CRC PRESS FEATURED AUTHORS PROGRAM Making you a key element in the promotional program of your books
CRC Press l 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW #300 l Boca Raton FL 33487 l l +1.561.994-0555
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So What is Featured Authors All About? The CRC Press Featured Authors Program is a strategic initiative by CRC Press to enhance the integrated promotional process for your book. The goals of this program include:
To support book "discovery" and provide more visibility for CRC Press authors, editors and contributors to their readers and other interested people in their domain
To enhance the “book buyer” experience by providing highly visual, engaging information about CRC Press authors, editors and contributors
To allow authors direct access to the information on their public CRC Press profile and its "look and feel" to ensure it's up to date and reflects their "brand"
To provide an ability for authors, editors and contributors to easily publish news about themselves or their book and syndicate it to CRC Press channels
To provide ability for authors, editors and contributors to easily share and syndicate information about events they are participating in or speaking at
CRC Press l 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW #300 l Boca Raton FL 33487 l l +1.561.994-0555
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What's In Your Profile? Your profile is a dedicated section of the site where people can learn more about you. It is designed to be highly visual and engaging. With this new platform, you can:
Share information about your background, your book(s), your research, expertise and interests
Share pictures, images and video site links that you think potential book buyers might be interested in
Integrate your profiles from social network sites like LinkedIn and Facebook.
Post links to other websites you may have
Share news like reviews, honors and awards
Share events you are sponsoring, speaking at or attending
It is up to you. Your profile can be as simple or robust as you want it to be
Sounds simple right? It is! Let's get started!
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Step 1 - Collect Your Content The first step in creating your profile will be to collect the information and media you will need. Most of this was part of your book proposal, but it is always a good idea to review and make sure it is up to date. If you have created a social network profile or one on Amazon Author Central, you probably have most of what you need already. Here is what you should collect: An interesting, high definition photo for your profile background. You can use a traditional headshot, but something more active is usually more effective. Optimum size for this image in pixels is 990w x 750h. A brief statement to introduce yourself (up to 200 characters) Your current position and affiliation A longer biography, your educational background, areas of expertise and research and personal interests Pictures and images of you or related to your book(s) that you think people might be interested in. You can also post relevant links to videos on YouTube and links to other websites. Access to social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter Any recent or upcoming news and events
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Step 2 - Complete Enrollment Enrollment is very simple. You probably received an invitation to the program from CRC Press (Make sure to check your junk mail folder if you haven't). If you received one, you have already been enrolled. You just have to click on the link in the email. You will be taken to a form to set a password and then signed in to the platform. If you didn't receive an email or you can't locate it, you can enroll online by going to When you click on this link, the page below will be displayed. You can enroll by entering your name and email or use an existing online profile. Simple as that!
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Step 3 - Complete the Checklist Once you have completed enrollment, the profile "Checklist" will be displayed. It is shown below. This checklist walks you through all the steps needed to complete and publish your profile. Each step corresponds to one of the menu items at the top. You just click on the blue title of the step (Not the checkbox on the left of each yet!) and it will take you to the right tab to complete that step.
When you finish a step, click on the "Checklist" item in the menu and then "check" that step as complete. A green check will display. If you did not fill out everything needed, you will be prompted when you try and mark a step complete. You will notice that some of the steps have a "Skip" option. These steps will enhance your profile, but they are optional. Let's do a quick review of each step in the checklist before we move ahead!
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The "Personal Information" Step This form lets you enter personal information about you and how to contact you. It is private and is only accessible to CRC Press personnel. While we have much of this information already, we included it here to make it easier for you to keep us up to date. Just fill in the form and hit save. A message will be displayed at the top of the form to confirm the information has been saved. Once you have saved, hit the 'Checklist" item in the main menu to go back and mark this step complete.
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The "BIO" Step This form lets you enter the information that will show on your public profile. Some of it is the same as the "personal Information" form (e.g. name, position etc), but we provided alternative fields here, so you can make the public information look exactly like you want.
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The tool that lets you set the profile background image is at the bottom of the form. You can upload a picture from your desktop or copy a picture that is already on the web by entering the pictures URL. You can load any image, but it should be a high definition photo to look good. The optimum size in pixels is 990w x 750h. You can upload an image as large as 5mb, but this may take a little while. Please be patient! Once you upload, you can set the image to center, repeat or scale. You also have the ability to "crop" the image to display the exact area you want (This just sets the display area. It does not change the image you uploaded.) Make sure to hit save once you have filled out the form and set your background picture. After you have saved, you can click on the "View Profile" item in the main menu to see how your profile looks so far. Your picture and summary information will be displayed. You will see a series of buttons in the middle that will show additional details. The “Bio� button displays the information from the Bio form. You can then go back to the BIO tab and adjust it, save again and preview it again. Once you are happy with your Bio, hit the 'Checklist" item in the main menu to go back and mark this step complete!
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The "Books" Step This tool links books in the CRC Press catalogue to your profile. To link to your books, just press the "+Add" button. That will bring up a form to find your book. Enter the ISBN and hit search. It will bring back the title and cover image of your book. Select your correct role (Author, Editor, Contributor or Series Editor) and hit the "Add" button. The book will be added to your book list.
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The "Photos" Step This tool lets you add additional photos or other relevant images to your profile. To add one, just press the "+Add" button. It works just like the background image tool on the Bio step. You can upload an image or copy an existing image from the web. The image can be any size up to 5mb. You can crop them. You can also change the order they are displayed.
The "Video" Step This tool lets you add videos to your profile. The videos must already be stored on a public video site. We currently support YouTube and will be adding others in the future. To add one, just press the "+Add" button. Just enter the URL from the video site, add a name and description and save it to your profile. It will display in line even though it is still stored on the video site.
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The "Connections" Step This tool has two parts. The top part lets you display the latest updates from your social network profiles on your Featured Authors profile. Just press the connect command next to the network you want to add. This will take you to that network and ask you to authorize the connection. Once you connect, an icon for that network will display on your profile and people will be able to see your latest updates by displaying it. The bottom part lets you post links to relevant external sites. It also lets you authorize people to send you messages through the platform. This will be a "blind" message. They will not see your email address. After you enter one or more sites or authorize people to send you messages, remember to "Save".
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The "Events" Step This tool lets you add events you are participating in. These may be an event you are sponsoring, speaking at or attending. Every event is added to the master events list and other authors can also indicate they are participating in that event. Before you add an event you should search the "All Events" list to see if the event has already been posted. If not, you can add it by clicking on the "+Add" button.
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The "News" Step This tool lets you add news items. If you have used a blogging tool, it will be very familiar. Just put a good headline, keyword rich summary and the content. You can insert images into the news item and attach a thumbnail that will display in the news list. When you add a news item, it is in draft status. To publish it, you set it to public. You can set the date you want it published.
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Step 4 - Publish Your Profile While you are updating your profile, you can use the View Profile tool on the main menu to see how it will look. Once you have checked all the steps in the Checklist, you will be prompted to publish your profile. You can do this from the Checklist or from the View Profile tool. Just press the button and your profile will be published!
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Remember - Freshness Counts! Once your profile is published, you can come back at any time to update it or to add news items or events. When you sign in – , a "Dashboard" will be displayed which shows your current profile, your next event and the last news item you published. If you do an update, a new "draft" is created. When you are ready, you can publish it from the Dashboard or the View Profile tool.
If You Have Questions or Feedback We appreciate your participation in this important new program. We believe it will improve awareness and discovery. If you have any issues using the application, please send an email to our helpdesk at If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can send it directly to the program team at
CRC Press l 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW #300 l Boca Raton FL 33487 l l +1.561.994-0555