Environmental Crisis Anything But Over

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Press Release For immediate use Press contact: Randy Brehm, Editor, Chemical & Life Sciences randy.brehm@taylorandfrancis.com 561‐361‐6000 ext. 6088

Environmental Crisis Anything but Over Toxicology expert Ron Kendall and CRC Press provide a way to learn more and to help BOCA RATON, FL (August 13, 2010) – The well is capped, but the oil is anything but gone, and the crisis is anything but over. Realizing the magnitude of this Gulf coast ecological disaster, CRC Press is donating $5 to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) for every copy of Wildlife Toxicology: Emerging Contaminant and Biodiversity Issues sold through www.crcpress.com. Since the BP disaster began in April, the media and the U.S. Congress have been calling on the book’s editor, renowned ecotoxicology expert Dr. Ronald Kendall to share his expert insight on what can be expected in the spill’s devastating aftermath, including its long‐term impact on the oceans, wildlife, and seafood industry. Kendall is Director of The Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH) and Chair of the Environmental Toxicology Department at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. According to Kendall, the best way people can get involved to help right now is through monetary donations. "Contributing financial support to relevant organizations is important now," Kendall explains. "Increased efforts are needed to protect sensitive zones, such as Colonial breeding bird rookeries, to reduce as much as possible wildlife mortality and impacts on reproduction." "We must all become more environmentally aware and realize that the Gulf coast ecosystem is a national treasure and all Americans have a stake in the outcome of this crisis … ." Kendall's latest book, Wildlife Toxicology: Emerging Contaminant and Biodiversity Issues, offers the most accurate model available for the global effects of environmental contaminants on wildlife. It is one of the first books to recommend proven mitigation techniques to protect and sustain Earth's wildlife populations. It provides valuable information for those assessing the environmental impact as well as the current and long‐term safety of seafood from compromised waters. "The current Gulf oil spill crisis is the largest environmental disaster in America’s history, and it is still unfolding," says Kendall. "[The field of] wildlife toxicology will be at the forefront of assessing the impacts of this spill on the Gulf coast ecosystem and will provide the database that will lead to the ultimate resolution and remediation of this unprecedented release of oil into our environment." Those interested in ordering Kendall’s new book can visit www.crcpress.com. CRC Press is proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from Dr. Kendall’s book to this cause. We believe that the Gulf situation is part of a much larger crisis, one that we should not forget about now that the oil is gone from camera view. As a leading environmental publisher, we recognize that we must do what we can to inform people about the magnitude of the situation and offer them ways to help make a difference. ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 • Boca Raton, FL 33487 Tel: (561) 994-0555 • Fax: (561) 241-7856 www.crcpress.com

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