Featured Authors User Guide

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MARKETING MATERIALS Conference Poster Audience:

Designed primarily for customers, can also be used for authors. Focuses on exclusivity of the community and how site benefits visitors


11” x 17”

Usage Instructions:

Place posters within the booth space to engage potential customers and/or authors. One poster will be automatically sent to each conference – you may request more


Marketing Managers – To order additional copies or custom versions, process DEDR Editors – Contact your Marketing Manager

Email Banner Ads Audience:

Designed specifically for customers, banner ads allow for easy access to either the main page (Spotlight) or the profile of a specific author


To specifications

Usage Instructions:

Designed to fit in the sidebar of our current email layout, these banners provide a more prominent link to Featured Authors, ultimately driving more browse time and increasing sales


Marketing Managers – For placement and customization, include in your email DEDR Editors – Contact your Marketing Manager

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www.crcpress.com/authors 1

MARKETING MATERIALS Mini-Catalog Ad – Generic Audience:

Designed specifically for customers


4.75” x 7.75”

Usage Instructions:

Placed on the inside front or back covers, this ad highlights the exclusivity of the community and the broad benefits of the site. Its purpose is to show potential customers how Featured Authors will enhance their shopping experience, ultimately driving more browse time and increasing sales


Marketing Managers – For placement and customization, include with your minicat DEDR notes with book and author Editors – Contact your Marketing Manager

Mini-Catalog Ad – Author Specific




Designed for customers, but can be used to encourage authors to post their profiles


4.75” x 7.75”

Usage Instructions:

Focuses on the benefits of the site, but also highlights a single author - a Featured Author – and their book, giving customers more reasons to visit CRCPress.com Placed on the inside front or back covers, this ad highlight the “hero” book within the catalog


Marketing Managers – For placement and customization, include with your minicat DEDR notes with book and author Editors – Contact your Marketing Manager

MARKETING MATERIALS Press Release Audience:

Media is primary focus; states concisely the site’s many highlights - rich content, author/audience engagement, cutting-edge technology, and includes links to CRCPress.com and the Featured Authors main page

Usage Instructions:

Send this out to authors, customers, prospective authors, or the media who want more information about Featured Authors Customization not available

– Access Press Release Here –

Sales Sell Sheet Audience:

Resellers, wholesalers, retailers, sales affiliates, and distributors


8 ½” x 11”

Usage Instructions:

Focuses on the benefits for both customers and authors; demonstrates CRC’s commitment to our partners with this groundbreaking initiative that creates demand and drives sales


Sales - For customization, please contact the appropriate Marketing Manager

– Access Sales Sell Sheet Here –

www.crcpress.com/authors 3

MATERIALS FOR AUTHORS Author Sell Sheet Audience:



8 ½” x 11”

Usage Instructions:

Not only for selling Featured Authors to existing CRC authors, this sell sheet can be used for author acquisitions. Promotes Featured Authors as the cornerstone of our integrated marketing program and demonstrates CRCs commitment to increasing the online visibility of our authors with the goal of selling MORE of their books


Marketing Managers – For customization, create drop with DEDR Editors – Contact your Marketing Manager – Access Author Sell Sheet Here –

Author Quick Start Guide Audience:


Usage Instructions:

To be used by marketing and editors when inviting authors to join Featured Aauthors, the Quick Start Guide provides a 2-page short version of the longer, more detailed Author Tutorial and is ideal for emailing. The document presents the basics to get authors started and includes the link to the long version tutorial should they need it, as well as access to our help desk.

– Access Author Quick Start Guide Here –



MATERIALS FOR AUTHORS Author Tutorial (updated January 2013) Audience:


Usage Instructions:

The long version Author Tutorial is the comprehensive document for taking authors from enrollment through publishing their profile, and everything in between This document resides on the Featured Authors site and the link is included in most Featured Author correspondence to our authors

– Access Author Tutorial Here –


Featured Authors Conference Packet To be used by the editorial and marketing staff, the Featured Authors conference packet provides authors with a comprehensive guide to Featured Authors. Designed with the author in mind, it will include the Author Sell Sheet, Quick Start Guide, Featured Authors Sell Sheet, Press Release, and the Marketing Your Book flyer. This all-in-one tool is ideal for use at conferences.

www.crcpress.com/authors 5

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