Author Event: Dr. M Meyyappan, Nanotechnology

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Wits Carnegie Resident Equity Scholar The Transformation Office and the School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering welcome distinguished scientist Dr Meyya Meyyappan to the University of the Witwatersrand. Some of the activities that he will lead during the time at Wits include:

Dr Meyyappan Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA.

Teaching and Research

Talks at Schools at Orange Farm, Ennerdale, Parktown and Greenside on: "Why studying science is important for you and for South Africa's Future?"

The Wits community is invited to attend a public lecture by Dr Meyyappan.

Date: 28 July 2011 from 17h00 – 19h00 Venue: A1 John Moffatt Building, Wits University The lecture is entitled:

What is Nanotechnology? Why should you care?


Nanotechnology is thought of as the technology of the 21st century. In the last decade, developed nations have poured billions of dollars into this emerging field. The expected impact is on every economic sector: computers, communication, electronics, health and medicine, manufacturing, energy, environment, transportation, military, national security and others. The lecture will provide an overview of the following: What is nanotechnology? What are some examples of developments in progress in companies and laboratories across the world? What will be the impact? What does it mean to developing nations?

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