisions.” —Glenn Suter, Science Advisor, National Center for Environmental Assessment, U.S. EPA

“Linkov and Moberg’s MCDA is a common sense approach to balance the science, social, behavior, and economic factors associated in making complex decisions.” —Colonel Dionysios Anninos, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chief of Staff

“The case study format allows the reader to grapple with the different methods and the associated software in context, the explanations are clear but sophisticated, and the discussion questions are crafted to encourage real student engagement.” —Timothy F. Malloy, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

“The book is a valuable complementary addition to textbooks on the topic as it provides a very easy to follow presentation of the main methods.” —Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Professor, Aalto University, Finland

“I like how it gives a non-partisan treatment of all the different techniques, how it demonstrates them all on comparable problems so that it is easy for the reader to keep straight what is different and what is similar, and that the case problems themselves are realistic so it is clear how one might use this in practice.” —Jeffrey M. Keisler, President Elect, INFORMS Decision Analysis Society and Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

This practical guide gives readers the tools to apply cutting-edge MCDA methods to their own environmental projects. Catalog no. K12453, October 2011, 204 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5318-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


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Environmental & Ecological Risk Assessment Flood Hazards Impacts and Responses for the Built Environment

Tolerance to Environmental Contaminants Edited by

Claude Amiard-Triquet Université de Nantes, SMAB, Nantes Cedex, France

Edited by

Jessica Lamond, Colin Booth, Felix Hammond, and David Proverbs

Philip S. Rainbow The Natural History Museum, London, UK

Michèle Roméo

“... a very valuable contribution to knowledge on the impact of floods, covering both practical and policy issues.” —Edmund Penning-Rowsell, Middlesex and Oxford Universities

A unique contribution to the literature on flood management, this resource provides the perspectives of leading academics, practitioners, policymakers, and those directly impacted by flooding. It offers a concentrated introduction to urban flooding, including forecasting, emergency response, building repair, mitigation, and adaptation, as well as financial and insurance implications. The book includes case studies. Catalog no. K11262, July 2011, 387 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2625-6, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

Environmental Impact Assessment

University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France

“The species examined are very diverse ... Consequently, virtually every branch of the natural sciences is represented, making the potential readership considerable. ... a very valuable addition to the literature. It defines the multidisciplinary approaches necessary to educate advanced students of toxicology and environmental science by describing the complexities involved, and how to utilise logic to prevent the accidental (and sometimes deliberate) poisoning of the general environment. —K. Jones, in Chromatographia

Catalog no. K10919, January 2011, 464 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1770-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook


A Guide to Best Professional Practices

Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, and Health Effects, Second Edition

Charles H. Eccleston

Edited by

Derwood, Maryland, USA

Ronald F. Dodson and Samuel P. Hammar

Written to help decision makers form assessments on the environmental impacts a project would produce, this book provides an in-depth, yet concise description of the ecological, socioeconomic, and other parts of the natural environment that may be affected. It integrates five distinct, yet interrelated themes into a single comprehensive framework for practitioners. The author supplies a balanced skill set of concepts, principles, and practices and includes directions for developing a comprehensive Environmental Management System that can be used to monitor and implement final decisions based on such analyses.

Praise for the Previous Edition

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

"The authors clearly have a very detailed understanding of the relevant laws and provide a comprehensive overview of the links between these and environmental health. [The book's] value lies in meeting the generalist needs of public interest groups, high school teachers, first year introductory undergraduate courses and, possibly, Environmental Health Practitioners." —Progress in Physical Geography This second edition of a bestseller provides an updated interdisciplinary text on the rapidly evolving information on asbestos and human health.

Catalog no. K11411, March 2011, 290 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2873-1, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K10484, June 2011, 679 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0968-6, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook


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Environmental & Ecological Risk Assessment Chemicals, Environment, Health A Global Management Perspective

GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering

Edited by

Second Edition

Philip Wexler, Jan van der Kolk, Asish Mohapatra, and Ravi Agarwal

Allan Brimicombe

“... belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in making a difference in the way we and future generations will live our lives in a world in which our health, and the environments, will no longer be endangered by potentially hazardous chemicals at any stage of their life cycle.” —From the Foreword by Maurice Strong

Written by a team of authors from all continents, this book summarizes the global and multi-lateral efforts to manage the risks to environment or health of chemicals on the world stage.

University of East London, UK

“This well-written, second edition is a significant and needed contribution to the understanding of the increasing interaction between geospatial disciplines and tools - i.e., GIS, and their use in conjunction with environmental and engineering models for problem solving. The exposition is clear, lively, and scholarly ... the book abounds in helpful diagrams and illustrations for both conceptualization and example.” —Demetrio P. Zourarakis, PhD, GISp, CMS-RS, eMS-GIS/LIS, Remote Sensing/GIS Analyst, in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, January 2011

Catalog no. 84690, August 2011, 845 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8469-6, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K10429, December 2009, 378 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0870-2, $107.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook

Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies

Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Gas Dispersions

Second Edition Y. Anjaneyulu

Effects Calculation and Risk Analysis

Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA

Marc J. Assael and Konstantinos E. Kakosimos

Valli Manickam

Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India

The second edition of Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies covers basic concepts and important methodologies. It discusses the prediction and assessment of impacts on soil and groundwater management, surface water management, the biological environment, and the air environment, as well as the prediction and assessment of impacts of noise on the environment and of socio-economic and human health impacts. It also examines environmental risk assessment and risk management in EIA and includes case studies. Catalog no. K12979, July 2011, 428 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66556-8, $119.95 / £76.99

This volume examines the methods used to assess the risk of fires, explosions, and toxic gas dispersion and to deduce the subsequent effects and consequences of these events. The authors cover various aspects of such incidents, including the probability that an accident will occur, and they describe how to calculate leaks, heat flux, overpressure, and the concentration of toxic clouds. The book also examines consequences to people and material damages, and concludes with a discussion of possible causes of destruction and common circumstances that can result in accidents. Catalog no. K11314, February 2010, 349 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2675-1, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as eBook

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Remediation New!

Environmental Consulting Fundamentals

Coming Soon!

Investigation and Remediation

Processes, Mechanisms, and Applications

Benjamin Alter

Decontamination of Heavy Metals

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., North Caldwell, New Jersey, USA

Jiaping Paul Chen

“In one very readable volume, Ben Alter has managed to write both an excellent primer for students and aspiring environmental consultants as well as a handy reference guide for even the most experienced consultants and environmental managers. It is well written and supplemented by many helpful graphics and illustrations. Above all, it reflects the invaluable and extensive experience that the author has garnered over years of successful consulting.”

From crystallization to membrane filtration, this book covers a wide range of subjects relating to heavy metals in the environment. The author explores the treatment, removal, recovery, disposal, management, and modeling of heavy metals. The text covers heavy adsorption processes including metal biosorption, ion exchange, and electrolysis processes for heavy metal decontamination. It also gives an overview of radioactive metals and their transportation in natural systems; presents various mathematical models for metal removal and recovery as well as transportation; and discusses a series of emerging technologies for metal treatment and management.

—Howard N. Apsan, Ph.D., University Director of Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management, The City University of New York

Exposing what has become a key concept and determining factor in thousands of commercial real-estate transactions each year, this book draws on ten years of author experience teaching the primary technical facets of environmental consulting. Each chapter provides an indepth description of the regulatory framework of the issue, the science behind the issue, and the methodologies used in assessing and remediating the hazard. Reviewing both business and technical aspects of the business, the book employs clear, comprehensible, layperson’s language as well as numerous illustrations and examples designed to aid comprehension of the subject matter.

National University of Singapore

• Discusses the various hazardous heavy metals, their various forms, and their impact on the environment • Presents detailed coverage of specific heavy metals, materials, processes, mechanisms, modeling, applications, and control methodologies • Examines the latest in membrane filtration technology • Details basic and advanced chemical reactions and heavy metals conversions

• Covers a broad range of material that skillfully balances detailed coverage with a comprehensive scope

• Presents novel cost-effective technologies in metal treatment

• Provides practical information that is useful to the field engineer

Occurrence and Importance of Heavy Metal Contamination. Pollution Prevention: Principles and Applications. Precipitation Technology. Precipitation–Crystallization Technology. Reduction-Oxidation Processes. Electrochemical Technologies for Heavy Metal Decontamination. Adsorption: Materials, Chemistry, and Applications. Calculation of Metal Ion Uptake in Environmental Systems. Index.

• Offers an overview of both business and technical aspects of environmental consulting Selected Contents Environmental Consulting: A Perspective. Site Investigations and Remediations. Land Usage. Indoor Environmental Concerns. Appendix A: Abbreviations. Appendix B: State Environmental Agencies. Catalog no. K13158, June 2012, c. 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6890-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook


Selected Contents

Catalog no. K10856, July 2012, c. 412 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1667-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

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Remediation Forthcoming

The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup Third Edition Merv Fingas Environmental Engineering Consultant, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

“…presents a practical perspective and overview in dealing with on-and off-shore oil spills that can potentially affect sensitive coastal environments and habitats…Certainly when oil spills occur, notably in a highly visible, sensitive and/or media concentrated area, such a book provides a good synopses as to the methods employed when dealing with such circumstances.” —Stephen M. Testa, Testa Environmental Corporation

An examination of pollution caused by crude oils and petroleum products derived from them, The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup: Third Edition covers how oil spills are measured and detected and discusses the properties of the oil as well as its long-term fate in the environment. It focuses on the cleanup of oil spills that occur in water, since these spills spread most rapidly and cause the most visible environmental damage.


Waste Treatment in the Service and Utility Industries Edited by

Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, and Yung-Tse Hung This volume provides in-depth coverage of environmental pollution sources, waste characteristics, control technologies, management strategies, facility innovations, process alternatives, costs, case histories, effluent standards, and future trends in the process industries. It delineates methodologies, technologies, and the regional and global effects of important pollution control practices. The authors focus on new developments in innovative and alternative technologies, design criteria, effluent standards, managerial decision methodology, and regional and global environmental conservation specific to process industries. Catalog no. 72374, November 2012, c. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7237-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook


• Provides a glossary of technical terms

Advanced Waste Treatment in the Food Processing Industry

Selected Contents

Edited by

• Contains a new chapter on oil pollution effects on wildlife • Includes coverage of the latest technologies as well as recent spills, including in the Gulf of Mexico

Introduction. Response to Oil Spills. Oil Types and Characteristics. Behaviour of Oil in the Environment. Analysis, Detection, and Remote Sensing. Containment. Recovery. Separation and Disposal. In Situ Treatment and Burning. Shoreline Cleanup and Restoration. Land Spills. Assessment and Effects Overview. Catalog no. K12895, October 2012, c. 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6246-9, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, and Nazih K. Shammas An examination of current conditions and future trends, this text discusses pollution sources, waste characteristics, control technologies, management strategies, facility innovations, process alternatives, costs, and effluent standards. Much of the information is supported with case histories. The book delineates methodologies, technologies, and considers regional and global effects of important pollution control practices. Most importantly, it provides a focus on new developments in innovative and alternative technologies, design criteria, managerial decision methodology, and environmental conservation approaches that are specific to the food industries. Catalog no. 72277, October 2012, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7227-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

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Remediation Coming Soon!



Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils and Geological Media

Remediation of Environmental Contaminants Edited by

Naser A. Anjum, Maria E. Pereira, Iqbal Ahmad, Armando C. Duarte, Shahid Umar, and Nafees A. Khan Written for students and researchers in environmental chemistry, this reference provides timely information on recent breakthroughs in phytotechnologies, including genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, that relate to specific environmental contaminants. This reference includes information about the mechanisms of heavy metal uptake and how it may be enhanced by genetic engineering. It also evaluates potential plant families for their significance in phytotechnologies. Also discussed is the physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of toxic metals/contaminantsaccumulation, hyperaccumulation, and tolerance in plants. Catalog no. K13484, September 2012, c. 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7518-6, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as eBook

Coming Soon!

Environmental Contamination Health Risks and Ecological Restoration

Edited by

H. Magdi Selim Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Bringing new understanding to heavy metals sorption and transport in soils and aquifers, this book explores sorption and mobility of single versus multiple heavy metals species in the vadose zone. It relates transport mechanisms with processes which govern sorption mechanisms that dominate in a competitive system of multiple heavy metal species. Based on knowledge presented in this book, one can identify competitive transport processes of heavy metals, which can be subsequently used as a predictive tool. Catalog no. K13764, July 2012, c. 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8014-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

Remediation Manual for Contaminated Sites David L. Russell Global Environmental Operations, Inc., Lilburn, Georgia, USA

Edited by

Ming H. Wong Drawn from presentations made during the Croucher Advanced Study Institute workshop held in 2010, Environmental Contamination: Health Risks and Ecological Restoration covers all the fundamentals necessary for contaminated site assessment and remediation. It discusses historical and emerging contaminants, human health, risk assessment, and bioremediation. It contains numerous case studies, many of them from the Asia-Pacific region, that look at the effects of rapid industrialization. It also examines both historical and emerging contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants and electronic waste.

Based on the author’s experience working on environmental projects, this book provides a practical guide to environmental remediation and cleanups. It offers guidance on tasks that range from managing contractors to gathering data, selecting a suitable remediation technology, and calculating remediation costs. The book examines a wide range of remediation techniques, including excavation, wells, drainage, soil venting, vapor stripping, bioremediation, containment, solidification, and phytoremediation. A down-to-earth reference for professionals faced with the challenges of remediating a contaminated site, it is also a useful primer for students and those new to the field.

Catalog no. K14141, August 2012, c. 520 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9238-1, $139.95 / £85.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K11638, October 2011, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3622-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Hong Kong Baptist University


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Remediation Remediation of Former Manufactured Gas Plants and Other Coal-Tar Sites Allen W. Hatheway Consulting Civil Geological and Environmental Engineer, Rolla, Missouri, USA

This book is a compendium of essential knowledge about remedial alternatives to address public health and environmental threats from coal tar. It combines scientific data with common sense and empirical lore passed down from generations of gas professionals. Almost encyclopedic in scope, it offers 265 tables of facts and associations to clarify the corresponding and interrelated conditions and factors necessary to define site-specific gas plant conditions. With 375 historic photographs and drawings and an extensive glossary, this is an indispensible tool for gaining a working understanding of potential and actual gas plant contamination. Catalog no. DK2141, July 2011, 1398 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8247-9106-3, $199.95 / £127.00 Also available as eBook

Dynamics and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Rootzone Edited by

H. Magdi Selim Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

“This book provides a multidisciplinary approach with emphasis on geohydrology, plant and soil science, and environmental chemistry. The primary focus is on different approaches that describe the dynamics of heavy metals in the soil system. ... This text describes the current state of the art in this field and explores innovative experimental and theoretical/modeling approaches.”

Environmental Isotopes in Biodegradation and Bioremediation Edited by

C. Marjorie Aelion, Patrick Höhener, Daniel Hunkeler, and Ramon Aravena The use of stable isotopes and naturally occurring radioisotopes continues to gain interest as a way to evaluate the origin and fate of naturally occurring substances and contaminants in the environment. This book covers basic principles of isotope methods, details the major environmental processes to which isotope methods can be applied, and provides comprehensive information on analytical and data evaluation procedures. Using a wide range of case studies from field applications, and laboratory research, the authors illustrate the concepts and methodologies of stable isotope and radioisotope tools. Catalog no. L1661, November 2009, 464 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-661-2, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook

Environmental Investigation and Remediation 1,4-Dioxane and other Solvent Stabilizers Thomas K.G. Mohr, Julie A. Stickney, and William H. DiGuiseppi

Numerous figures, tables, and equations are included within the text to further enhance knowledge of the subject.

While tremendous progress has been made in remediating sites that have been contaminated by chlorinated solvents, stabilizers that were added to chlorinated solvents to improve their performance have been overlooked. This book is the first to focus on the little-known contaminant 1,4-Dioxane. Written by the top authority in the field, it presents an indispensable reference for forensic investigation of source apportionment at solvent release sites and focuses on areas of interest, including why solvent stabilizers are used and how they become concentrated in vapor degreasing wastes.

Catalog no. K11261, March 2011, 313 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2622-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. L1662, March 2010, 550 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56670-662-9, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as eBook

—K.H. Feger, Dresden/Tharandt, in Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

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The Science of Environmental Pollution Second Edition Frank R. Spellman

Sediment and Contaminant Transport in Surface Waters

Spellman Environmental Consultants and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Wilbert Lick

The Science of Environmental Pollution focuses on pollution of the atmosphere, surface and groundwater, and soil, demonstrating the solution of pollution problems by using real-world technologies. Completely revised and updated, the second edition includes additional chapters on pharmaceuticals in water and water scarcity. As in the first edition, this new book provides environmental pollution information that is userfriendly and easy to comprehend—little emphasis is placed on heavy math and/or science methods. This book complements The Science of Water and The Science of Air.

While many books have been written on sediment and contaminant transport, this book takes a more focused approach, highlighting areas that have been investigated but not covered thoroughly elsewhere. It emphasizes the erosion, deposition, flocculation, and transport of fine-grained, cohesive sediments; the effects of finite rates of sorption on the transport and fate of hydrophobic contaminants; and the effects of major events such as floods and storms. The text assists readers in the qualitative understanding of and ability to predict the transport of sediments and hydrophobic contaminants in surface areas.

Catalog no. K10661, December 2009, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1302-7, $129.95 / £82.99 Also available as eBook

Sustainable Wells Maintenance, Problem Prevention, and Rehabilitation Stuart A. Smith and Allen E. Comeskey

University of California, Santa Barbara

Catalog no. 59874, September 2008, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5987-8, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as eBook

Field Sampling Methods for Remedial Investigations Second Edition

Ground Water Science LLC, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, USA

Mark Edward Byrnes

This is a practical and accessible guide to preventing, forestalling, and dealing with problems with wells. It provides the information necessary for well operators and managers to understand the challenges that come with maintaining well performance. The material is presented in an understandable manner without talking down to the nonspecialist. Rather than focusing on some aspect of well cleaning, or a particular technical approach, it covers the scope of maintenance and rehabilitation, from planning to evaluation testing. It also addresses the crucial subjects of preventive design, maintenance monitoring, and evaluation testing.

This second edition of a bestseller provides practical guidance on developing cost-effective and defensible environmental sampling programs to support site characterization, site remediation, and building decontamination and decommissioning in both chemical and radioactive environments. It features methodologies for characterizing radioactive environments, statistical approaches for designing environmental investigations, and chemical characterization techniques. The text offers additional coverage of general media sampling, building material sampling, remote surveying, data verification and validation, and data quality assessment.

Catalog no. 7576, November 2009, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7576-7, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 59084, August 2008, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5908-3, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as eBook


Flour Hanford, Washington, USA

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Resource Management & Sustainability Coming Soon!

Remote Sensing of Protected Lands Edited by

Yeqiao Wang University of Rhode Island, USA

“... this book is the first to dedicate to the applications of remote sensing science and technology for inventory, monitoring, and managing of protected lands and waters. ... a well-structured volume to address the use of remote sensing technology in protected lands from four perspectives, namely, changing landscape and change detection; monitoring and mapping methods; inventory and monitoring of frontier lands, and decision support for management of protected lands. ... allows readers to have both a systematic view of the field and a detailed knowledge of a particular topic, seeing both ‘forest’ and ‘trees.’” —From the Series Foreword by Series Editor Qihao Weng, PhD, Hawthorn Woods, Indiana

As debates about climate change and sustainability intensify, national parks and other protected lands become more important as indicators of ecosystem conditions. Providing a suite of remote sensing-based approaches for dealing with the inventory and monitoring of protected lands around the world, this book addresses contemporary issues in monitoring, conservation planning, and ecosystem forecasting. Case studies explore remote sensing applications and examine advanced remote sensing technologies. These include airborne and spaceborne high spatial resolution imageries, multispectral and multitemporal time series data, satellite InSAR, and more. • Provides state-of-the-art information on satellite-based remote sensing approaches • Compares protected lands with unprotected areas to measure ecosystem and environmental changes

DecisionMaking for a Sustainable Environment A Systemic Approach Chris Maser Consultant, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

A deep exploration of ways to change the current decision-making paradigm that fosters social-environmental sustainability, DecisionMaking for a Sustainable Environment: A Systemic Approach offers a sound, rational, and viable alternative to the chronic human disease of competitive, materialistic, symptomatic thinking. Based on the author’s more than 45 years of research and broad, international experience, the book elucidates the necessity of a systematic approach to decision making in the face of the current environmental crises. • Suggests new ways of thinking and problem solving • Addresses the rules of social-environmental decision-making and their complexity • Explains why and how environmental agencies become dysfunctional and environmentally degrading as opposed to environmentally protective and sustaining Selected Contents Nature’s Urgent Message to the World’s Decision-Makers: The Principles of Biophysical Sustainability. Decision-Making and Nature’s Rules of Engagement. When the Decision-Making Becomes SelfServing: The Stages of an Environmental Agency. Dissonance within Duplicity: Sustainability Programs at the Southern Nevada Water Authority, A Case Study. Breaking the Dysfunctional Cycle of Environmental Agency Decision-Making.

• Contains more than 200 illustrations and a 32-page color insert

What Makes a Psychologically Mature Decision-Maker? The Essence of a Responsible Decision-Maker. Coping With the Responsibilities and Pressures of SocialEnvironmental Decision-Making. Circumstances Faced By Decision-Makers.

Catalog no. K11949, November 2011, 604 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4187-7, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K15203, August 2012, c. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5216-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook

• Includes in-depth case studies from around the world

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Resource Management & Sustainability Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture in the Dry Areas

Natural Resources Technology, Economics & Policy

Theib Y. Oweis

Edited by


CGIAR/ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria

U. Aswathanarayana

Dieter Prinz

Mahadevan International Centre for Water Resources Management, Hyderabad, India

Professor Emeritus for Rural Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Ahmed Y. Hachum Water Management and Irrigation Engineering, University of Mosul, Iraq

This book covers methods and techniques of water harvesting to make more water available to humans and animals and for irrigation purposes in dry environments where rainwater is the only source of water. It deals in detail with harvesting techniques that require a low external input technology and are relatively easy to implement, even with limited resources. Besides techniques and applications, it also discusses the socioeconomic aspects of an integrated, sustainable, and collaborative approach. Case studies of harvesting projects are included. Catalog no. K14844, May 2012, 266 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-62114-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

The wellness of a community is dependent on the security of food, water, environment, and energy. Such security is best realized through scienceilluminated management of local resources in an ecologically-sustainable and people-participatory manner, plus value-addition through processing of natural products. This book provides guidelines for the implementation of technological, economical, and policy advances in dealing with various aspects of natural resources. It is intended for researchers, professionals, and students in environmental and earth sciences, mining, geography, sociology, and economics and for policy makers and investors searching for potential in the natural resources industry. Catalog no. K13647, March 2012, 500 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-89791-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

New! New!

Great Lakes Lessons in Participatory Governance


Edited by

Éric Gilli, Christian Mangan, and Jacques Mudry

Objectives, Methods, Applications

Velma I. Grover York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This edited volume, while focusing on participatory governance in the Great Lakes basin of North America, also gives a comparative perspective of the African Great Lakes. It describes the actions taken at degraded locations along the Great Lakes in North America through Remedial Action Plans (RAP) and other mechanisms, with an aim to highlight the successes and failures encountered in ecosystem-based regenerative approaches. The book concludes with lessons learned about revitalizing the ecosystem integrity of the lakes, which can be replicated in other watersheds of the world.

Hydrogeology requires a multidisciplinary approach involving many other sciences: surface hydrology, climatology, geology, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, and more. This book takes a broad view, considers water as a single entity, and presents many examples illustrating the variety of existing hydrogeological problems and the diverse scientific, technical, and social approaches used in resolving them. It is intended primarily for students of earth sciences, environmental sciences, and physical geography. It will also be useful to all players involved in water-related issues: hydrogeologists, geologists, soil scientists, agronomists, civil engineers, and developers.

Catalog no. N10527, May 2012, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57808-769-3, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. N10566, April 2012, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57808-794-5, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Gail Krantzberg McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


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Resource Management & Sustainability Coming Soon!

Historical Agriculture and Soil Erosion in the Upper Mississippi Valley Hill Country Stanley W. Trimble University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations Edited by

Holger Treidel, Jose Luis Martin-Bordes, and Jason J. Gurdak

This book presents a detailed study of the human impact, both bad and good, on the hydrology and hydrography (and, in turn, on human activity) of a large region of the United States. It begins with a reconstruction of the primeval natural landscape with emphasis on landforms, streams, soils, and vegetation. It analyzes the modes of agriculture, showing that available farming methods were inadequate to prevent severe impacts. The text introduces stages, basic principles of hydrology, geomorphology, soil conservation, and watershed management using real-world examples.

Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources contains case studies from diverse aquifer systems, scientific methods, and climatic settings that have been conducted globally under the framework of the UNESCO-IHP project Groundwater Resources Assessment under the Pressures of Humanity and Climate Change (GRAPHIC). The text presents a current and global synthesis of scientific findings and policy recommendations for scientists, water managers, and policy makers towards adaptive management of groundwater sustainability under future climate change and variability.

Catalog no. K15388, September 2012, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5574-7, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K13833, December 2011, 414 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-68936-6, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook


Clean Energy, Climate and Carbon Peter J. Cook Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies, Canberra, Australia

With the general reader in mind, Clean Energy, Climate and Carbon outlines the global challenge of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. It covers the changing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide through time and its causes, before considering the promise and limitations of a wide range of energy technologies for decreasing carbon dioxide emissions. For people who are concerned about climate change or want to learn more about clean energy technologies, this is the definitive view of the opportunities and the challenges we face in decreasing emissions despite a seemingly inexorable global increase in energy demand. Catalog no. K14743, March 2012, 320 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-62106-9 $39.95 / £25.99

Sustainable Development Environment, Energy and Water Resources M.K. Ghosh Roy NGO Millennium Institute of Energy and Environment, Kolkata, India

The over-exploitation of the Earth’s resources has brought about an unsustainable situation where biodiversity and ecological balance are under threat. But the most immediate concern is global warming. Climate change is threatening the Earth with severe drought and floods, storms, and cyclones; rising sea levels and inundation of low coastal areas; disruption in the agricultural crop pattern; and serious problems with availability of fresh water. This book engages researchers, graduate students, and social activists to work for the mitigation of and adaptation with global warming and climate change. Catalog no. K14066, October 2011, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8825-4, $99.95 / £44.99

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Resource Management & Sustainability Sustainable Development

Economics and Ecology

Principles, Frameworks, and Case Studies

United for a Sustainable World

Edited by

Russ Beaton

Okechukwu Ukaga, Chris Maser, and Mike Reichenbach

Willamette University, Oregon, USA

An exploration of the human-related aspects of sustainable development, this book emphasizes the need to move away from an unwanted circumstance by being systemic in our thinking instead of symptomatic. The authors argue that we cannot move away from an unwanted, negative circumstance; we can only move toward a desired, positive outcome. Revealing the multidimensional nature of sustainable development, the text summarizes positive approaches and presents strong theoretical and historical pieces along with salient case examples that illustrate the desired outcome of each model or framework discussed.

This timely book discusses the problems of environmental and economic crises and explains how they are the product of the overextension of resources. It critiques the standard approach of economics and establishes the methodological and biophysical principles needed to develop the concept of socioeconomic sustainability. Emphasizing that movement along the path towards sustainability begins with the individual, the authors offer advice on reconciling the principles of economics and ecology. They propose a worldview based on systemic thinking that treats the environment and economics as an ecosystemic unit.

Catalog no. K11090, January 2010, 242 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2062-9, $83.95 / £53.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K12439, August 2011, 191 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5295-8, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook

Urban Watersheds

Consultant, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Economic Incentives for Stormwater Control

Geology, Contamination, and Sustainable Development Martin M. Kaufman, Daniel T. Rogers, and Kent S. Murray “... a positive but quantum leap towards linking the management of water within the urban environment. From mapping and quantifying vulnerability to contaminant identification and remediation techniques, this single volume does an admirable job in addressing all aspects for this fascinating subject.” —Peter Bobrowsky, PhD, Secretary General of the IUGS

“... addresses the multi-faceted nature of urban stormwater issues, and offers insightful well organized solutions to watershed contamination problems caused by runoff. The multidisciplinary nature of the book is a welcomed strength.” —Hale W. Thurston, PhD, U.S. EPA

Catalog no. K12428, April 2011, 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5274-3, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook


Chris Maser

Edited by

Hale W. Thurston US EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Addressing a huge knowledge gap from a policy perspective, this volume focuses on the economic tools available for stormwater runoff control. It addresses the true costs and benefits of stormwater management practices and provides case studies that demonstrate the application of various incentives, such as tradable allowances and fees with rebate. It also presents the theory behind the different mechanisms used and illustrates successes and potential obstacles to implementation. The contributors are primarily concerned with the sociodemographic and economic aspects of people’s participation in stormwater runoff control. Catalog no. K12034, August 2011, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4560-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

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Resource Management & Sustainability

Introduction to Renewable Energy Vaughn Nelson West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA

A comprehensive overview of renewable energy, this book covers energy sources, resource assessment, and applications. It includes chapters on solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, concentrating collectors, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. It also covers water energy through mini hydro, ocean waves, tides, and currents. The text discusses large and small systems for generation of electricity, including village power. It also examines institutional issues such as policies, legislation, regulations, and environmental issues, and considers economic analyses of the different renewable energies.

Environmental and Economic Sustainability Paul E. Hardisty WorleyParsons, Perth, Australia

Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Based on more than fifteen years of research and practice, this book introduces the environmental and economic sustainability assessment (EESA), a new way to make decisions that meets the challenges of the 21st century. Incorporating elements of life-cycle analysis, risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis, and comprehensive sensitivity analysis, EESA provides a fully quantitative, objective, and rational way to include all of the social, environmental, and economic issues relevant to a decision into one comprehensive analysis. The author demonstrates how to apply EESA using examples across a number of major industries.

Catalog no. K11553, April 2011, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3449-7, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 59483, June 2010, 337 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5948-9, $125.95 / £80.99 Also available as eBook

The Science of Renewable Energy Frank Spellman Spellman Environmental Consultants and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Revonna Bieber Consultant, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

This work explores a multidisciplinary approach to renewable energy, covering physical and engineering approaches and addressing economic, social, environmental, and policy issues surrounding the implementation of large-scale renewable energy systems. The authors use straightforward language and emphasize the technical aspects and the practical applications of renewable energy, rather than math and theoretical science. The book contains case studies, illustrations, examples from real-world situations, to-the-point explanations, end-of-chapter questions, and quizzes to reinforce learning. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K11190, April 2011, 339 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2502-0, $99.95 / £63.99

Groundwater Economics Charles A. Job U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA

A unified discussion of groundwater and its economic importance, this book explores cost/benefit analysis and approaches for the different aspects of use, protection, and remediation. It examines the development of the legal basis for use and access rights, then addresses drinking water, irrigation, and efficient waste disposal. The author considers micro- and macro-economic factors, cost benefit tools, sustainability, policy evaluation, and societal acceptance. He synthesizes key points into practical steps for future application, describing ways to evaluate the economics of ground water use in the context of the larger ecosystem and its sustainability. Catalog no. K10444, December 2009, 687 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0900-6, $149.95 / £96.00 Also available as eBook

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Resource Management & Sustainability Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration Edited by

Hale W. Thurston and Matthew T. Heberling US EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Alyse Schrecongost West Virginia University, Blacksburg, USA

A resource for advocates and stakeholders, this book provides understanding of economic valuation in project prioritization and other decisionmaking aspects of stream or watershed restoration. It supplies basic background on the types of ecological goods and services that are often valued and details the types of questions that must be asked in watershed project analysis. It allows those who are not economists to be comfortable discussing things like contingent valuation, marginal costs, nonmarket goods, and other terms needed to satisfy the economic analysis requirements often needed to secure funding for projects. Catalog no. 92626, March 2009, 189 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9262-2, $107.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook

Sustainable Development as a Civilizational Revolution

Spatial Data Infrastructures in Context North and South Edited by

Zorica Nedovic´-Budic´ Joep Crompvoets, and Yola Georgiadou “This interesting book collects essays by established academics and early career scientists. ... [Chapter 5] is one of my favourite chapters in the book and I found the theoretical framework really helpful to explain behaviours present all over the world. ... The editors make a strong case for devoting more energy to understand the local, and the multiple rationalities in a socio-technical framework rather than using the architectural blueprint approach to develop an SDI. ... A good book, worth buying.” —Max Craglia, in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

Catalog no. K11381, April 2011, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2802-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

Implementing Industrial Ecology

A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Challenges of the 21st Century

Methodological Tools and Reflections for Constructing a Sustainable Development

Artur Pawlowski

Cyril Adoue

Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Systemes Durables, Auterive, France

As a concept, sustainable development is in contrast with traditional development based upon economic growth. Sustainable development is an attempt to formulate a program that integrates different aspects (ecological, social, and economical) which were usually considered as separate from each other. Sustainable Development as a Civilizational Revolution: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Challenges of the 21st Century expands the discussion on sustainable development, including ethical, technical/technological, legal, and political aspects.

This is the fruit of the author’s six years of research and fieldwork while at the Centre for Sustainable Development Research and Interdisciplinary Studies—Troyes University of Technology. The research and field work concentrated on material and energy flow loops, the principal tool that industrial ecology puts forward to limit environmental and economic impacts caused by the abuse of natural resources. The book is aimed at those responsible for providing substance to the objective of sustainable development and at future caretakers of the planet.

Catalog no. K11630, May 2011, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-57860-8, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. N10341, December 2010, 166 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57808-700-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook


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Resource Management & Sustainability

Sustainable Development Handbook

Restorative Redevelopment of Devastated Ecocultural Landscapes

Second Edition

Robert L. France

Stephen A. Roosa Gaining momentum globally, sustainable development is redefining the policies of corporations and governmental entities. Updated throughout, the second edition of this popular resource includes updates on LEED® measurement and verification and a new chapter on cities and carbon reduction. Clarifying critical issues, this volume examines proven approaches as well as problems with failed initiatives. It addition to core concepts and trends, it explores specific renewable energy and environmental solutions. It examines global initiatives, local politics, and ways to measure and track progress. Catalog no. N10301, August 2010, 491 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5048-0, $139.95 / £89.00

Green Chemistry for Environmental Sustainability Edited by

Sanjay Kumar Sharma Rajastan, India

Ackmez Mudhoo University of Mauritius

By adopting green chemistry principles and methodologies, researchers can devise new processes to help protect the environment from further damage. In this book, eminent international experts in green chemistry, green engineering, and environmental sustainability discuss the fundamentals of green chemistry and address current issues of social concern. The text covers sustainable development through green engineering, sustainable economics, environmentally benign technologies for greener processes, computational methods and modeling, environmental ethics, and green approaches to minimize air, water, soil, marine, noise, thermal, and nuclear pollution. Catalog no. K11178, July 2010, 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2473-3, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as eBook

Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Canada

A fusion of ecological restoration and sustainable development principles, ecocultural restorative redevelopment is an emerging method for repairing large-scale landscapes. This book explores how to use this approach to address the long-term, sustainable reparation of the fabled marshlands of southern Iraq destroyed by Saddam Hussein. It reviews successfully implemented and celebrated case studies from more than 15 countries around the world which, either in whole or in part, can offer valuable insight into the restorative redevelopment of the Iraqi marshlands as well as other devastated ecocultural landscapes such as tsunami-hit Indonesia or monsoon-ridden Burma. Catalog no. RT19900, July 2010, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-95225-5, $125.95 / £80.99 Also available as eBook

Sustainability and Design Ethics Tom Russ College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, USA

Major revisions of traditional professional codes of ethics are required to reflect emerging environmental concerns and the corresponding standards of care and professional practice. Drawing on business ethics principles and his own experience as a design professional, the author presents a unique exposition of the underlying ethical reasoning involved in the challenges confronted by contemporary design professionals. It considers the implications of sustainability from traditional ethical points of view and provides a balanced analysis of how a sustainable standard of care might be composed. Catalog no. K10423, March 2010, 176 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0854-2 $62.95 / £39.99 Also available as eBook

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Resource Management & Sustainability Capacity Development for Improved Water Management

SocialEnvironmental Planning The Design Interface Between Everyforest and Everycity

Edited by

Chris Maser

M.W. Blokland, G.J. Alaerts, J.M. Kaspersma, and M. Hare

Consultant, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

With contributions by prominent practitioners and academics, this book provides an overview of progress and challenges in knowledge and capacity development in the water sector. It presents tools and techniques used in knowledge and capacity development in response to the prevailing challenges and reviews experience with capacity change in other sectors. The book contains case studies that cover experiences in the water resources and water services sectors. It also covers water education for children and developing gender equity as well as monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and capacity building. Catalog no. K11461, February 2010, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-57398-6, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

Integrated Watershed Management in Rainfed Agriculture

“… an important and unique perspective on the strong relationships and parallels between human-made systems and structures and other natural systems and structures. The convergence of the social and physical sciences; of science and spirituality; of art and science and of other previously isolated fields of endeavor and belief will be, I believe, the hallmark of this century. Chris's book elegantly weaves together two such realms of thought and understanding.” —Jane Silberstein, Bainbridge Island, Washington

Based on 40 years of experience, Maser discusses the sustainability of the planet and its population when dealing with climate change. Catalog no. K10751, September 2009, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1459-8, $75.95 / £47.99 Also available as eBook

Land Use Scenarios Environmental Consequences of Development

Suhas P. Wani and K.L. Sahrawat ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India

Johan Rockstrom Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

Alan W. Shearer, David A. Mouat, Scott D. Bassett, Michael W. Binford, Craig W. Johnson, Justin A. Saarinen, Alan W. Gertler, and Jülide Kahyaog ˘lu-Koracˇin

A comprehensive presentation of techniques, examples, and case studies on the realization of improved rainfed agriculture yield in semi-arid and dryland areas, this book provides techniques intended to improve the livelihood of many small-scale farmers in developing countries. Methods discussed have recently shown to be successful and economically remunerative in India and in various African countries. The incentive of watershed programs is to increase the return on investment with over 20% for 65% of the projects that are currently underperforming.

Detailing research supported by the U.S. Marine Corps, this text presents a study of an undeveloped area being impacted by overall regional development. Through this example, the authors explain geographic vulnerability analysis, which takes into consideration possible scenarios about how and when future patterns of land use might develop. It points to consideration of critical uncertainties, those difficult-to-predict aspects of the future that must be factored into decisions.

Catalog no. K11844, September 2011, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-88277-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 92545, January 2009, 422 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9254-7, $129.95 / £82.99 Also available as eBook


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Air Pollution Radioactive Air Sampling Methods

Handbook of Environmental Analysis

Edited by

Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water, Soil, and Solid Wastes, Second Edition

Mark L. Maiello Pfizer, Inc., Pearl River, New York, USA

Mark D. Hoover National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

Designed for industrial hygienists, air quality experts, and health physicists, Radioactive Air Sampling Methods details techniques for sampling radioactivity in the air. The authors discuss radionuclides found in nature, created or encountered during industrial operations, and those that appear in the aftermath of a catastrophe, such as a nuclear reactor release. They detail step-by-step methods for measuring airborne radioactive substances and include information on sensitivity, possible interferences, and safety precautions for each method and provide the tools needed to perform complete safety analyses. Catalog no. 9717, October 2010, 599 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9717-2, $135.95 / £87.00 Also available as eBook

Indoor Air Quality The Latest Sampling and Analytical Methods, Second Edition Kathleen Hess-Kosa OMEGA Southwest Environmental Consulting, Canyon Lake, Texas

"As a microbiologist investigating indoor environmental quality issues, it is important to have knowledge regarding other potential problems that may affect indoor environments beyond biological growth and contamination. Microbiological investigations are often conducted in a forensic manner (i.e., we look for the source of unidentified problems rather than simply monitoring pass/fail levels of a known contaminant), and this book provides strategies for investigation and guidance to set reliable protocols." —Sean Abbott, Ph.D., Laboratory Director, Natural Link Mold Lab

Catalog no. K11302, May 2011, 397 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2665-2, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Pradyot Patnaik Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, Staten Island, New York, USA

A reflection of the myriad changes in the field of environmental analysis and the emergence of many new classes of pollutants in recent years, the second edition of Handbook of Environmental Analysis: Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water, Soil, and Solid Wastes covers all aspects of environmental analysis. Completely revised and updated to include new analytical techniques as well as additional chemical structures and reactions, this second edition retains the features—clarity of prose, pertinent examples, and authoritative coverage of a wide range of toxic pollutants—that made the first edition a bestseller. New and updated information in the second edition: • Chapters on emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals, household products, nonionic surfactants, steroids, hormones, flame-retardants, and plasticizers • Chapters on oxyhalides, glyphosate herbicides, oil and grease, disinfection by-products, and haloacetic acids • A chapter on radioactivity • Updated NIOSH methods on air analysis • Revised content on gas chromatography and mass spectrometry • US EPA and Standard Methods The book provides information on an array of topics from instrumentations, analytical techniques, and sample preparations to statistical calculations, chemical structures, and equations. It includes information on many alternative analytical procedures, making this edition more informative and versatile than its predecessor. It presents the tools and techniques required to measure a wide range of toxic pollutants in our environment. Selected Contents Analytical Techniques. Specific Classes of Compounds and Aggregate Properties. Selected Individual Compounds. Appendices. Catalog no. 65815, May 2010, 824 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6581-7, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook

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Air Pollution Coming Soon!

Aerosols Handbook Measurement, Dosimetry, and Health Effects, Second Edition Edited by

Hospital Airborne Infection Control

Lev S. Ruzer

Wladyslaw Kowalski

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA

The first to deal with the control of airborne hospital-acquired infections in detail, this book offers practical methods for evaluating aerobiological problems and provides test protocols for air and surface sampling. It provides information on the ways in which airborne infections transmit, and offers engineering methods for designing, installing, operating, and maintaining air disinfection and surface disinfection systems using the latest technologies. It covers a variety of UV systems for decontamination problems, and offers guidance in their use and statistical data on their effectiveness. Treatment technologies covered include ozone, plasma systems, and vegetative air cleaning.

Naomi H. Harley New York University, New York, USA

The need to correlate aerosols exposure with biological effects has become especially important due to rapid development of nanotechnology. This book provides a compilation of information useful to an aerosol scientist, particularly for use or identification of radioactive aerosols. The second edition includes new data on measurement; dosimetry and health effects of ultrafine, industrial, medical, and pharmaceutical bioaerosols; radioactive aerosols; breathing zone exposure assessments; modeling depositions of inhaled particles; and health effects of aerosols in general. Every chapter has been revised to reflect new data. Catalog no. K12568, August 2012, c. 668 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5510-2, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K11161, December 2011, 370 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2196-1, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as eBook

Air Pollution Health and Environmental Impacts


Integrated Air Quality Management

Edited by

Asian Case Studies

Bhola R. Gurjar and Chandra S.P. Ojha

Edited by

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India

Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand

Luisa T. Molina Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

The result of 10 years of research on the worsening of the air pollution problem in Asia’s developing nations, this book provides an overview of air quality in six cities: Bangkok, Thailand; Beijing, China; Chennai, India; Dan Dung, Indonesia; Manila, Philippines; and Hanoi, Vietnam. This reference covers data collection, modeling of urban pollution levels, control technologies, and devices for toxic gaseous pollutants and integrates them into a cost-effective air quality management strategy for the major polluting centers in Asia and around the world.

“Though it provides short descriptive analyses of most of the fundamental topics, [the book’s] value lies more in demonstrating these topics in case studies, which are drawn from the US, India, and elsewhere. Additionally, the work introduces many new and often advanced methods and materials that explore, for example, topics in risk, economics, policy, and sustainability. Even experts in the field may be captivated by some of these new ideas. … the material is well organized with minimal overlap. Summing Up: Highly recommended.”

Catalog no. K12885, May 2012, 434 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6225-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K10481, June 2010, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0962-4, $135.95 / £87.00 Also available as eBook


—CHOICE, January 2011

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Air Pollution Sick Building Syndrome and Related Illness

Management of Indoor Air Quality

Prevention and Remediation of Mold Contamination

Edited by

Edited by

Marzenna R. Dudzinska

Walter E. Goldstein Goldstein Consulting Company, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

This practical reference focuses on the serious contaminants that cause fungal infestations, commonly referred to as mold. It provides information on how to counter problems as they occur and how to prevent infestations. The book includes chapters on biology, metrics, and epidemiology, and it discusses mold and other contaminant particles, remediation, and repair to provide insight on what to do in the event of a problem. It also includes a model for mold growth that can be used to prevent such growth.

Management of Indoor Air Quality is a collection of 14 peer reviewed papers in indoor environment engineering. Papers address how indoor air quality can be improved and measured, what types of pollutants research should focus on, impacts on health, and more. The book includes research on HVAC impact on aerosol levels and new ventilation systems, as well as air quality problems in new environments. The volume is intended for scientists, engineers, and post-graduate and graduate students interested in the indoor environment.

Catalog no. K10091, August 2010, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0144-4, $135.95 / £87.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K13222, June 2011, 158 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-67266-5, $134.95 / £86.00 Also available as eBook

The Science of Air Concepts and Applications, Second Edition Frank R. Spellman Spellman Environmental Consultants and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

This completely revised volume presents research on global climate change, air pollution, radon, indoor air quality, acid rain, and more. The second edition of a bestseller, it explores common themes of air resource utilization and air protection with a section on air pollution and remediation. It contains regulatory updates related to air quality and an update on pollution control technologies. This authoritative resource includes an expanded section on the fundamentals of air chemistry and physics making it an indispensable text for those tasked with compliance to air pollution laws. Catalog no. 75322, October 2008, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7532-8, $115.95 / £73.99 Also available as eBook

Managing Indoor Air Quality Fifth Edition H.E. Burroughs Alpharetta, Georgia, USA

Shirley J. Hansen Consultant, Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

This practical guide covers how to treat existing indoor air problems effectively and how to prevent costly IAQ problems from occurring in the first place. A single discipline approach unfortunately tends to narrow both the control and the treatments options. This book cuts across professions to offer those concerned with the total facility a broader, more comprehensive approach to managing indoor air quality and mitigating problems. The fifth edition is extensively updated and edited in response to the rapid pace of changes and advances in the IAQ industry. Catalog no. N10357, April 2011, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7014-3, $119.95 / £76.99

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Air Pollution Developments and Innovation in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage Technology

Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control

Edited by

Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control, Delft, The Netherlands, September 28-30, 2009

M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer

Edited by

Drawing on a distinguished international team of contributors, this book explores the research, development, and demonstration of CCS technology in the power sector industry. It reviews the economics, regulation, and planning of CCS for power plants and industry and examines developments in post- and pre-combustion and advanced combustion processes and technologies for CO2 capture in power plants. This coverage is extended with sections on CO2 compression, transport, and injection as well as industrial applications of CCS technology.

Jan Bartacek, Christian Kennes, and Piet N.L. Lens

Volume 1: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture, Transport and Industrial Applications

Catalog no. N10185, July 2010, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3099-4, $249.95 / £159.00

Developments and Innovation in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage Technology Volume 2: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Storage and Utilization Edited by

M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer This comprehensive reference begins with a review of geological sequestration of CO2 , including coverage of reservoir sealing as well as monitoring and modeling techniques used to verify geological sequestration of CO2 . Terrestrial and ocean sequestration are reviewed, along with the environmental impact and performance assessments for these routes. The final section reviews advanced concepts for CO2 storage and utilization, including industrial utilization, biofixation, mineral carbonation, and photocatalytic reduction. Catalog no. N10186, August 2010, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3101-4, $249.95 / £159.00


The proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control, held September 28-30, 2009 in Delft, give an overview of innovative biotechnology based processes for treatment of waste gasses. Various innovative research aspects of environmental chemistry, environmental engineering, and bioprocess technology are discussed. Catalog no. K11733, May 2010, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-58270-4, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

Air Pollution and Turbulence Modeling and Applications Edited by

Davidson Moreira Federal University of Pampa, Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Marco Vilhena Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil

With contributions by international experts, this book presents advanced techniques for modeling turbulence along with air pollution applications, including pollutant dispersion and inverse problems. The text offers innovative atmospheric mathematical modeling methods, which can also be applied to other disciplines, and provides an ideal reference for professionals and for students studying atmospheric pollutant dispersion and its consequences. The book provides a solid theoretical understanding of turbulence. Worldwide case studies and reviews illustrate subjects related to environmental sciences and environmental modeling. Catalog no. K10572, November 2009, 354 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1144-3, $129.95 / £82.99 Also available as eBook

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Hazardous Waste Forthcoming

Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Life Cycle Management Corporate, Community and Organizational Planning and Preparedness Robert Jaffin Focusing on lifecycle management of hazardous materials, this book promotes an understanding of the relevant supply chain management principles from a logistics perspective. This approach has the potential to reduce or eliminate hazardous materials, reduce organizational liability, and reduce hazardous waste management and disposal costs. The text collectively addresses threat and vulnerability assessment/mitigation and hazardous material evaluation and management techniques while at the same time minimizing disruptions to the daily flow of activities and risks to people, the environment, and property. Catalog no. K13422, November 2012, c. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7387-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

Toxic Chemicals Risk Prevention Through Use Reduction Thomas E. Higgins, Jayanti A. Sachdev, and Stephen A. Engleman “Valuable for safety and environmental engineers, toxicologists, ecologists, those in environmental policy positions, legislators, journalists, and the concerned public, as well as students ...”

Combustion and Incineration Processes Applications in Environmental Engineering, Fourth Edition Walter R. Niessen Niessen Consultants S.P., Andover, Massachusetts, USA

"…well presented … contains a wealth of information … has particular relevance to those dealing with environmental problems." —Environmental Engineering

Covering each aspect of a waste management facility, from contaminant receipt, handling, and storage to stack discharge and dispersion, this reference explores the operation and evaluation of incineration and conversion (gasification) systems for hazardous and non-hazardous gaseous, liquid, biosolid, and solid wastes. Highlighting breakthroughs in air pollution control, the book discusses materials handling, waste processing, refractory and materials engineering, combustion technology, and energy recovery to reduce and control toxins and pollutants in the environment. Catalog no. K10282, June 2010, 800 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0503-9, $209.95 / £134.00 Also available as eBook

Principles of Hazardous Materials Management Second Edition Roger D. Griffin Griffin Environmental International, Irvine, California, USA

The book explores the history of toxic chemical release reporting programs, presents data on the actual toxicity of chemicals currently in use, discusses variables that contribute to the relative toxicity of a substance, compares alternate emphases in existing programs for reducing environmental threats, and provides a specific and health-based program to reduce or eliminate the use of toxic chemicals.

Since the publication of the first edition, great strides have been made in reducing the amount of toxic waste that threatens water, soil, and air. This long-awaited second edition updates and expands upon the topics in the original bestseller. It begins with an introduction to hazardous materials, providing historical insight into toxins past and present. The book then explores the health effects of hazardous materials; risk assessment; the transportation and management of hazardous materials; waste characterization and analytical methods; and waste treatment and disposal.

Catalog no. K11782, November 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3915-7, $94.95 / £59.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 89706, April 2009, 264 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8970-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

—R.E. Buntrock, formerly University of Maine, in CHOICE, June 2011

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Hazardous Waste Handbook of Advanced Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment Edited by

Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, and Nazih K. Shammas An authoritative reference for technical information on industrial and hazardous waste treatment, the Handbook of Advanced Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment provides broad, comprehensive coverage of basic and advanced principles and applications. It addresses wastes in a variety of industries, covering metal finishing, food processing, milk production, foundries, chemical manufacturing, and more. Including numerous figures, tables, examples, and case histories, the text also explores methods of clean production and waste minimization and addresses the treatment of landfills and underground storage tanks. Catalog no. 72196, November 2009, 1376 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7219-8, $319.95 / £204.00 Also available as eBook

Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities Geoffrey Blight University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Geological Repository Systems for Safe Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Radioactive Waste Edited by

Joonhong Ahn and Michael J. Apted This book reviews technologies, scientific methods, regulatory developments, and social engagement approaches related to the implementation of geological repository systems. It first introduces geological disposal, including multiple-barrier geological repositories. It then reviews geological repository siting in different host rocks. Reviews of the range of engineered barrier systems are presented in part three, and part four examines total system performance assessment and safety analyses for deep geological and near-surface disposal. The final section covers regulatory and social approaches for the establishment of geological disposal programs. Catalog no. N10189, August 2010, 720 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3109-0, $249.95 / £160.00

Heavy Metals in the Environment Edited by

Lawrence K. Wang, Jiaping Paul Chen, Yung-Tse Hung, and Nazih K. Shammas

Illustrated with line drawings and photographs, this volume is a comprehensive treatment of the application of geotechnical engineering to site selection, site exploration, and the design, operation, and closure of mine waste storage facilities. The level and content are suitable for practicing engineers as well as senior undergraduate and postgraduate students. The book follows the sequence of a waste storage facility life cycle and also considers the use of mine waste as a construction material. The text is supported by typical test results, worked examples, and case histories.

Offering broad coverage of basic and advanced principals and applications, this volume provides chemical and environmental engineers with the most complete resource available on remediation of heavy metal contaminants with an emphasis on innovative and alternative approaches. It investigates a variety of environmental pollution sources and waste characteristics that require a multitude of remediation methods. It then details the latest in clean tech advances covering both management strategies and process alternatives. The authors delve into costs, effluent standards, and offer up several illustrative case histories.

Catalog no. K00120, November 2009, 652 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-46828-2, $199.95 / £127.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 73168, June 2009, 516 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7316-4, $107.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook


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Solid Waste/Recycling From Landfill Gas to Energy Technologies and Challenges Raj Rajaram Techknow Engineering LLC, Chicago, USA

Faisal Zia Siddiqui and Mohd Emran Khan JMI University, New Delhi, India

“Besides being a useful resource book, it allows for easy reading and a quick way to learn about the field. With the potential to be the premier reference text in the field of landfill gas to energy for the years to come, it should be on the shelf of every professional working in this field.” —David S. O'Neill, Environmental Attorney, Principal of LandGas Technology LLC, Chicago, USA

This book provides a comprehensive description of technologies available for converting old landfills to energy producers, and capturing the green house gases emitting from them. It includes case studies of successful landfill gas (LFG) recovery for energy projects around the world, and highlights why this has not been done in many more landfills around the world. The book details technical, financial, and social challenges facing the conversion of landfills to energy producers. It also offers solutions to either remine the landfill for recovering useful land (as is planned in dense urban areas of India) or close them properly while recovering the methane for energy use. With background information and instructive tools, this book educates, guides, and establishes a basis for decision-making, technical feasibility assessment, economic assessment, and market evaluation of all aspects necessary for developing successful LFG management projects. Selected Contents Landfill gas to energy: International status and prospects. Planning and design of LFG recovery system. Landfill gas modeling. LFG monitoring and economic feasibility evaluation. Landfill gas treatment technologies. Landfill gas utilization technologies. Remediation of landfill sites. Landfill gas case studies. Challenges in utilization of LFG in developing countries. Appendices. Catalog no. K12958, December 2011, 325 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66474-5, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

Municipal Solid Waste Management Processing - Energy Recovery - Global Examples P. Jayarama Reddy Solar Energy Consultant, Hyderabad, India

This book provides a comprehensive presentation of municipal solid waste management, including waste generation and characterization, waste reduction and recycling, waste collection and transfer, and waste disposal. It analyses and compares how these aspects are practiced in developing and developed countries. Traditional “composting at different scales,” and “energyfrom-waste-technologies” are amply discussed, with comparisons between developed and developing countries, and with parameters and conditions for successful operation. The book includes a chapter with case studies from several countries and a chapter dedicated to India. Catalog no. K13873, November 2011, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-69036-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

Industrial Composting Environmental Engineering and Facilities Management Eliot Epstein Epstein Environmental Consultants, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

"Any reference by Dr. Epstein is a valuable tool for the composting professional … It also includes perhaps the most comprehensive list of reference materials, which should be very helpful if the reader desires more information on a particular topic." —John T. Bouey, P.E., President, Managed Organic Recycling, Inc., Oakland, California

Packed with figures, photographs, and tables, this book covers the technical and environmental engineering aspects of large-scale industrial composting. It covers facilities design, planning, operational issues, environmental impacts, public relations, the economics of marketing compost, and more. Catalog no. K12015, February 2011, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4531-8, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as eBook

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Solid Waste/Recycling Effect of Algal Biofilm and Operational Conditions on Nitrogen Removal in Waste Stabilization Ponds Mohammed Babu UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands

The possibility of optimizing treatment and reducing land requirement in WSPs is paramount. WSPs are known to provide treatment for wastewater but these have several drawbacks, which include short-circuiting, limited area for microbial attachment, oxygen limited to upper aerobic layer, and large area for construction. This study proposes investigating ways of addressing these issues by use of vertical baffles. It is expected that vertical baffling will reduce short-circuiting, create more area for microbial attachment, and alter wastewater flow from aerobic to anaerobic zones. The overall effect of improving nitrogen removal is anticipated. Catalog no. K13113, May 2011, 140 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-66946-7 $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as eBook

Management, Recycling and Reuse of Waste Composites Edited by

Vannessa Goodship The University of Warwick, UK

This authoritative reference work provides a comprehensive review of the management, recycling, and reuse of waste composites. These are issues that are of growing importance due to increasingly strict legislation and concerns about disposal of composites by landfill or incineration. The first part of the book reviews the management of waste composites and part two discusses current technologies for recycling waste composites. A third group of chapters examines the quality and use of recycled materials. The final sections of the book outline future trends and case studies. Catalog no. N10005, January 2010, 500 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0104-8, $249.95 / £160.00


Geosynthetic Clay Liners for Waste Containment Facilities Edited by

A. Bouazza Monash University, Australia

J.J. Bowders University of Missouri, USA

Geosynthetic clay liners have taken a prominent role in civil engineering infrastructure, in particular, in the waste containment industry. This book gives a comprehensive and authoritative review of the current state of practice on geosynthetic clay liners in waste containments. It provides insight into the individual materials used (bentonite and the associated geosynthetics) as well as the manufacturing processes. The book also explores important topics such as hydraulic conductivity, chemical compatibility, contaminant transport, gas migration, shear strength and slope stability, and field performance. Catalog no. K00009, November 2009, 254 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-46733-9, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook

Evapotranspiration Covers for Landfills and Waste Sites Victor L. Hauser Consulting Engineer, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Natural, self-renewing, and low-cost, ET covers for landfills provide a solution to landfill waste that is clean, green, and economical. This book examines the conceptual theory and the practical proof, then explains the technology, design, and application. The author discusses why several vegetative covers have failed and provides a simple, inexpensive solution. He examines the design and construction of ET covers and other methods, highlighting their differences and successful alternative construction methods. The book also covers how the technology meets the requirements for covers on landfills, mining waste, and other sites. Catalog no. 86510, October 2008, 216 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8651-5, $135.95 / £87.00 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Law, Management, and Compliance Coming Soon!


Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers

Preparing NEPA Environmental Assessments A User’s Guide to Best Professional Practices

Third Edition Thomas T. Gordon, Arthur S. Cookfair, Vincent G. LoTempio, and Brendan S. Lillis

Charles Eccleston Derwood, Maryland, USA

J. Peyton Doub

Praise for Previous Editions “The authors, both with wide experience in the patent industry, provide a clear, nontechnical explanation of the patent system and patent principles.” —Mechanical Engineering

Ideal for anyone without prior legal knowledge who needs to understand the patent system, this book enables nonspecialists to make wellinformed decisions affecting new and patentable products. The third edition covers the new patent law, the America Invents Act, which was recently passed by Congress and signed by the President. This is the first major change to the patent law in almost 60 years and is receiving a great deal of attention. The text provides a detailed analysis and description of the new patent law and how it will affect engineers. All chapters have been updated and include new sidebar case studies. • Provides a basic vocabulary of the legal terms and explains patent jargon • Covers international aspects of patent law/patent protection and includes a separate chapter on Canadian patents • Offers online videos and interviews to answer common questions Selected Contents Patents as Intellectual Property. Patents History, Philosophy, and Purpose. The U.S. Patent System. The Canadian Patent System. The Patentable Invention. The Evolution of a Patent. The Patent Document As Technical Literature. The Basic Principles of Patent Searching. Searching by Hand or Computer? Patents as Legal Documents. Patent Information from the Internet. Importance of Record-Keeping. Patents Around the World. Appendix. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. K14725, September 2012, c. 184 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-0944-3 $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

Praise for the First Edition, Effective Environmental Assessments: How to Manage and Write NEPA Assessments: "Mr. Eccleston has written a most thorough guide to managing and preparing EAs that puts NEPA back into its original perspective—a planning and decision-making tool." —Russell W. Peterson, Former Governor of Delaware and Former Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality

"NEPA is the cornerstone of our environmental statutory structure and provides a strategic look for long-range planning. By explaining the environmental assessment process in a scholarly, yet easily understandable way, Charles Eccleston has performed an enormous service for all who care about the protection of our country's—and indeed the world's—environment." —Michael R. Deland, Former Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality

"The book fills a void and concentrates on environmental assessments, a critical but underemphasized part of the NEPA process. It is, furthermore, both useful and user-friendly." —Nicholas C. Yost, Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, former General Counsel of the Council on Environmental Quality

Selected Contents The NEPA Environmental Assessment Process: Overview and Historical Development of NEPA. General Concepts and Requirements. NEPA and Environmental Impact Analysis. The Threshold Question: Determining Whether an EA or an EIS is Required. The Environmental Assessment Process. The Environmental Impact Assessment. Writing the Environmental Assessment. Assessing Significance. The Finding of No Significant Impacts. NEPA Case Law and NonNEPA Environmental Assessment Documents: An Overview of NEPA Law and Litigation. Specialized Non-NEPA Environmental Assessment Documents. Summary. Index. Catalog no. K10435, May 2012, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0882-5, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Law, Management, and Compliance Global Environmental Policy Concepts, Principles, and Practice Charles H. Eccleston

Developing and Managing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System Charles H. Eccleston Derwood, Maryland, USA

Derwood, Maryland, USA

Frederic March

Frederic March Thinkwell Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

"[the authors] offer the reader a balanced skill-set, including concepts, principles, and practices for developing and implementing more effective and proactive environmental policy responses to the Earth’s burgeoning environmental problems … introduces the reader, in a concrete yet instructive way, to the major ethical, philosophical and economic principle theories underlying the current environmental debate." —Patricia Romero Lankao Ph.D., Deputy Director at the Institute for the Study of Society and Environment at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

"Eccleston and March bring a reasoned perspective to the world’s most prominent environmental issues … [the book] celebrates how far we have come in our relationship with the natural world while at the same time bringing forth the immediacy of our global circumstances." —Ron Deverman, President, National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP)

"Anyone who needs to hit the ground running in the practice of environmental policy needs to read this book" —Tim Cohen, a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, U.S. Sandia National Laboratories

• Provides practical tools and techniques for assessing and formulating pragmatic policy solutions • Assimilates a diverse set of factors that affect policymaking into a single integrated framework • Explains the political, social, psychological, and economic considerations that can influence or bias the decision-making process • Includes chapters devoted to a range of potential policy solutions for controversial global issues Catalog no. K12116, November 2010, 460 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4766-4, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook


Inside Energy

Thinkwell Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Timothy Cohen National Association of Environmental Professionals, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

This book provides readers with practical information for understanding and developing an ISO 50001 EnMS, including explaining in clear English the detailed standards and requirements. Building from chapter to chapter, the book leads readers from first principles into successively more detailed EnMS topics. It provides comprehensive direction for developing, implementing, and managing an EnMS. The text also explains the relationship between ISO 9000 and 14000 and provides guidance for integrating EnMS concepts with existing organizational policies, processes, and procedures. Catalog no. K13564, December 2011, 319 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7670-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

Resolving Environmental Conflicts Second Edition Chris Maser Consultant, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Carol A. Pollio American Public University, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

“From the ‘down and dirty’ (who can shout the loudest?) to the cerebral (the Law of Cosmic Unification), [this book] has something for everyone involved in negotiating, mediating and resolving disputes. I have spent almost forty years in the conflict resolution arena and thought I knew it all until Chris and Carol forced me to look in the ‘coping mechanism’ mirror only to see my own dispute resolution weaknesses staring back.” —Michael J. Bartlett, President of New Hampshire Audubon and retired Field Supervisor, US Fish and Wildlife Service New England Field Office

Catalog no. K12631, July 2011, 271 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5608-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook

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Environmental Law, Management, and Compliance Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004

Introduction to Environmental Management

Handbook of Transition with CD-ROM

Mary K. Theodore

Syed Imtiaz Haider Julphar Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, United Arab Emirates

This work provides the information and practical know-how required to facilitate smooth incorporation of the revisions and enhancements put forth by the International Organization for Standardization for an Environmental Management System (EMS) using the 14001:2004 series. These globally accepted procedures eliminate waste while providing the means to achieve local and international compliance. The book shows how to develop and implement an EMS for any process-related industry or organization interested in environmental compliance, regulated or not. • Covers the basic concepts and elements described in the applicable ISO 14001:2004 series of standards • Translates ISO 14001:2004 language into actionable strategy • Provides hands-on flow charts to describe step-by-step system development, documentation, and implementation phases • Offers template formats to be adopted directly or tailored to specific organizational requirements • Includes practical examples of policies

Edited by Manhattan College, Riverdale, New York, USA

Louis Theodore Theodore Tutorial, East Williston, New York, USA

Translating complex environmental issues into understandable concepts, this text is useful to both students and professionals. By gaining a background in regulations, pollutants, and waste management, readers learn how to help alleviate many of these problems. Detailed material on the Superfund program provides an example on how to get involved. Pressing issues regarding the effects of nanotechnology and global climate change on the environment emphasizes the need for education and action. An accompanying website offers continuous updates, PowerPoint® slides, practice problems, solutions, and exams. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. 89072, October 2009, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8907-3, $107.95 / £69.99

NEPA and Environmental Planning Tools, Techniques, and Approaches for Practitioners

Selected Contents

Edited by

Objective. Definitions used. Correspondence between ISO 14001:2004 & ISO 9001:2000. Correspondence between ISO 14001:1996 & ISO 14001:2004. Certification. Environmental Management System Manual. Environmental Management System Manual ISO 14001. Standard Operating Procedures. General Requirements. Environmental Policy. Planning. Environmental Aspects. Legal & Other Requirements. Objectives and Targets. Environmental Management Program(s). Implementation and Operation. Resources, Roles and Responsibility and Authority. Training Awareness & Competence. Communication. Environmental Management System Documentation. Document Control. ...

Charles H. Eccleston

Catalog no. K11445, October 2010, 599 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2939-4, $259.95 / £165.00 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. 7559, March 2008, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7559-0, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as eBook

Environmental Planning and NEPA Services Inc., Richland, Washington, USA

A tool for predicting environmental impacts, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) can also be used to predict the impacts of natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. This book demonstrates how to use NEPA as a framework to support decision-making. It includes examples that demonstrate how NEPA can be efficiently integrated with other processes such as ISO 14001, P2, and Adaptive Management. It provides proven tools, techniques, and approaches for streamlining NEPA and environmental planning strategies that reduce the potential for controversy and criticism.

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Environmental Health New!

Pesticides Evaluation of Environmental Pollution

Practical Atlas for Bacterial Identification

Edited by

Second Edition

Hamir S. Rathore Aligarh Muslim University, India

Leo M.L. Nollet University College Ghent, Belgium

"This book describes the state-of-the-art advances regarding all facets of pesticides, including the pollution of water, soils, atmosphere, food and living organisms and covering environmental health aspects, as well as such a global issue as food safety. It provides an understanding of the complex biological and chemical reactions involved in the interaction of pesticides with soils, waters, vegetation, animals and men. The book brings together information normally spread across several books, and presents a full spectrum of views and information to help readers to evaluate issues and make informed decisions." —Danila Moscone, Department of Chemistry Science and Technology, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

"This handbook comprehensively discusses all aspects of pesticides residues in the environment and their implications for the environment and human health." —Yolanda Pico, University of Valencia

Featuring contributions by eminent scientists from around the world, this book describes the fate and transport of pesticides and their degradation in the environment. The text covers the effects of pesticides on in humans, birds and mammals, fish, soil invertebrates, soil microflora, aquatic invertebrates, surface and groundwater, milk products, and more. It also addresses endocrine-disrupting pesticides and explores biopesticides as alternatives to chemical pesticides. • Provides detailed information on the fate of pesticide residues in all compartments of the environment • Includes more than 100 illustrations, as well as tables and equations Catalog no. K11639, April 2012, 659 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3624-8, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as eBook

D. Roy Cullimore Droycon Bioconcepts Inc. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

In a radical departure from the classical reductionist identification of bacteria dominated by genetic and biochemical analysis of separated strains of bacteria, this book takes a generalistic approach utilizing the form, function, and habitat of communities of bacteria. This completely revised and updated second edition introduces the concept of bacteria community intelligence as reflected in corrosion, plugging, and shifts in the quality parameters in water, gas, oil, food, or even air. The book allows readers to start with a symptom, uncover the bacterial activities, and then identify the communities distinctly enough to allow management and control. • Presents a new classification system for bacterial communities based upon their effect and activities, and not their composition • Defines the major types of bacterial communities using a glossary approach and would embrace the major known bacterial structures • Provides a new approach using easy-to-follow language allowing non-microbiologists to feel more comfortable in addressing significant bacteriologically-influenced events Selected Contents Bacterial Communities by Location and Function. Common Bacteriologically Initiated Events. Bacteria Are Everywhere. Preliminary Differentiation of Alpha Bacterial Consorms. Environmental Dynamics of Bacterial Consorms. Bacterial Consormial Challenges. Detailed Identification of Bacterial Consorms. Biochemical Methods for Identification of Consorms. Identifying Bacterial Consorms Using BART. Introduction to Grid-Formatted Bacteriological Atlas. Defining Bacterial Consorms in Gridded Atlas Format. Natural Bacteriological Consorms. Suggestions for Further Reading. Appendix A: Alpha Two Traditional Atlas Concept. Catalog no. 87975, March 2010, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8797-0, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as eBook


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Environmental Health Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments Diversity, Health Impacts, Investigation and Control, Second Edition Edited by

Brian Flannigan Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Robert A. Samson CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands

J. David Miller Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The US Centers for Disease Control recently concluded that elimination of moisture and mouldy materials in the home definitively results in improved health. Unfortunately, problems of accurate assessment and precise identification plague the full understanding of the effects of mould on human health. Addressing exposure assessment and identification, Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments discusses the methodology for conducting investigations on indoor environments, including details on key fungi and actinobacteria, and reflects advances in predicting their occurrence in buildings in various parts of the world. Beginning with a review of types of microorganisms in outdoor and indoor air, their growth and control in home and work environments, and their role in respiratory disease, this second edition presents recent studies on pollen and its allergenic effects, the mechanistic basis for the effects of toxins and inflammatory agents on lung biology, and the use of molecular methods for determining microbial contaminants. On the practical side, this edition examines remediation, control, and quality assurance; occupational exposures in a wide range of environments; and infectious fungi and bacterial endotoxins in the built environment. Bringing together the state-of-the-science in this health-critical field, this accurate and timely book offers researchers, public health officials, and industrial hygienists crucial information on specific microorganisms in the built environment, along with current measurement and assessment solutions to clean up indoor air and keep residents and workers healthy in the future. Catalog no. 93347, April 2011, 539 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9334-6, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as eBook

Environmental and Human Health Risk Management in Developing Countries Edited by

E.N. Laboy-Nieves University of Turabo, Gurabo, Puerto Rico

M.F.A. Goosen Alfaisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

E. Emmanuel Université Quisqueya, Haiti

This book examines the multidisciplinary aspects of the impacts that humans have on the physical environment, the biota, and human health. Focusing on developing and under-developing countries, it covers environmental degradation, pollution, occupational health, risk management, epidemiology, and toxicology. It will help scientists, resource managers, administrators, educators, policy makers, and college students to interpret that risk management and the advancement of research in sustainable development is of utmost importance for all parties involved in seeking solutions for the protection of natural and anthropogenic systems, and human health. Catalog no. K12405, September 2010, 290 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-60162-7, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as eBook

Manual of Environmental Analysis Edited by

N.C. Aery University College of Science, Rajasthan, India

This book presents current methods for determining the impact of pollutants on the biosystem. Encompassing the breadth and depth of the field, this book explores analytical methods for determining physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological characteristics of water, waste water, soil, plant material, and air as well as plant and animal communities. With coverage of sampling, instrumentation, and monitoring methods, the book facilitates analysis for a wide range of chemical pollutants. Topics include bioassays, environmental radioactivity, biomonitoring, environmental impact assessment/auditing, and indoor air and noise pollution. Catalog no. AB6915, September 2010, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6915-0, $135.95 / £87.00

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


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General Climate Management Issues Economics, Sociology, and Politics Julie Kerr Gines U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Utah, USA

Climate change receives a lot of attention because it is more than just a scientific issue; it also affects economics, sociology, politics, and standards of living. Proposing a truly comprehensive solution to deal with climate change in both the short and long term, this book addresses crucial issues related to climate change management. It closely analyzes the complex causeand-effect relationships that impact the environment worldwide at the local, national, and international levels. The text focuses on the multifaceted aspects of climate change, including international cooperation, journalistic balance, psychology, national security, agriculture, healthcare, and climate modeling. It also looks at advances in research and technology. • Details the scientific principles involved in climate change • Explores public and government involvement in combating global warming, including conservation programs • Reviews current climate change research and new and emerging technologies • Presents real-life case studies and examples • Promotes individual thinking and management skills for future leadership • Contains thought-provoking discussion topics at the end of each chapter to encourage practical solutions • Includes a 16-page color insert

Fundamentals of Practical Environmentalism Mark B. Weldon This timely book introduces the concept of practical environmentalism from an individual's perspective, challenging the reader to integrate concern for the environment with the necessities of daily living. It provides a guiding framework to help readers make meaningful and rational environmental choices that address the four pillars of environmental degradation, resource conservation, economic progress, and personal benefit. Case studies run the gamut from small personal choices to the biggest and most contentious environmental dilemmas of the day. This book shows how practical environmentalism via the four pillars can lead individuals toward better environmental decisions and an improved chance for true environmental progress. • Takes a holistic approach that brings together the environment, resources, economics, and personal values • Explains the difference between actions that will likely benefit the environment versus feel-good reactions that may be detrimental • Recognizes that environmental progress must be tempered with real-world constraints • Offers a top ten list of individual environmental actions that score well with the four pillars metric • Includes illustrations by artist Mark Benesh

Selected Contents

Selected Contents

Introduction. The Earth’s Climate System. The Role of Greenhouse Gases. Climate Change and Its Effect on Ecosystems. The Inception of Climate Change Management. Sociological Connections to Climate Change. Human Psychology and the Media. The Role of International Organizations. The Political Arena. Sociopolitical Impacts of Climate Change. Military Issues and Climate Change. Economics of Climate Change and Socioeconomic Implications. ...

An Introduction to Practical Environmentalism and the Four Pillars. A Short History of Environmentalism in the United States. The Ethics of Environmentalism. The Confounding Factors. Environmental Degradation—The First Pillar. Resource Conservation—The Second Pillar. The "Human" Pillars of Economic Progress and Personal Benefit. Scoring with the Pillars— A Few Simple Examples to Illustrate the Method. ...

Catalog no. K12812, December 2011, 470 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6106-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook


Catalog no. K12230, June 2011, 200 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4928-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook

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Introduction to Systems Ecology

Environmental Restoration and Design for Recreation and Ecotourism

Sven Erik Jørgensen

Robert L. France

Copenhagen University, Denmark

Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Canada

Using quantitative methods to understand how ecological systems operate and influence each other, this textbook presents a complete and practically applicable ecosystems theory. The book is built on fourteen principles for ecological systems, including the general application of energetics principles in systems ecology. Written by an internationally recognized expert, this work provides readers with a thorough understanding of how ecosystems work and how they react to disturbances such as pollution. The holistic systems ecology described has a wide application in conservation biology, ecological modeling, assessment of ecosystem health and sustainability, and ecotechnology.

This unique book takes an in-depth look at the process of restoring damaged or abandoned landscapes to benefit both nature and people. With a focus on history, planning, methodology, design, and construction, it explores five projects in regenerative landscape design. Supported by extensive illustrations and a question-andanswers discussion with project designers and managers, two comprehensive case studies of wetland parks in Las Vegas and London illustrate the interdependence between innovative site technologies and novel planning and design strategies and processes. The book presents lessons learned from some of the most successful projects in regenerative landscape design.

• Presents a complete and practically applicable ecosystem theory that offers a general frame of reference for ecological disciplines

Catalog no. K13213, November 2011, 266 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6986-4, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook

• Integrates four aspects of systems ecology: thermodynamics, biochemistry, network theory, and hierarchical organization

Carbon Capture and Storage

• Summarizes important points at the end of each chapter

Technologies, Policies, Economics, and Implementation Strategies

• Includes plenty of examples and more than 100 exercises and problems for readers to solve • Contains more than 100 black-and-white illustrations and a 32-page color insert Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)

System Ecology: An Ecological Discipline. Part 1: Conservation of Energy and Matter. Ecosystems: Growth and Development. Irreversibility and Order: The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. The Biochemistry of Ecosystems. The Thermodynamic Interpretation of Ecosystem Growth and Development. The Ecological Law of Thermodynamics. Part 2: Ecosystems Are Open Systems. Ecosystems Have a Hierarchical Organization. ...

Carbon Capture and Storage: Technologies, Policies, Economics, and Implementation Strategies provides a thorough overview of the current status of the various elements of the CCS chain, the nature of CCS technology, and how it could become a solution to reduce emissions. It also suggests some key guidelines to be adopted to deploy CCS in a sustainable manner. The book will be of interest to a broad group of readers, specifically engineers, geoscientists, economists, and regulators and will also be useful to high-level strategy and policy makers in energy producing countries.

Catalog no. K12561, April 2012, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5501-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook

Catalog no. K14340, November 2011, 404 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-62084-0, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as eBook

Selected Contents

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Coming Soon!

Creeping Bentgrass Management

Coming Soon!

Global Cooling Strategies for Climate Protection

Peter H. Dernoeden University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Hans-Josef Fell

Based on the author’s numerous years of experience and research, this second edition brings new and updated information to the expanding golf industry. Creeping bentgrass is considered the premier species on golf course putting greens, and there is a growing demand for an understanding of the maintenance practices and problems described in this book. A new section deals with turf fungicides, one of the largest markets for fungicides in the United States. The book also covers recent advances in biological and cultural control of turf diseases, new herbicides, emergence patterns for annual bluegrass control and suppression, and better ways to exploit the benefits of plant growth regulators. • Provides a practical guide for understanding the nature of environmental stresses and their management • Describes all major diseases of creeping bentgrass and their management with cultural, biological, and chemical methods • Explains cultural practices for greens, why they are needed and how and when they should be accomplished • Describes in-depth all herbicides and plant growth regulators (PGRs) labeled for use on creeping bentgrass • Covers the nature and use of turf fungicides, updated approaches to biological control of bentgrass pests, and the challenges involved Selected Contents The Nature of Summer Stresses. Cultural Practices for Summer Stress Management. Selected Biotic and Abiotic Maladies of Bentgrass. Biological Approaches to Turf Disease Management. Understanding Modern Turf Fungicides. Herbicides for Creeping Bentgrass. Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs). Renovation. Catalog no. K14748, July 2012, c. 376 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0992-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook

This book represents an attempt to redefine climate protection measures and to readjust climate protection targets in line with what is scientifically necessary and economically feasible. The reader is provided with an overview of recent developments and failings in and successful instruments for fighting climate change and global warming. The book introduces new actors, such as the financial industry as an investor and political actor, and demonstrates that investment in renewable energies and a sustainable economy is not only a worthwhile cause but also has an economic value. Catalog no. K15437, August 2012, 220 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-62853-2 $24.95 / £15.99 Also available as eBook

Coming Soon!

Sustainable Process Engineering Concepts, Strategies, Evaluation and Implementation David Brennan Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia

This book introduces chemical engineering students to key concepts, strategies, and evaluation methods in sustainable process engineering. The key objectives of the book are to widen system boundaries beyond a process plant to include utility supplies, interconnected plants, wider industry sectors and entire product life cycles; identify waste and its sources in process and utility systems and adopt waste minimization strategies; broaden evaluation to include technical, economic, safety, environmental, social and sustainability criteria and to integrate the assessments; and broaden the engineering horizon to incorporate planning, development, design, and operations. Catalog no. N10505, August 2012, c. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-78-1, $149.95 / £95.00


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Fire Protection for Commercial Facilities Mark Bromann

Renewable Energy Yearbook 2011 Renergy FNP

Rally Fire Protection Services, Illinois, USA

Agra FNP Research

Written in a conversational tone that makes the concepts easy to understand, this book presents systems and practices that can increase a facility's ability to avoid fires, limit the development and spread of fires, and effectively control fires. It provides guidance for decision making regarding what can be effectively controlled in-house, and what should be contracted out to relieve the workload burden of the in-house staff. The information offered augments a broad range of expertise common to building or plant engineers, keeping them abreast of the divergent subfields of fire prevention.

This yearbook maps out the renewable energy sector in Brazil, identifying potential, obstacles, and perspectives. Besides covering the now traditional ethanol and biodiesel, this book presents a structured and holistic vision of an economic sector that will create profound transformation in the global economy. Renowned professionals have written technical articles on the role of biomass, small hydroelectric plants, and wind and solar energy in Brazil's energy matrix. The book also discusses logistical challenges and investments in land for greenfield projects and includes information and analysis on biofuels, carbon credits, and more.

Catalog no. K11343, October 2010, 251 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2720-8, $125.95 / £80.99 Also available as eBook

Sustainability Management Handbook Shirley J. Hansen Consultant, Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

São Paulo, Brazil

Catalog no. K13036, June 2011, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66769-2, $330.00 / £210.00

Renewable Energy Yearbook 2010 Renergy FNP Agra FNP Research

James W. Brown

São Paulo, Brazil

Consultant, Austin, Texas, USA

This specialized yearbook maps out the renewable energy sector in Brazil, identifying potential, obstacles, and perspectives. It offers objective and exclusive data on renewable energy (ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, vegetable carbon, wind power, solar power, hydroelectric power, and more) and provides historical series related to production, prices, and comparisons with fossil fuels. It also presents expert articles and a structured and holistic vision on how renewable energy will create profound transformations in the global economy. This is a multidisciplinary strategic instrument for energy and agricultural scientists and engineers, consultants, investors, policymakers, and energy users.

A strong sustainability program requires leadership to draw on a solid knowledge base, manage resources wisely, identify sustainability opportunities, make difficult choices, and accept the challenge to lead, influence, and persuade colleagues. This book cuts through the hyperbole and offers practical steps for protecting the world around us. Rich in case studies, it addresses a range of critical stewardship issues. Developed out of a keen desire to protect the planet, the text helps management transform important information and critical leadership skills into socially responsible operations. Catalog no. N10307, December 2010, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5195-1, $139.95 / £89.00

Catalog no. K13031, February 2011, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66763-0, $349.95 / £223.00

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General Environmental Engineering III Edited by

Lucjan Pawłowski and Artur Pawłowski Institute of Environmental Protection Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Marzenna R. Dudzin’ska Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Environmental engineering has a leading role in the elimination of ecological threats, and can deal with a wide range of technological problems. It uses the knowledge of the basic sciences to neutralize pollution in all the elements of the environment. The three main goals of the book are to assess the state of scientific research in various areas of environmental engineering; evaluate organizational, technical and technological progress in contributing to ecological security; and determine the place of environmental engineering in sustainable development, taking into account current political and economic conditions. Catalog no. K11999, March 2010, 618 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-54882-3, $239.95 / £152.00 Also available as eBook

The Environment

Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Third Edition Kalliat T. Valsaraj Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Revised and updated, the third edition of this bestselling textbook contains problems and examples to illustrate the theoretical aspects discussed. It also explores a number of new topics, including green chemistry and engineering, pollution prevention, and global climate change. Unlike similar texts, the author covers chemical thermodynamics and kinetics in environmental processes and delineates the distribution of pollutants and the interrelationships between them. His clearly written presentation gives readers the ability to make chemical property estimations with only a limited chemistry background. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. 78194, June 2009, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7819-0, $107.95 / £69.99

Greener Products

Science, Issues, and Solutions

The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands

Mohan K. Wali Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

Fatih Evrendilek Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey

M. Siobhan Fennessy Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, USA

Strongly grounded in the scientific method and evidence, The Environment: Science, Issues, and Solutions presents an organized, accessible, building-block approach that introduces the principles of ecology. This book examines the effects of technology use and the unprecedented economic growth and development that has tipped the natural balance of the environment, resulting in serious local, regional, and global environmental problems. This comprehensive text explores the need for interrelated long-term solutions for the prevention and mitigation of environmental problems. Catalog no. 7387, July 2009, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7387-9, $96.95 / £61.99 Also available as eBook


Elements of Environmental Engineering

Al Iannuzzi Johnson & Johnson Inc., New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

“Creating a sustainable society will depend in large part on reducing the environmental impacts of making, distributing and using products and of disposing of them at the end of their useful life. Every product company that hopes to have a role in our future is going to have figure out how to do this. They now have an excellent guide in [this] new book.” —David Schatsky, Sustainable Brands, Jan 2012

“Al Iannuzzi offers a detailed and persuasive case for incorporating sustainability into your business model.” —Jacquelyn Ottman, J. Ottman Consulting, on greenmarketing.com/blog

Catalog no. K12516, November 2011, 222 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5431-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as eBook

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Coming Soon!

Encyclopedia of Environmental Management Four-Volume Set Edited by

Sven Erik Jørgensen Copenhagen University, Denmark

Bringing together a wealth of knowledge, Encyclopedia of Environmental Management gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries and overview tables, readers will quickly find answers to questions about specific pollution and management issues. Edited by the esteemed Sven Erik Jørgensen and an advisory board of renowned specialists, this four-volume set shares insights from more than 500 contributors—all experts in their fields. Alphabetical entries cover everything from water, air, and soil pollution to noise, toxic substances, and global warming. Contributors also discuss problems associated with nanotechnology and applications of GMOs. Useful overview tables link the different aspects of each pollution problem, allowing readers to see the overall picture at a glance. The tables—which can also be downloaded—answer the core questions: • What is the pollution problem and what are its implications? • What are the sources of the problem? • How can we assess the problem, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with monitoring, models, and indicators? • How can we solve the problem with environmental technology, ecotechnology, cleaner technology, and environmental legislation? • How do we address the problem as part of a general environmental management strategy? This accessible encyclopedia examines the entire spectrum of tools available for environmental management. An indispensable resource, it guides environmental managers to find the best possible solutions to the myriad pollution problems they face.

Features • Supplies a complete overview of all environmental problems in water, air, soil, noise, toxic substances, and global warming • Includes pollution problems associated with nanotechnology and applications of GMOs • Presents not only an overview of all the problems, but also their implications, sources, assessment, and solutions • Contains overview tables that link the different aspects of the pollution problems in an excellent survey—and tables can be downloaded in .csv format for easy data sorting • Provides in-depth insight from more than 500 top experts in their fields Selected Contents Air Pollution Problems Cleaner Technology Comparative Overviews Diagnostic Tools Ecotechnology Environmental Legislation Environmental Technology General Pollution Problems Global Pollution Problems Integrated and Holistic Management Pollution Problems and Their Sources Terrestrial Pollution Problems Water Pollution Problems Catalog no. K11434, August 2012 c. 2200 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-2927-1 $2250.00 / £1400.00

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


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New Edition of a Bestseller

Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering Two-Volume Set, Sixth Edition Edited by

Edward N. Ziegler Polytechnic Institute of New York University, New York, USA

The latest edition of a bestseller, Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sixth Edition is still the most comprehensive, authoritative reference available in the field. This monumental twovolume encyclopedia now includes 89 entries on topics ranging from acid rain, air pollution, and community health to environmental law, instrumentation, modeling, alternative energy, radioactive waste, and water treatment. The broad coverage includes highly specialized topics as well as those that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, reflecting the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge required by environmental researchers and engineers. Featuring expert contributors representing industry, academia, and government agencies, the encyclopedia presents fundamental concepts and applications in environmental science and engineering. The entries are supported by extensive figures, photographs, tables, and equations. Revised and updated, this sixth edition includes new material on water supplies and wastewater treatment, biomass and renewable energy, and international public health issues. New entries cover environmental and occupational toxicology, geoengineering, and lead abatement. The Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering provides a view of the field that helps readers understand, manage, and respond to threats to the human environment. • Examines climate change and the effects of greenhouse gases in detail • Supplies new material on biomass and renewable energy • Offers expanded discussion of water supplies and wastewater treatment • Addresses international public health issues • Includes more than 550 illustrations, 395 tables, and 600 equations to support the entries Selected Contents VOLUME 1: A – L: Acid Rain. Aerosols. Air Pollutant Effects. Air Pollution Instrumentation. Air Pollution Meteorology. Air Pollution Sources. Aquatic Primary Production. Atmospheric Chemistry. Biological Treatment of Wastewater. Brownfields. Coal Gasification Processes. Community Health. Composting. Desalination. Disinfection. Ecology of


Plants. Ecology of Primary Terrestrial Consumers. Ecosystem Theory. Effects of Chemicals. Electrostatic Precipitation. Energy Sources: Alternatives. Environmental and Occupational Toxicology. Environmental Assessments and Related Impacts. Environmental Education. Environmental Health. Environmental Law. Epidemiology. Eutrophication. Fluidized Bed Combustion. Fossil Fuel Cleaning Processes. Geoengineering. Geographic Information Systems. Greenhouse Gases Effects. Groundwater Resources. Hazardous Waste Management. Hazardous Wastes. Hydrology. ... VOLUME 2: M – Z: Management of Radioactive Wastes. Management of Solid Waste. Marine Spillage: Sources and Hazards. Microbiology. Mobile Source Pollution. Modeling of Estuarine Water Quality. Municipal Wastewater. Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment. Nitrogen Oxides Reduction. Noise. NonIonizing Radiations. Oceanography. Oil Spillage into Water: Treatment. Particulate Emissions. Particulate Removal. PCBs and Associated Aromatics. Pesticides. Physical and Chemical Treatment of Wastewaters. Planning. Planning for New Processes: Environmental Aspects. Planning Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Developing Nations. Pollution Effects on Fish. Pollution from Mine Drainage. Prevention of Toxic Chemical Release. Psychological Aspects of Man’s Environment. Radiation Ecology. Radon. Recycling Waste Materials. Remote Sensing. Sediment Transport. ... Catalog no. K10243, May 2012, 1444 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0442-1 $675.00 / £415.00

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Want to Publish With Us? CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Seeks Authors and Editors CRC Press/Taylor & Francis is currently seeking new authors and volume editors for textbooks, handbooks, and reference books covering new developments in the environmental sciences. If you've ever considered writing a book on your area of expertise, this is your chance. Authors and editors receive royalties on worldwide sales of print and electronic products, and are entitled to a discount on CRC Press/Taylor & Francis books. If you are an interested author or editor, or simply have an idea that you wish to share, please contact Joe Clements or Irma Shagla-Britton.

CRC Press/Taylor & Francis 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA

Joe Clements Senior Acquisitions Editor for Environmental Engineering Tel: +1 (561) 361 6016 Email: joseph.clements@taylorandfrancis.com

Irma Shagla-Britton Acquisitions Editor for Environmental Sciences Tel: +1 (561) 361 6067 Email: irma.shagla-britton@taylorandfrancis.com

6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA

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