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Environmental Science & Engineering
Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models Miguel F. Acevedo University of North Texas, Denton, USA
This practical guide to modeling methodology explains how to implement simulations and analyze simulation results using an open-source software platform. The textbook brings together principles of modeling methods with theoretical foundations of a variety of ecological and environmental models. Theory is accompanied by practical hands-on computer exercises, in a sequence from easy to difficult. The text also presents a review of mathematical methods, which makes the book self-contained, and includes practical exercises using free software in a tutorial style.
Features • • • • •
Provides an integrated practical guide to models and simulation using open-source software Presents a broad focus geared towards sustainability science and engineering Reviews the necessary mathematics and theoretical fundamentals Includes practical exercises using free software Helps readers acquire skills to implement and conduct simulations as well as to analyze results
A solutions manual and PowerPoint slides with figures and equations are available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents PART I INTRODUCTION, MATHEMATICAL REVIEW, AND SOFTWARE FUNDAMENTALS Introduction. Modeling and Simulation. Process-Based Dynamic Models. Applications of Environmental Modeling. Modeling Methodology. Book Organization. Simulation Platforms. Computer Session. Supplementary Reading. Review of Basic Mathematical Concepts and Introduction to R. PART II ONE-DIMENSIONAL MODELS AND FUNDAMENTALS OF MODELING METHODOLOGY Exponential Model. Model Simulation. Model Evaluation. Nonlinear Models. Stability and Disturbances. Sensitivity Analysis, Response Surfaces, and Scenarios. PART III MULTIDIMENSIONAL MODELS: STRUCTURED POPULATIONS, COMMUNITIES, AND ECOSYSTEMS Linear Dynamical Systems. Structured Population Models. Ecotoxicological Modeling. Community Dynamics. Ecosystems: Nutrients and Energy. Aquatic Ecosystems. Terrestrial Ecosystems: Soils, Plants, and Water. Terrestrial Ecosystems: Vegetation Dynamics. Bibliography. Index
August 2012, 490 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-8506-2, £63.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering
Introduction to Systems Ecology Sven Erik Jørgensen Copenhagen University, Denmark
Possibly the first textbook to present a practically applicable ecosystems theory, Introduction to Systems Ecology helps readers understand how ecosystems work and how they react to disturbances. It demonstrates—with many examples and illustrations—how to apply the theory to explain observations and to make quantitative calculations and predictions. In this book, Sven Erik Jørgensen takes a first step toward integrating thermodynamics, biochemistry, hierarchical organization, and network theory into a holistic theory of systems ecology. The first part of the book covers the laws of thermodynamics and the basic biochemistry of living organisms, as well as the constraints they impose on ecosystems. To grow and develop, however, ecosystems have to evade these thermodynamic and biochemical constraints, so the second part of the book discusses the seven basic properties that enable ecosystems to grow, develop, and survive: • They are open systems, far from thermodynamic equilibrium. • They are organized hierarchically. • They have a high diversity. • They have high buffer capacities toward changes. • Their components are organized in cooperative networks, which allows for sophisticated feedback, regulation mechanisms, and higher efficiencies. • They contain an enormous amount of information embodied in genomes. • They have emerging system properties. This timely textbook also looks at how systems ecology is applied in integrated environmental management, particularly in ecological modeling and engineering and in the assessment of ecosystem health using ecological indicators. Acknowledging that there is still much room for improvement, it will inspire ecologists to develop a stronger and more widely applicable ecosystem theory.
Features • Presents a complete and practically applicable ecosystem theory that offers a general frame of reference for ecological disciplines • Integrates four aspects of systems ecology: thermodynamics, biochemistry, network theory, and hierarchical organization • Summarizes important points at the end of each chapter • Includes plenty of examples and more than 100 exercises and problems for students to solve • Contains more than 100 black-and-white illustrations and a 32-page color insert Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents System Ecology: An Ecological Discipline Part 1: Conservation of Energy and Matter. Ecosystems: Growth and Development. Irreversibility and Order: The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. The Biochemistry of Ecosystems. The Thermodynamic Interpretation of Ecosystem Growth and Development. The Ecological Law of Thermodynamics. Part 2: Ecosystems Are Open Systems. Ecosystems Have a Hierarchical Organization. Ecosystems Have a High Diversity. Ecosystems Have a High Buffer Capacity. The Components of Ecosystems Form Ecological Networks. Ecosystems Have a Very High Content of Information. Ecosystems Have Emerging Holistic System Properties. Application of System Ecology in Ecological Subdisciplines and Environmental Management. References. Appendix. Index.
April 2012, 360 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5501-0, £63.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering New Edition of a Bestseller!
Principles of Ecotoxicology Fourth Edition C.H. Walker, R.M. Sibly, S.P. Hopkin, and D.B. Peakall “An excellent fresh edition to one of the best ecotoxicology textbooks. Authored by some of the best scientists in the field, it deserves a place on the bookshelf of any serious environmental scientist.” —Michael C. Newman, College of William & Mary – Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA
Cutting across traditional subject boundaries, Principles of Ecotoxicology, Fourth Edition gives readers an integrated view of ecotoxicology, from molecules to ecosystems. This new edition of a bestselling textbook continues to emphasize principles rather than practice, providing the interdisciplinary perspective and grounding required for research. Organized into three sections, the book first describes the molecular structures, properties, and environmental fate of pollutants. It then deals with the effects of pollutants on living organisms at the molecular, cellular, and individual levels. Moving into population biology and population genetics, the third part of the book addresses a question of great interest to ecologists: What effects do pollutants have at the levels of population, community, and the whole ecosystem? The book also looks at how ecotoxicology is used in the biomonitoring of environmental pollution, the investigation of pollution problems, the conducting of field trials, the study of the development of resistance, and the growing area of environmental risk assessments. Throughout, examples and case studies illustrate the principles. A concise textbook that will also appeal to practicing ecotoxicologists, it provides a solid basis for understanding what happens to chemicals in the real world, where they go, how they ultimately degrade, and how they affect the individuals and populations that encounter them.
What’s New in This Edition • • • • • • •
Revised and updated material throughout A chapter on future directions of ecotoxicology New material on nanoparticle pollution and chemical warfare in nature Expanded coverage of bioaccumulation, biomarkers, and risk assessment for affected populations More case studies, many from the United States Discussion of neurotoxic and behavioral effects of pollutants Recent research on the decline of vultures and effects of neonicotinoids on bees
Features • Describes major classes of organic and inorganic pollutants, their entry into the environment, and their movement, storage, and transformation within the environment • Discusses the effects of pollutants on living organisms at the molecular, cellular, and individual level • Relates mechanisms of toxicity to ecological effects at the level of populations, communities, and ecosystems • Considers how concepts of ecotoxicology may contribute to improved methods of environmental risk assessment • Addresses the problem of progressing from measuring concentrations of environmental chemicals to establishing their effects upon individuals, populations, and communities • Includes numerous examples, case studies, and more than 150 illustrations
Selected Contents Introduction. Pollutants and Their Fate in Ecosystems: Major Classes of Pollutants. Routes by Which Pollutants Enter Ecosystems. Long-Range Movements and Global Transport of Pollutants. The Fate of Metals and Radioactive Isotopes in Contaminated Ecosystems. Fates of Organic Pollutants in Individuals and in Ecosystems. Effects of Pollutants on Individual Organisms: Testing for Ecotoxicity. Biochemical Effects of Pollutants. Physiological Effects of Pollutants. Interactive Effects of Pollutants. Biomarkers. In Situ Biological Monitoring. Effects of Pollutants on Populations and Communities: Changes in Numbers: Population Dynamics. Evolution of Resistance to Pollution. Changes in Communities and Ecosystems. Extrapolating from Molecular Interactions to Consequent Effects at Population Level. Biomarkers in Population Studies. Ecotoxicology: Looking to the Future. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
March 2012, 386 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6266-7, £36.99 For more information and complete contents, visit
Environmental Science & Engineering Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
Environmental Toxicology Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants, Third Edition
Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition
Ming-Ho Yu Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA
Wayne G. Landis, Ruth M. Sofield, and Ming-Ho Yu
Humio Tsunoda Iwate Medical University, Japan
Masashi Tsunoda Kitasato University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Japan
Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA
Praise for the Second Edition
After 15 years and three editions, this bestselling textbook has become the standard that defines the field of environmental toxicology. It provides an integrated approach to understanding environmental toxicology that emphasizes scale and context as important factors in understanding effects and management options. This edition includes a new chapter on fate and transport and revised sections on synergism, atrazine toxicity, and the analysis of impacts to ecological systems. The risk assessment chapter has been enlarged with an in-depth description of a regional scale risk assessment and, for the first time, the book includes a color insert.
“This book is very well presented. A particular strength is the use of many examples of major pollution events and case studies, as well as an actual ecological impact assessment study in the appendix. Another strength is that review questions are given at the end of each chapter. ... Overall, this is an excellent text on the subject, particularly for teachers and students of the basics of environmental studies.” —Marinus L. Otte, University College Dublin, in The Geographical Journal
Looking at the effects of environmental toxicants on living systems, this book discusses the sources, metabolism, and damage process of toxicants; factors that may influence toxicity; and natural defense systems. It focuses on the chemical and biological characteristics of major pollutants—including EPA criteria air pollutants, environmental fluoride, and VOCs—and addresses their relationship with endocrine disruption and environmental cancer. Fully revised and expanded, the third edition of this popular book includes a new chapter on occupational toxicology.
Features • Covers the sources, chemistry, and effects of environmental toxicants in animals, plants, and humans • Examines known environmental causes of cancer, the classification of carcinogens, metabolism of chemical carcinogens, and DNA repair • Discusses environmental fluoride—its occurrences and forms, sources, problems in developing economies, and biochemical effects • Reviews endocrine disruption and mutagenic pollutants • Includes a new chapter on occupational toxicology written by Dr. Humio Tsunoda and Dr. Masashi Tsunoda • Supplies references for further reading and end-of-chapter review questions to test readers’ understanding • Includes more than 100 illustrations
Features • Incorporates hierarchical patch dynamics paradigm as a basic structure for understanding toxicity from a molecular scale to that of landscapes • Places diverse aspects of environmental toxicology into a unified context • Emphasizes quantitative approaches to understanding environmental toxicology • Discusses the important role of risk assessment • Includes coverage of fate and transport of organics and inorganics • Highlights structure-activity relationships, including endocrine disruption
Selected Contents
Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Introduction to Environmental Toxicology. Frameworks and Paradigms for Environmental Toxicology. An Introduction to Toxicity Testing. Survey and Review of Typical Toxicity Test Methods. Fate and Transport of Contaminants. Uptake and Modes of Action. Factors Modifying the Activity of Toxicants. Inorganic Gaseous Pollutants. Fluoride as a Contaminant of Developing Economies. Heavy Metals. Biotransformation, Detoxification and Biodegradation. Ecological Effects from Biomarkers to Populations. Ecological Effects: Community to Landscape Scales of Toxicological Impacts. Ecological Risk Assessment. Appendix: References for Toxicity Testing and Interpretation.
November 2011, 397 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4038-2, £63.99
December 2010, 542 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0410-0, £73.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering Coming Soon!
Third Edition
Introduction to Natural Resource Planning
Michael C. Newman
Charles Yoe
College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA
Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, USA
Fully revised, the third edition of this renowned textbook details key environmental contaminants, explores their fate and cycling in the biosphere, and discusses bioaccumulation and the effects of contaminants at increasing levels of ecological organization. It also covers regulatory aspects of the field and discusses key U.S., European, and Chinese legislation and policy. It provides new study questions, a detailed glossary, and new international case studies by leading world-known experts.
Solving complex problems concerns professionals and students involved in natural resource planning. Introduction to Natural Resource Planning provides an introduction to planning principles and standards with natural resource management applications. It first introduces the often overlooked foundations of planning, including the standards and principles that guide good planning. It then presents a detailed treatment of each of the planning steps: gathering evidence, decision making, formulating and evaluating alternative solutions, uncertainty, public involvement, and cost matter. The final chapters in this textbook address topics of importance to natural resources planning, such as multipurpose/multiobjective planning.
Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
Pedagogical Features • Study questions that enhance understanding of the topics • Exploration of basic concepts, paradigms, and unresolved issues • Suggested readings at the end of each chapter • Glossary with concise explanations of highlighted key terms • Treatment of contaminants in a hierarchical context from biochemical to biospheric levels of organization • Coverage of environmental risk and associated legislation Web-based solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Features • Details the essential features of the key contaminants of concern today, including their sources • Presents material in a scientific rather than a regulatory framework • Covers bioaccumulation and effects of contaminants at increasing levels of ecological organization • Addresses regulatory aspects and technical issues of risk assessment
Selected Contents
Features • Highlights various principles and standards that ensure better planning outcomes • Provides a detailed treatment of each of the six planning steps discussed • Integrates principles of risk analysis and planning under uncertain conditions throughout the text • Features extensive illustrations, boxed text/ sidebar enhancements, and anecdotes
Selected Contents Envisioning the Future. A Team Sport. The Planning Process. Establish the Decision Context. Gather Evidence. Formulate Solutions. Evaluate Solutions. Compare Solutions. Make a Decision. Public Involvement. Tell Your Story. Uncertainty. Scenario Planning. Economics for Planners. Fast Planning. Practical Tips. References. Index.
October 2012, 400 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-9261-9, £44.99
General: Introduction. Major Classes of Contaminants and Their Sources. Bioaccumulation: Uptake, Biotransformation, Detoxification, Elimination and Accumulation. Factors Influencing Bioaccumulation. ... Toxicant Effects: Molecular Effects and Biomarkers. Cells, Tissues and Organs. Sublethal Effects to Individuals. Acute and Chronic Lethal Effects to Individuals. Effects of Populations. ... Risk from Pollutants: Risk Assessment of Contaminants. Summary: Conclusions. ...
September 2009, 571 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6704-0, £61.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering Global Environmental Policy
Sustainable Process Engineering
Concepts, Principles, and Practice
Concepts, Strategies, Evaluation and Implementation
Charles H. Eccleston Environmental Consultant, USA
Frederic March
David Brennan
Thinkwell Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
This textbook introduces chemical engineering students to key concepts, strategies, and evaluation methods in sustainable process engineering. The book is intended to supplement chemical engineering texts in fundamentals and design, rather than replace them. The key objectives of the book are to widen system boundaries beyond a process plant to include utility supplies, interconnected plants, wider industry sectors, and entire product life cycles; identify waste and its sources in process and utility systems and adopt waste minimization strategies; broaden evaluation to include technical, economic, safety, environmental, social, and sustainability criteria and to integrate the assessments; and broaden the engineering horizon to incorporate planning, development, design, and operations. • Explores the progressive response by legislators and professionals to perceived environmental damage and the concepts of sustainability, cleaner production, and industrial ecology • Discusses waste minimization strategies for reactors and separators and wider process and utility systems • Examines environmental, safety, economic, and sustainability assessments • Delineates guidelines for implementing sustainable process engineering in planning, project development, design, and operations
Selected Contents The Progressive Response by Legislators and Professionals to Perceived Environmental Damage and the Concepts of Sustainability, Cleaner Production, and Industrial Ecology. Waste Minimization Strategies for Reactors and Separators and Wider Process and Utility Systems. Environmental, Safety, Economic, and Sustainability Assessments. Guidelines for Implementing Sustainable Process Engineering in Planning, Project Development, Design, and Operations.
August 2012, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-78-1, £95.00
"Anyone who needs to hit the ground running in the practice of environmental policy needs to read this book." —Tim Cohen, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, U.S. Sandia National Laboratories
"… introduces the reader, in a concrete yet instructive way, to the major ethical, philosophical and economic principle theories underlying the current environmental debate." —Patricia Romero Lankao, Ph.D., Deputy Director at the Institute for the Study of Society and Environment at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
"Eccleston and March bring a reasoned perspective to the world’s most prominent environmental issues." —Ron Deverman, President, National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP)
Establishing a foundation in environmental policy, this book addresses some of the most significant environmental challenges facing our generation. It examines policy implications and the current scientific accounts of global environmental threats. Complete with learning objectives, examples, problems, and comprehensive case studies, the text discusses topics of interest to a domestic and international audience. It also presents a professional assessment of major global issues using current data and analysis from international policy organizations and think tanks. • Discusses the historical development of environmental policy including key international initiatives and protocols • Applies a balanced approach in which fundamental concepts, principles, theories and applications are presented in an interdisciplinary framework • Provides practical tools and techniques for assessing and formulating pragmatic policy solutions • Explains the considerations that can influence or bias the decision-making process
November 2010, 460 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4766-4, £66.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering Introduction to Environmental Management Introduction to Renewable Energy Vaughn Nelson West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA
As the world population grows and places more demand on limited fossil fuels, renewable energy becomes more relevant as part of the solution to the impending energy dilemma. Renewable energy is now included in national policies, with goals for it to be a significant percentage of generated energy within the coming decades. A comprehensive overview of renewable energy, this textbook covers energy sources, resource assessment, and applications. It includes chapters on solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, concentrating collectors, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. It also covers water energy through mini hydro, ocean waves, tides, and currents. The text discusses large and small systems for generation of electricity, including village power. It also examines institutional issues such as policies, legislation, regulations, and environmental issues, and considers economic analyses of the different renewable energies.
Pedagogical Features • End-of-chapter problems • Numerous case studies • More than 150 figures and illustrations
Edited by
Mary K. Theodore Manhattan College, Riverdale, New York, USA
Louis Theodore Theodore Tutorial, East Williston, New York, USA
Translating complex environmental issues into understandable concepts, this text is useful to everyone from students to professionals. By gaining a background in regulations, pollutants, and waste management, readers learn how to help alleviate many of these problems. Detailed material on the Superfund program provides an example of how to get involved. Pressing issues regarding the effects of nanotechnology and global climate change on the environment emphasize the need for education and action. An accompanying website with continuous updates, PowerPoint slides, practice problems, solutions, and exams provides versatility for this everlasting resource. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
October 2009, 556 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8907-3, £69.99
The Environment Science, Issues, and Solutions Mohan K. Wali
Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Fatih Evrendilek
• Covers all the major technologies and types of renewable energy • Addresses the economic considerations and life cycle analyses for implementing alternative energy systems • Explains environmental policies, standards, and incentives • Contains appendix material explaining how population growth relates to energy consumption and currently available finite natural resources
Selected Contents Introduction. Energy. Sun. Heat Transfer and Storage. Solar Heating and Cooling. Photovoltaics Concentrating Solar Power. Solar Systems. Wind Energy. Bioenergy. Geothermal Energy. Water. Storage. Institutional Issues. Economics. Appendix. Index.
April 2011, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3449-7, £63.99
Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey
M. Siobhan Fennessy Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, USA
Strongly grounded in the scientific method and evidence, The Environment: Science, Issues, and Solutions presents an organized, accessible, building block approach that introduces the principles of ecology. It examines the effects of technology use and the unprecedented economic growth and development that has tipped the natural balance of the environment, resulting in serious local, regional, and global environmental problems. This comprehensive text explores the need for interrelated long-term solutions for the prevention and mitigation of environmental problems.
July 2009, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7387-9, £61.99
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Environmental Science & Engineering Elements of Environmental Engineering Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Third Edition
Introduction to Process Geomorphology
Kalliat T. Valsaraj
Vijay K. Sharma
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
Kurukshetra University (retired), India
Revised and updated, the third edition of this bestselling textbook contains new problems and new examples that better illustrate the theoretical aspects discussed. It also explores a number of new topics, including green chemistry and engineering, pollution prevention, and global climate change. Unlike similar texts, the author covers chemical thermodynamics and kinetics in environmental processes and delineates the distribution of pollutants and the interrelationships between them. His clearly written presentation gives students the ability to make chemical property estimations with only a limited chemistry background.
An introduction to the dynamics of internal geologic processes of earth, this book explains the origin of landforms by the processes involved in their evolution. The author expresses process activities in mathematical, empirical, and semi-empirical perspectives to highlight their distinctive identity in specific environmental stress conditions. Each chapter reviews, synthesizes, and provides findings and understanding of the complexity of geomorphic processes. They also include competing hypotheses on the evolution of landforms of the given environment. Examples and detailed case studies enable readers to understand the components of process-form relationships.
Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
June 2009, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7819-0, £69.99
April 2010, 435 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0337-0, £80.99
Environmental Microbiology for Engineers
Process Integration for Resource Conservation
Volodymyr Ivanov
Dominic C.Y. Foo
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Designed specifically for engineers with little or no biology training, this textbook covers diversity and function of microorganisms in environmental engineering systems, environmental bioengineering processes, applied microbial genetics and molecular biology, microbiology of water and wastewater treatment, biotreatment and bioremediation, and microbial monitoring. It also explores biocorrosion of the constructions, biodeterioration of the materials, biocementation and bioclogging of soil, biopollution of indoor environment, and biofouling of the facilities. Each chapter includes quizzes and tutorials. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
November 2010, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9234-9, £66.99
“Dr. Foo manages to elegantly transform the theories and concepts into effective educational tools, exciting reading materials, and very useful applications.” —From the Foreword, Mahmoud El-Halwagi, Texas A&M University
“I strongly recommend this book to everyone interested in the field of process integration.” —Santanu Bandyopadhyay, IIT Bombay
Ideal for students preparing for real-world work as well as industrial practitioners, this text presents state-of-theart, cost-effective techniques, including pinch analysis and mathematical optimization, for numerous conservation problems encountered in industrial plants. Solutions manual, lecture slides, electronic files of figures, and interactive solutions available with qualifying course adoption
July 2012, 606 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6048-9, £89.00
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Water Science & Engineering
Groundwater Hydrology Engineering, Planning, and Management Mohammad Karamouz Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, USA
Azadeh Ahmadi Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
Masih Akhbari Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent, severe floods and droughts have changed the ability and resiliency of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our surface and groundwater resources. Groundwater Hydrology: Engineering, Planning, and Management presents a compilation of the state-of-the-art subjects and techniques in the education and practice of groundwater and describes them in a systematic and integrated fashion useful for undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners. The book develops a system view of groundwater fundamentals and model-making techniques through the application of science, engineering, planning, and management principles. The combined coverage of engineering and planning tools and techniques as well as specific challenges for restoration and remediation of polluted aquifers sets this book apart. It also introduces basic tools and techniques for making decisions about and planning for future groundwater development activities, taking into account regional sustainability issues. An examination of the interface between groundwater challenges, the book demonstrates how to apply systems analysis techniques to groundwater engineering, planning, and management.
Features • • • • • • •
Discusses groundwater hydrology and the basic laws of groundwater movement Presents the technical aspects of developing and solving groundwater flow equations Describes environmental water quality issues related to groundwater systems Examines the details of groundwater flow modeling Introduces conceptual models to simulate groundwater systems Supplies basic information about the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater Highlights aquifer restoration in the context of different groundwater pollution control issues and the utilization of groundwater treatment • Delineates the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle
Selected Contents Introduction Groundwater Properties Groundwater Hydrology Hydraulics of Groundwater Groundwater Quality Groundwater Modeling Groundwater Planning and Management Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction Aquifer Restoration and Monitoring Groundwater Risk and Disaster Management Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater
March 2011, 676 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-3756-6, £63.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Water Science & Engineering New!
Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids
Rumana Riffat
I.G. Currie
George Washington University, USA
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
All societies depend on effective wastewater treatment and engineering, and every good civil engineer needs an understanding of the subject. This textbook presents the material necessary for a semester-long course for undergraduates and graduate students in civil and environmental engineering, and environmental technology. Each main chapter presents a topic as a theoretical section followed by example problems and a set of questions and problems. Applicable regulations and standards are given from the World Health Organization and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Readers will get a strong grounding in the principles and should be able to design the unit processes used in wastewater treatment operations.
"There are many graduate-level books in fluid mechanics. Currie’s book is unique in that it covers more topics than usual but the coverage is sufficiently concise to keep the book from becoming a giant one. In doing so, the students are not lost in the details and are kept engaged."
Fourth Edition
Features • Offers material written to U.S. EPA and international standards • Takes a concise approach and focuses on wastewater • Combines theory with simple example problems • Presents design with worked-out examples
Selected Contents Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Engineering Reaction Kinetics and Chemical Reactors Wastewater Microbiology Natural Purification Processes Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment: Suspended Growth Processes Secondary Treatment: Attached Growth and Combined Processes Secondary Clarification Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
—Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
"This book is very systematically and clearly presented. ... It is a well structured book and it provides the fundamental knowledge and materials to be of interest to engineers and researchers." —Yitung Chen, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
"The selection and coverage of the topics are very appropriate for a first graduate course in fluid mechanics. The text maintains its tradition as a readable text by an interested reader demanding no elaborate supplements. It also contains an appropriate coverage of mathematical tools in its appendices, making the text self-contained." —Jay M. Khodadadi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University, Alabama, USA
Fully updated and expanded to reflect the staggering advances in modern mathematics, this fourth edition boasts 40 new homework problems (nearly 150 in total); new appendix material summarizing vectors, tensors, complex variables, and governing equations in common coordinate systems; and a new chapter on similarity solutions, group invariance solutions, separation of variables solutions, and some Fourier series representations. Illustrating basic equations and strategies to analyze fluid dynamics, mechanisms, and behavior, this new edition also contains reworked line drawings, revised problems, and extended end-ofchapter questions for clarification and expansion of key concepts.
August 2012, 603 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7460-8, £76.99
Solids Processing and Disposal Advanced Treatment Processes Appendix Index
August 2012, 354 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66958-0, £57.99
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Water Science & Engineering Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes Physical, Chemical, and Biological David Hendricks Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Understanding how the field arrived at its present state of the art places the technology in a more logical context and develops a strong foundation in basic principles. Carefully designed to balance coverage of theoretical and practical principles, Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes: Physical, Chemical, and Biological delineates the principles that support practice, using the unit processes approach as the organizing concept. The text reviews the historical development of the field and then highlights key concepts for each unit process, offering a complete presentation of the full scope of biological treatment. It covers principles common to any kind of water treatment, e.g., drinking water, municipal wastewater, industrial water treatment, industrial waste water treatment, and hazardous wastes. Each chapter follows a general format that consists of process description, history, theory, practice, problems, references, and a glossary. This organizational style facilitates finding sections of immediate interest without having to page through an excessive amount of material.
Features • Covers unit processes common to drinking water, wastewater, and any water requiring treatment • Presents theory and practice for each unit process and key factors in development • Examines uncommon issues that aid in applications principles, such as submerged flow for a Parshall flume and Henry’s law constants for 12 gases at different temperatures • Reviews how the field arrived at its present technologies to shed light on current practices
Hydrology in Practice Fourth Edition Elizabeth M. Shaw, Keith J. Beven, Nick A. Chappell, and Rob Lamb Hydrology in Practice is an introductory text for engineering hydrology students who go on to be practitioners in consultancies, environment agencies, and elsewhere. This fourth edition, while retaining all that is excellent about its predecessor, replaces the material on the Flood Studies Report with an equivalent section on the methods of the Flood Estimation Handbook and its revisions. Other completely revised sections on instrumentation and modeling reflect the many changes that have occurred over recent years. The updated text has taken advantage of the extensive practical experience of the staff of JBA Consulting who use the methods described on a day-to-day basis. Topical case studies further enhance the text. The fourth edition also includes new material on hydrological processes, which also relate to courses in geography and environmental science departments. In this respect the book draws on the expertise of Keith J. Beven and Nick A. Chappell, who have extensive experience of field hydrological studies in a variety of different environments, and have taught undergraduate hydrology courses for many years. Undergraduate and graduate students of hydrology in engineering, environmental science, and geography departments, as well as professionals in environmental protection agencies and consultancies, will find this book invaluable.
Selected Contents
Selected Contents
The Hydrological Cycle, Hydrometeorology and Climate. Hydrological Measurements: Hydrometric Networks and Data-Logging. Precipitation. Evapotranspiration. Infiltration, Moisture and Groundwater. Hillslope Runoff Processes. ... Hydrological Analysis and Modelling: Precipitation Analysis. Evapotranspiration Calculations. River Flow Analysis. ... Applications: Flood Mapping. Flood Risk Management. Water Resources. ...
July 2010, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-37041-7, £99.99
Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Particulate Separations Microscopic Particles Molecules and Ions Biological Treatment
November 2010, 927 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6191-8, £80.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Water Science & Engineering Urban Water Engineering and Management
Recursive Streamflow Forecasting
Mohammad Karamouz
A State-Space Approach
Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, USA
József Szilágyi
Ali Moridi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary & University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
Sara Nazif Polytechnic Institute of New York University, New York, USA and University of Tehran, Iran
This book delineates a systems approach to urban water hydrology, engineering, planning, and management. It covers a range of classic urban water management issues such as the modeling of urban water cycles, urban water supply and distribution systems, demand forecasting, and wastewater and storm water collection and treatment. The text also includes a discussion of water governance and disaster management in urban areas. Against this background, the authors discuss the importance of understanding the principles of simulation, optimization, multiple-criterion decision making, and conflict resolution for successful, integrated urban water management. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
January 2010, 628 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1310-2, £80.99
András Szöllösi-Nagy UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
A practical guide to real-time streamflow forecasting, this texbook provides a rigorous description of a coupled stochastic and physically based flow routing method and its practical applications. Providing real-life case examples and problem listings, the book teaches hydrology and civil engineering students and waterresources practitioners the physical forecasting model and then enables them to apply it directly in real-life problems involving streamflow simulation and forecasting. Designed as a text for courses on hydroinformatics and water management, this book includes exercises.
June 2010, 212 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-56901-9, £53.99
Water Technology An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition
Urban Flood Management C. Zevenbergen, A. Cashman, N. Evelpidou, E. Pasche, S. Garvin, and R. Ashley
N.F. Gray Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
This textbook integrates the expertise from disciplines such as hydrology, sociology, architecture, urban design, construction, and water resources engineering. The subject is approached from an international perspective and various case studies, exercises, expert advice, and literature recommendations are included to support the theory and illustrations. Developed by a team of specialists, this book is intended for urban flood management education of hydrology, geography, civil and environmental engineering, and management students at university level. Professionals will also find this a useful reference. A supporting website offers current information.
September 2010, 340 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-55944-7, £59.99
Water has become one of the most important issues of our time. Water Technology is an accessible textbook that introduces the key concepts of water technology by explaining the fundamentals of hydrobiology, aquatic ecosystems, water treatment and supply, and wastewater treatment. Nick Gray uses the Water Framework Directive as the unifying theme in this edition. This text provides a complete introduction to all aspects of managing the hydrological cycle and is ideal for those interested in a career in the water industry.
July 2010, 768 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85617-705-4, £39.99
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