Geoscience Introduction to Process Geomorphology Vijay K. Sharma Kurukshetra University (retired), India
An introduction to the dynamics of internal geologic processes of the earth, this book explains the origin of landforms by the processes involved in their evolution. The author expresses process activities in mathematical, empirical, and semi-empirical perspectives to highlight their distinctive identity in specific environmental stress conditions. Each chapter reviews, synthesizes, and provides recent findings and understanding of the complexity of geomorphic processes. April 2010, 435 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0337-0, £80.99
Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading Second Edition Lymon C. Reese
Willem F. van Impe
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Ghent University, Belgium
This book presents procedures for designing the piles and pile groups; a problem that can only be solved by accounting for the soil resistance as related to the lateral deflection of the pile. This book guides the designer into finding the critical loads, either causing a pile to be overloaded or causing too much lateral deflection. Complex equations are derived and explained, and computer programs are used to solve the equations. Simplified versions of the two required programs are presented on a CD-ROM, allowing the reader to check the solution of some of the examples given in the book and to find answers to related problems. January 2011, 532 pp., Pack, ISBN: 978-0-415-46988-3, £80.99
Geology Basics for Engineers Aurele Parriaux Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Important scientific questions related to human activities can be more easily resolved with a basic scientific understanding of our planet. This is because multiple processes at and beneath the Earth’s surface affect our environment. Geology: Basics for Engineers presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space.
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September 2011, 698 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-89339-8, £57.99
Developed for a complete class in rock engineering, Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics, Second Edition uniquely combines the design of surface and underground rock excavations. Explanatory and illustrative in character, this volume is suited for courses in rock mechanics, rock engineering and geological engineering design for undergraduate and first-year graduate students in mining, civil engineering, and applied earth sciences. Moreover, it will form a good introduction to the subject of rock mechanics for earth scientists and engineers from other disciplines.
6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA
University of Utah, USA
CRC Custom Publishing
William G. Pariseau
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Second Edition
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Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics
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August 2009, 590 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46165-8, £69.99
GIS, GPS, and Remote Sensing Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing Geomatics Engineering
Edited by
A Practical Guide to Project Design
Emilio Chuvieco
Clement A. Ogaja
Alfredo Huete
California State University, Fresno, USA
University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
This nuts-and-bolts resource examines key components and aspects of land surveying and geomatics projects. It reviews the experience of past projects and identifies priority areas of attention for planning new projects. Ideal for students, the text guides readers through the project design and request-for-proposal process commonly used for soliciting professional geomatics engineering services. The author provides an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context, and a host of other contemporary issues such as budgetary and scheduling constraints.
An extensive review of remote sensing principles with emphasis on environmental applications, Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing discusses a wide range of topics, from physical principles to data acquisition systems and visual and digital interpretation techniques. The authors present interpretation approaches such as hyperspectral analysis, high-spatial resolution data, fusion techniques, and radiative transfer models. They analyze accuracy assessment methods and demonstrate how to integrate remote sensing results with geographic information systems. With more than 200 figures and graphs, this text is ideal for students and professionals alike.
September 2010, 296 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1743-8, £66.99
December 2009, 448 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-31084-0, £66.99
Universidad de Alcala, Spain
Remote Sensing of the Mine Environment H. S¸ebnem Düzgün and Nuray Demirel Comprehensive in scope, this volume provides an introduction to monitoring the environmental impacts of mining activities, such as mine subsidence monitoring, slope stability monitoring, reclamation planning and implementation, and post closure mine monitoring. Featuring self-contained chapters, it discusses in detail the necessary principles and techniques. The book is enhanced by illustrative case studies demonstrating how to apply different remote sensing data, as well as techniques for different mine monitoring purposes. August 2011, 220 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-87879-1, £49.99
Geoscience Image Analysis, Classification, and Change Detection in Remote Sensing
The Global Positioning System and ArcGIS
With Algorithms for ENVI/IDL, Second Edition
Third Edition
Morton J. Canty
Michael Kennedy Retaining the in-depth description of GPS and its applications to GIS that made previous editions so popular, this third edition includes a discussion of general procedures that allows the text to be applicable to a variety of hardware/software products. It details how to use GPS as a source of input to GIS regardless of the data capture mechanism. Updates to this edition include ArcGis Desktop, ESRI software, and an accompanying CD with GPS data sets for exercises in Trimble SSF and ESRI shapefile formats.
This popular introduction to the processing of remote sensing imagery has been updated to include coverage of the latest versions of the ENVI software environment. This second edition covers support vector machines and other kernel-based methods. Illustrating many programming examples in the array-oriented language ID, the text includes coverage of basic Fourier, wavelet, principal components and minimum noise fraction transformation, convolution filters, topographic modeling, image-to-image registration and ortho-rectification, image fusion, supervised and unsupervised land cover classification with neural networks, hyperspectral analysis, and multivariate change detection.
July 2009, 312 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8799-4, £69.99
December 2009, 471 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-8713-0, £82.99
Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models
Juelich Research Center, Germany
University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Miguel F. Acevedo University of North Texas, Denton, USA
This practical guide to modeling methodology explains how to implement simulations and analyze simulation results using an open-source software platform. The book brings together principles of modeling methods with theoretical foundations of a variety of ecological and environmental models. Theory is accompanied by practical hands-on computer exercises, in a sequence from easy to difficult. The text also presents a full review of mathematical methods, which makes the book self-contained, and includes practical exercises using free software in a tutorial style. August 2012, c. 490 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-8506-2, £63.99
Geological Engineering Luis I. Gonzalez de Vallejo
City Planning for Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineers, and Surveyors
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
GPS for Land Surveyors
Mercedes Ferrer
Third Edition
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid
SE Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, USA
Jan Van Sickle
An introduction to land-use planning, this book covers infrastructure systems planning and development. It stresses basic concepts and the most widely practiced principles involved in urban planning, particularly in small and medium-sized communities. It also presents zoning, land subdivision control, and official mapping while also discussing factors in good land subdivision design and improvement. In addition, the text illustrates the importance of proper mapping and control surveys for planning. Written from the perspective that cities are social and economic as well as physical entities, the book offers a historical context for urban planning.
Completely revised and updated, this third edition reflects the increased importance of GPS in the everyday practice of surveyors and mappers. Providing an accessible yet rigorous introduction to the subject, the book offers a practical guide to the techniques used in real GPS surveying. It explores advances in the field, covering new topics such as block IIF and control segment modernization. From the design of a GPS survey to observation and post-processing, this book presents an overview of GPS modernization and explains the fundamentals of GPS codes such as TRANSIT.
A guide for developing integrated engineering solutions that take into account both ground conditions and environment, this extensively illustrated textbook examines the subject area of geological engineering in four sections: Fundamentals, Methods, Applications, and Geohazards. Covering topics such as site investigation, rock mechanics, and slope stability, Geological Engineering provides an extensive foundation in the basic concepts of soil mechanics and hydrogeology, while also including state-of-the art applications. In addition to its superb academic features, the book is also useful for practicing engineering geologists and those involved in the design and construction of foundations.
September 2009, 368 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0892-4, £61.99
May 2008, 360 pp., ISBN: 978-0-8493-9195-8, £61.99
Kurt W. Bauer
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Van Sickle LLC, Denver, Colorado, USA
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CD-ROM with all illustrations available upon qualifying course adoption
January 2011, 700 pp., ISBN: 978-0-415-41352-7, £76.99
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