Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Third Edition

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Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science Third Edition Volumes I and II

Edited by

Jann Hau University of Copenhagen & Rigshospitalet, Denmark

Steven J. Schapiro The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Bastrop, USA

“[A] valuable reference book, and potentially a course book for undergraduate and graduate laboratory animal science courses. … [T]he text is well organized and well referenced. I would highly recommend this book as a reference text for all scientists using traditional laboratory animal species …”

“Both volumes of this book are well written, user friendly … it fills a current void by collecting together current practices in the scientific use of animals. Each chapter is well referenced and the book would be a valuable addition to the reference collections of animal facilities and research establishments.”

“The text is quite easy to navigate using the chapter contents and index. The photographs and tables are clear and well used throughout. …The vast scope of information that this handbook contains is diverse, informative, and quite useful. The strength of these volumes is in their ability to cover a broad range of topics yet in such detail. This set would be an asset to the graduate student and researcher needing an excellent reference manual.”

—Bryan Howard, Animal Welfare, 2004

—Sandra L. Jex, Animal Lab News, July/Aug 2003

—Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science, Vol. 43, No. 5, Sept. 2004

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Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science: Third Edition, Volumes I and II Laboratory animal testing provides most of our current knowledge of human physiology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, and pathology. From studies of genetics in fruit flies to studies of cellular processes in genetically modified mice, to recent dramatic developments in genetics, translational research, and personalized medicines, biomedical research involving animals remains absolutely essential for the advancement of the medical, veterinary, agricultural, and biological sciences. Rooted in the principle that good science can only be performed in environments that promote good animal welfare, the two volumes of this third edition of the bestselling Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science emphasizes the importance of implementing the three R’s: replacing live animals with alternative methods, reducing the number of animals used, and refining techniques to minimize animal discomfort, integrating these humane principles into almost every chapter. A truly international effort from world renowned contributors, the Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Third Edition, Volume I and II is useful as a textbook in laboratory animal science courses for postgraduate and undergraduate students, as a handbook for scientists who work with animals in their research, and as an essential resource for laboratory veterinarians, regulators, and other specialists in laboratory animal science.

Volume I Third Edition: Essential Principles and Practices Relevant to virtually all areas of laboratory science and forming the cornerstone of laboratory animal science, each individual chapter focuses on an important subdiscipline of laboratory animal science including humane laws and guidelines; non-surgical, surgical, microsurgical, and post-mortem procedures; genetic modification; nutrition, feeding, and environmental factors; experiment design and alternative methods; and analgesia, anesthesia, and euthanasia. Each chapter can be read in series or as a stand-alone text.

Volume II Third Edition: Animal Models Addressing the development and application of models in different areas of biomedical research, each individual chapter explains in great detail the comparative considerations underlying the choice of animal species and strains. Each chapter also serves as an ideal access point to the primary literature for a research subject through extensive referencing.


New in the Third Edition •

New chapters: Applications of Radiotelemetry in Small Laboratory Animals, Generation and Analysis of Genetically Modified Mice, and Physiological, Hematological, and Clinical Chemistry Parameters, (Including Conversion Factors)

Additional material on the international harmonization of practices and on the continued implementation of the refinement, reduction, and replacement of animal usage in laboratories

16 page color insert

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Includes new chapters on animal models for: Human Behavior, Parkinson's Disease, Aging and Alzheimer's Disease, Pain Research, Otolaryngological Disorders, Lung Physiology During Anesthesia, Vaccinology, Helicobacter Infection, Biodefense Research, and Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Examines the spontaneous genetic mutants and the genetically modified animal models available within different research areas

Produced with full color throughout the book with approximately 50 full color images

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Volume I Third Edition: Essential Principles and Practices

Volume II Third Edition: Animal Models

Full Contents

Full Contents

The Contribution of Laboratory Animals to Medical Progress — Past, Present, and Future, John D. Harding, Gerald L. Van Hoosier, and Franziska B. Grieder Ethics of Animal Research, I. Anna S. Olsson, Paul Robinson, and Peter Sandøe An Overview of Global Legislation, Regulation and Policies, Kathryn Bayne, Bryan R. Howard, Tsutomu Miki Kurosawa, and Maria Eugenia Aguilar Nájera Assessment of Animal Care and Use Programs and Facilities, Javier Guillen, Letty V. Medina, and James R. Swearengen Education and Training, Nicole Duffee, Timo Nevalainen, and Jann Hau Laboratory Animal Science and Service Organizations, Patri Vergara and Gilles Demers Laboratory Animal Allergy and Zoonoses, Richard M. Preece and Anne Renström Laboratory Animal Facilities and Equipment for Conventional, Barrier, and Containment Housing Systems, Jack R. Hessler Laboratory Animal Genetics and Genetic Quality Control, Michael F.W. Festing and Cathleen Lutz Health Status and Health Monitoring, Axel Kornerup Hansen Nutrient Requirements, Experimental Design, and Feeding Schedules in Animal Experimentation, Jo H. A. J. Curfs, André Chwalibog, Bart S. Savenije, and Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga Impact of the Biotic and Abiotic Environment on Animal Experiments, Nancy A. Johnston and Timo Nevalainen Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis, Michael F.W. Festing Common Nonsurgical Techniques and Procedures, Vera Baumans and Cynthia A. Pekow Applications of Radio-Telemetry in Small Laboratory Animals, Klaas Kramer and Steve Hachtman Immunization for Production of Antibodies, Jann Hau and Coenraad Hendriksen Laboratory Animal Analgesia, Anesthesia, and Euthanasia, Ludo J. Hellenbrekers and Patricia Hedenqvist Welfare Assessment and Humane Endpoints, David B. Morton and Jann Hau Surgery: Basic Principles and Procedures, M. Michael Swindle, Heather Elliott, and Alison C. Smith Microsurgical Procedures in Experimental Research, Daniel A. Steinbrüchel Postmortem Procedures, Ricardo E. Feinstein and Kimberly S. Waggie Alternatives: Refinement, Reduction and Replacement of Animal Uses in the Life Sciences, Lisbeth E. Knudsen, Marlies Leenaars, Bart Savenije, and Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga Generation and Analysis of Genetically Modified Mice, Cord Brakebusch Physiological, Hematological, and Clinical Chemistry Parameters, Including Conversion Factors, Grete Østergaard, Helle Nordahl Hansen, and Jan Lund Ottesen

Preface Editors Contributors Animal Models, Jann Hau Animal Models for Human Behavior, Steven J. Schapiro Animal Models for Psychological Disorders, Robert Murison and Anne Marita Milde Animal Models in Neuroscience, Jesper Mogensen Induced Animal Models of Parkinson’s Disease, G.A. Smith, E. Murphy, S.B. Dunnett, and E.L. Lane Animal Models in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease, Yael H. Edrey and Rochelle Buffenstein Animal Models in Pain Research, Klas S.P. Abelson and John V. Roughan Animal Models in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Otto Meyer, Ove Svendsen, and Jens Lykkesfeldt Animal Models for Otolaryngological Disorders, Mikhail Wadie and Clarence T. Sasaki Animal Models of Lung Physiology during Anesthesia, Göran Hedenstierna, Görel Nyman, and Claes Frostell Animal Models of Female Reproduction and Fetal Growth and Development, Anthony M. Carter Animal Models in Vaccinology, Coenraad F. M. Hendriksen Animal Models in AIDS Research, K. Jagannadha Sastry, Pramod N. Nehete, Amy N. Courtney, and Danielle R. Fontenot Animal Models for the Study of Helicobacter Infection, Akira Nishizono Animal Models in Mycology, Henrik Elvang Jensen Animal Models in Biodefense Research, Mark A. Suckow and Patrick Sharp Animal Models in Oral Health Sciences, Björn Klinge and Jörgen Jönsson Animal Models of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus, Richard Salvi, Edward Lobarinas, Guang-Di Chen, Daniel Stolzberg, and Dalian Ding

Catalog no. 84577, April 2011, 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8457-3, $119.95 / £76.99

Catalog no. 84550, January 2011, 740 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8455-9, $149.95 / £95.00

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