Quick Start Guide Create Your Featured Authors Profile Step 1: Collect the content for your profile: • A high-‐definition photo for your background image. The optimum size is 990 (width) x 750 (height) pixels, up to a maximum of 5 MB • A brief statement to introduce yourself (up to 200 characters) • Your current position and affiliation • A longer biography, your educational background, areas of expertise, and research and personal interests (optional) • The 13-‐digit ISBN for your book(s). Tip: Find the ISBNs on www.crcpress.com • Any images of you or related to your book(s) that you think people might be interested in, links to YouTube videos, and links to other relevant websites (optional) • Access to social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter (optional) • Any recent or upcoming news and events (optional) Step 2: Enroll at the Featured Author portal: a. Go to www.crcpress.com/authors/enrollment b. Register using an existing online profile (CRC Press, Twitter, Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn). or: Enter your name and email address, create a new password, and click Register. Step 3: Add content to your profile. Go to the Checklist tab to see an overview of what content you can add, or click on each tab to add your bio, books, photos, events, news, and more.
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CRC Press l 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW #300 l Boca Raton FL 33487 Techsupport@crcpress.com l www.crcpress.com l +1.561.994-‐0555
Quick Start Guide
Tip: The Events tab lets you add events you are participating in. Before you add a new event, search the All Events list to see if the event has already been posted. You can then add your participation. Tip: In the Videos tab, we currently only support the embedding of YouTube videos. However, you can add links to other videos using the Connections tab. Just go to Connect to your websites and add the video links. Step 4: When you are done updating your profile, go back to the Checklist tab and click the checkboxes to mark each item as complete. You can also skip some of the items. A green check mark will display. Tip: Before you publish your profile, use the View Profile tab to see how it will look. Step 5: When you have marked all the checklist items as complete, click Publish your profile.
Tip: When you add a news item in the News tab, it is in draft status. To publish it, change the status from Draft to Public. You can also set the date you want it published. Your profile is now visible on the Featured Authors portal at www.crcpress.com/authors/
Update Your Profile Sign in at www.crcpress.com/authors/signin Go to the Dashboard tab or select the tab you want to update. When you are done updating, click Save (if prompted), change the status from Draft to Public (for news items only), and click the Submit button in the upper right corner of the page.
Questions or Feedback? For more detailed instructions, see the Author Tutorial. If you have any issues using the application, contact our helpdesk at techsupport@crcpress.com. If you have any feedback or suggestions, contact the program team at featuredauthors@crcpress.com.
CRC Press l 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW #300 l Boca Raton FL 33487 Techsupport@crcpress.com l www.crcpress.com l +1.561.994-‐0555