CRC Press
Histologic Basis of Mouse Endocrine System Development
Taylor & Francis Group
Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook Edited by
John P. Sundberg The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
A Comparative Analysis
Tsutomu Ichiki
Matthew Kaufman
"… effectively summarizes commonly used and emerging technologies to generate, characterize, and conduct research on genetically engineered mice . . . provides a broad multinational perspective on the use of genetically engineered mice for functional genomics research . . . well organized and highly informative. . ."
Dainippon Ink & Chemicals, Inc, Chiba, Japan
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Alexander Yu. Nikitin Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
John P. Sundberg The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
A leading expert on mouse embryology, Dr. Matthew Kaufman is responsible for producing classic texts that are considered the most respected in the field. While the quality of their photowork at the time was considered state-of-theart, the technology available when the books were produced limited the original printed pages to black-and-white photomicrographs and line diagrams, which are too small and not detailed enough to meet the requirements of today’s mouse pathologists slides. Meeting this need and going beyond, this book not only offers upgraded slides but actually turns a computer into a virtual microscope. Working in conjunction with Dr. Nikitin and Dr. Sundberg, Dr. Kaufman has scanned the finest color images from his previous collections and then using modern graphic technology has elevated the quality to levels not seen before. By installing the software and graphics from the accompanying DVD, readers can replicate the laboratory experience. Operating their computers like cutting-edge diagnostic tools, they can move the image from the glass microscope across the screen and enlarge areas of interest for more detailed evaluation. This tool allows them to look at specific organs or structures at various magnifications at different stages of embryogenesis, helping to identify structures in normal mouse embryos. • Aids in the analysis of genetically engineered mice with embryonic abnormalities • Contains more than 100 high-magnification color plates organized by organ name • Includes scanned serial sections of embryos at defined stages of post conception • Illustrates similarities and differences between the mouse endocrine system and that of other species, especially human
—Dr. Cory Brayton, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, for Veterinary Pathology
"…I found an oasis of practical information making this book well worth obtaining. …clear and concise …descriptions … Everything you need to know was laid out in outline form with illustrations and references." —Mark Klinger for Laboratory Animal Practitioner, Vol. 39, No. 1
This comprehensive book covers all aspects of the field of genetically engineered laboratory mice, including the creation of mutant mice through the use of mouse models for developmental biology, and the monitoring of laboratory mouse colonies. Written by leading biomedical investigators, pathologists, and clinicians, this book presents systematic approaches for analyzing mutant laboratory mice for specific medical applications and examines the use of mouse models for developmental biology. This volume provides a variety of methods for creating mutant mice, while covering legal aspects of mutant and inbred laboratory mice and the use and maintenance of international databases.
Features • Provides key URL's to access relevant public databases, with instructions in many languages • Details specific microflora needed to optimize experimental results, while also listing those agents which can negatively impact experiments • Examines new approaches used to generate repositories of embryonic stem cells that carry null mutations with reporter constructs • Contains a 12-page color insert to enhance detailed understanding
Introduction and Overview
The Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland
Creating Mutant Mice as Biomedical Tools
The Pituitary Gland
Legal Aspects of Mutant and Inbred Laboratory Mice
The Thyroid Gland
Repositories for Mutant Laboratory Mice
The Parathyroid Gland
Information Repositories: International Databases
The Pancreas
Approaches to Analysis of Mutant Laboratory Mice
The Pineal Gland Development of the Mammalian Gonads and Reproductive Ducts during the So-Called "Indifferent" Stage as Well as during the Fetal and Neonatal Period The Ovary
Mouse Models for Developmental Biology Infectious Diseases: Monitoring of Laboratory Mouse Colonies and Use in Genetic Engineering Summary
The Testis Catalog no. 88181, October 2009, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8818-2, $149.95 / £95.00
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Catalog no. 2220, November 2005, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2220-4, $164.95 / £102.00
Order online at and enter PROMO CODE XBL11. Expires 3/16/12
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Atlas of the Neonatal Rat Brain
Systematic Evaluation of the Mouse Eye
Renuka Ramachandra and Thyagarajan Subramanian The Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center, USA
Anatomy, Pathology, and Biomethods
Edited by
• Provides the first neonatal rat brain atlas
Richard S. Smith, Simon W.M. John, Patsy M. Nishina, and John P. Sundberg
• Includes individual plates in color with clear labels from three different ages during the early development of the rat
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
The high degree of similarity between mouse and human genomes and physiology has made mice the laboratory animals of choice in the search for models of human disease. In recent years significant advances in our ability to examine the mouse eye and to view vascular and neural structures in vivo has led to a marked increase in interest in mouse ocular pathology and development. This book provides the first comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding the development, structure, and abnormal pathology of the mouse eye. It describes the normal anatomy, pre- and postnatal development, regional pathology, and methodology for evaluation of the mouse eye and adnexae.
Features • Includes a CD-ROM that reproduces all of the illustrations contained in the book in full color images • Provides detailed descriptions of techniques for intraocular pressure measurement and electroretinography and related procedures in mice
• Offers views of sagittal and coronal sections • Describes methods used to obtain images Atlas of the Neonatal Rat Brain provides photographic, histological illustrations of the anatomical features of the neonatal rat brain at postnatal (P) days P-1, P-7, and P-14. The P-1 section contains 30 coronal plates and 14 sagittal plates. The P-7 section includes 27 coronal plates and 24 sagittal plates. The final P-14 section shows 41 coronal plates and 21sagittal plates. Each set consists of contiguous sections from individual animals, and selections were based on the structural variability represented. The sections are Nissl stained with Cresyl violet creating photomicrographs with high resolution and clarity. The structures are directly labeled on the images, making it easier to correlate data. Additional images are available as electronic resources for individuals who seek images not represented in this volume, and the electronic version allows labels to be removed so the atlas can be used as a teaching tool.
About the Authors
• Discusses genetic considerations important for experimental design • Presents examples of genetic and developmental eye disease in mice • Offers methods of clinical examination and laboratory tissue processing
Contents Regional Anatomy & Development The Anterior Segment and Ocular Adnexae The Posterior Segment and Orbit Ocular Development Issues in Mutant Mouse Evaluation Strain Background Disease Characteristics Selection of Controls Genetic Approaches To Identifying QTL and Modifiers of Hereditary Ocular Phenotypes Mutagenesis and Genetic Screens in the Mouse Regional Ocular Pathology The Anterior Segment Choroid, Lens, and Vitreous Retina Optic Nerve and Orbit Biomethods Photography and Necropsy General and Special Histopathology Histology-Light Microscopy Other Techniques Resources Index
Renuka Ramachandra is a postdoctoral researcher at the AT Still University in Kirksville, Missouri. She worked as a research scientist in the embryonic stem cell group at Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India, where she differentiated human embryonic stem cells into oligodendrocytes for spinal cord injury treatment. She went on to use her skills and knowledge of basic electrophysiology, brain anatomy, and histological techniques to develop an in vitro basal ganglia slice culture model in the Department of Neurology at Penn State College of Medicine. This model is used to study in vitro cell transplantation. During the development of this model, she recognized the need for a neonatal rat brain atlas. Dr. Ramachandra created this atlas for her project and decided to publish it so that it would be available to all neuroscientists and students who need one. Thyagarajan Subramanian is a professor of neurology and neural and behavioral sciences at Penn State University Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Dr. Subramanian’s research interests are in developmental neurobiology, basal ganglia physiology, cell transplantation, gene therapy, and experimental neurotherapeutics. Using a variety of animal models, cell and tissue culture techniques, in vivo electrophysiology, and detailed histology, Dr. Subramanian and co-workers have described several novel findings in central nervous system (CNS) response to transplantation. Among his major scientific contributions are his work on creating an MRI-based brain atlas of the Rhesus monkey, description of the effects of immunomodulation on host responses to CNS xenografting, and the description of the use of retinal pigment epithelial cell grafts for CNS repair. Catalog no. K11857, January 2011, 188 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4012-2, $159.95 / £108.00
Catalog no. 0864, December 2001, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-0864-2, $189.95 / £120.00
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MOUSE & RAT REFERENCES Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Manual of Stroke Models in Rats Edited by
Yanlin Wang-Fischer Palatin Technologies, Cranbury, New Jersey, USA
Edited by
Alfredo Rigalli and Veronica Elina Di Loreto Rosario National University, Argentina
The design of an adequate surgical model, like the choice of the animal model itself, is extremely important for obtaining reliable valuable data. Written for biomedical researchers, this manual summarizes a series of techniques that have been applied at the Bone Biology Laboratories at the School of Medicine at Rosario National University in Argentina. Stopping short of an exhaustive analysis of the techniques, the manual describes the basis of each surgical technique, the necessary materials including catheters, precautions to consider, the methodology to apply, and the possible results to be obtained. The descriptions of each technique appear with diagrams and pictures. • Includes an abundance of experimental models to study the different systems of the rat in normal or pathological situations • Contains a complete description of the operating theatre needed to perform the surgery • Discusses pathophysiologic situations for each surgery • Documents experimental results obtained with each surgery • Supplies a CD-ROM with more than 250 illustrations, most in color, which demonstrate each surgery technique step-by-step
CD-ROM: 250 Illustrations of Surgery Techniques with Step-by-Step Instruction
During the last few years, exciting new insights into mechanisms and treatment of stroke have been obtained from animal experiments. Hence, the use of animal models to induce stroke are of paramount importance as research tools. The Manual of Stroke Models in Rats explains in great detail the methods and techniques for accomplishing different stroke models in rats, as well as some techniques using mice. Expert contributors to this text include the most recent research information available, as well as generally recognized facts, making this volume an imperative tool for those researchers seeking to identify new areas of exploration. The book begins with a statistical update of stroke in America, and proceeds to discuss the rationale for using ischemic stroke models. The book includes anesthesia procedures, general principles of microsurgery, and a study of microsurgical instruments. Numerous tables, figures, and color images are used to supplement the material.
Contents Statistical Update of Stroke in America Rationale for Using Ischemic Stroke Models Animal Models of Ischemic Stroke: A Historical Survey Anatomy and Cerebral Circulation of the Rat Which Animal to Choose? Which Model to Use?
With succinct descriptions, color photographs, and easy-to-follow steps, the attached CD-ROM is a practical, full-color roadmap for performing various surgery techniques, such as catheterization, tracheostomy, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intraperitoneal injection, and oral intubation. This definitive work provides technical and practical data including volumes and concentrations of solutions, catheters used, equipment, and biological variables on the rat. Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat is a complete reference for today’s biomedical sciences investigator.
Failure Is the Mother of Success: Why Neuroprotective Therapies That Work in Laboratories Fail in Clinical Trials
Embolic Stroke Models
Photochemically Based Models of Focal Experimental Thrombotic Stroke in Rodents
General Procedures
Anesthesia of Laboratory Rats General Principles of Microsurgery on Animals Microsurgical Instruments for Stroke Studies Postoperative Care Surgery Procedure for Distal Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model Surgical Models of Stroke Induced by Intraluminal Filament Implantation
Catheterism and Cannulation
Induction of Asphyxia Cardiac Arrest in a Rat as a Model of Global Cerebral Ischemia
Gastrointestinal Tract
Four-Vessel Occlusion Stroke Model in Rats
Brain Hemorrhage Models in Rodents
Endpoints for Stroke Studies
Ablation of Endocrine Glands
Tissue Staining Techniques for Stroke Studies Protocol for Brain Vessel Corrosion Casting and Embedding
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke Study
Circulatory System
Administration of Substances and Sampling
Additional Techniques
Study Design in Animal Models of Stroke
Common Biochemical and Physiological Parameters in Rats
Catalog no. 93266, May 2009, 232 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9326-1, $139.95 / £89.00
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Catalog no. 9578, 2009, 352 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-8493-9578-9, $115.95 / £73.99
Order online at and enter PROMO CODE XBL11. Expires 3/16/12